Ms WU Yan, Michelle (吳燕女士)
BEng (South China University of Technology)
MSc (South China University of Technology)
MSc (The University of Iowa)
FSA (Society of Actuaries)
Senior Lecturer
Associate Programme Director (Mainland) of MSc-INS Programme
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance
Tel : (852) 3963 5242
Email :
Ms Wu is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. She obtained her BEng and MSc from South China University of Technology as well as MSc in Actuarial Science from the University of Iowa, USA. She is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) and a former Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). Before joining HSUHK, she was an Actuarial Manager in Cigna Worldwide Insurance Company in Hong Kong. She has extensive knowledge of health insurance product design, pricing, reserving, monitoring, and forecasting. She is familiar with medical insurance products in both USA and Asia.
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