Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Traditional Dance Workshop

Arts at HSMC is bringing “Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Traditional Dance Workshop” on campus on Monday, 23 October 2017. Participants will meet Master Chika Wakayagi, founder of Wakayagi Ryu Konokai, and see her live performance. She will give a brief introduction to the history and background of Nihon Buyo (Japanese traditional dance), the different schools and their characteristics, etc. Participating students will learn how to wear a yukata and may even have a chance to try it on!

Date: 23 October 2017 (Monday)
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Venue: Room 401, S H Ho Academic Building (Block A)

Free admission. All HSMC students and staff are welcome. Please register via the online form on or before 22 Oct (Sun). Participating students are entitled to 1 ECA hour (Students are required to register their attendance by presenting their student ID cards at the venue upon admission and departure).

Wakayagi Ryu Konokai Japanese Traditional Dance Workshop

Nihon Buyo

Nihon Buyo (Japanese traditional dance) was originated from Kabuki, which is a classical Japanese drama with about 400 years of history. In Japanese traditional dance, there are five major schools, including Nishikawa Ryu, Hanayagi Ryu, Bandou Ryu, Fujima Ryu, and Wakayagi Ryu.  Through music, lyrics and motions, Japanese traditional dance depicts the seasons of Japan, human-nature relationships, romance and daily lives, etc.

Chika Wakayagi

Chika Wakayagi started practicing Japanese traditional dance at six. She has attained the Shihan Certificate of Wakayagi Ryu and has performed in the National Theatre in Tokyo and in Osaka.  She was also the guest lecturer of Japanese traditional dance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Open University of Hong Kong. Chika Wakayagi founded Wakayagi Ryu Konokai (Konokai), which is the only dance institute specialising in Japanese traditional dance of Wakayagi Ryu in Hong Kong. Konokai serves as a platform to enhance cultural exchange through artistic means between Japan and China.

Enquiry: 3963 5003