Management Structure
Key Academic and Administrative Officers |
President Prof Simon HO Shun Man |
Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research) Dean of Graduate School Prof Joshua MOK Ka Ho |
Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience) Prof Jeanne FU Ho Ying |
Acting Vice-President (Organisational Development) Acting Dean of School of Business Prof YV Hui |
Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) Ms Antonia YEUNG Yu Hung |
Associate Vice-President (Knowledge Exchange) Director, Institute of Knowledge Exchange Dr John LEUNG Wai Keung |
Dean of School of Communication Prof Scarlet TSO Hung |
Dean of School of Decision Sciences Prof CHAN Wai Sum |
Dean of School of Humanities and Social Science Prof TAM Kwok Kan |
Dean of School of Translation and Foreign Languages Prof Gilbert FONG Chee Fun |
Registrar Dr Brossa WONG Yeuk Ha |
Director of Finance Mr Johnny LEE Ying Cheung |
University Librarian Mr Michael CHENG |
Director of Student Affairs Dr CHEUNG Pui Sze |
(26 August 2024)