Bachelor of JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION (Honours)(BJC) 新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士 MESSAGE FROM PROGRAMME DIRECTOR 課程主任的話 Dr CHAN Chi Kit Programme Director, Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours) (BJC) Associate Professor, School of Communication 新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程主任 傳播學院副教授 陳智傑博士 The Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (BJC) programme features with business communication in media and corporate settings, which is the pioneering one among other degree programmes alike in Hong Kong. We aim to provide communication talents to media and informational platforms, business corporates, public relations agencies, and other public and non-profit making organizations. Our curriculum addresses both professional knowledge and practical skillsets. The updated modules are backed up by the HKD10 million-investment in our facilities --- Cinema and TV Production Centre (equipped with Augmented and Virtual Reality settings), Media and Communication Lab, Multimedia Training Centre, Radio Broadcasting Training Centre, and the Non-linear editing room. Equally important is our professional teaching team, which consists of renowned communication scholars, highly experienced media practitioners and business managers. Our graduates are interdisciplinary communication talents who are reputational among the media sector, business corporates, and public organizations. 新聞與傳播(榮譽)課程著重媒體及企業的商業傳播,開創香港同類課程的先河。我們為各個媒體及資訊平台、商業企業、公關公司、以及公共或非謀利組織提供傳播人才。我們的課程兼顧專業知識和實務技巧,而且與時並進。學院先後投放了港幣一千萬元,提供影視製作中心 (配備虛擬實境)、 媒體及傳播實驗室、多媒體培訓中心、廣播培訓中心、及影音剪接室等設備。學院重視師資質素,教學團隊有資深傳播學者、經驗豐富的媒體從業員、以及商業管理人員。我們的畢業生是跨學科的傳播人才,在媒體、商界及公共機構皆有口碑。 FACILITIES 設施 For students aspiring to be professionals in business journalism, public relations and corporate communication 為有志成為商業新聞、公關、企業傳訊專才的學生提供最佳培訓 The BJC programme aims to provide students with professional knowledge in Journalism and Communication with a stronger business orientation for their personal and professional career development and/or further studies. BJC課程旨在提供商業為本的新聞及傳播專業知識,為學生的個人及事業發展以至未來繼續深造奠定穩固的基礎。 PROGRAMME FEATURES 課程特色 The BJC programme has the following unique features: • Training students to be business journalists and corporate communication professionals to meet both local and regional demands in the Greater China and global context; • Combining Business and Finance elements with Journalism and Communication education with two concentrations: Business Journalism (BJ) and Corporate Communication (CC); • Having renowned academics as well as seasoned local and overseas media professionals in the teaching team; • Focusing on hands-on practical training; and • Providing state-of-the-art facilities, including the TV Lab, SCOM Cinema and TV Production Centre, Media and Communication Lab, Multimedia Training Centre, Radio Broadcasting Training Centre, Radio Broadcasting Studio and the Non-linear Editing Room. BJC 課程具備以下特色: ‧ 課程設計以培訓學生成為商業及財經新聞或企業傳訊專才為目的,以迎合本地、大中華地區及全球對相關人才的殷切需求; ‧ 結合商業財經與新聞傳播的元素,學生可於商業新聞及企業傳訊兩大專修範疇中二選其一; ‧ 教學團隊為本地及海外知名的學者及業界專才; ‧ 著重實際操作與實務經驗;及 ‧ 提供先進的教學設備,包括實驗電視廊、傳播學院影視製作中心、媒體及傳播實驗室、多媒體培訓中心、廣播培訓中心、電台廣播錄音室及非線性(影音)剪接室。 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 課程結構 Based on the unique “Liberal + Professional” education model of HSUHK, the BJC programme is designed to be a four-year bachelor’s degree programme which requires students to complete a total of 129 credits from a well balanced curriculum consisting of Major modules, Common Core modules, Business Education modules and Elective modules. BJC課程為四年制學士學位課程,以恒大獨特的「博雅+專業」教育模式為本,涵蓋新聞傳播主修科目、共同核心科目、商學教育科目及自由選修科目四大部分。學生須於四年內修畢129個學分。 16 Common Core Modules 16個共同核心科目 General Education, Languages and Quantitative & IT skills 通識教育、語文、計量及資訊科技 36% 6 Business Education Modules 6個商學教育科目 Economics, Accounting, Management and Marketing, etc 經濟、會計、管理及市場學等 14% 4 Free Elective Modules 4個自由選修科目 9% 18 BJC Major Modules 18個新聞及傳播主修科目 41% Total 44 Modules 共44個單元 PROGRAM STRUCTURE 課程架構 Year 1 一年級 Common Core Curriculum 共同核心課程 General Education 通識教育 Perspectives on General Education 通識教育導論 Chinese 中文 Freshman Chinese 大一國文 Chinese Literature Appreciation 中國文學欣賞 English 英文 University English (I) 大學英語(一) University English (II) 大學英語(二) Quantitative Methods and IT Skills 計量方法及資訊科技 Contemporary Information Technologies 當代資訊科技 Major Studies 主修學科 Journalism and Communication 新聞及傳播教育 Introduction to Journalism and Communication 新聞及傳播導論 News Reporting and Media Writing in Chinese 中文新聞報道與媒體寫作 Introduction to Audio-Visual Production 影音製作導論 Free Electives 自由選修 2 Free Electives 2 自由選修 Year 2 二年級 Common Core Curriculum 共同核心課程 General Education 通識教育 2 GE Cluster Electives 2 通識教育範疇選修科目 Chinese 中文 Applied Putonghua 應用普通話 English 英文 English for Academic Purposes 學術英語 Quantitative Methods and IT Skills 計量方法及資訊科技 Introduction to Social Sataistics 社會統計學概論 Business Education 商學教育 Principles of Management 管理學原理 Principles of Economics 經濟學原理 Major Studies 主修學科 Journalism and Communication 新聞及傳播教育 News Reporting and Media Writing in English 英文新聞採訪與媒體寫作 Communication Theories 傳播理論 Social Media Editing 社交媒體編輯 Major Electives 主科選修 1 Major Elective 1 主科選修 Year 3(BJ Concentration) 三年級(商業新聞專修範疇) Common Core Curriculum 共同核心課程 General Education 通識教育 GE Cluster x2# 通識教育範疇x2# English 英文 English for Professional Communications (EPC) 專業英語傳意 Business Education 商學教育 2 Business Electives 2 個商業教育選修 Major Studies 主修學科 Journalism and Communication 新聞及傳播教育 Communication Research Methods 傳播研究方法 Media Law and Ethics 傳媒法規與道德 Business Journalism/ Corporate Communication Concentration 商業新聞 / 企業傳訊專修範疇 Introduction to Business Journalism 商業新聞導論 Introduction to Broadcast Journalism 電視與廣播新聞導論 Business and Financial News Reporting and Writing 商業財經新聞採訪與寫作 Business Journalism Practicum 商業新聞實務 Major Electives 主科選修 1 Major Elective 1 主科選修 Year 3(CC Concentration) 三年級(企業傳訊專修範疇) General Education 通識教育 GE Cluster x2# 通識教育範疇x2# English 英文 English for Professional Communications (EPC) 專業英語傳意 Business Education 商學教育 2 Business Electives 2 個商業教育選修 Major Studies 主修學科 Journalism and Communication 新聞及傳播教育 Communication Research Methods 傳播研究方法 Media Law and Ethics 傳媒法規與道德 Business Journalism/ Corporate Communication Concentration 商業新聞 / 企業傳訊專修範疇 Introduction to Corporate Communication 企業傳訊導論 Corporate Communication Writing 企業傳訊寫作 Corporate Communication Practicum 企業傳訊實務 Crisis and Issues Management 危機管理 Year 4 (BJ Concentration) 四年級(商業新聞專修範疇) Common Core Curriculum 共同核心課程 General Education 通識教育 2 GE Cluster Electives 2 通識教育範疇選修科目 Business Education 商學教育 2 Business Electives 2 個商業教育選修 Major Studies 主修學科 Journalism and Communication 新聞及傳播教育 Online Journalism and New Media 網絡新聞與新媒體 Business Journalism / Corporate Communication Concentration 商業新聞 / 企業傳訊專修範疇 Persuasive Communication 說服傳播 Topical Studies in Corporate Communication 企業傳訊專題研習 Major Electives 主科選修 1 Major Elective 1 主科選修 Free Electives 自由選修 2 Free Electives 2 自由選修 #Students must complete one module from each of the four General Education Clusters. #學生必須於四個通識教育範疇中各選一科作為必修科目。 ACADEMIC STAFF 教學人員 Professor TSO Hung, Scarlet 曹虹教授 Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) Dean & Professor School of Communication PhD (The University of Hong Kong) PhD (Chu Hai University) Professor (Practice) CHIU Ying Chun, Ronald 趙應春教授 Associate Dean School of Communication MA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Associate Professor (Practice) CHANG Chih-Yu, James 張志宇副教授 PhD (National Taiwan Normal University) Associate Professor SONG Zhaoxun, Howard 宋昭勛副教授 PhD (Hong Kong Baptist University) Associate Professor CHAN Chi Kit 陳智傑副教授 Programme Director of BJC Programme PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Assistant Professor WU Jing, Clio 吳靜助理教授 Associate Programme Director of BJC Programme PhD (Fudan University) Assistant Professor HU Hsin Li, Sammy 胡欣立助理教授 Associate Programme Director of BJC Programme PhD (Peking University) Assistant Professor CHAN Wing Lam, Wendy 陳穎琳助理教授 PhD (Hong Kong Baptist University) Senior Lecturer LUK Koon Yung, Fred 陸觀勇高級講師 PhD (University of California) Senior Lecturer CHENG Suet Oi, Glacial 鄭雪愛高級講師 MA (University of Essex) Senior Lecturer LAW Suk Yi, Doris 羅淑儀高級講師 BA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Senior Lecturer CHAN Oi Yan, Connie 陳藹欣高級講師 PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) INTERNSHIP 實習機會 “Internship” is an elective module in the BJC Programme and is offered in the summer of Year 3. Students are given opportunities to work in various reputable news agencies, radio stations, commercial institutions, advertising agencies, and marketing and public relations companies, either locally or overseas. This scheme plays a very crucial role for students to obtain hands-on experience and increases their employability in the job market. 實習是BJC課程三年級學生在暑期修讀的一門選修科目,學生有機會派往本地或海外的新聞機構、電台、新媒體、商業及市場營銷機構、廣告公司及公關公司實習。此計劃旨在讓學生汲取實際的工作經驗,以增強日後在職場的競爭能力。 EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES / FIELD VISITS 交流計劃及實地考察 Students can gain international exposure in many places around the world such as Finland, France, Japan, Korea, mainland China, the Netherlands, Taiwan, the USA etc, by participating in the various Student Exchange Programmes. Students may also join different kinds of local and overseas field visits organised by the School to broaden their horizons. 學生可透過參與各項學生交流計劃,前往芬蘭、法國、日本、韓國、中國內地、荷蘭、台灣、美國等地交流進修,開拓國際視野,並可參加傳播學院舉辦的本地及海外不同類型的實地考察團,擴闊眼界。 CAREER PROSPECTS 就業前景 Business Journalism Concentration 專修商業新聞 • Anchor 主播 • Reporter 記者 • News Editor/Social Media Editor 新聞編輯/社媒編輯 • News Translator 新聞翻譯 • Media Relations Officer 媒體關係主任 • Producer 製作人員 • Researcher 研究員 • News Analyst 新聞分析員 Corporate Communication Concentration 專修企業傳訊 • Public Relations Executive 公關主任 • Corporate Communication Executive 企業傳訊主任 • Advertising Consultant 廣告策劃專員 • Marketing Executive 市場推廣主任 • Social Media Specialist 社媒行銷專員 • Researcher 研究員 • Digital Marketing Communication Specialist 數碼市場傳訊專員  SCHOOL FACILITIES 學院設施 1. TV Lab 實驗電視廊 2. SCOM Cinema and TV Production Centre 傳播學院影視製作中心 3. Media and Communication Lab 媒體及傳播實驗室 4. Multimedia Training Centre 多媒體培訓中心 5. Radio Broadcasting Training Centre 廣播培訓中心 6. Radio Broadcasting Studio 電台廣播錄音室 7. Non-linear Editing Room 非線性(影音)剪接室 CAMPUS LIFE 校園生活 The HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges provide 1,200 places for students to have a robust platform to empower and nurture social engagements, intellectual interflow and global perspectives through community living and learning. 香港恒生大學賽馬會住宿書院提供1,200個宿位,讓同學們能透過融合社區生活與學習的平台,互相促進社會參與、知識交流及培育環球視野。 LEE Ngan Chai, Graduate of 2014/15 Works at a public relations firm 李雁齊, 2014/15 年度畢業生 畢業後在傳訊及活動策劃公司工作 Lau Nga Tung, Monchi, Graduate of 2014/15 Works at Public Affairs Department of CLP Power Hong Kong 劉雅彤, 2014/15 年度畢業生 畢業後在中華電力有限公司公共事務部工作 Wong Lai Ching (left), Graduate of 2014/15 Advancement to MSSc in Corporate Communication, CUHK Works at Urban Renewal Authority 黃麗青(左), 2014/15年度畢業生 升讀香港中文大學企業傳訊碩士課程 畢業後在市區重建局公關部門工作 Chan Yun San, Graduate of 2015/16 Founded a medical technology company upon gradution 陳潤新, 2015/16年度畢業生 畢業後創立了醫療科技公司 Lam Cheuk Leung, Internship Programme at Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) 林倬樑, 電視廣播有限公司實習記者 Li Chak Ho Keith, Internship Programme at Hong Kong i-Cable News Limited 李澤浩, 有線新聞實習記者 Wong Chi Yat, Internship Programme at PCCW Services Limited 黃知日, Now新聞實習記者 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES 學生成就及活動 Students who were awarded in the 18th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards took photo with the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau Tang Wah (2nd from left). 於第18屆消費權益新聞報道獎比賽獲獎的同學與商務及經濟發展局局長邱騰華先生(左二)合照。 A team of four BJC Year-4 students, namely Ms CHAN Cheuk Sze, Ms CHAN Hiu Tung, Ms CHOI Kam Ling and Ms NG Yuen Yung, won the Professional Market Analysis Award in the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition 2020. 傳播學院新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程四年級學生陳卓詩同學、陳曉彤同學、蔡金伶同學和吳宛蓉同學勇奪全港創意公關大賽籌委會頒發的專業市場分析獎。 Students garnered a number of awards in China Daily Hong Kong's 2021 Campus Newspaper Awards. 同學於中國日報舉辦的 「2021 大學新聞獎」獲得多個大獎。 The 2nd School of Communication Students Works Exhibition 傳播學院第二屆學生作品展 Teachers and Students took photo with Taiwan Former President Ma Ying--jeou. 台灣前總統馬英九與傳播學院考察團合照。 Students won the Bronze Award in the 21st Consumer Rights Reporting Awards. 同學於第21屆消費權益新聞報導獎比賽獲得銅獎。 Graduates took photo with Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication. 協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授與畢業生合照。 Alumni Gathering of the School of Communication. 傳播學院校友聯誼會。 ENQUIRIES ON APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 入學申請查詢 Applications can be submitted through the HSUHK Undergraduate Application System. For enquiries, please contact the Registry. 申請可透過恒大網上入學申請系統遞交。如有查詢,請聯絡本校教務處。 Tel 電話 :3963 5555 Fax 傳真 :3963 5553 Website 網頁 Programme Email 課程查詢 Admission Email 入學查詢 Address 地址 :Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, NT 新界沙田小瀝源行善里 In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents of this pamphlet, the English version shall prevail. 本課程簡介內容以英文版本為準,中文譯本僅供參考。 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee. 香港恒生大學是一間於香港註冊成立之擔保有限公司。 Information updated as of May 2022. 有關資料更新至2022年5月。 QF Level: 5 QR Registration No.: 18/000846/L5 Registration Validity Period: 08/11/2018 to 31/08/2022