Ms CHU Yin Yee, Sophina (朱彥而女士)


電話 : (852) 3963 5573
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Before joining the Department of English at HSUHK, Ms Sophina Chu had been working in the research field on projects related to the education of English pronunciation in Hong Kong. She has also been coaching tertiary students in university English. Ms Chu obtained an MA in English (Literary Studies) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a BA in English from Hong Kong Shue Yan University. She hopes to pursue a PhD and her research interests include monster theory, gender studies, children’s literature, Gothic literature and ecocriticism.

TopRecent academic activities
Research Assistant in the following research projects
  • Language attitudes in teaching English and Chinese as a lingua franca: The choice of pedagogical models. Principal investigator, General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (2020-2023) (HK$ 819,712).
  • Developing an intelligibility-oriented approach to teaching and assessing English pronunciation in Hong Kong. Principal investigator, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Research and Development Projects (2018-2021) (HK$2,355,439.8).
  • Developing a lingua franca approach for English language education in Hong Kong. Principal investigator, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grants Council (2016-2019) (HK$660,490).
  • Chan, J. Y. H., & Lo, M. M. (to be published in August 2021). Pronunciation Teaching in Hong Kong: Towards an intelligibility-oriented approach. (A project funded by the Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research in the University of Hong Kong and Research and Development Projects of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Hong Kong SAR government (Ref. No: EDB(LE)/P&R/EL/175/13).
  • Chu, Y. Y. (2018). Queering a Monster: A Queer Reading on 19th Century Gothic Poetry (Master Thesis, CUHK)
Book Review