Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)in ECONOMICS (BBA-ECON) 經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士 WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY ECONOMICS? 為何你要修讀經濟學? With the deepening of globalisation, the economic relations of countries around the world are getting closer. Economic events, such as the recent China-US trade war, foreign exchange and interest rate movements, have exerted a great impact on society. Equipping yourself with the knowledge of economics, not only can give you an insight into the underlying trend, but also can improve your analytical ability, thereby giving you an edge in the job market. 隨著全球化,世界各國經濟關係越來越緊密。而經濟事件,例如近來的中美貿易戰、外匯及利率走勢都對社會有很大影響。如果你能夠掌握經濟學的知識,有助洞悉國際大勢,更能提昇分析能力,在求職和工作時勝人一籌。 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 常見問題 Q1: What are the career prospects of BBA (Honours) in Economics? 修讀經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程後的職業前景如何? The rapid change in international relations and pandemic have led to changes in the economic landscape of Hong Kong, Mainland China, and around the world. In this era of rapid transformation, economics professionals not only can advise the government in policy formulation, but also offer recommendations to the corporations for adjusting and coping with these changes. Moreover, economics professional can evaluate the impacts of these socioeconomic events and policies on Hong Kong, Mainland China, and the world. 近年來國際關係的急速轉變及傳染病的大流行,這些事件都令香港、中國大陸和世界的經濟格局發生了重大轉變。在這個變幻莫測的時期,經濟學專才可以幫助政府制定各項政策以振興經濟,紓解民困。他們也可以為企業提供應對各種經濟局勢轉變的建議。另外還可以通過經濟分析去評估各項政策及不同的社會經濟事件對香港、中國大陸以至全球的影響。 Graduates with an economics degree can work in many different areas and are not restricted to any industries, companies, or occupations. The evaluation of government policies, prediction of foreign exchange and interest rates, as well as forecasting of the economic outlook for the private sector require the services of economics professionals. Therefore, there is a strong and stable demand for economics professionals in these areas. 經濟學畢業生可以在許多不同領域工作,而不受任何行業、公司或職業的限制。社會各界對政府政策的影響評估、外匯及利率走勢的預測、營商環境的分析等等工作領域,都需要掌握經濟學知識和分析技能的專業人才。因此,市場對經濟學專業人才需求十分殷切。 According to a recent employers’ survey, 93.3% of the surveyed companies reported that it would be better if their staff possessed more knowledge in economics. Moreover, 86.7% of the surveyed companies prefer the graduates who possess knowledge of China-specific and global economic issues. 根據一個僱主調查,僱主對經濟學專才需求殷切。93.3%的公司期望員工擁有更多經濟學知識。此外,86.7%的公司更喜歡聘請熟悉中國經濟的畢業生,而另外86.7%的公司則喜歡聘請擁有全球經濟知識的畢業生。 Employment pathways of BBA-ECON graduates are not confined to specific industries or enterprises as the knowledge gained through studying BBA-ECON degree can be applied in different positions offered by government agencies, corporations, financial institutions, think tanks, educational institutions and non-government organisations (NGOs). 經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程的畢業生就業途徑並不局限於特定行業或企業。因為經濟學知識可以應用於政府機構、私營企業、金融機構、智庫、教育機構和其他非政府組織所提供的不同職位。 Q2: I am interested in studying economics, but I am not good at mathematics. Can I still pursue a BBA (Honours) in Economics? 我對經濟學非常感興趣,但我不擅長數學。我想知道我是否可以攻讀經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士。 Our programme is designed to enable students to progress systematically even if they are not good at mathematics. We offer high flexibility in the curriculum design, and students can choose the courses that they like. The ratio of elective course modules to total course modules is 40% in the third year of study, and it increases to 80% in the final year. 我們的課程經過精心設計,內容由淺入深,就算不擅長數學的同學也能應付自如。而我們在課程設計中充滿彈性,學生可以選擇他們喜歡的課程。第三年選修課程佔全部課程40%,在第四年更升至80%。 Given the great flexibility in module selection, students who like to study non-mathematical courses can choose policy-oriented modules focusing on global economics issues or on the economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. Likewise, students who are fond of analytics can choose machine learning and artificial intelligence-related modules which are based on state-of-the-art analytical techniques. Summing up, our curriculum allows students of different abilities and interests to choose their favourite modules to better equip themselves for employment after graduation. 鑑於課程設計非常靈活,因此喜歡非數學類課程的同學可以選擇政策分析的課程,例如:國際經濟或中港經濟等相關單元。而喜歡分析的同學則可以選擇機器學習及人工智能等採用最先進分析手段的相關單元。我們這種課程安排,能使不同能力及不同興趣的學生都能選取自己喜愛的科目,更能讓學生修讀其熱衷的課程,以迎合其就業需要。 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 課程概覽 The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Economics Programme aims to equip students with a solid foundation of economics knowledge and training on research skills so that they can conduct economic analysis in decision making and evaluate the impacts of economic issues in a business environment. This programme has many unique features listed below. 1. The curriculum is extremely flexible. Students are free to choose their favourite elective modules. Elective modules account for 40% of all modules in the third year, and 80% in the fourth year. 2. We offer lots of internship opportunities to help students acquire practical knowledge and relevant work experience. 3. We provide training on economic analysis professional software (normally offered in overseas master’s and doctoral programmes only) to enhance students’ competitiveness in the job market. 4. We also offer training on diverse tools of data analysis to foster students’ capability in conducting economic analysis for decision making in a business environment. 經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程旨在培訓學生經濟學知識及研究技能,以便他們可以應用經濟分析於商業決策,以及評估經濟議題對商業活動的影響。本課程有四大特點,包括: 1. 課程極具彈性。學生可以自由選擇自己喜愛的課程。第三年選修課程佔全部課程40%, 第四年佔80%。 2. 提供大量工作實習機會,使學生獲得實務上的知識及相關工作經驗。 3. 提供外國碩士及博士課程所教授的專業經濟分析軟件培訓,以增強學生競爭能力及在求職時更能勝人一籌。 4. 教授多種應用於商業決策的經濟及數據分析方法。 PROGRAMME FEATURES 課程特色 Our specially designed modules focus on both quantitative and qualitative analysis as well as training on practical skills such as academic and business-report writing, and presentation skills. We also provide training on practical analytical skills applicable to the real-world economic issues through hands-on training on a variety of research software programmes. Moreover, we provide numerous co-curricular learning activities and internship employment opportunities so that students can acquire practical and theoretical knowledge as well as relevant work experience. 本課程專門設計的課程單元包含定量和定性分析,以及多項實用技能的培訓,例如撰寫業務報告和學術論文,及匯報技巧等。技能培訓側重於通過對各種分析軟件的實際操作培訓,來分析現實世界的不同經濟問題。課外學習活動則通過多種的學術活動及提供實習就業機會,使學生獲得理論和實務上的知識,以及相關工作經驗。 CAREER PROSPECTS 就業前景 Our graduates have a wide range of career options to choose from, such as: Economist, consultant, policy analyst, research analyst, real estate analyst, securities and market analyst, financial data analyst, financial planner, investment advisor, administrative officer, executive officer, executive assistant, management trainee, project officer, teacher, financial journalist, etc. 畢業生的就業選擇眾多,例如:經濟師、顧問、政策分析師、研究分析師、房地產分析師、證券和市場分析師、財務數據分析師、財務規劃師、投資顧問、管理人員、行政人員、行政助理、見習行政人員、項目主任、教師、財經記者等等不同職業。 ACADEMIC STRUCTURE 課程架構 The BBA in Economics is a four-year programme. Students are required to take a total of 41 modules with 3 credits each (except 3 English modules with 2 credits each), including 16 modules in the common core curriculum, 10 modules in business education, 12 modules in the economics specialty and 3 free elective modules. 經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士為四年制課程。學生須修讀41個單元科目(38個單元均為3個學分,3個英語單元為2個學分),包括16個共同核心課程單元、10個商業教育單元、12個經濟學專修單元及3個選修課單元。 List of Modules Common Core Curriculum Modules 共同核心課程單元 Chinese Literature Appreciation 中國文學欣賞 University English I* 大學英語(一)* University English II* 大學英語(二)* English for Professional Communication 專業英語傳意 English for Academic Purposes* 學術英語* Freshman Chinese 大一國文 Contemporary Information Technologies 當代資訊科技 Perspectives on General Education 透視通識教育 Probability and Statistics 概率與統計學 Applied Putonghua 應用普通話 Plus 6 General Education Elective Modules 加6個通識教育選修單元 Business Education Modules 商科教育單元 Business Economics 1 商業經濟學(一) Business Economics 2 商業經濟學(二) Business Policy and Strategy 商業政策及策略 Financial Accounting 財務會計 Financial Management 財務管理 Hong Kong Business Law 香港商務法 Management Accounting 1 管理會計(一) Operation and Supply Chain Management 營運與供應鏈管理 Principles of Management 管理學原理 Principles of Marketing 市場學原理 Economics Specialty Modules 經濟學專修單元 Mathematics for Economics and Finance 經濟金融數學 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications 微觀經濟學:政策與應用 Macroeconomics : Policy and Applications 宏觀經濟學:政策與應用 Money and Banking 貨幣與銀行 Introduction to Econometrics 計量經濟學導論 Introduction to Applied Economic Modelling 應用經濟模型初階 Economic Research and Communication 經濟研究及傳訊 Plus 5 Specialty Elective Modules 加5個自選的專修單元 Plus 3 Free Elective Modules 加3個選修課單元 * This is a module with 2 credits. * 此英語單元為2個學分。 # University English for Senior-year Entrants (non-credit bearing) is mandatory for all Year-2 and Year-3 entrants with an AD or HD qualification starting from AY2022/23. # 由二零二二至二零二三學年起,經副學士學位或高級文憑課程入學之二年級及三年級學生,必須修讀高年級大學英語(非學分單元)。 SPECIALTY ELECTIVE MODULES 自選專修單元 To cater for the needs and interests of different students, this programme offers 11 specialty elective modules to choose from. Students only need to complete 5 of them to graduate. Students who prefer to study non-mathematical modules can choose policy-oriented modules focusing on global economic issues or the economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, while students who are fond of analytics can choose machine learning and artificial intelligence-related modules based on state-of-the-art analytical techniques. Therefore, the BBA in Economics programme offers high flexibility and is suitable for students coming from different backgrounds. 為了迎合不同學生的需要及興趣,本課程提供11個不同的專修單元供學生選擇。學生只需修畢其中5個便可以畢業。喜歡非數學類課程的同學可以選擇國際經濟或中港經濟等的政策分析相關單元。而喜歡分析的同學則可以選擇機器學習及人工智能等採用最先進分析手段的相關單元。由於課程設計極具彈性,因此適合不同類型的學生入讀。 Specialty Elective Modules 自選專修單元 Economic Growth and Development 經濟增長與發展 Principles of Investment 投資學原理 International Trade and Finance 國際貿易和金融 Financial Econometrics 金融計量經濟學 Public Economics 公共經濟學 Senior Year Project 學生自選課題研究 Economies of Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR 中國大陸和香港特區的經濟 Introduction to Machine Learning Analysis: Applications for Economics and Finance 機器學習分析導論:經濟學和金融學的應用 Global Economic Issues 世界經濟問題 Game Theory and Business Strategy 博弈論與商業策略 Introduction to Neural Network Analysis: Applications for Economics and Finance 神經網絡分析導論:經濟學和金融學的應用 YOUR PATHWAY TO THE DIGITAL FINANCE - FINTECH CLUSTER 您的「數字金融」之路 - 金融科技組合 Technology innovation applied to financial services has changed the landscape of the global financial system. This transformation is creating new opportunities for young generation to experience, engage with, and embrace the disruption impact of FinTech to the world. 應用於金融服務的創新科技改變了全球金融體系的格局。這種跨時代的轉型為年輕一代創造了新的機會,讓您們體驗、參與和擁抱金融科技給世界帶來的新衝擊。 Our new FinTech Cluster, funded by the Government's Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme, has been designed to equip students with the ability to identify opportunities for change and the skillset required to meet the demand in the financial services sector. Therefore our Programme focuses at a higher level of FinTech application and innovation aspects and offers modules in “FinTech Management”, “Application of Blockchain”, “Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics” and other elective choices to enhance the competitiveness of the graduates. 我們新的金融科技組合課程獲政府的「自資專上教育提升及啟動補助金計劃」資助,旨在使學生具備識別變革機會的能力以及滿足金融業對金融科技人才需求。因此,我們的課程著重於更高水平的金融科技應用和創新層面,提供「金融科技管理」、「區塊鏈應用」、「人工智能與數據分析」等多個選修課程,以提高畢業生的競爭力。 Being a founding member of the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA), we offer students the opportunities to participate in FinTech seminars, visits, talks, forum, training, and competitions. The Programme will also provide students with internship opportunities in various financial institutions, like banks, asset management firms, investment banks, and FinTech start-ups. 作為亞洲金融科技師學會(IFTA)的創始成員,我們為學生提供參與金融科技研討會、參觀、講座、論壇、培訓和比賽的機會。本課程亦將推薦學生到包括銀行、資產管理公司、投資銀行和金融科技初創企業在內的各種金融機構實習。 STUDENT ENRICHMENT 學生培育 • INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 實習計劃 HSUHK considers internship to be an effective learning tool for students. The on-the-job training and the internship projects closely supervised by our experienced tutors enable students to put their knowledge into practice, thus making the learning experience more rewarding and challenging. Our collaborating partners include government agencies, multi-national corporations, local companies, and non-government organisations. 恒大認為實習是十分有效的學習途徑。同學透過在職訓練及導師悉心指導,學以致用,獲取寶貴的學習經驗。合作夥伴包括政府部門,跨國公司,本地公司和非政府組織。 • EXCHANGE PROGRAMME 海外學習交流計劃 We have exchange partnership agreement with over 40 overseas institutions across Asia, Europe, Australia, and North America. Students are encouraged to apply for the exchange programme with one of the partnering overseas institutions to broaden their horizons. 恒大與超過40間亞洲、歐洲、澳洲及北美的海外學府簽訂合作協議,鼓勵學生到這些海外學府交流,擴闊視野。 RESOURCES AND LEARNING SUPPORTS TO STUDENTS 資源與學生的學習支援 • Training on economic modelling software 經濟模型軟件專業培訓 • Financial Trading Laboratory 金融交易實驗室 • Alumni connections 校友聯系 • Academic conferences and seminar series 學術會議及講座系列 • Coaching support to students participating in external competitions 為參與校外比賽的同學提供指導支援 HSUHK JOCKEY CLUB RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES 恒大賽馬會住宿書院 HSUHK is the first self-financing institution to adopt elements of a Residential College approach. The residential colleges with 1,200 places are established so that students could benefit from the dynamic and inspiring hall life education programmes. The themes of the four residential colleges are respectively Cultural diversity, Healthy living, Community service and Sustainability, which echo HSUHK’s “Liberal + Professional” education model. 恒大是全港首間自資院校引入住宿式書院,學生宿舍提供 1,200個宿位,每家書院均設有主題,分別是多元文化、健康生活、社會服務及持續發展,與恒大獨有的「博雅 + 專業」辦學模式互相呼應。 SCHOLARSHIP AND BURSARY 獎助學金 • Entrance Scholarships 入學獎學金 • Dean’s Award 院長入學獎學金 • Scholarship for Principal Recommended Admission Scheme 校長推薦計劃獎學金 • HSUHK Entrance Bursary Scheme 香港恒生大學入學助學金 Public lecture given at HSUHK by Professor Guanghua Wan, Director of the Institute of World Economy, Fudan University; former Director of Research, Asian Development Bank Institute. 復旦大學世界經濟研究所所長,前亞洲開發銀行研究所研究總監萬廣華教授親臨香港恒生大學作演講。 Career talk for students. 為尚未畢業的學生提供就業講座。 ENQUIRIES ON APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 入學申請查詢 Applicants can submit their applications through The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Undergraduate Application System. For further enquiries, please contact the Registry, or you can contact our staff by WhatsApp or WeChat. 申請者可透過香港恒生大學網上入學申請系統申請。 如有進一步查詢,請聯絡本校教務處,或可以用WhatsApp或微信聯繫我們。 Tel 電話 : 3963 5555 WeChat 微信 ID : hsuhkeaf WhatsApp : 9539 6771 Fax 傳真 : 3963 5553 Website 網頁 : Programme Enquiries 課程查詢 : Admission Enquiries 入學查詢 : Address 地址 : Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, NT 新界沙田小瀝源行善里 In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents of this pamphlet, the English version shall prevail. 本課程簡介內容以英文版本為準,中文譯本僅供參考。 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee. 香港恒生大學是一間於香港註冊成立之擔保有限公司。 Information updated as of April 2022. 有關資料更新至2022年4月。 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Economics is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF). QF Level: 5│QR Registration No.: 20/000374/L5│Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2020 to 31/08/2025