Mr AU Yik Sau, Michael (歐亦修先生)
BA (CityU)
MPhil (HKU)

Department of Chinese

電話 : (852) 3963 5128
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Mr Au received his BA, MA, and MPhil from the City University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Hong Kong respectively. He is currently teaching subjects such as Freshmen Chinese and Introduction to Chinese Culture at HSUHK. His research interests include Excavated Texts, Chinese Etymology, Classical Chinese Grammar and Chinese Documentology.

Published PaperConference PaperDissertation
TopPublished Paper
〈《孔子家語‧子路初見》「子路將行」章新探——以出土文獻為討論中心〉,《大 學海》第8期(2019年),頁153-163。 〈北大西漢竹書《儒家說叢》「欲使死(列)都得」疑義析論〉,《出土文獻與物 質文化》(2017年),頁269-300。 〈「無友不如己者」疑義考辨──兼淺論孔門交友之道。〉,《稽古考今:香港中文 大學中國語言及文學系文學碩士論文集》(2015年),頁59-68。
TopConference Paper
〈上博簡(二)〈民之父母〉「得既」二字新考及其與「敗」字關係新探〉,「出土 文獻與先秦經史國際學術研討會」,2015年10月。
On the Relationship between the Kongzi Jiayu and Excavated Texts(《孔子家語》與出土文獻關係探論)(香港大學,2018年)