CMT4014 - 數據新聞

學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: CMT1002 Introduction to Internet and Programming
This module is to provide students with an essential understanding of data journalism as the new and varied ways to produce compelling stories and news with the data, by walking them through the workflow of searching for data on the web, filtering the data to extract relevant information, visualizing the display of patterns, and integrating the visuals and attaching data to stories.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. understand the basic concepts of data journalism and how data is used in the media industry;

  2. apply suitable techniques and tools to access and process data from the Internet and social media;

  3. analyse and interpret relevant data to shape the story in compelling way; and

  4. create effective visualizations by identifying the proper presentation with the story.