Mr Sunny CHAN (陳鴻輝先生)
MEcon (HKU)
BBA (Lingnan University)

Department of Marketing

Tel : (852) 3963 5262
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Mr. Sunny Chan received his Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (first-class honors) and his Master Degree in Economics (with distinction). He has many years of teaching experience in tertiary institutions, teaching a wide range of courses in marketing, management, economics, and statistics. His research interests include business ethics and word-of-mouth communications.  

Research and Teaching InterestsIntellectual Contributions (Publications, Conferences, Books, Book Chapters, etc.)
TopResearch and Teaching Interests
  • Business Ethics
  • Socially Responsible marketing
  • Pro-social consumption
TopIntellectual Contributions (Publications, Conferences, Books, Book Chapters, etc.)
  • Chan, F. Y., Chan, H. F., & Tang, F. (2017). The effect of perceived advertising effort on brand perception: implication for retailers in Hong Kong. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 27(1), 78-93.
Conference papers
  • Chan, Fanny F. Y., Sunny H. F. Chan, and Felix Tang (2014), “Learning-orientation and Trustworthiness: Two key components of corporate image in the Asian retail context,” 2014 Global Marketing Conference.
  • Tang, Felix, Sunny H. F. Chan, and Karen Yeung (2018), “Antecedents and Consequences of Caring a Brand Image: Implications for Business Practitioners in Hong Kong,” The 27thWorld Business Congress.
  • Lau, Alex, Sunny Chan, and Haksin Chan (2018), “Effects of Photos on eWOM effectiveness,” The 27th World Business Congress.