Insights Into Index Industry – A Sharing by Mr Vincent Kwan

5 March 2015

Insights Into Index Industry – A Sharing by Mr Vincent Kwan

TheDepartment of Economics and Finance was delighted to have invited Mr Vincent Kwan, the Director and General Manager of HangSeng Indexes Company Limited(HSI) and his colleague, Ms Viviane Ho to share their insights into the Indexindustry with our students and staff.


MrKwan started the sharing session by introducing the global index industry, where studentsacknowledged the history of indexes and how it has affected HSI. He then dugdeep into the business of HSI, a leading Hong Kong based index complier. Studentswere challenged on the impacts of different index valuation methods and thechoice of averaging methodsthat HSI uses. Mr Kwan demonstrated that an impressive real life HSI dissemination speed of every2-second intervals has greatly amazed the audience. In closing, Mr Kwan sharedhis invaluable tips for students to plan for their career in the Index industry, with the key takeawayof acknowledging the management of change and having the ability of problemsolving. At the end, students and staff participated actively in the Q&Asession. 

Mr Vincent Kwan demonstrated the Index Dissemination Frequency

Mr Vincent Kwan demonstrated the Index Dissemination Frequency
Mr Kwan explaining the method of averaging at HSI

Mr Kwan explaining the method of averaging at HSI
Dr David Chui presenting the token of appreciation to Mr Kwan (left) and Ms Viviane Ho (right)
Dr David Chui presenting the token of appreciation to Mr Kwan (left) and Ms Viviane Ho (right)