School of Business / BBA Programme Advisory Committee Meeting 2016/17

5 October 2016

The School of Business / BBA Programme Advisory Committee Meeting was successfully held on 5 October 2016.

The Advisory Committee Meeting is an annual event for external academics and industry professionals to review and give advice for the continuous improvement of the BBA programme and the School.   The meeting also serves as a platform for communication and dialogue between students, academics and industry practitioners.

During the meeting, the Advisory Committee exchanged views on the values and beliefs of today’s younger generation.   They also shared their valuable insights on the prognosis of economic development and business opportunities in the Mainland and Asia-Pacific.

Members shared their valuable insights with the student representatives

Members shared their valuable insights with the student representatives
Students listening attentively to the advice of the members

Students listening attentively to the advice of the members
Many thanks to the advisory members and student representatives for joining the event

Many thanks to the advisory members and student representatives for joining the event