BArch (Politecnico Di Milano_Italy)
MArch (Politecnico Di Milano_Italy)
Registered architect (Ordine degli architectti_Italy)

Department of Art and Design

Tel : (852) 3963 5797
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Laura is an Italian architect, Graduate in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano with a strong focus in interior design projects.

She is currently based in Hong Kong and has worked in many countries for various types of agencies and institutes, learning to appreciate and adapt to different aesthetics, preferences and cultures. Her work mainly focus on commercial and lifestyle projects. She worked on the design and realization of major shopping center such as Galaxy Macao, Jewel Singapore and IFC Changsha.

She’s also had the unique opportunity to work with many designers and has built and led teams where she drove innovation and creative thinking. She does this with enthusiastic appreciation for freedom within a framework. She strongly believes that communication, collaboration and mentorship are an essential part of her work. Through the experience that she has gained in her career, she has come to understand the fundamental; role of education. Being mentored and mentoring others has shaped not only her career but her character.

Research InterestsPublic Talks with Publication
TopResearch Interests
  • Use of VR and AI in design will affecting the future of the space
  • Beauty understood as a function to accomplish social innovation
TopPublic Talks with Publication
  • Thee Exploding Metropolis _ SCAD HK Courtroom _01.2019 _ Guest Speaker
  • A new name for Beauty _ SCAD HK Courtroom _01.2019 _ Solo Speaker
  • HK Retail Asia Expo _Experience Seminar_06.2018_ Guest Speaker