BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONOURS) IN FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (BBA-FA) 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士 WITH金融科技副修課程 FINTECH MINOR * Currently the degree programme is being upgraded to include a strong element of Fintech and is expected to be effective for the academic year 2023 entrants. Consequently, the programme name will be realigned to this upgrade and is being proposed to Chief Executive-in-Council. This change is pending approval by the Chief Executive-in-Council in early 2023 and we will inform the public once it is approved. * 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程正在進行課程改革,以涵蓋更多金融科技元素,預計於2023至2024學年開始採用新課程。現時之課程名稱將根據課程改革,作出相應調整,並向行政長官會同行政會議申請更改。課程名稱更改有待於2023年初獲得行政長官會同行政會議批准後,適時向公眾公布。 ABOUT THE PROGRAMME 課程資訊 Financial analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets and other nance-related issues of a company in order to determine the investment suitability. It generally relates to a broad area of appraisal in nance on any economic systems. 金融分析是評價企業、項目、預算及其他金融相關事務是否具投資價值的過程,它一般牽涉到任何經濟體制廣泛層面的財務評價。 The BBA in Financial Analysis Programme is predominately investment focused, i.e. asking the question “is it worth investing?” Students would obtain a comprehensive and balanced perspective of the role of nancial analysis in the overall institutional framework context, enabling them to have a deep analysis of the company and industry. 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程以投資為重點,圍繞是否值得投資的問題作探討。修畢課程後,學生會全面掌握金融分析在整體制度框架中的定位,使他們能對公司及行業有更深入的分析。 PROGRAMME AIMS & OBJECTIVES 課程宗旨及目標 The Programme aims to equip students with core nancial analytical skills to become an effective investment professional. Specically, the Programme will: 本課程旨在讓學生掌握財務分析技能,成為投資專業人士。更具體來說,本課程將: • provide students with the practical knowledge and authentic skills necessary in the global investment profession; 讓學生掌握全球投資專業必備的實用知識和技能; • develop students’ nancial analytical ability to evaluate alternatives rationally for the purpose of making informed decision; and 培養學生的金融分析能力以評估合理替代方案並作出明智抉擇; • allow students to appreciate the interface between nancial analysis and other areas, such as economics, management, investments, nancial markets, international nance, nancial services and corporate strategy. 讓學生認識金融分析和其在經濟,管理,投資,金融市場,國際金融,金融服務和企業策略等領域之間的互動關係。 Q : What is special about BBA in Financial Analysis? A : The beauty of our Programme is that the BBA aspect is more of a generalist designation while you also have the benet of studying specialisation in the nancial analysis modules. Generally, this Programme gears students up to work in the investment eld and equips those who ultimately want to end up in investment management in their careers. 問:金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士課程有什麼獨特之處? 答:本課程的獨特之處在於讓學生對各商業範疇有全面的理解和認識,同時發展學生的金融分析能力。概括來說, 本課程能裝備有意在投資管理領域發展的學生。 Q : Who should study the Programme? A : Anyone who has a keen interest going into the nance & investment industry and wants to develop a career being an analyst. It is also suitable for students who want to use the skills developed from the Programme for general business management including entrepreneurship. 問:誰適合修讀此課程? 答:本課程不但適合所有對投身金融及投資專業或成為金融分析師有濃厚興趣的人士修讀,也適合希望透過本課程 以掌握商業管理技能及創業的學生修讀。 YOUR PATHWAY TO THE DIGITAL FINANCE - FINTECH MINOR 您的「數字金融」之路 - 金融科技副修課程 Technology innovation applied to financial services has changed the landscape of the global financial system. This transformation is creating new opportunities for young generation to experience, engage with, and embrace the disruption impact of FinTech to the world. 應用於金融服務的創新科技改變了全球金融體系的格局。這種跨時代的轉型為年輕一代創造了新的機會,讓您們體驗、參與和擁抱金融科技給世界帶來的新衝擊。 Our new FinTech Minor, funded by the Government’s Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme, has been designed to equip students with the ability to identify opportunities for change and the skillset required to meet the demand in the financial services sector. Therefore our Programme focuses at a higher level of FinTech application and innovation aspects and offers modules in FinTech management, application of blockchain, artificial intelligence, data analytics and other elective choices to enhance the competitiveness of the graduates. 我們新的金融科技副修課程獲政府的「自資專上教育提升及啟動補助金計劃」資助,旨在使學生具備識別變革機會的能力以及滿足金融業對金融科技人才需求。因此,我們的課程著重於更高水平的金融科技應用和創新層面,提供金融科技管理、區塊鏈應用、人工智能與數據分析等多個選修課程,以提高畢業生的競爭力。 Being a founding member of the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA), we offer students the opportunities to participate in FinTech seminars, visits, talks, forum, training, and competitions. The Programme will also provide students with internship opportunities in various financial institutions, like banks, asset management firms, investment banks, and FinTech start-ups. 作為亞洲金融科技師學會(IFTA)的創始成員,我們為學生提供參與金融科技研討會、參觀、講座、論壇、培訓和比賽的機會。本課程亦將推薦學生到包括銀行、資產管理公司、投資銀行和金融科技初創企業在內的各種金融機構實習。 FinTech Minor Structure 金融科技副修課程結構 Study Area 學習範疇 Core Modules 核心單元 Modules 單元 · FinTech Management 金融科技管理 · Blockchain in Financial Services 金融區塊鏈 · Technology Regulation and Ethics 科技監管與道德 Electives (any 2 modules from the list) 選修單元 (從列表中選2個單元) · Financial Software Application and Trading Workshop 財務軟件應用及交易工作坊 · Introduction to Computer Programming 計算機編程導論 · Articial Intelligence 人工智能 · Decision Analytics 決策分析 · Business Intelligence and Data Mining 商業智能與數據開發 PROGRAMME CURRICULUM 課程架構 BBA in Financial Analysis is a four-year programme. There are two semesters of 15 weeks per year. Each module consists of three credits (except three English modules with two credits each); each credit consists of a minimum of 15 contact hours. Students are required to study at least 41 modules and 120 credits in total. 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士為四年制課程。每年分為兩個各十五星期的學期。每個單元包含三個學分(三個英語單元為兩個學分),每個學分包含最少十五小時授課。學生需要修讀最少四十一個單元,合共一百二十個學分。 BBA-FA Programme Curriculum 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士課程架構 Common Core Curriculum 共同核心課程 37.5% Free Electives 自由選修科目 7.5% Business Education 商學教育科目 25% Financial Analysis Concentration Modules 金融分析單元 30% Financial Analysis Concentration Modules 金融分析單元 Asset Classes 資產類別 37.6% Ethical & Professional Standards 道德和專業準則 11.2% Portfolio Management & Wealth Planning 投資組合管理和財富策劃 20.8% Investment Tools 投資工具 30.4% Being built on the foundation of the “Financial Analyst” role, the Programme closely follows the core competency of the recognised professional standard known as the Candidate Body of Knowledge ™ (CBOK). Modules in the Financial Analysis area are intended to track the four major aspects of the CBOK, namely Asset Classes, Investment Tools, Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning, and Ethical and Professional Standards. 本課程以金融分析師之角色為基礎,教學內容參照具認受性的「特許金融分析師課程考生知識體系」設計。金融分析的單元貼近考生知識體系的四大層面,包括資產類別、投資工具、投資組合管理和財富策劃,及道德和專業準則。 Fundamentals of nancial analysis and investment decision making are complemented by Business and General Education modules. Business modules provide students with a broad foundation in business education and help them to develop business acumen. General Education modules are intended to strengthen students’ general skills, increase their knowledge in local and global affairs, and broaden their horizons. 除了修讀金融分析的單元,學生亦需要修讀商學以及通識教育的單元。商學單元為學生提供商學教育的基礎,幫助他們發展商業思維。通識教育單元旨在強化學生的通用技能,增加他們在本地以至全球事務的知識,拓展視野。 Year 1 一年級 Study Area 學習範疇 Common Core Curriculum (16 modules) 共同核心課程 (十六個單元) • Freshman Chinese 大一國文 • Chinese Literature Appreciation 中國文學鑑賞 • University English I ^ 大學英語(一) ^ • University English II ^ 大學英語(二) ^ • Perspectives on General Education 透視通識教育 • Probability and Statistics 概率與統計學 Business Education (10 modules) 商學教育(十個單元) • Financial Accounting 財務會計 • Principles of Management 管理學原理 • Business Economics 1 商業經濟學(一) • Business Economics 2 商業經濟學(二) Others (3 modules) 其他 ( 三個單元) Three Free Electives 三個自由選修科目 Year 2 二年級 Common Core Curriculum (16 modules) 共同核心課程 (十六個單元) • Applied Putonghua 應用普通話 • English for Academic Purposes ^ 學術英語^ • English for Professional Communication 專業英語傳意 • Contemporary Information Technologies 當代資訊科技 GE (Humanities) 通識教育(人文) GE (Social Sciences) 通識教育(社科) GE (Science and Technology) 通識教育(科學/科技) GE (Moral Reasoning) 通識教育(道德思辨) Two GE Electives 兩個通識教育選修科 Business Education (10 modules) 商學教育(十個單元) • Corporate Accounting 1 公司會計1 • Hong Kong Business Law 香港商務法 • Quantitative Methods for Business Management 企業管理定量方法 • Financial Management # 財務管理# Others (3 modules) 其他 ( 三個單元) Three Free Electives 三個自由選修科目 Year 3 三年級 Common Core Curriculum (16 modules) 共同核心課程 (十六個單元) GE (Humanities) 通識教育(人文) GE (Social Sciences) 通識教育(社科) GE (Science and Technology) 通識教育(科學/科技) GE (Moral Reasoning) 通識教育(道德思辨) Two GE Electives 兩個通識教育選修科 Business Education (10 modules) 商學教育(十個單元) • Principles of Marketing 市場學原理 Financial Analysis (12 modules) 金融分析 ( 十二個單元) • Financial Statement Analysis * 財務報表分析* • Financial Institutions and Markets * 金融機構與金融市場* • Principles of Investments # 投資學原理# • Corporate Finance * 公司財務學* • Fixed Income Securities * 固定收益證券* • Financial Derivatives * 金融衍生工具* Others (3 modules) 其他 ( 三個單元) Three Free Electives 三個自由選修科目 Year 4 四年級 Common Core Curriculum (16 modules) 共同核心課程 (十六個單元) GE (Humanities) 通識教育(人文) GE (Social Sciences) 通識教育(社科) GE (Science and Technology) 通識教育(科學/科技) GE (Moral Reasoning) 通識教育(道德思辨) Two GE Electives 兩個通識教育選修科 Business Education (10 modules) 商學教育(十個單元) • Business Policy and Strategy 商業政策及策略 Financial Analysis (12 modules) 金融分析 ( 十二個單元) • Portfolio Management * 投資組合管理* • Ethics in Financial Analysis * 金融分析道德* • Wealth Management * 財富管理* • Alternative Investments * 另類投資* • Two FA Electives 兩個金融分析選修科目 Others (3 modules) 其他 ( 三個單元) Three Free Electives 三個自由選修科目 ^ Module with two credits 此單元為兩個學分 # University English for Senior-year Entrants (non-credit bearing) is mandatory for all Year-2 and Year-3 entrants with an AD or HD qualification starting from AY2022/23. 由二零二二至二零二三學年起,經副學士學位或高級文憑課程入學之二年級及三年級學生,必須修讀高年級大學英語(非學分單元)。 Examples of Financial Analysis Electives 金融分析選修科目例子 • Introduction to Econometrics 計量經濟學導論 • Real Estate Finance & Investment 房地產金融與投資 • Global Securities Operations and Risk Management* 環球證券運作及風險管理* • Financial Institution Management 金融機構管理 • Personal Financial Planning 個人財務策劃 • Credit Risk Management 信貸風險管理 • International Finance* 國際金融學* • Financial Regulation and Compliance* 金融監管與合規* • Equity Valuation* 股權估值* • Financial Software Application and Trading Workshop* 財務軟件應用及交易工作坊* * Minor electives offered to other programmes 開辦予其他課程學生修讀的副修科目(選修) # Minor required modules offered to other programmes 開辦予其他課程學生修讀的副修科目(必修) GRADUATE ARTICULATION 畢業路向 Career Prospects 職業前景 Graduates would naturally place themselves to take advantage of the growth in the financial services and business sectors whether in investment banking, securities industry or other business environment performing the role of an analyst. 受惠於金融服務和商業領域的發展,畢業生可在投資銀行,證券行業或其他商業環境中擔任分析師的角色。 Professional Recognition 專業認可 Graduates would be able to apply the acquired competencies to undertake examinations from professional bodies in the nancial analysis or investment management eld. 畢業生可透過本課程學習到的知識和能力,應考有關財務分析或投資管理之考試。 Further Studies 持續進修 Graduates also have the option to pursue further higher-level degrees. 畢業生也可以選擇在畢業後繼續深造。 Q : What does a Financial Analyst Do? A : A Financial Analyst executes nancial analysis for clients (or investors) as a core part of the job. He or she normally performs analysis by gathering information, assembling spreadsheets, writing reports, and reviewing all non-legal pertinent information about prospective investment or transactions. 問:金融分析師的工作是什麼? 答:金融分析師的主要工作是為客戶(或投資者)進行財務分析。日常工作通常是透過收集信息,匯總電子表格,撰寫報告以及審查所有關於潛在投資或交易的非法律相關信息來進行分析。 Q : Do I need to obtain BBA in Financial Analysis qualication to have a nance career? Is there any benet in doing so? A : It really depends on what you want to do. The BBA in Financial Analysis qualication is a specialised credential that focuses mostly on investment-related topics. If you want to analyse securities, or if someone wants to specically work in the investment management area as an analyst or portfolio manager, the Programme makes a lot of sense and will set you up to position for the CFA examination to advance your career. 問:我是否需要修讀金融分析工商管理學位以從事財務工作? 取得此學位有什麼好處嗎? 答:這很大程度上取決於你想要做什麼職業。金融分析工商管理學位是一個專門的學科,主要側重於投資相關的內容。如果你想作證券分析,或者想在投資管理領域作為分析師或投資組合經理等的專門工作,該課程是非常有意義的,並會有助你考取CFA專業資格,助你事業向前邁進。 Q : BBA in Financial Analysis has been accepted into the CFA Institute University Recognition Program. What does it mean to be a CFA recognised university? A : This recognition status granted to BBA in Financial Analysis is on the basis that 70% of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) has been incorporated into the Programme. This gives students a solid grounding in the CBOK and positions them well to sit for the CFA exams. 問:本課程已經獲得CFA協會大學認證資格。CFA協會大學的認證資格意味著什麼? 答:本課程涵括了百分之七十的「特許金融分析師課程考生知識體系」內容。因此,本課程能夠為準備參加CFA考試之學生,作好足夠準備。 Q : Do I get any exemption from CFA when I graduate from the Programme? A : The Programme equips students with the CFA Candidate Body of Knowledge and prepares students to take CFA level 1 examination. However, CFA would not normally grant exemptions on any programmes. 問:我從此課程畢業後是否獲得了CFA考試的豁免? 答:本課程會在課程內容中裝備學生參加CFA一級水平考試。但是,CFA協會通常不會給予任何學術課程豁免CFA考試。 Q : Can you give me some ideas of learning examples? A : Taking asset valuation as an example, there are generally different ways to value a company. Students will learn the three main ways to value a company, namely discounted cash ow analysis, comparable company analysis and comparable transaction multiples analysis. Within this scope, lecturers will point out the suitability of these techniques for different types of companies and upon the circumstances. 問:你能給我一些學習上的例子嗎? 答:以資產評估為例,資產評估通常有不同的評估方法。學生會學習評估公司的三種主要方法,即現金貼現使用分析,可比公司分析和可比交易倍數分析。在此範圍內,講師將指出這三種方法如何適用於不同類型的公司和情況。 Q : What qualities does the BBA-FA Programme seek from applicants? A : Applicants are expected to demonstrate prociency in both English and Mathematics. 問:此課程對申請人有什麼要求? 答:本課程希望申請者在英語和數學方面有較熟練的掌握。 Q : What are the differences between HSUHK's BBA in Financial Analysis Programme and Quantitative Finance degree programmes offered by other institutions? A : Most of the Quantitative Finance Bachelor’s degree programmes in Hong Kong have BSc designation and are predominately rich in mathematical modeling and computation aspect of nancial valuation. They tend to have stronger risk management and nancial engineering avours. On the other hand, HSUHK’s BBA in Financial Analysis is application oriented with emphasis on analytical techniques and methodologies that are widely applied in the investment industry. Consequently, it has strong investment flavours. 問:本課程(金融分析工商管理學位)和其他教育機構提供的計量金融學位課程有什麼區別? 答:香港大部分的計量金融學士學位課程,教學內容側重於財務評估的數學建模和計算方面,包括風險管理和金融工程等內容。而本校的財務分析學科以應用為導向,課程內容集中於投資方面的知識,教授投資行業廣泛應用的分析技術和方法。 Financial Trading Laboratory 金融交易實驗室 A state-of-the-art Financial Trading Laboratory provides students with hands on trading experience through the usage of Bloomberg. The Financial Trading Laboratory is the rst of its kind among self-nanced tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. 此金融交易實驗室能讓學生透過使用彭博終端機獲得模擬金融交易的體驗。本校為香港第一間設有金融交易實驗室的自資大學。 STUDENT ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES 學生增潤機會 Internship Programme 實習計劃 HSUHK considers internship an effective learning tool for students. The on-the-job training and close supervision of internship projects help students to integrate textbook knowledge with practice, making the learning experience even more rewarding and challenging. 本校認為實習是學生有效的學習工具。實習計劃中的在職培訓和密切監督有助於學生將課本知識與實踐結合,使學習體驗更具有收穫和挑戰性。 Exchange Programme 交換計劃 HSUHK has also engaged in exchange partnerships with overseas institutions in Asia, Europe and North America. Students can take this opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain international exposure. 本校還與亞洲,歐洲和北美等海外教育機構建立了學生交流合作夥伴關係。學生可以藉此機會拓寬國際視野。 NORTH AMERICA 北美 • Canada 加拿大 • USA 美國 EUROPE 歐洲 • Austria 奧地利 • Belgium 比利時 • Finland 芬蘭 • France 法國 • Germany 德國 • Latvia 拉脫維亞 • Netherlands 荷蘭 • Sweden 瑞典 ASIA 亞洲 • Mainland China 中國大陸 • Japan 日本 • Malaysia 馬來西亞 • South Korea 韓國 ENQUIRIES ON APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 入學申請查詢 Applicants can submit their applications through The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Undergraduate Application System. For further enquiries, please contact the Registry. 申請者可透過香港恒生大學網上入學申請系統申請。如有進一步查詢,請聯絡本校教務處。 Tel 電話:3963 5555 Fax 傳真:3963 5553 Website 網頁: Programme Email 課程查詢 Admission Email 入學查詢 Address 地址 : Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, NT 新界沙田小瀝源行善里 In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents of this pamphlet, the English version shall prevail. 本課程簡介內容以英文版本為準,中文譯本僅供參考。 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee. 香港恒生大學是一間於香港註冊成立之擔保有限公司。 Information updated as of September 2022. 有關資料更新至2022 年9 月。 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Financial Analysis is recognised under the Qualifications Frameworks (QF). 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士課程 QF Level: 5 | QR Registration No.:18/000842/L5 | Registration Validity Period: 08/11/2018 to 31/08/2026