Erudition 博學 07‧2022 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK’s First Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony 香港恒生大學第一屆長期服務獎頒獎禮 HSUHK Senior Management Retreat 2022 – Corporate Branding and GBA Opportunities 恒大管理團隊集思會2022-「大學品牌及大灣區機遇」 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022 香港恒生大學通訊香港恒生大學企業挑戰賽 2022 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK’s First Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony 香港恒生大學第一屆長期服務獎頒獎禮....................................................................................1 87 Long-serving Staff Members Awarded for Promoting HSUHK’s Development over the Years 87名長期服務員工獲獎 表揚其歷年來推動大學發展...................................................................................................................................................................1 Sharing by Awarded Colleagues 得獎員工分享 ............................................................................................................................................................................3 Highlights of the Award Presentation Ceremony 頒獎禮精彩花絮 ...............................................................................................................................................3 HSUHK People 恒大人 Tracing Social Dynamics and Pursuing Life Attitude - The Power of Curiosity - Interview with Dr Chi-kit Chan  追蹤社會脈動 貫徹生活態度-好奇心的力量-陳智傑博士專訪..................................................................................................................................................4 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Uncovering Infinite Possibilities with Rational Data Analytics - Interview with Mr Thomas Lam 理性分析數據 發掘無限可能-林雋楷先生專訪 ................ 7 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK Receives the Asia Excellence Brand Award 2021 恒大榮獲2021 亞洲卓越品牌大獎.................................................................................................8 ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ Won the Silver Award in 2022 CASE Circle of Excellence Awards 恒大「紛FunD 跑」自行跑榮獲2022 年教育資源拓展協會 Circle of Excellence Awards 銀獎................................................................................................8 HSUHK Senior Management Retreat 2022 - Corporate Branding and GBA Opportunities 恒大管理團隊集思會2022 -「大學品牌及大灣區機遇」 .........9 President Ho Speaks on the Social Responsibility of Business Leaders at the Humanistic Buddhism Application in Life Studies Webinar 何校長於人間佛教生命應用講座主講企業領袖之社會責任...........................................................................................................................................................10 President Ho Serves as Guest of Honour at CFCCHSS and GCCITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School Graduation Ceremonies 何校長擔任明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學和東莞工商總會劉百樂中學畢業典禮主禮嘉賓........................................................................................................................10 International Conference on ‘Games and Gaming Across Cultures’ 「跨文化的遊戲與競技」國際學術研討會 ....................................................................11 President Ho Hosts the ‘P.Tour’ Series 何校長主持「校長帶你遊校園」系列短片 ..................................................................................................................11 Professor Bradley Barnes Ranked 46th Top Management Scientist in China 李海東教授名列中國頂尖管理學者第46 位 ..................................................12 Announcement of the 11th HSUHK Junzi Corporation Award and Hong Kong Business Ethics Index 第十一屆恒大「君子企業獎」暨「恒大香港商業道德指數」公布................................................................................................................................................12 The 4th Finance Summit cum 1st ESG Recognition Award Ceremony by Master Insight 灼見名家第四屆財經峰會暨首屆 ESG 大獎頒獎典禮 ................13 HSUHK Programme Consultation Day 2022 Concluded Successfully 2022 年恒大課程諮詢日圓滿結束 ..............................................................................13 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 Whose Cheese Has Not Been Moved! 誰的乳酪還沒搬走! .....................................................................................................................................................14 Campus Express 校園快訊 Residential Colleges 2021/22 Year-end Celebration 住宿書院 2021/22 年度慶祝活動 ............................................................................................................16 Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series: Elderly Services 2.0: Reshape and Innovate 「領袖開LIVE」系列:安老服務 2.0-重塑與創新 ..............................17 TEDxHSUHK 2022: Our Times TEDxHSUHK 2022:我們的時代 ..............................................................................................................................................18 IFSPA 2022 Closing Plenary Forum 國際航運、港口及機場論壇 2022 全體閉幕論壇 ............................................................................................................19 Study on Logistics Land Use in the Northern Metropolis and Tuen Mun West 北部都會區及屯門西物流用地研究報告 .......................................................19 Honours Academy Visited the New Hang Seng Central Branch 榮譽學院參觀恒生銀行全新中區分行 .................................................................................20 SDSC and DHL HR Career Development Training Workshop 決策科學學院與DHL 人力資源職業發展工作坊 ....................................................................21 FINTECH X ESG Symposium FINTECH X ESG 研討會 ...............................................................................................................................................................21 STFL Public Lectures - Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in Chinese and English Usage  翻譯及外語學院公開講座-翻譯學堂:常見中英文誤區...............................................................................................................................................................22 STFL Public Lecture - What It Takes to Interpret a 15-minute Speech 翻譯及外語學院公開講座-口若懸河一刻鐘 傳譯訓練幾年功 .................................23 ACY Online Seminar - Tax Profession 會計學系網上講座-稅務專業 .......................................................................................................................................23 Drama Performance by the Department of Chinese-‘We Are All Ah Kongs’ 中文系戲劇創作展演-《我們都是阿孔》....................................................24 IYSL Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve Site Visit IYSL.鳳園蝴蝶保育區導賞團 .................................................................................................................................24 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 Marketing Professor and Students Publish Their Winning Case in a New Book 市場學系師生團隊獲獎研究個案刊載於新書 ............................................25 Marketing Professor and Students Won the Bronze Medal in the World Asian Business Case Competition 2022  市場學系師生團隊於世界亞洲商業案例大賽 2022 榮獲銅牌 ........................................................................................................................................................25 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Peer Mentor Scheme Recognition Ceremony 朋輩導師畢業典禮 ...............................................................................................................................................25 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022 香港恒生大學企業挑戰賽 2022 ..............................................................................................................................26 HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2022 香港恒生大學創新計劃比賽 2022 ......................................................................................................................27 Promoting Integrity by ICAC Ambassadors 廉政大使於恒大推廣廉潔 .......................................................................................................................................27 HSUHK Volunteer Team Supported the COVID-19 Hotline of the Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong 恒大義工隊為香港復康聯盟「同行關懷熱線」提供支援...............................................................................................................................................................28 HSUHK Students Supported the Elderly Outreach Service of Suicide Prevention Services 恒大同學支援生命熱線長者探訪活動 ........................................28 ‘Social Inclusion Island’ 「共融島」 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................28 Campus Visits 到訪校園 Visit by the Then Secretary for the Environment Mr Kam-sing Wong 時任環境局局長黃錦星到訪 ...........................................................................................29 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................29 Back Cover Updates 封底快訊 Stronger Support Base for HSUHK 誠邀支持捐獻恒大 ..................................................................................................................................................................................30 Connect with Alma Mater - Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與母校保持聯繫-攜手創建緊密校友網絡 ............................................................30 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK’s First Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony 香港恒生大學第一屆長期服務獎頒獎禮 HSUHK has developed rapidly with its achievements being obvious to all. This is the result of the unremitting efforts of the whole school in striving for advancement. To recognise the dedicated contribution of long-serving staff members to the steady development of HSUHK, and to enhance staff members’ sense of belonging, HSUHK commenced in AY 2020/21 the provision of the Long Service Award to colleagues with service of over ten years. The first Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony, originally scheduled for December 2020, had been repeatedly postponed under the pandemic. Finally, it was successfully held on 8 June 2022 at the Auditorium, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus. 香港恒生大學發展迅速,成績有目共睹。此乃全校仝人努力不懈、力求進步的成果。為表揚長期服務員工在推動恒大穩步發展方面的盡心貢獻,並提升員工的歸屬感,恒大於2020/21 學年起設立長期服務獎,頒發予服務恒大逾10 年的教職員。第一屆長期服務獎頒獎禮原訂於2020 年12 月舉行,惟受疫情影響一再延期,終順利於2022 年6 月8 日在袁炳濤校園利國偉教學大樓演藝廳圓滿舉行。 87 Long-serving Staff Members Awarded for Promoting HSUHK’s Development over the Years 87 名長期服務員工獲獎 表揚其歷年來推動大學發展 A total of 87 colleagues received their Long Service Award at the ceremony. They have served HSUHK and its predecessors for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, with four of them having worked here for 30 years. President Simon S M Ho, members of the Senior Management and unit heads attended the ceremony in person to share the joy of the awardees. Due to the pandemic, the ceremony was also live-streamed for other fellow colleagues and students to witness this memorable moment together. 是次頒獎禮共有87 位教職員獲獎,他們各服務了恒大及其前身10、15、20、25 或30 年,當中在此服務長達30 年的獲獎者有四位。校長何順文教授、大學管理層成員和部門主管亦親身出席頒獎禮,分享獲獎員工的喜悅。疫情關係,頒獎禮同時在網上直播,供其他師生職員參與,一同見證這個值得紀念的時刻。 Awardees take photos with award presenters. 獲獎同事與頒獎嘉賓合照。 Members of the Senior Management and unit heads attend the Award Presentation Ceremony filled with warmth and joy. 一眾大學高級管理層成員和部門主管出席頒獎禮,氣氛熱烈愉快。 “Employees are the backbone of any organisation’s development.” In his speech, President Simon S M Ho remarked that, during his eight years at HSUHK, he had been deeply impressed by the dedication and professionalism of HSUHK colleagues. He sincerely thanked the awardees for their contributions over the years, and for witnessing together HSUHK’s attainment of important milestones over its course of development and the accomplishments of today. “From a business college 42 years ago to a private university that is widely recognised by all sectors of society today, HSUHK owes its gratitude to the support of various stakeholders, including a group of dedicated colleagues. For many years, they have remained steadfast in their posts and worked with diligence and dedication to drive the steady development of the University.” Looking ahead, President Ho said that HSUHK will continue to champion its original aspiration in developing and innovating on the foundation of the ‘Liberal + Professional’ education model, thereby giving full play to its strengths and moving forward. “I believe that with the solid support of my colleagues, HSUHK will be able to keep building on its past to realise its vision and become a leading private liberal-arts-oriented university in the region.” 「員工是任何機構發展的重要支柱。」何順文校長致辭時表示,在恒大八年多,深深體會到同事們的克盡己職和敬業精神。他由衷感謝得獎員工多年來的貢獻,一同見證恒大的重要發展里程碑,並取得今天的成績。「恒大由42 年前的商學書院,發展成為今天獲社會各界廣泛認同的私立大學,有賴各持份者的支持,當中包括一群盡心服務的同事。他們多年來一直堅守崗位,默默耕耘與付出,推動大學穩步發展。」 展望未來,何校長表示恒大將繼續堅守初心,在「博雅 + 專業」教學模式的基礎上繼續開拓和創新,發揮所長,邁步向前。「我相信憑藉同事們堅實的支持,恒大必定能繼往開來,實現願景,成為區內具領導地位並以博雅教育為主導的私立大學。」 President Simon Ho delivers a speech at the ceremony. 何順文校長於頒獎禮上致辭。 Sharing by Awarded Colleagues 得獎員工分享 Mr Eric Chee 池耀輝先生 Associate Head of the Department of Marketing 市場學系副系主任 Associate Head of the Department of Marketing Mr Eric Chee, who has been serving HSUHK for over 32 years, shared the bits and pieces of his teaching journey at HSUHK. “HSUHK nurtures outstanding and proactive students by offering high-quality teaching and all-rounded development opportunities. I had a chance to lead a group of Year 1 students to participate in an international competition some time ago. While they had to take care of their studies, they were tireless in collecting information, writing reports, and preparing for their presentations, and they eventually achieved great results. I was very touched and gratified.” In Mr Chee’s eyes, HSUHK is an ‘extraordinary’ University. He is convinced that with the professionalism, the concerted efforts and the dedication of HSUHK colleagues, the University will be able to not only nurture more outstanding students, but also stand a chance of becoming a top university in Hong Kong. 於恒大工作超過32 年的市場學系副系主任池耀輝先生,分享在恒大的教學點滴:「恒大提供優質教學及全方位發展機會,培育出類拔萃、主動積極的學生。早前我有機會帶領一群一年級學生參加國際比賽,他們即使要兼顧學業,仍非常積極搜集資料、撰寫報告及準備匯報,最後更獲取佳績,令我十分感動和欣慰。」 在池先生的心目中,恒大是一所「非一般的大學」。他深信憑藉同事們的專業精神、同心協力、克盡己職,恒大將不但能孕育更多出色的學生,更有望成為全港頂尖的大學。 Ms Lilian Yeung 楊麗群女士 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accountancy 會計學系高級講師 Serving HSUHK for over two decades, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accountancy Ms Lilian Yeung has deep ties with HSUHK. Ms Yeung was among the first cohort of graduates of the Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC). Later on, she joined HSSC as a teacher, and has served the school ever since. Ms Yeung recalled, “My identity changed from an HSSC student to an HSSC teacher, and then to a teaching staff member at HSUHK. All along, I have been witnessing the School developing rapidly while never deviating from its original aspiration. HSUHK is reputed to be a ‘Bamboo University’; I hope HSUHK would continue to uphold its philosophy in nurturing more outstanding students with righteousness and integrity.” 服務恒大逾20 載的會計學系高級講師楊麗群女士,與恒大有深厚淵源。楊女士為恒生商學書院(恒商)的第一屆畢業生,其後加入恒商任教,並在校內服務至今。 楊女士回憶道:「我的身分由恒商學生變成恒商老師,至今成為恒大教師,見證學校即使迅速發展,其初心亦從沒改變。恒大享有『竹子大學』的美譽,希望大學能繼續秉承理念,培育更多正直、有節氣的優秀學生。」 Mr Billy Lee 李錦標先生 Assistant Manager of the Campus Development and Management Office 校園發展及管理處助理經理 It has already been 29 years since Mr Billy Lee of the Campus Development and Management Office first joined HSSC, HSUHK’s predecessor. He was very proud of being able to join the HSSC family back then, and to witness HSUHK’s development today. “Having worked at HSUHK for so many years, I have realised that solidarity is strength. Every colleague of every unit of the University selflessly works in close collaboration to strive for progress and to get work done smoothly. I am also very grateful to have met many good colleagues, who have enabled me to evolve from a young fellow with no experience of working in a school into today’s veteran staff member, who embraces the University’s work and culture, with a strong sense of belonging to the school.” 來自校園發展及管理處的李錦標先生,加入恒大前身恒商至今,已經歷了29 個寒暑。他對自己當年能加入恒商,並見證恒大今日的發展,感到十分驕傲。「在恒大工作這麼多年,讓我體會到團結就是力量。大學每個部門、每位同事同心協力,不分彼此,凡事力求進步,令工作能夠圓滿完成。我亦十分感恩能遇上一眾好同事,令我從沒有任職學校經驗的小伙子,演變成今日十分投入大學工作與文化,並對學校滿懷歸屬感的資深職員。」 Highlights of the Award Presentation Ceremony 頒獎禮精彩花絮 The First Long Service Award Ceremony concluded with joy. The Long Service Award Ceremony should normally be held in December each year. It is hoped that the event of December 2022 will be successfully held as scheduled, so that all HSUHK members can congratulate and celebrate these precious moments with the award-winning colleagues in person. 首屆長期服務獎頒獎禮在一片歡欣下圓滿落幕。長期服務獎頒獎禮一般應於每年12 月舉行。期望今年12 月盛事能如期順利舉行,好讓一眾恒大成員親身恭賀得獎員工,一起慶祝珍貴時刻。 Colleagues take photos with the awardees after the ceremony. 同事們與得獎者在典禮後拍照留念。 HSUHK People 恒大人 Tracing Social Dynamics and Pursuing Life Attitude – The Power of Curiosity 追蹤社會脈動 貫徹生活態度好奇心的力量 Interview with Dr Chi-kit Chan 陳智傑博士專訪 Associate Professor of the School of Communication Director of the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership Associate Director of the Centre for Public Policy Research Associate Master of Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College 傳播學院副教授 青年可持續發展領袖研習所主任 公共政策研究中心副主任 利易海倫博文書院副院長 Among the missions of a media person is to witness the footsteps of society and the changes of time. With his enthusiasm for the journalism profession, Associate Professor of the School of Communication (SCOM) Dr Chi-kit Chan has been experiencing first-hand the development of the school since joining Hang Seng Management College (HSMC, predecessor of HSUHK) in September 2013. “I owe my gratitude to Dean of SCOM Professor Scarlet Tso for giving me the opportunity to join the HSMC family, and to my teacher Professor Joseph Chan for his guidance. When I first came to work here, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building was yet to be inaugurated, and the current site of the Residential Colleges (RCs) was still nothing more than a clearing. Back then, I had to work in one of the booths in the school’s library, just like the students.” While the campus at that time was full of construction sites and sand and dust, Dr Chan saw in it much vigour and ample opportunities. HSMC advanced with amazing speed. The RCs were completed within two years, and the school was officially named a university in 2018. “In 2016, SCOM was fighting for the Programme Area Accreditation status, the successful attainment of which would qualify HSMC to apply for the pursuit of a university title. Therefore, we could not afford to fail in this task. I remember that Professor Tso even cut her long hair short as an expression of her determination.” Having participated in the quest for the university title, Dr Chan was all the more touched when this goal was finally achieved. Dr Chan has various roles in HSUHK. Apart from teaching and conducting research, he also serves as Associate Master of Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College. These roles might involve different duties, but to Dr Chan, they all share the same objectives, and are all components of youth education and development. Embracing the theme of cultural diversity, Mosaic College emphasises global exposure and international exchange. In this respect, the work of the RCs is in line with not only the missions of the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership to promote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and to connect global citizens, but also the design and evolvement of part of SCOM’s curriculum. “HSUHK’s resident students are energetic and active in joining the RCs’ activities. In fact, the RCs are also educational units, where we must observe rules and work towards some goals together.” As an RC resident himself, Dr Chan said smilingly that it is good to visit with students, and it is not half bad to live alongside them either. 傳媒人的使命之一,是見證社會的步伐與時代的變遷。傳播學院副教授陳智傑博士,自2013年 9 月加入恒生管理學院(恒管,香港恒生大學前身)以來,也一直懷着對新聞專業的熱誠,親歷學校的發展進程。「感謝傳播學院院長曹虹教授給予機會,和恩師陳韜文教授的指導,我得以加入恒管大家庭。初來這裏上班時,利國偉教學大樓尚未啟用,住宿書院現址仍是空地一片。那時候,我在學校圖書館的小隔間工作,就像學生一樣。」 當時地盤滿滿、「沙塵滾滾」的校園,陳博士卻覺得「生機勃勃」、機遇處處。恒管發展速度驚人,在短短兩年間建成住宿書院,更在2018 年正名為大學。「2016 年,傳播學院正在爭取『學科範圍評審』資格,一旦成功,恒管即有條件申請正名,因此這項工作不容有失。我記得曹虹教授更剪短長髮,以示決心。」爭取正名的過程,陳博士亦參與其中,目標達到之日,自然倍覺難忘。 陳博士在恒大身兼多職,除了處理教研工作外,亦身兼利易海倫博文書院副院長。他認為,各個角色職務縱有不同,目的卻為一致,同樣是青年教育與發展的環節。博文書院以多元文化為主題,着重全球視野與國際交流。在這個層面上,住宿書院的工作,與青年可持續發展領袖研習所推廣聯合國可持續發展目標、連繫全球公民等任務,甚至與傳播學院部分課程的設計發展,其實亦是一脈相承。「恒大宿生充滿活力,積極投入住宿書院活動。事實上,住宿書院亦是教育單位,我們要談規矩,並且共同完成一些目標。」本身居於住宿書院的陳博士,笑言和學生一起生活,是「相見好,同住亦好。」 From journalist and editor to community think tank member, doctoral student and professor, Dr Chan has all along been curious about the world. Such curiosity has been driving him to ask questions and look for answers. The first spark of interest can always be traced back to a certain point, and in Dr Chan’s case, the point in question lay in the programme ‘One Minute’s English’ hosted by Mr Josiah Lau. Dr Chan deeply admired Mr Lau, and, as a member of his secondary school’s team, he once went to Radio Television Hong Kong to compete in an interschool current affairs and academic knowledge quiz game hosted by Mr Lau. Although Dr Chan did not take the field in the end, his interest in the media industry sprouted when he went through a huge amount of news reports in preparation for the game. With this interest, he began submitting articles to newspapers, which led him to read what others wrote and then start writing commentaries. This in turn motivated him to study veteran investigative journalists’ reports, which humbled him and drove him to read a doctorate, and then to embark on his journey in academia. “All in all, I am just inquisitive,” he said. Online media have been growing rapidly in recent years, but Dr Chan only has eyes for commentary in raditional print media. In his opinion, with the stricter protocols for traditional media comes a greater intrinsic richness. Print and online media are actually complementing each other in different parts of the spectrum, and are both embedded with the social responsibility of public intellectuals. Dr Chan, however, believes that each generation has its own vocation, and would like to continue following the path of Mr Hang-chi Lam, Founder of the Hong Kong Economic Journal, in creating news commentaries with solid supporting evidence, timeliness and high quality. Since the social movement in 2019, Hong Kong has been going through an unprecedented paradigm shift; Mr Chan wishes to witness on-site the city’s history and usher in the future among friends within and outside HSUHK. “If you ask me why I persevere in this, I would say, it is both a passion and a duty.” 由記者、編輯,到民間智庫成員、博士生、教授,一路走來,陳博士對世界始終充滿好奇。這份好奇,亦一直驅使他提出問題、尋覓答案。當然,興趣的產生,也可追溯至某個起點;於陳博士而言,這個起點就是劉家傑先生主持的《英語一分鐘》節目。陳博士十分欣賞劉先生,更曾加入所屬中學的代表團,到香港電台參與劉先生主持的《校際時事及學術常識問答比賽》。雖然最後沒有上場,但陳博士在備賽過程中飽覽新聞報道,對傳媒行業的興趣亦隨之萌生。因為這份興趣,所以他開始投稿;因為投稿,所以閱覽別人的文章,並開始撰寫評論;因為參與評論,所以拜讀資深傳媒人所作的調查報道,然後自愧不如,繼而攻讀博士學位,再踏上學術之路。「說到底,就是八卦。」他這樣說。 近年網絡媒體發展迅速,但陳博士始終對傳統紙媒評論情有獨鍾。他認為傳統媒體要遵守的規格更嚴謹,內涵亦更豐富。紙媒與網媒其實是在不同光譜下相輔相成,同樣承載着公共知識份子的社會責任,但陳博士有感「一代人做一代事」,希望繼續追隨《信報》創辦人林行止先生的腳步,製作理據充足而具時效性的高質素時事評論。自2019 年社會運動以來,香港社會正在經歷前所未見的範式轉移,他願與恒大內外的朋友們一同置身其中,見證歷史,迎向未來。「如果你問我為甚麼堅持做這件事,我會說,是愛,也是責任。」 Home to Dr Chan, Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College features cultural diversity and houses international students. Colleagues and students participate in the first high table dinner since the outbreak of the pandemic with President Ho and College patron Mr Thomas Liang (centre, back row). 利易海倫博文書院以多元文化為宗旨,亦是國際學生聚居之所。陳博士以此為家,並聯同同事和學生,與何順文校長和書院贊助人梁祥彪先生(後排中)一起參與疫情爆發以來首個高桌晚宴。 A media person through and through, Dr Chan has fully incorporated his professional interest and his curiosity about the world into his daily life. He enjoys observing and contemplating things around him anytime anywhere, even though he might not actually take any action in particular. Besides, because he is usually busy at work, he tries to spend as much time as possible with his family on his days off; and because he has to raise his kids, he has thrown himself into exploring early childhood education, which he considers sort of a hobby. “Being a parent entails greater moral responsibility and requires more patience than being a teacher.” To Dr Chan, a hobby is a mixture of fun and pain, and is also a learning process that one must tirelessly experience and relish. Speaking of future challenges, Dr Chan considers it most important to make HSUHK students proud of the University. In his eyes, HSUHK students are by no means inferior to students of other institutions, and they, moreover, know better how to cherish opportunities. Undoubtedly, HSUHK is a young university, and there is still a long way to go for it to enhance its status and reputation in society. He hopes to accompany HSUHK people on the journey towards realising the vision that Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages, often talks about – turning HSUHK “from second chance to first choice”. Dr Chan encouraged students, saying, “When it comes to choosing employees, what employers eventually consider are the attributes of the candidates themselves. Stereotypes are inevitable in society. In the face of trivial negative comments, why not just laugh them off?” 陳博士是徹頭徹尾的傳媒人,甚至將對工作的興趣與對世界的好奇,完完全全融入生活日常。無論身處何時何地,他一樣喜歡觀察和思考身邊事物,即使未必會採取特定實質行動,仍然樂在其中。此外,平日忙於工作的他,假日盡量陪伴家人,亦因為養育孩子,而投入研究幼兒教育,更將其視為一種嗜好。「比起當老師,當父母有更多道德責任,也需要更多忍耐包容。」對陳博士而言,嗜好是痛苦與樂趣的混合,也是學習過程,必須不斷經歷,享受當中點滴。 談到未來的挑戰,陳博士認為最重要的是讓恒大學生以恒大為榮。他眼中的恒大同學毫不遜色於其他院校的學生,甚至更懂得珍惜機會。當然,恒大仍是年輕大學,要提升社會地位、爭取大眾認同,要走的路還很漫長。他希望與恒大人同行,實現翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授常常掛在嘴邊的願景 ─ 將恒大從「二次機會」變成「第一選擇」。陳博士勉勵同學:「僱主選擇僱員時,最終考慮的還是應徵者本身的素質。社會上不免有成見,對於無聊的『腐皮(負評)』,何不一笑置之?」 A snapshot of Dr Chan’s family – a birthday party. 陳博士與太太替女兒慶祝生日。 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Uncovering Infinite Possibilities with Rational Data Analytics 理性分析數據 發掘無限可能 Interview with Mr Thomas Lam 林雋楷先生專訪 BS (Hons) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (2019)cSenior Performance and Infrastructure Analyst, foodpanda 數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士(2019) foodpanda 高級業務表現與基礎建設分析師 In today’s ever-changing society, all industries and professions must process a large quantity of market data, and make sensible business forecasts and decisions by employing analytical skills in mathematics and statistics. Mr Thomas Lam began to develop an interest in mathematics and statistics when he was in secondary school, and he saw great potential in the growing trend of data science. Therefore, he decided to enrol in the BS (Hons) in Data Science and Business Intelligence Programme of Hang Seng Management College (HSMC, the predecessor of HSUHK), with a minor in business management. “Back then, there were not many degree programmes related to data science. HSMC’s programme, integrating mathematics and statistics with computer science elements, matched my interest and aspiration. So I decided to go for it.” Food and beverage delivery services boomed under the pandemic. Currently a Senior Performance and Infrastructure Analyst at foodpanda, Thomas takes the opportunity to apply his professional data analysis knowledge to help his company analyse information such as expenditure data, delivery speed and customer experience, thereby enhancing its service performance. He remarked that HSUHK’s programme, apart from teaching practical knowledge and skills related to data analytics and programming languages, also trains students’ soft skills in rational analysis, critical thinking, interpersonal communication and self-expression. Such skills are applicable and beneficial to both his professional and personal life. “Working in data analytics, we often come across new technologies or new challenges. During the entire learning process at HSUHK, I realised that there is no single right or wrong answer, particularly in this discipline. I therefore learnt to face difficulties with flexibility and positivity, to explore viable solutions through various means, and to select the most suitable options in both my work and my life.” Apart from striving for academic advancement, Thomas also actively engaged in non-academic endeavours. He often participated in youth development activities during his four years at HSUHK, and was thankful to have enjoyed a relaxed and lively learning atmosphere, which gave him much room to take part in various activities and voluntary services outside the classroom. For example, he travelled to Los Angeles, USA in 2019 for a Social Innovation Competition jointly organised by Whittier College and HSUHK’s Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership and Centre for Teaching and Learning, winning the championship title; that same year, he joined the 10th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Kuala Lumpur, where he exchanged with participants from all over the world. “To me, these were precious processes of self-understanding and self-discovery, which enabled me to know more about my own value, merits and shortcomings.” Thomas encourages HSUHK students to grasp opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities while working on their academic pursuits, so as to balance their development within and without their studies, and to explore their own interests and potential. 現代社會瞬息萬變,各行各業均須處理大量市場數據,運用數學及統計學的分析技巧,作出明智的商業預測和決策。林雋楷先生自中學起對數學和統計學產生興趣,並看好數據科學這個大趨勢的潛力,因此修讀恒生管理學院(恒管,香港恒生大學前身)的數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士,並副修工商管理課程。「當時與數據學相關的學位課程並不多,而恒大的課程融合數學和統計學,同時亦有計算機科學的元素,正合我的志趣,因此決定報讀。」 在疫情下,外送餐飲服務大行其道。現時在foodpanda任職高級業務表現與基礎建設分析師的林雋楷,正好利用數據分析方面的專業知識,協助公司分析開支數據、送遞速度、客戶體驗等資訊,藉以提升服務表現。他表示恒大課程除了教授實用的數據分析技巧、編程語言等知識,亦訓練學生的理性分析、批判思考、人際溝通和自我表達等軟技巧,無論在工作或生活應用上,都有莫大裨益。「在數據分析工作上,我們經常會接觸到新科技或未曾遇過的新難題。在恒大的整個學習過程中,我發現這個學科下尤其沒有非黑即白的單一答案,讓我學會以靈活、正面的態度面對難題,嘗試用不同的方法找尋可行選項,並選取最合適的方案,在工作和生活上皆如是。」 除了爭取學術方面的成長,林雋楷亦熱衷投入非學業方面的探求。一直參與青年發展活動的林雋楷,慶幸四年大學生活的學習氣氛輕鬆愉快,讓他有更大空間在課餘時間參與各項活動及義工服務。例如他於2019 年初遠赴美國洛杉磯,參與由惠蒂爾學院與恒大伍絜宜創新及創業中心、青年可持續發展領袖研習所以及教與學發展中心合辦的社會創新比賽,並贏得冠軍;同年亦在吉隆坡參與第十屆世界大學生領導者研討會,與來自全球各地的參與者交流。「對我而言,這些是認識和發掘自我的寶貴過程,讓我更了解自己的價值、優點和不足之處。」 林雋楷鼓勵恒大同學在追求學業的同時,亦不妨把握機會多參與課外活動,平衡課業和非學業方面的發展,發掘自己的志向和潛能。 Thomas (left) participates in various activities and competitions outside the classroom. 林雋楷(左)在課餘時間參與各項活動和比賽。 Thomas joins the 10th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Kuala Lumpur in 2019. 林雋楷2019 年在吉隆坡參與第十屆世界大學生領導者研討會。 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK Receives the Asia Excellence Brand Award 2021 恒大榮獲2021 亞洲卓越品牌大獎 HSUHK was granted the Asia Excellence Brand Award 2021 by Yazhou Zhoukan. This was the fourth year in a row for HSUHK to receive this honour. President Simon S M Ho expressed his gratitude to all sectors of the community for the recognition of and compliments on HSUHK. Adopting the unique ‘Liberal + Professional’ education model and embracing the philosophy of innovative sustainable development, HSUHK is recognised as a pioneer in responsible management among higher educational institutions in the region. HSUHK features innovative degree programmes, interactive small class teaching, a unique residential college system combining living and learning, award-winning green campus facilities, and RGC-funded impactful research, aiming to nurture more responsible future leaders, and to build the unique brand of HSUHK. President Ho hoped that HSUHK would actively promote a human caring attitude and a spirit of sustainable development in society, thereby exerting influence on and making more contributions to the world. 恒大榮獲《亞洲週刊》頒發「2021 亞洲卓越品牌大獎」,連續第四年獲得此項殊榮。何順文校長感謝社會各界對恒大的認同及嘉許。 恒大採用獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式,並貫徹創新的可持續發展理念,為區內最積極推動「負責任管理」的高校之一。恒大透過創新學位課程、互動小班教學、結合生活與學習的住宿式書院制度、獲獎綠化可持續校園以及具影響力研究等,致力培育更多負責任未來領袖,建立恒大獨特的品牌。何校長期望恒大在社會積極推廣人文關懷及可持續發展的精神,發揮影響力,為世界作出更多貢獻。 President Simon Ho expresses his gratitude for the support for HSUHK from different sectors. 何順文校長感謝社會各界對恒大的支持。 ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ Won the Silver Award in 2022 CASE Circle of Excellence Awards 恒大「紛FunD 跑」自行跑榮獲2022 年教育資源拓展協會 Circle of Excellence Awards 銀獎 HSUHK’s social engagement cum sports event ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ won a Silver Award under the ‘Special Events/Online Fundraisers’ category of the 2022 Circle of Excellence Awards of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). HSUHK was the only university in Hong Kong and the only private local university among CASE members to receive this international award in 2022. This year, CASE received more than 4,500 entries from 636 institutions in nearly 30 countries. ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ featured a kick-off ceremony cum a treadmill team relay competition on 18 December 2021 and a virtual run period up to 2 January 2022, attracting over 670 participants comprising members of the public, corporate organisation representatives, alumni, staff members and students, members of non-profit organisations, and secondary school students. It aimed to, among other things, unite all sectors of society through sports to build an inclusive city; instill positive energy in the younger generation and promote a healthy lifestyle; and raise funds for HSUHK’s campus expansion project and long-term strategic development. The judges commended HSUHK for designing a unique and creative event that complied with social distancing requirements despite the difficulties brought by the pandemic. The original idea of adopting an interactive virtual run format was ingenious, bringing together stakeholders from various sectors in this first-of-itskind event. The CASE Circle of Excellence Awards is a premier recognition programme for educational advancement. These peer-selected and adjudicated awards honour institutions worldwide whose talented staff have advanced their organisations through planning and implementing excellent programmes with their resourcefulness and ingenuity. 融合運動與社區參與的恒大「紛 FunD 跑」自行跑,榮獲教育資源拓展協會(CASE)2022 年 Circle of Excellence Awards 特別活動 / 網上籌款類別銀獎。恒大是2022 年度唯一本港大學學府,兼 CASE 成員機構中唯一本地私立大學榮獲此國際殊榮。2022 年 Circle of Excellence Awards 共收到超過4,500 份來自近30 個國家的636 所高等院校的參賽申請。 恒大「紛 FunD 跑」自行跑於2021 年12 月18 日以起步禮暨跑步機接力邀請賽揭開序幕,至2022 年1 月2 日圓滿結束,吸引逾670人參與,包括市民、企業機構代表、非牟利團體成員、校友、師生及中學生。活動有多重目的,包括透過運動凝聚社會各界,建構共融城市;向年輕人注入正能量,推廣健康生活方式;以及為恒大的校園擴建計劃及長遠策略發展籌集經費等。 CASE 評審團讚揚恒大在疫情下排除萬難,運用創意設計出別具特色並符合社交距離措施的活動,破格以自行跑的網上互動形式凝聚各界持份者攜手參與,獨創先河。 CASE Circle of Excellence Awards 乃表揚卓越教育發展的嘉許計劃。各獎項經由同業評審遴選,以表彰世界各地院校的菁英員工精心策劃並推行優秀項目,推動其所屬機構更上層樓。 Guests officiating at the ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ kick-off ceremony on 18 December 2021. 主禮嘉賓主持於2021 年12 月18 日舉行的恒大「紛 FunD 跑」起步禮儀式。 HSUHK Senior Management Retreat 2022 – Corporate Branding and GBA Opportunities 恒大管理團隊集思會 2022 -「大學品牌及大灣區機遇」 With the objectives to review and enhance the branding and public recognition of HSUHK, and to explore the opportunities and brainstorm strategies for the University’s development in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), the HSUHK Senior Management Retreat 2022 was held on 24 June 2022. A total of over 30 senior staff members, including Members of the Senior Management Committee, Associate Deans, and other Heads of Administrative and Academic Support Offices, joined the event. In addition to getting better acquainted with one another across offices, participants engaged in group discussions and contributed viable ideas on the actionable items for the future development of the University. 為審視及提升恒大的品牌與公眾形象,以及探討大學於大灣區的發展機遇與策略,管理團隊集思會於2022 年 6 月 24 日舉行,並得到30 多位高層教職員,包括管理委員會成員、學院副院長,以及其他行政及學術支援部門主管的支持及參與。來自不同部門的參加者透過此活動加深彼此的聯繫,亦透過小組討論,就大學未來的發展工作提出實際而可行的建議。 Over 30 senior staff members join the Senior Management Retreat. 超過30 位高級職員參與管理團隊集思會。 Participants exchange ideas and formulate actionable strategies on the theme ‘Corporate Branding and GBA Opportunities’. 參加者就「大學品牌及大灣區機遇」主題交流意見及制訂執行策略。 President Simon S M Ho, Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research) Professor YV Hui, and Vice-President (Organisational Development) Dr Tom Fong share the University’s strategic developments and their views on the theme of the Retreat. 何順文校長、常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授,以及副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士分享大學的發展策略,以及就集思會主題發表意見。 Participants give presentations and raise questions during the Group Reporting and Sharing session. 參加者於小組彙報環節演述並提問。 President Ho Speaks on the Social Responsibility of Business Leaders at the Humanistic Buddhism Application in Life Studies Webinar 何校長於人間佛教生命應用講座主講企業領袖之社會責任 On 29 May 2022, President Simon S M Ho presented on the topic ‘Reflections on the Social Responsibility and Caring of Business Leaders Amid the Pandemic’ at the ‘Humanistic Buddhism Application in Life Studies’ webinar series. During the webinar, President Ho discussed the dilemma that capitalists are currently confronting under the MSV (Maximisation of Shareholder Value) mode, explained corporate governance models and stakeholder models, and advocated the reformation of value for stakeholders and the pursuit of a greener economy and society. Over 2,800 participants attended the webinar via livestreaming channels. The ‘Humanistic Buddhism Application in Life Studies’ webinar series is jointly organised by the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism of HSUHK and Fo Guang Vihara Hong Kong. A total of 15 webinars were held from 27 March to 17 July 2022. 何順文校長於2022 年5 月29 日擔任「人間佛教生命應用」系列網上講座的主講嘉賓,以「疫情中,反思企業領袖之社會責任與關懷」為題作出分享。 講座中,何校長探討當今「股東價值最大化」模式下資本家面對的困境,闡釋公司管理模式和利益相關者模式,並提倡針對利益相關者價值的變革和對綠色經濟社會的追求。超過2,800 名觀眾透過網上直播參與是次講座。 「人間佛教生命應用」系列講座由恒大人間佛教應用研習中心與香港佛光道場共同合辦。一共15 場系列講座已於2022 年3 月27 日至7 月17 日期間舉行。 President Simon Ho speaks on the social responsibility of business leaders at the webinar. 何順文校長在講座中分享企業領袖的社會責任與關懷。 President Ho Serves as Guest of Honour at CFCCHSS and GCCITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School Graduation Ceremonies 何校長擔任明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學和東莞工商總會劉百樂中學畢業典禮主禮嘉賓 On 21 May 2022 and 28 May 2022, President Simon S M Ho served as the guest of honour at the graduation ceremonies of Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School (CFCCHSS) and GCCITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School respectively. On both occasions, President Ho delivered speeches and presented the graduates with certificates and awards. He commended the many achievements of CFCCHSS in promoting STEAM education and the application of artificial intelligence (AI), and praised GCCITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School for its all-round education with extensive experiential learning activities. In the era of AI and big data analytics, President Ho reminded the graduates that when pursuing their future dreams and goals, they should not be led and controlled by technologies. “Technologies should be used for assisting human beings with a human-caring approach. When making choices and decisions, it would not be wise to just follow what AI machines recommend us to do. Instead, we should always learn and reflect on our own value system, interests and strengths, so as to exercise critical judgement and seek continuous improvement.” 何順文校長於2022 年5 月21 日及2022 年5 月28 日,分別為明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學以及東莞工商總會劉百樂中學擔任畢業典禮主禮嘉賓。何校長在兩個典禮上致辭,並為畢業生授憑及頒獎。何校長對明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學在推動STEAM教育和人工智能應用方面取得的多項成就表示讚賞,亦讚揚東莞工商總會劉百樂中學的全方位教育及廣泛體驗式學習活動。在人工智能和大數據分析時代,何校長提醒畢業生在追求未來夢想和目標的過程中,不應被科技牽引和控制。「科技應以關愛人類的方式運用,藉以輔助人類。當作出選擇和決定時,僅遵循人工智能機器的建議並不明智。相反,我們應時刻學習和反思自己的價值觀、興趣和優勢,從而作出理性明智判斷,不斷追求進步。」 President Simon Ho presents the CFCCHSS graduates with certificates and awards. 何順文校長為明愛粉嶺陳震夏中學畢業生授憑及頒獎。 President Simon Ho delivers a speech at GCCITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School’s Graduation Ceremony. 何順文校長在東莞工商總會劉百樂中學畢業典禮上致辭。 International Conference on ‘Games and Gaming Across Cultures’ 「跨文化的遊戲與競技」國際學術研討會 On 25 June 2022, President Simon S M Ho delivered an opening speech at the online international conference entitled ‘Games and Gaming Across Cultures’. The Conference was hosted by the Jinghengyi School of Education and the CIPSH Chair Collaborative Office of Hangzhou Normal University, and organised in collaboration with the Global Humanities Initiative (GHI) of HSUHK, the College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University, the Introduction to Early Childhood Education of Renmin University of China, and the Asian New Humanities Net. More than 20 scholars from all over the world presented on and explored ‘Games and Gaming Across Cultures’ from different perspectives, including economics, philosophy, history, media and cultural studies, and early childhood education. The Conference facilitated exchanges and discussions that examined the gaming phenomenon and the developments that might shape the future society. 何順文校長於2022 年6 月25 日在網上舉行的「跨文化的遊戲與競技」國際學術研討會上致開幕辭。研討會由杭州師範大學經亨頤教育學院以及國際哲學與人文科學理事會教席合作辦公室主辦,並由恒大環球人文學先導計劃、浙江大學傳媒與國際文化學院、中國人民大學《幼兒教育導讀》雜誌社,以及亞洲新人文聯網支持協辦。 研討會邀請了20 多位來自世界各地的學者發表演講,從經濟學、哲學、歷史、媒體與文化研究、幼兒教育等不同角度,探討有關「跨文化遊戲與競技」的議題。會議促進各界的討論交流,共同探索或將塑造未來社會的遊戲現象和發展趨勢。 President Simon Ho (middle, 2nd row) delivers his opening remarks at the Conference. 何順文校長(第二排中間)在研討會上致開幕辭。 President Ho Hosts the ‘P Tour’ Series 何校長主持「校長帶你遊校園」系列短片 To introduce HSUHK to the wider public, the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office has produced a series of ‘P Tour’ videos, in which President Simon S M Ho hosts virtual tours of the campus and shares with the audience the unique facilities and histories of the main buildings, thereby enabling our audience to learn more about the University’s development. Over the past four decades, HSUHK has grown stronger and stronger since the Hang Seng School of Commerce and Hang Seng Management College eras. Aspiring to be a leading non-profit private liberal-arts-oriented university in the region, HSUHK is calling for society to provide support and donations, and to join hands with us in nurturing young talents with critical thinking, innovative minds, caring attitudes and social responsibility. 為加深外界對恒大的認識,發展及校友事務處特別製作「校長帶你遊校園」系列短片,由何順文校長親自帶領觀眾遊覽恒大校園,介紹各幢主要大樓的歷史與特色設施,讓觀眾了解大學的發展。 恒大由前身的恒生商學書院、恒生管理學院,經過四十多年與時並進,不斷壯大成長,矢志成為區內具領導地位的非牟利博雅型私立大學,因此更需要社會各界人士的支持及捐助,以培育年輕人成為具明辨思維、創新力量、人文關懷和社會責任的人才。 Please scan the QR code to view the ‘P Tour’Series. 請掃描二維碼觀看「校長帶你遊校園」系列短片。 Professor Bradley Barnes Ranked 46th Top Management Scientist in China 李海東教授名列中國頂尖管理學者第46 位 Professor Bradley R Barnes, Dean of the School of Business, is ranked as the 46th top business and management scientist in China in the latest ranking released by the international academic ranking website He is ranked 35th among business management scholars in Hong Kong. is one of the major websites for business and management research, offering credible data on scientific contributions since 2014. The top scholars selected are ranked with reference to the H-index, a measurement of the productivity and citation impact of scholars’ publications, and other bibliometric indicators. 商學院院長李海東教授,於國際學術評級網站 最新公布的全中國頂尖商業與管理科學家排名榜中名列第46 位,在香港商管學者中排名第35 位。 為主要商業與管理研究網站之一,自2014 年起提供可靠科學貢獻數據。是次排名參照學術產出數量與水平指標 H-index 及其他文獻計量指標,評選優秀學者。 Professor Bradley R Barnes, Dean of the School of Business. 商學院院長李海東教授。 Announcement of the 11th HSUHK Junzi Corporation Award and Hong Kong Business Ethics Index 第十一屆恒大「君子企業獎」暨「恒大香港商業道德指數」公布 The School of Business (SBUS) of HSUHK proudly hosted the 11th Junzi Corporation Award Presentation Ceremony on campus on 28 June 2022. Following the welcome speech by President Simon S M Ho, the Ceremony presented awards to prominent businesses from different industries that met business ethical standards and possessed the five Confucian virtues, namely Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Trustworthiness. Through commending such businesses, the Award encourages enterprises to uphold the spirit of Junzi, an ideal of human excellence, in their practices. Recipients of the awards, selected through an annual survey, included Hang Seng Bank Limited, Japan Home Centre (Hong Kong) Limited, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas), i-CABLE Communications Limited, Sa Sa International Holdings Limited, Oriental Watch Company Limited, RSM Hong Kong, and China Overseas Land and Investment Limited, among others. Based on the survey results, the HSUHK Hong Kong Business Ethics Index was compiled to reflect the public’s perception of the overall ethical level of the business community. Recording an increase this year, the Index showed that citizens’ perception of the business ethics level in Hong Kong had improved despite the pandemic. In addition to the Award Presentation Ceremony, SBUS took the opportunity to host a Business Leaders Forum on the theme ‘How Should Hong Kong Businesses Thrive amid Pandemics?’. Mr Ellis Cheng, Chief Financial Officer of Kerry Logistics Network Limited, was invited to share practical examples on data security and staff welfare practices that can reap long-term rewards for businesses. He also emphasised that enterprises must continuously innovate amid and after the pandemic to cope with the dynamic global business environment. 恒大商學院於 2022 年 6 月 28 日於校園舉辦第十一屆「君子企業獎」頒獎典禮。何順文校長於典禮上致辭,大會隨後頒發各獎項,表揚來自不同行業的傑出企業符合商業道德價值,並具備儒家五德「仁、義、禮、智、信」,藉以鼓勵企業實踐代表人文典範的君子精神。經由年度調查選出的獲獎企業包括恒生銀行有限公司、日本城(香港)有限公司、香港中華煤氣有限公司、有線寬頻通訊有限公司、莎莎國際控股有限公司、東方表行有限公司、羅申美會計師事務所,以及中國海外發展有限公司等。 根據調查結果編制的「恒大香港商業道德指數」,反映大眾對商界整體道德水平的觀感。指數今年錄得升幅,顯示在疫情下,市民對香港商業道德水平的評價仍有所提升。 除頒獎典禮外,商學院亦舉辦題為「香港企業應如何在疫情中展現生機?」的專題研討會,邀得嘉里物流聯網有限公司首席財務主管鄭志偉先生擔任講者,以實例分享在數據安全和員工福利方面,能為公司帶來長遠得益的做法。同時,他強調企業必須在疫情中和疫情後不斷創新,以適應全球動態商業環境。 Representatives of awardees and guests take a group photo. 得獎企業代表與各位嘉賓合照。 President Simon Ho and representatives of the awardees of the Junzi Corporation Exemplary Award, including Ms Judy Chan, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) (left); Ms May Wong, Hang Seng Bank Limited (middle); and Ms Kathryn Ho, Japan Home Centre (Hong Kong) Limited (right). 何順文校長與「君子企業典範獎」得獎企業代表,包括香港中華煤氣有限公司陳嘉寶女士(左)、恒生銀行有限公司王美琪女士(中)和日本城(香港)有限公司何家欣女士(右)。 Mr Ellis Cheng discusses ‘How Should Hong Kong Businesses Thrive amid Pandemics?’ with Professor Jeanne Fu, Head of the Department of Management. 鄭志偉先生與管理學系系主任符可瑩教授討論「香港企業應如何在疫情中展現生機」。 The 4th Finance Summit cum 1st ESG Recognition Award Ceremony by Master Insight 灼見名家第四屆財經峰會暨首屆 ESG 大獎頒獎典禮 The 4th Finance Summit cum 1st ESG Recognition Award Ceremony was held on 17 June 2022 at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. The event was organised by Master Insight Media Limited and co-organised by the HSUHK Research Centre for ESG. Carefully selected business leaders and companies were awarded for their outstanding performance in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). President Simon S M Ho spoke and presented awards at the event; and Dr S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance Professor Louis Cheng served as the Chairman of the judging panel. The Award adopted ‘i-score’, a new ESG performance standard developed by Professor Cheng and his research team, to evaluate awardees. In his speech, President Simon Ho pointed out that as an academic institution with a focus on responsible management, HSUHK is dedicated to promoting work in related areas, including business ethics, stakeholder value, sustainable development, and ESG reporting. The University hoped that through developing the ESG Recognition Award assessment criteria, it can raise the standard of ESG in Hong Kong together with other organisations in society. 由灼見名家傳媒有限公司主辦,恒大 ESG 研究中心協辦的第四屆財經峰會暨首屆ESG大獎頒獎典禮於2022 年6 月17 日假香港君悅酒店舉行,嘉許經嚴謹遴選的商界領袖及企業在 ESG(環境、社會和管治)領域的傑出成就。何順文校長在典禮上演講及 頒獎;而何善衡博士銀行及金融學教授鄭子云博士則擔任評審委員會主席。大會採用了鄭教授及其研究團隊研發的 ESG 新指標「i-score」作為評審標準。 何順文校長指出,恒大作為重點關注「負責任管理」的學術機構,致力從事不同相關範疇的工作,包括推廣商業道德、持份者價值、可持續發展和 ESG 報告等,並期望透過設計 ESG 大獎評審標準,與社會各機構攜手提升香港的 ESG 水平。 President Simon Ho delivers a speech at the Ceremony. 何順文校長於頒獎禮上致辭。 The event is co-organised by the HSUHK Research Centre for ESG. 活動由恒大 ESG 研究中心協辦。 HSUHK Programme Consultation Day 2022 Concluded Successfully 2022年恒大課程諮詢日圓滿結束 The HSUHK Programme Consultation Day was successfully held on 18 June 2022. The University organised over 30 sessions of interactive talks and workshops covering admission information and programme introduction, as well as thematic talks and workshops, some of which were broadcast live online, to enhance participants’ understanding of HSUHK and its programmes from different perspectives. At the programme exhibition, prospective students and their parents were also given the opportunity to communicate directly with representatives of the various programmes. Campus tours were also staged to showcase the University’s state-of-the-art professional teaching facilities and supportive learning environment, and to let participants have a taste of the vibrant campus life. Some students even applied for admission to the programmes and completed the assessment on the spot after gaining a better understanding of HSUHK. 恒大課程諮詢日已於2022 年6 月18 日順利舉行。校方當日舉辦了超過30 場互動講座及工作坊,包括入學講座、課程簡介、專題講座及工作坊等,部分設有網上直播,讓參加者從多角度了解恒大及其課程。諮詢日亦設有課程展覽,不少有興趣報讀或已報讀恒大課程的學生及其家長均親臨恒大,與課程代表直接交流。 此外,參加者亦透過校園導賞活動,一睹恒大新穎而專業的教學設施及積極的學習環境,感受充滿活力的大學生活。部分同學在進一步認識恒大後,更即時報讀課程及參加面試。 Participants learn about course details from the faculty members at the Programme Consultation sessions. 參加者在課程諮詢環節向教學人員了解課程詳情。 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 Whose Cheese Has Not Been Moved! 誰的乳酪還沒搬走! Dr Victor Lau 劉柏能博士 Associate Professor of the Department of Management 管理學系副教授 In his best-selling book Who Moved My Cheese?, Spencer Johnson told an inspiring story. Once upon a time, there lived two little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese. When noticing a sharp decrease in the cheese supply, one complained, “Who moved my cheese?”, but did nothing, while the other stepped out of his comfort zone, adapted to change, and enjoyed new cheese. The story can characterise expatriates who reside in a foreign country and are adapting to a new culture – successful expatriates adapt to a cultural change, assimilate into an alien environment, and enjoy new lives abroad, whereas not-so-successful expatriates might just complain without doing anything. With the acceleration of globalisation, however, the story changes. Adapting to an alien culture does not only apply to expatriates, but also to local employees who are compelled to adapt to an altered environment in their home countries, where what was once familiar has now become unfamiliar. They become ‘expatriates’ at home and might be even less mentally prepared for a new culture. Instead of asking, “Who moved my cheese?”, they might lament with a sigh, “Whose cheese has not been moved!” With this picture in mind, we recently published two papers in the Academy of Management Review (Lau & Shaffer, 2021, 2022). Just as expatriates may experience culture shock in a new culture, local employees may also suffer from acculturation stress arising from radical changes in the workplace. We adopted John Berry’s framework and postulate that local employees may use four different adaptation approaches in response to acculturation stress. ‘Integration’ means they manage to maintain their original culture in the new cultural context, and they also interact with co-workers with diverse cultural backgrounds; ‘Assimilation’ means they become absorbed into a new culture at the expense of their original culture, and they also seek intercultural interactions; ‘Separation’ means they insist on holding onto their original culture only, and they are also reluctant to interact with co-workers with different cultures; ‘Marginalisation’ means they neither uphold their original culture nor seek intercultural interactions in the workplace. We further propose that which adaptation approaches local employees can use depend on what resources they possess. Drawing on Stevan Hobfoll’s conservation of resources theory, we identify four types of resources. ‘Social dominance’ refers to local employees’ social roles and power; ‘Ethnocentric orientation’ refers to their personal beliefs of the importance of their own local culture; ‘Social capital’ refers to their beneficial relationships in the workplace; ‘Absorptive capacity’ refers to their ability to take in diverse knowledge. We posit that local employees who possess these resources can resist acculturation stress better. Moreover, different combinations of these resources that they own can also influence what adaptation approaches they can use in response to acculturation stress. For details, please refer to the two papers listed below. Our theory helps enlighten local employees, organisations, and public policymakers. First, along with the rise of transnational connectedness, a butterfly effect (i.e. a small change somewhere may result in tremendous reverberations all over the world) can bring about widespread acculturation and adaptation problems. Individual local employees should be fully alert and mentally prepared that undergoing acculturation stress and adapting to an ever-changing work environment have become a new normal. They should understand that whether they can merge into the once familiar but now unfamiliar local workplace relies heavily on what resources they hold. They should gain and avoid losing relevant resources to get accustomed to or even enjoy a cultural change. Second, from an organisational perspective, employees’ integration and assimilation approaches certainly represent more favourable outcomes. However, more sophisticated scrutiny and support should be given to those who are separated and marginalised. Organisations are obligated to equip their employees with adequate resources (e.g. absorptive capacity) to absorb them into the workplace. Third, we view globalisation as externalities, a concept developed by Cecil Pigou, referring to indirect benefits (e.g. infrastructure) and costs (e.g. pollution) of economic activities experienced by uninvolved third parties. Similarly, globalisation creates not only opportunities (e.g. economic growth) but also vulnerabilities (e.g. ideological impact and acculturation stress) experienced by local employees. As such, while public policy makers strive to capitalise on the opportunities arising from globalisation, they should also evaluate deliberately the vulnerabilities (e.g. physiological impairment, psychological distress, and cultural alienation stemming from acculturation stress) that may be imposed on local employees so as to foster a more vigorous, humanistic, and sustainable society. 在《誰搬走了我的乳酪》中,強森講的故事發人深省:從前有兩個小精靈,每天穿越迷宮尋覓乳酪。有天發覺乳酪銳減,一個抱怨「誰搬走了我的乳酪?」但甚麼也沒做;另一個則離開舒適區、適應變化,最終享受新乳酪。這故事也描繪旅居者的境況:成功者適應文化轉變、融入陌生環境、享受國外生活;失敗者抱怨而躺平。隨著全球化加速,故事改寫了!文化適應已不限於旅居者,本地員工也難倖免,成了本地的「旅居者」,熟悉的都變成陌生,不是問「誰搬走了我的乳酪?」而是慨嘆「誰的乳酪還沒搬走!」 有見及此,我們在《美國管理學會評論》發表兩篇論文(見文末),採用貝利的框架,提出文化適應方法離不開四種:「整合」讓本身文化和新文化兼容互動;「同化」犧牲本身文化而融入新文化;「分離」堅持本身文化而拒絕互動;「邊緣化」犧牲本身文化也拒絕互動。我們再建基於霍布福爾的資源節約理論,確認四種資源:「社會優勢」指層級權力;「民族優越」指族群自信;「社會資本」指人際網絡;「吸收能耐」指知識吸收能力。本地員工必須擁有這些資源,才能抗衡文化壓力;可用哪種文化適應方法,卻取決於不同的資源組合。 這理論可啟發員工、組織,以及公共政策制定者。首先,全球化的加速帶來廣泛的文化壓力,並成為新常態,本地員工必須做好心理準備以適應文化轉變,成敗取決於他們的資源組合。其次,對組織來說,員工最好能以整合或同化應對轉變,但組織卻必須瞭解和支持以分離和邊緣化應對的員工,並增強他們的資源。 最後,全球化不僅創造機會(如經濟增長),也帶來傷害(如意識形態衝擊),因此公共政策制定者利用全球化創造機會的同時,也應評估它對本地員工的傷害(如生理病損、心理困擾、文化疏離),以建設更有活力、更人性化、更能持續發展的社會。 引用文獻 References Lau, V. P., & Shaffer, M. A. 2021. A typological theory of domestic employees’ acculturation stress and adaptation in the context of globalisation. Academy of Management Review. Published online ahead of print. Lau, V. P., & Shaffer, M. A. 2022. Cultural purity as in utopias, (de) globalisation as externalities, and typologies as parsimonious models of domestic employees’ acculturation stress and adaptation responses. Academy of Management Review. Published online ahead of print. Dr Lau (2nd from right, back row) and students of the Management Department experience the local culture on a study tour to Korea. 劉博士(後排右二)與管理學系學生到韓國遊學,體驗當地文化。 Campus Express 校園快訊 Residential Colleges 2021/22 Year-end Celebration 住宿書院2021/22 年度慶祝活動 A Year-end Celebration of the Residential Colleges (RCs) was organised on 31 May 2022 by the Student Affairs Office. Over 40 members of the RCs participated in the event, during which students and colleagues who had contributed to the RCs in the past year gathered to review and celebrate their accomplishments. One of the highlights of the event was the prize presentation of the Council Chairman Bowl 2021/22. President Simon S M Ho presented the Council Chairman Bowl to the two-time Champion Patrick S C Poon Amity College. The College thanked the students for their commitment and effort in the tournament, and wished that they could be the champion for the third time in a row next year. During the event, students participating in the RCs’ educational programmes ‘ECF Promoting Sustainability in Siu Lek Yuen’ and ‘HSUHK Life Moving’ also shared their learning from the year-long programmes and their feelings towards the RCs. Ms Layla Yu, resident of the Patrick S C Poon Amity College and participant of ‘HSUHK Life Moving’, highlighted her family-like bonding with the RC staff. During the fifth wave of the pandemic, she stayed in the RCs and collected items left behind by her peers who were moving out and regifted them to the cleaning staff of the RCs. Layla’s initiative warmed the hearts of the cleaning staff, who in return gave her a pleasant surprise. “The moment they handed me a red packet, I felt like celebrating Chinese New Year with my family at home.” Student leaders of ‘ECF Promoting Sustainability in Siu Lek Yuen’ Mr Horace Wong, Mr Jacky Wong and Ms Maggie Pun also showcased the virtual tour they designed. Scheduled to launch in Summer 2022, the online tour aims to introduce to the public the biodiversity in Siu Lek Yuen and the features of the HSUHK RCs through an interactive journey. S H Ho Wellness College’s Baking Team expressed their appreciation to the faculty and staff of the RCs by baking cookies. The team spent evening after evening baking and packing 60 pretty boxes of scrumptious delights for members of the RCs. Advisor of the Baking Team and Associate Master of S H Ho Wellness College Ms Maggie Wong hoped to cultivate a culture of care in the RCs through this heartwarming activity. 學生事務處於2022 年5 月31 日舉辦了「住宿書院年度慶祝活動」,邀得超過40 名住宿書院成員出席。過去一年為住宿書院作出貢獻的學生和職員聚首一堂,回顧並慶祝豐碩成果。 活動重點環節之一為校委會主席碗2021/22 頒獎典禮,由何順文校長將校委會主席碗交到蟬聯兩屆冠軍的潘燊昌樂群書院手上。樂群書院感激同學們在比賽中的付出和努力,並寄望下個宿年能成為三連霸。 在活動上,住宿書院教育計劃「環保基金 永續.小瀝源」和「恒大生命號」的參加者亦分享一年來的學習成果,以及他們對住宿書院的感受。當中,「恒大生命號」參加者兼潘燊昌樂群書院宿生余柳婷同學,分享了她與住宿書院職員如家人般的深厚情誼。在第五波疫情期間,繼續留在住宿書院的余同學,將部分回家宿生的剩餘物資,轉贈給住宿書院的清潔員工。她的舉動令清潔員工深受感動,更為她回報一份驚喜。「當他們送我利是的一刻,我好像回到家中與家人過年一樣。」 「環保基金 永續.小瀝源」的學生領袖黃溢軒同學、王駿杰同學及潘可欣同學亦展示他們設計的虛擬導覽。此導覽預計於2022 年夏季推出,旨在通過互動之旅向公眾介紹小瀝源的生物多樣性,以及恒大住宿書院的特色。 至於善衡康活書院的同學,則透過烘焙曲奇餅來向住宿書院的教職員表達謝意。同學們連夜趕工,製作60 盒包裝精美又可口的曲奇餅給書院成員。烘焙小組的顧問兼善衡康活書院副院長王美琪女士表示,希望透過此滿載暖意的活動,建立住宿書院的關愛文化。 President Simon Ho presents the Council Chairman Bowl to the two-time Champion Patrick S C Poon Amity College. 何順文校長將校委會主席碗頒予兩屆冠軍潘燊昌樂群書院。 Student leaders of ‘ECF Promoting Sustainability in Siu Lek Yuen’ showcase the virtual tour they designed. 「環保基金 永續.小瀝源」的學生領袖展示他們設計的虛擬導覽。 S H Ho Wellness College’s Baking Team prepare 60 boxes of cookies as tokens of thanks to the faculty and staff of the RCs. 善衡康活書院的同學準備了60 盒曲奇餅,答謝住宿書院的教職員。 Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series: Elderly Services 2.0: Reshape and Innovate 「領袖開LIVE」系列:安老服務2.0 -重塑與創新 The fifth episode of the Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office was held on 27 May 2022. Ms Stephanie Law, Managing Director of Culture Homes and Forward Living, was invited to be the distinguished speaker, with Vice-President (Organisational Development) Dr Tom Fong as the moderator. During the live chatroom, as a specialist in the elderly care industry, Ms Law shared her views on eldercare services and how she brought new ideas and innovations to the industry in Hong Kong. She also discussed the management direction of Culture Homes and Forward Living and the special features of its services, including sustainability values and talent orientation. By emphasising gerontechnology and respect for the elderly, Ms Law hoped that the major difficulties in elderly care in today’s Hong Kong could be alleviated. On how society should regard elderly care services after the pandemic, Ms Law stressed the importance of raising the younger generation’s awareness of the concept of elderly services. The live chatroom was well received, attracting the attendance of almost 300 alumni, students, staff members and business executives from partner organisations. Before the event, Ms Law met with President Simon S M Ho, Dr Tom Fong, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science Professor Kwok-kan Tam, and Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs Ms Elisa Chan to learn more about the accomplishments and latest developments of HSUHK. Alexander Law, the founder of Culture Homes and Adjunct Professor of the Department of Art and Design (AAD), also joined the visit with Mrs Law. A short campus tour was arranged for the Law family to appreciate the Foundation Wall and the Hong Kong Notes and Coins Gallery. Guided by Professor Desmond Hui, Head of the AAD Department, the Laws also visited Professor Alexander Law’s painting exhibition ‘Mnemonic’. 由發展及校友事務處舉辦的「領袖開Live」系列第五輯於2022 年5 月27 日舉行,邀得文化村及迎進生活董事總經理羅凱寧女士作主講嘉賓,並由副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士擔任主持。 在活動上,作為安老行業專家的羅女士分享對安老服務的個人看法,以及如何將創新概念引入香港安老行業,亦談及文化村和迎進生活的營運方針與服務特色,包括可持續發展價值和以人為本的理念。羅女士希望透過樂齡科技和尊重長輩,使香港目前面臨的安老服務問題得以改善。對於疫情後香港社會應如何看待安老服務,羅女士強調香港須加強年輕一輩對安老服務的概念。是次活動反應熱烈,吸引約300 名校友、學生、教職員及夥伴機構的行政人員報名參與。 而在活動前,羅女士與何順文校長、方永豪博士、人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授,以及發展及校友事務總監陳雯慧女士會面,了解恒大的最新發展及成就。文化村創辦人兼藝術設計系客席教授羅守弘與其夫人亦隨同到訪。羅氏伉儷一同參觀校園,觀賞恒大基金會員芳名榜及香港錢幣展覽廊,並在藝術設計系系主任許焯權教授引領下,親身觀賞羅教授的畫展「念」。 Ms Stephanie Law, the speaker, and Dr Tom Fong, the moderator. 主講嘉賓羅凱寧女士與主持方永豪博士。 (From left) Dr Tom Fong, Mrs Law, Professor Alexander Law, President Simon Ho, Ms Stephanie Law and Professor Kwok-kan Tam. (左起)方永豪博士、羅守弘教授伉儷、何順文校長、羅凱寧女士和譚國根教授。 (From left) Professor Desmond Hui, Professor Alexander Law, Mrs Law, Ms Stephanie Law and Professor Kwok-kan Tam (2nd from right). (左起)許焯權教授、羅守弘教授伉儷、羅凱寧女士;譚國根教授(右二)。 TEDxHSUHK 2022: Our Times TEDxHSUHK 2022:我們的時代 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. The classic line in A Tale of Two Cities by British author Charles Dickens perfectly denotes the theme of TEDxHSUHK 2022: Our Times. TEDxHSUHK 2022, organised by the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) with the support of the Institute of Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL), was successfully held on 2 June 2022. TEDxHSUHK brought together a stellar line-up of nine speakers whose voices and personal experiences are symbolic of our times, representing various fields including popular philosophy, band music, radio, television, online video production, movies, and artist management. A full house of over 200 HSUHK students and staff members onsite, alongside nearly 15,000 local and overseas viewers online, were led through the speakers’ wonderful personal journeys of turning their ‘worst of times’ into their ‘best of times’. Through seven moving stories, each recounted in a unique 18-minute TEDx presentation throughout the four-hour show, the speakers and the participants shaped our ‘times’ together. Apart from the speakers’ valuable sharing, the performances staged exclusively for TEDxHSUHK by the Dance Society and the Band Society of HSUHK also wowed the global audience with the University’s talented students. TEDxHSUHK 2022 could not have reached new heights without our league of student volunteers engineering this event in different areas: guest invitation, master of ceremonies, multimedia production, promotion, souvenir design, and stage and site management. Their dedicated and attentive efforts brought unprecedented publicity to TEDxHSUHK. 「這是最好的時代,也是最壞的時代。」英國作家查爾斯.狄更斯著作《雙城記》的經典名句,完美點出 TEDxHSUHK 2022 的主題 - 我們的時代。 由教與學發展中心主辦、青年可持續發展領袖研習所全力支持的 TEDxHSUHK 2022 於2022年6 月2 日順利舉行。TEDxHSUHK 邀請了九位來自不同領域重量級的講者,帶領觀眾走進普及哲學、樂隊音樂、電台、電視、網上影片製作、電影及藝人管理的領域。在歷時四小時的活動中,講者以代表這個時代的聲音與歷練,透過每段18 分鐘的TEDx 獨特演說,道出七個觸動心靈的故事,從他們個人精彩經歷和高低起落出發,與超過200 名恒大師生、職員,以及超過15,000 名本地和海外網上觀眾,一同創造屬於我們的時代。 除了講者的寶貴分享,恒大跳舞學會和樂隊學會特別為TEDxHSUHK 呈獻的精彩表演,亦同樣贏得全場掌聲。 TEDxHSUHK 2022 空前成功,全靠一眾義務幫忙的同學,從邀請講者、擔任司儀,到多媒體製作、宣傳、紀念品製作、舞台和場地管理,凡事細心周到,全力以赴,為 TEDxHSUHK 帶來前所未有的知名度。 The crew of TEDxHSUHK 2022 takes a group photo with the nine speakers and HSUHK’s Senior Management. TEDxHSUHK 2022 全體工作人員與九位講者以及恒大管理層大合照。 TEDxHSUHK 2022 is well-received by a full house of audience comprising HSUHK teachers and students. TEDxHSUHK 2022 得到恒大師生鼎力支持。 6@Rubberband Rubberband主音6 號 Ms Wai-kwun Wong 黃慧君女士(花姐) Mr Adam Wong, Director 黃修平導演 Ah Jeng, Radio DJ 電台主持阿正 Ms Heiward Mak, Director 麥曦茵導演 Mr Ling Ko and Mr Yan-fu Ching from Pomato 小薯茄成員高 Ling 和程人富 Mr Chun-yin Yeung and Mr Ho-chuen Kwan from Corrupt the Youth 好青年荼毒室白水和鹽叔 Photo credit: 照片提供: Myma Hau-ying Lam ABM Farabi Shaomin Dibyu IFSPA 2022 Closing Plenary Forum 國際航運、港口及機場論壇2022 全體閉幕論壇 With HSUHK as one of the organisers, the Closing Plenary Forum of the 11th International Forum on Shipping, Ports, and Airports (IFSPA 2022) was successfully held online on 19 May 2022. The theme of the Forum was ‘Emerging extended reality and innovative technologies for smart transport and logistics’, attracting over 380 online participants, including scholars, industry practitioners, teachers and students from over 10 countries. The Forum was chaired by Dr Eugene Wong, Director of the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain and Associate Professor of HSUHK. Six scholars, experts and industry practitioners from the US, Singapore, Italy and Hong Kong were invited to share the latest industry developments and their views on how extended reality and innovative technologies helped advance the industry. 恒大參與主辦的第 11 屆國際航運、港口及機場論壇全體閉幕論壇於2022 年5 月19 日在線上圓滿舉行。今年論壇的主題為「智能交通和物流的新興延展實境和創新技術」,吸引380 多名參加者,包括來自10 多個國家的學者、業界人士和師生等。 論壇由恒大副教授兼全球供應鏈政策研究所所長黃彥璋博士主持,邀請了六位來自美國、新加坡、意大利及香港的學者、專家和業界代表,分享行業的最新發展,以及他們對延展實境和創新技術如何幫助業界發展的看法。 A number of local and overseas experts and industry practitioners are invited to speak at the Forum. 論壇邀得多名本地和海外專家及業界人士擔任講者。 Study on Logistics Land Use in the Northern Metropolis and Tuen Mun West 北部都會區及屯門西物流用地研究報告 The HSUHK Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain (PRISC) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) collaborated to conduct a study on the logistics land use in the Northern Metropolis and Tuen Mun West in early 2022. The team held a press conference on 19 May 2022 in the Legislative Council Complex, where the study report and findings of the study were presented. The press conference was chaired by the Vice President of CILTHK Dr Kelvin Leung, while the Director of PRISC Dr Eugene Wong served as one of the speakers. The press conference highlighted the long-standing problems in the development of the logistics industry, the importance of imperative development of industrial land in the Northern Metropolis and Tuen Mun West, and recommendations on enhancing the competitiveness of Hong Kong as a key regional logistics hub in the Greater Bay Area. It also urged the Hong Kong Government to allot sufficient land in the soon-to-be-developed Northern Metropolis and Tuen Mun West for essential development of the logistics industry, based on the professional opinions collected from 200 industrial stakeholders. 恒大全球供應鏈政策研究所於2022 年初,聯同香港運輸物流學會,共同就北部都會區及屯門西物流用地情況展開研究,並於2022 年5 月19 日在立法會大樓召開新聞發布會,公布研究報告和問卷調查結果。 發布會由運輸物流學會副會長梁啟元博士主持,講者包括恒大全球供應鏈政策研究所所長黃彥璋博士。會上主要提及物流業發展面對的長期問題、迫切發展北部都會區及屯門西用地的重要性,以及對提升香港作為大灣區物流樞紐的競爭力的建議。發布會根據從200 名業界人士收集而來的專業建議,敦促港府在即將開發的北部都會區及屯門西分配足夠土地,供未來物流業的必要發展之用。 Dr Eugene Wong (5th from left) participates in the press conference. 黃彥璋博士(左五)出席新聞發布會。 Honours Academy Visited the New Hang Seng Central Branch 榮譽學院參觀恒生銀行全新中區分行 As the fifth wave of the pandemic slowly subsided, 21 Honours Academy (HA) students from the first and second cohorts were invited to visit the newly opened Hang Seng Central Branch on Queen’s Road Central on 13 June 2022. They were warmly received by the Head of Retail Distribution of Hang Seng Bank Ms Wendy Yuen, who is also one of the HA’s Board members and Professional Fellows. During the visit, Ms Yuen introduced to the students and teachers the concept of setting up the new branch. She remarked that with its location in the heart of Hong Kong’s central financial area, the branch can not only fully cover the financial needs of customers in the Central District, but also provide cross-border financial management and digital services that better meet the needs of customers. By paying a visit to the two-storey flagship branch, our HA students experienced first-hand how digital banking can be fully embodied in both on-site and online specialist banking services. Besides, the Hang Seng Bank also specially arranged a sharing session for HA students and teachers after business hours. It was hosted by Mr Derek Chow, Head of Branch Innovation and Technology, who recounted Hang Seng Bank’s transformation journey from its traditional banking operation to the current digital embracement with a personal touch. On top of the demonstration of the latest authentication method, mobile cash withdrawal and mobile cheque deposit on the Hang Seng mobile application, the Bank’s ‘go green’ effort, such as the implementation of a paperless environment, was another highlight in this visit for our HA students, who came to understand the Bank’s endeavours in terms of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG), and its vision for a ‘carbon-neutral future’. 隨着第五波疫情趨緩和,21名榮譽學院第一和第二屆學生,獲邀於2022 年6 月13 日參觀恒生銀行位於皇后大道中的全新中區分行,得到恒生銀行分行網絡業務主管兼榮譽學院院務委員會成員及專業院使袁妙齡女士親切招待。在參觀活動中,袁女士向師生介紹新分行的設立理念。她表示,分行位處香港核心商業區的心臟地帶,不僅更能全面覆蓋中區客戶的理財需要,亦能提供更切合客戶需求的跨境理財和數碼服務。 通過參觀樓高兩層的旗艦分行,榮譽學院學生親身體驗了數碼銀行如何充分體現在實體和線上專業銀行服務之中。此外,恒生銀行亦特意在營業時間後為師生安排分享會,由恒生銀行分行網絡創新及科技部主管周志豪先生細述恒生銀行從營運傳統銀行業務,到今天將數碼科技融入個人化客戶服務的轉「型」之旅。 除了在流動應用程式示範最新的驗證方法、流動提款及流動支票存款外,恒生銀行的「綠色環保」工作,例如實現無紙化環境,亦是榮譽學院學生是次參觀的另一亮點,讓學生了解到恒生銀行在環境、社會和企業管治 (ESG) 方面的努力,以及對達致「碳中和」未來的展望。 HA students and teachers take a photo with the staff of the Hang Seng Central Branch and the heads of Hang Seng Bank. 榮譽學院師生與恒生銀行中區分行職員及恒生銀行主管合照留念。 Ms Wendy Yuen introduces to HA students the features of the new Hang Seng Central Branch. 袁妙齡女士向榮譽學院同學介紹恒生銀行中區分行的特點。 SDSC and DHL HR Career Development Training Workshop 決策科學學院與 DHL人力資源職業發展工作坊 Does personality matter in your career development? Everyone has different characteristics and strengths, but it will not be difficult to choose a right career path if you are aware of your personality traits. With the students’ overwhelming response to the first talent development workshop on CV Writing and Interview Skills, the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management of the School of Decision Sciences (SDSC) jointly organised with DHL another professional training workshop on Personality Test and Career on 30 May 2022. The guest speakers from DHL Express Hong Kong and Macau, namely Vice-President of Human Resources Mr Anthony Wong and Senior Human Resources Manager Ms Nicole Lau, provided career development advice to participating students, who had completed a personality test beforehand. With interesting videos and examples, the speakers led the students on a self-discovery journey through which they learnt about their personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, thereby helping them choose suitable careers and development paths in the future, and work with people with different personalities in the workplace. The workshop was successfully held online and attracted over 30 SDSC students. Positive feedback was received from the participants, who considered the workshop both encouraging and inspiring. 性格影響職業發展嗎?每個人都擁有不同的特點和長處,若能了解自己的性格特質,選擇合適的職業就不再困難。 有見首場關於履歷表寫作及面試技巧的專業人才培訓工作坊反應熱烈,決策科學學院供應鏈及資訊管理學系於2022 年5 月30 日,再度與 DHL合辦第二場個人性格與職業選擇工作坊,由 DHL人力資源部副總裁 Anthony Wong 先生和高級人力資源經理 Nicole Lau 女士主講,為早前已完成性格測試的學生提供職業發展建議。主講嘉賓透過有趣的短片和實例,帶領他們發現自我,了解自身性格特質及優缺點,以助日後選擇合適的職業和發展方向,並在職場上與不同性格的人合作。是次講座在線上舉行,吸引逾 30位決策科學學院的學生參加,參加者均反應正面,認同是次工作坊兼具鼓勵性與啟發性。 Through a series of demonstrations and debriefings from the personality test, students can understand themselves better, so as to find more suitable jobs in the future. 透過性格測試及分析解說,學生能更了解自己,有助日後尋找合適的工作。 FINTECH X ESG Symposium FINTECH X ESG研討會 The HSUHK Research Centre for ESG is proud to have organised a FINTECH X ESG Symposium on 28 July 2022 at Conrad Hong Kong, with the aim of exploring the latest developments of and the linkage between Fintech and ESG. In addition to having well-known senior business executives speak at the conference, HSUHK Council Chairman Dr Moses Cheng and President Simon S M Ho gave opening remarks at the event. There was also a simple ceremony to officially inaugurate the Centre. The symposium was co-organised by the CFA Institute, with Hang Seng Bank being the sole corporate sponsor. The event and the research works presented were financed by The S H Ho Foundation. The registration fee would be donated to a scholarship fund designated for a top student majoring in BBA in Finance and Banking. 香港恒生大學 ESG 研究中心於2022 年7 月28 日在香港港麗酒店舉辦 FINTECH X ESG 研討會,探索金融科技與環境、社會及管治 (ESG) 的最新發展,以及兩者之間的連繫。除邀得不同知名企業高管在會上發言外,恒大校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士和何順文校長亦致開幕辭。會上並有簡單儀式,正式標誌 ESG 研究中心成立。 研討會由特許金融分析師協會合辦,並以恒生銀行為唯一企業贊助商,而研討會及其展示的研究工作則由何善衡慈善基金會資助。研討會報名費將撥入獎學基金,惠及一名主修金融及銀行學工商管理學士課程的優秀學生。 Please scan the QR code for moreinformation. 請掃描二維碼了解更多詳情。 STFL Public Lectures – Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in Chinese and English Usage 翻譯及外語學院公開講座-翻譯學堂:常見中英文誤區 Translation in Hong Kong mainly involves Chinese and English. Mistakes in language usage in translation naturally occur in our daily life. In view of this, two public lectures on common mistakes in Chinese and English usage in Hong Kong were hosted by the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL) on 14 May 2022 and 21 May 2022 respectively. Mr William Che, Lecturer of STFL, delivered a public lecture entitled ‘Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in Chinese Usage’. In the talk, Mr Che gave a brief introduction to the common mistakes in Chinese usage. He pointed out three common mistakes related to translation, namely over-literal translation, Europeanised phrases, and Europeanised syntax. Over-literal translation is illogical and often involves the overuse of some common structures, while Europeanisation typically occurs in sentence structures through translation, causing imprecision or repetition in meaning. Mr Che also cited several examples from daily life to illustrate the common mistakes in Chinese usage seen in Europeanised phrases and syntax. He remarked that Chinese phrase structures are subject to more constraints than English ones, stressing that we should avoid over-correction in making judgment about mistakes in Chinese usage, and that we should differentiate between ungrammatical and illogical structures. Subsequently, Mr Lawrence Leung, Senior Lecturer of STFL, delivered another online public lecture entitled ‘Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in English Usage’. Mr Leung introduced different kinds of mistakes in English usage, focusing on grammatical ones. He compared Traditional Grammar and Systemic Functional Grammar with examples, explaining that a word might be polysemous and can serve different functions. He then demonstrated how to deal with English articles in translation and analysed the structures of different English tenses. Mr Leung concluded the talk by encouraging the audience to pay attention to the differences between Chinese and English grammar in order to avoid making mistakes during translation. 香港的翻譯活動以中英文為主,翻譯的語用問題可見於日常生活。有見及此,翻譯及外語學院於2022 年5 月14 日及2022 年5 月21 日分別舉辦兩場公開講座,討論香港的常見中英文語病。 首場講座「翻譯學堂:常見中文誤區」由學院講師池威霖先生主講。講座中,池先生簡單介紹何謂中文語病,並指出三類與翻譯相關的常見中文語病,包括硬譯詞語、歐化結構和歐化句法。硬譯詞語除了邏輯不通,亦常有濫用結構的問題。語文歐化則多見於以歐化結構硬譯句子,使句子語義不清,或句子成分語意重複。池先生亦列舉多個日常例子,說明常見中文語病中的歐化結構和歐化句法。他認為中文的詞組結構限制較大,強調區分中文語病時不應矯枉過正,同時應分辨不合語法和邏輯矛盾的句子。 其後,學院亦舉行題為「翻譯學堂:常見英文誤區」的網上講座,由高級講師梁峻朗先生主講。梁先生講及各種運用英語時常見的錯誤,聚焦討論語法問題。他舉例比較傳統語法和系統功能語法之別,提到一個字可以有多個語義和功能,然後展示翻譯時英語冠詞的處理方法,並分析不同英語時態的結構。最後,梁先生鼓勵大家留意中英語法之別,避免翻譯時出錯。 Mr Che cites an example from daily life to explain the mistakes in Chinese usage seen in translation. 池先生引用日常生活例子說明與翻譯相關的常見中文語病。 Mr Leung introduces different kinds of common mistakes in English usage. 梁先生介紹各種英語用法的常見錯誤。 STFL Public Lecture – What It Takes to Interpret a 15-minute Speech 翻譯及外語學院公開講座-口若懸河一刻鐘 傳譯訓練幾年功 An interpreter’s job is both challenging and rewarding. But what are the qualities required of a competent interpreter? The answer was revealed in a public lecture conducted by Dr King-man Cheung, Lecturer of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL), entitled ‘What It Takes to Interpret a 15-minute Speech’, on 27 May 2022. To meet overwhelming public demand, an additional session was held on 10 June 2022. Dr Cheung gave the audience an overview of the different modes of conference interpreting, including consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting and sight translation. Moreover, he pointed out the qualities necessary to be a competent conference interpreter, saying that both hands-on professional training in interpreting and good listening, speaking and language skills are essential for gaining one’s competitive advantage in the workplace. Dr Cheung demonstrates consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting during the public lecture. 張博士即場示範交替傳譯及即時 / 同聲傳譯。 ACY Online Seminar – Tax Profession 會計學系網上講座-稅務專業 The Department of Accountancy hosted the ACY Online Seminar on the tax profession on 28 April 2022. Two professionals were invited to share insights on the development and career opportunities of the tax profession in Hong Kong. Mr Henry Kwong, Tax Partner of Cheng & Cheng Taxation Services Limited, shared at the Seminar his story in pursuing a career in the tax field, and advised students on how they could equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge through internships and various professional activities. Mr Webster Ng, President of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK), then provided an overview of TIHK and its professional qualification to students. Mr Ng also highlighted the opportunities enjoyed by tax professionals in the ever-changing business world. 會計學系於2022 年4 月28 日舉行網上講座,邀請了兩位稅務專家分享對香港稅務專業的發展以及工作機遇的看法。 在講座上,鄭鄭稅務有限公司稅務合夥人鄺發炫先生分享他投身稅務專業的故事,並指導同學如何從實習及專業活動中,學習必要的知識和技能。接着,香港稅務學會會長吳錦華先生亦向同學簡介其學會及專業資格,並強調香港稅務專才在瞬息萬變的商業領域中所享的發展機會。 Mr Henry Kwong shares his journey to become a tax professional. 鄺發炫先生分享其投身稅務專業之旅。 Mr Webster Ng introduces the development of the tax profession in Hong Kong. 吳錦華先生介紹香港稅務專業的發展。 Drama Performance by the Department of Chinese – ‘We Are All Ah Kongs’ 中文系戲劇創作展演-《我們都是阿孔》 With the financial support of the Sin Wai Kin Chinese Culture Promotion Scheme, the Department of Chinese inaugurated the workshop series ‘Modern adaptations of May Fourth literature’ in October 2021. Ms Pik-wan Poon, former veteran actress of the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and the instructor of the workshop, selected Lu Xun’s Kong Yiji, a classic of May Fourth literature, as the theme of the workshop series. She invited the students to imagine the life of Kong Yiji from the perspectives of different characters in the story and to portray the details of his life in a multidimensional way, thus regarding him in fresh ways. Ms Poon then asked the students to observe everyday ordinary people in the same manner, and try to create biographical sketches for them. Throughout the course, students were invited to give improvised performances on the fragments of their characters’ lives. Finally, Ms Poon assembled these stories and turned them into a 50-minute three-act play entitled ‘We Are All Ah Kongs’. The final act of the play depicted a group of elderly pensioners talking about the most painful chapters of their lives in a nursing home called ‘Good Days’; these pensioners were precisely the archetypes of Kong Yiji, the ordinary people that our students encounter in real life. A total of 13 sessions were originally scheduled under the workshop series, but the final performance was postponed to 10 June 2022 because of the pandemic. Despite the delays and the difficulties throughout the process, this precious experience enabled our students to learn about themselves and others as well as May Fourth literature. 中文系在冼為堅中國文化推廣基金的資助下,於2021 年10 月展開「五四文學當代改編」戲劇創作工作坊系列。工作坊導師兼香港話劇團前資深演員潘璧雲女士,以經典五四文學作品 ─ 魯迅的《孔乙己》為題材,讓同學從故事中不同角色的角度想像孔乙己的生活,並立體地重塑其生活細節,打破大家對孔乙己的舊有印象。潘女士要求同學將這種對小人物的觀察應用在日常生活中,並嘗試以小傳形式記下這些小人物的故事。在課堂上,潘女士讓同學即興演繹他們筆下人物的人生片段,並把這些故事集合起來,寫成50 分鐘的三幕舞台劇 ─《我們都是阿孔》。舞台劇的最後一幕,描述一群退休老人在「好日子老人院」講述他們的人生最痛,這些老人就是同學在日常生活中所遇到的小人物「孔乙己」。 工作坊原有十三節,惟疫情關係,壓軸展演日期一再押後,直至2022 年6 月10 日終順利舉行。過程雖一波三折,但對同學來說,這是了解自己和他人以及學習五四文學的寶貴體驗。 Students perform ‘We Are All Ah Kongs’ on stage. 同學於舞台上演繹《我們都是阿孔》。 IYSL Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve Site Visit IYSL鳳園蝴蝶保育區導賞團 The Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) organised a visit to the Tai Po Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve on 29 May 2022, with 20 participants including Fung Yiu King Evergreen College residents and other HSUHK students, colleagues, and residents living near HSUHK. During the site visit, three professional docents introduced the Reserve’s precious species and fascinating facts about butterflies, and then led the participants to walk around to appreciate the butterflies. The Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve is located in the valley behind the 300-year-old Fung Yuen Hakka Village. It is listed as a ‘Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)’ with over 200 species of butterflies documented, including the exquisite ‘Common Birdwing’ and ‘White Dragontail’. The docents encouraged the participants to study and identify up close numerous butterfly species. By knowing more about the habits and habitats of butterflies, the participants learnt to care for nature and developed a better understanding of environmental conservation. 青年可持續發展領袖研習所於2022 年5 月29 日舉辦了大埔鳳園蝴蝶保育區參觀活動,包括馮堯敬綠延書院宿生在內的恒大學生、職員,以及恒大附近的街坊,一行20 人參與參觀活動。三位鳳園專業導賞員向參加者介紹園內的珍貴蝴蝶品種及蝴蝶知識,再帶領他們到園區欣賞蝴蝶。 鳳園蝴蝶保育區位於有300 年歷史的鳳園客家村後方山谷,孕育着超過200 種蝴蝶,包括美麗的裳鳳蝶和燕鳳蝶,已列入「具特殊科學價值地點」。導賞員鼓勵參加者近距離觀察及辨別不同品種的蝴蝶,認識其生活環境及習性,讓他們從中學習愛護大自然,建立更好的環境保育觀念。 Docents introduce precious butterfly species to the participants. 導賞員向參加者介紹鳳園珍貴蝴蝶品種。 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 Marketing Professor and Students Publish Their Winning Case in a New Book 市場學系師生團隊獲獎研究個案刊載於新書 After entering the Top 10 of the World Asian Business Case Competition held by The Academy of Asian Business, which featured over 400 teams from around the world in 2021, Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing Dr Kevin Zeng and the student team he led recently published their case study on Pinduoduo in a new book entitled How Asian Brands Soar 7: Lessons from World's Top 10 Asian Cases. The book is available as a softcover book and an e-book on Amazon. The student team was formed by Year 3 BBA-MKT student Ms Qin-yuan Hu, and Year 3 BBA-FB students Ms Jing-ying Lin, Mr Rui-kang Peng and Mr Jing-zhe Qiu. 市場學系助理教授曾靖博士於 2021 年帶領學生團隊,參加亞洲商業學院舉辦的「世界亞洲商業案例大賽(World Asian Business Case Competition)」國際比賽,在全球逾400 隊中脫穎而出,獲選為最後十強。師生團隊的「拼多多」研究個案,最近刊登在以平裝書和亞馬遜電子書形式出版的「How Asian Brands Soar 7: Lessons from World's Top 10 Asian Cases」。團隊學生成員包括市場學工商管理(榮譽)學士三年級的胡沁源同學,以及金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士三年級的林菁莹同學、彭睿康同學和邱靖哲同學。 Marketing Professor and Students Won the Bronze Medal in the World Asian Business Case Competition 2022 市場學系師生團隊於世界亞洲商業案例大賽 2022 榮獲銅牌 On 9 July 2022, Dr Winnie Chan, Lecturer of the Department of Marketing, led a team of students to win the bronze medal in the World Asian Business Case Competition 2022 organised by The Academy of Asian Business. The student team was formed by Year 3 BBA-MKT students Ms Man-yan Shek, Ms Wai-man Lo and Mr Yu-ho Law, and Year 1 BBA-GBM student Mr Tak-hin Yeung. Standing out among hundreds of teams from all around the world, the HSUHK team outperformed the other three teams from Hong Kong universities (CityU, HKBU, and HKU) that also entered the Top 10. The team’s award-winning case study will be published in an e-book on Amazon next year. 市場學系講師陳詠賢博士於2022 年7 月9 日帶領學生團隊,於亞洲商業學院舉辦的「世界亞洲商業案例大賽 2022(World Asian Business Case Competition 2022)」榮獲銅牌。團隊學生成員包括市場學工商管理(榮譽)學士三年級的石文欣同學、羅慧文同學、羅與灝同學,以及環球商業管理工商管理(榮譽)學士一年級的楊德軒同學。 是次比賽團隊來自世界各地,恒大團隊在全球數百隊中脫穎而出,成績更勝其他三個同樣躋身十強的本港大學團隊(城大、浸大和港大)。恒大團隊的獲獎研究個案,將於來年刊載於亞馬遜電子書中。 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Peer Mentor Scheme Recognition Ceremony 朋輩導師畢業典禮 The Recognition Ceremony of the Peer Mentor Scheme was held on 24 May 2022. Peer Mentors and Counsellors gathered to review the events held in the last academic year. A total of 14 activities were organised to promote positive thinking and a caring culture on campus. The Peer Mentors and Counsellors from the Student Affairs Office look forward to advancing the future development of the Scheme. 朋輩導師畢業典禮於2022 年5 月24 日順利舉行。典禮上,朋輩導師和輔導員一同回顧過去一年所舉辦的活動。朋輩導師們於上年度共舉辦了 14 項活動,藉此在校園推廣正向思維及關愛精神。來自學生事務處的朋輩導師和輔導員都十分期待未來更進一步推動朋輩導師計劃的發展。 Peer Mentors are awarded certificates in recognition of their participation in the Scheme. 朋輩導師獲頒發證書以表揚其參與。 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022 香港恒生大學企業挑戰賽 2022 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Challenge 2022 (E-Challenge) was successfully held on 27 May 2022. It was organised by the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and co-organised by the Department of Marketing and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport). Under the theme of ‘Kickstart Your Entrepreneurship Journey’, E-challenge aimed to encourage students to turn their innovative business concepts into implementable start-up business plans. A total of 15 teams participated in the competition this year. Each team comprised students from HSUHK and other universities/tertiary institutions, with an HSUHK student as the leader. After fierce competition, six teams stood out and advanced to the finals. They pitched their creative business concepts, covering diverse fields such as the metaverse, artificial intelligence and social innovation, to a high-calibre panel of adjudicators, including Mr Timothy Leung, Executive Director of HKAI Lab; Mr Lawrence Fong, Co-founder of HoneyComb Corporate Community Ltd.; Mr Stephen Fung, Manager of Smart Living of Cyberport; Mr Alvin Lam, Managing Director of T12M Ventures and 18 Hall; and Mr Kelvin Lam, Territory Business Development Manager for Hong Kong of Amazon Web Services. Finally, the team Find a Care, led by Year 4 BBA-MKT student Mr Ming-hin Wong, won the Championship and the My Favourite Start-up Idea Award. The teams Startie and MemSage won the first and second runners-up respectively. The Technological Innovation Award went to Fitbulous, which was coached by Lecturer of the Department of Computing Dr Roy Ho and formed by Year 3 BA-AHCC students Mr Tsz-chun Chan and Mr Wai-yuen Lam, Year 3 BMSIM student Mr Ka-ho Tang, Year 3 BBA-CGC student Ms Shu-lin Yap, and Year 4 BBA-PA student Ms Bi-qing Fang. 由伍絜宜創新及創業中心主辦、恒大市場學系和香港數碼港管理有限公司合辦的「恒大企業挑戰賽2022 」,於2022 年5 月27 日順利舉行。比賽主題是「啟動您的創業之旅」,旨在鼓勵學生將創新商業理念轉化成可行的企業計劃。 今年共有15 支隊伍參賽,每支隊伍均由來自恒大以及其他本地大學 / 大專院校的學生組成,並由一名恒大學生擔任隊長。經過激烈的競爭,當中六隊脫穎而出晉身總決賽,並向精英專業評審團,包括香港人工智能及數據實驗室執行總監梁季笙先生、蜂巢社企業合作有限公司聯合創辦人方偉麟先生、數碼港智慧生活部經理馮澤謙先生、拾貳門創科資本及18 堂行政總裁林溢鋒先生,以及亞馬遜雲端運輸服務區域業務發展經理林文聰先生,講述創業理念,涵蓋元宇宙、人工智能以及社會創新等項目。最終,冠軍由市場學工商管理(榮譽)學士四年級的黃銘軒同學的隊伍「互托幫」奪得,並同時獲「我最喜愛的創業意念獎」。至於亞、季軍分別由隊伍 Startie 和 MemSage 奪得。「科技創新獎」則由電子計算系講師何健漢博士指導的隊伍 Fitbulous 奪得,隊伍成員包括應用及人本計算學(榮譽)文學士三年級的陳子俊同學與林懷遠同學、管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士三年級的鄧嘉豪同學、企業管治與合規工商管理(榮譽)學士三年級的葉淑琳同學和專業會計學工商管理(榮譽)學士四年級的房碧晴同學。 Find a Care, Champion and recipient of the My Favourite Start-up Idea Award. 冠軍及「我最喜愛的創業意念獎」得獎隊伍「互托幫」。 Fitbulous, winner of the Technological Innovation Award. 獲「科技創新獎」之隊伍 Fitbulous。 HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2022 香港恒生大學創新計劃比賽 2022 HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2022, organised by the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), has entered its seventh year. It aims to stimulate students’ innovativeness and enrich their academic experience. In AY 2021/22, CTL was again proud to have the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership and the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship embellish the Competition with talks and workshops. Finally, the Competition and Awards Presentation Ceremony was conducted online with real-time livestream on 3 March 2022, marking a successful conclusion to the event. Themed again on the three chosen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely SDG4 (Quality Education), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and SDG10 (Reduce Inequalities), the Competition organised three themed talks from November 2021 onwards, inviting leaders of social enterprises and elites from the business sector to share with over 400 students and staff members the developments and trends related to the three SDGs in Hong Kong. In February 2022, the student participants, under the guidance of CTL’s E-Learning Team, acquired the latest skills in preparing proposals using PowerPoint and PowToon. Renowned local stand-up comedian Mr Vivek Mahbubani further inspired the students to pitch their proposals through captivating verbal presentations. The Competition received an overwhelming response, with a total of 39 students from 12 shortlisted teams awarded. During over four months’ preparation, they went from brainstorming innovative ideas to writing a concrete proposal, and then to shining on the online stage with their three-minute pitches, showcasing their wonderful achievements in the Competition. 由教與學發展中心主辦的「香港恒生大學創新計劃比賽」踏入第七個年頭,致力鼓勵同學發揮創意,並豐富其學術體驗。在2021/22 學年,中心繼續得到青年可持續發展領袖研習所與伍絜宜創新及創業中心的支持,舉辦一系列講座和技能工作坊,最終在2022 年3 月3 日舉行網上實時「簡短提案比賽暨頒獎典禮」,比賽正式圓滿結束。 本年度的比賽再次以聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs)作為主題,聚焦在 SDG4「優質教育」、SDG9「工業化、創新及基礎建設」和 SDG10「減少不平等」。活動於2021 年11 月起舉辦三場講座,邀請社會企業領袖和商界翹楚到臨校園,向合共逾400 名師生分享三個可持續發展目標在香港的進程和走勢。2022 年2 月,比賽隊伍同學亦在教與學發展中心的 E-learning Team教導下,掌握利用 PowerPoint 和 PowToon 創作計劃書的最新技巧。中心更邀得香港著名棟篤笑表演者 Vivek Mahbubani先生,啟發同學以有趣生動的方式創作口述簡短提案。 同學反應踴躍,最終有來自12 個隊伍的共39 位學生入選。他們經歷四個多月的準備,從醞釀創意概念到完成建議書,最終在網上平台作三分鐘的口述提案,大放異彩,展示他們在比賽中所得的豐盛成果。 Please scan the QR code for moreinformation and the list of awardees. 請掃描二維碼參閱更多比賽詳情和得獎名單。 Participants and judges take a group photo. 參賽同學和評判合照留念。 Promoting Integrity by ICAC Ambassadors 廉政大使於恒大推廣廉潔 Initiated by the HSUHK ICAC Ambassadors, two activities were organised in May 2022 to equip HSUHK students with anti-corruption knowledge and raise their awareness of integrity. On 20 May 2022, ICAC Ambassadors interviewed students on campus to gauge their understanding of the ICAC. The interviews were produced into a video, which was shared on social media platforms. An online quiz was held from 26 to 30 May 2022 as well. Participants had to answer questions related to the duties of the ICAC, the channels for reporting corruption matters, the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, etc. The two events recorded a total of 130 participations. 恒大廉政大使於2022 年5 月在校園舉辦了兩項活動,向參加者提供防貪訊息,並加強恒大人的廉潔意識。 其中,廉政大使於2022 年5 月20 日進行名為「『恒』人街訪」的校園訪問,了解學生對廉政公署的認識,並拍成影片於社交平台發布。此外,廉政大使亦於2022 年5 月26 至30 日期間舉行了「與『廉』同『恒』」網上問答遊戲,參加者須回答有關廉政公署職責、舉報貪污渠道和《防止賄賂條例》等方面的問題。兩項活動共有130 人參與。 Please scan the QR code to view the student interview video. 請掃描二維碼觀看「『恒』人街訪」影片。 An online quiz about the ICAC is held. 廉政大使舉辦「與『廉』同『恒』」網上問答遊戲。 HSUHK Volunteer Team Supported the COVID-19 Hotline of the Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong 恒大義工隊為香港復康聯盟「同行關懷熱線」提供支援 The HSUHK Volunteer Team provided support to the COVID-19 hotline of the Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong between 25 May 2022 and 10 June 2022. A total of 36 HSUHK students were recruited as volunteers to send warm and encouraging messages to members of the Rehabilitation Alliance through phone calls. By supporting the hotline, participants acquired a better understanding of the situation of disabled people in Hong Kong and their needs amidst the COVID-19 epidemic. 恒大義工隊(恒義)於2022 年5 月25 日至6 月10 日期間,為香港復康聯盟(康盟)的「同行關懷熱線」提供支援。共36 位恒大同學應邀擔任義工,透過致電康盟會員,向他們送上關懷及鼓勵。活動有助恒大同學更加關注本港殘疾人士的狀況,以及了解他們在疫情期間的需要。 HSUHK Students Supported the Elderly Outreach Service of Suicide Prevention Services 恒大同學支援生命熱線長者探訪活動 On 12 June 2022, 15 HSUHK students participated in the outreach service of the Suicide Prevention Services to pay visits and send gifts to the elderly, showing care and support amidst the pandemic. 共15 位恒大同學於2022 年6 月12 日參與生命熱線舉辦的「生命共行—外展長者服務」。參加者透過探訪及送贈禮物,在疫情期間向長者送上關愛與支持。 Group photo of the HSUHK volunteers before setting off. 恒大探訪隊義工於出發前合影。 ‘Social Inclusion Island’ 「共融島」 Co-organised by the EM-Power @ HSUHK and Uni-Y (HSUHK) in coordination with SEN Support of the Student Affairs Office, the experiential day camp ‘Social Inclusion Island’ took place at the Y’s Men’s – YMCA Wong Yi Chau Youth Camp in Sai Kung on 18 June 2022. A total of 10 non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students and 15 Chinese speaking students spent a sweaty and joyful day at the camp site. At the pre-camp sessions and during the day camp, Chinese speaking students teamed up with NCS students to complete ice-breaking games, high rope challenges and collaborative art creations. Through collaborative activities with different difficulty levels, the programme aimed at facilitating the interaction among students with diverse backgrounds while promoting cultural diversity within the HSUHK community. All participants appreciated the high quality of the activities, which provided them with a welcome chance to strengthen their connection and communication with their U-mates. All participants expressed their wish to participate in similar activities in the future. 在學生事務處特殊教育需要支援組的協調下,EMPower@HSUHK 聯同大學青年會(恒大)於2022 年6 月18 日假西貢聯青社-青年會黃宜洲青年營舉行「共融島」體驗日營。共10 名非華語及15 名華語學生在營地揮灑汗水,享受歡樂時光。華語和非華語學生於營前訓練和日營中組成隊伍,完成破冰遊戲、高空繩網挑戰和藝術創作。活動旨在透過各級難度的合作任務,促進不同背景學生之間的互動交流,並推廣恒大社區內的多元文化。 參加者欣賞活動內容充實,並為其提供與大學同學加強聯繫和溝通的好契機。他們均表示期望日後能參加同類活動。 Participants work in teams to paint. 各組同學合力作畫。 Participants at the high rope challenge. 同學挑戰高空繩網。 Campus Visits 到訪校園 Visit by the Then Secretary for the Environment Mr Kam-sing Wong 時任環境局局長黃錦星到訪 Mr Kam-sing Wong, the then Secretary for the Environment, visited HSUHK on 6 May 2022 to look at the academic works related to environment and sustainability created by students and staff members of the Department of Art and Design (AAD) in this academic year. Mr Kam-sing Wong, accompanied by President Simon S M Ho and guided by Head of the Department of AAD Professor Desmond Hui, viewed the works of students from the BA in Art and Design Programme and the BA in Cultural and Creative Industries Programme. With the theme of waste reduction and recycling for the environment, the displayed works of the Art and Design Studio 2 featured products for handling domestic waste, a machine to collect disposable masks, and a public art installation composed of recycled masks. The original videos created by the Art and Design Studio 1 were also exhibited, expressing the students’ ideas and hopes on the branding of the post-pandemic city. Final year students of the Cultural and Creative Industries Programme, moreover, presented on the spot their visions on sustainable fashion design and their concepts for starting their own businesses. AAD colleagues and students exchanged with Mr Wong their insights into and reflections on sustainable design. They found the sharing truly rewarding and fruitful. 時任環境局局長黃錦星先生於2022 年5 月6 日到訪恒大,參觀本學年由藝術設計系師生創作的有關可持續環境的作品。 黃錦星先生由何順文校長陪同,在藝術設計系系主任許焯權教授的引領下,觀賞藝術設計(榮譽)文學士課程以及文化及創意產業(榮譽)文學士課程的學生作品。活動展示了藝術設計課程二年級工作室的作品,其設計理念在於減廢及環保回收,包括處理家居廢物的產品、即棄口罩回收機,以及用回收口罩製成的公共藝術裝置等。一年級工作室作品則透過原創影片,呈現同學們對後疫情時代城市品牌塑造的意念與盼望。此外,文化及創意產業課程的畢業班同學更即場匯報,分享他們對可持續時裝設計的願景及創業計劃的理念。 藝術設計系師生與黃先生交流互動,討論並反思可持續設計的議題,獲益良多。 Mr Wong, accompanied by President Simon Ho and Professor Desmond Hui, visits the Department of AAD. 黃錦星先生在何順文校長和許焯權教授陪同下參觀藝術設計系。 Mr Wong interacts with AAD students. 黃錦星先生與藝術設計系的學生互動交流。 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to the new full-time senior administrative staff members who joined the HSUHK family in July 2022, and congratulate colleagues who have been promoted since July 2022. 衷心歡迎於2022 年7 月加入恒大的全職高級行政人員,並恭賀由2022 年7 月起獲晉升的同事。 Newly Joined Staff 新加入職員 School / Department / Office Academic Staff / Senior Administrative Staff Position 學院/學系/部門 學術人員/高級行政人員 職位 Office of Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience) 副校長(教學及學生體驗)辦公室 Professor Hon S Chan 陳漢宣教授 Vice-President (Learning and Student Experience) 副校長(教學及學生體驗) Human Resources Office 人力資源處 Mr Terric Leung 梁振鳴先生 Director of Human Resources 人力資源總監 Promotion of Senior Administrative Staff 高級行政人員晉升 School / Department / Office Academic Staff / Senior Administrative Staff Position 學院/學系/部門 學術人員/高級行政人員 職位 Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務中心 Mr Joe Tsui 徐鎮文先生 Senior Application Development Manager 高級應用研發經理 Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務中心 Mr Stephen Wan 温進豪先生 Application Development Manager 應用研發經理 Stronger Support Base for HSUHK 誠邀支持捐獻恒大 Recent years have seen HSUHK progress in leaps and bounds on both the teaching and research fronts. To maintain its growth momentum, HSUHK is looking to enlist the support and help of reliable and generous benefactors. In the light of HSUHK’s self-financing nature, their generosity is sure to go a long way towards laying a solid foundation for its future development. Donation can be made by cheque payable to ‘The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation’. With your kind help, HSUHK will get the solidarity it needs to grow faster, do better and make a difference. 香港恒生大學近年在教學與研究兩方面發展迅速,成績有目共睹。為確保今後持續發展的動力,大學積極聯絡各界有心人支持本校長遠發展,為未來更上層樓打下穩固基礎。 捐款抬頭請書「香港恒生大學 – 基金」。您的支持將有助恒大加速發展,精益求精。 Contact Us 聯絡我們 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation Secretariat Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office 「香港恒生大學 – 基金」秘書處 發展及校友事務處 Tel 電話:3963 5169 Fax傳真:3963 5276 Email 電郵 Website網址 Connect with Alma Mater – Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與母校保持聯繫 – 攜手創建緊密校友網絡 To keep the HSUHK (including HSSC and HSMC) alumni community abreast of HSUHK’s latest news and developments and to strengthen close-knit relationships within the community, we invite our alumni to support the alumni community by updating your personal information and helping other unregistered alumni get reconnected with their Alma Mater. Don’t forget to check out the latest HSUHK and alumni events, as well as a wide array of exclusive alumni benefits and privileges on the website: 為讓香港恒生大學(包括恒商與恒管)校友社群能夠緊貼母校的最新資訊及發展,以及建構緊密網絡,我們誠邀校友更新您的個人資料,並協助其他未登記的校友重新聯繫母校,支持校友社群。請瀏覽,以時刻緊貼大學及校友活動資訊,以及校友專屬優惠。 Please scan the QR code to fill in the online form to update your information, or pass the QR code to any unregistered alumni in your network. A souvenir will be offered as a token of appreciation for those enrolling for the first time or keeping us updated. 請掃描二維碼填寫網上表格以更新您的資料,或與您認識而未登記的校友分享此二維碼。為答謝各位支持,首次登記或更新資料的校友將獲贈精美紀念品一份。 Enquiries 查詢 Tel 電話:3963 5169 Email 電郵 Information as of 24 Jun 2022. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至 2022 年 6 月 24 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong