Erudition 博學 07‧2021 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Goes Green 恒大綠色行動 HSUHK Business School Gala cum 10th Anniversary Junzi Corporation Award Presentation Ceremony 恒大商學院週年活動暨「君子企業大獎」十週年頒獎典禮 SCOM and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organise the‘President X Chief Editor Forum: The New Landscape of Corporate Communication in the Internet Era’ 傳播學院和《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長X 總編論壇:網絡時代企業傳訊的新格局」 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Goes Green 恒大綠色行動..................................................................................................................................................................................1 Caring about Sustainability 關注可持續發展.....................................................................................................................................................................1 Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Five Core Areas 五個核心範疇推動環境可持續發展.......................................................................................................................2 HSUHK Green Initiatives 恒大的綠化工作.........................................................................................................................................................................3 •Green Practices on Campus and Achievements 校園綠化措施及成就.................................................................................................................................................4 •THE HSUHK Sustainability Report 恒大可持續發展報告............................................................................................................................................................4 Green Activities with Students and Staff 師生齊參與綠色活動....................................................................................................................................................5 HSUHK People 恒大人 Integrating Cultural Study into Management - Interview with Professor Jeanne Fu 將文化研究融入管理-符可瑩教授專訪.............................................................................................6 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Blazing a Trail in Entrepreneurship - Interview with Ms Elaine Shiu 敢闖敢試  開拓創業之路-邵燕寧女士專訪....................................................................................................8 Exploring Infinite Possibilities beyond Translation - Interview with Mr Jacky Wu 探索翻譯以外的無限可能-胡穎熙先生專訪........................................................................................9 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 Developing Database of Excavated Texts to Promote the Research of Chuci  建立出土文獻資料庫推動《楚辭》研究...................................................................................................10 •Using Bamboo Strips and Silk Manuscripts to Recover the Authenticity of Chuci  簡帛文獻助還原《楚辭》原貌....................................................................................................10 •Learning Chinese Literature and Culture from Chuci  從《楚辭》認識中國文學及文化.............................................................................................................................11 •Establishing a Database to Facilitate Users' Search for Information 建立資料庫方便使用者搜尋資料.............................................................................................................11 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK Achieves Equal Opportunity Employer Awards for Gender Equality and Family Status Equality  恒大榮獲平等機會僱主嘉許計劃「性別平等」和「家庭崗位平等」獎項..................................................................................................................................................12 HSUHK Online Programme Consultation Day 2021 2021 年恒大網上課程諮詢日.........................................................................................................................................12 HSUHK Business School Gala cum 10th Anniversary Junzi Corporation Award Presentation Ceremony  恒大商學院週年活動暨「君子企業大獎」十週年頒獎典禮..............................................................................................................................................................13 SCOM and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organise the‘ President X Chief Editor Forum: The New Landscape of Corporate Communication in the Internet Era’  傳播學院和《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長X 總編論壇:網絡時代企業傳訊的新格局」..........................................................................................................................................14 Visit to Pre-testbed Studio‘ The Lab’ at East Kowloon Cultural Centre 參觀東九文化中心「創館」模擬試驗場.......................................................................................................15 MOU Signing for Establishment of the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism 成立人間佛教應用研習中心簽署備忘錄.......................................................................................................15 President Ho Speaks at the Graduation Ceremony of Lock Tao Secondary School 何校長於樂道中學畢業禮致辭.........................................................................................................16 President Ho Addresses at CAGA Half-day Forum 何校長於CAGA 半日壇主講..........................................................................................................................................16 President Ho Shares on‘ Practising Management as a Liberal Art’ at the Featured Workshop of the Global Drucker Forum  何校長於德魯克全球論壇主題工作坊分享「博雅管理的實踐」..........................................................................................................................................................17 Retreat for Executive and Professional Staff 2021 行政及專業人員集思會2021.....................................................................................................................................17 Donor - Students Sharing Sessions 捐贈者與學生分享會...........................................................................................................................................................18 Sports and Fun with the President 校長.教職員校友.齊【恒】動.................................................................................................................................................18 Campus Express 校園快訊 HSUHK Teaching and Learning Forum 2021 恒大教與學論壇2021......................................................................................................................................................19 TEDxHSUHK 2021 Successfully REstarted TEDxHSUHK 2021 成功重新啟航..............................................................................................................................................19 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Day 2021 cum HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2021  「恒大創業日2021」暨「恒大X 南華早報創業挑戰賽2021」............................................................................................................................................................20 Greater Bay Area Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation Conference 粵港澳大灣區文化遺產與創意創新研討會.....................................................................................................21 The Digital Economy Transformation - Blockchain Awareness Seminar 數字經濟轉型-區塊鏈認知研討會...............................................................................................................21 STFL Public Lecture and Online Talks 翻譯及外語學院公開及網上講座..............................................................................................................................................22 GSCM Leadership Talk Series #2 - Leading through Connection 環球供應鏈領袖分享系列 #2 - Leading through Connection............................................................................................23 The Opening of BA-CCI Programme Capstone Project Exhibition 「文化及創意產業課程畢業作品專題展覽」開幕典禮.....................................................................................................23 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 SCM Team Wins 2nd Runner-up in CILTHK Student Day 2021 Competition  供應鏈及資訊管理學系同學於「香港運輸物流學會學界專題研習比賽2021」榮獲季軍......................................................................................................................................24 SCOM Students Win 1st Runner-up in Lions Clubs' Video Production Competition 傳播學院學生勇奪獅子會「獅瞳傳愛」短片創作大賽亞軍................................................................................24 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Library Student Ambassador Programme 圖書館學生大使計劃........................................................................................................................................................25 English Cultural Festival 英語文化節...........................................................................................................................................................................25 Student Leader Enhancement Series 學生領袖培訓計劃.............................................................................................................................................................26 Skills Level-Up Series: Public Speaking and Business Etiquette Workshops 技能提升系列:公開演說及商務禮儀工作坊................................................................................................26 Joint University Cricket Sixes Tournament 聯校六人板球聯賽.....................................................................................................................................................27 The Fitness Challenge Day 體能挑戰日...........................................................................................................................................................................27 A Fruitful Residential Year 2020/21 豐盛的住宿年度2020/21......................................................................................................................................................28 HSUHK Volunteer Team - Action to Make a Card 恒義-心意卡行動..................................................................................................................................................29 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit from Crown Worldwide Holdings Ltd 嘉柏環球有限公司到訪恒大...............................................................................................................................................29 Back Cover Updates封底快訊 Connect with HSUHK - Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與恒大保持聯繫-攜手創建緊密校友網絡........................................................................................................30 Personnel Updates 人事快訊......................................................................................................................................................................................30 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Goes Green 恒大綠色行動 HSUHK is embraced by greenery.群山環抱的恒大。 Caring about Sustainability 關注可持續發展 HSUHK has been committed to promoting sustainability, as well as advocating its interactive relationship with higher education in the hopes of nurturing new generations to have a better understanding of the world, care about the community, and put sustainability into practice for the good of society. President Simon S M Ho believes that sustainability not only concerns the needs of this generation, but is also about taking care of the expectations of those succeeding. This involves striking a balance among economic, social and environmental sustainability. “As an important social institution, universities should promote sustainability through institutional management, curriculum, research and public engagement, allowing students to be engaged in it during their studies. After graduation, they will then be able to go on exploring more possibilities to solve problems they are concerned about, whether in the workplace or in their lives.” He says. While it is common to associate sustainability with environmental protection and greening, President Ho stresses that economy, society and environment are actually intercorrelated, and HSUHK has been implementing a number of initiatives in these three areas. “For example, in terms of public engagement, the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL), which was the first of its kind established by HSUHK in Hong Kong, has taken part in various environmental projects, driving the promotion and education of sustainability. We have modules that include sustainability elements as well in our Common Core Curriculum, such as Environmental Conservation and Ecotourism, and Leadership and Sustainability. In addition, HSUHK faculty members and I address issues of socio-economic sustainability in papers, research and speeches frequently, such as Hong Kong's reform of its industrial structure, how to enhance quality employment opportunities and the upward mobility of young people, how to sustain economic growth, and so on. We also care about issues like gender equality, education equality, disparity between the rich and the poor, as well as responsible consumption, production and investment. These have been included in our teaching, research, publications, and services.” 恒大一直致力推動可持續發展,倡議高等教育與可持續發展的互動關係,期望培育新一代更加認識世界、關心社會,並具體實踐可持續發展,為社會謀福祉。何順文校長認為,可持續發展不只關心這個世代的需要,亦須關心下一個世代的期望,當中牽涉經濟、社會、 環境三方面,要從中取得平衡。他表示:「大學作為重要的社會機關,應在機構管理、課程、研究及公共參與方面推動可持續發展,讓學生在學期間已涉獵其中,這樣他們畢業後,無論在工作及生活當中,都可持續去發掘更多可能性來解決他們關心的問題。」 可持續發展經常被聯想到與環境保護、綠化等相關,但何校長強調,經濟、社會、環境實為互相關連,而恒大在這三方面都進行了不少工作。「例如在公共參與方面,恒大在香港首創的青年可持續發展領袖研習所(IYSL)參與了不少環保計劃,由此進行可持續發展的 推動及教育。我們的共同核心課程亦包含了相關元素,例如有環境保育與生態旅遊、領導力與可持續發展等科目。而恒大教職員和我無論在論文、研究、演講中亦經常提及社會經濟可持續的議題,例如香港產業結構改革、如何提高優質就業機會和年青人的上流力、如 何令經濟持續增長等。我們亦關心性別平等、教育機會平等、貧富懸殊,以及負責任消費、生產和投資等議題。這些都包含在我們的教學、研究、著作與服務中。」 President Simon Ho (left) participates in an organic farming activity with students. 何順文校長(左)與學生一同參與有機耕種活動。 Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Five Core Areas 五個核心範疇推動環境可持續發展 Nestled on a hillside and filled with greenery, HSUHK puts a lot of effort into environmental sustainability. President Ho elaborates the five core areas of works in this aspect using the ABCDE model that he has created, namely Air/ Water Quality; Biodiversity and Ecology Conservation; CO2 Reduction; Dewasting/Disposing/Recycling; and Energy Saving/Renewables. President Ho explains, “The University is situated on a hillside where we enjoy overall good air and water quality. At nearby Ma Lai Hau Hang, people can even find a species of endemic 4-leg reptiles, named Paramesotriton hongkongensis, which is unique to Hong Kong. IYSL has organised activities like guided tours to lead HSUHK students and staff to learn about the ecology of Ma Lai Hau Hang, encouraging them to join the conservation of the area. Regarding carbon reduction, we proactively reduce electricity consumption and use electronic appliances that comply with carbon emission standards as far as possible. We also reduce the supply of plastic bottles progressively, aiming at ceasing their use completely. More efforts will be placed in reducing, collecting and recycling food waste as well. For energy saving, the University has launched a number of initiatives, including the introduction of solar energy. We will add more such facilities if there are suitable venues.” And bamboo is something that cannot be missed at HSUHK. One can easily find traces of bamboo on campus. According to Mr Martin Tam, Member of HSUHK Board of Governors and a renowned architect, the carbon absorption and further oxygen release from bamboo as a result of a cumulative effect is more than two times that of trees, which can help relieve carbon emission and improve air quality. The over 10 species of bamboo planted on campus also demonstrate biodiversity. Apart from this, all new buildings at HSUHK, including the S H Ho Academic Building, the Lee Shau Kee Complex, the Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, and the Residential Colleges, have used bamboo as a construction and decoration material. All of these buildings received the highest BEAM+ Platinum recognition granted by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, and HSUHK is the first higher education institution in Hong Kong to receive this commendation. In addition, HSUHK also was granted the Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/2019 by the Hong Kong Management Association in 2019. President Ho says these practices and achievements reflect the collective efforts from HSUHK students and staff in environmental sustainability. “We believe in the ‘Environment Nurtures Talents’ philosophy, thinking that students can achieve more learning effectiveness in a better environment. During the process of promoting sustainability, students are not only users, but they, together with teachers, are all part of it. They can raise new ideas to enhance the environment together, and this is also part of their education. One day, when they leave the University, we hope they would remember that their alma mater is concerned with environmental protection, and thus would bring these concepts forward to the people around them, passing on the belief and spirit of sustainability.” 恒大依山而建,環境綠意盎然,大學亦十分著重環境方面的可持續發展。何校長引用他自創的ABCDE 模式加以闡述當中五個核心範疇的工作,包括空氣和水的質素(Air/Water Quality);生物多樣性及生態保育(Biodiversity and Ecology Conservation); 減少二 氧化碳排放(CO2 Reduction); 源頭減廢、分類回收、轉廢為能(De-wasting/Disposing/Recycling);與節約及開發新能源(Energy Saving/Renewables)。 何校長闡釋:「大學位處山下,我們這裡空氣和水的質素一向不錯,附近馬麗口坑更有一種香港原生獨有的四腳爬蟲類動物,稱為香港瘰螈。IYSL 亦有舉辦導賞團等活動,帶領師生認識馬麗口坑的生態,鼓勵他們一同參與保育。減碳方面,恒大積極減少用電,並盡量 使用符合碳排放標準的電器。另外我們亦會逐步減少提供塑膠物料樽,目標是完全停止使用;亦會在減少、收集及循環再用廚餘方面下功夫。大學亦推行了不少節能措施,並引入太陽能,如果場地適合,我們會增加相關設施。」 在恒大,不可不提的還有竹。恒大竹跡處處,據恒大校董及著名建築師譚天放先生所言,竹吸收的二氧化碳以及釋放的氧氣,累計比一般的樹木多超過兩倍,有助紓緩碳排放及改善空氣質素。校園內種植的竹共有十多個品種,亦彰顯了生物多樣性。而恒大全部新大樓, 包括何善衡教學大樓、李兆基綜合大樓、利國偉教學大樓及住宿書院,內裡亦應用到竹為裝潢材料,它們均獲香港綠色建築議會頒發「綠建環評」最高級鉑金認證,恒大亦是首間香港高等院校取得是項嘉許。此外,恒大亦於2019 年獲得香港管理專業協會頒發「香港可 持續發展獎2018/19 卓越獎」。 何校長表示,這些工作和成績都是大學師生一同注重環境可持續發展的成果。「學校相信『環境育人』,能讓學生在更好的環境學習,學習成效會更佳。在推動可持續發展的過程中,學生不只是用家,他們和教師同樣是參與者,可以一起提出提升環境的新意念,這也是 教育的一部份。他日學生離開校園,希望他們會記得母校是關心環保,將來可以向身邊人灌輸這些概念,傳承可持續發展的理念和精神。」 HSUHK staff take good care of plants on campus 恒大職員悉心打理校園植物 Bamboo is used extensively at HSUHK as a construction and decoration material. 恒大廣泛應用竹作為裝潢材料。 HSUHK Green Initiatives 恒大的綠化工作 There have been fewer visitors to the campus due to the pandemic, except for ‘those’ who have come more frequently - Have you noticed that there are more butterflies dancing around campus? Their ‘visits’ well reflect the devotion of HSUHK to building a green campus where flora and fauna can flourish. Ms Antonia Yeung, Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) states that HSUHK has been driving a number of green initiatives and works on campus. For example, the University has established the Advisory Committee on Campus Development and Habitat (ACCDH) to recommend strategic directions in major projects with respect to the habitat and development on campus, as well as for improvement and enhancement of campus green and landscape facilities. Apart from this, the Campus Facilities Management Committee (CFMC) also set up task forces, namely the Working Group on Energy Conservation and Sustainability, and the Campus Beautification Group. “The Working Group on Energy Conservation and Sustainability constitutes representatives from among staff, students, and different departments and units. This composition allows us to hear the opinions from different stakeholders for reviewing and advancing measures on energy saving and sustainable development regularly. And the Campus Beautification Group is entrusted with reviewing the overall aesthetic level of the campus. We believe that going green is not simply about environmental protection; creating a pleasant and visually exciting environment is also part of it.” For CFMC, which is in charge of reviewing the management of facilities on campus, its members would contribute ideas relating to new greening strategies. Examples include how to handle and decompose food waste more efficiently to facilitate organic farming and thus drive the whole green chain; and the increase of flowering plants to beautify the campus and enhance biodiversity. “The flowering plants have attracted more butterflies. This is a way to promote ecology through improvement of the environment. We hope that we can do more in this aspect in the future.” In addition, the design and construction of the new academic building at the West Lane on campus, now underway, is also expected to adopt more eco-friendly elements and sustainable materials to follow environmental principles. Ms Yeung stresses that different departments and units of the University have devoted considerable effort to sustainability. For example, the Campus Development and Management Office (CDMO) puts the concept of recycling into practice by studying the use of withering plants for compost and the reuse of soil. CDMO publishes a biannual e-newsletter as well introducing stakeholders to the University’s measures and works in propelling greening and campus development, among other efforts. The Student Affairs Office also joins to promote environmental protection by organising various activities such as glass bottle recycling and waste paper recycling among students and residents of the Residential Colleges. “I believe in the spirit of the Chinese saying, ‘Nurturing to Transform Unnoticeably’. When applied to environmental protection and greening on campus, it means to integrate these into our daily lives to make our environment more enjoyable and experiences more enriched, so that everyone would be willing to stay here, stop to appreciate, and finally take pride in being a member of the campus. I think this is the most effective way to realise sustainability.” 疫情下,校園的訪客減少了,但有一類「訪客」卻來訪得更頻密了。大家有留意到最近多了蝴蝶在校園飛舞嗎?牠們的「光臨」正反映了恒大在校園綠化方面的努力,為動植物打造了一個適合生長的環境。 協理副校長(校園發展服務)楊如虹女士表示,恒大推動了不少綠色校園的倡議和工作。例如大學設立了校園發展及生態環境諮詢委員會,就校園生態與發展的主要項目,以及改善與加強校園綠化和景觀設施的策略方向作出建議。此外,校園設施管理委員會亦成立了特 別工作小組,即節約能源及可持續發展工作小組,與校園美化小組。「節約能源及可持續發展工作小組有來自師生及不同部門的代表,這樣的組合能讓我們取得不同持份者的意見,定期檢視及精進節約能源及可持續發展方面的措施。校園美化小組則負責審視校園的整體 美觀程度。我們相信綠化並不單指環保,把環境打造得賞心悅目和具美感,也是當中的一部份。」 而校園設施管理委員會除了檢視校園的設施管理,亦會討論關於綠化的新政策,例如怎樣更有效處理及分解廚餘,以促進有機耕種,從而推動整個環保鏈;及增加種植開花植物,美化校園同時增強生態多元。「開花植物吸引了更多蝴蝶,是透過改善環境促進生態的方 式,希望我們將來在這方面可以做得更多。」另外,校園裡正在籌建中的西徑教學大樓,在設計及建造上亦期望能採納更多的環保元素及永續物料,以符合環保原則。 楊女士強調,大學不同單位都在可持續發展方面投放了不少努力,例如校園發展及管理處(CDMO)的同事便研究將凋謝植物用作堆肥並重用泥土,實踐循環再生的概念。CDMO 亦會每半年出版一次電子通訊,向大學持份者介紹大學推動綠化及校園建設方面的措施和工作。 學生事務處和住宿書院亦舉辦了不少活動,如玻璃回收、廢紙再造等,向師生推廣環保。「我相信潤物無聲的概念,將環保及綠化融入校園生活中,令環境變得賞心悅目,讓大家會在校園逗留、駐足欣賞,繼而對身為校園的一份子覺得自豪,我認為這是實現可持續發展 最有效的方式。」 Organic farm on the rooftop of the Lee Shau Kee Complex 李兆基綜合大樓天台的有機農場 Scan the QR code and Ms Antonia Yeung will tell you more about HSUHK's green initiatives. 掃描QR code,楊如虹女士將告訴你更多恒大的綠化措施。 • Green Practices on Campus and Achievements 校園綠化措施及成就 Embracing the concept of ‘Environment Nurtures Talents’, HSUHK commits to implementing greening and environmental protection measures to create a better campus environment for students and staff. Our green practices and achievements include: • Signing up for joining Earth Hour, No Air Con Night, and Paper Saving Day organised by environmental protection organisations. • Launching HSUHK Quarterly Hour to minimise unnecessary energy consumption. • Participating in Energy Saving Charter 2020, organised by the Environment Bureau and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to pledge saving energy practices. • Joining the CLP’s Peak Demand Management (PDM) programme to reduce electricity consumption during the highest electricity demand period so as to lower the maximum demand of the overall system. • Phasing out the sale of single-use plastic bottled drinks from vending machines. • Fostering sustainable agriculture by launching an organic farm lease to staff and students for planting on the rooftop of the Lee Shau Kee Complex. • HSUHK was the first higher education institution in Hong Kong to receive the highest BEAM+ Platinum recognition from the Hong Kong Green Building Council for all four new buildings. • Winning the ‘Certificate of Excellence’ in the Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19 issued by the Hong Kong Management Association. • Attaining the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification issued by the Environmental Campaign Committee and the Environmental Protection Department in conjunction with nine organisations. HSUHK was also awarded the ‘Energywi$e Certificate’ and the ‘Wastewi$e Certificate’. 恒大相信「環境育人」,致力落實綠化及環保措施,為師生打造更優質的校園環境,當中措施及成就包括: • 響應環保組織舉辦的「地球一小時」、「無冷氣夜」、「惜紙一天」等活動。 • 舉辦「恒大慳電一小時」,推廣減省不必要的耗能。 • 參與由環境局及機電工程署合辦的「節能約章2020」,為節能作出承擔和貢獻。 • 參與中電舉辦的「高峰用電管理」計劃,於用電高峰時段減少用電量,以減低整個系統的最高用電量。 • 校內自動販售機逐步淘汰售賣即棄膠樽裝飲料。 • 推行有機耕種,將位於李兆基綜合大樓天台的有機農場出租予師生,推廣可持續農業。 • 恒大四座新建築物均獲香港綠色建築議會頒發最高級別的鉑金認證,為本港首間高等院校獲得是項殊榮。 • 獲香港管理專業協會頒發「香港可持續發展獎 2018/19 卓越獎」。 • 獲得由香港環境委員會、環境保護署及九個機構合辦的「香港綠色機構」認證,並獲頒發「節能證書」及「減廢證書」。 HSUHK is issued the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification. 恒大獲「香港綠色機構」認證。 • The HSUHK Sustainability Report 恒大可持續發展報告 HSUHK is now compiling its first-ever Sustainability Report with the aim of consolidating and introducing sustainability initiatives that the University has launched in past years. It also serves to review the results and the efficiency of those initiatives, as well as recognising and commending students and staff’s devotion to sustainability, encouraging them to keep it up. Ms Antonia Yeung says that summarising the results of our works on sustainability over the years can help the University go from strength to strength. “The nature of sustainability is about setting our eyes on the future, so we must look forward. The report provides the public with yet another channel to learn of HSUHK’s commitment to taking up social responsibilities beyond academic development and nurturing students; it is also a reminder for ourselves, helping us focus on the outcomes of current works and identifying directions for future development.” 恒大正編撰首份《可持續發展報告》,以便整合及介紹恒大歷年來在可持續發展方面的工作,檢視當中的成績和效能;同時認同及嘉許師生在這方面的投入,鼓勵大家繼續努力。 楊如虹女士表示,報告歸納多年來可持續發展工作的成效,有助大學繼往開來。「可持續發展的本質就是放眼未來,因此一定要向前看。這份報告既令大眾有多一個渠道了解恒大在學術發展及培育學生之外,所承擔的社會責任;同時亦是一個自我提醒,幫助我們聚焦 現時的工作成效,並找到將來的發展方向。」 Green Activities with Students and Staff 師生齊參與綠色活動 HSUHK organises diverse green activities to boost students and staff’s interests and understanding of greening and environmental sustainability, and encourages them to integrate these concepts into their daily lives. Recent activities include: 恒大一直舉辦多元化綠色活動,提高師生對綠化及環境可持續發展的認識,並鼓勵他們在日常生活中實踐。近來活動包括: Student Affairs Office (SAO) 學生事務處 Through various green activities such as a papermaking and natural dyeing workshop, recycling campaign and more, SAO hopes to raise students’ awareness of environmental protection and sustainability. 學生事務處期望透過不同種類的綠色活動,如造紙及自然漂染工作坊,回收計劃等,提升學生對環境保護及可持續發展的意識。 Participants practise papermaking in a workshop. 參加者在工作坊學習用舊紙張再造紙。 Student participants of the VolTrekkers Service-learning Award and Training Scheme collect and upcycle used glass bottles into natural essential oil diffusers. 參與「順龍仁澤‧ 學義同行」服務學習獎勵及培訓計劃的同學收集玻璃樽,升級再造為天然精油擴香樽。 Residential Colleges (RCs) 住宿書院 RCs offer different experiential activities for students to blend sustainability in daily life. The introduction of the RC Sustainability Leader Programme this year further enhances students’ understanding of sustainability in addition to nurturing their leadership skills. 住宿書院為學生提供不同的活動體驗,將可持續發展融入生活。本年度住宿書院更推出「住宿書院可持續發展領袖計劃」,培訓學生的領導才能之餘,亦提高他們對可持續發展的了解。 RC residents learn to transform food waste into compost. 住宿書院學生學習用廚餘製作堆肥。 Sustainability Leaders organise a coastal cleaning activity to raise peers' awareness of environmental conservation. 可持續發展領袖舉辦海岸清潔活動,提高同儕對環境保育的關注。 Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) 青年可持續發展領袖研習所 Aspiring to mobilise young people to achieve the United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals through youth education and empowerment, IYSL has organised eco-tours and workshops to introduce biodiversity in the neighbourhood to students and staff, hoping to deepen their connections with the community and inspire new thinking about sustainable development. 青年可持續發展領袖研習所(IYSL)致力透過年青人教育與賦權,落實聯合國可持續發展目標。IYSL 曾舉辦生態導賞團及工作坊,向師生介紹鄰近環境的生物多樣性,期望藉此加深他們與社區的連繫,並啟發他們對可持續發展的新思考。 An eco-tour by IYSL introducing biodiversity in Ma Lai Hau Hang, a river neighbouring HSUHK. 馬麗口坑是位處恒大附近的河流,IYSL 舉辦生態導賞團介紹此地的生物多樣性。 IYSL organises the Leaf and Vein Frottage Art Workshop, where participants document characteristics of plants and make their unique nature notes through artwork. IYSL 舉辦「一葉一脈拓印工作坊」,參加者紀錄植物的特徵,並將之化成藝術品,製作獨一無二的自然筆記。 HSUHK People 恒大人 Integrating Cultural Study into Management 將文化研究融入管理 Interview with Professor Jeanne Fu 符可瑩教授專訪 Head of Department of Management Head of Honours Academy 管理學系系主任 榮譽學院院長 While making profit is a key performance indicator, the success of a commercial institution also relies heavily on whether different people constituting the organisation get to unleash their potential and carry out their duties efficiently. Professor Jeanne Fu studied Management for many years after completion of her Psychology major, and she is especially interested in the cultural side of management, including cultural cognition, cross-culture management, and cultural psychology. In the early days of her research, Hong Kong people were a pivotal group of research subjects for these areas. “From the perspective of cultural cognition, human behaviours are affected by their cultural upbringing and the worldviews they acquire through socialisation. For people who have lived in two cultures for a significant amount of time in their life and are profoundly affected by such cultures, cultural psychologists call them biculturals. For example, when a Chinese-American bicultural sees symbols of Chinese culture, s/he may be inspired and inclined to think or act in a Chinese way; on the other hand, when s/he sees symbols about American culture some other time, his/her behaviour will tend to be more American-like. In fact any one of us can acquire different cultural mindsets and the resultant behavioural repertoire could be very dynamic.” “Taking the values of ‘Collectivism’ and ‘Individualism’ - giving priority to the interests of a group versus those of an individual, as examples, these two values may not necessarily go hand-in-hand in a person’s mind at first glance. Yet in cultural cognition, a Hong Kong bicultural can display behaviours related to both of these values because Hong Kong people are familiar with both Chinese and Western cultures and possess both types of cognition simultaneously. Other similar groups of bicultural individuals include American-born Chinese, or Asians with foreign nationalities.” Professor Fu says. “They grew up in foreign countries, where they would speak English with their peers in school, while speaking their mother tongue with their family members at home. Research shows that biculturals are capable of switching between cultural worldviews and are more flexible when facing organisational changes. Yet bicultural individuals at times experience confusion and incompatibility of the two worlds and may even feel shocked at their own changing behaviours.” Professor Fu explains that this type of study about cultural cognition is very useful when applied to human resources management in an organisation. “There are different ways of handling conflicts in different cultures. For example, Chinese people are used to adopting mediation, or they will seek help from a third party to avoid direct confrontation; while Americans don’t mind debates or even direct confrontations. Studies in cultural cognition are beneficial for the break-in and management of a cross-cultural team, allowing sparks within the team while maintaining a balance without causing serious conflicts, thus enhancing work efficiency and leadership.” In addition to business study, Professor Fu’s expertise in management also applies to driving student development. Taking on the role of Head of Honours Academy (HA) since last year, she hopes students can enhance their interpersonal skills and be devoted to service-learning and community engagement through participating in HA curriculum. “HA students are very talented in their areas of study, yet they may not have the right channels to try out their innovative ideas or prosocial intentions. Based on the development and preference of individual students, HA is there to offer them various support, resources and opportunities, including workshops, internships, competitions, or social networks to help them actualise their career and social ambitions. Dr Holly Chung and Ms Esther Lee, the two Associate Heads of HA, and I offer up close coaching for our students.” Professor Fu says despite the pandemic, HA students still had treasurable opportunities to have face-to-face activities, such as firm visits or workshops with social enterprise. “The pandemic has had some negative impact on students’ social life and networking. Comparatively, HA students were able to connect with fellow classmates, the University and the community through HA activities and have not become out of touch. Soft skills like leadership skills, communication skills, and teamwork can only be cultivated when you have interactions with people. You will then learn how to resolve conflicts and balance the interests of different parties.” Having taught in Hong Kong for several years, Professor Fu thinks that Hong Kong students are flexible, courageous to try new things, and creative. She is particularly impressed by the diligence of HSUHK students. “There was an incident in my first semester in HSUHK. At that time my lecture started at 12 noon. One day a student approached me timidly asking, ‘Excuse me, Professor, do you mind if I sit at the back and eat my sandwiches? I have no lunch time in my 9-hour time-table.’ Later I discovered that some other students were in the same situation because they needed to arrange time for part-time jobs to ease their families’ financial burden. Nevertheless, they were very eager to learn and didn’t want to have their lunch at the expense of a few minutes of a lecture.” Professor Fu thus learnt of the financial difficulty of studying in a self-financing institution. “Students come from different family backgrounds and resources and it is good to know that students have had subsidised tuition from the government in recent years.” 商業著重營利,惟商業機構由各式各樣的人員組成,他們能否發揮所長、各司其職,對公司的成敗至為關鍵。本科主修心理學的符可瑩教授,鑽研管理學多年,對於當中涉及的文化影響如文化認知、跨文化管理與文化心理學等特別有興趣。在她早期的研究裡,香港人 在這些方面是不可或缺的研究對象。 「從文化認知學的角度,人類的行為會受其成長期間的文化環境,及其社會化過程中學到的世界觀所影響。一個曾受兩個文化深遠影響和教化的人,文化心理學家稱之為雙文化個體。舉個例,當一名中美雙文化個體看到關於中國文化的訊息符號,受此啟發,便會作出 傾向中國文化的思想或行為;但他/ 她若在另一段時間看到美國文化的訊息符號,便會作出傾向美國文化的行為。這顯示原來每個人都可以學習不同的文化認知,因此行為上的差異亦可以很大。」 「例如群體主義或個人主義,其價值觀在於重心是放於團體還是個人。乍看這些價值觀不會同時出現在同一個人的認知系統內,但在文化認知學裡,這些特質可以在香港人身上同時展現出來,因為香港人熟悉中西文化,明顯地有這兩類認知。其他例子包括美籍華人或 其他外籍亞洲人等,同樣是很好的研究對象。」符教授說。「他們在外國長大,上學時會與朋輩用英語溝通,但在家裡仍會以亞洲母語和家人溝通。研究顯示雙文化個體能週旋於不同文化觀之間,亦較能接受及面對組織變革。但他們亦不時會感受到在不同生活層面上 的矛盾和衝擊,甚至驚訝於自身行為上的轉變。」 符教授表示,這類文化認知的研究,引伸到機構內的人事處理,大有用處。「例如不同文化在處理糾紛時的方式便有所不同。中國人慣常用調解的方式,或找第三方協助處理,避免正面衝突;美國人卻不介意直接討論甚或理論。這類研究有助於跨文化團隊的磨合和管 理,讓團隊裡既有不同的火花,但又能找到平衡點,不致於釀成嚴重衝突,令工作更有效率,並提升領導力。」 符教授在管理學上的專長,除了應用於商學研究,亦幫助學生發展。自去年起擔任恒大榮譽學院(HA)院長,她希望同學能透過這個培訓計劃,提升人際技巧,及投入服務學習和社區參與。「HA 同學本身已有豐富的本科專業知識,他們可能有一些想法或有益社會的取 向,但欠缺試行的機會。所以HA 會因應個別同學的發展和喜好,為他們提供不同的配套、資源和機會,例如工作坊、實習、比賽,或社區網絡等,讓他們實行其事業和社會志向。我和兩位副院長鍾可盈博士和李德芬女士共同負責跟進及提供指導。」 符教授說,疫情期間, HA 同學難得仍有機會進行面對面的活動,他們會組成不同的小組,一起訪問機構、參與社企的工作坊等。「疫情令很多學生的社交生活,以至同學之間的凝聚力均有所欠缺。相對來說,HA 的活動能讓HA學生保持與同學、學校及社區的聯繫,不 會太脫節。人與人之間必須透過接觸和相處,才能訓練出領導才能、溝通能力、團隊精神等人際技能,學會如何處理磨擦,平衡各方利益。」 在港教學多年,符教授認為香港學生靈活變通、勇於嘗試,亦很有創意。她對恒大學生的努力印象尤深。「我記得那是我剛加入恒大的第一個學期,其中一班是在中午12 時上課的。有天一位同學靦腆地問我:『教授,不好意思,你介意我坐在後排吃三文治嗎?因為我 今天上九小時的課,沒時間吃午餐。』後來我發現還有其他同學也是這樣的情況,因為他們要安排時間做兼職,減輕家裡負擔,因此上課時間表都排得密麻麻。其實他們很想學習,不想因為吃午飯而耽誤課堂,哪怕只是幾分鐘的課堂。」符教授由此了解到自資院校同學 在財政上的困難。「學生們各有不同的家庭背景和資源。近年來政府為學生提供更多學費補貼,絕對是造福學生。」 Professor Fu (1st from right) participates in a HSUHK forum. 符教授(右一)參與恒大論壇。 Professor Fu (middle at the front) pictures with students of BBA in Global Business Management. 符教授(前排中)與環球商業管理工商管理課程學生合照。 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Blazing a Trail in Entrepreneurship 敢闖敢試  開拓創業之路 Interview with Ms Elaine Shiu 邵燕寧女士專訪 BBA (Honours) Programme (with Marketing concentration) (2016) Chairperson, Youth Innovation Development Charity Association Chief Executive Officer, AI Pet Care Limited 工商管理(榮譽)學士課程(主修市場學)(2016) 青年創新發展慈善協會主席 AI Pet Care Limited 行政總裁 Ms Elaine Shiu already demonstrated entrepreneur-like courageous qualities when she sat the HKCEE. “I wanted to go to university, but I didn’t want to take public exams anymore. After research, I decided to apply for the Pre-Associate in Business Administration programme of Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC, the predecessor of HSUHK), which would allow me to matriculate to its Degree programme directly.” Eventually, she completed the Pre-Associate programme with excellent results and obtained her bachelor’s degree from Hang Seng Management College (HSMC), which was restructured from HSSC. As an outgoing person, Elaine says she doesn’t like to work in an office setting, and thus she decided to take Marketing as her major, for its job nature involves external liaison and promotion that would better fit her personality. The diverse knowledge of marketing that she gained during her studies at HSMC triggered her idea to become an entrepreneur. “Many professors in the School of Business had their own businesses. They shared with us real commercial cases in class, which inspired me a lot.” In Year 2, Elaine began to run her red coral wholesale business after class, while actively taking part in different industry seminars organised by the University to co-opt speakers’ experiences. “These seminars deepened my understanding of business operations and helped me build my interpersonal network. One of my business partners was actually a guest speaker at that time.” Elaine established her own designer fashion jewellery brand in 2015, with her factory set in Italy producing self-designed fashion jewellery that are sold in Hong Kong, Macau, China and Thailand. Her distinguished achievements in entrepreneurship were recognised by various sectors, as shown by numerous prestigious awards bestowed upon her such as the ‘2017 Hong Kong Most Outstanding Young Entrepreneur’, ‘2018 Worldwide Leading Business Leader’, and ‘2019 The Outstanding Women of China’. Her belief is that although there are uncertainties in the market, opportunity lies in the midst of difficulty and she keeps exploring business opportunities in the face of adversity. Her recent business ventures into local tourism and the pet market are good demonstrations of this. Finding the prospects of these two fields promising, Elaine set up a travel agency on her own in 2020 focusing on local tour and tourism technology, and a company using AI to analyse pets’ behaviour in 2021 respectively, with the latter having been granted admission to Hong Kong Science Park as an incubatee for its technological research in artificial intelligence. While many people dream of starting their own businesses, Elaine, who is studying the Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Management programme at HSUHK, advises students not to mythicise entrepreneurship. “It is not an easy path. I encourage everyone to pursue their dreams, yet we have to gird for failure.” Through the Youth Innovation Development Charity (YIDC), which she established to support youth development through events co-organised with the government, NGOs and business institutions, Elaine shares cases of failing entrepreneurship with the youth frequently, reminding them to keep learning and pursuing excellence in pursuit of their dreams. 邵燕寧女士當年會考時,已展現創業家敢於嘗試的特質。「我希望升讀大學,但又不想經歷公開試。搜集資料後,我決定報讀恒商(恒大前身)的工商管理副學士先修課程,以直接銜接其學士課程。」她最後以優異成績完成先修課程,並在恒商改組後的恒管獲得學士 學位。 性格外向的邵燕寧笑言不喜歡被困在辦公室,而市場營銷中對外聯繫和宣傳推廣的工作正好切合她的個性,故選擇主修市場學。在恒管學習期間,她汲取了多元化的市場營銷知識,令她萌生創業的念頭。「不少商學院的教授也擁有自己的生意,他們會在課堂分享商業 實例,為我帶來很大啟發。」大學二年級時她決定創業,在課餘時間從事珠寶紅珊瑚的批發,亦積極參與校內不同行業講座,從中取經。「這些講座加深了我對商業運作的認識,助我建立人際網絡,我的其中一位商業夥伴正是當時的講座嘉賓。」 邵燕寧其後於2015 年正式創立自家時尚珠寶品牌,在意大利設廠生產自行設計的時尚首飾,並於香港、澳門、中國及泰國銷售。其傑出的創業成就獲得各界認同,獲頒「2017 年香港傑出青年創業家」、「2018 全球最具競爭力華人領袖」及「2019 改革與創新40 週年 傑出女性」等多個大獎。雖然市場不時存在不明朗因素,但她深信「有危便有機」,面對逆境仍積極發掘商機。例如她近年看好本地旅遊發展及寵物市場,遂於2020 年獨力創辦了一間專注發展本地遊及旅遊科技的旅行社,以及於2021 年成立了人工智能寵物行為分析 公司,後者更因涉及人工智能的科研而獲批進駐香港科學園成為園區培育公司。 不少人都夢想創業,但目前在恒大修讀創業管理理學碩士的邵燕寧,寄語同學不要將創業看成神話:「這條路絕不好走。我贊成大家追尋夢想,但必須要預備承受失敗。」透過其成立的青年創新發展慈善協會,邵燕寧與政府、慈善及商業機構合辦各種鼓勵青年人發展 的活動,並經常與年輕人分享創業失敗例子,提醒他們在追夢過程中仍要不斷學習、精益求精。 Elaine first starts her business and joins a jewellery exhibition in Year 2. 邵燕寧於大學二年級首次創業並參與珠寶展。 Exploring Infinite Possibilities beyond Translation 探索翻譯以外的無限可能 Interview with Mr Jacky Wu 胡穎熙先生專訪 Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) Programme (2016) Platform Operation Manager, Alipay 商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程(2016) 支付寶平台營運經理 While some people may be in two minds when it comes to choosing their university major, Mr Jacky Wu was decisive to enrol in HSUHK's Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) programme (BTB) after knowing that its curriculum combined various elements such as technology, law, finance, translation, and so on. He thought it could help boost his language proficiency and cultivate his professional business knowledge, helping his future career development. Jacky truly found his time in HSUHK rewarding. “In addition to the undergraduate academic training, HSUHK offered professional Putonghua modules and examination, which enabled me to build a solid foundation in Putonghua, giving me an edge in the workplace.” He also proactively participated in diverse extra-curricular activities, including serving the BTB Students’ Association as Internal Vice President, and joining the Professional Mentorship Scheme as a mentee. “The mentor shared a lot of his personal experiences with me and gave me valuable advice on internships and careers. I really gained a lot.” To put his learning into practice, Jacky strived for every internship opportunity. During his internship at MTR where he was responsible for assisting tourists from mainland China, not only were his communication skills greatly improved, but he also got to learn the systematic operation of a sizable corporation. Interested in computer-aided translation and legal translation, he once also went to Shanghai and worked as a legal translator at a law firm for three months. It gave him a basic understanding of the business environment in China, setting him to develop his career there later. With his abundant internship experience and excellent performance, Jacky was recruited into the marketing and operation team of China’s biggest online retail shopping platform after graduation. He was soon entrusted a top task to organise a physical showcase supporting an online promotion. “I had to be very hands-on from planning and liaison to event execution. It was very demanding with tight deadlines, yet it gave me a great sense of satisfaction.” Having worked in Hangzhou for several years, he was relocated and returned to Hong Kong in January 2021, aspiring to promote e-commence in Hong Kong with his professional experience. He is now working on e-payment and user operation projects, including the electronic Consumption Voucher Scheme recently launched by the Government. Finally, Jacky encourages fellow HSUHK schoolmates to look at the world from a global perspective. “Don’t limit yourselves to your undergraduate study and Hong Kong. Think outside the box and look for more opportunities. You will get larger room for development and better return.” 一些人大學選科時或會三心兩意,但胡穎熙先生得悉恒大的商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程結合了科技、法律、金融與翻譯等多個元素後,認為課程能同時培訓語文能力及專業商業知識,有助日後事業發展,便決定報讀。 胡穎熙深感在恒大的日子收穫豐富。「除了本科的學術訓練,恒大還提供專業的普通話課程及考試,令我建立穩固的普通話基礎,在職場上具備優勢。」他亦積極參與多元化的課外活動,包括擔任系會內務副主席,及成為恒大專業師友計劃的學員。「導師和我分享了 不少個人經驗,並就實習及就業給予寶貴意見,使我得著很多。」 為了實踐所學,胡穎熙努力爭取實習機會。在港鐵實習時,他負責為內地旅客提供協助,不僅提升了他的溝通能力,更讓他認識到大型機構的系統化運作。而由於對電腦輔助翻譯及法律翻譯感興趣,他又曾前赴上海的律師事務所,從事了三個月的法律翻譯工作。這讓 他對內地的營商環境有初步了解,開拓日後於國內工作的契機。 憑藉其豐富的實習經驗和卓越表現,胡穎熙畢業後順利加入中國最大的零售購物網站,負責市場推廣及營運,不久後更被委以重任,負責舉辦實體展以配合網上平台推廣。「由策劃聯絡以至活動流程,我都需要親力親為,雖然籌備過程時間緊迫且十分辛苦,卻給予我 很大的滿足感。」在杭州工作數年後,他期望能以自身的專業經驗,協助香港推動電子商貿發展,故此於2020 年1 月調任回港,主力電子支付及用戶營運,包括政府剛推出的電子消費券計劃。胡穎熙鼓勵恒大師弟師妹放眼世界:「不要把自己的發展局限於本科及香 港。趁年輕跳出框框尋找機會,發展空間會更大,收穫亦必定更多。」 Jacky assists in the promotion of the electronic Consumption Voucher Scheme. 胡穎熙協助電子消費券計劃的推廣項目。 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 Developing Database of Excavated Texts to Promote the Research of Chuci 建立出土文獻資料庫推動《楚辭》研究 With long-standing culture, China possesses a lot of ancient books, the contents of which have contributed profoundly to the study of literature and culture by later generations. Yet after ages of copying, circulation and publication, many ancient texts from Pre-Qin and Han dynasties might have been misprinted, affecting the interpretation by posterity. As such, many scholars advocate a comparative study between the excavated texts and the transmitted ones to interpret the ancient contents more precisely. Dr Ivan Chen, Associate Professor of the Department of Chinese of HSUHK and Associate Director of the Institute for Chinese Language and Culture, has been devoted to the study of Chuci (Songs of Chu) . Finding that scholars are more inclined to the argumentation of various received versions of Chuci and there are comparatively less studies on the related excavated texts, Dr Chen has decided to start a research project entitled ‘Examining Chuci through the Newly Excavated Bamboo Manuscripts and the Development of Related Electronic Databases’, with the aim of building a database to rectify the misprints and misuses in Chuci , and to interpret this masterpiece more accurately by comparing it with ancient texts. He also aspires to associate excavated texts with relics to explore the cultural context in Chuci and review its relationship with the culture of Chu regime. 中華文化源遠流長,古籍數量眾多,當中的記載對後世研究文學及文化有著深遠貢獻。惟很多先秦兩漢古書在經過不同時代的傳抄和刊印後,文字或會出現錯誤,影響後人解讀。因此,不少學者均提倡利用出土文獻及傳世文獻互相印證,以更準確釋讀古籍內容。 恒大中文系副教授兼中國語言及文化研習所副所長陳鴻圖博士,一直致力研究《楚辭》。他有感過去學者多傾力於《楚辭》傳世文獻的論證,相關出土文獻的研究卻相對缺乏,因此展開名為「新出簡帛文獻與《楚辭》校讀、研究及資料庫之構建」的研究計劃,冀透過 建立出土文獻資料庫,訂正《楚辭》的異文與錯訛,並在古文字的釋讀互證下,更為準確解讀《楚辭》。他亦希望能結合出土文獻與文物,發掘《楚辭》本身的文化內涵,以及重新檢視其與楚文化的關係。 One of the research outcomes is the database for the study of Chuci and excavated texts. 研究其中一個成果,是建立《楚辭》及出土文獻資料庫。 Website 網址: • Using Bamboo Strips and Silk Manuscripts to Recover the Authenticity of Chuci 簡帛文獻助還原《楚辭》原貌 Chuci, the literary anthology attributed mainly to Qu Yuan from China’s Warring States Period, is one of the most important pioneering works with lofty status in Chinese literary history, having always been listed as the first item among all literary works in classical Chinese bibliography. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been a large number of excavated bamboo strips and silk manuscripts from Pre-Qin and Han dynasties, many of which were new materials that had never been seen. They have brought new insights into the study of Chuci , Dr Chen says. “Bamboo strips and silk manuscripts are mainly documents with information recorded on bamboo or silk before the Han dynasty. Prior to the invention of paper, bamboo and silk were widely used and thus were very important carriers of Chinese culture.” As they were commonly used by ancient people, bamboo strips and silk manuscripts can provide first-hand information for traditional academic study, offering great help in the interpretation of ancient books, judging the time of publication of these books and their authenticity, and supplementing transmitted texts. “Without alterations by later generations, excavated texts have preserved the authenticity of information, making them more reliable references. Also, our interpretation of ancient books would be affected by modern concepts, and meanings of words may vary with times. For example, the word ‘Gold’ in early ancient times was a collective term for metal or specifically referred to copper, unlike nowadays it mainly refers to the golden metal for accessory production. These texts thus provide us important clues to the meanings of words at that time.” Dr Chen states that if recent research of those excavated materials can be incorporated in the study of transmitted texts, not only can previous arguments about interpretation of Chuci be solved, but it will also be very beneficial for enhancing the understanding and study of Chuci and other early literary works. 《楚辭》是中國戰國時代以屈原為代表的文學總集,被稱為集部之首,乃中國最早的典籍之一,於中國文學史上享有崇高地位。陳博士表示,自二十世紀初至今,大量關於先秦兩漢典籍的簡帛文獻問世,當中很多為前人所未見的新材料,為《楚辭》的研究帶來新契機。 「所謂簡帛文獻,主要是指漢代之前,以竹簡和絲帛為載體的文獻資料。簡帛在紙張出現前被廣為使用,是中國文化十分重要的載體。」由於古人普遍書寫於簡帛上,因此簡帛文獻能夠為傳統學術研究提供第一手資料,對於古書解讀、判斷古書成書時代與真偽,以及 補充傳世文獻均有極大幫助。「出土文獻沒有經過後人改動,保留了資料的原貌,能作為較可靠的參考依據。另外,我們對古籍的理解會受現代觀念影響而出現錯誤,詞義亦會隨時代轉變而有所不同,例如古代早期『金』字可以解作金屬的總稱或專指銅,而非只限於 現今製作首飾的金色金屬。這些文獻便能為當時的詞義提供線索,因此十分重要。」 陳博士指出,假如利用出土文獻的最新研究成果,輔以傳世文獻的印證,不僅有助解決過去對《楚辭》釋讀的爭議,對於深化《楚辭》等早期文學作品的研判也有莫大裨益。 Learning Chinese Literature and Culture from Chuci 從《楚辭》認識中國文學及文化 Though numerous excavated texts were published in the 20th century, Dr Chen points out that there were only few research of Chuci making use of these materials. To facilitate the retrieval and application of Chuci and excavated materials by researchers and the public, he applied for and successfully got funding from the Research Grants Council under the Faculty Development Scheme in 2018 to kick-start his research and create a database for the study of excavated bamboo strips and silk manuscripts, as well as Chuci. Dr Chen says that beyond its high literary value with its pioneering literary style and verse form, Chuci also recorded the rich culture and customs of Chu’s area. “Chuci had a strong local colour. It described Chu’s geography, religious rituals, architecture, clothing, food culture, and so on, deepening our appreciation of Chu’s culture. It serves as a very significant reference to our study of the formation and development of Chinese culture.” Therefore, the research outcomes will not only benefit the study of Chuci, they will also help scholars explore Chinese history, literature and culture. 陳博士稱,縱使二十世紀大量出土文獻湧現,但當中有關《楚辭》的研究仍然寥寥可數。為了讓研究人員與公眾更容易檢索與應用《楚辭》與出土文獻的材料,他向研究資助局的教員發展計劃申請資助,並於2018 年成功獲得撥款,開展簡帛文獻材料及《楚辭》的研 究,並建立相關資料庫。 陳博士表示,《楚辭》除了在文學技巧及詩歌體裁上開創先河,具有極高的文學價值外,亦記載了多采多姿的楚地文化與風俗。「《楚辭》帶有強烈地域色彩,內容描寫了楚國的地理、祭祀、建築、服飾及飲食文化等,能加深我們對楚地文化的認識,對探索中國文化 的形成及發展等,具十分重要的參考價值。」因此,研究成果不但有利於《楚辭》研究,亦有助學者探索中國歷史、文學與文化。 • Establishing a Database to Facilitate Users' Search for Information 建立資料庫方便使用者搜尋資料 Now the development of the database’s website and the data entry part are almost completed. The database consists of two sections, namely ‘Interpretation of Chuci with the Use of Excavated Texts’ and ‘Bibliography of Chuci Studies and Excavated Texts’. The former lists how scholars interpret the text in Chuci with the use of the excavated bamboo strips and silk manuscripts, and juxtaposes the words found in the excavated texts that correspond to the text in Chuci; while the latter collects and gathers relevant research of Chuci and excavated texts. As current computer operating system and browsers cannot support the display of most ancient words, Dr Chen tells us that one of the biggest challenges in building the database was the need to convert those words into images and establish a specialised word processing system for them, so that users do not need to download extra software when using the database. In addition, as there are enormous publications and research data about Chuci after more than 2000 years of development, Dr Chen and his team have spent a lot of time collecting, screening, consolidating and categorising materials to sort out reliable information for further analysis based on existing research. “In spite of the challenges, the excavated texts are crucial materials to the research of Chuci . The successful development of the database can ease scholars’ difficulty in searching and consolidating the materials and help drive the related study, benefiting the teaching and promotion of Chinese literature and culture.” 現時資料庫的網站構建和資料輸入已大致完成。資料庫分為「出土簡帛文獻與《楚辭》釋讀」和「出土簡帛文獻與《楚辭》研究論著目錄」兩部分,前者主要羅列學者利用出土文獻對《楚辭》文本字詞的考釋,以及與《楚辭》文本對應之新出簡帛文獻字詞;後者則 搜集《楚辭》與出土文獻有關的研究著作。陳博士表示,建構資料庫的一大挑戰,是現行的電腦作業系統及瀏覽器無法支援大部份古文字,因此團隊事前需要將文字變為圖片格式,並為它們特別建立文字處理系統,令使用者無需另行下載特別軟件便可使用。 此外,經過兩千多年的發展,歷代有關《楚辭》的著作及研究資料數量極為龐大,因此陳博士與團隊亦花了極多時間收集、篩選、整理及分類資料,甄別出信實可靠的資料,以便在已有的研究基礎上再深入分析。「雖然遇到不少挑戰,但出土文獻是研究《楚辭》的 重要材料,成功建立資料庫可減輕學者檢索和整理資料的困難,有助促進相關研究,並惠及中國文學及文化的教授與推廣。」 Dr Ivan Chen, Principal Investigator of the research project 研究項目首席研究員陳鴻圖博士 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK Achieves Equal Opportunity Employer Awards for Gender Equality and Family Status Equality 恒大榮獲平等機會僱主嘉許計劃「性別平等」和「家庭崗位平等」獎項 On 21 May 2021, HSUHK garnered the Equal Opportunity Employer Awards in the Gender Equality and Family Status Equality categories at the Awards Presentation Ceremony for Equal Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme, which was organised by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). HSUHK is committed to supporting employment equality and providing a safe, inclusive and harassment-free work environment for staff members of both genders and with different family responsibilities, so that they would receive equal treatment and benefits under relevant policies and measures. The University will continue to uphold and promote the values of equal opportunity. 恒大於2021 年5 月21 日平等機會委員會(平機會)舉辦的平等機會僱主嘉許計劃頒獎禮中,在性別平等和家庭崗位平等兩個範疇獲得獎項。 恒大支持平等就業,致力為僱員提供一個安全、共融、不受騷擾的工作環境,讓不同性別及承擔不同家庭責任的僱員能在相關政策和措施下,獲得平等的待遇及福利。大學會繼續秉持及推廣平等機會的價值。 Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) receives the awards on behalf of HSUHK. 副校長(機構發展) 方永豪博士代表恒大接受獎項。 HSUHK Online Programme Consultation Day 2021 2021 年恒大網上課程諮詢日 The HSUHK Programme Consultation Day was held online on 12 June 2021, providing details for 2021 admissions and the latest developments of programmes for interested students and parents. On the event day, two new undergraduate programmes which will be launched in the academic year 2021/22, namely Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, were first introduced. The event was enriched with a number of online seminars and workshops, furnishing students and parents with details of different programmes, the latest information about admission requirements, and important points to note. During the online seminars, enquiries from participants kept flowing via Live Chat with the Registry. A virtual campus tour was also arranged to showcase the University’s professional and state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities and its remarkable learning environment. Interested parties who missed the Programme Consultation Day can obtain the latest news from the Registry’s 恒大於2021 年6 月12 日舉行了網上課程諮詢日,為有興趣入讀恒大的學生及他們的家長提供2021 年入學資訊及最新課程發展。 活動當日首次介紹了兩個將於2021/22 學年開辦的全新學士學位課程,分別為心理學(榮譽)文學士,及哲學、政治與經濟(榮譽)社會科學學士。活動亦舉辦了多場網上講座及工作坊,為學生及家長提供不同課程的詳情、入學要求的最新資訊及注意事項。網上講 座期間,參加者亦透過網上聊天室踴躍向教務處提出各項查詢。諮詢日亦設有虛擬校園導賞,讓參加者一睹恒大專業及先進的教學設施,以及優美的學習環境。 錯過了是次活動的人士,可瀏覽教務處網頁獲取最新消息 HSUHK Business School Gala cum 10th Anniversary Junzi Corporation Award Presentation Ceremony 恒大商學院週年活動暨「君子企業大獎」十週年頒獎典禮 The School of Business of HSUHK proudly hosted the 10th Anniversary Junzi Corporation Award Presentation Ceremony as part of its School Gala event on 27 May 2021 on campus. Officiated by President Simon S M Ho, the Ceremony commended prominent businesses from different industries, which shared their good practices along the five virtues of a Junzi corporation, namely Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Trustworthiness. Recipients of the awards included Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, Ming Pao Newspapers Limited, The "Star" Ferry Company Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Limited, Hang Seng Bank Limited, Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, South China Morning Post, and Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers. Following the Ceremony, Dr Bernard Chan, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government was invited to serve as the Guest of Honour for the Panel Discussion, featuring industry representatives from several chambers of commerce sharing on ‘The Tao of Business during the Pandemic’ and discussing how it was implemented to bring positive impacts to society continuously. Representatives took the opportunity to celebrate the efforts made by both employers and staff to cope with the challenges arising from the pandemic, which spoke volumes of the flexible, collaborative and cando spirit among Hongkongers. 恒大商學院於2021 年5 月27 日於校園舉辦「香港恒生大學商學院週年活動暨君子企業大獎十週年頒獎典禮」。是次活動由何順文校長主禮,典禮上頒發了各獎項以表揚來自不同行業、符合儒家五德「仁、義、禮、智、信」的企業,鼓勵社會上的企業實踐君子精神。 獲獎企業包括中國銀行(香港)有限公司、明報報業有限公司、天星小輪有限公司、香港上海大酒店有限公司、恒生銀行有限公司、渣打銀行(香港)有限公司、香港中華煤氣有限公司、南華早報和香港喜來登酒店。 頒獎典禮後,恒大商學院亦舉辦了專題研討會,並邀請到香港特別行政區商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士擔任主禮嘉賓。研討會中,商會及業界代表以「疫情中的商道」為題,交流企業如何在疫情下實踐商業道德,持續對社會作出正面影響。一眾講者分享了企業 和員工如何互相支持,以應對疫情帶來的挑戰,充分展現香港人靈活變通、同舟共濟的精神。 A memorable group photo of representatives of awarded enterprises and the Junzi Corporation Survey Committee 2020 得獎企業與「君子企業調查2020」執行委員會成員合照留念。 Guests have a discussion upon the theme ‘The Tao of Business during the Pandemic’. 嘉賓們以「疫情中的商道」為題進行討論。 SCOM and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organise the ‘President X Chief Editor Forum:The New Landscape of Corporate Communication in the Internet Era’ 傳播學院和《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長X 總編論壇:網絡時代企業傳訊的新格局」 The School of Communication (SCOM) and Yazhou Zhoukan (YZZK) co-organised the ‘President X Chief Editor Forum: The New Landscape of Corporate Communication in the Internet Era’ on 19 June 2021, with President Simon S M Ho and Mr Lop-poon Yau, Chief Editor of YZZK having a dialogue. The Forum was also the climax of an online certificate course ‘Creative Corporate Communication in the Digital Age’. In her welcoming speech, Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of SCOM, said that corporate communication had already entered the cyberisation realm. The content and organisation of corporate communication must be duly adjusted to enhance crisis management mechanisms and develop more modernised and creative corporate communication strategies. President Ho and Mr Yau expressed their big concern over the flooding of false information in the Internet era. President Ho pointed out that, according to a survey conducted by HSUHK and the Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association, apart from negative news and handling crises, the major challenges faced by the corporate communication and public relations sectors in Hong Kong are distorted facts and unverified news often go viral speedily. As such, providing true information and curbing the spread of false information are both prime tasks in corporate communication. Mr Yau analysed impacts brought by false and onesided news and information on the general public and society. He urged companies and the press to uphold a truth-seeking attitude and to avoid misleading the public with false information or one-sided facts, which would, in return, harm the credibility and image of a company. President Ho and Mr Yau both opined that companies should develop effective crisis management strategies and contingency plans ahead of time for clarifying rumours and defusing stakeholders' negative feelings towards a company. They proposed that companies should seek to establish mutual trust with their internal and external stakeholders to build a positive corporate image and brand. They agreed that the work of corporate communication is both challenging and highly regarded, which requires not only news acumen and professional ethics, but also the ability to facilitate interactive relationships among the media, organisations and the general public. 傳播學院與《亞洲週刊》於2021 年6 月19 日合辦「校長X 總編論壇:網絡時代企業傳訊的新格局」,邀請何順文校長與《亞洲週刊》總編輯邱立本先生進行對話。是次論壇亦是「網絡時代企業創意傳播」網上證書課程的壓軸活動。 協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授致歡迎辭時表示,目前企業傳訊已經邁入網絡化的新境界,企業傳訊的工作內容與組織必須作出相應調整,並強化危機管理的機制,以及制定更現代化、更具創意化的傳訊策略。 何校長和邱先生對於網絡時代假訊息充斥的現象表達高度關注。何校長指出,根據恒大與香港公共關係專業人員協會的調查顯示,香港企業傳訊公關面臨的主要挑戰除了負面新聞和危機處理外,就是事實被扭曲和未經證實的消息被迅速散播。而提供真實訊息及遏止虛假 訊息的傳播,都是企業傳訊的重要任務。邱先生則分析了虛假和片面的新聞訊息對民眾和社會產生的衝擊。他呼籲企業與新聞界秉持求真的態度,以免被假訊息或片面的事實混淆視聽,而這些亦會損害機構的信譽與形象。 何校長和邱先生都認為,企業應及早制定一套有效的危機管理策略及應變計劃,以便適時澄清不實的傳聞,及化解持份者對於企業可能產生的反感。他們建議企業與內、外持份者建立互信互賴的關係,藉以樹立良好的機構形象與品牌。他們認同企業傳訊是富有挑戰性和 受重視的工作,不單須具備新聞觸覺與專業操守,更要有促進媒體、機構及大眾之間互動關係的能耐。 SCOM and YZZK co-host the ‘President X Chief Editor Forum’ with President Simon Ho (right) and Mr Lop-poon Yau as speakers. 傳播學院與《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長 X 總編論壇」,由何順文校長(右)及邱立本先生主講。 (From Left) Ms Priscilla Yung, General Manager of YZZK ; Mr Lop-poon Yau; President Simon Ho; and Professor Scarlet Tso (左起)《亞洲週刊》總經理翁敏芝女士、邱立本先生、何順文校長及曹虹教授 Both on-site and online participants engage enthusiastically in the Q & A session. 現場及網上參加者均踴躍參與問答環節。 Visit to Pre-testbed Studio ‘The Lab’ at East Kowloon Cultural Centre 參觀東九文化中心「創館」模擬試驗場 On 10 May 2021, a HSUHK delegation led by President Simon S M Ho visited The Lab, a temporary Pre-testbed Studio at the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC) at Kwai Tsing Theatre, learning and experiencing in person the systems and equipment to be provided there as well as exploring how arts tech can be applied in education. Participating members included Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science; Dr Paul Fung, Head of the Department of English; Dr Amy Kong and Dr Anna Tso from the Department of English; Dr Rochelle Yang from the Department of Art and Design; Dr Leo Lie from the Department of Social Science; and Dr Sze-wing Kwok from the Department of Chinese. EKCC is scheduled to be formally opened in 2023. With the provisioning of advanced technology equipment, it will become a venue combining arts and technology, alongside the setting up of a testbed in a multi-purpose studio which is named as The Lab. The Lab will serve as an incubator for the research and development of performing arts tech, as well as for curating and creating new works. 恒大代表團於2021 年5 月10 日在何順文校長率領下,參觀位於葵青劇院的東九文化中心「創館」臨時模擬試驗場,了解和親身體驗場館未來的配置,探討藝術科技如何應用於教育。代表團成員包括人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授、英文系系主任馮啟陽博士、英文系 江影玉博士及曹穎寶博士、藝術設計系楊宜瑄博士、社會科學系李健豹博士及中文系郭詩詠博士。 東九文化中心預計於2023 年正式啟用,屆時中心會配置創新科技器材,成為藝術和科技結合的場所,並會將其中一個多用途小劇場設置為試驗場地及命名為「創館」,為業界提供一個研究和發展表演藝術科技、策劃及創作新作品的基地。 Delegation members try to use the visual mixer at the production studio control room at Kwai Tsing Theatre. 代表團於葵青劇院的攝影棚主控室,試用影像混合器。 MOU Signing for Establishment of the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism 成立人間佛教應用研習中心簽署備忘錄 To endorse the proposal to establish the Centre for Humanistic Buddhism under the partnership between HSUHK and Fo Guang Shan (HK), a MOU signing ceremony was held on 7 June 2021. President Simon S M Ho and Venerable Master Yung Fu of Fo Guang Shan (HK) expressed their hope to build a platform that cultivates people’s compassionate and merciful hearts as well as contributing to the research and practice of Humanistic Buddhism. In the event, Mr Dannie Cheung, Member of HSUHK Council and one of the key proposers, shared his views on how Humanistic Buddhism could foster world peace and harmony in society. Fo Guang Shan (HK) also donated a complete book collection of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to the University. The proposed Centre will be the first establishment relating to Buddhism among private universities in Hong Kong. It will also be the first of its kind in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area as a learning, exchange and research platform having a niche emphasis on the application and practice of Humanistic Buddhism. 於2021 年6 月7 日,恒大與佛光山(香港)為合作成立人間佛教應用研習中心的建議,舉行了諒解備忘錄簽署儀式。何順文校長和佛光山港澳深地區總住持永富法師均表示,期望藉此建立一個平台,培養人們慈悲救濟之心,並為人間佛教的研究和實踐做出貢獻。恒大 校務委員會委員及主要提案人之一張江亭先生在活動中分享了人間佛教如何促進世界和平與人我和諧,而佛光山(香港)亦向恒大捐贈了《星雲大師全集》。 擬建的人間佛教應用研習中心,將會是本港第一所設於自資大學與佛教相關的中心,也是在香港和大灣區內首個以「人間佛教應用與實踐」為重點的學習、交流及研究平台。 Group photo of representatives from HSUHK and Fo Guang Shan (HK) 恒大與佛光山(香港)代表大合照 Fo Guang Shan (HK) donates a complete book collection of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to HSUHK. 佛光山(香港)向恒大捐贈《星雲大師全集》。 President Ho Speaks at the Graduation Ceremony of Lock Tao Secondary School 何校長於樂道中學畢業禮致辭 At the invitation of Lock Tao Secondary School, President Simon S M Ho served as the Guest of Honour at their 57th Graduation Ceremony on 21 May 2021. In his speech, President Ho encouraged graduates to keep a positive mind and be self-motivated, resting on ‘3Cs’ - Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Collaboration - in pursuit of their lifelong learning. He reckoned that young people should build their own idea libraries through extensive exposure to different people and things, learn to respect different opinions, and nurture independent thinking, so as to build a more fair, just and sustainable society. President Ho then presented graduation certificates to the graduates and wished them every success in their future endeavours. 何順文校長於2021 年5 月21 日應邀出席樂道中學第57 屆畢業典禮並擔任主禮嘉賓。 何校長致辭時勉勵畢業生積極向前,並以「3C」為終身學習基礎,即明辨思維(Critical Thinking)、創意思維(Creativity)及互相協作(Collaboration)。他認為年青人應透過多接觸不同人事物去建立自己的點子庫,並要學會尊重不同意見及培養獨立判斷能力, 從而建立更公平、公義及可持續發展的社會。何校長隨後向各位畢業生頒授畢業證書,祝願他們前程錦繡,鵬程萬里。 President Simon Ho speaks at the ceremony. 何順文校長於典禮中致辭。 President Ho Addresses at CAGA Half-day Forum 何校長於CAGA 半日壇主講 The Chinese Academy of Governance (HK) Industrial and Commercial Professionals Alumni Association Ltd (CAGA) conducted a half-day online forum on 22 May 2021, inviting President Simon S M Ho to share on ‘Symbiotic Ecology of Different Stakeholders in the Era of New Economy’. President Ho said that under the new economy, it was necessary for companies to redefine their objectives and responsibilities, and corporations should balance the interests of various stakeholders, including consumers, employees, suppliers, investors, the environment and the community, and resolve any conflicts among them. He pointed out that by creating long-lasting, sustainable values for all stakeholders, shareholders of companies would also be benefitted and a more just, inclusive and sustainable free market economy could be shaped. CAGA brings together elites from the Hong Kong business and industrial sectors who have studied the National Affairs Course at the Chinese Academy of Governance. It hopes the Alumni Association can serve as a platform for voicing out opinions of the sectors and providing professional suggestions on various Hong Kong policies. 中國國家行政學院(香港)工商專業同學會(CAGA)半日壇於2021 年5 月22 日在網上舉行,何順文校長於活動中就「新經濟時代下企業不同持份者的共生生態」作出分享。 何校長表示,新經濟下需要重新界定公司的目的及責任,而企業應平衡各利益持份者的利益及解決相關衝突,包括消費者、員工、供應商、投資者、環境及社區。他指出如果能夠為所有利益持份者創造持久、可持續的價值,公司股東亦會從中受益,有助打造一個更公 平、包容及可持續發展的自由市場經濟。 CAGA 集合曾修讀中國國家行政學院國情研習班的香港工商界精英,期望透過此同學會平台反映工商界的立場和為香港的各項政策提供專業意見。 President Simon Ho (5th from right), CAGA Chairman Mr Clement Chen (5th from left) and some on-site participants of the forum 何順文校長(右五)與CAGA 主席陳健文先生(左五)和論壇部份現場與會者合照。 President Ho Shares on ‘Practising Management as a Liberal Art’ at the Featured Workshop of the Global Drucker Forum 何校長於德魯克全球論壇主題工作坊分享「博雅管理的實踐」 On 29 June 2021, President Simon S M Ho shared at the Featured Workshop on ‘Practising Management as a Liberal Art (MLA)’ with the topic ‘Management as a Liberal Art, Responsible Management and Virtue Business Ethics’. The Workshop was part of the annual Global Drucker Forum and supported by Peter F Drucker Academy Hong Kong, Hong Kong Management Association, and other global institutions. In the online workshop, President Ho stressed the importance of the MLA approach to place humanity at the core of management. He elaborated various core values of the liberal art approach to management, including purposes and values of individuals, organisations and society; broad and crossdisciplinary humanities; people and their growth or development of character, status and function; humanity and human caring; joint performance and co-creation; business ethics; power and responsibility; and cross-cultural convergence. He reckoned that these core values can help maintain a functioning society of organisations in which people find fulfilments while contributing to the common good. President Ho also associated MLA with the Confucian concept Junzi (gentleman), which is portrayed in Confucianism as a morally good person upholding the virtues of Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, and Integrity. He introduced that the HSUHK’s annual Junzi Corporation Survey and Awards and the release of the annual HSUHK Hong Kong Business Ethics Index aim at promoting ethics in business practices and thus bringing changes to the values and mindsets of society. 何順文校長於2021 年6 月29 日,於「博雅管理的實踐」主題工作坊中,以「博雅管理、負責任管理及商業倫理」為題作出分享。工作坊為年度德魯克全球論壇的其中一部份,並由香港彼得.德魯克管理學院、香港管理專業協會,及其他國際機構協辦。 在網上工作坊中,何校長強調博雅管理將人性置於管理核心的重要。他闡述多個博雅管理的核心價值,包括個人、機構和社會的目的與價值;廣闊而跨領域的人文學科;人及其個性、地位與功能的成長或發展;人性與人文關懷;共同表現與創造;商業道德;權力與責 任;以及跨文化融合。他認為這些核心價值能有助維持機構及社會的正常運作,讓人們從中獲得成就感,同時為大眾的利益作出貢獻。何校長並將博雅管理與儒家的「君子」概念連結,解說在儒家學說中,君子被描繪為道德高尚的人,擁有「仁、義、禮、智、信」五 項美德。他介紹恒大舉辦的「年度君子企業調查與大獎」,及每年發佈的「恒大商業道德指數」,正旨在弘揚商業道德,從而為社會的價值觀及思維方式帶來改變。 President Ho (right) shares with moderator Ms Ruthia Wong at the panel discussion. 何校長(右)與主持人王月歡女士於小組討論環節。 Retreat for Executive and Professional Staff 2021 行政及專業人員集思會2021 The Retreat for Executive and Professional Staff themed ‘Embracing Changes and Seizing Opportunities for Development’ was held on 28 June 2021, with the aim of networking colleagues within and across offices, and facilitating understanding of the latest progress of the implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan and numerous institutional developments. It was attended and supported by over 100 participants. In the retreat, Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) shared the most recent university updates. Participants then contributed concrete ideas for the content and layout of the proposed new Student Information webpage in the group discussion session, targeting to make the webpage user-friendly for searching information and enhancing users’ experience. Meanwhile, President Simon S M Ho and Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research) showed up to express their appreciation and support to all participants and organising units. Special thanks also went to unit heads who came to cheer up all participants. 行政及專業人員集思會以「擁變化.創機遇.共發展」為主題,已於 2021 年 6 月28 日舉行。活動旨在連結不同部門的同事,以及讓大家了解大學實踐《策略發展計劃》和各項校園發展的最新進度。集思會共有超過 100 位同事參與及支持。 活動中,副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士分享了大學的最新發展。隨後在小組討論環節,參加者就籌劃中的新學生資訊網頁內容及其展示模式提出實際建議,務求讓學生更容易搜尋所需資訊,及提升用戶體驗。何順文校長及副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授亦親身蒞臨 支持,感謝同事及籌劃單位,以及所有親臨現場為同事打氣的部門主管。 Dr Tom Fong shares recent university developments. 方永豪博士分享大學的最新發展。 Colleagues actively engage in different programme sessions. 同事積極參與集思會各個環節。 Donor–Students Sharing Sessions 捐贈者與學生分享會 The Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office has organised a series of ‘Donor-Students Sharing Sessions’ since February 2021, allowing donors to interact with beneficiary students through virtual meetings. During the sharing sessions, students who received scholarships or bursaries expressed their heartfelt thanks to the donors and shared on the positive changes that the financial support has brought to their growth. By the end of June, seven scholarship donors including Alliance Capital Group Limited, Dr Wah-keung Cheung, Fung Yiu King Charitable Foundation, Ho & Fung Foundation, Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation, The Tung Foundation, and Wang On Properties Limited have participated in the series to meet nearly 40 students for the first time. Participating students were honoured that they could chat with the donors directly. Mr Chun-shing Chan, Year-4 student from BBA (Hons) in Supply Chain Management said, “Professor Patrick Fung of Fung Yiu King Charitable Foundation is very enthusiastic about supporting the local education sector, and he shared with us his thoughts on our future plans in the event. I wish more alike meetings can be arranged in the future.” Donors welcomed this arrangement as well. “We really enjoyed meeting the students, learning about their experiences and understanding the challenges they faced. We sincerely wish all of them success in their future endeavours.” Ms Elaine Ho, Director of Ho & Fung Charitable Foundation Limited said. 發展及校友事務處自2021 年2 月起舉辦一連串「捐贈者與學生分享會」,讓捐款人透過視像分享會與受惠學生互動。得獎學生藉此表達對捐款單位的衷心謝意,並分享獎助學金為他們成長上帶來的正面影響。截至2021 年6 月下旬,共有七個捐款單位與近40 名學生 首次會面,包括同人金融集團有限公司、張華強博士、馮堯敬慈善基金會、何馮慈善基金有限公司、香港順龍仁澤基金會、香港董氏慈善基金會及宏安地產有限公司。 能直接和捐款人對話,參與學生都感到十分榮幸。供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士四年級陳俊丞同學表示:「馮堯敬慈善基金會的馮鈺斌教授熱心支持本地教育,活動中他分享了對我們未來計劃的一些想法,我希望日後能舉辦更多類似的分享會。」而捐款人對此安 排亦深表歡迎。何馮慈善基金有限公司董事何綺玲女士說:「我們非常高興能與學生見面,了解他們的經歷及所面對的挑戰,衷心祝願他們前程錦繡。」 Beneficiary students share their study experiences with Mrs Judy Ho and Ms Elaine Ho (left, bottom right corner) and Professor Patrick Fung (right, bottom right corner) during ‘Donor-Students Sharing Sessions’. 受惠同學在「捐贈者與學生分享會」上向何馮艷仿女士和何綺玲女士(左圖右下角),以及馮鈺斌教授(右圖右下角)分享學習經歷。 Sports and Fun with the President 校長.教職員校友.齊【恒】動 HSUHK alumni contribute to society in various sectors and professions, and some chose to work at their alma mater to promote the University’s development. The first-of-its-kind on-campus reunion for all alumni-turned-HSUHK staff members named ‘Sports and Fun with the President’ was organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office during the lunch break on 30 June 2021. President Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); and Members of the Alumni Affairs Committee joined the event to show their support, and President Ho took this opportunity to express his sincerest gratitude for the staff-alumni’s unwavering support. To encourage staff-alumni to get into the habit of exercising daily for a healthy lifestyle, two new sports, namely flyball and floor curling, were introduced and demonstrated by professional trainers. All participants immersed themselves in the new sport games and enjoyed the relaxing lunch break on this special occasion. 恒大校友於各行各業回饋社會,部分選擇加入恒大工作,推動母校發展。 發展及校友事務處於2021 年6 月30 日在校園舉辦「校長.教職員校友.齊【恒】動」,首次邀請身為校友之教職員於午休時段一同相聚。何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士及校友事務委員會成員均一同參與活動以表支持,而何校長亦藉此向教職員校友的 堅定支持致以衷心感謝。 為鼓勵教職員校友每日鍛練身體,養成健康生活習慣,是次活動邀請了專業教練介紹及示範兩項新興運動-旋風球及地壺球。各位參加者樂在其中,共渡輕鬆午休時間。 Participants get a souvenir after the event. 參加者在完成活動後獲贈紀念品。 First trial on floor curling 地壺球初體驗 Campus Express 校園快訊 HSUHK Teaching and Learning Forum 2021 恒大教與學論壇2021 The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) successfully organised the second HSUHK Teaching and Learning Forum on 25 May 2021. The forum themed ‘Let’s Create a BRAINstorm in a Teacup: Dialogues with Different Educators’ served as a cross-institutional platform for educators in the local tertiary education sector to share their teaching and learning experiences. This year, 18 speakers, including 10 recipients of the HSUHK Teaching Excellence Awards 2018/19 and 2019/20, and 8 distinguished scholars from different local tertiary institutions, conversed in pairs sharing their experiences teaching in the areas of business, language, philosophy, social science, and quality management, and discussing online teaching in the new normal. At the opening ceremony, President Simon S M Ho gave a welcoming and opening address, and Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research) presented souvenirs to external guest speakers. Professor Bradley Barnes, Dean of the School of Business; Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science; and Dr Eva Hung, Associate Head of the Department of Social Science gave warm introductory remarks for the three parallel Sessions respectively. The on-campus forum with live broadcast was well attended by more than 70 participants, including educators and staff from HSUHK and other higher education institutions. After having dialogues with each other, speakers also took the opportunity to exchange views with the participants. TEDxHSUHK 2021 Successfully REstarted TEDxHSUHK 2021 成功重新啟航 Organised by the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and supported by the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL), TEDxHSUHK was spreading worthwhile ideas to both the HSUHK community and the public on 1 June 2021. Live-streamed to a total of over 250 online audience members, including HSUHK students and staff, and local and global audiences, TEDxHSUHK this year invited 10 speakers to inspire the audience to REstart their lives, at any point in life. These 10 speakers, each representing one (or even more) of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are exemplars of how a restart can happen in different areas, industries, or stages in life, even when facing different kinds or scales of challenges, setbacks or failures. Four HSUHK student performing units, namely Dance Society, Band Society, A Capella and Sinfonietta also staged their shows exclusively for TEDxHSUHK. TEDxHSUHK 2021 reached its new height thanks to a league of student volunteers engineering this event in different capacities as speaker buddies, helpers in multimedia production and promotion as well as in stage and site management. 由教與學發展中心主辦、青年可持續發展領袖研習所全力支持的TEDxHSUHK 在2021 年6 月1 日順利舉行,為恒大及公眾帶來富有價值的意念。 TEDxHSUHK 今年以網上實時直播形式傳送給超過250 名恒大同學和教職員,以及香港和海外的網上觀眾,並邀請到十位講者分享他們的 REstart(重新出發)故事,啟發觀眾無論於人生路上的任何時間點,均可重新出發。每位講者都分別代表一個(甚至多個)聯合國 提倡的17 個可持續發展目標 (SDGs),他們的經歷正好作為示範,無論在任何範疇或行業,或處於人生不同階段,即使面對不同種類或程度的挑戰、挫折或失敗,仍然可以重新出發。 活動亦邀請到恒大四個表演跳舞、搖滾音樂、無伴奏合唱和小交響樂曲的組織為活動作特別演出。TEDxHSUHK 2021 的成功有賴一眾學生義工,他們在幫忙照顧講者之餘,亦在多媒體製作及宣傳,及舞台和場地管理等方面協力。 HSUHK senior management and staff come to cheer up speakers, event organisers and student volunteers. 恒大管理層及職員蒞臨活動,支持一眾嘉賓、活動主辦人和學生義工。 HSUHK Entrepreneurship Day 2021 cum HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2021 「恒大創業日2021」暨「恒大X 南華早報創業挑戰賽2021」 On 28 May 2021, the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) successfully hosted the HSUHK Entrepreneurship Day 2021 (E-day). This is the flagship entrepreneurship event on campus during which HSUHK’s aspiring entrepreneurs, alumni, investors, faculty members and other supporters meet to witness our students’ milestones on their entrepreneurial journeys. Renowned investor Mr Duncan Chiu, President of the Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council, Convenor of Innovate for Future, and Co-Founder and Managing Director of Radiant Venture Capital Limited, was the keynote speaker this year. He gave a speech on the topic ‘The Road of Innovation after COVID-19 - Perspective from an Investor’, inspiring the participants on entrepreneurial opportunities ahead. There was also a showcase of our students’ entrepreneurial ideas on the event day. To encourage students to turn their innovative business concepts into implementable start-up business plans, the HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2021 was jointly organised by WUCIE, Department of Marketing of HSUHK and South China Morning Post, attracting 14 teams to join. Each team was formed by students from other local tertiary institutions with a current HSUHK student as the team leader. The final round of the Challenge was held on the E-day and the five finalist teams competed for the Champion, the 1st and 2nd Runners-Up, the Technological Innovation Award, and My Favourite Start-up Idea Award. Under the guidance of Dr Roy Ho, Lecturer of the Department of Computing, the team V-Born, comprising Mr Man-ho Fan and Mr Sze-hong Yuen from BA (Hons) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing, Ms Sze-wing Ng and Mr Chun-hin Wong from the BBA (Hons) programme, along with a CUHK student, won the Championship and the Technological Innovation Award in the Challenge. More event details can be found on the website: 伍絜宜創新及創業中心舉辦的恒大創業日於2021 年5 月28 日圓滿舉行。這項恒大旗艦創業活動,讓恒大青年創業家、校友、投資者、教職員和其他支持者在校園聚首一堂,見證恒大學生創業路上的里程碑。 今年講座由著名投資者邱達根先生主講。邱先生是香港資訊科技聯會會長、創科未來召集人,以及慧科資本有限公司聯合創辦人及董事總經理。他在講座中以「以一名投資者的視角,講述疫情後的創科之路」為題分享,啟發參與者未來的創業機遇。活動當日亦展示了 恒大學生的創業概念作品。 為鼓勵學生把創新商業理念轉化為可執行的創業計劃,伍絜宜創新及創業中心、恒大市場學系及《南華早報》合辦了「恒大x 南華早報創業挑戰賽2021」,共吸引十四支隊伍參賽。每支隊伍皆由一名恒大學生擔任領隊,並夥拍來自其他本地大專院校的學生。挑戰賽的 決賽於恒大創業日舉行,五隊決賽隊伍競逐冠亞季軍、科技創新獎及我最喜愛的創業意念獎。在電子計算系講師何健漢博士指導下,應用及人本計算學(榮譽)文學士的范文浩同學與阮思康同學,及工商管理(榮譽)學士的吳思穎同學與黃俊軒同學,連同一位中文大 學學生組成的隊伍V-Born,最終在比賽中獲取冠軍及科技創新獎。 更多活動詳情,可瀏覽以下網頁:。 The Champion Team V-Born 冠軍隊伍V-Born President Simon Ho (left) presents a souvenir to the keynote speaker Mr Duncan Chiu. 何順文校長(左)致送紀念品予主講嘉賓邱達根先生。 Greater Bay Area Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation Conference 粵港澳大灣區文化遺產與創意創新研討會 The ‘Greater Bay Area Cultural Heritage and Creative Innovation Conference: Establishing the Cultural and Creative Nexus for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’, which was coorganised by HSUHK and China Daily, was concluded successfully on 1 June 2021. The two-day conference was attended by various international academic experts and professionals from heritage and creative industries. Focusing on the themes ‘Cultural Heritage’ and ‘Creative Innovation’, it aimed to discuss how the history and the cultural heritage in the Greater Bay Area could be transformed to creative innovation. The conference was honoured to have Mr Jack Chan, Under Secretary for Home Affairs; and Dr Bernard Chan, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, deliver special remarks on each day’s event respectively. Panel speakers from different sectors also shared their unique insights and experiences, allowing participants to gain an in-depth understanding of the rich history and culture in the Greater Bay Area and its potential for development. 由恒大及《中國日報》合辦的「粵港澳大灣區文化遺產與創意創新研討會:構建粵港澳大灣區文化及創意樞紐」於2021 年6 月1 日圓滿結束。為期兩天的活動共吸引多位來自文化保育及創意產業的國際學界及業界專業人士出席。研討會以「文化遺產」與「創意創新」 為主題,旨在研討大灣區的歷史和文化遺產如何轉化為富創意的創新作品。 研討會榮幸邀請到民政事務局副局長陳積志先生與商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士,分別於兩天活動中發表特別致辭。來自不同界別的講者亦於小組分享中講述他們的獨特見解及經驗,令與會者能夠深入了解大灣區豐富的歷史和文化,與及其發展潛力。 (From left) Dr Patrick Mok, Assistant Professor of the Department of Art and Design; Professor Desmond Hui, Head of the Department of Art and Design; Mr Zhou Li, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Daily Group; Dr Bernard Chan; President Simon Ho; Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science; Mr Freeman Lau, Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations; and Ms Li Yao, News Editor of China Daily Hong Kong (左起)藝術設計系助理教授莫健偉博士、藝術設計系系主任許焯權教授、中國日報社副總編輯周立先生、陳百里博士、何順文校長、人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授、香港設計總會秘書長劉小康先生及《中國日報香港》新聞主編李瑤女士 The Digital Economy Transformation – Blockchain Awareness Seminar 數字經濟轉型– 區塊鏈認知研討會 The Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub (the Hub) of HSUHK and the Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association jointly organised the ‘Digital Economy Transformation - Blockchain Awareness Seminar’ on 19 June 2021, with the aim of promoting enterprise innovation. It was the first seminar of the ‘Blockchain Blueprint for Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area Digital Transformation - Hong Kong Enterprise Blockchain + Enablement Program’ supported by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund (TSF) of the Trade and Industry Department. In the welcoming speech, President Simon S M Ho gave thanks for the support and participation of all units, and pointed out that blockchain technology has huge potential for development across different sectors. He hoped more young people could join the activities of this program in the future. Moderated by Mr Rex Wong, Founder and CEO of Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association and Co-Director of the Hub, the seminar invited Mr Ken Chung, Chairman of The Chamber of Hong Kong Logistics Industry; Mr Gary Tiu, Executive Director of BC Technology Group; and Mr Ken Ho, Business Director of Huawei Cloud, to share with participants the role of blockchain technology in digital transformation, the development opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and in Hong Kong, and how the technology could be integrated and applied in technological innovation and the industry. 恒大大灣區融創中心與香港區塊鏈產業協會於2021 年6 月19 日合辦「數字經濟轉型—區塊鏈認知研討會」,以共同推動企業創新。此活動為工業貿易署工商機構支援基金支持項目「香港企業如何在大灣區利用區塊鏈技術達成數字經濟轉型」的首場研討會。 何順文校長致歡迎辭時感謝所有單位的支持和參與,並指出區塊鏈技術在各行各業的發展潛力龐大,期望日後更多年青人參與此項目的活動。研討會由香港區塊鏈產業協會創會會長及恒大大灣區融創中心聯合總監王俊文先生主持,並邀請到香港物流商會主席鍾鴻興先 生、BC 科技集團執行董事刁家駿先生及香港華為雲業務總監何啟祥先生,分享區塊鏈技術在數字化轉型中的角色、在大灣區及本港的發展機遇,以及該技術如何整合並應用在技術創新及產業當中。 President Simon Ho delivers the welcoming speech. 何順文校長致歡迎辭。 (From left) Mr Rex Wong, Mr Ken Ho, Mr Gary Tiu and Mr Ken Chung (左起)王俊文先生、何啟祥先生、刁家駿先生及鍾鴻興先生 STFL Public Lecture and Online Talks 翻譯及外語學院公開及網上講座 The School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL) conducted a public lecture and two online talks in May and June 2021 respectively, sharing the latest knowledge of translation with students and the public. 翻譯及外語學院在2021 年5 月及6 月分別舉辦了一場公開講座及兩場網上講座,與學生及公眾分享有關翻譯的最新知識。 • Public Lecture — Technology for Medical Translation 公開講座– 醫療翻譯科技 Dr Sai-cheong Siu, Associate Professor of STFL and Programme Director of Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) and MA in Translation (Computer-Aided Translation) programmes, delivered a public lecture entitled ‘Technology for Medical Translation’ on 18 May 2021. Dr Siu pointed out that the pandemic accelerated the development of medical translation, including medical consultation, professional conferences and documentation of drugs. He emphasised that translation technology is the key for accurate and efficient medical translation, which would help promote medical research and development. Dr Siu also introduced a wide range of practical electronic tools which could enhance the efficiency and reach of medical translation. 翻譯及外語學院副教授、兼任商務翻譯(榮譽)學士及翻譯文學碩士(電腦輔助翻譯)課程主任的蕭世昌博士,於2021 年5 月18 日以《醫療翻譯科技》為題在公開講座中主講。 蕭博士指出,疫情加速了醫療翻譯,包括醫療諮詢、專業會議及藥品記錄的發展。他強調,翻譯科技在醫療翻譯中尤其重要,既可確保譯文準確,也更省時快捷,有助促進醫學研究與發展。蕭博士並介紹了各種實用的電子工具,以提升醫療翻譯的效率和普及程度。 Dr Sai-cheong Siu introduces the application of translation memory. 蕭世昌博士介紹翻譯記憶庫的應用。 • Online Workshop Series on ‘Game Localisation and Digital Entertainment 2021’「本地化和數碼娛樂2021」線上工作坊系列 STFL is staging the STFL Online Workshop Series on ‘Game Localisation and Digital Entertainment 2021’. The first workshop ‘Game Localisation: New Translation Studies Challenges and New Job Profiles’ was held on 7 June 2021, with Dr Miguel Á Bernal-Merino, Lecturer of University of Roehampton of UK as the guest speaker, and Dr Sai-yau Siu, Assistant Professor of STFL as the moderator. Dr Bernal-Merino highlighted and compared translation challenges of game localisation with other types of translation through real-life examples, and explained how cohesiveness enabled pragmatic elicitation in the eight possible layers of semiosis in Multimedia Interactive Entertainment Software, namely written language, spoken language, image, music, sound, touch, proprioception and equilibrioception. He found the career prospect of game localisation promising. Dr Sai-yau Siu also moderated the second workshop ‘Found in Translation? Cultural Issues in Game Localisation’ on 29 June 2021, which was delivered by Dr Carme Mangiron, Lecturer of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. Dr Mangiron first briefed the developments of the global game market and the great opportunity in Asia-Pacific region for game developers. She then explained the importance of GILT (Globalisation, Internationalisation, Localisation and Translation) process, and illustrated with examples how the linguistic and cultural content of a game influences its sale, highlighting the need for adapting to the characteristics of target players’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds in game adjustment. 翻譯及外語學院開展了「本地化和數碼娛樂2021」線上工作坊系列。第一個工作坊「遊戲本地化:翻譯研究和行業發展新貌」在2021 年6 月7 日舉行,由英國羅漢普頓大學講師Dr Miguel Bernal-Merino擔任演講嘉賓,翻譯及外語學院助理教授蕭世友博士則擔任主持 人。Dr Bernal-Merino 將遊戲本地化與其他類型翻譯作比較,透過實例突出其所面對的難題,並解釋了連貫性如何在多媒體互動娛樂軟件中,符號發揮指代作用的八個可能層面,即書面語、口頭語、圖像、音樂、聲音、觸感、本體感及平衡感裡實現語用啟發。他並表 示對行業前景感到樂觀。 蕭世友博士亦於2021 年6 月29 日主持了第二個工作坊「遊戲本地化中的文化問題」。工作坊由西班牙巴塞隆納自治大學講師Dr Carme Mangiron 主講。DrMangiron 先簡介全球電子遊戲市場的發展及遊戲開發商在亞太地區的龐大機遇,期後她說明GILT(即全球化、 國際化、本地化及翻譯)過程的重要性。她舉例說明遊戲中的語言文化設定如何影響遊戲的銷售,強調需要考慮目標玩家的語言文化背景特點而對遊戲作出調整。 Dr Miguel Á Bernal-Merino states that there is a close relationship between children's books and the game industry. Dr Miguel Á Bernal-Merino 表示兒童書籍和遊戲產業之間有著密切的關係。 Dr Carme Mangiron points out that game developers may slightly change the game to ensure it will be properly received by different cultures. Dr Carme Mangiron 指出遊戲開發商可能稍為修改遊戲,以確保獲得不同文化的玩家接受。 GSCM Leadership Talk Series #2 – Leading through Connection 環球供應鏈領袖分享系列 #2 – Leading through Connection The ‘GSCM Leadership Talk Series #2 – Leading through Connection’ was held on 9 June 2021. The event was organised by the MSc in Global Supply Chain Management (MSC-GSCM) programme, coorganised by the Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, and supported by Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Logistics Association. Moderated by Dr Stephen Ng and Dr Eugene Wong, Associate Professors of HSUHK, Dr Jacob Kam, CEO of MTR Corporation Limited, was invited to be the speaker. Following the opening remarks by President Simon S M Ho, Dr Kam shared the latest development of MTR and discussed several important issues in the industry with the moderators, including the ‘Rail Gen 2.0’ and smart railway outlook, the developments of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area in China and overseas, as well as the outlook on passenger and cargo railway development. The talk was well received by nearly 200 students and industry practitioners. They engaged actively in the Q&A session and learnt a lot from the interaction. 「環球供應鏈領袖分享系列#2—Leading through Connection」 於2021 年6 月9 日圓滿舉行。活動由環球供應鏈管理理學碩士課程主辦,全球供應鏈政策研究所合辦,及由香港航運物流協會、香港工程師學會、香港運輸物流學會及香港物流協會協辦。 講座由恒大副教授吳志雄博士及黃彥璋博士主持,並邀請到香港鐵路有限公司行政總裁金澤培博士擔任主講嘉賓。在何順文校長致歡迎辭後,金博士介紹香港鐵路有限公司的最新發展,並與主持人一同討論「鐵路2.0」與新一代鐵路網、一帶一路與大灣區的中國與海外 發展,與及客貨鐵路發展展望等重要業界議題。講座吸引接近200 名學生和業界從業員參與,大家於問答環節都表現積極,從交流中獲益良多。 Dr Jacob Kam (left) and Dr Eugene Wong discuss various issues in the talk. 金澤培博士﹙左﹚與黃彥璋博士在會上就多個議題進行討論。 The Opening of BA-CCI Programme Capstone Project Exhibition 「文化及創意產業課程畢業作品專題展覽」開幕典禮 The Opening of the BA (Hons) in Cultural and Creative Industries (BA-CCI) Programme Capstone Project Exhibition was held successfully by the Department of Art and Design on 10 June 2021. President Simon S M Ho and Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, delivered welcoming remarks in the ceremony. Well-known experts and guests from the cultural and creative industries also attended the event. The exhibition, which is open to the public from 11 June to 31 August 2021 at the Old Hall of HSUHK, features works by the first class of BA-CCI graduating students, including 40 posters with diverse and interesting themes ranging from cultural retailing, digital fandom, sneaker culture to vintage fashion. The event aims at showcasing the learning outcomes of the students; promoting the industries’ understanding of the programme and facilitating mutual communication and cooperation; as well as providing career development opportunities for students. 藝術設計系舉辦的「文化及創意產業課程畢業作品專題展覽」開幕典禮於2021年6 月10 日順利舉行,何順文校長及人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授於典禮中致歡迎辭,多名文化及創意工業的專家及知名人士亦到場出席活動。 專題展覽於2021 年6 月11 日至8 月31 日在恒大元舍堂向公眾開放,當中展出文化及創意產業課程首批畢業同學的作品,包括40 張內容多元有趣的海報,主題涵蓋文化零售、數碼粉絲、波鞋文化及古著時尚等。展覽旨在展示文化及創意產業課程同學的學習成果,提高 文化及創意產業業界對本課程的認識,促進相互合作交流,並為同學們提供事業發展機會。 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 SCM Team Wins 2nd Runner-up in CILTHK Student Day 2021 Competition 供應鏈及資訊管理學系同學於「香港運輸物流學會學界專題研習比賽2021」榮獲季軍 The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) hosts the annual Student Day with missions to enhance young people’s understanding of the logistics and transport industry in Hong Kong, raise their concern about current issues of the industry, and encourage them to develop their future career in related industries. This year, the competition was held online due to the pandemic. A total of seven teams formed by students from various Hong Kong’s tertiary institutions took part in this competition. Each team was allocated a transport and logistics related topic on the event day. Participants were required to analyse and formulate solutions for the problems under a time constraint, and present their ideas to the judging panel through a video. Under the coaching and supervision by Dr Eugene Wong and Dr Helen Ma, the five-member HSUHK team consisting of Ms Cheuk-kiu Ho, Ms Manqing Woo, Ms Cybi Fan, Mr Ming-ho Li and Ms Sarah Wong from the BBA in Supply Chain Management (BBA-SCM) programme made an excellent presentation with impressive analyses on the topic entitled ‘Will the rail service be the best choice for residents in Tung Chung’, and was finally awarded the 2nd Runner-up. The Champion and the 1st Runner-up went to the HKU team and the HKUST team respectively. 為增強青少年對運輸物流業的認識、提升他們對業內現時議題的關注,並鼓勵他們投身相關行業,香港運輸物流學會每年均舉辦學界專題研習比賽,而疫情下今年賽事移師網上舉行。 是次共有七隊來自多間香港大專院校的學生參賽,主辦機構於比賽當日即場向各隊伍分配有關運輸與物流的個案,參賽者需在限時內因應問題分析及制定解決方案,並透過短片向評審團作出解說。供應鏈及資訊管理學系何綽喬同學、胡曼晴同學、樊泳言同學、李明皓 同學及黃芊樺同學組成五人隊伍,在黃彥璋博士和馬凱琳博士的指導下,就「鐵路服務是否東涌居民的最佳選擇」作出優秀分析與解說,榮獲專題研習團體賽季軍。冠軍及亞軍分別為香港大學及香港科技大學。 (From left) Ms Cheuk-kiu Ho, Ms Man-qing Woo, Mr Ming-ho Li, Ms Sarah Wong and Ms Cybi Fan (左起)何綽喬同學、胡曼晴同學、李明皓同學、黃芊樺同學及樊泳言同學。 SCOM Students Win 1st Runner-up in Lions Clubs' Video Production Competition 傳播學院學生勇奪獅子會「獅瞳傳愛」短片創作大賽亞軍 Students of the School of Communication (SCOM) won a total of 3 awards out of over 100 submissions in the Tertiary Student Category in Lions Clubs' Video Production Competition of Eyesight (獅瞳傳愛 獅瞳傳愛). The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 29 May 2021. With their outstanding video themed ‘Cataract’, Mr Eric Kay, Ms Suet-ying Lam, Mr Chun-yuen Kam, Ms Hiu-nam Yuen and Ms Wing-sin Lo garnered the 1st Runner-up in the contest. And videos ‘Number One Eye Health Killer in Hong Kong – Glaucoma’ filmed by Ms Shuk-man Yam, Ms Ka-ming Tsang, Mr Tsz-hei Hung, Mr Man-hung Lan and Mr Hon-lung Yung; and ‘Dr Eye Q's 100,000 Myths about Shortsightedness’ filmed by Ms Wing-tung Au, Ms Suet-ching Chaung, Ms Chun-kei Ha and Ms Hoi-ying Kwong both got the Merit Awards. This territory-wide competition aims to promote eye care and to raise public awareness of eye health through creative short videos. 傳播學院學生於獅子會舉辦的「獅瞳傳愛」短片創作大賽中,在超過100 份作品中脫穎而出,於大專組勇奪三個獎項。頒獎典禮已於2021 年5 月29 日舉行。 憑着其出色影片作品「白內障」,祁樂加同學、林雪瑩同學、甘振源同學、袁曉楠同學及羅穎倩同學在比賽中獲頒亞軍。而任淑文同學、曾嘉銘同學、洪祉熙同學、藍文鴻同學及翁漢瓏同學拍攝的「香港頭號眼科殺手青光眼」,與及歐詠童同學、張雪晴同學、夏俊淇 同學及鄺海盈同學拍攝的「Eye Q 博士之近視十萬個迷思」亦取得優異獎。 是項全港性比賽旨在透過創意短片推廣護眼訊息,及提高公眾對眼睛與視力健康的關注。 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Library Student Ambassador Programme 圖書館學生大使計劃 The pilot run of the Library Student Ambassador Programme was successfully conducted from January to April 2021. Five outstanding students from different Schools were selected as our pioneer Library Student Ambassadors out of more than 60 applications after interviews. The Programme aims at providing opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience in library services, enabling them to pursue holistic personal enhancement. Through a series of briefing sessions, they could acquire skills for information management, learn various kinds of library services, assist in library workshops and exhibitions, and prepare promotional materials. With close interaction with our librarians and users, they treasured the joyful work attachment experience in the Library. By completing the fruitful and meaningful Programme, all Library Student Ambassadors received Certificates of Appreciation in April 2021 and were committed to promoting the Library's services to fellow students as advocates for the Library’s initiatives. Their sharing are available on the Library website at 圖書館學生大使計劃的先導階段於2021 年1 月至4 月期間順利完成。經過面試遴選,圖書館從超過60 份申請中,挑選出五位來自不同學院的同學成為首批圖書館學生大使。 計劃旨在提供機會予同學親身參與圖書館服務,達致個人全面發展和成長。透過一系列簡介會,他們掌握基礎資訊管理技巧、認識圖書館的不同工作、協助舉辦圖書館工作坊和展覽,與及撰寫宣傳內容。各大使均十分珍惜與圖書館職員及用家的緊密交流,從實習中獲 益良多。在圖書館完成這充實而富有意義的計劃後,圖書館學生大使在4 月份獲頒嘉許狀,並會投入向同學宣傳圖書館的服務和新意念。他們的分享可於圖書館網站瀏覽:。 Pioneer Library Student Ambassadors: (From left)Ms Alice Chan from the School of Communication; Ms Ruby Kong from the School of Business; Ms Macy Woo from the School of Decision Sciences; Ms Jacy Shum from the School of Humanities and Social Science; and Mr Jeff Lau from the School of Translation and Foreign Languages 首批圖書館學生大使。(左起)傳播學院陳彥霖同學、商學院江倩怡同學、決策科學學院胡家美同學、人文社會科學學院沈靜妍同學及翻譯及外語學院劉俊賢同學。 English Cultural Festival 英語文化節 In April 2021, the English Language Centre of the Department of English hosted the ‘English Cultural Festival’, which featured a number of in-person and online events promoting English learning and culture on the University’s campus. The festival began with ‘April Easter Challenge’. Participants joined a virtual scavenger hunt through watching videos. These videos were produced by eight teams from the HSUHK English YouTuber project, which is funded by the Strategic Development Grant of HSUHK. Three competitions, including the HSU Idol English Singing Competition, the English Cooking Video Competition and the Dramatic Duologue Competition were organised in the following weeks. Winning students of the English Creative Writing Competition that was held earlier were also invited to record videos for the English Department’s YouTube channel, explaining the inspiration and meaning behind their works. 英文系英語研習中心於2021 年4 月舉辦了「英語文化節」,期望透過不同線上及線下活動,於恒大校園推廣學習英語和相關文化。文化節的首項活動為「復活節挑戰賽」。參加者觀看由恒大策略性發展基金資助的恒大英語YouTuber計劃中八組恒大學生製作的短片,一 同參與虛擬尋寶遊戲。隨後文化節舉辦了三項比賽,包括HSU Idol 英語歌唱比賽、英語烹飪短片比賽和雙人戲劇比賽,並邀請了早前在英語創意寫作比賽獲獎的學生,錄製短片上載至英文系的YouTube 頻道,講解其創作靈感及意義。 Participants and performers take a group picture after the HSU Idol English Singing Competition. 參加者與表演者於HSU Idol 英語歌唱比賽後合照留念。 Student Leader Enhancement Series 學生領袖培訓計劃 Student organisations come in all varieties at HSUHK. Regardless of the nature and scale of the organisations, the University connects and works closely with all student leaders of the organisations. The Student Leader Enhancement Series is an annual HSUHK event, aiming at enabling student leaders to acquire essential skills for exercising duties and organising activities. The Student Affairs Office (SAO) partnered with HSUHK Finance Office, Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data to deliver several training workshops with different themes in April and June 2021. The workshops covered various aspects including activity planning, budgeting, handling of personal data, corruption prevention and sexual harassment prevention. Besides the tailor-made training, SAO also offers ongoing advice services to student organisations. 恒大學生組織十分多元化,而不論組織性質與規模大小,大學一直跟各學生組織領袖保持緊密聯繫和合作。 學生領袖培訓計劃是恒大的年度活動,目的為提升學生領袖於履行職務及舉辦活動時所需要的技巧。學生事務處先後邀請到大學財務處、廉政公署、平等機會委員會及個人資料私隱專員公署於2021 年4 月及6 月舉辦不同專題的訓練工作坊,內容涵蓋籌辦活動須知、 財務預算及管理,以及處理個人資料、防止貪污及預防性騷擾等不同範疇。除了度身訂造的工作坊,學生事務處亦向學生組織提供恆常的諮詢服務。 Student leaders attend the annual Student Leader Enhancement Series. 學生領袖出席一年一度的學生領袖培訓計劃。 Skills Level-Up Series: Public Speaking and Business Etiquette Workshops 技能提升系列:公開演說及商務禮儀工作坊 How to overcome the fear of public speaking? How to impress people with your speech? To enhance the presentation skills of students, the ‘Skills Level-Up Series: Public Speaking and Business Etiquette Workshops’ were held in May 2021 by the Student Affairs Office. Under the guidance of experienced tutors, students practised what they learnt in the workshop by taking part in different interactive activities, such as self-introduction, networking activities and public speaking. They enjoyed the learning journey very much and grasped many practical techniques. Participants wished to join similar workshops again in the future to further equip themselves. 如何克服公開演說時的恐懼?如何讓你的演講令人留下深刻的印象? 為了協助同學提升演講方面的技能,學生事務處於2021 年5 月舉辦了「技能提升系列:公開演說及商務禮儀工作坊」。在資深導師的指導下,參加者透過不同的互動環節,例如自我介紹、建立人際關係網絡、進行公開演說等實踐工作坊所學。他們不但非常享受學習過 程,更學會不少實用的技巧。參加者均希望將來能繼續參與類似的工作坊,進一步裝備自己。 Participants practise public speaking. 參加者練習公開演說。 Students conduct the networking exercise. 學生練習建立人際網絡。 Joint University Cricket Sixes Tournament 聯校六人板球聯賽 The HSUHK short-term cricket team, led by Dr Rami Chan, Director of the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures, made its debut at the Joint University Cricket Sixes Tournament organised by Cricket Hong Kong (CHK) on 15 May 2021 at Gin Drinker's Bay Cricket Ground. This short-term cricket team was composed of both ethnic minority students and local students. While cricket is a national sport to some ethnic minority student-athletes and they therefore were familiar with it, the sport was a brand new experience to the local students. Through this competition, the local students gained a better understanding of cricket, and cultural inclusion among students from different backgrounds was promoted. 由亞洲語言文化中心主任陳顯揚博士率領的恒大短期板球隊在2021 年5 月15 日首次亮相,參加由香港板球總會於醉酒灣板球場舉辦的聯校六人板球聯賽。短期板球隊由本校少數族裔同學及本地同學聯合組成。板球對部分少數族裔學生運動員來說是國民體育運動,故此 他們對此並不陌生,但對本地同學來說卻是一項全新體驗。是次比賽令更多本地同學認識板球運動,並有助促進不同背景同學之間的文化共融。 Dr Rami Chan (1st from right, front row) with cricket team members 陳顯揚博士(前排右一)與板球隊隊員 Perfect cooperation among team members!隊員合作無間! The Fitness Challenge Day 體能挑戰日 The PE Unit of the Student Affairs Office organised the Physical Challenge Day on 26 May 2021. This was the very first large-scale physical sports event at HSUHK since the pandemic. Students could take part in various challenges like shooting a basketball into the net 60 times, striking shuttlecocks into a designated area 60 times, swimming 1 km in any proper swimming stroke, and so on. The event attracted more than 50 participants. 30 volunteers were recruited for the event. They performed meticulously and professionally in coordinating the activities. Some volunteers even joined the basketball and shuttlecock challenges, playing an important part in the group activities. The PE Unit hoped that students could gain a sense of satisfaction through the exercises. 學生事務處體育部於2021 年5 月26 日舉辦了體能挑戰日,為疫情以來恒大首次大型實體體育活動。同學可參與不同的挑戰項目,例如成功射籃60 次、把羽毛球打進指定區域60 次、以任何泳式暢游一公里等。活動共吸引逾50 位同學參加。 是次活動招募了30 位義工助理,他們在協助籌備活動期間表現細心及專業,部分義工助理更一同參與籃球及羽毛球挑戰,在團體活動中發揮了重要的作用。體育部希望透過這個活動,同學可從運動中獲得滿足感。 Participants work hard for a challenge. 參加者為挑戰全力以赴。 The professional volunteer team 專業的義工助理團隊 A Fruitful Residential Year 2020/21 豐盛的住宿年度2020/21 2020-21 was a year of challenges, yet the Residential Colleges (RCs) still managed to bring bountiful life and learning experiences to students. A Year-end Celebration of the Residential Colleges was organised on 28 May 2021 by the Student Affairs Office, in which President Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Ms Esther Lee, Director of Student Affairs; as well as RCs members gathered to look back on the year and celebrate the accomplishments. One of the highlights of the event was the prize presentation of The Council Chairman Bowl 2020/21. As the award presenter, President Simon Ho congratulated the winning RC, Patrick S C Poon Amity College, and recognised their teamwork and sportsmanship. This year, new elements and competitions such as art jamming, e-Sports and board games were introduced to The Council Chairman Bowl, while some competitions like the Fitness Challenge and V-Sing-Along Singing Contest were hosted online. Following the prize presentation, five student residents shared their fruitful life in RCs, expressing their heartfelt appreciation to RCs for the unfailing support and pastoral care, as well as the great effort in cultivating their leadership skills during the two years’ time. In view of the pandemic and the change in the University’s teaching modes in the past year, residential education was adjusted to suit students’ needs. Two brand-new programmes, namely the RC Fun Working Programme and the RC Sustainability Leader Programme, were introduced to boost residents’ leadership and project management skills. RCs also organised the RC Move-out Freecycling Campaign during the move-out period in the end of May, aiming at minimising the waste and donating the usable items to the needy, while raising residents’ care towards the community. RCs are looking forward to a more rewarding and joyful new academic year. 2020/21 雖充滿挑戰,住宿書院仍為學生帶來豐盛的生活及學習體驗。學生事務處於2021 年5月28 日舉辦了「住宿書院年度慶祝派對」,何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、學生事務總監李德芬女士,以及各個住宿書院的成員聚首一堂作出回顧與慶祝。 活動的其中一個重點環節為校委會主席碗2020/21 頒獎禮,擔任頒獎嘉賓的何校長向取得主席碗的潘燊昌樂群書院致賀,並肯定他們的團隊合作及體育精神。今年的校委會主席碗加入了新元素和比賽項目,包括即興繪畫、電子競技及桌遊比賽,而部分比賽如體能挑戰 及V-Sing-Along 歌唱比賽則移師網上進行。頒獎禮後,五名宿生分享了他們豐盛的住宿生活,並感謝住宿書院兩年來的支持和照顧,及悉心栽培他們的領導才能。 過去一年,因應疫情及大學教學模式的改變,住宿書院重新設計一系列的學習活動以配合學生需要,並推出了兩個嶄新的計劃:RC Fun Working Programme 及住宿書院可持續發展領袖計劃,以提高宿生的領導及項目管理能力。在5 月下旬退宿期間,住宿書院亦舉辦了 退宿回收計劃,以減少廢物數量,並將有用物品捐贈予有需要人士,提升宿生對社區的關注。 住宿書院熱切期待更精彩和歡樂的新學年。 A precious moment gathering different RC members 住宿書院成員聚首一堂的珍貴時刻 Residents share their fruitful experiences in RCs. 宿生分享住宿書院的豐富體驗。 Residents donate their items in the Move-out Freecycling Campaign. 宿生於退宿回收計劃中捐贈物品。 HSUHK Volunteer Team – Action to Make a Card 恒義– 心意卡行動 The HSUHK Volunteer Team co-organised the ‘Action to Make a Card’ campaign with Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong (RAHK) from January to April 2021, showing love and care to people with disabilities by sending them self-designed greeting cards. After taking part in the talk themed ‘The Needs and Related Support Policy for People with Disabilities’, participating students gained a better understanding of the situations of the disabled and learnt of their difficulties. They then designed beautiful greeting cards to encourage the disabled to face the challenges under the pandemic with an optimistic attitude. The campaign received overwhelming responses from more than 300 students and over 800 greeting cards were collected. The greeting cards, together with surgical masks, were passed to the disabled by the Volunteer Team on 23 April 2021. Ms Avis Yim, HSUHK Volunteer Team Organising Committee Member, was grateful for the support from fellow schoolmates. "RAHK members all wore a smiley face after they received the cards, letting us realise that life can be different as long as we face the difficulties and limitations with a positive mind." 恒大義工隊(恒義)於2021 年1 月至4 月與香港復康聯盟(康盟)合辦了「心意卡行動」,向殘疾人士送贈自行設計的心意卡展示愛與關懷。同學參與「殘疾人士的需要及相關支援政策」講座後,了解到殘疾人士的處境及困難,並設計精美心意卡,鼓勵殘疾人士在 疫情下樂觀面對挑戰。 行動共得到超過300 位同學響應,並收集到超過800 張心意卡。恒義於2021 年4 月23 日已將心意卡連同口罩送到殘疾人士手中。恒義籌備委員會成員嚴晞雯同學感激參加者的支持:「康盟會員接過心意卡後都笑容滿面,讓我們體會到只要以積極的態度面對困難與限 制,人生也可截然不同。」 Participants give the greeting cards and surgical masks to the disabled. 同學把心意卡連同口罩送給殘疾人士。 Greeting card filled with blessings 充滿祝福的心意卡 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit from Crown Worldwide Holdings Ltd 嘉柏環球有限公司到訪恒大 Led by Chairman and Founder Mr James E Thompson, the Crown Worldwide Holdings Ltd paid a visit to HSUHK on 16 June 2021. The delegation consisted of Mr Billy Wong, Managing Director of Greater China; Mr Maurice Wong, Human Resources Manager of Greater China; Ms Jessica Wong, Director of Sales & Marketing 3PL; and Ms Joanne Chan, Corporate Services Manager. The delegation visited several of the University’s state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, as well as our latest establishment ‘The Inspiring’, which is a new learning space situated at the Lee Shau Kee Complex. A tour to the HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges was led by Mr Brandon Wu, an Honours Academy's first-cohort student and the mentee of Mr Thompson. The guests were impressed by the campus design. After the tour, President Simon S M Ho, Professor Y V Hui (Vice-President, Academic and Research) and Dr Tom Fong (Vice-President, Organisational Development) shared the University’s development and the latest updates on programmes and students’ achievements. Mr Thompson showed his appreciation of the rapid and sustainable development of the University and wished his enterprise could establish a long-lasting relationship with HSUHK. 嘉柏環球有限公司於2021 年6 月16 日在主席及創辦人詹康信先生帶領下到訪恒大,同行成員包括大中華區董事總經理王良心先生、大中華區人事部經理王民偉先生、銷售及市場總監(3PL)黃裕雯女士,及企業服務經理陳彩環女士。 代表團成員參觀大學多項先進的教學設施,與及位於李兆基綜合大樓、最新落成的學習空間The Inspiring。而首屆榮譽學院學員吳懷恩同學,則帶領其導師詹康信先生及各成員參觀恒大賽馬會住宿書院。一眾嘉賓均對校園設計留下深刻印象。 參觀過後,何順文校長、副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授及副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士分享大學發展及最新的課程資訊和學生成就。詹康信先生欣賞恒大迅速而可持續的發展,並期望他的企業能與恒大建立長久的合作關係。 Connect with HSUHK – Help Strengthen a Close-knit Alumni Community 與恒大保持聯繫– 攜手創建緊密校友網絡 HSUHK (including HSSC and HSMC) values and cherishes interactions with all alumni. To keep the alumni community abreast of HSUHK's latest news and developments and to strengthen close-knit relationships within the community, we now invite our alumni to support the community via the following ways: 恒大(包括恒商與恒管)一直重視與校友的聯繫。為讓校友社群能夠緊貼母校的最新資訊及發展,以及建構緊密網絡,我們誠邀校友透過以下途徑積極參與及支持恒大校友社群: Please scan the QR code to stay connected with us by filling in the online form to update your information, or pass the QR code to any unregistered alumni in your network to help fellow alumni get reconnected with their alma mater and receive the University's latest news. A souvenir will be offered as a token of appreciation for those enrolling for the first time or keeping us updated. 請掃描二維碼填寫網上表格以更新您的資料,與我們保持聯繫,或與您認識而未登記的校友分享此二維碼,協助校友重新聯繫母校並緊貼大學的最新消息。為答謝各位支持,首次登記或更新資料的校友將獲贈精美紀念品一份。 And don’t forget to check out the latest HSUHK and alumni events, as well as a wide array of exclusive alumni benefits and privileges on the website: Thank you for your support and we look forward to your participation in our upcoming events. 請瀏覽,以時刻緊貼恒大及校友活動資訊,以及校友專屬優惠。 感謝您的支持,期待於大學未來活動中與您會面。 Enquiries 查詢 Tel 電話:3963 5169 Email 電郵 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to new full-time executive staff who joined the HSUHK family in June 2021. 衷心歡迎以下於2021 年6 月加入恒大的行政人員。 Newly Joined Staff 新加入職員 School / Department / Office Academic Staff / Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員/ 行政人員 職位 Office of Vice-President (Organisational Development) Ms Crystal Chan Manager (Governance and Compliance) 行政辦公室 副校長(機構發展) 陳錦麗女士 經理(管治及合規) Information as of 30 June 2021. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month with the editorial support of Mr Kyle Thorson of the English Department. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2021 年6 月30 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版,英文系Kyle Thorson 先生協助英文內容編校。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界沙田小瀝源行善里