Dr. Chen Hung To, Ivan  陳鴻圖博士
Dr CHEN Hung To, Ivan (陳鴻圖博士)
MPhil (CUHK)

Associate Head and Associate Professor
Department of Chinese
Associate Director, The Institute for Chinese Language and Culture

Tel : (852) 3963 5447
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Dr Chen received his BA, MPhil, and PhD from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include excavated texts, classical Chinese texts, literature and language. Dr Chen’s research focuses on Chuci, particularly in relation to philology, phonology, bibliography, etc. He has also published on works principally related to the poetry in Song Dynasty and the compilation of the texts of ancient reading notes.

Scholarly edited books, monographs and chaptersJournalConferenceNewspaper Articles
TopScholarly edited books, monographs and chapters
  1. Chen, H. T. (Forthcoming). A critical edition of Shibinlu (《實賓錄》). Beijing, China: Zhonghua Shuju.
  2. Chen, H. T., Chung, M. P., Wei, R., & Lau R. J. (Eds.). (2013). News, editing and advertisement (《新聞、編輯及廣告》). Hong Kong, China: The Open University of Hong Kong.
  3. Chen, H. T. (2011). The emergence of the rhymed annotations of Chuci zhangju (〈《楚辭章句》韻文注的時代〉). In Zhongguo Chucixue (Vol 16) (pp. 285-294). Beijing, China: Xueyuan Press.
  4. Chan, H. T. (2009). Notes on the bibliography of Japanese books in Zengding Congshu Juyao (〈《增訂叢書舉要》日本書目識小〉). In B. Zhang (Ed.),  Fengqi yunyang: Shoujie Nanjing daxue yuwai Hanji yanjiu guoji xueshu yantao hui lunwen ji(pp. 672-682). Beijing, China: Zhonghua Shuju.


  1. Chen, H. T. (2015). The compilation and structure of Chuci Zhangju (〈論《楚辭章句》的編次與經、傳結構〉). Journal of the Studies on Chinese Classical Documents, 13, 69-79.
  2. Chen, H. T. (2015). A Compilation and a study of the entries regarding the discussion of poetry in the Song dynasty recorded in the Yongle dadian fascicle 808(〈《永樂大典》卷八O八所存宋詩話輯考〉), in Mingqing Lun cong 2, 266-288.
  3. Chen, H. T. (2010). Collation and compilation of Ma Yongyi’s Shibinlu (〈馬永易《實賓錄》佚文輯考〉). Yun Han Bulletin, 21, 36-61.
  4. Chen, H. T. (2010). Discussion on the status of Wang Yinglin’s Han yiwenzhi kaozheng in the history of bibliography studies (〈試論王應麟《漢藝文志考證》在中國目錄學史的地位〉). Bibliography Quarterly, 43(4), 1-15.
  5. Chen, H. T. (2008). A study of different versions of Zhou Bida’s Erlaotang Shihua (〈周必大《二老堂詩話》二題). Journal of Chinese literary Studies, 13, 9-19.

  1. Chen, H. T. (2015). A study of Jiupu in Hong Zun’s Quanzhi (〈洪遵《泉志》「舊譜」探賾〉). Paper presented at the International Conference on Currency and Commerce in Ancient China. Department of Chinese, the Hang Seng Management College. July 13-14, 2015. Hong Kong, China.
  2. Chen, H. T. (2015). A study of Fang Ji’s Quzi zhengyin and its rhyme (〈方績《屈子正音》及其用韻研究〉). Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of Zhongguo Quyan xuehui and the International Symposium on the Study of Chuci. Zhongguo Chuci Xuehui and Huaiyin Normal University. July 26-28, 2015. Huaian, China.
  3. Chen, H. T. (2011). A study of Wang Yi’s Zhengbu lun(〈王逸《正部論》考論〉). Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of Zhongguo Quyan xuehui and the International Symposium on the Study of Chuci. Zhongguo Chuci xuehui and Zhangzhou Normal College. June 4-6, 2011.Zhangzhou, China.
  4. Chen, H. T. (2010). A Compilation and a study of the entries regarding the discussion of poetry in the Song dynasty recorded in the Yongle dadian fascicle 808(〈《永樂大典》卷八百八所錄宋人論詩條目輯考〉). Paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Literary Criticism. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. May 28-29, 2010. Hong Kong, China.
  5. Chen, H. T. (2009). The emergence of the rhymed annotations of Chuci zhangju (《楚辭章句》韻文注的時代). Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Zhongguo Quyan xuehui and the International Symposium on the Study of Chuci. Zhongguo Chuci xuehui and Shenzhen University. Oct 30-31, 2009. Shenzhen, China.
  6. Chen, H. T. (2009). An evaluation of the relationship between the chronological table of the six States in Shiji and Qinji. (《史記‧六國年表》「因《秦記》」探論). Paper presented at the International Conference of Pre-Han and Han Traditional Chinese Texts. Department of Chinese Language and Literature and the Institute of Chinese Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Jan 16-18, 2009. Shenzhen, China.
  7. Chen, H. T. (2007). The Cinnabar of the Tang Dynasty Excavated in Hejia cun in Xi’an. (〈西安何家村出土唐代丹砂試論〉). Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on the Study of the Excavated Medical Texts. China Medical University,Taiwan and the Institute of Chinese Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Aug 9, 2007. Taichung, Taiwan.
TopNewspaper Articles
  1. 〈古人好戲謔 綽號寓褒貶〉,《文匯報》A27 2016-03-11
  2. 〈認識祝文 了解祭祀〉,《文匯報》A27 2014-07-09
  3. 〈名字有講究 稱謂有學問〉,《文匯報》A27 2014-01-22