Elite Network Mentorship Scheme 2016/17

18 February 2017

The Elite Network Mentorship Scheme 2016/17 was successfully held on 18 February 2017. Through listening to the interesting stores on career pursuit shared by mentors, Year 1 and Year 2 student mentees gained useful tips as to how to make a good first impression at job interviews, and learnt that personal attributes and exposure are as important as educational background. Following the story sharing session, mentors and mentees engaged in a more in-depth discussion and enjoyed snacks and beverage in small groups. With a better understanding of the mentor’s jobs during the discussion, mentees were able to make a guess of which sectors their mentors belong to at the guessing game at the end.

The Elite Network Mentorship Scheme 2016/17 bridged between Year 1 and 2 students with mentors

The Elite Network Mentorship Scheme 2016/17 bridged between Year 1 and 2 students with mentors
In groups, mentors and mentees exchanged thoughts various issues

In groups, mentors and mentees exchanged thoughts various issues
Students sought career planning advice from mentors

Students sought career planning advice from mentors