8th Careers Mentorship Programme Kick-off Ceremony

5 November 2016

The 8th Careers Mentorship Programme was officially kicked off on 5 November 2016,and more than 100 Careers Mentors and Mentees were presence in the ceremony.  Acting Vice President Tom Fong (Organisation and Development) gave a warm welcome to the participants and highlighted HSMC’s latest development. Mr Simon Leung, Careers Mentor and two of his mentees shared their unforgettable mentoring memories in the past year.Participants enjoyed the mentoring sharing and the later-on networking session.

Acting Vice President Tom Fong (Organisation and Development) gave welcoming remarks

Acting Vice President Tom Fong (Organisation and Development) gave welcoming remarks
Mr Simon Leung and his mentees shared their mentorship experience

Mr Simon Leung and his mentees shared their mentorship experience
Group Photo

Group Photo
The post-ceremony networking session

The post-ceremony networking session