Erudition 博學 09‧2021 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK’s First Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony 香港恒生大學第一屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮 HSUHK New Student Orientation 2021 香港恒生大學迎新2021 HSUHK Receives the Highest Amount of Grants in RGC Funding Scheme among Local Self-financing Institutions 香港恒生大學獲研究資助局撥款總額本地自資院校之冠 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK's First Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony 香港恒生大學第一屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮...............................................................................1 In Recognition of Immense Contributions by Four Distinguished Individuals 肯定四位傑出人士的重大貢獻......................................................................1 Highlights of the Conferment Ceremony 頒授典禮精彩片段....................................................................................................................2 HSUHK People 恒大人 Exploring Infinite Possibilities with Limited Space - Interview with Ir Kelvin Lin 從有限空間規劃未來無限可能-連振明工程師專訪...........................................4 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Getting a Head Start to Embrace Future Challenges - Interview with Mr Donald Chan 洞悉先機 迎接未來挑戰-陳展祺先生專訪..................................................6 Striving for Every Opportunity to Let the Dream Set Sail - Interview with Mr Edward Tang 爭取機會 讓理想啟航-鄧小宇先生專訪.............................................7 HSUHK Research 大學研究 HSUHK Receives the Highest Amount of Grants in RGC Funding Schemes among Local Self-financing Institutions  香港恒生大學獲研究資助局撥款總額為本地自資院校之冠.........................................................................................................................8 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK New Student Orientation 2021 香港恒生大學迎新 2021..................................................................................................................10 Start the Year with Cheer! 新學年新景象 眾師生齊打氣.....................................................................................................................11 Naming Ceremony of the Lo Foo Cheung Special Collections Room 羅富昌特藏室命名典禮........................................................................................12 Signing Ceremony for the Establishment of the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism by HSUHK and Fo Guang Vihara Hong Kong  香港恒生大學與香港佛光道場成立人間佛教應用研習中心簽約儀式.................................................................................................................12 HSUHK Participates in Various Education Expos 香港恒生大學參與多個升學展覽................................................................................................13 Media Reception by the HSUHK President 香港恒生大學校長與傳媒聚會.........................................................................................................13 President Ho's Co-authored Book Got‘Publishing Award’at the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2021  何校長合著書榮獲第三屆香港出版雙年獎的「出版獎」...........................................................................................................................14 President Ho Shares Experience in Nurturing Young Talents in‘MC Talk’at CUHKMC 何校長於中大醫院「打開天窗」講座分享培育青年人才經驗.......................................14 President Ho Serves as the Speaker for‘Future of Work Roundtable’ 何校長擔任「未來職場工作」圓桌會議主講嘉賓..............................................................15 Fabulous Summer for Alumni 精彩夏日伴校友.................................................................................................................................15 Campus Express 校園快訊 Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2021 新教學人員啟導課程 2021...................................................................................................16 John Minford Cultural and Translation Series Online Public Lectures - Hong Kong: Literature and Translation  閔福德教授:文化與翻譯系列線上公開講座-香港:文學與翻譯...................................................................................................................17 STFL Online Workshop Series - From Game Industry to Gamification in Technology Education: My Entrepreneurial Journey  翻譯及外語學院線上工作坊系列-從遊戲產業到遊戲化科技教育:我的創業歷程......................................................................................................17 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 HSUHK's Students Win Awards in the MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Competition 2021  香港恒生大學學生於MonsoonSIM 企業資源管理國際比賽2021 獲獎..................................................................................................................18 Marketing Student Named Top 10 Outstanding Tertiary Student 市場學系學生於「傑出大專生選舉」被選為十大傑出大專生...........................................................18 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 IYSL Organises Activities for Residents in the Local Community 青年可持續發展領袖研習所為區內居民舉辦活動..................................................................19 HSUHK Summer Academy 2021 香港恒生大學暑期體驗2021.........................................................................................................................19 Watch the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at HSUHK! 香港恒生大學陪你觀賞東京奧運2020!............................................................................................20 Campus Visits 到訪校園 Visit from Dr Ken Ho and Family 何偉權博士及家人來訪.......................................................................................................................20 Visit from Mr Gilbert Wong and Mrs Queenie Wong 黄灌球先生及夫人來訪.......................................................................................................21 Visit from Industry Leaders Mr Damien Ko and Mr Armstrong Lee 行業領袖高浩然先生及李漢祥先生到訪香港恒生大學...............................................................21 Personnel Updates 人事快訊..................................................................................................................................................22 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK’s First Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony 香港恒生大學第一屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮 Group photo of (from left to right), Professor Y V Hui, Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research); President Simon Ho; Dr Rose Lee; Dr Helen Lee; Dr David Ho; Dr Alice Lam; Dr Moses Cheng, Chairman of the Council of HSUHK; and Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development). (左起)常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授、何順文校長、李慧敏博士、利易海倫博士、何子焯博士、林李翹如博士與香港恒生大學校務委員主席鄭慕智博士、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士合照。 In Recognition of Immense Contributions by Four Distinguished Individuals 肯定四位傑出人士的重大貢獻 The Honorary Doctorate Scheme of HSUHK was established in 2019 to confer on individuals who have made major contributions to the development of the University; earned local, regional and international distinctions in their disciplines or professions; and made valuable contributions to the well-being of society. The first Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was held on 23 August 2021 at the Auditorium of HSUHK. From the Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC) established by our visionary founders in 1980 to restructuring into the Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) in 2010, and later renamed as The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) in 2018, the University has been grateful to receive the support from various sectors of the community. When Dr Sin-hang Ho, the then Chairman of Hang Seng Bank, decided to set up HSSC, Sir Quo Wei Lee, the then General Manager of Hang Seng Bank, negotiated with the government to secure a piece of premium-exempt land in Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin for its campus. Dr David Ho Tzu-cho later assumed his late father Dr Sin-hang Ho’s vision on education, bringing the people-oriented concept to the institution to foster the development of liberal arts education in HSUHK today. And Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoi-lun, the spouse of the late Sir Quo Wei Lee, carries on Sir Quo Wei Lee’s legacy and vision for HSUHK by generously donating through the Wei Lun Foundation Limited for campus expansion and college activities, allowing students and staff to learn and teach in a better environment. 香港恒生大學於2019 年設立榮譽博士學位制度,以表揚對大學發展作出積極貢獻,於專業界別獲得本地、區域和國際間廣泛認同,及致力造福社群的傑出人士。因疫情關係,首屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮,順延至2021 年8 月23 日假大學的演藝廳舉行。 從1980 年一班創校先賢成立恒生商學書院(恒商),至2010 年改組為恒生管理學院(恒管)及於2018 年正名為香港恒生大學,大學的發展有賴社會各界支持。當年時為恒生銀行董事長的何善衡博士決定創辦恒商時,由時為恒生銀行總經理的利國偉爵士積極聯 絡政府,成功取得沙田小瀝源免地價土地作為校址。其後何子焯博士秉承其先父何善衡博士對教育的願景,將以人為本的理念帶入院校,孕育今日香港恒生大學之博雅精神;而已故利國偉爵士的夫人利易海倫博士,亦透過偉倫基金延續利爵士對香港恒生大學的期 許,慷慨捐款支持校園擴建及書院活動,讓師生得以在更佳的環境中進行教與學。 Dr Alice Lam 林李翹如博士 Dr David Ho 何子焯博士 Dr Helen Lee 利易海倫博士 Dr Rose Lee 李慧敏博士 Beyond the great support from its founders and founding organisations, HSUHK has also relied on outstanding management and leadership for the University to grow by leaps and bounds from HSSC to HSUHK. Since the time of HSSC when she was a member of the Board of Directors, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu-yue has been instrumental in securing funding support, as well as making donations for many initiatives that laid the foundation for the institution’s development towards a university. Dr Rose Lee Wai-mun, who was the Chairman of the Board of Governors of HSMC, also played a crucial role in leading HSMC to take key strides in transforming into HSUHK. In addition, Dr Lee has provided many valuable opinions for the HSUHK’s Five-Year Strategic Plan (2018-2023), which has helped the University define its key focus and objectives clearly. Dr David Ho Tzu-cho, Dr Alice Piera Lam Lee Kiu-yue, Dr Helen Lee Yick Hoilun, and Dr Rose Lee Wai-mun have not only made significant contributions to HSUHK, but are also dedicated to serving the community with remarkable achievements. HSUHK takes great pride to confer Honorary Doctorates on the four distinguished recipients to recognise their immense contributions. 除了創辦人及團體的大力支持,自恒商到香港恒生大學,院校得以長足發展,亦有賴傑出的管理及領導。林李翹如博士自擔任恒商校董會成員,便不遺餘力為學校的發展項目爭取資金及慷慨捐款,為院校的發展奠下鞏固的根基,促使學院正名為大學;曾任恒管校董 會主席的李慧敏博士,更是帶領恒管蛻變成大學走出關鍵一步。李博士並對香港恒生大學的《五年策略發展計劃》(2018-2023)提出許多寶貴意見,幫助大學訂下清晰的發展重心及目標。 何子焯博士、林李翹如博士、利易海倫博士及李慧敏博士不但對香港恒生大學發展貢獻良多,多年來亦傾力服務社會,成就卓越。香港恒生大學十分榮幸藉頒授榮譽博士學位,表揚四位社會賢達的重大貢獻。 Highlights of the Conferment Ceremony 頒授典禮精彩片段 Dr Moses Cheng (middle) presides over the Conferment Ceremony. 鄭慕智博士(中)主持頒授典禮。 With on-site participation and live streaming, the Conferment Ceremony allowed the families and friends of the recipients as well as the public to witness this memorable moment. The opening of the Ceremony was officiated by Dr Moses Cheng, Chairman of the Council of HSUHK, followed by President Simon Ho’s address. 當日頒授典禮透過現場參與及網上直播同時舉行,讓榮譽博士得主的摯親及公眾人士能夠一同見證這個值得紀念的時刻。典禮由香港恒生大學校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士主禮開始,隨後由何順文校長致辭。 In his speech, President Ho commended the four Honorary Doctorate recipients for having not only earned distinction in their chosen professions, but for having also made invaluable contributions to the development of HSUHK and the well-being of society at large. Their significant achievements have demonstrated their compelling passion to put knowledge, expertise, and resources at the services of others. It would be the University’s honour to have the recipients, who have truly lived by the University’s motto ‘Erudition and Perseverance’, serve as role models and a source of inspiration to HSUHK and its members. President Ho also hoped that they and other HSUHK stakeholders would continue to support the future development of HSUHK, guiding HSUHK to shine in the tertiary education sector. 何校長在致辭時表示,四位榮譽博士得主不僅在專業領域上表現出類拔萃,更為大學發展及社會福祉作出寶貴貢獻。他們將知識、專業和資源運用於服務他人,展現出充份熱情並帶來重要成果。各位領受人身體力行實踐了大學校訓「博學篤行」,為大學及其成員 樹立良好榜樣與帶來啟發,大學對此感到十分榮幸。何校長並衷心希望他們及大學其他持份者繼續支持香港恒生大學的未來發展,讓學校在高等教育界發光發熱。 President Simon Ho addresses the audience at the Ceremony. 何順文校長於典禮上致辭。 (From left)The citations of the four Honorary Doctorate recipients are delivered by Professor Lawrence Leung, Professor Scarlet Tso, Professor Gilbert Fong, and Professor Kwok-kan Tam respectively. (左起)梁志堅教授、曹虹教授、方梓勳教授與譚國根教授分別宣讀四名榮譽博士得主的讚辭。 The citations of the four Honorary Doctorate recipients: Dr David Ho, Dr Alice Lam, Dr Helen Lee, and Dr Rose Lee, were delivered by Professor Lawrence Leung, Dean of the School of Decision Sciences; Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science; Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of the School of Communication; and Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages respectively. The Ceremony was concluded by the address by Dr Alice Lam as the representative of the Honorary Doctorates. She expressed her gratitude to HSUHK for conferring the accolade, and acclaimed HSUHK as an outstanding young university adhering to the ‘Liberal + Professional’ education model and nurturing students to become all-round and responsible leaders, who are ready to give back to society to build a brighter future for Hong Kong. She also shared her personal motto ‘embrace life with passion’, reminding all participants that despite the COVID-19 and other challenges, Hong Kong is still a land of opportunity. 四名榮譽博士得主:何子焯博士、林李翹如博士、利易海倫博士及李慧敏博士的讚辭,分別由決策科學學院院長梁志堅教授、人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授、傳播學院院長曹虹教授,與翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授宣讀。典禮在林李翹如博士代表四位 榮譽博士得主致辭後作結。她在致辭中感謝香港恒生大學授予殊榮,並讚揚香港恒生大學作為傑出年青學府,秉承「博雅 + 專業」教育模式,培育學生成為全方位及勇於承擔責任的領袖,回饋社會,為香港建設更璀璨的未來。她又表示其座右銘為「熱情擁 抱生命」,提醒大家即使面對新冠疫情及不同挑戰,香港仍然機遇處處。 Dr Alice Lam is thankful for the wisdom shared by the late Sir Quo Wei Lee in her budding career, giving her a head start in her new pursuit. 林李翹如博士感激利國偉爵士在她初出茅廬時分享其人生智慧,讓她在追求目標的道路上確立一個良好的開端。 Please scan the QR codes to revisit the memorable moments of the Ceremony and read the First Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony Booklet : 請掃描二維碼,重溫當日活動精彩片段及閱覽《第一屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮場刊》: HSUHK People 恒大人 Exploring Infinite Possibilities with Limited Space 從有限空間規劃未來無限可能 Interview with Ir Kelvin Lin 連振明工程師專訪 Director of Campus Development and Management 校園發展及管理總監 Land is a must for socio-economic development, and university development is no exception. With limited land but lots of people in Hong Kong, the allocation and planning of land resources play a more prominent role. Before joining HSUHK, Ir Kelvin Lin worked for 3 different tertiary institutions, offering valuable advice and suggestions for campus master planning, development and management. As the newly-appointed Director of Campus Development and Management, he will lead the Campus Development Management Office team to develop and manage the campus space and facilities, and to formulate, review and improve various policies in facility management. Hongkongers always talk about the ‘land issue’. Ir Lin admitted that this is also a problem faced by all institutions and the biggest challenge he encounters at HSUHK. He pointed out that campus planning is a long-term strategic and sustainable goal which requires embracing the interests of the University and users’ needs. Hence, a visionary strategy should be established. “The development of the campus involves hardware support, including land and facilities, which not only requires significant resources but also time to plan and construct. Even if we just undergo reorganisation of the campus, we still need buffer space during the process. But space use and arrangement has already been extremely tight in HSUHK, making the development of any space plan or reorganisation even more difficult. Therefore, we have to be cautious in designing our campus master plan to set up a clear direction for long-term campus development.” To achieve optimal use of space and long-term development, a successful master plan requires different stakeholders of the University to put the development goal of the University as the top priority. They may have to compromise or even ‘sacrifice’ in the short run for the long-term betterment and advancement from the perspective of the University as a whole, he added. Ir Lin thought that HSUHK demonstrated a rapid development in the last decade, with a continuous growth in the types and the quantity of programmes as well as a great increase in the number of students. It implied a greater demand for campus facilities at the same time. “Different subjects cover different knowledge areas, while the equipment and the support required for such daily teaching, research, and operation can be completely different. More space, setup, and equipment will be requested unavoidably from time to time, so facilities provision, planning and management are neither simple nor easy. Meanwhile, as teaching content and methods change over time, so do the facilities, to keep pace with society.” 社會經濟發展需要土地,大學發展亦不例外。香港地少人多,土地資源的分配與規劃便顯得更為重要。新上任的校園發展及管理總監連振明工程師曾任職於三所不同高等院校,為校園發展總體規劃及設施管理出謀獻策,加入香港恒生大學後將配合其急速發展, 帶領校園發展及管理處開發及管理校園的空間和設施,以及制定、檢視與改進各項設施管理政策。 香港人常常提及「土地問題」,連工程師坦言,這個同樣是各個院校面對的問題,也是他在香港恒生大學面對的最大挑戰。他指出,校園規劃屬於長遠策略及可持續目標,必須同時顧及大學的利益與使用者的需要,訂立具遠見的策略。「校園發展涉及硬件配套, 包括土地及設施,這些不僅需要投放大量資源,亦需時間籌劃及建設;即使只是重新整合校園建設,過程中亦需要緩衝的空間,惟大學的空間運用與編排本身已極為緊拙,使空間發展或重整的難度更高。因此,我們須慎重設計校園總體規劃,為長遠校園發展訂立 明確的方向。」他補充,總體規劃的成功需要大學不同持份者願意將大學發展目標置於首位,從大學整體角度考慮,敢於適時作出妥協甚至短期的犧牲,才可成功達至妥善運用空間與長遠發展的最理想效果。 連工程師認為香港恒生大學近十年發展迅速,課程的種類及數量均一直上升,而學生人數亦大幅增加,意味着對校園設施的需求也急速上升。「不同科目涉及不同知識領域,所需的設備以致日常的教學、研究與運作的支援也大有不同,對空間、配置及設備的需求 無可避免與日俱增,所以在設施服務、規劃和管理方面絕不簡單和輕鬆。而隨着教學內容及方法日新月異,設施亦需與時並進,不斷更新。」 Ir Lin (left) presents on STEM application and development in the construction industry at the STEM Alliance Inauguration Ceremony held by the Construction Industry Council. 連工程師(左)於建造業議會舉辦的STEM 聯盟成立典禮中介紹STEM 在建築行業的應用和發展。 To support the University's development, HSUHK is currently planning the design and construction of a new academic building at the West Lane. Ir Lin is also busy with meeting and collecting views from various units to learn their expectations on the new academic building. As he participated in master planning and campus construction at different institutions previously, he has found the experience gained in past positions has helped him identify room for improvement in the plan and prevent some possible problems from happening in advance, ensuring that the project work goes smoothly. “After several rounds of communication, we will come up with solutions that can balance the needs of different departments. Then we will estimate the required cost and time to make the best arrangement in building design and space allocation.” He expected that with the mutual collaboration of Schools and Departments, the outcome can meet everyone’s needs and maximise the benefits for the University. When talking about the various challenges in campus development, Ir Lin took all in stride. He told us that he had come across a much more difficult task during his years in building development and management. He said, “My team and I once handled a 200m high large-scale developmental project with nearly 1,000 residential units, a 9-storey podium and over 300 carpark spaces, and the client requested us to complete several blocks with over 70 storeys in 1.5 years. This kind of project usually takes over 2 years in general.” With the provision of massive information mingled with complicated design but a very compressed work schedule, he was grateful to have met a united team with the same goal so that the impossible mission was completed on time, proving the importance of team spirit. “The most crucial thing in campus planning is the University’s interest. I believe that by turning different units into a big team via communication and exchange, everyone will benefit in the end.” 為配合大學發展,香港恒生大學目前正設計及籌建西徑教學大樓,連工程師亦為此忙於向不同單位收集意見,了解他們對新大樓的期望。曾參與不同類型院校的總體規劃及校園建設的他表示,昔日的經驗有助他及早辨識計劃中的改善空間,並避免一些可能出現的 問題,讓計劃順利進行。「多番溝通過後,我們會找出一個可平衡不同部門需要的方案,然後預算所需成本與時間,從而在樓宇設計及空間調配作出合適安排。」他期望在學院、學系及部門的互相配合下,大家均能各取所需,並為大學發展帶來最大效益。 談到校園發展的種種挑戰,連工程師的面容仍然處之泰然,原來多年的樓宇發展及管理項目中遇過更大的難題。他說:「我和團隊曾接手一個二百米高的大型發展項目,當中包括近千個住宅單位、9 層平台及三百多個車位,客戶要求我們在一年半內完成多 幢七十多層的大樓工程,但一般來說這類項目需時至少超過兩年的。」面對海量的資料與複雜的設計卻只有壓縮的工作時間表,他感恩遇到上下一心、目標一致的團隊,最終準時完成這個不可能的任務,印證了團隊精神的重要。「校園規劃上,最重要的是以大學 的利益作為依歸。我相信只要經過溝通及交流,把不同單位變成一個大團隊,最終所有人定能一同受惠。」 Ir Lin participates in the construction project of one of the theme parks in Hong Kong. 連工程師參與香港其中一個主題樂園的建設項目。 Ir Lin (standing on the left) discusses and debriefs with the international students about the design and features of the newly completed student hostels and related amenities when working at the City University of Hong Kong. 連工程師(左邊站立者)在香港城市大學工作時,與國際生討論並彙報新落成學生宿舍和相關設施的設計和特點。 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Getting a Head Start to Embrace Future Challenges 洞悉先機 迎接未來挑戰 Interview with Mr Donald Chan 陳展祺先生專訪 BBA (Hons) in Supply Chain Management (2020) Line Analyst, Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程(2020) 以星綜合航運有限公司Line Analyst In the wake of the global pandemic, issues such as online shopping and medical supplies logistics have become the focus of public concern, bringing the supply chain network into the spotlight. Mr Donald Chan found the prospect of the supply chain industry promising as early as when he chose his university major. Thus he decided to take the BBA (Hons) in the Supply Chain Management Programme at HSUHK, joined an international shipping company soon after graduation last year, where he is entrusted with tasks in data analysis and operation efficiency enhancement. Though concentrating on the Air Transport Stream during his study, Donald mainly handles shipping cases now. He reckons that the practical and diverse programme curriculum with group projects and discussion helped deepen his learning, enabling him to keep abreast of the industry trends and master professional knowledge in different areas. Among the various modules, he was most impressed by ‘Airfreight Management in Global Supply Chain’. “The module taught us how to examine and analyse data to study its changes and required us to prepare a report for this. These skills helped me to work more efficiently and confidently.” The foundational knowledge offered by the module also prepared him to face the ongoing challenges in the supply chain industry. Outside of the classroom, Donald engaged in internships proactively to gain first-hand experience in the development of the transportation industry. He interned at a logistics company, where he was responsible for doing business development analyses for customers and writing reports, so as to allow the sales team to formulate appropriate supply chain strategies. And during another internship at an airline, he assisted in analysing the roster arrangement of captains for better manpower allocation. Donald also applied what he learnt in numerous external competitions, and the 2019 Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition was the most unforgettable for him. “This was the first time I formed a team with my friends, and we encountered many obstacles during the competition. Many of our proposals were rejected by our advisor, and there were different views among team members. Our proposal underwent several rounds of revisions before a consensus could be reached. From this experience, I learnt a lot of soft skills and understood the importance of teamwork.” Donald concludes that all these internship and competition experiences have enhanced his interpersonal skills. Thinking that his 4-year university life at HSUHK was fruitful and highly rewarding, Donald encourages fellow HSUHK schoolmates to stay curious and be courageous, exposing themselves to more experiences to gain more. 全球疫情影響下,網購以及醫療用品運輸等議題成為大眾關注的焦點,背後牽涉的供應鏈網絡亦備受關注。陳展祺先生早在大學選科時已看好供應鏈行業的發展前景,故決定修讀香港恒生大學的供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程,去年畢業後隨即投身國際航 運公司,負責數據分析工作及提升營運效率。 目前主力負責處理船運的陳展祺本身專修航空運輸,他表示課程內容實用而多元化,分組研究和討論亦有助深化學習,令他充份掌握業界趨勢及不同範疇的專業知識。眾多學科中,他對「環球供應鏈航空貨運管理」這一科的印象最為深刻。「課程教授我們如何閱 讀及分析數據,研究當中的變化並製作成報告,相關技巧使我工作時更得心應手。」而課程的知識基礎,亦有助他面對供應鏈行業接踵而來的挑戰。 課堂外,陳展祺積極參與實習,親身體驗航運業的發展。於物流公司實習時,他負責分析客戶的業務發展方向及撰寫報告,讓銷售團隊制定合適的供應鏈策略;他亦曾協助航空公司分析機師編更資料,以便妥善分配人手。陳展祺也把所學應用到多個校外比賽中, 而他最難忘的就是2019 香港物流案例大賽:「那是我第一次和朋友自行組隊參賽,比賽過程並不順利,很多建議均被導師否決,隊員意見也有分歧,我們的方案經過多番修改才取得共識。這次經驗令我學會不少軟技能,也深深明白團隊合作的重要。」他總結 這些實習和比賽的經驗,均提升了他待人接物的技巧。 陳展祺在香港恒生大學渡過四年充實的大學生活,自覺收穫豐富。他鼓勵各位師弟師妹時常保持好奇心,勇於嘗試,才能令自己得著更多、體會更多。 Donald (2nd from left) gives a presentation during his internship programme at Kerry Logistics. 陳展褀(左二)在嘉里物流的實習計劃中作出簡報。 In the 2019 Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition, Donald (back row, 2nd from left) attends a site visit with other participants to identify room for improvement for a company's management. 陳展褀(後排左二)參加2019 香港物流案例大賽時,與其他參賽者透過實地考察,辨識公司管理上的改善空間。 Striving for Every Opportunity to Let the Dream Set Sail 爭取機會 讓理想啟航 Interview with Mr Edward Tang 鄧小宇先生專訪 BA (Hons) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology (2020) New Business Development Manager, Animal Group 融合媒體及傳播科技(榮譽)文學士課程(2020) 艾伲莫營銷集團新業務拓展經理 Growing up in Canada and Beijing, Mr Edward Tang, who has a strong interest in information technology and media processing, was attracted by HSUHK’s BA (Hons) in the Convergent Media and Communication Technology Programme. After completing his high school in Beijing, he then decided to return to Hong Kong to study at HSUHK because the programme combined both theoretical and practical elements. During his study, he found that the programme was informative and professional with excellent teachers, and he learnt more than he expected. “Professors were nice and friendly. Whether it was a homework consultation or a casual chat, they were always happy to share.” As Edward only has grandparents and a few senior relatives living in Hong Kong, HSUHK has become his home since Year 1. Living abroad for a long time, he was actually weak in Cantonese and Traditional Chinese when he first joined the University. But he made great progress in speaking Cantonese and reading and writing Traditional Chinese after a year of Residential College life with local residents. Staying in Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College where cultural diversity is set as the College’s theme, Edward had opportunities to exchange with residents from all around the world and deepen his understanding of different cultures. The time he misses most from his college stay was enjoying sweet soup with students of different nationalities. “Foreign exchange students had seldom tasted Chinese sweet soup. I always laughed when seeing them hesitatingly look at the bowl of food which seemed to give them a taste challenge.” Edward believes that practice is a very important part of learning, and thus he looked for internship opportunities proactively during his studies. For three consecutive summer vacations, he went to a renowned advertising company in Shanghai to help with the administration work of a brand marketing task, and gained a lot from the experience sharing by senior management. Later Edward was invited by one of his internship mentors to work in Shanghai after graduation, and now he is the New Business Development Manager at his mentor’s newly established advertising company, responsible for coordinating corporate clients’ marketing communication plans as well as social media operation strategies. Facing different types of requests from clients, Edward found that what he learnt at HSUHK was very helpful. “The early acquisition of professional knowledge has enabled me to adapt to my post quickly, while the training of critical thinking helps me stay calm in times of crisis and think logically.” Edward emphasised that, “There are always opportunities around us. The most important thing is to take the initiative.” He encourages fellow HSUHK schoolmates to participate in internships actively to enhance their competitiveness in the workplace. 鄧小宇先生在加拿大及北京成長,他在北京完成高中課程後,被香港恒生大學的融合媒體及傳播科技(榮譽)文學士課程吸引,認為課程理論與實踐並重,而自己對資訊科技及媒體處理有濃厚興趣,因此決定回港升讀大學。入讀後,他發現課程內容豐富而專業, 師資優秀,他所學到的比預期更多。「教授都十分親切友善,不論是諮詢功課抑或閒聊,他們都樂意分享。」 由於只有祖父母及幾位長輩在港居住,故此鄧小宇自大學一年級起便以香港恒生大學為家。因為長居外地,他初入學時其實不諳廣東話及繁體字,但透過與本地宿生相處,一年後他聽說廣東話與讀寫繁體字的能力已突飛猛進。而他住宿的利易海倫博文書院以多元文 化為主題,亦令他有機會與來自世界各地的學生交流,加深對不同文化的認識;他最懷念的宿舍時光,就是與不同國籍的宿生一同享用糖水的時候。「外國交換生甚少接觸中式糖水,看見他們對着碗中物那副味覺要受到挑戰的猶豫樣子,我總是忍俊不禁。」 鄧小宇認為實踐對學習非常重要,故此在學時主動尋求實習機會。他連續三個暑假到上海一所國際知名的廣告公司協助品牌行銷的行政工作,從管理層的經驗分享中獲益良多。後來他獲實習時認識的一位導師邀請畢業後回到上海工作,現於導師新創立的廣告公司擔 任新業務拓展經理,負責為公司客戶整合營銷傳播策劃及社交媒體營運策略。面對各式各樣的客戶要求,他發現昔日於香港恒生大學所學非常有用。「及早掌握專業知識令我更快適應工作崗位,而批判思維的訓練讓我臨危不亂,活用邏輯思考。」 鄧小宇強調:「身邊一定不乏機會,最重要是主動爭取。」他鼓勵香港恒生大學的同學積極參與實習,以增強職場競爭力。 Edward (left) meets his mentor, who is now his boss, during his internship in Wunderman Thompson Shanghai. 鄧小宇(左)在偉門湯遜的上海辦公室實習期間,認識了當時擔任其導師的現任老闆。 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK New Student Orientation 2021 香港恒生大學迎新 2021 Guests of Honour deliver their blessings and hopes to the new students through the balloons. 主禮嘉賓將對新生的寄望及祝福注入畢業球,送給新生。 Stepping into the new academic year, HSUHK held the New Student Orientation 2021 online on 17 and 30 August 2021 for senior-year new students and Year-1 students respectively. This year, with the theme ‘Goal@HSUHK’, over 2,000 students and staff participated in this flagship event. New students were able to acquire practical information from the event and get ready for the new semester! During the welcome session, senior management of the University welcomed new students joining HSUHK, and introduced them to the unique features as well as the transformative learning experiences of HSUHK. Students were encouraged to actively explore and develop their potential. This was followed by the School and Programme Sessions, in which students met School Deans and Programme Directors through video conferences to understand more their learning life. Sharing from numerous students and live chats with the representatives of the Students’ Union were arranged too. Besides, over 250 senior-year students, serving as Campus Life Mentors, offered support to new students by sharing their own experiences and offering guidance. In addition to the above event, more than 50 thematic activities under 5 different themes, namely adaptation to U-life, enhancing your study, expanding social networks, staying healthy and understanding yourself, were organised for the newbies from 8 to 17 September 2021, helping them get engaged in HSUHK campus life. The Student Affairs Office also launched a series of short videos to give them a wide array of handy references so that they can adapt to the new environment more easily. 踏入新學年,香港恒生大學在2021 年8 月17 日及30 日分別為高年級新生及一年級新生舉行線上迎新。本年活動以「同恒GOal@HSUHK」為主題,共有超過2,000 名學生及教職員一同參與此項盛事。新生能從中獲得實用資訊,作好準備迎接新學期! 一眾大學管理層在開幕禮中歡迎新同學加入香港恒生大學,並簡介大學的特色及轉化式學習體驗,鼓勵新生積極探索及發展自己的潛能。隨後的學術課程環節,同學與各位院長及課程主任進行視像會面,進一步了解學習生活。大會亦安排了多位同 學分享校園生活,以及與學生會代表線上對話的環節。而超過250 位高年級學長則擔任校園生活導師分享親身經歷及給予指導,為新生提供支援。 開學後,大學於2021 年9 月8 日至17 日繼續為新生舉辦50 多項迎新活動,內容分為適應大學生活、加強學習、擴闊社交、身心健康及自我認識五大類,以助他們投入大學校園生活。學生事務處更推出一系列短片提供各式各樣的簡易參考資訊,使 他們更易適應新環境。 Scan the QR code to view the highlights of the orientation programme: 掃描二維碼重溫迎新活動花絮: President Simon Ho welcomes all new students and wishes them a fruitful university journey. 何順文校長歡迎新生,並祝願他們大學旅程收穫豐富。 Ms Esther Lee, Director of Student Affairs, encourages students to be open-minded, step out of their comfort zone and grasp the opportunities at HSUHK. 學生事務總監李德芬女士勉勵同學保持開放態度、踏出安舒圈及在香港恒生大學抓緊每一個機會。 Current students share their campus life and encourage new students to enjoy campus life and develop themselves at HSUHK.多位學生分享他們的校園生活,並鼓勵新生積極投入香港恒生大學,發展潛能。 New students join the ‘Unwrap a Smile’ game and take selfies together during the New Student Orientation.新生參與迎新環節中的「Unwrap a Smile」遊戲,一同分享自拍。 Start the Year with Cheer! 新學年新景象 眾師生齊打氣 With the COVID-19 pandemic easing in Hong Kong, the HSUHK campus was fully alive as face-to-face teaching and learning were resumed on 8 September 2021. The senior management of HSUHK gave a warm welcome to 6,000 students, including 1,800 freshmen, on the first day of the new academic year and shared cheering packs with them. President Simon S M Ho; Professor Y V Hui, Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research); Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs); Ms Antonia Yeung, Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services); and Ms Esther Lee, Director of Student Affairs, gave cheering packs to the staff and students on campus, wishing them a fruitful and healthy campus life. The pack included a cheering card, energy bar and sanitising product. Handa, the mascot of the University, also brought joyful moments by taking photos with the students. Different departments and student organisations joined hands to hold activities to welcome the students, injecting new energy into campus life. HSUHK Students’ Union hosted a ‘F2F Orientation Promotional Exhibition’ and 15 student organisations set up exhibition booths for onsite student enrolment to various activities. The Student Affairs Office arranged a booth to offer special souvenirs to students, while cultural groups and other student teams set up promotion booths to introduce their activities. 隨着新冠疫情緩和,香港恒生大學於2021 年9 月8 日新學年開學,恢復面授課程,校園回復昔日熱鬧氣氛。大學管理層於開學日向學生派發「打氣包」,歡迎逾6,000 位學生,包括1,800 位新生,返回大學感受精彩多姿、充滿活力的校園生活! 何順文校長、常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)曹虹教授、協理副校長(校園發展服務)楊如虹女士,以及學生事務總監李德芬女士於校園各處向學生和教職員派發「打氣包」,內有 打氣卡、能量棒及消毒用品,並與學生親切交談。而香港恒生大學吉祥物「恒恒」也在校園各處與學生合照,場面熱鬧。 大學不同部門及學生組織亦聯手舉辦活動,為校園加添活力和氣氛。其中香港恒生大學學生會舉辦「實體迎新活動宣傳展覽」,15 個學生組織設置攤位,讓同學即場報名入會及參加各項活動。學生事務處亦設攤位派發紀念品,不同學生團隊及文化小組 也向同學介紹活動。 Senior management spread cheer to teachers and students.恒大管理層到校園四處向學生打氣。 President Simon Ho (middle) gives cheering packs to students.何順文校長(中)向學生派發打氣包。 President Simon Ho (middle) and Dr Tom Fong busk with students. 何順文校長(中)和方永豪博士與學生即興高歌一曲。 Handa's moment! Take a pic!「恒恒」出沒注意!不少同學蜂擁與它合照。 Student organisations market themselves with recognisable setup. 各個學生組織花盡心思佈置攤位,傾巢而出宣傳。 Naming Ceremony of the Lo Foo Cheung Special Collections Room 羅富昌特藏室命名典禮 In appreciation of the kind donation from Mr Lo Foo Cheung, HSUHK named the Collections Room located on the ground floor of the Library in the S H Ho Academic Building as the ‘Lo Foo Cheung Special Collections Room’. The naming ceremony was held on 6 July 2021 and officiated by Mr Lo Foo Cheung, Chairman of FC Packaging Holding Limited; Mrs Lo Wong Betty Wai; Dr Patrick Poon, Chairman of HSUHK – Foundation Management Committee and Fundraising and Donation Committee; and President Simon S M Ho. In his welcome remarks, President Ho conveyed his heartfelt appreciation to Mr Lo for his kind donation which would lead the University to its new heights. Mr Lo commended HSUHK for its rapid development and its proactive response to the needs of the community by creating new programmes and nurturing outstanding professionals to drive society towards diversified development. The Special Collections Room houses rare and unique materials from numerous scholars, including significant works of the Nobel Laureate Professor Xingjian Gao and a rich collection of works of Chinese literature, philosophy and history donated by Professor Alex Cheung, Head of the Department of Chinese. All these are vital materials for teaching and learning as well as research. 為答謝羅富昌先生捐款支持,香港恒生大學將何善衡教學大樓地下圖書館特藏室命名為「羅富昌特藏室」,並於2021 年7 月6 日舉行命名典禮。典禮邀得永富容器集團有限公司主席羅富昌先生、羅黃蕙夫人、香港恒生大學—基金管理委員會主席兼籌募及捐款委員 會主席潘燊昌博士及何順文校長擔任主禮嘉賓。 何校長致歡迎辭時衷心感謝羅富昌先生慷慨捐助,引領香港恒生大學再創高峰。羅先生則讚揚香港恒生大學發展一日千里,積極回應社會需要,開設嶄新的學科,培育優秀的專業人才,推動社會走向多元化的發展。 羅富昌特藏室內藏多位學者的珍貴著作,包括諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健教授的重要作品及中文系系主任張光裕教授捐贈的中國文史哲書籍,為大學教學及研究提供重要的資源。 Scan the QR code to view more event photos: 掃描二維碼瀏覽更多活動照片: (From left) Mrs Lo Wong Betty Wai, Mr Lo Foo Cheung, Dr Patrick Poon and President Simon Ho officiate at the Naming Ceremony of the Lo Foo Cheung Special Collections Room. (左起)羅黃蕙夫人、羅富昌先生、潘燊昌博士及何順文校長主持羅富昌特藏室揭幕儀式。 Signing Ceremony for the Establishment of the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism by HSUHK and Fo Guang Vihara Hong Kong 香港恒生大學與香港佛光道場成立人間佛教應用研習中心簽約儀式 President Simon S M Ho and Venerable Yung Fu, the Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Vihara (Hong Kong, Macau, and Shenzhen), signed a cooperation agreement for the establishment of the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism on 27 August 2021, and nearly 40 guests attended the signing ceremony. The ceremony was kicked off by a song performance by nearly 30 youth and children representatives of Fo Guang Vihara Hong Kong. President Simon Ho, Venerable Yung Fu and Mr Dannie Cheung, Co-Chairman of the Centre's Managment Committee and Member of the HSUHK Council, delivered speeches respectively. President Ho stressed that apart from conducting research, the Centre emphasises applying Humanistic Buddhism to life and helps the public gain wisdom. Venerable Yung Fu hoped that the public would think about how to transcend themselves and then help others after learning Humanistic Buddhism. In his speech, Mr Dannie Cheung elaborated on the four directions of the Centre, namely the reduction of negativity, resentment, pressure and hatred. The Centre is the first establishment relating to Buddhism among self-financing universities in Hong Kong, aiming at applying Humanistic Buddhism in Hong Kong society and the Greater Bay Area to promote social harmony and purify the human mind. 何順文校長與佛光山港澳深總住持永富法師,於2021 年8 月27 日在香港佛光道場共同簽署合作協議,正式落實雙方成立「人間佛教應用研習中心」(中心)的合作。近40 位嘉賓出席本次簽署儀式。 儀式由香港佛光道場近30 名青少年及兒童代表以歌曲表演揭開序幕,何順文校長、永富總住持、中心管委會聯席主席及香港恒生大學校務委員會委員張江亭先生分別致辭。何校長強調,中心並非單純為埋首研究而設,而是希望將人間佛教應用到生活方面,幫助 大眾獲得智慧。永富法師則期望大眾接觸人間佛教後,思考如何超越自己,繼而幫助別人。張江亭先生在致辭中闡釋了中心「減負」、「減怨」、「減壓」和「減仇」四個方向。 中心是本港第一所設於自資大學與佛教合作的教學與研究中心,旨在將人間佛教應用在香港與大灣區的社會中,達到推動社會和諧,淨化人心的作用。 (From left) President Simon Ho and Venerable Yung Fu sign the cooperation agreement. (左起)何順文校長與永富法師簽署合作協議。 HSUHK Participates in Various Education Expos 香港恒生大學參與多個升學展覽 To enhance students’, teachers’ and parents’ understanding of HSUHK, the University actively joined 4 large-scale education expos in the 2020/21 academic year, including the Ming Pao Education Info Day on 8 November 2020, The 27th Hong Kong International Education Expo on 29-30 May 2021, the Ming Pao Education Expo 2021 on 10-11 July 2021, as well as the HKTDC Education & Careers Expo on 15-18 July 2021. Information booths were set up at these events to give the latest information on programmes, admissions and the articulation of further studies after graduation to participants. Over 3,000 participants visited the booths and took part in the HSUHK theme talk. President Simon S M Ho also showed his support in two of the events, introducing the unique features and education model of the University and enabling the participants to grasp a full picture of university developments. 為加強學生、老師及家長對香港恒生大學的認識,香港恒生大學於2020/21 學年分別參加四個大型升學展覽,包括2020 年11 月8 日舉行的明報多元升學資訊日、2021 年5 月29 至30 日舉行的第廿七屆香港國際教育展、2021 年7 月10 至11 日舉行的明報高 中生升學博覽會2021,以及2021 年7 月15 至18 日舉行的香港貿發局教育及職業博覽。 大學於展覽設置資訊攤位,為參加者提供課程、入學及畢業後的升學銜接資訊,超過3,000 名參加者親臨攤位及參與香港恒生大學主題講座。何順文校長亦出席其中兩場親身支持,並向參加者介紹大學獨特的特色及教學模式,讓他們全面了解大學的發展。 President Simon Ho shares at the HKTDC Education & Careers Expo. 何順文校長在香港貿發局教育及職業博覽作出分享。 President Simon Ho introduces the features of HSUHK at the Ming Pao Education Expo 2021. 何順文校長於明報高中生升學博覽會2021 介紹香港恒生大學特色。 Media Reception by the HSUHK President 香港恒生大學校長與傳媒聚會 ‘Media Reception with the HSUHK President’ was held on 12 July 2021, and President Simon S M Ho introduced the latest update on admissions and university developments. President Ho pointed out that HSUHK received over 5,000 admission applications this year, but estimated that there might be a slight decrease in the actual number of Year-1 undergraduate students due to the reduction in DSE candidates. The Principal Recommended Admission Scheme has been continuously well received, and this year HSUHK presented the ‘Direct Admission Mechanism’, allowing each secondary school principal to recommend a student with extraordinarily distinguished performance in academic or non-academic areas. Firm offers will be issued after selection. By the event date, the University had already allocated not more than 10 offers to eligible students through the new mechanism. President Ho also presented the 3 new programmes which will be launched in the new academic year, including BA (Honours) in Psychology, BSS (Honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and Master of Business Management. The MSC in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence as well as MA in Global English Literary and Cultural Studies will also be launched in the academic year 2022/23, to keep pace with the market and nurture a diverse range of talents. Considering that the pandemic situation is becoming stable in Hong Kong, the University will resume face-to-face classes in the new academic year. 「香港恒生大學校長與傳媒聚會」於2021 年7 月12 日舉行,會上由何順文校長介紹最新的收生情況和大學發展。 何校長指香港恒生大學今年收到逾5,000 份入學申請,但由於文憑試考生減少,預計一年級本科生的實際入讀人數或會稍微下跌。而「校長推薦入學計劃」繼續廣受歡迎,本年更推出「直接取錄機制」,讓每名中學校長可推薦一名在學術或非學術範疇的卓越表現 的學生,大學甄選後會直接取錄,截至活動當日已經由新機制取錄不多於10 名合資格學生。 何校長亦介紹了於新學年推出的三個新課程,包括心理學(榮譽)文學士及哲學、政治與經濟(榮譽)社會科學學士,以及商業管理碩士課程,同時計劃於2022/23 學年推出數據科學及人工智能理學碩士和環球英語文學及文化研究文學碩士,以緊貼市場脈搏及培育 多元化的人才。而因應香港疫情漸告穩定,大學於新學年將恢復面授課堂。 President Ho’s Co-authored Book Got ‘Publishing Award’ at the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2021 何校長合著書榮獲第三屆香港出版雙年獎的「出版獎」 The book Founders’ Values and Corporate Culture Construction: Ho Sin Hang and Hang Seng Bank’s Early Culture, co-authored by Professor Po-keung Ip, Adjunct Professor of HSUHK, and President Simon S M Ho, was granted the ‘Publishing Award’ in the Business and Management Category at the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards. The Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 14 July 2021. Based on a theoretical framework, interviews and extensive data analysis, the book offers an analysis of how the values and early corporate culture constructed by Dr Sin-hang Ho, one of the major founders of Hang Seng Bank and HSUHK, shaped the achievements of the Bank. They interviewed over 20 relevant stakeholders, including Dr Tzu-leung Ho, son of Dr Sin-hang Ho; Former Directors, Chief Executives and Heads of Hang Seng Bank; as well as HSUHK (mainly HSSC) alumni having connections with the Bank. The book includes the study of local financial history, business management and Chinese merchant culture at one time. The Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards are presented biannually by the Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society. Outstanding Hong Kong publications, authors and publishing teams are recognised and commended for raising publishing standards. 香港恒生大學客席教授葉保強教授與何順文校長合著的《創辦人價值觀與公司文化構建──何善衡與恒生銀行早期文化》,榮獲第三屆香港出版雙年獎商業及管理類的「出版獎」。頒獎典禮於2021 年7 月14 日舉行。 此書以學術理論框架、訪談和大量資料分析,剖析恒生銀行與香港恒生大學主要創辦人之一何善衡博士的價值信念與其構建的早期企業文化如何打造銀行的成就。兩位作者訪問了何善衡兒子何子樑醫生、前恒生銀行董事、行政總裁、主管及曾與銀行有連 繫的香港恒生大學校友(主要為恒商)等廿多位相關持份者。內容集研究本地金融業歷史、工商管理、華商文化於一身。 香港出版雙年獎由香港出版學會每兩年評選及頒發一次,對表現卓越的香港出版物和作者、出版團隊給予肯定和表彰,藉以提升出版水平。 President Simon Ho receives the ‘Publishing Award’from the Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society. 何順文校長獲香港出版學會頒發「出版獎」。 President Ho Shares Experience in Nurturing Young Talents in ‘MC Talk’ at CUHKMC 何校長於中大醫院「打開天窗」講座分享培育青年人才經驗 At the invitation of Dr Hong Fung, CEO of the CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC), President Simon S M Ho served as the Guest Speaker on the topic ‘Nurturing young talents for future generations’ at its MC Talk event on 18 August 2021. Attended by over a hundred staff members either on-site or online, President Ho had insightful dialogue with Dr Fung, exchanging experiences on building a corporate culture of creativity. With a similar background as private nonprofit institutions serving public missions, both CUHKMC and HSUHK have focused on ‘SMART’ management and nurturing young innovators in recent years. President Ho emphasised in the talk that one should always approach problems or design a product/process by thinking out of the box to create more all-win options. Based on good interdisciplinary knowledge with good common sense, everyone can be creative by experimenting, exploring, questioning assumptions, using imagination and synthesising information. One can then connect between seemingly unrelated phenomena, generate pattern recognitions and produce optimal solutions. Also, creativity or innovation does not always imply adopting hi-tech, but the basics are ‘critical thinking’ and ‘human-centred’. 應香港中文大學醫院(中大醫院)行政總裁馮康醫生的邀請,何順文校長於2021 年8 月18 日的「打開天窗」講座擔任嘉賓講者,以「成就夢想、創新力量」為題作分享。何校長與馮醫生就建立組織創意文化的經驗互相交流,逾百名中大醫院職員在現 場或網上參與活動。 作為服務公眾的私營非牟利機構,中大醫院與香港恒生大學不僅有類近背景,近年亦同樣注重智能管理及培養年青創新人才。何校長在講座中強調,我們解決問題或設計新產品/ 程序時應跳出框框,創造更多嶄新的多贏方案。在良好的跨學科知識及常 識基礎上,每個人都可通過實驗、探索、質疑假設、運用想像力及綜合資訊來發揮創造力,然後將看似不相關的現象連繫起來,進行模式識別,及從而得出最優化解決方案。同時,創意或創新並非一定指向採用高科技,反而應以「批判思維」及「以人為 本」作為基本。 (From left) Dialogue between President Simon Ho and Dr Hong Fung (左起)何順文校長與馮康醫生對話 President Ho Serves as the Speaker for ‘Future of Work Roundtable’ 何校長擔任「未來職場工作」圓桌會議主講嘉賓 The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) organised the ‘Future of Work Roundtable’ via online platform on 26 August 2021. The event was moderated by Dr Irelan Tam, Past Chairlady of CIMA Hong Kong, and President Simon S M Ho served as one of the speakers. Other speakers were Ms Nicole Luk, Associate Principal, Organization Design and Future of Work of Mercer (Hong Kong) Limited, and Ms Diana Wu David, Founder of Future Proof Lab. President Ho shared the 5 ‘P’ Attitude and the 5 ‘C’ Competencies for coping with future work with participants during the meeting. He believed young professionals should adopt the principles of ‘Professionalism’, ‘Passion’, ‘Positiveness’, ‘Perseverance’ and ‘Peoplecentred’. They also need to develop ‘Critical thinking’, ‘Creativity’, ‘Communication’, ‘Collaboration’ and ‘Continuous active learning’ skills. 特許管理會計師公會與美國會計師協會於2021年8 月26 日通過線上平台舉辦「未來職場工作」圓桌會議,活動由特許管理會計師公會香港分會前會長譚愛蘭博士主持,何順文校長擔任其中一位主講嘉賓,其他講者包括美世(香港)有限公司助理總監陸藹 琳女士及Future Proof Lab 創辦人戴安寧女士。 何校長在會上與參加者分享了應對未來工作所需的五個「P」態度及五種「C」能力。他認為年青專業人員應持守專業(Professionalism)、熱誠(Passion)、正向(Positiveness)、堅毅(Perseverance)和凡事以人為本(People-centred);同時需培養 明辨思維(Critical thinking)、創意(Creativity)、溝通(Communication)、協作(Collaboration)與持續積極學習(Continuous active learning)的技能。 President Simon Ho (bottom left) and other speakers share experiences and insights at the webinar. 何順文校長(左下)與其他講者在網上研討會分享經驗與見解。 Fabulous Summer for Alumni 精彩夏日伴校友 This summer, the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO) arranged two activities for HSUHK alumni to keep close contact with the University. A team of AAAO staff and HSUHK students formed an alumni outreach team to interact with alumni via telephone calls during the summer. The team introduced the latest news and developments of HSUHK, and at the same time, exchanged thoughts and collected their valuable opinions about their Alma Mater. Alumni were also invited to update their contact information to enhance future communication. In July and August, AAAO offered the special experience ‘Summer Feast and Sports Fun’ to HSUHK Alumni as well. Alumni could enjoy dining privileges by presenting the HSUHK Alumni Card to designated hotels. Besides, they could pay a homecoming visit to indulge themselves at the University’s sports facilities for free with their friends and relatives. Alumni spoke highly of the programme, which not only offered privileged dining experience and sports fun, but also helped promote a well-balanced lifestyle. 今年夏天,發展及校友事務處籌辦了兩項不同活動,讓校友與大學保持緊密聯繫。 發展及校友事務處職員與香港恒生大學學生組成「校友聯繫『恒』動」團隊,於炎炎夏日透過電話為校友簡介大學最新資訊與發展,並藉此互動交流及收集校友對母校的寶貴意見。團隊更邀請校友更新聯絡資料,加強日後溝通。7 月至8 月期間,發展及 校友事務處亦舉辦了「夏日歎美食.健體」活動。校友只要在指定酒店出示大學校友卡即享餐飲優惠,另外更可攜同親友一起到訪母校,免費使用校園運動設施。校友對活動給予高度評價,認為可體驗不同美食及運動樂趣之餘,亦有助推廣健康生活。 Alumni enjoy sports fun with their friends and relatives. 校友與親友共享運動樂。 Connect with HSUHK - Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與香港恒生大學保持聯繫– 攜手創建緊密校友網絡 To keep the HSUHK (including HSSC and HSMC) alumni community abreast of HSUHK's latest news and developments and to strengthen close-knit relationships within the community, we now invite our alumni to support the community by updating your information and help fellow alumni get reconnected with their Alma Mater. Don’t forget to check out the latest HSUHK and alumni events, as well as a wide array of exclusive alumni benefits and privileges on the website: 為讓香港恒生大學(包括恒商與恒管)校友社群能夠緊貼母校的最新資訊及發展,以及建構緊密網絡,我們誠邀校友更新您的資料,並協助校友重新聯繫母校,支持校友社群。請瀏覽,以時刻緊貼大學及校友活動 資訊,以及校友專屬優惠。 Please scan the QR code to fill in the online form to update your information, or pass the QR code to any unregistered alumni in your network. A souvenir will be offered as a token of appreciation for those enrolling for the first time or keeping us updated. 請掃描二維碼填寫網上表格以更新您的資料,或與您認識而未登記的校友分享此二維碼。為答謝各位支持,首次登記或更新資料的校友將獲贈精美紀念品一份。 Enquiries 查詢 Tel 電話:3963 5169 Email 電郵 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 HSUHK Receives the Highest Amount of Grants in RGC Funding Schemes among Local Self-financing Institutions 香港恒生大學獲研究資助局撥款總額為本地自資院校之冠 For the academic year 2021/2022, the Research Grants Council (RGC) has approved a funding of HK$64.84 million for a total of 71 projects in the ‘Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector’. HSUHK has secured total funding of HK$18.16 million, representing an increase of over 22% compared with last year, for 16 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) projects, 1 Inter-institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) project and 1 Institutional Development Scheme Research Infrastructure Grant (IDSR) project. HSUHK’s total amount of grants is the highest among all eligible local self-financing degree-awarding institutions. 在2021/2022 年度,研究資助局(研資局)於「本地自資學位界別競逐研究資助計劃」中撥款6,484 萬港元,合共資助71 個項目。香港恒生大學共有16 個「教員發展計劃」、1個「跨院校發展計劃」及1 個「院校發展計劃研究基礎設施撥款」分別獲得資助, 金額合共1,816 萬港元,比上年增長逾22%。就獲資助撥款總額,香港恒生大學為本地合資格自資學位院校之冠。 An Overview of HSUHK's Projects Funded by the RGC香港恒生大學獲研資局資助計劃一覽 Funding Scheme 研究資助計劃 School/Department 學院/ 學系 Principal Investigator 首席研究員 Project Title 項目名稱 Funding Amount(Inclusive of On-costs)(HKD) 獲資助金額(包括附加行政費用)(港幣) Faculty Development Computing Dr David Chan Enhancing Wireless Information 1,143,229 Scheme (FDS) 電子計算系 陳謝天博士 Freshness via Physical-Layer Network 教員發展計劃 Coding and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access 通過物理層網絡編碼和非正交多址接入 提高無線信息新鮮度 Faculty Development Art and Design Dr Christine Choy Art at Home: The Impact of New Media 755,126 Scheme (FDS) 藝術設計系 蔡曉瑩博士 and Online Cultural Production on 教員發展計劃 Home-Based Arts Engagement 藝在家中:新媒體及網上文化生產對遙 距藝術參與的影響 Faculty Development Accountancy Dr Lisa Goh The CEO Pay Ratio: UK Evidence 409,758 Scheme (FDS) 會計學系 吳麗莎博士 公司總裁的薪酬比率:來自英國的證據 教員發展計劃 Faculty Development Supply Chain and Information Dr George Ho Dynamic Pick Face Replenishment & 669,975 Scheme (FDS) Management 何道森博士 Pallet Consolidation Model for Landing 教員發展計劃 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 in the Next E-Fulfilment Normal 躍進電商新常態:建立一個補貨和發貨 的動態管理模型以革新揀貨區域 Faculty Development Economics and Finance Dr Kaz Kwok How Do Companies Adapt to Extreme 363,213 Scheme (FDS) 經濟及金融學系 郭穎駿博士 Weather? Evidence from Corporate 教員發展計劃 Uses of Internal Cash Flow 從現金流分配探討企業如何適應氣候變化 Faculty Development Supply Chain and Information Dr Cathy Lam Riding to Success in Cold Chain 769,519 Scheme (FDS) Management 藍凱欣博士 Digitalization: A Digital Twin Based 教員發展計劃 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Closed-Loop Logistics Decision Model 邁向冷鏈數碼化:基於數位孿生的閉環 物流決策模型 Faculty Development Social Science Dr Joseph Li Cultural Exchanges in the Cold War: 917,455 Scheme (FDS) 社會科學系 李祖喬博士 Visiting Tours and Affective Connections 教員發展計劃 in Sinophone Asia (1950s-1980s) 冷戰中的文化交流:亞洲華語圈的探訪 團與情感連結(1950-1980 年代) Faculty Development Supply Chain and Information Dr Helen Ma Scheduling of Heterogeneous Scheme (FDS) Management 馬凱琳博士 Autonomous Mobile Robots for 1,515,750 教員發展計劃 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Robotic Cells Manufacturing in Smart Manufacturing 異構自主移動機器人在智能製造工作單 元中的調度 Faculty Development English Dr Maggie Ma Exploring Teacher-Supported Peer 691,394 Scheme (FDS) 英文系 馬晶靜博士 Feedback: Developing Student 教員發展計劃 Feedback Literacy and Writing Quality 探索教師支持下的同伴反饋: 如何提升 學生反饋素養和寫作品質 Faculty Development Computing Dr Chris Ma Quantifying Privacy Risk of Mobile 843,050 Scheme (FDS) 電子計算系 馬裕得博士 Applications through Machine Learning 教員發展計劃 以機器學習量化手機應用程式的私隱威脅 Faculty Development Supply Chain and Information Dr Daniel Mo Dual Channel Logistics Strategy with 493,450 Scheme (FDS) Management 巫耀榮博士 the Integration of Crowdsourced 教員發展計劃 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Vehicles for Ad Hoc Demand 通過整合眾包車輛以滿足特殊需求的雙 渠道物流策略 Faculty Development Mathematics, Statistics Dr Tom Ng Sequential Change-Point Detection 973,000 Scheme (FDS) and Insurance 吳偉亮博士 in High-Dimensional Vector 教員發展計劃 數學、統計及保險學系 Autoregressive Models 高維向量自迴歸模型中的序貫變點監測 1,060,975 Faculty Development Social Science Dr Gary Tang What is the Role of Internet Memes in Scheme (FDS) 社會科學系 鄧鍵一博士 Political Discussion? 教員發展計劃 網絡迷因於政治討論中擔當甚麼角色? 1,209,850 Faculty Development Supply Chain and Information Dr Yue Wang AutoQFD: A Smart Quality Function Scheme (FDS) Management 王越博士 Deployment Method for Product Development 教員發展計劃 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 AutoQFD:針對產品開發的自動化的品 質機能展開方法研究 Faculty Development Accountancy Dr Belinda Yau Auditing During the COVID-19 793,025 Scheme (FDS) 會計學系 邱聆娜博士 Pandemic 教員發展計劃 新冠疫情對公司審計活動的影響 Faculty Development Mathematics, Statistics Dr Carisa Yu Partially Separable and Sparse 915,270 Scheme (FDS) and Insurance 余國惠博士 Optimization: Theory and Applications 教員發展計劃 數學、統計及保險學系 部分可分稀疏優化:理論與應用 Interinstitutional Supply Chain and Information Dr Eugene Wong Extended Reality on Smart Transport Development Management 黃彥璋博士 and Logistics: Embracing Innovative Scheme (IIDS) 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Theories and Technologies for 544,548 跨院校發展計劃 Enhancing Operational Resilience and Efficiency 智慧運輸與物流的擴展實境:採用新理 論和創新科技以增強運營彈性及效率 Institutional - Professor Simon Ho Establishing a Research Infrastructure 4,095,000 Development (Project Holder) for ESG Intelligence: A Multi- Scheme 何順文教授 Stakeholder Perspective Research (項目負責人) 組建「環境、社會、管治」情報的研究 Infrastructure Professor Louis Cheng 基建平台:持分者角度 Grant (IDSR) (Team Leader) 院校發展計劃研 鄭子云教授 究基礎設施撥款 (團隊主管) Campus Express 校園快訊 Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2021 新教學人員啟導課程 2021 The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Human Resources Office (HRO) and Office of Vice-President (Academic and Research) (VPARO) jointly organised the Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2021 with a series of forums and workshops on 16 and 20 August 2021. The programme started with a sharing by President Simon S M Ho on the latest developments of HSUHK. Then, each of the five School Deans welcomed the new academic staff to the HSUHK family by introducing them one by one to the audience. Professor Y V Hui, Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research), and Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), shared in the morning session of the first day’s induction programme, highlighting the effective teaching and learning practices at our University, funding and supports for teaching and research, graduate attributes ‘iGPS’, and Residential Colleges System. In the afternoon session, Dr Eugene Wong, Director of the Virtual Reality Centre, and Dr George Ho, Associate Director (E-Learning) of CTL, introduced some useful e-learning tools to participants and shared their precious experiences on online teaching and learning. On the second day of the induction programme, a forum on ‘Creating a Welcoming, Positive and Productive Learning Environment’, a workshop on ‘Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) and Criterion-Referenced Assessment, and a seminar on ‘Learning Programme Accreditation and Quality Assurance’ were organised for new academic staff. To facilitate new academics’ understanding of the administrative units, the session of ‘Overview of Administrative and Academic Support Offices at HSUHK’ led by Ms Mary Yeung, Head of Human Resources, was newly added. Participants took part enthusiastically in the discussion with senior management members. 教與學發展中心、人力資源處與行政辦公室副校長(學術及研究)合辦的「新教學人員啟導課程2021」,於2021 年8 月16 日及20 日舉辦了一系列論壇及講座。 首先,由何順文校長致歡迎詞及簡介香港恒生大學最新發展重點。其後,五位學院院長逐一介紹新加入大學的教學人員。常務暨學術及研究副校長許溢宏教授和副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士於第一天的早上環節,分享了香港恒生大學的教與學、教學和研究資 金及支持、畢業生特質「iGPS」,及住宿書院制度等資訊。在下午的環節,虛擬實境中心主任黃彥璋博士和教與學發展中心副主任(電子學習)何道森博士在則向參加者介紹了一些線上教學工具,並分享他們在線上教學和學習方面的寶貴經驗。 於第二天啟導課程,大會為新教學人員舉行了「建立友善、正面、高成效的學習環境」論壇、「成果為本教學與標準參照評估」工作坊和「認識課程評審及質素保證」講座。而為增強新教職員對各行政部門的認識,今年新增設由人力資源主管楊美蘭女士主持的 「恒大行政及支援部門概覽」講座。參加者都非常踴躍,積極與高層管理人員作出討論。 Participants learn about different kinds of learning platforms. 參加者認識不同學習平台。 Participants join a group activity during the OBTL workshop.參加者參與「成果為本教學與標準參照評估」工作坊的分組活動。 President Simon Ho enlightens on the positioning and role of HSUHK in higher education in Hong Kong. 何順文校長介紹香港恒生大學於香港高等教育界的定位與角色。 Professor Y V Hui introduces teaching and learning at HSUHK, and funding and support for teaching and research. 許溢宏教授介紹香港恒生大學的教與學、教學和研究的資助與支援。 Dr Tom Fong presents the information of student services.方永豪博士介紹與學生事務有關的資訊。 John Minford Cultural and Translation Series Online Public Lectures – Hong Kong: Literature and Translation 閔福德教授:文化與翻譯系列線上公開講座 – 香港:文學與翻譯 The School of Translation and Foreign Languages was privileged to have Professor John Minford, Sin Wai Kin Distinguished Professor of Chinese Culture and Translation, collaborating with HSUHK again on four consecutive Saturdays in June and July 2021 to host a series of online public lectures on ‘Hong Kong: Literature and Translation’. The programme aimed to promote Chinese literature and culture and to highlight the importance of translation in the cultural exchange between the East and the West. The talks also provided precious opportunities for Professor Minford to share his wealth of knowledge with his fellows in the field of translation and inspire more people to appreciate Hong Kong literature and the translation discipline. Four online lectures were enthusiastically received and attracted more than 1,300 people to sign up, including HSUHK students and staff, members of the higher education sector and the general public. 翻譯及外語學院十分榮幸再與冼為堅卓越教授(中國文化與翻譯)閔福德教授合作,於2021 年6 月至7 月連續四個周六主講文化與翻譯系列「香港:文學與翻譯」。 是次活動旨在推廣中國文學與文化,並突顯翻譯在中西文化交流中的重要。閔教授藉講座向翻譯界同儕及參加者分享自身的寶貴經驗及豐富知識,並藉此啟發更多人欣賞香港的文學與翻譯。四場線上公開講座反應熱烈,吸引了香港恒生大學師生、高等教育界人 士及普羅大眾等近1,300 人報名參與。 Professor John Minford shares his experience of translating Louis Cha's novel, The Deer and The Cauldron, in the 1990s.閔福德教授分享於1990 年代翻譯金庸經典作品《鹿鼎記》時的心得。 STFL Online Workshop Series – From Game Industry to Gamification in Technology Education: My Entrepreneurial Journey 翻譯及外語學院線上工作坊系列 – 從遊戲產業到遊戲化科技教育:我的創業歷程 The third workshop of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL) Online Workshop Series on Game Localisation and Digital Entertainment 2021, entitled ‘From Game Industry to Gamification in Technology Education: My Entrepreneurial Journey’, was held on 2 August 2021. The workshop was delivered by Mr John Huen, Founder and CEO of Koding Kingdom (HK) Limited, and moderated by Dr Sai-yau Siu, Assistant Professor of STFL. Mr Huen recounted the developments of the game industry, from the preinternet era to issues derived from marketisation of the industry. He also shared reminiscences of his entrepreneurial journey in technology education, as well as the opportunities and challenges encountered by local game enterprises. Mr Huen concluded the talk by encouraging the young participants to better equip themselves with language and technology skills, to always stay optimistic, and to find out their career directions as soon as possible. 「翻譯及外語學院線上工作坊系列:遊戲本地化和數碼娛樂2021」第三個工作坊於2021 年8 月2 日舉行,題目為「從遊戲產業到遊戲化科技教育:我的創業歷程」。工作坊由朗琦科技教育(香港)有限公司創辦人兼行政總裁禤文浩先生主講,並由學院助理教授 蕭世友博士擔任主持。 禤先生先簡述遊戲產業的發展,從沒有互聯網的日子到出現市場化衍生的問題,並分享他在科技教育創業上的心路歷程,以及本地遊戲企業發展的機遇和挑戰。禤先生總結時寄語年青人要把握好語言和科技技能,時常保持樂觀的心態,儘早找出自己的職業發展 方向。 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 HSUHK’s Students Win Awards in the MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Competition 2021 香港恒生大學學生於MonsoonSIM 企業資源管理國際比賽2021 獲獎 The MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management (Online Business Simulation Game) Hong Kong Competition was completed successfully on 12 June 2021. The School of Business (SBUS) and the School of Decision Sciences (SDSC) of HSUHK sent 11 student teams to compete with those from other universities in Hong Kong. Four teams entered the Grand Final Round while 2 of them were awarded the Champion and the 2nd Runner-up respectively. The teams ‘Ambition’, ‘Brilliantstan’, ‘Geni+us’ and ‘NexTTrendyLeveL’ were shortlisted as four of the top 9 teams in the Grand Final Round. After a vigorous competition, ‘Geni+us’ won the Championship and ‘NexTTrendyLeveL’ got the 2nd Runner-up. The prize and certificate presentation ceremony was held internally on 3 July 2021. Mr Eric Poon, Director of Corporate Training and Talent Development of Creative Talent Asia Ltd, presented trophies, medals and certificates to the winning teams and the participating teams of HSUHK respectively. The competition is an annual inter-varsity event with the objective of exposing students to the concept of enterprise resource management through interesting and exciting simulation games. MonsoonSIM 企業資源管理香港區比賽2021 已於2021 年6 月12 日順利舉行,香港恒生大學商學院及決策科學學院派出11 組學生隊伍與其餘來自本地不同大學的隊伍競賽,最終四支隊伍晉身決賽,其中兩支隊伍更分別取得冠軍及季軍。 隊伍「Ambition」、「Brilliantstan」、「Geni+us」及「NexTTrendyLeveL」躋身成為9 支決賽隊伍的一份子。經過一輪激烈比賽, 結果由「Geni+us」勇奪冠軍, 而「NexTTrendyLeveL」則奪得季軍,比賽頒獎及證書頒發儀式於2021 年7 月3 日在校內舉行, 由創駿亞洲有限公司企業培訓及專才發展總監潘偉明先生向各香港恒生大學優勝及參賽隊伍頒發獎盃、獎牌及證書。 是次比賽為年度大學校際活動,旨在透過有趣刺激的模擬遊戲,讓學生認識企業資源管理的概念。 Group photo of the prize and certificate presentation ceremony 比賽頒獎及證書頒發儀式的大合照 Marketing Student Named Top 10 Outstanding Tertiary Student 市場學系學生於「傑出大專生選舉」被選為十大傑出大專生 Out of over a hundred participants, Mr Dash Wu, a Year-3 student from BBA (Hons) in Marketing, was selected as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Tertiary Students in the first Outstanding Tertiary Students Selection organised by Junior Chamber International City. The event offered leadership training to participants, including corporate visits, social services, leadership camp, speech techniques workshop, etc.; and Dash was commended for his distinguished performance in a series of activities and the final interview. The award presentation ceremony was held successfully on 24 July 2021. Dash believes that Outstanding Tertiary Students take on the role of ‘servant leaders’ in society, reaching out to community members and impacting others' lives with their lives. He and 9 other awardees will form ‘The Outstanding Tertiary Students Association’ and become mentors for the future outstanding tertiary students. 市場學系三年級胡戩康同學於城市青年商會主辦的首屆「傑出大專生選舉」中,在過百名參賽者中脫穎而出,被選為十大傑出大專生。活動為參賽者提供領導才能訓練,包括企業探訪、社會服務、領袖訓練營、演講技巧訓練班等,胡戩康憑藉在活動及最終面試的 出色表現獲得嘉許,而頒獎禮已於2021年7月24日順利舉行。 胡戩康認為傑出大專生於社會擔當「僕人領袖」的角色,應走入社區接觸群眾,以生命影響生命,他未來將與另外九位得獎學生組成「傑專會」,並為未來傑出大專生擔任導師。 Dash (6th from left) takes a group photo with the other awardees. 胡戩康(左六)與一眾得獎者合照。 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 IYSL Organises Activities for Residents in the Local Community 青年可持續發展領袖研習所為區內居民舉辦活動 The Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) is always dedicated to promoting community engagement, and has recently collaborated with the Shatin Emmanuel Church to organise 2 events for residents in the local community to strengthen the connection between the University and the society. On 29 May 2021, 10 HSUHK student volunteers invited 6 grassroots students and their parents to visit the University Campus, providing them a chance to learn about and experience university life. Led by the volunteers, participants visited the Art & Design Studio, the sports facilities at Lee Shau Kee Complex, as well as the Residential Colleges, and they were all impressed by the excellent campus facilities. Dr Pui-sze Cheung, IYSL Associate Director (Youth Empowerment), shared her planting experiences at the Residential Colleges, while HSUHK volunteers told the participants about their campus life moments and arranged a session of electronic sport games for them, heating up the atmosphere and bringing all a happy weekend. IYSL and the Shatin Emmanuel Church Community Centre also co-organised the ‘Kwong Yuen Fun Day’ on 5 June 2021. On the event day, over 30 HSUHK student volunteers helped in game booths as well as exhibition boards and quizzes. The organiser set up a photo booth, ‘Happiness Photo Studio’, where HSUHK volunteers took family photos for parents and children with different scenes of different regions. 青年可持續發展領袖研習所(IYSL)一直致力推展各項社區聯繫活動,最近與沙田靈光教會合作,為區內居民舉辦兩項活動,加強大學與社會的聯繫。 10 名香港恒生大學學生義工邀請了6 名基層小學生和其家長,於2021 年5 月29 日到大學校園參觀,讓他們有機會認識及體驗大學生活。在義工的帶領下,參加者到訪了藝術設計室、李兆基綜合大樓的體育設施及住宿書院,他們對校園的完善設備均讚嘆不絕。 IYSL 副主任(青年賦權)張佩思博士向參加者分享了於住宿書院種植的心得,而香港恒生大學義工除了分享大學生活點滴,更安排他們參與電子運動遊戲,令氣氛變得更為熾熱,眾人一同渡過一個愉快的周末。 而在2021 年6 月5 日,IYSL 與沙田靈光教會靈光睦鄰中心合辦了「廣源同樂日」。活動當日, 30 多名香港恒生大學學生義工於攤位遊戲及展板問答遊戲中提供協助;大會亦設立了「幸福照相館」,由香港恒生大學義工為家長及小朋友在不同地區的場景中 拍攝家庭照留念。 IYSL volunteers introduce the 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to the participating primary school students. IYSL 義工向參與小學生介紹17 個可持續發展目標。 HSUHK volunteers enjoy the ‘Kwong Yuen Fun Day’with residents from the local community. 香港恒生大學義工與區內居民一同投入「廣源同樂日」。 HSUHK Summer Academy 2021 香港恒生大學暑期體驗2021 The 5th HSUHK Summer Academy 2021 was held from 3 to 6 August 2021. A record-breaking number of participants joined this annual event which was conducted online for the first time. Over 200 local Secondary 5 and Secondary 6 students attended a wide array of activities hosted via Zoom; they tasted university life in person, discovered their interests and explored future paths through demo lectures, online games, group discussion and workshops. Certificates were presented to the participants on the completion of designated online events and online evaluation form as a token of appreciation for their active participation. 第五屆香港恒生大學暑期體驗已於2021 年8 月3 日至6 日順利舉行。今年活動首次以網上形式進行,更錄得破紀錄參加人數。超過200 位本地中五及中六學生在Zoom 網上平台參與多元化的活動,透過模擬課堂、網上遊戲、小組討論及工作坊,親身體驗大學生活, 發掘自己的興趣,並探索未來路向。所有完成指定網上活動及填寫網上問卷的參加者,均獲頒證書乙張,以嘉許其積極參與。 The HSUHK Summer Academy 2021 is held successfully via Zoom. 香港恒生大學暑期體驗 2021 透過Zoom 順利舉行。 Watch the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at HSUHK! 香港恒生大學陪你觀賞東京奧運2020! The Olympic Games is a quadrennial world sports event. The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which had been postponed for a year, finally opened on 23 July 2021 despite all the difficulties. To promote sports knowledge and have fun with all members, the PE Unit of HSUHK broadcast 4 events of the Tokyo Olympic Games at the Sports Hall from 26 July to 4 August 2021, and coaches from the HSUHK Fencing, Badminton, Table Tennis and Volleyball teams were invited to make live commentaries. Apart from feeling the excitement of the competition as if they were there, participants could learn more about sports, such as the difference between an Épée or Foil as well as the terminology of volleyball. They also had the opportunity to try various kinds of sports under the guidance of the coaches. An additional session was organised on 2 August 2021. Presidents Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Professor Bradley Barnes, Dean of the School of Business; Ms Esther Lee, Director of Student Affairs; and other faculty members joined the event too to watch the intense Hong Kong vs Romania Women’s Table Tennis quarter-final with students, while cheering went around the Sports Hall. 奧運會是四年一度的世界體壇盛事,而延期一年的東京奧運2020 最終排除萬難於2021 年7 月23 日正式開幕。 為推廣不同體育知識及與眾同樂,香港恒生大學體育部於2021 年7 月26 日至8 月4 日期間在體育館播放4 場東京奧運賽事,並邀請大學劍擊、羽毛球、乒乓球及排球隊教練在現場旁述。參加者除了能猶如置身現場感受緊張的比賽氣氛,還可了解運動知識如重 劍與花劍的分別和排球術語等,更有機會在教練指導下體驗各種運動。 2021 年8 月2 日更特別加開一場,何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、商學院院長李海東教授、學生事務總監李德芬女士及多位教職員亦親臨體育館,與學生一同觀看緊湊的香港對羅馬尼亞女子乒乓球八強賽,場內歡呼聲連連。 All enjoy watching the Tokyo 2020 Olympics together.所有人都十分享受一起收看東京奧運2020 的時光。 Mr Ka-ho Ma, HSUHK Volleyball Coach, instructs and demonstrates some basic catching skills. 恒大排球隊教練馬家豪先生指導並示範基本接球姿勢。 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit from Dr Ken Ho and Family 何偉權博士及家人來訪 Dr Ken Ho, the Founder and Chairman of Artical Printing Group, visited HSUHK on 8 July 2021 with Mrs Ho Fung Yan Chun and Mr Keefer Ho, the wife and grandson of Dr Ho. The family was warmly received by President Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Ms Sarena Law, University Librarian; and Ms Elisa Chan, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs. During the meeting, President Ho conveyed his gratitude for Dr Ho’s books and calligraphy works, and looked forwarded to future co-operation between the HSUHK Volunteer Team and the rehabilitation programmes organised by Dr Ho. A guided tour to ‘The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation Wall’, the University Library, and the ‘Dr Ho Wai Kuen Discussion Room’, which was named after Dr Ho in 2018, was arranged for the guests. They were impressed by the rapid advancement of the University and wished HSUHK to keep empowering the young and bright ones. 精藝印刷機構創辦人兼董事長何偉權博士偕同夫人何馮潤珍女士及孫兒何崇熙先生於2021 年7 月8 日到訪香港恒生大學,獲何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、圖書館館長羅玉蓮女士和發展及校友事務總監陳雯慧女士親切招待。 會面中,何校長感謝何博士向大學捐贈著作及墨寶,亦期望香港恒生大學義工隊日後能與何博士籌辦的更生計劃進行合作。大學安排各嘉賓參觀「香港恒生大學– 基金會員芳名榜」、大學圖書館,以及於2018 年以何博士命名的「何偉權博士研討室」,他們均對 大學的迅速發展留下深刻印象,願香港恒生大學繼續以培育菁英為己任。 (From left) Dr Tom Fong, President Simon Ho, Dr Ken Ho, Mr Keefer Ho, and Mrs Ho Fung Yan Chun (左起)方永豪博士、何順文校長、何偉權博士、何崇熙先生及何馮潤珍女士 Visit from Mr Gilbert Wong and Mrs Queenie Wong 黄灌球先生及夫人來訪 Mr Gilbert Wong, Founder and CEO of Bull Capital Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd., with Mrs Queenie Wong paid a visit to the campus on 5 August 2021, and met President Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); and Ms Alice Chan, Senior Manager of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office. After a short introductory session on HSUHK hosted by President Ho, beneficiary students of the ‘Bull Capital Bursary’ expressed their heartfelt thanks to Mr and Mrs Wong, and shared the positive changes after receiving the financial support. A campus tour followed to furnish them with a better understanding of the campus, including the visit to ‘The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation Wall’, an establishment that recognises the contributions of the University’s donors, and ‘The Inspiring’, a new venue that brings students a transformational and empowering educational experience. 雄牛資本有限公司創始人兼行政總裁黄灌球先生及其夫人於2021 年8 月5 日到訪校園,並與何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士和發展及校友事務處高級經理陳少英女士進行會面。 何校長簡單介紹香港恒生大學的發展後,「雄牛資本助學金」的受惠學生向黄氏伉儷表達衷心謝意,分享獲得助學金後帶來的正面影響。及後兩位嘉賓一同參觀校園,進一步深入了解香港恒生大學校園,其中包括香港恒生大學為感謝捐贈者而設的「香港恒生大學 – 基金會員芳名榜」,以及鼓勵學生勇於革新和自主學習而新設的「啟迪廊」。 (From left) Dr Tom Fong, Mr Gilbert Wong, Mrs Queenie Wong and President Simon Ho(左起)方永豪博士、黄灌球先生及其夫人、何順文校長 Bursary recipients, Ms Fong-ping Kwok (left) and Ms Yu-tung Fung (right), express their gratitude to Mr and Mrs Wong. 受惠學生郭芳萍同學(左)及馮裕彤同學(右)向黃氏伉儷表達感謝。 Visit from Industry Leaders Mr Damien Ko and Mr Armstrong Lee 行業領袖高浩然先生及李漢祥先生到訪香港恒生大學 On 7 August 2021, Mr Damien Ko, former Group Chief Executive Officer of the G2000 Group, and Mr Armstrong Lee, Managing Director of Worldwide Consulting Group Co. Ltd set foot on HSUHK’s campus. Led by President Simon S M Ho, the two guests visited various teaching and learning facilities. Under the guidance of Professor Desmond Hui, they viewed the Capstone Project Exhibition held at the Old Hall of HSUHK, which featured works by the first graduating class of BA (Hons) in Cultural and Creative Industries. After the visit, with a better understanding of the dynamic campus life at HSUHK, the guests joined a luncheon hosted by President Ho and were briefed on the latest programme development and institutional advancement of the University. 2021 年8 月7 日,前縱橫二千集團行政總裁高浩然先生及環球管理諮詢有限公司董事總經理李漢祥先生蒞臨香港恒生大學參觀。 何順文校長帶領來賓參觀了多項校園內的教學設施。在許焯權教授引導下,他們觀賞位於香港恒生大學元舍堂的畢業作品專題展覽,當中展出文化及創意產業(榮譽)課程首批畢業同學的作品。參觀後,他們進一步了解充滿活力的大學校園生活。之後何校長在 校內設宴接待兩位來賓,向他們簡介大學的最新課程發展及機構拓展情況。 (From left) President Simon Ho accompanies Mr Damien Ko and Mr Armstrong Lee to visit the SCOM Cinema and TV Production Centre.(左起)何順文校長陪同高浩然先生及李漢祥先生參觀傳播學院影視製作中心。 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to new full-time academic and senior executive staff who joined the HSUHK family during August and September 2021, and congratulate colleagues who have taken up new positions or been promoted since August 2021. 衷心歡迎於 2021 年 8 月至 9 月加入香港恒生大學的全職教學及高級行政人員,並恭賀由 2021 年 8 月起調任新職位或獲晉升的同事。 Newly Joined Staff 新加入職員 School / Department / Office Academic Staff / Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 教學人員/ 行政人員 職位 Campus Development and Management Office 校園發展及管理處 Ir Kelvin Lin 連振明工程師 Director of Campus Development and Management 校園發展及管理總監 Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務中心 Ms Miranda Liang 梁敏雅女士 Director of Information Technology 資訊科技總監 Student Affairs Office 學生事務處 Mr Tai-wai Chor 左大偉先生 Assistant Director of Student Affairs 助理學生事務總監 Registry 教務處 Ms Peggy Cheung 張惠碧女士 Associate Registrar 副教務長 Department of Management 管理學系 Dr Liane Lee 李暐英博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Department of Computing 電子計算系 Dr Aileen Hou 侯云博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 School of Communication 傳播學院 Dr Wendy Chan 陳穎琳博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Department of Chinese 中文系 Dr Chung-wing Ling 凌頌榮博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Department of Management 管理學系 Dr Bernard Luk 陸偉明博士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of Marketing 市場學系 Mr Roy Ying 殷暉先生 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of Accountancy 會計學系 Ms Mandy Wong 黃煒欣女士 Lecturer 講師 Department of Management 管理學系 Mr David Wong 黃偉豪先生 Lecturer 講師 Dr Willy Huang 黃佳威博士 Lecturer 講師 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance 數學、統計及保險學系 Dr Wing-yan Tsui 徐穎恩博士 Lecturer 講師 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Dr Icy Ni 倪冰博士 Lecturer 講師 Department of Art and Design 藝術設計系 Mr Mauro Arrighi Lecturer 講師 Department of English 英文系 Dr Victor Zhang 張博士 Lecturer 講師 Ms Sophina Chu 朱彥而女士 Lecturer 講師 Ms Ophelia Tung 董皓瑤女士 Lecturer 講師 Ms Amanda Hsu 許旭筠女士 Lecturer 講師 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Dr Arnold Fang 方欣浩博士 Lecturer 講師 Current Acadmic Staff with New Positions 獲委任新職位之教學人員 School / Department / Office Academic Staff / Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 教學人員/ 行政人員 職位 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management Dr Cathy Lam 藍凱欣博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 School of Communication 傳播學院 Ms Connie Chan 陳藹欣女士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Dr James Yu 俞勵恒博士 Associate Professor (Practice) 副教授(實務) Dr Leo Lie 李健豹博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 School of Translation and Foreign Languages 翻譯及外語學院 Mr Lawrence Leung 梁峻朗先生 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Current Academic Staff with Promotion 獲晉升教學人員 School / Department / Office Academic Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 教學人員 職位 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Dr George Ho 何道森博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance 數學、統計及保險學系 Dr Benson Lam 林樹仁博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Marketing 市場學系 Dr Morgan Yang 楊鑫博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Accountancy 會計學系 Ms Shirley Wong 黃純女士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of Chinese 中文系 Ms Elena Ko 高蔚女士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Ms Chun-hung Li 李春紅女士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Dr Joe Poon 潘啟聰博士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Information as of 17 September 2021. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2021 年9 月17 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版。如欲投稿,請以香港恒生大學電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界沙田小瀝源行善里