Seminar for MBA students from Lipscomb University, USA

13 May 2014
Seminar for MBA students from Lipscomb University, USA


On 13 May 2014, HSMC hosted a seminar for the MBA students from the Lipscomb University, one of our partner institutions in the USA.


Twenty-nine part-time MBA students from the Lipscomb University, accompanied by Prof. Mike Kendrick (seven from right, front row) and Prof. Laura Morrow (sixth from left, front row) were greeted by Prof. Gilbert Fong, Provost (seventh from left, front row)Dr. Karen Chan, Vice President (Organizational Development) (sixth from right, front row), Prof. Raymond So, Dean of School of Business and Chairperson of the Student Exchange Committee (fifth from right, front row)Ms. Mary Ip, Manager, Student Exchange (third from left) and Ms. Wing Chow, Student Services Officer (far left).


The two institutions exchanged souvenirs



Prof. Raymond So conducted a seminar at the Conference Hall



Visitors enjoyed a Chinese luncheon on campus and the group was joined by Bennett Rigney, a current exchange student at the HSMC from the Lipscomb