Erudition 博學 11‧2021 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Scholarship 香港恒生大學獎學金 Chinese Family Succession Research Centre: From Establishment to Extension Exploring Family Succession in Greater China Area 華人家族傳承研究中心:從建立到延續 探索大中華區的家族傳承 Parents Orientation 家長迎新日 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Scholarships Help Students Build Their Future 香港恒生大學獎學金成就學生開創未來...................................................................................................1 Diverse Scholastrships to Recognise Students' Achievements 多元化獎學金嘉許學生成就....................................................................................................1 Generosity from Society and Alumni Benefits All Students 社會與校友慷慨解囊 惠及各類學生................................................................................................2 Let Students Learn to Be Grateful, Be Proactive in Further Development 讓學生學會感恩 積極開拓發展.....................................................................................3 HSUHK People 恒大人 The Fantastic Journey at the Helm of Information Technology - Interview with Ms Miranda Liang 資訊科技掌舵人的奇幻旅程-梁敏雅女士專訪.....................................................4 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Exploring New Opportunities outside the Comfort Zone - Interview with Ms Vicki Tsang 跳出安舒圈 發掘新機會-曾珮汶女士專訪................................................................6 Getting a Head Start to Embrace Future Challenges - Interview with Mr Calvin Chan 洞悉先機 迎接未來挑戰-陳卓賢先生專訪...................................................................7 University Information 大學訊息 President Ho Shares at the Corporate Governance Crisis Diagnostic Seminar 何校長於公司管治危機拆解講座作分享..............................................................................8 ‘From Joyful and Green Life to LOHAS Industries’ - Seminar on Green Creative Industries 「從喜悅常樂與綠色環保到樂活產業」綠色創意產業論壇....................................................8 President Ho Serves as Host of RTHK Radio 1 Dialogue Programme‘ Life Lessons’ 何校長擔任香港電台第一台「人生學堂」節目.....................................................................9 First Episode of‘ Alumni Chill & Chat Series’: RSM Hong Kong 「校友Chill & Chat 系列」第一輯:羅申美會計師事務所...........................................................................9 Act Now! Join‘ HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’! 香港恒生大學「紛FunD 跑」虛擬跑 現正接受報名.......................................................................................................9 HSUHK Research 大學研究 From Establishment to Extension Exploring Family Succession in the Greater China Area 從建立到延續 探索大中華區的家族傳承................................................................10 Campus Express 校園快訊 Seminar on Hong Kong’s Disaster Rescue System and Crisis Management 香港災難體系與危機管理研討會.........................................................................................12 Women in NGOs and Wellbeing Seminar Women in NGOs and Wellbeing 講座...............................................................................................................12 The Inspiring Carnival 啟迪廊嘉年華..................................................................................................................................................12 Arts@HSUHK:‘ Move Within and Without’ - Dance Performance by HKDC 文藝在恒大:香港舞蹈團《舞•尋萬象》舞蹈演出...............................................................................13 ‘Managing Oneself in 21st Century’ Video Series Launch Ceremony and the MLA Forum 「21 世紀自我管理」短片特輯發佈會及博雅管理論壇............................................................13 The Symposium on Cybersecurity Law in PR China: Communication and Governance Perspectives 中國《網絡安全法》研討會:傳播與治理.............................................................14 SF&OC x HSUHK: Sharing Seminar for HK Athletes Career & Education Programme Marketing Promotion Proposal Competition  港協暨奧委會 x 香港恒生大學:香港運動員就業及教育計劃市場推廣活動設計比賽簡介會.......................................................................................................................14 ‘AI Technology and Career Opportunities’ Talk 「人工智能技術與就業機會」講座..............................................................................................................14 Chinese Traditional Architecture and Heritage Tour: Nan Lian Garden 藝遊築跡:南蓮園池.................................................................................................15 Parents Orientation 家長迎新日.......................................................................................................................................................15 ‘Campus, Learning, and Development: Seminar on Hong Kong's Youth Wellbeing’ Jointly Organised by the HSUHK Centre for Public Policy Research and Save the Children Hong Kong  香港恒生大學公共政策研究中心與香港救助兒童會合辨「校園、學習與發展:香港青年福祉研討會」.................................................................................................................16 STFL Online Workshop Series - Looking into Taiwan's Game Localisation Industry Today  翻譯及外語學院線上工作坊系列-台灣遊戲翻譯產業現況分析...........................................................................................................................................16 WUCIE Guest Speaker Talk:‘ My Social Innovation Journey in Time Auction’ WUCIE 嘉賓講座:「Time Auction-我的社會創新之旅」................................................................17 Donation of Big Data Analytics Software by InSight4 Analytica InSight4 Analytica 捐贈大數據分析軟件.....................................................................................17 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 BJC Students Won the Bronze Award in the 21st Consumer Rights Reporting Awards  新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程學生獲「第21 屆消費權益新聞報道獎」銅獎...................................................................................................................................17 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Double Bottomline Decision Making Simulation Game 雙底線決策模擬遊戲.....................................................................................................................18 Student Life Fair Hosted by the Students’ Union 學生會舉辦「恒薈」.......................................................................................................................18 Management League 2021 管理學系聯賽 2021...............................................................................................................................................18 Sportify MGT 2021 管理學系「Sportify MGT 2021」........................................................................................................................................19 SBUS Orientation 2021 2021 商學院迎新.................................................................................................................................................19 Orientation and Activities for Inbound Exchange Students of Fall Semester 2021/22 秋季交換生迎新會及活動 2021/22..........................................................................20 Kicking off a New Year at the Residential Colleges 住宿書院積極迎接新宿年來臨..............................................................................................................20 WUCIE Orientation Day WUCIE 迎新日....................................................................................................................................................20 College Assembly - HSUHK Liberal Agora 月會-恒大博雅講場................................................................................................................................21 Mental Health Awareness Week 精神健康關注週.............................................................................................................................................21 HSUHK’s Honours Academy - Inauguration Ceremony of the Second Cohort 香港恒生大學榮譽學院-第二屆學員啟動禮...................................................................................22 Over 100 Students Join the CUHK Jockey Club Children Eye Care Programme 超過100 位學生參與香港中文大學賽馬會瞳心護眼計劃........................................................................22 HKGCC Business Case Competition 2021 Briefing 香港總商會商業案例比賽2021 簡介會.............................................................................................................23 Campus Visits 到訪校園 Visit from Professor Sally Chan of Tung Wah College 東華學院陳慧慈教授到訪.................................................................................................................23 Visit from Mr Clement Fung, Mr Andric Yew and Mr Nelson Tang 馮兆滔先生、姚逸安先生及鄧維祐先生到訪............................................................................................24 The Hamburg School of Business Administration Visits HSUHK Online 德國漢堡工商管理學院在線到訪香港恒生大學......................................................................................24 Visit from Mr Luffy Chiu and Mr Marc Ng 趙國傑先生及吳海岳先生來訪...........................................................................................................................25 Visit from Mr Nick Tang and Mrs Stephanie Tang 鄧灝康伉儷到訪校園..........................................................................................................................25 Personnel Updates 人事快訊...............................................................................................................................................................25 Back Cover Updates封底快訊 Stronger Support Base for HSUHK 誠邀支持捐獻恒大...........................................................................................................................................26 Connect with Alma Mater - Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與母校保持聯繫-攜手創建緊密校友網絡....................................................................................26 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Scholarships Help Students Build Their Future 香港恒生大學獎學金成就學生開創未來 University education aims at nurturing future talents and leaders for society, offering different learning opportunities for students to understand themselves and to unleash their talents. Apart from aiding students with financial difficulties so as to allow more of them to receive quality education, HSUHK, as a private liberal-arts-oriented university, thanks to the generosity of many donors, has established a wide variety of scholarship schemes to recognise and encourage outstanding students. 大學教育旨在培訓社會未來人才與領袖,為學生提供不同的學習機會認識自己,發揮潛能。作為一所以博雅教育為主導的私立大學,感恩眾多慷慨捐獻人,香港恒生大學除了向有財政困難的學生提供援助,讓更多學生能接受優質的教育外,亦設立各式各樣的獎學金計劃,嘉許與鼓勵表現傑出的學生。 Diverse Scholastrships to Recognise Students’ Achievements 多元化獎學金嘉許學生成就 To support students’ all-round development, HSUHK offers eligible students four types of scholarships, namely Entrance Scholarships, Academic Scholarships, Co-curricular Scholarships, and Overseas Learning Scholarships. President Simon S M Ho explained that different types of scholarships are awarded according to their respective themes and criteria. These scholarships reward and recognise students for their excellent performance in academic and non-academic areas including arts, community services, sports, innovation and leadership, thereby supporting them to broaden their horizons in a diverse learning environment. In addition to subsidising the tuition and residential college fees of the awardees, the provisions can also be used for supporting students to participate in extra-curricular activities, overseas exchange or internships so as to enrich their campus life. President Ho said, “By awarding scholarships, we hope to encourage students to develop in various aspects while giving them opportunities to explore their potentials and realise their goals.” 香港恒生大學為合資格學生提供四類獎學金,分別為入學獎學金、學術獎學金、聯課活動獎學金及海外學習獎學金,以配合學生的全方位發展。何順文校長闡釋,不同類型的獎學金會分別按其主題及要求而頒發,獎勵和肯定學生在學術和非學術方面的傑出表現,涵蓋藝文、社會服務、體育、創新和領導才能等範疇,支持他們在一個多元環境中拓 闊視野。這些獎學金除了用於資助得獎人的學費及住宿書院費用外,亦會用以資助學生參與課外活動、海外交流或實習,豐富他們的校園生活。何校長表示:「我們期望通過頒發獎學金鼓勵同學作多方面發展,並讓有志學習的同學有機會拓展潛能、實現目標。」 President Simon Ho hopes the scholarships can enrich the learning experience of students.何順文校長期望獎學金能豐富學生的學習體驗。 Scan the QR code to view the scholarships' details: 掃描二維碼瀏覽獎學金資料: Generosity from Society and Alumni Benefits All Students 社會與校友慷慨解囊 惠及各類學生 Thanks to the devoted support and generous contributions from members of various sectors, the University is able to set up a diversified scholarship system. President Ho expressed sincere gratitude to them and said, “In the academic year 2020/21, there are altogether close to 800 scholarships and awards available for HSUHK students, amounting to a total value of over HK$13 million, while some scholarships even cover full tuition and residential college fees for up to four years. It is very rare for a rising university.” President Ho added that eight new scholarships were established in the academic year 2021/22, which reflected our society’s confidence in the University and its recognition of students’ performance. From the Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC) of yesteryear to the HSUHK of today, a close student-teacher relationship has always been one of the characteristics of the campus, and has fostered a strong sense of belonging among many alumni towards their Alma Mater. These enthusiastic alumni have come to be another source of scholarships. President Ho cited an example, “A group of HSSC alumni who had studied abroad with the help of our overseas study scholarships voluntarily set up a foundation to support current graduates to pursue further studies overseas. Successful in their careers, they still remember to give back to their Alma Mater, embodying the spirit of passing on the torch.” 大學能夠設立多元化的獎學金制度,實有賴不同界別人士的鼎力支持與慷慨付出,何校長對此表示衷心感謝:「在2020/21 學年,學生可申請的獎學金和獎項接近800 個,總金額超過1,300 萬港元,而部分獎學金更提供最高四年的全額學費及住宿書院費用資助,以一所新興大學而言十分難得。」何校長補充,大學亦於2021/22 學年新增 了八項獎學金,反映社會各界對大學的信心,以及對學生表現的肯定。 從昔日的恒生商學書院(恒商)到今天的香港恒生大學,緊密的師生關係一直是校園特色之一,不少校友對母校都有強烈的歸屬感,而這些熱心校友更成為獎學金的另一來源。何校長舉例說:「一群曾獲獎學金資助負笈海外升學的恒商校友,自發成立了一個基金會獎勵現時的畢業生赴海外進修。他們事業有成但仍不忘回饋母校,體現了薪火相傳 的精神。」 Ms Bryne Pacis is a year-1 BBA (Hons) in Finance and Banking student. Living on an outlying island, she originally planned to earn her tuition and accommodation fees through part-time work. She was pleasantly surprised when she learnt that she was awarded the Dr Cheung Wah Keung Entrance Scholarship. “I can now spend more time on my campus life to learn and exchange with classmates as well as explore other chances of development.” She also wishes to build a diverse network and contribute what she has learnt to the community, for example by helping charity groups that are concerned with children’s health and medicine to expand their volunteer networks and to give them advice on financial management. Bryne Pacis 同學是金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士的一年級學生,家住離島的她原本打算通過兼職賺取學費及宿費,當得知成為張華強博士入學獎學金的得獎者時,感到十分驚喜。「我現在可以投放更多時間在校園生活,與同學一起學習及交流,並發掘其他發展機會。」她亦希望藉此建立多元化的人際網絡,並將所學貢獻社會,例如 為關注兒童健康及醫療的慈善機構擴大義工網絡及提供財務管理建議。 Ms Bryne Pacis Bryne Pacis 同學 Another beneficiary is Mr Oscar Choi, who was admitted to the BSC (Hons) in Applied Computing Programme this year. He was awarded the Entrance Scholarship (Scheme 2) for his exceptional DSE results. He started to learn programming language by himself when he was in secondary school. With the assistance of the scholarship, he can focus on learning programming and business operations at the University for developing and running his own video game business in the future. “Staff members of the Student Affairs Office are very nice and remind me that I can apply for other scholarships. Professors are both professional and passionate about teaching. I believe my university life will be fruitful.” 今年入讀計算機應用(榮譽)理學士一年級的蔡焯南同學是另一位受惠者,他憑着優異的文憑試成績獲頒定額獎學金。他在中學時期已開始自學編程語言,得到獎學金的資助,令他能在大學專注學習有關編程及商業營運的知識,用以日後開發及經營自己的電子遊戲事業。「學生事務處的職員非常友善,提醒我可以申請其他獎學金;教授們既專 業又充滿教學熱誠,我相信我的大學生活定必收穫豐富。」 Mr Oscar Choi 蔡焯南同學 HSUHK also pays attention to the needs of students in master’s programmes, and has set up numerous specific scholarships for them. Ms Lorraine Dong from Zhuhai considers that the socio-economic developments in Hong Kong are in line with the international system and thus are favourable for business studies. Seeing that HSUHK’s curricula cover business knowledge of the Greater Bay Area, she decided to enrol in our MSC in Entrepreneurial Management Programme. She was grateful to be awarded the FTLife Elite Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Management. “The scholarship eases my burden of living in Hong Kong and enables me to seek comprehensive development in the academic field.” Apart from working in Hong Kong, she looks forward to leveraging on the development of the Greater Bay Area to start her own business there. 大學同樣重視碩士課程學生的需要,為他們設立了多個專門獎學金。來自珠海的董藝豐同學認為香港的社會與經濟發展跟國際制度接軌,有利商科學習,而香港恒生大學的課程涵蓋大灣區的營商知識,因此選擇修讀本校創業管理理學碩士。她感恩獲得富通保險優才創業管理學獎學金:「獎學金能減輕我在港的生活負擔,使我得以在學術方面追求 全面發展。」除了留港工作外,她亦期望可以把握大灣區的發展優勢到當地創業。 Ms Lorraine Dong 董藝豐同學 Let Students Learn to Be Grateful, Be Proactive in Further Development 讓學生學會感恩 積極開拓發展 The Student Affairs Office organises the Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony on campus every year, and due to COVID-19 held an online Appreciation Ceremony for Scholarship Donors in 2021, so that students and teachers could give thanks to donors while scholarship recipients and donors could get to know each other better through sharing and exchanging views. Besides, the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office will arrange for individual scholarship recipients to meet donors or enterprise representatives, offering the students a chance to thank the donors personally and share how they benefit from and feel towards receiving the scholarships. President Ho pointed out, “Not only do these meetings teach the students to be grateful, but they also enable the donors to feel how the scholarships have given students motivation to seek change and improvement.” 學生事務處每年均會在校園舉辦獎學金頒獎典禮,2021 年因疫情舉辦了網上獎學金捐贈感謝禮,讓師生能藉此向捐贈者道謝,並讓獎學金得主與捐贈者互相分享交流,加深彼此的認識。發展及校友事務處亦會安排個別不同獲獎學生與捐助人士或企業會面,讓他們親自道謝及分享當中的得著和感受。何校長指出:「除了令學生學會感恩外,會面 亦讓捐助人感受到獎學金給予學生尋求改變與進步的動力。」 Scholarship awardees share with donors their campus life and feelings towards receiving the scholarships. 獎學金得主與捐助人分享校園生活及得獎感受。 The Appreciation Ceremony for Scholarship Donors 2021 is conducted in an online format due to the pandemic. 2021 年獎學金捐贈感謝禮因應疫情以網上模式舉行。 To further encourage students to strive for excellence in academic and non-academic areas, the University is dedicated to balancing the development of different types of scholarships to facilitate students’ whole person development. President Ho said HSUHK would continue to reach out to people from various sectors to share with them the happenings at the University and the students’ achievements in order to solicit their generous support and in turn benefit more students. Lastly, he urged students to seize the learning opportunities around them and make good use of the scholarship resources, and then give back to the Alma Mater and society in the future. 為進一步鼓勵學生在學術與非學術上力求卓越,校方將致力平衡發展各類獎學金,以達到培育學生的全人發展。何校長表示,大學亦會繼續積極聯繫各界有心人,與他們分享大學動態及學生成就,誠邀他們慷慨支持,務求令更多學生受惠。最後,他勉勵同學把握身邊的學習機會,善用獎學金資源,將來盡力回饋母校及社會。 HSUHK People 恒大人 The Fantastic Journey at the Helm of Information Technology 資訊科技掌舵人的奇幻旅程 Interview with Ms Miranda Liang 梁敏雅女士專訪 Director of Information Technology 資訊科技總監 Information technology (IT) and engineering are male-dominated industries in the eyes of the general public, and it is not easy for a woman to find a place in them. However, petite-looking Ms Miranda Liang is among their ranks. She worked as a project engineer after obtaining her bachelor degree in engineering, playing a part in coordinating different kinds of infrastructure projects. Later, chance brought her to switch to the IT field in the tertiary education sector, and she has recently returned to Hong Kong from Canada to take up the position of Director of Information Technology at HSUHK. Though having worked in Canada for almost 10 years, Ms Liang had no difficulty adapting to the pace of work in Hong Kong. “The pace in Canada is actually not as slow as most people think. With the rapid technological advancement nowadays, electronic communications are getting more and more important. Wherever IT practitioners work, they must always respond quickly.” She recalled the time when the Canadian institution she worked for implemented a working-from-home policy amid the pandemic. Not only did she have to work out the arrangements of online classes and relevant activities for the school, but she also had to attend back-to-back meetings, with a schedule that was very packed and busy. Compared with several institutions she had previously served at, Ms Liang described the HSUHK campus as ‘compact’. “It is very convenient to go around the campus on foot, which facilitates interpersonal exchange and connection. I believe this is one of the reasons behind the harmonious student-teacher relationship here.” Yet, possessing abundant resources is always an advantage, while inadequate space inevitably limits the facility development in the campus and also poses a great challenge for the IT team. Notwithstanding, Ms Liang thought that it is most crucial to make good use of the existing resources first. “Currently self-financing universities do have fewer resources than publicly-funded ones. Luckily, HSUHK has a relatively flat administrative structure, which allows more flexibility in many arrangements. Besides, the University welcomes new ideas and is willing to try them out, and this greatly benefits both students and teachers.” She said that the Information Technology Services Centre plans to improve the current e-form system to further reduce paper use and enhance administrative efficiency; it will also assist the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office in upgrading the donors’ management system as one of the initiatives to support the University’s resource development projects. Having implemented adaptive learning and experiential learning programmes in other universities, she is also looking forward to sharing her experience with the Centre for Teaching and Learning in building smart classrooms to make teaching and learning more interactive and interesting. 在普羅大眾眼中,資訊科技和工程都是男性主導的行業,女性要在當中佔一席位殊不簡單,但個子嬌小的梁敏雅女士偏偏就是其中之一。她取得工程學系學士學位後曾任職項目工程師,協助進行各式各樣的基建工程,其後因緣際會下轉投高等院校的資訊科技領域,最近便從加拿大回到香港,出任香港恒生大學的資訊科技總監。 梁女士在加拿大工作接近十年,卻表示不難適應香港的工作節奏:「加拿大的節奏沒有一般人所想的慢,現在科技發展日新月異,電子通訊也越來越重要,不論在何地工作,資訊科技從業員同樣要迅速作出回應。」回想疫情期間,她任職的加拿大院校推行在家工作,當時她既要為學校解決網上課堂及相關活動的安排,又要應付一個接一個的會議, 日程非常緊湊忙碌。 相比昔日服務的幾所院校,梁女士以「小巧」來形容香港恒生大學的校園。「用雙腳便能走遍校園十分方便,而且有利人與人之間的交流與聯繫;這裡的師生關係非常和諧,我相信這是原因之一。」然而,擁有充足的資源始終具備優勢,空間不足難免限制校園的配套發展,對於資訊科技團隊來說亦是一大挑戰。不過梁女士認為,最重要的是先善 用現有資源。「目前自資大學的資源的確比資助大學少,幸好香港恒生大學行政架構相對精簡,令很多安排能靈活處理,而校方亦樂意接受新意念並作出嘗試,為師生帶來莫大裨益。」她表示,資訊科技服務中心計劃改善現有的電子表格系統,以進一步減少用紙及提高行政效率,又會協助發展及校友事務處提升捐款者管理系統,配合大學資源拓展項 目。曾經在其他大學推行調適性學習及體驗性學習的她,亦期望以自身經驗和教與學發展中心合作建立智慧教室,讓教與學變得更加互動有趣。 Ms Liang participates in the MSF Orienteering Competition. 梁女士參與無國界醫生野外定向比賽。 Working in a university, Ms Liang usually only needs to move among different buildings on campus; when she was an engineer, however, she always travelled around the globe to monitor works progress. She added with a smile, “I used to keep a travel bag under my office desk all the time. I often flew out of town in the afternoon to follow up on a project after receiving a call from the site in the morning. In fact, I didn’t spend much time in Hong Kong during that period of time.” Tiring as it was to travel so much for work, she treasured every opportunity to learn about different cultures. To her, the most challenging task was leading a project in South Korea. “South Korea is a patriarchal country. At that time, I, the only female engineer, was responsible for leading the otherwise entirely male team, and it was really difficult to win their trust. I was grateful that they recognised and appreciated my abilities after our cooperation, and some of them even became my friends.” She explained that the secret behind the success was to communicate with patience. “Try to understand more, express more, and offer more guidance to avoid misunderstanding, thereby fostering smooth collaboration.” Despite her busy work, Ms Liang has a wide variety of hobbies, and one can spot her flying a plane in the sky or diving under the water. She loves travelling and has set foot on all seven continents, including visiting the Iraqi border, witnessing the Great Migration of animals in East Africa, watching auroras in the Arctic Circle, and also seeing penguins and seals in Antarctica, a most unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience to her. “The penguins there weren’t afraid of people. They followed us around and even leaned on our feet at times. They were just so adorable.” As it is currently impossible to travel because of the epidemic, she goes hiking, takes photographs and enjoys good food instead to relieve stress. “I believe in ‘living in the moment’. Once you try to learn and explore new things, life will become much more interesting.” 在大學工作,梁女士一般只需遊走於不同大樓,但當工程師時,她可是經常周遊列國監督工程進度。她笑說:「以前辦公室桌下長期放着一個旅行袋,我常常早上接到外地工程的通知,下午便飛往當地跟進,那時留在香港的時間其實不多。」雖然工作舟車勞頓,但她卻十分珍惜每次認識不同文化的機會,而最具挑戰性的一次就是在南韓擔任項目 組長。「南韓是重男輕女的國家,當時我是團隊內唯一一名女工程師,負責帶領整個男性團隊工作,要得到他們的信任著實很難。感恩經過合作後,他們都認同和欣賞我的能力,後來我和部分成員更成為朋友。」她解釋說,箇中的成功秘訣是耐心溝通:「嘗試多了解、多表達、多指導,避免彼此出現誤會,可使合作更為順利。」 繁忙的工作以外,梁女士的嗜好十分廣泛,上至駕駛飛機、下至潛水都找到她的身影。她亦熱愛旅遊,目的地遍及七大洲,曾到訪伊拉克邊界、見證東非的動物大遷徙和在北極圈欣賞極光,而到南極探望企鵝和海豹更令她畢生難忘。「那裡的企鵝不怕人,會跟着我們四處走,還會走過來依傍在你腳邊,十分可愛。」疫情下無法外遊,她會以遠足、 攝影和美食減壓。「我深信『活在當下』,只要嘗試學習和發掘新事物,生活便會有趣得多。」 Ms Liang views and captures auroras at Yellowknife in Canada. 梁女士在加拿大黃刀鎮欣賞並拍攝極光。 Ms Liang visits Antarctica, and records the precious moment when penguins interact with humans. 梁女士到訪南極,記錄企鵝與人類互動的寶貴一刻。 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Exploring New Opportunities outside the Comfort Zone 跳出安舒圈 發掘新機會 Interview with Ms Vicki Tsang 曾珮汶女士專訪 BBA (Hons) in Management (2018) Sales Development Representative, Swire Coca-Cola HK Limited 管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士(2018) 香港太古可口可樂業務發展代表 After completing high school in the UK, Ms Vicki Tsang decided to return to Hong Kong to enter the BBA (Hons) Programme offered by Hang Seng Management College (HSMC, the predecessor of HSUHK). “Teachers at HSMC were well-qualified and courses were professional with abundant resources, and I was attracted by its small-class teaching model which gave me a cordial feeling.” When talking about the 4-year university life, Vicki found the time memorable. In addition to gaining a comprehensive knowledge of business studies in class, she interned at a production company and assisted in marketing and promotion, event management, external relations, and so on. She also went on exchange to Okinawa and stayed with a local family that operated a family bakery. She was greatly inspired by their attitude of being attentive to detail and quality. She reckoned, “These diverse learning opportunities kept leading me to explore the world.” She then went to the UK to read for a master's degree to deepen her learning, and was hired by a renowned beverage brand afterwards. Now working as a Sales Development Representative, Vicki is responsible for providing plans of product sales and marketing strategy for schools and organisations. She said she had never thought of working in this industry nor at a post related to customer services and sales, but she was courageous to accept the challenge, thanks to the experiences gained in the University. “When I took part in the Joint University Outstanding Marketing Award (JUOMA), we once switched to Cantonese in the middle of our presentation, which originally should be in English, in order to explain what ‘resonance’ is to the audience, and thereby demonstrating how to connect with the audience in a marketing plan, by sharing resonance. After numerous rounds of contests, we finally won the Gold Award and the Best Advertising Video Award.” Not only did the awards recognise their efforts, but they also inspired her to think out of the box and bend the rules. Amid the new normal brought by the pandemic, though Vicki is optimistic, she still found it difficult to adapt. Yet, she encourages fellow schoolmates to look further ahead and not to give up because of a single failure. “Everyone has a different starting point. Don’t set a limit for yourselves. You have the chance to succeed once you take action.” 曾珮汶女士在英國完成高中後,便決定回港升讀恒生管理學院(恒管,香港恒生大學前身)的工商管理(榮譽)學士課程。「恒管師資優良及課程資源充足,而其小班教學模式予人親切感,對我十分吸引。」 談及四年的大學生活,曾珮汶仍回味無窮。除了在課堂上汲取全面的專業商科知識外,她曾到製作公司實習,協助市場推廣、活動管理及對外關係等工作。她亦曾赴沖繩交流,於當地經營家族餅店的家庭寄宿,對方重視細節及質素的態度給予她很大的啟發,她表示:「這些多元化的學習機會,引領我不斷探索世界。」她其後再到英國修讀碩士課程 以深化學習,取得碩士學位後獲聘於知名飲料品牌。 現任職業務發展代表的曾珮汶,負責為學校及機構提供產品銷售及市場策略方案。她笑言,以前從沒想過從事這個行業及有關客戶服務與銷售的崗位,但大學的經歷令她勇於接受挑戰。「參加『大學聯校市場策劃比賽』時,其中一次本來用英文報告,但我們決定匯報中途轉用廣東話,令觀眾明白何謂『共鳴』及如何在市場策劃中找出共鳴。經過多 個回合,我們最終在比賽中贏得金獎及最佳廣告錄像獎。」獎項不但肯定了他們的付出,更令她學會思考問題時跳出框框,打破常規。 面對疫情下的新常態,樂觀的曾珮汶亦認為不易適應,但她鼓勵師弟師妹要看得更遠,亦不要因一時失敗而放棄:「每人的起點不同,不要局限自己的能力。只要有行動,自有成功的機會。」 Vicki (1st from left) learns about making local food during her Okinawa study tour. 曾珮汶(左一)參加沖繩遊學團期間學習製作當地食物。 Vicki (1st from right) gains both remarkable achievements and valuable friendship in JUOMA. 曾珮汶(右一)在大學聯校市場策劃比賽贏得驕人的成績與寶貴的友誼。 Getting a Head Start to Embrace Future Challenges 洞悉先機 迎接未來挑戰 Interview with Mr Calvin Chan 陳卓賢先生專訪 Bachelor of Translation with Business (Hons) (2020) Electoral Assistant, Registration and Electoral Office 商務翻譯(榮譽)學士(2020) 選舉事務處選舉助理 Proficiency in languages has always been an edge in different areas. When choosing his university major, Mr Calvin Chan, who adores English, decided to read translation at HSUHK, considering it as a more comprehensive field of study with a wide range of career possibilities. “I appreciate the diversity and practicality of the Bachelor of Translation with Business(Hons)Programme, which covers many emerging translation subjects such as subtitling and the design of mobile applications, thus meeting the market's needs.” Calvin thought he gained more than expected as a HSUHKer. Apart from gaining exposure to translation projects in various industries, he also interned at a marketing company and worked on Chinese-English translation for an e-payment mobile application to put his learning into practice. He was thankful for having met teachers who are also his friends at the University, making the lessons enjoyable. He has stayed in touch with his teachers since graduation, and one of the teachers still keeps referring translation jobs to old students from time to time. To broaden his horizons, Calvin also made good use of the platforms offered by the University. He joined an exchange programmes with the Beijing Foreign Studies University and the Chung-Ang University in Korea to gain first-hand experience of the local culture and enhance his proficiency in foreign languages. He represented HSUHK to attend the 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders in Thailand as well to discuss numerous global issues with the youth ambassadors from different countries. “The organiser invited the son of a terrorist as well as a former soldier to share experiences, which helped me understand how I can use my experiences to influence others and promote peace.” Having completed his master's degree in translation, Calvin currently works as an Electoral Assistant who assists in the preparation and conduct of elections, while taking up suitable freelance translation jobs from time to time, to expand his administrative and translation experiences and pave the way for becoming as a translator in the public sector. To students who are worried about being less competitive if they study in self-financing institutions, Calvin speaks out based on his own experience. “When studying in the master's programme, I discovered that I had already learnt some of the content in my undergraduate studies. Thus, I could grasp the key points more quickly than other classmates and discuss the thesis in depth.” He advises students that they can gradually move towards their goals by doing their best. 精通語言一向在各個領域都享有優勢,鍾情英文的陳卓賢先生在大學選科時,考慮到翻譯的學習範疇更為全面,出路甚廣,便決定於香港恒生大學修讀翻譯。「我十分欣賞其商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程既多元化又實用,涵蓋很多新興的翻譯科目如字幕翻譯及流動應用程式之設計,能緊貼市場需要。」 成為恒大人後,陳卓賢認為收穫比想像中豐富。他不僅接觸到各行各業的翻譯項目,亦獲安排到巿場推廣公司實習,負責電子支付手機應用程式的中譯英工作,實踐所學。他感恩在大學遇到亦師亦友的老師,令上課氣氛非常愉快;畢業後他與老師保持聯絡,而其中一位仍不時為舊生轉介翻譯工作。 陳卓賢也善用大學提供的平台,擴闊視野。他曾前赴北京外國語大學及韓國中央大學交流,親身體驗當地文化及提升外語能力,亦代表大學到泰國出席第二屆未來領袖和平峰會,與各地的青年大使討論多個全球議題。「大會邀請了恐怖分子的兒子和前軍人作出分享,使我體會到如何用自身經歷影響他人,推動和平。」 完成翻譯碩士課程的陳卓賢現任職選舉助理,協助籌備和進行選舉工作,亦會不時接洽合適的自由身翻譯工作,期望豐富自己的行政及翻譯經驗,有助日後投身公營機構的翻譯職位。得悉部分同學擔心就讀自資院校而競爭力稍遜,陳卓賢分享自己的經驗:「修讀碩士課程時,我發現自己早在本科時已學習部分內容,比其他同學更快掌握重點, 並能深入探討論文。」他寄語同學只要盡力做好自己,便可逐步邁向理想。 Calvin attends the 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders in Thailand as an HSUHK representative. 陳卓賢代表香港恒生大學到泰國出席「第二屆未來領袖和平峰會」。 Calvin (3rd from right) meets students from all around the world at the Chung-Ang University. 陳卓賢(右三)在韓國中央大學結識了來自世界各地的學生。 University Information 大學訊息 President Ho Shares at the Corporate Governance Crisis Diagnostic Seminar 何校長於公司管治危機拆解講座作分享 On 4 September 2021, President Simon S M Ho attended the event ‘Corporate Governance Crisis Diagnostic Seminar cum Alumni & Friends Reunion’ and delivered the opening keynote. He discussed the issues of the case ‘Morality tale of Luckin Coffee Inc.’ with three other panel speakers. The event was jointly organised by the Corporate Governance and Directorship Society, Department of Accountancy and Law of the School of Business, and the Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, of the Hong Kong Baptist University. At the seminar, President Ho remarked that corporate governance rules were tools to divide and balance ownership control and management decisions, thereby reducing conflicts among owners, the board of directors and the executive management. However, corporate scandals, including the recent Luckin Coffee case in the Mainland, continue to appear, despite tightening hard laws and more soft corporate governance rules over the last three decades. He stressed that human factors, sometimes unconscious, could also distort organisational dynamics and behaviours, as corporate leaders are humans having their own personality weaknesses and emotions. He reminded enterprises to achieve reduction of derailment risk and optimisation of business performance by addressing the emotional sides of leadership, and tackling the soft side of change management. 何順文校長於2021 年9 月4 日出席「公司管治危機拆解講座暨友好重聚」活動並致開幕辭,同時與三位嘉賓講者一同探討「瑞幸咖啡的商業道德」之議題。 活動由香港浸會大學公司管治及董事學學會、工商管理學院會計及法律系,以及浸會大學公司管治與金融政策研究中心合辦。講座中,何校長指出公司管治規則是一種劃分和平衡持有權控制及決策管理的工具,從而減少持有者、董事會和高級管理層之間的衝突。然而,即使過去三十年收緊硬法及設立更多軟性公司管治規則,企業醜聞仍然持 續出現,包括內地瑞幸咖啡的個案。他強調人為因素,包括無意識時刻,亦能扭曲機構的行為動態,因為和所有人一樣,企業領袖亦有性格弱點及個人情緒。他提醒企業應透過拆解領導層的情感層面及變革管理的軟性層面,達致減低企業脫軌風險和優化業績的目標。 President Simon Ho shares his views on handling corporate governance crisis. 何順文校長分享如何拆解公司管治危機。 ‘From Joyful and Green Life to LOHAS Industries’ - Seminar on Green Creative Industries 「從喜悅常樂與綠色環保到樂活產業」綠色創意產業論壇 The Centre for Humanistic Buddhism of HSUHK and the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Overseas Programme in Hong Kong of the Fo Guang University (FGU) co-held the ‘From Joyful and Green Life to LOHAS Industries’ Seminar on 18 October 2021. About 300 participants from over 17 regions joined the seminar either on-site or online. Professor Simon S M Ho; Venerable Yong Fu, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Vihara (Hong Kong, Macau, and Shenzhen); and Professor Jennifer Wang from FGU, served as guest speakers and delivered speeches themed ‘A Joyful Life with Eternal Happiness’, ‘Environmental Education, Green Life and Sustainable Development’, and 'LOHAS - A Way with Positive Energy’ respectively. The second part of the seminar was a Q & A session moderated by the MCs Ms Cathleen Lin and Ms Jackie Lok. Other attending guests included Mr Dannie Cheung, Co-Chairman of the Centre’s Management Committee and Member of the HSUHK Council; Dr Chaoming Fu, Vice President of FGU; and Ms Y W Chan, Deputy Dean of the Office of FGU International and Cross-Strait Affairs. 香港恒生大學人間佛教應用研習中心與佛光大學國際暨兩岸事務處香港境外專班於2021 年10 月18 日合辦論壇,主題為「從喜悅常樂與綠色環保到樂活產業」,來自超過17 個地區約300 位與會者通過線上線下的方式共同參與論壇。 何順文校長、佛光山港澳深地區總住持永富法師與佛光大學未來與樂活產業學系系主任汪雅婷教授為活動擔任嘉賓講者,就「喜悅常樂的人生」、「環境育人、綠色生活與永續發展」以及「LOHAS — 一條正能量之路」三個主題進行分享。論壇第二部分則由兩位主持人林琪女士與駱慧怡女士引導,與三位嘉賓及現場觀眾進行問答環節。其他嘉賓 包括中心管委會聯席主席及香港恒生大學校務委員會委員張江亭先生、佛光大學傅昭銘副校長及國際處詹雅文副國際長。 In the middle, Professor Simon Ho and Venerable Yong Fu share their views at the seminar. 中間為何順文校長及永富法師在論壇中分享見解。 President Ho Serves as Host of RTHK Radio 1 Dialogue Programme ‘Life Lessons’ 何校長擔任香港電台第一台「人生學堂」節目 Starting from 16 October 2021, President Simon S M Ho will be serving as the host of the radio dialogue programme ‘人生學堂(Life Lessons)’ on RTHK Radio 1. The programme will be broadcast at 9:00 p.m. every Saturday for 13 consecutive weeks. President Ho has invited his friends from different sectors to share the experience from their youth, including their aspirations, the ways they identified their potential/interests, and how they have handled adversities and pursued life learning. The first 7 episodes have been uploaded to the website of RTHK, and the remaining episodes will be broadcast soon. All are welcome to scan the QR code to revisit and listen to the programme. 由2021 年10 月16 日開始,一連13 個星期六晚上9 點,香港電台第一台會播出由何順文校長主持的「人生學堂」。何校長邀請了不同界別的嘉賓朋友,分享年輕時的志趣,以及如何找到有滿足感的志業和怎樣面對逆境,帶領我們走進「人生學堂」。 第一至七集的節目內容已上載至香港電台網頁,餘下集數亦會陸續播出,歡迎大家掃描二維碼重溫及收聽節目。 First Episode of ‘Alumni Chill & Chat Series’: RSM Hong Kong 「校友Chill & Chat 系列」第一輯:羅申美會計師事務所 The first episode of the ‘Alumni Chill & Chat Series’ organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office was held on 28 October 2021 in collaboration with RSM Hong Kong. Over 40 alumni who work at RSM Hong Kong, together with HSUHK staff members and students joined the event. Moderated by Professor Eugene Liu, HSUHK’s Adjunct Professor and Managing Partner of RSM Hong Kong, President Simon S M Ho served as guest speaker and explained key qualities required for professional career development in future with reference to his personal experience. Professor Liu expounded the importance of establishing a good foundation in the profession and shared the work culture and characteristics of RSM Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Professor Kevin Lam, Head of the Department of Accountancy, and Dr Eden Chow, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accountancy and Chairman of Alumni Affairs Committee, also shared their views on graduates’ development and advancement along the career paths. The event was concluded by a sharing session delivered by three alumni and one student intern, talking about their working experiences in the company. All participants have found the sharing meaningful and inspiring. 在羅申美會計師事務所(事務所)鼎力支持下,發展及校友事務處主辦的「校友Chill & Chat 系列」第一輯率先於2021 年10 月28 日透過網絡平台舉行,逾40 位任職於事務所的校友以及大學教職員和學生出席活動。 活動由香港恒生大學客席教授、事務所主管合夥人廖於勤教授主持,何順文校長擔任主講嘉賓。何校長以個人工作經歷闡釋未來提升專業發展的關鍵素質,而廖教授則說明在專業領域建立良好基礎的重要及介紹事務所的職場文化和特點。此外會計系系主任林自強教授及會計學系高級講師、校友事務委員會主席周懿行博士亦就畢業生的專業發展和進 修方向給予意見。活動以校友交流環節作結,當中由三位校友及一位實習生分享他們在事務所的工作經驗,參加者均獲益良多。 Participants take a group photo with the book written and presented by President Simon Ho. 參加者手持何順文校長撰寫及贈予的著作一同合照。 Act Now! Join ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ ! 香港恒生大學「紛FunD 跑」虛擬跑 現正接受報名 We are pleased to announce that the ‘HSUHK FunD Virtual Run’ will be held between 18 December 2021 and 2 January 2022. To encourage active participation by members of the HSUHK community, Council Chairman cum Chairman of the Task Force on Alumni Engagement, Dr Moses Cheng, and President Simon S M Ho have donated to set up the ‘Council Chairman Cup’ and the ‘President Challenge Cup’ with cash prizes. All alumni, staff and students are cordially invited to run together. 香港恒生大學「紛FunD 跑」虛擬跑訂於2021 年12 月18 日至2022 年1 月2 日舉行,為了召集更多恒大人參加,今次「紛FunD 跑」榮獲校務委員會主席暨校友協作專責小組主席鄭慕智博士及何順文校長捐贈現金獎設立「校務委員主席杯」及「校長杯」,歡迎各位校友、教職員及學生踴躍參加。 Please visit the event website for more details 詳情請參閱活動網頁︰ HSUHK Research 恒大研究 From Establishment to Extension Exploring Family Succession in the Greater China Area 從建立到延續 探索大中華區的家族傳承 Entrepreneurs put a lot of effort in establishing businesses from scratch, and never want them to end without a struggle. How to sustain the businesses and find successors to run them has become one of the great challenges for entrepreneurs. There is a Chinese proverb, “Wealth never lasts more than three generations.” Successful succession is especially important for family businesses. A large amount of literature and research on various types of family succession in foreign countries can be found, but there are few materials on Chinese. As family business developments in Mainland China became more mature after years of reform and opening-up, the first generation of entrepreneurs has started to prepare for stepping down, and there have been a high demand for information on family succession. Thanks to sponsorship from Asia Pacific Elite Wealth Management Institute, HSUHK set up the Chinese Family Succession Research Centre (CFSRC) in July 2020, aspiring to be the leading research platform in the Greater China region by collecting cases and data on family succession, offering the most up-to-date information and consultation services to stakeholders, and disseminating new knowledge on family succession. 創業者千辛萬苦從零開始建立的生意,總不希望輕易付之流水,如何能長久經營及物色接班人延續生意,便成為創業者的一大難題。中國古語有云:「富不過三代。」對於家族企業來說,成功的傳承尤為重要。外國一直有不少文獻與研究探討各類型的家族傳承,惟關於華人的所佔甚少。而隨着國內改革開放多年,家企發展日趨成熟,第一代創業者 預備退下火線,業界均渴求更多有關家族傳承的資訊。 承蒙亞太菁英財富管理學院的贊助,香港恒生大學於2020 年7 月成立了華人家族傳承研究中心(中心),旨在成為大中華區的一個領先研究平台,就家族企業傳承搜集個案及數據,向持份者提供最新資訊及諮詢服務,傳播家族傳承的新知識。 CFSRC organises the firs‘t Dialogue with Successors’on 27 September 2021, with nearly 20 second and third generation entrepreneurs sharing the challenges of being family business successors. 中心於2021 年9 月27 日舉辦了首場「與接班人對話」,接近20 位第二代及第三代企業家分享作為家族企業接班人的挑戰。 Middlemen Assist to Identify Direction in Complicated Family Succession Issue 家族傳承議題複雜 中間人助認清方向 Dr Kenneth Kwong, Co-Director of CFSRC, pointed out that the issue gets complicated when the business is managed by family because of factors like family constitution, family wealth distribution and the relationship between generations. CFSRC therefore recruited members from four Departments of the School of Business, to study family governance and how family influences business, so as to help stakeholders better understand their interactions. “Business ownership and successor grooming belong to the management discipline, while the finance and accounting discipline focuses on the analysis of financial and share arrangements. Marketing, meanwhile, studies how to create a successful family brand. Mapping their intersections clearly will help a family operate its business in a systematic way as well as provide appropriate support to the industry.” Dr Kwong remarked that mastering 2 ‘S’s, ‘Succeed’ and ‘Sustain’, is the key to the success of family businesses. Timely professional intervention can act as a bridge between generations to improve corporate performance and reinforce its development, eventually ensuring succession and susatining the business finally. CFSRC targets small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at the moment. Through regular seminars and sharing, the Centre allows family businesses and the industries to interact with each other, and in turn guides business leaders to find their developmental direction while enabling professional practitioners to understand the needs of family businesses. 華人家族傳承研究中心聯合主任鄺家麒博士指出,當企業由家族治理,便會涉及家族憲法、家族財富分配、兩代關係等因素,令整個議題變得十分複雜。故此,中心邀請了來自商學院四個學系的成員組成團隊,以家族管治及家族如何影響生意為研究重心,讓持份者更了解當中的互動關係。「企業擁有權及栽培接班人屬管理學範疇,金融及 會計學著眼分析財務及股份安排,而市場學則研究如何塑造一個成功的家族品牌。釐清當中的脈絡有助家族有系統地經營生意,亦向業界提供適切支援。」 鄺博士續稱,掌握「傳承(Succeed)」、「永續(Sustain)」兩個S 為引領家族企業邁向成功的關鍵元素;而專業人士的適時介入,可成為兩代之間的橋樑,從而提升企業表現及鞏固其發展,確保企業最終得以傳承與永續。中心目前以中小企為主要對象,透過定期研討會及分享,讓家族企業和業界互動交流,引導企業負責人找出發 展路向,亦令專業從業員了解家族企業的需要。 Dr Kenneth Kwong, Co-Director of CFSRC.華人家族傳承研究中心聯席主任鄺家麒博士。 Collecting Data in the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong to Establish a Corporate Model 兩岸三地收集數據以歸納企業模型 Though Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong are all Chinese communities, Dr Kwong stressed that the corporate cultures of these three places are very different, and cohesiveness, commitment and confidence are closely related to succession in family businesses. The Centre will compare the similarities and differences in dealing with these elements among the three places to establish a more comprehensive analysis. He explained, “A more cohesive family tends to be more harmonious, and they can reach a consensus on management rights allocation and financial arrangements more easily. If family members are willing to be more committed to the business, a smoother succession will result. Confidence is related to brand image, and can help enterprises retain the continued support of consumers.” To strengthen the network in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Dr Eric Lo, another Co-Director of CFSRC who now stays in Taiwan, takes charge of coordinating the tasks of network establishment and fundraising. Dr Kwong said Dr Lo is personally engaged in consultation services and research on family business succession, and can assist the Centre to gather different cases. CFSRC will also invite students to help conduct in-depth interviews, collect data and sort cases, so that they can gain diverse learning experiences which can benefit their future employment. Meanwhile, teachers can make use of the research findings to enrich their teaching content and conduct more studies. The corporate model generated by the research team will reflect the practical needs of the companies, thereby providing more professional and useful advice to family heads and benefiting different stakeholders. 縱然中國內地、台灣及香港皆為華人社區,但鄺博士強調三地的企業文化大有不同,而凝聚力(Cohesiveness)、承擔(Commitment)和信心(Confidence)與家族企業傳承息息相關。中心會對比兩岸三地處理這三個層面的異同,確立更全面的分析。他解釋:「高凝聚力家庭的關係較為和諧,在分配管理權及財務安排上較易達成共 識。如家族成員願意對生意的承擔較多,在接棒方面會較順利。信心關乎品牌形象,讓企業得到消費者的持續支持。」 為加強中心在兩岸三地的網絡,目前身處台灣的另一位聯席主任羅立群博士便負責協調建立網絡及募集資金的項目。鄺博士表示,羅博士本身從事家族企業傳承的顧問工作及研究,有助中心搜集不同案例。中心亦會邀請同學協助進行深度訪問、收集數據及整理案例,讓他們汲取多元化的學習經驗,有利日後就業。教師則可藉着研究成果,豐富教 學內容及進行更多研究。研究團隊所歸納出來的企業模型,可反映相關企業的實際需要,為家族掌舵人提供更專業更有用的意見,令不同持份者受益。 Diverse Services and Research to Promote Knowledge Transfer and Family Succession 多元化服務及研究推動知識轉移及家族傳承 As the pandemic in Hong Kong subsides, the Centre has started organising a wide variety of activities according to the actual circumstances. “We will hold a seminar every semester or quarter inviting the participation of 20-30 attendees, including representatives of 20-30 SMEs, professional practitioners and HSUHK colleagues, so that we can explore more stories and enrich our research.” Dr Kwong added that in 2022, CFSRC would like to kick off the family business research with ICBC China. It was originally scheduled to commence in late 2020 but the investigation and site visits were suspended due to the pandemic. Dr Lo has also kick started preparation work for the research project in collaboration with the School of Management of Zhejiang University. Additionally, in the face of the rising interest of banks, accounting firms and insurance companies in the high-net-worth market of family succession, CFSRC is currently considering organising university certification courses to disseminate more information. Dr Kwong believes that knowledge transfer is crucial, and hopes the industries can apply the research findings of CFSRC to assist clients, thus boosting the exchange between academia and industries and bringing a greater synergy to family succession. 隨着疫情稍為放緩,中心會因應實際情況開展各式各樣的活動。「我們會以學期或季度形式進行研討會,邀請20 至30 位中小企代表、專業從業員及香港恒生大學的同事出席,從中發掘更多不同故事,豐富我們的研究。」鄺博士補充,中心原本計劃於2020 年下旬為中國工商銀行進行家族企業的研究,惟調查及外地考察受疫情影響均告暫停, 現期望能於2022 年正式進行,而羅博士與浙江大學管理學院的的共同研究項目亦已展開預備工作。此外,由於不少銀行、會計師事務所及保險公司對家族傳承這個高淨值市場大感興趣,中心正考慮籌辦一些大學證書課程提供更多資訊。 鄺博士認為知識轉移十分重要,期望業界可以應用中心的研究成果幫助客人,加強學術界與業界的交流,為家族傳承帶來更大的協同效應。 ‘Sustainability Business Asia Conference in the Post COVID-19 Era’ is held virtually on 9 October 2021 in collaboration with The University of Tokyo to exchange views. 中心與東京大學在2021 年10 月9 日於網上合辦「後新冠疫情時代的可持續企業亞洲研討會」交流意見。 Dr Kwong (middle) presents the preliminary findings of the research on informal family governance in the seminar in May 2021. 鄺博士(中)在2021 年5 月的研討會上介紹非正式家族治理的初步研究成果。 Campus Express 校園快訊 Seminar on Hong Kong’s Disaster Rescue System and Crisis Management 香港災難體系與危機管理研討會 The School of Communication (SCOM) held the ‘Seminar on Hong Kong’s Disaster Rescue System and Crisis Management’ on 9 September 2021. Famous local experts in emergency rescue and crisis management were invited to discuss current disaster prevention, crisis emergency relief, post-disaster recovery and other related issues in Hong Kong. Attending guests included Dr Peter Pang and Dr Jimmy Chan, experts in disaster response and emergency medical services; Mr Ricky Lau, an expert in auxiliary medical services and disaster medicine; Dr Shao-haei Liu, President of the Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives; Mr Wai-kwong Poon, President of the Hong Kong College of Nursing and Health Care Management; Mr Tim Yuen, Director of MedSim Healthcare Education; Dr Samuel Fong, Partner of DxR in Asia Pacific; Ms Jing-jing Lam, President of the Hong Kong Cross-Strait Hakka Research Centre; and Dr James Chang, SCOM Associate Professor (Practice). 傳播學院於2021 年9 月9 日舉辦「香港災難體系與危機管理研討會」,邀請香港著名的應急救護和危機管理專家就本地目前的災難預防、危機應急救援、災後復原等議題進行研討。與會嘉賓包括災難應急醫學救護專家彭繼茂醫生及陳德勝醫生、輔助醫療和災難醫學專家劉庭亮先生、香港醫務行政學院院長劉少懷醫生、香港護理及衛生管理 學院主席潘偉光先生、美康醫學教育機構總監阮偉傑、DxR 亞太區合伙人方釗博士、香港兩岸客家研究中心會長林菁菁女士,以及傳播學院副教授(實務)張志宇博士。 Guests' discussion at the seminar 嘉賓在研討會進行討論。 Women in NGOs and Wellbeing Seminar Women in NGOs and Wellbeing 講座 Organised by the Women in Society Association (WiSA), the Women in NGOs and Wellbeing Seminar was held on 13 September 2021. The topics covered were ‘Can Sustainable Development Goals Be Applied in Transforming Business / Social Services?’ and ‘What New Perspectives Can We Develop from Sustainable Development Goals?’. Dr Shirley Yeung, Associate Vice President of UNESCO HK and Chair of Women in NGOs and Wellbeing of WiSA, and Ms Winnie Yeung, National President of JCI Hong Kong 2021, served as the speakers and shared their personal experiences. They gave inspiring presentations on how sustainable development goals could be applied to change lives. The seminar attracted guests from various industries, and all were enthusiastic in the discussion session. Women in Society Association (WiSA)於2021 年9 月13 日舉辦「Women inNGOs and Wellbeing(非政府組織女性與福祉)」講座,由聯合國教育科學及文化組織香港協會協理副會長及WiSA Women in NGOs & Wellbeing 主席楊慕貞博士,以及國際青年商會香港總會2021 年總會會長楊穎琳女士擔任講者。 兩人就題目「可持續發展目標能否應用於業務轉型或社會服務?」和「可持續發展目標有哪些可發展的新方向?」分享個人經驗,並向出席者講解可持續發展目標如何改變人生。是次講座吸引了來自不同行業的人士出席,大家於討論環節均反應熱烈。 (3rd and 4th from left, front row) Ms Winnie Yeung and Dr Shirley Yeung take a photo with all the guests and participants. (前排左三及左四)楊穎琳女士與楊慕貞博士與一眾嘉賓和出席者合照留念。 The Inspiring Carnival 啟迪廊嘉年華 The Inspiring Carnival was held on 20 and 21 September 2021. More than 400 students and staff joined together to celebrate the opening of The Inspiring, the new co-working space at the University. Activities held included mini-game challenges, performances by the HSUHK Band Society and the HSUHK Dance Society, a fencing trial and a floor curling trial. Apart from getting souvenirs, participants could also try various kinds of sports and experience the fun. Let's explore the infinite possibilities at The Inspiring together in the future! 啟迪廊嘉年華於2021 年9 月20 及21 日舉行,超過400 位同學及職員與我們一同慶祝大學全新共享空間「啟迪廊」的開幕。一連串的活動內容包括小遊戲挑戰、大學樂隊及跳舞學會表演、劍擊體驗及冰壺體驗。參加者除了獲贈紀念品外,亦能體驗多種運動及領略運動帶來的樂趣。未來,讓我們一起探索啟迪廊的無限可能! Senior management celebrates the opening of The Inspiring with students and teachers. 大學管理層與師生一同慶祝啟迪廊開幕。 PEEKAPOKE - The fencing trial.篤篤篤劍擊體驗。 Arts@HSUHK: ‘Move Within and Without’ – Dance Performance by HKDC 文藝在恒大:香港舞蹈團《舞•尋萬象》舞蹈演出 Arts@HSUHK proudly presented the dance performance ‘Move Within and Without’ by the Hong Kong Dance Company (HKDC) at noon on 21 September 2021. It was the premiere of this newly choreographed performance. The performance showed oriental aesthetics and the beauty of body movements through form, inspiration, and context. The team of HKDC dancers performed captivating moves and guided the audience through the performance with interactive elements. About 200 students and staff members attended the show. They expressed much delight and affirmed their enhanced interest in dance as an art form. 「文藝在恒大」在2021 年9 月21 日中午,為大學師生帶來了香港舞蹈團的精彩表演。舞蹈團全新編排的《舞•尋萬象》為首次公開演出,十多位舞者以優美的舞姿和互動交流的表演形式,引導觀眾欣賞舞蹈藝術,探索如何以身體去表達意念,領略舞蹈中「形、意、境」之美。《舞•尋萬象》吸引了近二百位師生出席,他們都表示非常欣賞舞 者的表演和節目編排,也提升了他們對舞蹈藝術的認識與興趣。 ‘Managing Oneself in 21st Century’ Video Series Launch Ceremony and the MLA Forum 「21 世紀自我管理」短片特輯發佈會及博雅管理論壇 The ‘Managing Oneself in 21st Century’ Video Series Launch Ceremony and the Management as a Liberal Art (MLA) Forum was held on 23 September 2021. It was organised by the Peter F. Drucker Academy and co-organised by HSUHK School of Business. The event and video venue were sponsored by the Wai Yin Association and St. Regis Hong Kong respectively. More than a hundred participants including business leaders, professionals and students attended the event. President Simon S M Ho; Dr Ricky Szeto, Executive Director of the MLA Foundation; Ms Sandy Lau, President of the 2021/2022 Executive Committee of the Wai Yin Association; and Professor Bradley R Barnes, Dean of the School of Business, delivered welcome speeches, emphasising the importance of managing oneself. The ceremony was followed by 2 MLA forums, and the event was concluded by the closing speech by Dr Julia Wang, President of the Peter F. Drucker Academy. 「21 世紀自我管理」短片特輯發佈會及博雅管理論壇於2021 年9 月23 日順利舉行。是次活動由彼得‧ 德魯克管理學院主辦,香港恒生大學商學院協辦,並由慧妍雅集及香港瑞吉酒店分別贊助活動及影片場地。過百位商界領袖、專業人士及學生蒞臨是次活動。 何順文校長、博雅管理基金會有限公司執行董事司徒永富博士、慧妍雅集 2021/2022 執行委員會會長劉倩婷小姐、香港恒生大學商學院院長李海東教授分別致歡迎辭,向出席者強調自我管理的重要。發佈會結束後,隨即進行兩場博雅管理論壇,活動最後由香港彼得‧德魯克管理學院院長王光麗博士致閉幕辭作結。 Speakers discuss the themes‘Managing Oneself in 21st Century’(left) and‘Preparing Future Leaders Today’(right) respectively in the forums. 講者在論壇中分別就「21 世紀自我管理」(左)及「打造未來的領導者」(右)為題作出討論。 The Symposium on Cybersecurity Law in PR China: Communication and Governance Perspectives 中國《網絡安全法》研討會:傳播與治理 ‘The Symposium on Cybersecurity Law in PR China: Communication and Governance Perspectives’ organised by the School of Communication was successfully held on 24 September 2021. Participants attended the event at HSUHK or via online platforms. Professor Shouwen Zhang from the Peking University delivered the keynote speech, which addressed the relationship between cybersecurity and economic law. 15 scholars and seasoned professionals in the communication and law sectors from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan also presented their latest research findings and exchanged views on cybersecurity and information laws, data compliance and cybersecurity review, artificial intelligence and personal data protection, and web content and industry development, putting many insightful ideas forward. Not only did this symposium address the opportunities and challenges brought by the new cybersecurity regulations recently enforced in Mainland China, but it also brought new inspiration to the ecology of cyber communication. 傳播學院主辦的「中國《網絡安全法》研討會:傳播與治理」於2021 年9 月24 日圓滿舉行,參加者親臨現場或透過網上平台參與。 研討會先由北京大學張守文教授發表主題演講,講述網絡安全與經濟法規制的關係。其後由十五位來自內地、香港及台灣的學者、資深傳訊業者與法律工作者分別發表最新研究結果,共同探討網絡安全與信息化法規、數據合規與網絡安全審查、人工智能與個人資料保護、網絡內容與傳播產業發展等議題。是次研討會除了疏理內地新近 實行的網絡安全法規所帶來的機遇和挑戰,也為網絡傳播生態帶來新的啟示。 SF&OC x HSUHK: Sharing Seminar for HK Athletes Career & Education Programme Marketing Promotion Proposal Competition 港協暨奧委會 x 香港恒生大學:香港運動員就業及教育計劃市場推廣活動設計比賽簡介會 The Department of Marketing and the Centre for Teaching and Learning co-hosted on 24 September 2021, a sharing seminar on retired athletes’ transformation journey, which was well attended by over a hundred students and staff. The seminar was a preliminary sharing session for the ‘SF&OC x HSUHK: HK Athletes Career & Education Programme Marketing Promotion Proposal Competition’ to enhance participants’ understanding in retired athletes’ career development. In the event, Mr Kam-po Wong, former Hong Kong Cycling Team Member, talked about his life as a full-time athlete as well as the difficulties and challenges he faced after retiring from the sports field. Mr Kenneth Chiu, Hong Kong’s first professional baseball player, and Mr David So, Manager of the Hong Kong Athlete Career and Education Programme Committee, then shared on the current support for career transformation for retired athletes offered in Hong Kong. Students and teachers were eager to interact with the guests in the Q&A session. 由市場學系及教與學發展中心合辦的「退役運動員轉型分享會」於2021 年9 月24 日舉行,共逾百名師生出席。是次活動為「港協暨奧委會x 恒大:香港運動員就業及教育計劃市場推廣活動設計比賽」的前哨分享會,讓參加者了解退役運動員的就業發展。 活動中,前香港單車代表隊運動員黃金寶先生與同學暢談全職運動員的經歷,以及退役後所面對的困難與挑戰;隨後,香港首位職業棒球運動員趙嗣淦先生和香港運動員就業及教育計劃經理蘇天豪先生亦分享香港現行對退役運動員轉型至職場的支援政策,而師生在問答環節積極與嘉賓互動交流。 ‘AI Technology and Career Opportunities’ Talk 「人工智能技術與就業機會」講座 With the support of HKAI Lab, the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship organised a talk on the topic ‘AI Technology and Career Opportunities’ on 20 October 2021. Mr Timothy Leung, Executive Director of HKAI Lab; Mr Allen Lau, Co-founder of iPYGG Fintech Group Limited; and Ms Agnes Wun, Co-founder and CEO of Neufast Limited, were invited to talk about the development of AI and its applications in fintech and human resources management, giving participants a chance to learn about career opportunities in the AI field. 在香港人工智能及數據實驗室(實驗室)支持下,伍絜宜創新及創業中心於2021 年10 月20 日舉辦了「人工智能技術與職業機會」講座,邀請到實驗室執行總監梁季笙先生﹑ iPYGG聯合創辦人劉栢政先生和迅維有限公司聯合創辦人及行政總裁溫巧思女士講解人工智能的發展,以及在金融及人力資源管理上的應用,並讓參加者了解 人工智能領域的就業機會。 Chinese Traditional Architecture and Heritage Tour: Nan Lian Garden 藝遊築跡:南蓮園池 ‘Liberal Arts@HSUHK: Chinese Culture Promotion Programme’ organised a cultural tour to Nan Lian Garden on 21 October 2021, guiding students to appreciate the art of traditional gardens and architecture and to understand the ideology behind them. Based on Jiangshouju Garden in China’s Shanxi Province in the Tang Dynasty, Nan Lian Garden, which occupies an area of 3.5 hectares, integrates Japanese architectural style and traditional Chinese landscaping techniques. Numerous timber structures, surrounded by plants, hills, rocks and a body of water, can be found in the Garden. It embodies the spirit of ‘respecting nature’ in traditional Chinese culture. 「博雅恒大:中華文化推廣計劃」於2021 年10 月21 日舉行「藝遊築跡:南蓮園池」文化導賞活動,帶領同學遊覽南蓮園池,欣賞傳統園林與建築的藝術美,並認識背後的文化精神。 南蓮園池以建於唐代的山西省絳守居為設計藍本,佔地3.5 公頃,糅合了和式建築風貌與中國園林建造技術。園內有多個木製建築,配以草木、山石、水體等佈置,體現出傳統中國文化「崇尚自然」的精神。 Mr Chak-man So expounds the architectural characteristics of Nan Lian Garden. 蘇澤民先生講解南蓮園池的建築特色。 Parents Orientation 家長迎新日 To strengthen the exchange and connection between parents and the University, the Student Affairs Office organised the Parents Orientation on 23 October 2021. The theme of the orientation series this year was ‘同恒Goal@HSUHK’. Over 200 parents, students and staff members joined the event at the Auditorium or through live streaming via Zoom. The event was kicked off with a welcoming address and an introduction of the University’s latest developments by President Simon S M Ho. He reckoned that HSUHK champions small-class teaching and close teacher-student relationships, striving for students’ all-round development. The Panel Discussion Session ‘Goal@HSUHK’ hosted by Ms Esther Lee, Director of Student Affairs, then followed. She invited guest speakers Dr Dacon Dai, the University Counsellor; Ms Julie Chung, fresh BBA (Hons) in Management graduate; and Ms Vanessa Cheung, a year 4 student of the BBA (Hons) in Corporate Governance Programme, to share their views on and experiences in adapting to university life. Dr Dai and Ms Lee also highlighted points to note for university student and gave tips for building a good parent-child relationship. Afterwards, parents could interact with academic staff and students of different Departments and toured around the campus guided by the Student Ambassadors. Participating parents found the event informative and effective in enhancing their understanding of HSUHK. 為促進家長和大學之間的交流與聯繫,學生事務處為於2021 年10 月23 日舉辦「家長迎新日」。今年迎新系列的主題為「同恒Goal@HSUHK」,超過200 位家長、學生及教職員親臨現場或透過Zoom 參與是次聚會。 活動由何順文校長致歡迎詞及簡介大學最新發展揭開序幕,他表示恒大注重小班教學和緊密師生關係,致力推動學生全方位發展。學生事務總監李德芬女士則主持「恒大開講」環節,邀請了大學輔導員戴漢民博士、管理學工商管理學系應屆畢業生鍾樂羲同學,以及企業管治工商管理學系四年級張綽嵐同學,分享他們適應大學生活的心路歷程,而 戴博士與李女士亦就作為大學生的注意事項及建立良好親子關係的方法作出提點。 隨後,家長可與不同學系的教職員及學生交流,以及在學生大使的講解下參觀校園。參加活動的家長認為活動提供豐富資訊,並有效加深了他們對大學的認識。 (From left) Dr Dacon Dai, Ms Julie Chung, Ms Esther Lee and Ms Vanessa Cheung share their views and experiences at the Panel Discussion Session. (左起)戴漢民博士、鍾樂羲同學、李德芬女士及張綽嵐同學於恒大開講環節分享建議及經驗。 A student representative shares her campus life with participating parents. 學生代表與參與家長分享園生活。 ‘Campus, Learning, and Development: Seminar on Hong Kong's Youth Wellbeing’ Jointly Organised by the HSUHK Centre for Public Policy Research and Save the Children Hong Kong 香港恒生大學公共政策研究中心與香港救助兒童會合辨「校園、學習與發展:香港青年福祉研討會」 The Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR) of HSUHK and Save the Children Hong Kong jointly organised the seminar ‘Campus, Learning, and Development: Seminar on Hong Kong's Youth Wellbeing’ on 26 October 2021, and around 30 guests took part in it. The seminar was officiated by Professor Y V Hui, Provost and Vice-President (Academic & Research), and Ms Carol Szeto, CEO of Save the Children Hong Kong, who gave their respective opening remarks. The seminar was divided into two sessions. In the first session, Mr K S Chan, Acting Senior Policy, Research & Training Officer of the Equal Opportunities Commission; Dr Gary Tang, Associate Director of CPPR; and Mr Angus Chan, Researcher of MWYO presented their research findings and observations on the youth trends in Hong Kong. It was followed by a second session, in which Dr Chi-kit Chan, Director of the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership, and Ms June Luk, Senior Domestic Programme Manager of Save the Children Hong Kong, shared their thoughts on the trends and challenges in training and services on youth well-being and development. CPPR was a research unit established in September 2021 under the School of Humanities and Social Science. It aims to provide a platform to bring together scholars and researchers from different disciplinies across different sectors to carry out public policy research. 香港恒生大學公共政策研究中心(中心)與香港救助兒童會於 2021 年 10 月 26 日合辦「校園、學習與發展:香港青年福祉研討會」,近30 位嘉賓出席本次研討會。 研討會由常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授與香港救助兒童會總幹事司徒恩女士擔任主禮嘉賓並分別致辭,然後分為兩個單元進行。單元一由平等機會委員會署理高級政策、研究及訓練主任陳建成先生、中心副主任鄧鍵一博士,以及MWYO 青年辦公室研究員陳宇謙先生就「香港青年的現況︰研究和觀察」發表研究結果;而青年可持續發展領袖 研習所總監陳智傑博士及香港救助兒童會高級項目經理陸穎欣女士則於單元二「香港的青年福祉和發展:培訓和服務的趨勢和挑戰」作出分享。 公共政策研究中心成立於2021 年9 月,為人文社會科學學院屬下的研究單位,旨在為不同學術領域的學術人員提供跨學科協作平台,進行公共政策研究。 (From left) Dr CK Chan, Mr K S Chan, Ms June Luk, Ms Carol Szeto, Professor Y V Hui, Mr Angus Chan and Dr Gary Tang. (左起)陳智傑博士、陳建成先生、陸穎欣女士、司徒恩女士、許溢宏教授、陳宇謙先生及鄧鍵一博士。 STFL Online Workshop Series - Looking into Taiwan's Game Localisation Industry Today 翻譯及外語學院線上工作坊系列– 台灣遊戲翻譯產業現況分析 The 4th workshop of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL) Online Workshop Series on Game Localisation and Digital Entertainment 2021, entitled ‘Looking into Taiwan's Game Localisation Industry Today’, was held on 28 October 2021. The workshop, delivered by Professor Cheng-Shu Yang, Distinguished Professor of the Fu Jen Catholic University, and moderated by Dr Sai-yau Siu, Assistant Professor of STFL, attracted more than 1,000 registrants. Taiwan’s gaming industry has a long history and is open and inclusive. In an interview with the founder of a game company and its professional translators, Professor Yang learned that translators should have gaming experience and a good grasp of gaming language and conventions. Besides excellent language skills, good team spirit and communication skills are equally important when working in the localisation industry. She believed that horizontal integration of translation teams and the gaming industry, as well as vertical integration with ‘talents, tools and crosscultural knowledge’ are the main trends of future development. 「翻譯及外語學院線上工作坊系列:遊戲本地化和數碼娛樂2021」第四個工作坊於2021 年10 月28 日舉行,題為「台灣遊戲翻譯產業現況分析」。工作坊由台灣輔仁大學學術特聘教授楊承淑教授主講,並由學院助理教授蕭世友博士主持,吸引了逾一千人報名出席。 台灣遊戲市場歷史悠久,兼收並蓄,一直受世界各地遊戲文化薰陶。楊教授曾訪問一家遊戲公司的創辦人及其專職譯者,從中得知譯者需有參與遊戲的經驗,並了解當中的常用語言及慣例。因此,從事本地化工作需具備優秀語言能力,以及良好的團隊精神與溝通能力,而她認為翻譯團隊與遊戲產業的橫向融合及以「人才、工具、跨文化知識」為本 的縱向整合為行業的未來發展趨勢。 Professor Yang analyses Taiwan's game translation industry today. 楊承淑教授分析台灣遊戲翻譯產業的現況。 WUCIE Guest Speaker Talk: ‘My Social Innovation Journey in Time Auction’ WUCIE 嘉賓講座:「Time Auction – 我的社會創新之旅」 On 28 October 2021, Ms Fion Leung, Co-Founder and CEO of Time Auction, came to HSUHK and shared her social innovation journey in the Guest Speaker Talk organised by the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Ms Leung introduced to participants the operation model and innovative approach of her organisation's volunteer platform, and encouraged them to unleash their skills and talents to contribute to the community. 2021 年10 月28 日,Time Auction 聯合創辦人兼行政總裁梁嘉寶女士蒞臨香港恒生大學,在伍絜宜創新及創業中心的嘉賓講座中分享她的社會創新之旅。梁女士向參加者介紹其機構義工平台運作的模式與創新概念,並鼓勵他們發揮自己的技能和才華為社區作出貢獻。 Donation of Big Data Analytics Software by InSight4 Analytica InSight4 Analytica 捐贈大數據分析軟件 The Department of Management received a generous donation from InSight4 Analytica, a HR big data analytics platform, of licensed accounts worth HK$360,000 for conducting research. The workforce analytics software contains three modules, namely a productivity benchmarking portal, internal labour market analysis, and a staff size and compensation cost budget simulator. A training session was conducted by Ms Daisy Xu, Co-Founder and CEO of InSight4 Analytica, sharing the latest human resources management practices using big data tools. The donation also received an equivalent matched amount of funding from the Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) with the research project led by Dr Liane Lee as the Principal Investigator. 管理學系獲人力資源大數據分析平台InSight4 Analytica 慷慨捐贈價值港幣36 萬元的授權帳號,以供進行研究。軟件名為「組織健康人效診斷系統」,涵蓋組織效能市場定位、內部人才結構和流動分析人員編制和預算規劃模擬三個範疇。InSight4 Analytica 始創人及行政總監許菊晏女士主持培訓環節,分享使用大數據工具的 人力資源管理新措施。此項捐贈亦成功向大學教育資助委員會申領研究配對補助金計劃,用於李暐英博士負責之研究項目。 Ms Daisy Xu (on screen) introduces the system to Dr Liane Lee (2nd from left) and several teachers of the Department of Management.許菊晏女士(屏幕中)向李暐英博士(左二)及數位管理學學系教師介紹系統。 Please scan the QR code for the details of the research project: 請掃描二維碼了解研究項目詳情: Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 BJC Students Won the Bronze Award in the 21st Consumer Rights Reporting Awards 新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程學生獲「第21 屆消費權益新聞報道獎」銅獎 A team of students from the Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Hons) (BJC) Programme, namely Ms Queenie Ng, Ms Tsz-ching Wu, Ms Darling Pun, Ms Choi-wan Liu and Mr Cheuk-leung Lam, won the Bronze Award in the ‘Campus Category’ of the 21st Consumer Rights Reporting Awards. Their entry ‘Rebates from Supermarkets?’ was selected out of 203 entries from 26 media and higher education institutions. The Awards, jointly organised by the Consumer Council, the Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association since 2001, aim to celebrate and promote journalistic excellence in consumer rights issues and concerns. 由新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程的吳軍賢同學、胡梓澄同學、潘楚妍同學、廖彩雲同學及林倬樑同學組成的隊伍,憑着作品《超市回水?》於203 份來自26 家媒體和高等教育機構的參賽作品中脫穎而出,於「第21 屆消費權益新聞報導獎比賽– 校園組」奪得銅獎。 「消費權益新聞報道獎」自2001 年起由消費者委員會、香港記者協會及香港攝影記者協會合辦,旨在表揚及鼓勵本港傳媒關注消費權益。 Awardees take a group photo with (from 3rd from left) Professor Ronald Chiu, Associate Dean of the School of Communication; Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication; and Ms Gilly Wong, Chief Executive of the Consumer Council. 得獎同學與(左三起)傳播學院副院長趙應春教授、協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授及消費者委員會總幹事黃鳳嫺女士合照留念。 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Double Bottomline Decision Making Simulation Game 雙底線決策模擬遊戲 To enhance the team spirit of HSUHK social entrepreneurs, the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) organised the ‘Double Bottomline Decision Making Simulation Game’ on 28 August 2021. During this workshop, students were required to set up a virtual social enterprise with their value-creation mindset. Facilitated by Dr Susanna Chui, Assistant Professor of the Department of Management, students learnt more about design thinking, decision-making and risk-taking skills through novel and interactive social innovation games. 為提升香港恒生大學社會企業隊伍的團隊精神,伍絜宜創新及創業中心於2021年8 月28 日舉辦了「雙底線決策模擬遊戲」。同學需在工作坊中以價值創造思維建立虛擬社會企業,在管理學系助理教授徐麗雯博士的引導下,學生們通過新穎及互動的社會創新遊戲,了解更多關於設計思維、決策和風險承擔的技能。 HSUHK social entrepreneurs, City's Treasure and Idea to Business, participate in the event. 香港恒生大學社會企業隊伍「小店寶庫」和「理想點」參與活動。 Student Life Fair Hosted by the Students’ Union 學生會舉辦「恒薈」 The Student Life Fair hosted by the Students’ Union (SU) is a highly anticipated annual event for students to promote their organisations. This year, the fair featured online live chats on 17 and 30 August 2021, where SU members shared about their campus life with their fellow schoolmates. Other student organisations also gathered to set up booths, showcase their talents and recruit new members on 3/F of M Building on 8 September 2021. All performances, be they about art, culture, sports or music, were refreshing. The 3-day event drew crowds of over a thousand and connected a wide variety of students. 學生會主辦之「恒薈」為一個備受期待的年度活動,讓學生藉此推廣他們的組織。今年「恒薈」於2021 年8 月17 日及30 日以網上直播形式舉行, 由學生會成員分享校園生活。而各學生組織則在2021 年9 月8 日於M 座3 樓聚首一堂,設置攤位一展才能並招募新會員,當中不論是藝術、文化、運動和音樂項目都叫人耳目一新。為期3 日 的「恒薈」吸引逾千名同學參加,使不同學生連結起來。 Online live chat by SU. 學生會的網上直播。 Management League 2021 管理學系聯賽 2021 The Department of Management organised the first Management League this summer. This inter-programme activity series included several student activities including a photography contest, a music competition and numerous handicraft workshops. More than 100 students from the programmes of Management, Human Resource Management and Global Business Management participated in the event and contributed to their respective programmes in competing for the championship by earning League Points from different activities. Apart from demonstrating their talents in the competitions, students also took the occasion to give back to society. Their handmade items from the handicraft workshops were sold for charity purposes, while all sales revenue would be donated to the Children's Cancer Foundation and the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association. 管理學系於今年暑假舉辦了首屆管理學系聯賽,逾百名來自學系三個課程(管理學、人力資源及環球商業管理)的同學分隊競賽,活動包括攝影比賽、音樂比賽和多個手作工作坊。每位同學參加活動即可獲聯賽積分,為所屬課程爭奪冠軍。 同學除了能盡展所長,亦可藉此回饋社會。而同學在工作坊親手製作的作品已用作慈善義賣,所得款項全數撥捐兒童癌病基金及新生精神康復會。 Students make leather cardholders and candles for charity sale. 同學製作皮革卡片套及蠟蠋作慈善義賣。 Sportify MGT 2021 管理學系「Sportify MGT 2021」 Sportify MGT, the most exciting activity held by the Department of Management, was successfully held on 20 August 2021. 40 students from the Department of Management formed three teams to represent the three programmes, namely BBA (Hons) in Human Resource Management, BBA (Hons) in Global Business Management and BBA(Hons) in Management. The teams competed for the championship across four activities — flyball, table tennis, badminton, and physical challenges. Flyball is a newly emerging sport in recent years. Those who took part in the flyball game were able to master its basic rules and techniques in half an hour to fight for their teams wholeheartedly in the game, demonstrating their great learning attitude and team spirit. This event allowed students and teachers to interact and get to know each other outside the classroom, thus enhancing the relationship among students and staff members while strengthening their sense of belonging towards their respective Departments. 管理學系最緊張刺激的「Sportify MGT」於2021 年8 月20 日順利舉行。40名管理系師生分別按人力資源管理工商管理(榮譽)學士、環球商業管理工商管理 ( 榮譽) 學士及管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程分為三隊,在旋風球、乒乓球、羽毛球和體能挑戰四個項目中競逐殊榮。當中的旋風球為近年興起的運動,參加者均在短短半 小時內掌握基本規則和技巧,更全情投入為隊伍爭奪積分,展現他們的好學態度和團隊精神。 是次活動令師生得以在課堂以外互動接觸與認識,從而增進彼此關係及提升對學系的歸屬感。 The Department hopes that Sportify MGT helps connect students and teachers to enjoy campus life again. 學系冀能藉Sportify MGT連結師生,再次投入豐富的校園生活。 Students learn to play flyball together. 學生一同學習旋風球的玩法。 SBUS Orientation 2021 2021 商學院迎新 To welcome the undergraduate freshmen of the School of Business (SBUS), an orientation was held face-to-face on 1 September 2021. Professor Bradley R Barnes, SBUS Dean, kicked off the Orientation with a welcoming speech, followed by the introduction of different programmes by respective Department Heads. Apart from an ice-breaking game and an instant photo booth, they also had Professor Jeanne Fu, Head of the Department of Management, give a sharing on the relationship between the ‘growth mindset’ and learning to inspire new students to scale new heights at HSUHK. An orientation was also arranged for new students of SBUS’s brand-new programme, Master of Business Management (MBM), on 18 October 2021 through on-site participation and livestreaming. Professor Bradley R Barnes welcomed all and introduced them to the campus facilities. Four Pathway Leaders then briefed students on the modules that they would study in the programme. 為歡迎商學院本科的新鮮人,學院於2021 年9 月1 日舉辦迎新日。商學院院長李海東教授向一眾新生致歡迎辭,隨後由各學系系主任介紹課程資訊。除了破冰遊戲及即影即有攤位外,管理學系系主任符可瑩教授亦分享了「成長思維模式」與學習的關係,激勵新生在香港恒生大學勇於突破自我。 商學院亦於2021 年10 月18 日為全新的商業管理碩士課程新生舉辦迎新會,活動透過現場參與及網上直播同時進行。李海東教授歡迎同學加入,並介紹了校園設施;隨後由課程四個專業學習方向的負責教師,向同學講解各個科目內容。 Professor Bradley R Barnes gives a welcome speech. 李海東教授致歡迎辭。 Professor Bradley R Barnes chats with MBM students. 李海東教授與商業管理碩士課程學生對話。 Students take instant photos together. 新生一起拍攝即影即有照片。 Orientation and Activities for Inbound Exchange Students of Fall Semester 2021/22 秋季交換生迎新會及活動 2021/22 HSUHK is pleased to receive 18 inbound exchange students, including students from Latvia, Spain, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Mainland China, the Netherlands, and Switzerland in the fall semester. The Student Affairs Office organised a series of events from September to October to help them adapt to the campus life in Hong Kong. During their quarantine period, online Cantonese classes and an online orientation were conducted by their buddies. With the resumption of face-to-face teaching, the exchange students joined several face-to-face integration activities, like the Moon Festival celebration that allowed them to learn more about its customs and how to make lanterns, and the Inspiring Carnival that gave them an occasion to interact with local students. In return, they hosted a language teaching session to teach local students basic foreign languages and mingle with them. 香港恒生大學歡迎18 位秋季交換生,當中包括來自拉脫維亞、西班牙、比利時、芬蘭、法國、德國、中國內地、荷蘭及瑞士的學生,而學生事務處在9 月至10 月期間舉辦一系列活動,協助他們融入香港的校園生活。 在酒店隔離期間,伙伴們為一眾交換生舉辦線上廣東話班及安排線上迎新會。隨着面授課堂恢復,交換生亦參與了多個實體融合活動,例如透過中秋慶祝活動認識節日習俗及學習製作燈籠,以及在啟迪廊嘉年華與本地生交流。另一方面,交換生為本地生舉辦了外語班,教導同學基本外語,彼此打成一片。 Fulfilling campus life of exchange students. 交換生多采多姿的校園生活。 Kicking off a New Year at the Residential Colleges 住宿書院積極迎接新宿年來臨 Residential Colleges (RCs) are again full of hustle and bustle as over 1,000 student residents gradually move into RCs in this academic year, and Honours Academy (HA) students also reside at the RCs as part of their learning experience. To help residents become familiarised with hall life, the four RCs and the Student Affairs Office organised RC Orientation Weeks in the two weeks following the move-in day. During the ‘Joint-RC Welcoming for Residents’ held on 7 September 2021, residents learnt about the Residential College System, their culture, and tips for living at the RCs through an array of activities. In his welcoming remarks, Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), encouraged residents to participate in RC activities actively and cherish every opportunity of interacting with other RC members. The four RC Masters, including Professor Kevin Lam from Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College, Dr Paul Fung from S H Ho Wellness College, Dr Thomas Man from Patrick S C Poon Amity College, and Dr Howard Song from Fung Yiu King Evergreen College, introduced their teams and the respective features of their RCs, giving residents a better idea of the RCs they belong to. 隨着新學年開始,住宿書院亦開始熱鬧起來。本學年有超過1,000 名同學入住住宿書院,而榮譽學院學員亦成為宿生,作為學習體驗的一部分。 四所書院及學生事務處於入宿日後首兩週舉辦了迎新週,協助宿生融入舍堂生活。在2021 年9 月7 日的聯合迎新活動中,宿生可透過一連串的活動認識住宿書院制度、書院文化及住宿生活小知識。副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士於歡迎辭中鼓勵宿生積極投入舍堂生活,與住宿書院成員多作交流。利易海倫博文書院院長林自強教授、善衡 康活書院院長馮啟陽博士、潘燊昌樂群書院院長萬頴恩博士及馮堯敬綠延書院院長宋昭勛博士分別介紹其團隊及書院特色,使宿生對所屬書院有更深入認識。 RC Masters and Associate Masters welcome local and international students at the‘Joint-RC Welcoming for Residents’. 院長及副院長在聯合迎新活動歡迎本地和海外宿生。 WUCIE Orientation Day WUCIE 迎新日 To strengthen the ties among freshmen and aspiring entrepreneurs of HSUHK, the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) organised an Orientation Day on 29 September 2021. The Centre Director, Dr Thomas Man, introduced WUCIE’s pre-incubation programme, upcoming events and funding opportunities to the participants, while members of the WUCIE Start-up Association also presented their activity plans. 為加強香港恒生大學新生和有志成為企業家的同學之間的聯繫, 伍絜宜創新及創業中心(WUCIE)於 2021 年 9 月 29日舉辦了迎新日。中心主任萬頴恩博士向參與者介紹了中心的創業前期培訓計劃、本年活動及資助機會,而WUCIE 創業協會成員亦介紹了其活動計劃。 All participants enjoy the Orientation Day. 所有迎新日的參加者均樂在其中。 College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora 月會– 恒大博雅講場 In this academic year, seven College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora Sessions will be organised to enhance students’ wholeperson development and out-of-classroom learning experiences, and widen students’ knowledge base with an interdisciplinary perspective. 為加強學生的全人發展及課外學習體驗,香港恒生大學會於 2021/22 學年舉辦七場「月會– 恒大博雅講場 」,從跨學科角度拓闊他們的知識基礎。 The First College Assembly - Creativity vs Business 第一次月會– 創意定生意 The first College Assembly was held on 30 September 2021. Mr Lofai Lo, Director and General Manager of HK Television Entertainment Company Limited. (ViuTV) was invited to share his views on the creative industry in Hong Kong with the students. More than 550 students and staff members joined the event. 第一場月會於 2021 年 9 月 30 日舉行,大學邀請到香港電視娛樂有限公司(ViuTV)董事兼總經理魯庭暉先生,與學生分享他對香港創意工業的看法,超過550 位師生一同參與。 Mr Lofai Lo (middle) chit-chats with students. 魯庭暉先生(中)與學生對談。 The Second College Assembly - Stay Positive?! 第二次月會– 正面心理學的迷思 What can we do for ourselves, family and friends to stay positive during difficult times? Ms Helen Kwok, Registered Counselling Psychologist, shared the meaning of positive psychology and how to practise positive thinking and active listening in our daily lives with over 560 students and staff at the Assembly on 28 October 2021. 我們可以做什麼讓自己及身邊人在面對逆境時保持正面?註冊輔導心理學家郭倩衡女士在 2021 年10 月 28 日的月會中,與逾 560 位師生分享甚麼是正面心理學,以及如何在日常生活中練習正面思考及主動聆聽。 Ms Helen Kwok explains the key points of positive psychology. 郭倩衡女士闡釋正向心理學的重點。 Mental Health Awareness Week 精神健康關注週 Mental Health Awareness Week was organised in the first week of October 2021 by SEN Support of the Student Affairs Office, a team set up to assist students with special educational needs (SEN). The event aims to strengthen the awareness and understanding of the importance of mental health among students and staff. The flagship event of the week, the visit of the ‘Moving Wellness’ educational truck to the campus, encouraged participants to enjoy quality ‘Me Time’ and ‘We Time’ through multi-sensory activities and reflective exercises in the truck. An exhibition was also held by SEN Support with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and Companion HK, a joint-U student organisation advocating mental health, on the ground floor of the S H Ho Academic Building. ‘Wellness Cheer-up Kits’ were distributed to the visitors. Echoing ADHD Awareness Month, a renowned Hong Kong YouTuber, Mr Jason Chau, was invited to share his experience of proactively seeking medical advice on his ADHD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder). SEN Support hoped that participants had a joyful spiritual experience during Mental Health Awareness Week, and would keep taking care of others’ mental health as well as their own. 學生事務處的特殊教育需要支援小組致力為有特殊教育需要的學生提供支援。小組於2021 年10 月首星期舉辦了「精神健康關注週」,旨在加強校內學生及教職員對精神健康狀態的關注及認識其重要性。 精神健康關注週的旗艦活動—「解憂號」教育車到訪校園,讓參加者透過車上的多感官活動及反思練習,學會享受獨處與共處的優質時間。此外,支援小組亦與香港青年協會及關注精神健康的聯校大學生組織「同行鳥」合作,於何善衡教學大樓地下舉辦展覽,並向到訪人士派發「解憂打氣包」。 為響應ADHD(專注力失調及過度活躍症)關注月,支援小組亦邀請了本港著名YouTuber大J,於啟迪廊與師生分享他就ADHD 而主動求醫的心路歷程。 希望每位參加者從中得到愉快的心靈體驗,日後也多照顧自己與他人的精神健康。 Over 50 students attend the ADHD sharing by YouTuber Mr Jason Chau. 逾50 名學生參加YouTuber 大J 主講的ADHD分享會。 ‘Moving Wellness’stations outside the Residential Colleges. 解憂號停泊於住宿書院外。 HSUHK’s Honours Academy – Inauguration Ceremony of the Second Cohort 香港恒生大學榮譽學院 – 第二屆學員啟動禮 The Honours Academy (HA) of HSUHK officially welcomed the second cohort, consisting of 16 year-two undergraduates from different programmes, in the Inauguration Ceremony on 15 October 2021. The HA’s second cohort received their HA pins and embarked on their three-year interdisciplinary learning journey. Dr Moses Cheng, Council Chairman of HSUHK, spoke at the ceremony and quoted a famous saying by Lao Tzu, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”, to inspire students to jump out of their comfort zone. President Simon S M Ho encouraged students to inherit the past and usher in the future, such as engaging themselves actively in independent research like their first-cohort predecessors. Echoing the theme ‘inheritance’, the first cohort passed on the HA polo shirt covered with written blessings to the second cohort. The Academic Fellows also presented them with a world map and an encyclopaedia, signifying that HA students are endowed with global vision and academic excellence. Several Professional Fellows, including Mr Clement Cheung (Chief Executive Officer, Insurance Authority), Ms Wendy Yuen (Head, Retail Distribution, Hang Seng Bank), and the newly-joined Dr Allan Zemen (Chairman, Lan Kwai Fong Group) also attended the ceremony to show their support. Ms Yuen shared her views at the event and reminded students to take the initiative and seize every opportunity. 香港恒生大學榮譽學院第二屆學員啟動禮於2021 年10 月15 日舉行,16 位來自不同學系的二年級本科生獲頒授學院徽章,迎接三年的跨學科學習之旅。 校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士於典禮上致辭,引用老子名句「千里之行,始於足下」啟發學員勇於跳出舒適圈。何順文校長鼓勵學員承先啟後,如跟從第一屆學員積極參與獨立研究。而為呼應主題「傳承」,第一屆學員將寫有祝福字句的榮譽學院T恤贈予師弟妹;學術院使則送上世界地圖及百科全書,象徵學員擁有環球視野和卓越學術成就。多位 專業院使亦親臨典禮支持,包括保險業監管局行政總監張雲正先生、恒生銀行分行網絡業務主管袁妙齡女士,以及新加入的蘭桂坊集團主席盛智文博士。袁女士更作出分享,提醒學員要主動把握每個學習機會。 Dr Tom Fong (Vice-President, Organisational Development and Co-Chairman of the HA Board), Professor Jeanne Fu (HA Head), Ms Esther Lee and Dr Holly Chung (HA Associate Heads), and the first cohort of students celebrate the joining of the second cohort. 副校長(機構發展)暨榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席方永豪博士、院長符可瑩教授、副院長李德芬女士及鍾可盈博士,聯同榮譽學院第一屆學員慶祝第二屆學員加入學院。 Over 100 Students Join the CUHK Jockey Club Children Eye Care Programme 超過100 位學生參與香港中文大學賽馬會瞳心護眼計劃 The Student Affairs Office (SAO) has partnered with the CUHK Jockey Club Children Eye Care Programme since 2018. Over a hundred HSUHK students were recruited as ‘Eye Care Volunteers’, contributing more than 2,000 service hour to provide eye examination services for children. The SAO and student representatives were presented with the Outstanding Service Award for their contribution to the Programme at the Award Ceremony held on 16 October 2021. Student participants were trained by doctors and nurses to acquire eye care knowledge and skills in equipment operation for conducting relevant examinations for children. Mr Tsz-lung Tse, an eye care volunteer, said he gained valuable experience. “I learnt how to operate the ophthalmic equipment properly and it enhanced my understanding of our eyes. This programme helps children get rid of eye diseases, and this is very meaningful.” 學生事務處自2018 年開始與「香港中文大學賽馬會瞳心護眼計劃」合作,招募了超過100 位恒大學生成為護眼義工,為兒童進行眼科檢查,服務時數逾2,000小時。學生事務處及學生代表於2021 年10 月16 日出席計劃的頒獎典禮,接受「傑出服務獎」的嘉許。 參與計劃的學生跟隨醫生及護士學習護眼知識及儀器操作技巧,從而為學童進行相關檢查。護眼義工謝梓龍同學表示他獲得寶貴經驗﹕「過程中我學會如何正確使用檢查眼部的儀器,加深我對眼睛的認識。計劃有助孩童擺脫眼疾,實在別具意義。」 Student representatives receive certificates for their contribution. 學生代表獲頒證書以嘉許他們的貢獻。 HKGCC Business Case Competition 2021 Briefing 香港總商會商業案例比賽2021 簡介會 The School of Business (SBUS) was glad to invite Mr Watson Chan, Deputy CEO of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC), to brief students on the details of the HKGCC Business Case Competition 2021 on 22 October 2021. In addition, he presented the new HKGCC student embership programme and the associated internship opportunity. After the sharing, Mr Roy Ying, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing, hosted the interactive Q&A session. Students were eager to take this opportunity to ask Mr Chan about the Hong Kong business community, the Competition and internships. SBUS hopes that through this activity students can acquire more business information, which would help raise their learning interest and enhance their performance in competitions. 商學院於2021 年10 月22 日有幸邀請到香港總商會副總裁陳利華先生,為同學簡介香港總商會商業案例比賽2021 的細則,以及香港總商會最新的學生會員計劃和相關實習機會。 簡介會後,由市場學系高級講師殷暉先生主持互動問答環節,學生均把握機會,踴躍向陳先生提問各項有關香港商業社會、比賽及實習的問題。商學院期望藉此活動令學生獲得更多營商資訊,有助提升他們的學習興趣與比賽表現。 Dr Thomas Man, Associate Dean of the School of Business, presents a souvenir to Mr Watson Chan. 商學院副院長萬頴恩博士頒發紀念品予陳利華先生。 Mr Watson Chan (middle) explains the Competition guidelines. 陳利華先生(中)解說比賽指引。 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit from Professor Sally Chan of Tung Wah College 東華學院陳慧慈教授到訪 Professor Sally Chan, President of the Tung Wah College, paid a visit to HSUHK on 14 September 2021, and met Dr Moses Cheng, Chairman of the Council of HSUHK; President Simon S M Ho; Professor Y V Hui, Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research); and Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President(Organisational Development). Accompanied by Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President(Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication, Professor Chan visited the University’s various state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, including the Library, Auditorium, Virtual Reality Centre, and SCOM Cinema and TV Production Centre. After the tour, Dr Cheng and President Ho shared with Professor Chan the latest updates on the University’s development and programmes, and discussed future collaboration opportunities. 東華學院校長陳慧慈教授於2021 年9 月14 日到訪香港恒生大學,與校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、何順文校長、常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授及副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士會面。 在協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授的陪同下,陳教授先參觀大學多項先進教學設施,包括大學圖書館、演藝廳、虛擬實境中心及傳播學院影視製作中心。參觀過後,鄭博士與何校長向陳教授分享了大學的最新發展及課程資訊,並討論未來的交流合作機會。 (From left) Dr Tom Fong, President Simon Ho, Professor Sally Chan, Dr Moses Cheng, Professor Y V Hui and Professor Scarlet Tso.(左起)方永豪博士、何順文校長、陳慧慈教授、鄭慕智博士、許溢宏教授及曹虹教授。 Visit from Mr Clement Fung, Mr Andric Yew and Mr Nelson Tang 馮兆滔先生、姚逸安先生及鄧維祐先生到訪 On 15 September 2021, Mr Clement Fung, Chairman of Asia Standard International Group Limited, Mr Andric Yew, Managing Director of Alliance Capital Partners Limited (Alliance), and Mr Nelson Tang, Chief Operating Officer of Alliance visited HSUHK. They met Dr Tom Fong, Vice President (Organisational Development); Ms Antonia Yeung, Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services); and Ms Elisa Chan and Ms Alice Chan, Director and Senior Manager respectively of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office. After a short introductory session on HSUHK hosted by Dr Fong, the guests also shared their insightful views on campus development. A campus tour covering various academic buildings and the newlyopened The Inspiring followed. The Inspiring is an interactive co-working space on campus, offering HSUHKers a place to learn, work, interact, and conduct events together. 2021 年9 月15 日,泛海國際集團有限公司主席馮兆滔先生、同人融資有限公司董事總經理姚逸安先生及營運總監鄧維祐先生到訪香港恒生大學,並與副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、協理副校長(校園發展服務)楊如虹女士,以及發展及校友事務處總監陳雯慧女士及高級經理陳少英女士進行會面。 方博士先向嘉賓簡介香港恒生大學的發展,而嘉賓們亦就校園發展分享其精闢意見。及後三位嘉賓一同參觀多座教學大樓和最新啟用的啟迪廊,啟迪廊是大學內的互動共享空間,為恒大人提供一同學習、工作、交流及舉辦活動的地方。 (From left) Ms Alice Chan, Ms Elisa Chan, Ms Antonia Yeung, Dr Tom Fong, Mr Clement Fung, Mr Andric Yew and Mr Nelson Tang. (左起) 陳少英女士、陳雯慧女士、楊如虹女士、方永豪博士、馮兆滔先生、姚逸滔先生及鄧維祐先生。 The Hamburg School of Business Administration Visits HSUHK Online 德國漢堡工商管理學院在線到訪香港恒生大學 Under the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries and regions have implemented different measures on access control, resulting in a significant decrease in face-to-face exchanges among one another HSUHK continues to make good use of information technology to keep in close contact with other overseas institutions. The Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA), Germany, has been a partner of HSUHK since 2015, and Mr Mike Fischer, HSBA Lecturer, and a group of 17 students paid a virtual visit to HSUHK on 8 October 2021. They were introduced to the campus environment and teaching facilities via a virtual tour, and chatted with HSUHK students in breakout rooms. All benefited much from the event. 新冠疫情下,多個國家及地區都實施不同出入境管制政策,令彼此的實體交流大幅減少。香港恒生大學繼續善用各項資訊科技,與其他外地院校保持緊密聯繫。 香港恒生大學與漢堡工商管理學院自2015 年起建立了合作夥伴關係,該院講師Mike Fischer 先生與17 名學生在2021 年10 月8 日以虛擬模式到訪大學,透過網上校園導覽一睹大學環境及教學設施,並與學生在分組討論室交談,雙方在活動中均獲益良多。 Exchange without boundaries.交流無界限。 Visit from Mr Luffy Chiu and Mr Marc Ng 趙國傑先生及吳海岳先生來訪 Mr Marc Ng, a donor of HSUHK, visited the campus on 8 October 2021 with Mr Luffy Chiu, Founder of Future Viet Fund SPC. They were warmly received by Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President(Organisational Development); Ms Elisa Chan, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs; and Ms Alice Chan, Senior Manager of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office. Dr Fong introduced the University’s strength in its flexibility and elaborated on how to nurture students by developing innovative programmes to meet society’s future needs. In return, Mr Chiu shared his inspiring entrepreneurial experience in both Hong Kong and Vietnam. Afterwards, Mr Ng and Mr Chiu went on a campus tour which furnished them with a better understanding of the recent developments of the University. The tour covered numerous facilities including the Auditorium, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation Wall, and the Marc Ng Classroom. The guests were impressed by the comprehensive campus facilities. 香港恒生大學捐款人吳海岳先生及越富基金創辦人趙國傑先生於2021 年10 月8 日到訪校園,獲副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、發展及校友事務總監陳雯慧女士和發展及校友事務處高級經理陳少英女士親切招待。 方博士向嘉賓介紹大學靈活多變的優勢,及如何開發創新課程培育學生以符合未來的社會需求,而趙先生則分享了他在香港及越南的創業經歷,帶來不少啟發。兩位嘉賓隨後參觀校園,以深入認識大學近期發展。他們到訪了演藝廳、香港恒生大學 – 基金會員芳名榜、吳海岳教室等設施,對校園的完善設施留下深刻印象。 (From left) Ms Alice Chan, Mr Marc Ng, Dr Tom Fong, Mr Luffy Chiu and Ms Elisa Chan. (左起) 陳少英女士、吳海岳先生、方永豪博士、趙國傑先生及陳雯慧女士。 Visit from Mr Nick Tang and Mrs Stephanie Tang 鄧灝康伉儷到訪校園 Mr Nick Tang, CEO of Wang On Properties Limited, and his wife Mrs Stephanie Tang, Executive Director of Wang On Group, paid a visit to the campus on 20 October 2021. They were warmly received by President Simon S M Ho; Ms Elisa Chan, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs; and Ms Alice Chan, Senior Manager of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office. Mr and Mrs Tang also met the scholarship recipients of the ‘Wang On Properties Academic Excellence Scholarship for BBA Students’. The scholarship recipients expressed their heartfelt thanks, and shared their study experiences at the University and their career plans after graduation with Mr and Mrs Tang. 宏安地產有限公司行政總裁鄧灝康先生及其夫人宏安集團執行董事鄧李璧莛女士,一同於2021 年10 月20 日到訪校園,由何順文校長、發展及校友事務總監陳雯慧女士和發展及校友事務處高級經理陳少英女士懇切招待。鄧氏伉儷與「宏安地產工商管理卓越學業獎學金」的得獎學生見面,學生向他們表達衷心謝意,並與他們分享大學的學習 經歷及畢業後的職業生涯規劃。 Scholarship recipients, Ms Hiu-lam Chan (2nd from left), Mr Zhibo Li (5th from left), Ms Ho-ting Chiu (5th from right) and Ms Hei-tung Siu (4th from right), express their gratitude to Mr and Mrs Tang (3rd and 4th from left). 獎學金得主陳曉琳同學(左二)、 栗智博同學(左五)、趙皓婷同學(右五) 及邵希彤同學(右四)向鄧氏伉儷表達感謝 (左三及左四)。 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to the new full-time academic and senior executive staff who joined the HSUHK family in November 2021. 衷心歡迎於 2021 年 11 月加入恒大的全職教學及高級行政人員。 School / Department / Office Academic Staff / Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 教學人員/ 行政人員 職位 Department of Economics and Finance 經濟及金融學系 Dr Jerry Cao 曹夏平博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Communications and Public Affairs Office 傳訊及公共事務處 Ms Yolanda Ng 吳予晴女士 Communications Manager 傳訊經理 Stronger Support Base for HSUHK 誠邀支持捐獻恒大 Recent years have seen HSUHK progress in leaps and bounds on both the teaching and research fronts. To maintain its growth momentum, HSUHK is looking to enlist the support and help of reliable and generous benefactors. In the light of HSUHK’s self-financing nature, their generosity is sure to go a long way towards laying a solid foundation for its future development. Donation can be made by cheque payable to ‘The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation’. With your kind help, HSUHK will get the solidarity it needs to grow faster, do better and make a difference. 香港恒生大學近年在教學與研究兩方面發展迅速,成績有目共睹。為確保今後持續發展的動力,大學積極聯絡各界有心人支持本校長遠發展,為未來更上層樓打下穩固基礎。 捐款抬頭請書「香港恒生大學 – 基金」。您的支持將有助恒大加速發展,精益求精。 Contact Us 聯絡我們 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation Secretariat Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office 「香港恒生大學– 基金」秘書處 發展及校友事務處 Tel 電話:3963 5169 Fax 傳真:3963 5276 Email 電郵 Website 網址 Connect with Alma Mater – Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與母校保持聯繫– 攜手創建緊密校友網絡 To keep the HSUHK (including HSSC and HSMC) alumni community abreast of HSUHK's latest news and developments and to strengthen close-knit relationships within the community, we invite our alumni to support the alumni community by updating your personal information and helping other unregistered alumni get reconnected with their Alma Mater. Don’t forget to check out the latest HSUHK and alumni events, as well as a wide array of exclusive alumni benefits and privileges on the website: 為讓香港恒生大學(包括恒商與恒管)校友社群能夠緊貼母校的最新資訊及發展,以及建構緊密網絡,我們誠邀校友更新您的個人資料,並協助其他未登記的校友重新聯繫母校,支持校友社群。請瀏覽,以時刻緊貼大學及校友活動資訊,以及校友專屬優惠。 Please scan the QR code to fill in the online form to update your information, or pass the QR code to any unregistered alumni in your network. A souvenir will be offered as a token of appreciation for those enrolling for the first time or keeping us updated. 請掃描二維碼填寫網上表格以更新您的資料,或與您認識而未登記的校友分享此二維碼。為答謝各位支持,首次登記或更新資料的校友將獲贈精美紀念品一份。 Enquiries 查詢 Tel 電話:3963 5169 Email 電郵 Information as of 28 October 2021. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2021 年10 月28 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界沙田小瀝源行善里