CMT3003 - 桌面設計與排版

學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: CMT1003 Digital Photography
This module teaches students how to work with different software and media in order to create visually effective products such as newsletters or marketing materials. The topics covered include illustration, graphic communications, layout and design and printing technology.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. employ desktop publishing software to develop brochures, handouts, charts, graphs, newsletters and/or reports;

  2. create and modify basic shapes and lines, along with textures and text in document design;

  3. utilize graphic design to implement communication strategies with advanced software tools;

  4. apply digital imaging software for image manipulation in desktop publishing; and

  5. prepare projects for printing, which includes design and layout, assembling images, platemaking and graphics preparation.