Professor CHEUNG Kwong Yue 張光裕教授
Professor CHEUNG Kwong Yue (張光裕教授)
BA (National Taiwan University)
MA (National Taiwan University)
PhD (National Taiwan University)

Head and Chair Professor
Department of Chinese
BA-CHI Programme Director
Director, The Institute for Chinese Language and Culture

Tel : (852) 3963 5103
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Professor Cheung specialises in Chinese Etymology, Ancient Chinese texts, Chinese Paleographic sources, Classical Chinese Literature, and identification of genuine and fake Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Bamboo manuscripts.

He is currently appointed as Professor of the School of History at Beijing Normal University, Honorary Professor of the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong, Honorary Professor of the Institute of Han Language at An Hui University and Academic Consultant of theInstitute of Chinese Paleography at Zhong Shan University, Adjunct Professor of the Institute of Chinese Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Adjunct Professor of the Department of Chinese at The Hong Kong Institute of Education.

In the past, Professor Cheung served asProfessor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Consultant of The Municipal Committee for the Authentication of Cultural Relics at the Shanghai Museum, and Member of the Consultation Committee of Academic Affairs at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

BooksJournal Articles and Book ChaptersConference Paper
  1. Rubbings and Hand Copies of Bronzes Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese, European, American and Australian Collections 中日歐美澳紐所見所拓所摹金文彙編,10 Volumes, 台灣藝文印書館, 1978
  2. **Studies in Chinese Archeology 1980/82 (Reports on Visits to Mainland China, Taiwan, and the USA.; participation in conferences in these countries; and some notes and impressions) , Wen-hsueh-she, Hong Kong, 1984
  3. **Collective Works (in Paleography and the Book of I-li etc.) of Hsuen-chai 雪齋學術論文集, 404 pp., Yee Wen Publishing Co., Taipei 台北藝文印書館, 1989.9
  4. An Index of the Chu Bamboo Manuscript From Bao-shan 包山楚簡文字編, 870 pp., Yi Wen Publishing Co., Taipei:台北藝文印書館, 1993.1
  5. Comprehension Index of Eastern Zhou Bird-Script (東周鳥篆文字編) , 358 pp., Han Mo Xuan Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994.9
  6. An Index of the Chu Bamboo Manuscript from Tomb of Marguis Yi of State Zeng 曾侯乙墓竹簡文字編, 360pp., Yee Wen Publishing Co., Taipei 台北藝文印書館, 1997.1
  7. Research on the Chu Bamboo Manuscript of Guo-dian  (Volume One) 郭店楚簡研究(文字編), 820pp., Yi Wen Publishing Co., Taipei台北藝文印書館, 1999.1.  Based on the contents of the bamboo manuscripts, I have successfully completed an electronic index that is now freely avalable on the internet (this is the pioneer project for electronic books in cooperation with the CUHK Library) 
  8. “Zhang-guo chu zhu-shu cong-zhang jia yi pian” 戰國楚竹書〈從政〉甲、乙篇. Shang-hai bo-wu-guan chang zhang-guo chu zhu-shu(二) 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(二) 馬承源編 上海: 上海古籍出版社. pp. 215-238., 2002.12.
  9. Wan-shan Chu-jian Wen-zhi Jiao-lu (Fu Wen-zi-bian)  望山楚簡文字校錄(附《文字編》)(Yi Wen Publishing Co., Taipei台北藝文印書館, 2004
  10. “Zhang-guo chu zhu-shu xiang-pang-zhi-dao” 戰國楚竹書〈相邦之道〉Shang-hai bo-wu-guan chang zhang-guo chu zhu-shu(四) 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(四) 馬承源編 上海: 上海古籍出版社. 2004.10
  11. Xue-Jai Xue-shu Lun-wen Er-ji 雪齋學術論文二集(Yi Wen Publishing Co., Taipei台北藝文印書館, 2005
  12. “Zhang-guo chu zhu-shu jun-zi-wei-li” 戰國楚竹書〈君子為禮〉Shang-hai bo-wu-guan chang zhang-guo chu zhu-shu(五) 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(五) 馬承源編 上海: 上海古籍出版社. 2005.12
  13. “Zhang-guo chu zhu-shu di-zi-wen” 戰國楚竹書〈弟子問〉 Shang-hai bo-wu-guan chang zhang-guo chu zhu-shu(五) 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(五) 馬承源編 上海: 上海古籍出版社. 2005.12
  14. “Zhang-guo chu zhu-shu yong-yue” 戰國楚竹書〈用曰〉Shang-hai bo-wu-guan chang zhang-guo chu zhu-shu(六) 上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(六) 馬承源編 上海: 上海古籍出版社.  2007.6

TopJournal Articles and Book Chapters

  1. “Yi-li jian-yong jin gu-wen bu shi yu Zheng-xuan kao 儀禮兼用今古文不始於鄭玄考, Shu-mu ji-kan, 書目季刊, 2:1. 1967
  2. “Jin-wen zhong ce-ming zhi dian 金文中冊命之典, (The procedure of the Investitute Ceremony as Recorded in Bronze Inscriptions) , The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報 Vol.10, pp.241-271, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1979.
  3. “Cong xin-chu-tu de cai-liao tan-suo Zhong-guo wen-zi de qi-yuan ji qi xiang-guan de wen-ti 從新出土的材料探索中國文字的起源及其相關的問題, The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報 Vol.12, pp.91-151, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1981.
  4. “A Study of the Background and the Authenticity of Shan Shi pan 散氏盤三器的流傳及其真偽述略, Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Feng Ping Shan Library 馮平山圖書館金禧紀念論文集, pp.322-341 University of Hong Kong, 1983.
  5. “Xin-huo Deng-gong xi-zun de shen-shou zao-xing ji qi yi-yi jian-tan you-guan Deng-guo guo-xing de wen-ti 新獲鄧公犧尊的神獸造型及其意義兼談有關鄧國國姓的問題, Zhong-guo wen-zi 中國文字, 12, 1988.9
  6. “An Annotation on the Newly Discovered Bao-yuan gui 新見保員簋銘試釋Paper for the International Conference on Research Approaches in Chinese Paleography, Shanghai, Nov, 1990. (Kao Gu 考古, 1991.7)
  7. “An Annotation of Thirty Six New Discovered Inscribed Swords and Daggers of Pre-Chin Period 武陵新見三十六古兵集錄, The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.12.
  8. “Examples of the Comparison between the Book of Rituals and the Ritual Principles of the Chou Dynasty 儀禮與周代禮制研究的關係舉隅, 臺大中文學報, 第十期, 國立臺灣大學中國文學系, 1998.2.
  9. “The Inscriptions on Pi Shu Zun Shedding New Light on Dispatch Wares of Western Zhou 西周遣器新識 否叔尊銘之啟示, Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, Volume 70, 1999.9.
  10. “The Significance of the Recently seen Hu-Gui 新見曶簋銘文對金文研究的意義Wen Wu 文物 pp86-89, 2000.6.
  11. “Xin-jian xi-zhou jia gui ming-wen shuo-shi 新見西周「夾」簋銘文說釋. Di-san jie guo-ji han-xue hui-yi lun-wen ji--gu wen-zi yu shang-zhou wen-ming 第三屆國際漢學會議論文集--古文字與商周文明, Academia Sinica中央研究院歷史語言研究所, pp107-144. 台灣台北, 2002.06.
  12. “Chu-tu gu wen-zi cai-lian yu jing-dian quan-shi 出土古文字材料與經典詮釋, Wen-xian ji Yu-yan Zhi-shi yu Jing-dian Chuan-shi de Guan-xi 文獻及語言知識與經典詮釋的關係, 國立臺灣大學, 2003.12.
  13. 張光裕、陳偉武, Examples of Textual Research on Medical Documents Copied on Bamboo and Silk 簡帛醫藥文獻考釋舉隅, The Bulletin of the Hunan Provincial Museum 湖南省博物館館刊(第一期), 長沙:湖南省博物館 2004.7
  14. “Xin jian chu shi qintongqi qunqi ming shi shi 新見楚式青詷器群器銘試釋Wen Wu 文物 pp21-38, 2008.1.
  15. “The Bronze Inscriptions of the Food Vessel of He Presents New Evidence to the History of Western Zhou Dynasty 何簋銘文與西周史事新証, Wen Wu 文物 pp53-56, 2009.2.
  16. 《詩‧小雅‧楚茨》「勿替引之」與金文「日引勿替」互證申說,《中國經學》第六輯,廣西大學出版社,2010年,頁27-32
  17. 清華簡書寫年代試探──「謙」「誠」二字形構的啟示,《戰國秦漢的國家與社會》,清州:韓國忠北國立大學,2012年,頁1-7
  18. 從新見材料談《儀禮》飲酒禮中的醴柶及所用酒器問題,《文物》,201312期,頁67-75
  19. 商周青銅器所見的「舌」族及相關諸器的考察,《第四屆古文字與古代史國際學術研討會----紀念董作賓逝世五十周年論文集》,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,2013年,頁195-209
  20. 從簡牘材料談《論語‧先進》篇「哂」字的釋讀,《歷史語言學研究》(第七輯),北京:商務印書館,2014年,頁182-188
  21. 《儀禮》飲酒用觶小議,《饒宗頤國學院院刊(創刊號)》,香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司,2014年,頁7-14
  22.  “Terms for Wine Utensils in Drinking Ceremonies Referred to in the Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial, Based on Newly descovered materials”, Chinese Cultural Relics, Volume 1, Number 1, Minneapolis: East View Press, pp287-302, 2014
  23. 秦漢簡帛所見病名輯證,《華學‧第十一輯》,廣州:中山大學出版社,2014年,頁65-77
  24. 錯金吳王劍銘獻疑,《漢語言文字研究(第一輯)》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015年,頁116-118
  25. 讀新見《宋公   鋪》二器札迻,《出土文獻與古文字研究(第六輯)——復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心成立十周年紀念文集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2015年,頁113-122
  26. 新見〈曾伯克父甘婁簠〉簡釋,《青銅器與金文(第一輯)》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2017(待刊)

TopConference Paper

  1. 跨世紀商周金文辨偽--《偽作先秦彝器銘文疏要》拾補,「出土文獻與先秦經史國際學術研討會」,香港大學,20151016
  2. 近三十年香港古文字研究之回顧,「戰國文字研究的回顧與展望國際學術研討會」,復旦大學,20151212
  3. 從古文字「康」字釋讀談莊子之養生,「出土文獻與中國古典學國際學術研討會」,耶魯--新加坡國立大學,201647
  4. 商周青銅器與禮學研究,「燕京論壇2016」,20166 6
  5. 從上博楚竹書《孔子詩論‧猗嗟》談射禮文化之意義及內涵,「北京論壇2016--出土文獻與中國古代文明的國際視野」,2016114