- Zhao, G., Cheong, T.S., Tung, B., and Siu, Y.W. (2023). The Characteristics of the Financially Vulnerable Groups Impacted by COVID-19 and Other Factors, Sustainability, 15, 8163.
- Ma, N., Siu, Y.W., Cheong, T.S. and Tung, B. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on lifestyle and financial behaviour: The implications to research in financial vulnerability, Frontiers In Psychology, 13:1073017. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1073017
- Tung, B. (2019). A Pilot Study Examining the Perceived Effectiveness of Financial Education in High School and the Effect on Personal Financial Literacy and Behavior of the Young Generation, Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 54-65
- P.K. Ng and Tung, B. (2018). The Importance of Reward and Recognition System in the Leadership of Virtual Project Teams: A Qualitative Research for the Financial Services Sector, The Journal of Transnational Management, 25(4), 198-214
- Tung, B. (2018). Exploring the relationship between Fintech adoption, Financial literacy, and Financial behavior of Young Generation, Business Review, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, 1(2), 30-37
- Tung, B & Carlson, J. (2015). Examining determinants of cross buying behaviour in retail banking, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 32 (8), 863 - 880
- Tung, B & Carlson, J. (2013). Modeling a Formative Measure of Relationship quality and Its Effects: Evidence From the Hong Kong Retail Banking Industry, Services Marketing Quarterly, 34 (2), 139-158
Book Chapter:
- 佟永超 (2013). 銀行有聲譽 客戶留得住, 於 恒生管理學院(編), 商道與人道——恒管人語 (頁38-39), 香港, HK:中華書局(香港)有限公司
Conference Presentations/ Proceedings:
- Tung, B., Siu, Y.W., and Cheong, T.S. (2024). Exploring the determinants of personal finance difficulties by machine learning – with special focus on socio-economic and behavioural changes brought by COVID-19, Conference Proceedings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management and Business, London, 1(1), United Kingdom 2024. ISBN: 978-609-485-554-2
- Tung, B., Siu, Y.W., and Cheong, T.S. (2023). Exploring the determinants of personal finance difficulties by machine learning – with special focus on socio-economic and behavioural changes brought by COVID-19. International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan 2023.
- Tung, B., Siu, Y.W., and Cheong, T.S. (2023). Assessing the Determinants of Personal Finance Difficulties among Financial Vulnerable Groups in Hong Kong – The survey items development relevant to the impacts of Covid-19. The 7th International Conference on Business and Social Science, Osaka, Japan, 2023.
- Tung, B., Siu, Y.W., and Cheong, T.S. (2022). Development of survey items to assess the determinants of personal finance difficulties under COVID-19 among financial vulnerable groups in Hong Kong, Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2022 – “Resilience in International Business”, Hong Kong, 2022
- Tung, B. (2019). A Pilot Study Examining the Perceived Effectiveness of Financial Education in High School and the Effect on Personal Financial Literacy and Behavior of the Young Generation. Conference Paper: 2019 International Conference on Current Issues of Social Sciences and Business, Barcelona, Spain 2019.
- Tung, B. (2018). Financial literacy and Fintech adoption of the China's young generation in the Xi JinPing's New Era. Conference Paper: 2018 Chinese Economic Association (CEA) Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2018.
- Ng, P.K. & Tung, B. (2018). The Importance of Reward and Recognition System in the Leadership of Virtual Project Teams: A Qualitative Research for the Financial Services Sector. Conference Proceedings: 27th World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, Hong Kong, China, 2018.
- Ng, P.K. & Tung, B. (2017). Managerial perspectives on the important factors affecting the Effectiveness of Virtual Project Teams in the Greater China Region: An investigation in the Financial Services Sector. Conference Paper: 29th CESA International Conference on the Chinese Economy, Perth, Western Australia 2017.
- Tung, B. & Carlson, J. (2011). Examining the interrelationships of relationship quality, customer loyalty and cross buying behaviour in the Hong Kong retail banking industry. Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Perth, Western Australia.
- Tung, B. & Carlson, J. (2010). Examining the effect of relationship quality in the Hong Kong retail banking sector. Conference Proceedings: 2nd International Workshop on Business Education and Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010