Joint School Advisory Committees Meeting and Retreat of School of Communication 2019

10 August 2019

The Joint School Advisory Committees Meeting and Retreat of School of Communication 2019 was held on 10 August 2019 at Royal Park Hotel in Shatin. More than 30 guests attended the event, including external advisors of the School Advisory Committee,  the Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (BJC) Programme Advisory Committee , the Bachelor of Arts in Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT) Programme Advisory Committee, External Examiners of the two programmes, part-time teachers, and all full-time academic staff and administrative staff. The event was organised with the aim of updating our Advisors, External Examiners and part-time teachers on the School’s latest developments and achievements, reviewing the School’s work in the past year as well as exploring the directions in which the School should go in the future.

Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of School of Communication, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all Advisors, External Examiners and staff for their hard work and their continuing support to the School. She shared with guests the latest developments of the School in the academic year 2018-19, including the two recently-signed collaboration MOUs with the Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages in Taiwan and Tsinghua University in mainland China, staff and student achievements, major events and activities held, and internships arranged for students. Dr Meily Cheung, Programme Director of the BJC Programme; Professor Trevor Siu, Programme Director of the BA-CMCT Programme; and Professor Paul Lee, Programme Director of the newly launched Master of Arts in Strategic Communication (MA-SC) Programme, reported on the admission figures and other developments of their respective programmes.

Associate Professor (Practice) James Chang, Associate Dean of School of Communication, then led the discussion session and examined with teachers and guests two discussion themes, namely “How to Enhance Teaching and Learning” and “Collaboration with Industry and External Partners”. Not only were views and experience of teaching and industry shared, but inspiring ideas and insights were also put forward by guests regarding teaching effectiveness and the types of collaboration that the School could possibly pursue.

Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of School of Communication, shared with guests the latest developments of the School.

Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of School of Communication, shared with guests the latest developments of the School.

Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of School of Communication, shared with guests the latest developments of the School.

Associate Professor (Practice) James Chang, Associate Dean of School of Communication, moderated the discussion session.

Associate Professor (Practice) James Chang, Associate Dean of School of Communication, moderated the discussion session.

Participants listened attentively to the sharing.

Participants listened attentively to the sharing.

Dr Meily Cheung, Programme Director of the BJC Programme, introduced the development of the Programme.

Dr Meily Cheung, Programme Director of the BJC Programme, introduced the development of the Programme.

Professor Trevor Siu, Programme Director of the BA-CMCT Programme, introduced the development of the Programme.

Professor Trevor Siu, Programme Director of the BA-CMCT Programme, introduced the development of the Programme.

Professor Paul Lee, Programme Director of the MA-SC Programme, introduced the development of the Programme.

Professor Paul Lee, Programme Director of the MA-SC Programme, introduced the development of the Programme.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

Guests and academic staff shared their views in the discussion session.

All guests and staff held a working lunch after the discussion sessions.

All guests and staff held a working lunch after the discussion sessions.

All guests and staff held a working lunch after the discussion sessions.

All guests and staff held a working lunch after the discussion sessions.

Group Photo

Group Photo