HSUHK and FHKI organise Bamboo and Sustainability Forum

22 May 2024

In promoting the concept of sustainable development further, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI), held the Bamboo and Sustainability Forum on 22 May 2024 with the support of the International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan.

Themed “Beyond Bamboo: Reimagining a Plastic-Free Future”, international and local experts were invited to discuss and promote the use of bamboo as a substitute for plastic Experts also shared their insights in talks themed “Bamboo Reimagined”, “Partnership in Sustainability Reimagined” and “Education Reimagined”.

In his address, Professor Simon S M Ho, President of HSUHK, explained how promoting the use of bamboo as a substitute for plastic, and encouraging collaborations between the industry and academia in research and teaching projects, as well as personal commitment, are essential elements in achieving sustainable development. Professor Ho highlighted that HSUHK, known as the “Bamboo University”, has always focused on sustainable development. In addition to planting extensive bamboo plants across campus, HSUHK also makes extensive use of bamboo, which is renewable and has a high carbon reduction capacity, as a building material to implement the University’s concept of a green campus and making students aware of the ecological benefits. He also delved into the noble qualities symbolised by bamboo, such as integrity, resilience, humility, and moderation.

In her address, Ms Clara Chan, Executive Deputy Chairman of FHKI, highlighted how Hong Kong started implementing regulations on disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products this year. She said, the implementation of new legislation has prompted more people to seek alternative materials to replace plastic, and bamboo is precisely a natural material with unlimited potential and wide-ranging applications in reducing carbon emissions, playing an important role in environmental protection and sustainable development. She added that under the promotion of the Central Government and the International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation, the Mainland already started promoting substituting plastic with bamboo two years ago. She hopes that the exchanges help raise more public awareness on this option.

In addition to industry experts and scholars, many HSUHK students also participated in the exchange, and Mr Wong Kam-sing, former Secretary for the Environment of HKSAR Government and current Chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao, served as the closing keynote speaker.

After the conference, participants took part in a campus tour of HSUHK to gain first-hand knowledge of the practical applications of bamboo and environmentally friendly building materials.

HSUHK and FHKI organise the Bamboo and Sustainability Forum themed “Beyond Bamboo: Reimagining a Plastic-Free Future”.
Professor Simon Ho discusses promoting the use of bamboo as a substitute for plastic, and encourages collaboration between the industry and academia in research and teaching projects.
Ms Clara Chan pinpoints that the Mainland already started promoting substituting plastic with bamboo two years ago. She hopes that the exchanges help raise more public awareness on this option.
HSUHK and FHKI organise the Bamboo and Sustainability Forum themed “Beyond Bamboo: Reimagining a Plastic-Free Future”.
Mr Wong Kam-sing serves as the closing keynote speaker.
International and local experts discuss and promote the use of bamboo as a substitute for plastic.