Erudition 博學 11‧2020 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Launches the First Honours Academy in Hong Kong 恒大啟動本港首間榮譽學院 HSUHK People 恒大人 Interview with Dr Thomas Man 萬頴恩博士專訪 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organises ‘President x Chief Editor Forum: Reflections on Capitalism and Corporate Responsibilities amid the Pandemic’ 恒大與《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長 X 總編論壇:疫情後對資本主義和企業責任的反思」 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Launches the First Honours Academy in Hong Kong 恒大啟動本港首間榮譽學院..............................................................................................1 The Inauguration Ceremony of HSUHK's Honours Academy 恒大榮譽學院啟動禮.....................................................................................................1 •Dr Moses Cheng Shares the Qualities of a Good Leader 鄭慕智博士分享好領袖特質..............................................................................................2 •President Simon Ho Speaks of the Vision for the Honours Academy 何順文校長闡述榮譽學院願景.................................................................................2 •Sharing of HA Students 榮譽學院學員分享.....................................................................................................................................3 Features of the Honours Academy 榮譽學院計劃特色..............................................................................................................................4 •Interlocking Curriculum Design 課程設計環環緊扣..............................................................................................................................4 •A Platform for Collaboration between Students and Staff 建立平台讓師生共同發揮...............................................................................................5 •Equipping Students to Give Back to Society 裝備同學回饋社會..................................................................................................................6 List of the First Cohort of HA Students 第一屆榮譽學院學員名單................................................................................................................6 List of Professional Fellows 專業院使名單.....................................................................................................................................7 List of Academic Fellows 學術院使名單.........................................................................................................................................8 HSUHK People 恒大人 Nurturing Young Business Talents with an Entrepreneurial Mindset - Interview with Dr Thomas Man 創業思維為本 培育年輕企業人才-萬恩博士專訪....................................9 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Applying and Passing on the Essence of the Chinese Language - Interview with Mr Tank Ho 活學活用 承傳中文精粹-何哲先生專訪.............................................11 Getting a Head Start to Embrace the Challenges of the Age of Digitalisation - Interview with Mr Daniel Cheung 洞悉先機 迎接電子世代挑戰-張正熙先生專訪.......................12 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 The Big Data Intelligence Centre 大數據智能中心...............................................................................................................................13 •Facilitating Research on Big Data 促進大數據項目研究.........................................................................................................................13 •Applying Research Outcomes to Real Life 應用研究成果於實際生活...............................................................................................................13 •Strengthening Industry Collaborations and Supporting Teaching with Research 加強業界合作 將研究推展至教學...................................................................14 University Information 大學訊息 President Ho Serves as Chairman of the Grand Judging Panel of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020 何校長擔任2020 香港資訊及通訊科技獎最終評審委員會主席..................................15 HSUHK Receives AIA Group's Generous Support for Scholarship Programme 恒大獲友邦保險集團慷慨支持獎學金計劃................................................15 Campus Express 校園快訊 HSUHK and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organises‘President x Chief Editor Forum: Reflections on Capitalism and Corporate Responsibilities amid the Pandemic’ 恒大與《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長X 總編論壇:疫情後對資本主義和企業責任的反思」......................................................................................................16 Industry Leaders' Chatroom Series: Francis Yuen on‘How to Revive the Global Economy - the Way out for Hong Kong’  「領袖開Live」系列:袁天凡主講「全球經濟如何復甦-香港的出路」..............................................................................................................16 HSUHK's School of Communication and the Lions Clubs International District 303 (Hong Kong & Macao, China) Co-organise the Kick-off Ceremony for the First Lions Clubs' Video Competition of Eyesight  恒大傳播學院與國際獅子總會中國港澳三O 三區舉辦第一屆獅子會「獅瞳傳愛」短片創作大賽啟動禮.............................................................................................................17 International Conference on Heritage Conservation Along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism 「一帶一路文化保育:政治與專業」國際會議......................................17 Where Would Journalism Education Go: A Roundtable Forum between Academia and Industry「新聞傳播教育何去何從?」-學界與業界圓桌論壇.................................................................18 SCOM's Brand-new Programme Series: SCOM Talk Show  傳播學院推出全新訪談節目《恒傳感言》.................................................................................18 EMSC-INS Orientation Day 行政人員保險理學碩士迎新日................................................................................................................................................19 Award Ceremony of HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge cum New Student Orientation of MSC-EM  香港恒生大學 x 南華早報企業挑戰賽頒獎禮暨創業管理理學碩士課程迎新日............................................................................................................................19 The‘Chair-Based/Standing Stretch Exercises’ and‘Fitness Tips to Maximise Your Results’Workshops  「12 個你要知道的椅子 / 站立伸展動作」及「正確健身知多 D」工作坊...................................................................................................................................20 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 The HKICPA QP Scholarships 2020 and the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Scholarships 2019-20 Award HSUHK Students 恒大學生獲頒2020 年香港會計師公會專業資格課程獎學金及2019-20 年度香港會計師公會獎學金....................................................................................................20 SCOM Students Win the Professional Market Analysis Award in the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition 2020  傳播學院學生榮獲全港創意公關大賽2020 專業市場分析獎....................................................................................................................................21 HSUHK Student Gets Merit Award in The 30th Chinese Poetry Writing Competition 恒大學生於第三十屆全港詩詞創作比賽獲頒優異獎............................................................21 HSUHK Students Enter Top 10 in the Cyberport and AWS Educate Cloud Career Pathways Competition 2020  恒大學生勇奪「數碼港學院 x AWS Educate 雲科技職業證書比賽」十大學生...........................................................................................................................22 BA-ENG Graduate is Selected as a Highly Commended Entrant of the Global Undergraduate Awards 2020 英文系畢業生獲Global Undergraduate Awards 高度推薦..........................................22 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 College Assembly - HSUHK Liberal Agora 月會-恒大博雅講場.........................................................................................................................................23 •The First College Assembly - The Fittest Guy 第一次月會-至Fit 型人..............................................................................................................................23 •The Second College Assembly - HSUHK Nordic Festival at HSUHK cum HSUHK Consul General Series 第二次月會-恒大北歐文化節暨恒大總領事講座系列.......................................................23 The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the Residential Colleges 住宿書院中秋慶祝活動......................................................................................................24 The Council Chairman Bowl 2020/2021: E-Sports Competition 校委會主席碗院際比賽 2020/2021:電子競技大賽............................................................24 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit from AIA Group Limited 友邦保險集團到訪恒大................................................................................................................................................25 The Consul General of Indonesia Visits HSUHK 印尼駐港總領事到訪恒大..............................................................................................................................25 Representatives of Lam Tai Fai College Visits the School of Communication 林大輝中學代表到訪傳播學院.............................................................................................26 Personnel Updates 人事快訊........................................................................................................................................................................26 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Launches the First Honours Academy in Hong Kong 恒大啟動本港首間榮譽學院 The first cohort of HA students, together with the HA Board, Professional Fellows and Academic Fellows, celebrate the start of their learning journey. 首屆榮譽學院學員、榮譽學院院務委員會、專業院使及學術院使,一同慶祝榮譽學院學習之旅啟動。 The Inauguration Ceremony of HSUHK’s Honours Academy 恒大榮譽學院啟動禮 HSUHK set up Hong Kong’s first Honours Academy (HA) in May 2020 with the aim of nurturing future leaders with academic excellence, to care for local and global communities, an international perspective and civic engagement. The first cohort of HA students consists of 18 year-two undergraduates from different Departments. They set off their leadership training journey in August and participated in the orientation activity and workshop organised by the HA. The Inauguration Ceremony of the HSUHK’s Honours Academy was held on 9 October. The HA Board members, Professional Fellows comprised of prestigious community leaders, and HSUHK’s senior academic and management staff members serving as Academic Fellows joined the HA students to officially kick off their 3-year unique learning journey. At the ceremony, Dr Moses Cheng, Council Chairman of HSUHK, and President Simon S M Ho gave words of encouragement to the HA students, followed by students’ sharing of their feelings and goals in joining the HA. The atmosphere after the ceremony remained lively with the students seizing the opportunity to interact with their newly met Professional Fellows and Academic Fellows. 為了培育具出色學術表現、關懷本地及世界群體、擁有國際視野及對社會有承擔的未來領袖,恒大於2020 年5 月成立了香港第一所榮譽學院。十八位第一屆榮譽學院的學員分別來自不同學系,均是二年級本科生。他們於8 月展開領袖培訓之旅,參與了學院的迎新活動 及工作坊。 而首屆恒大榮譽學院啟動禮則於10 月9 日舉行。當日榮譽學院院務委員會、由各界傑出領袖擔任的專業院使,及由恒大資深教學人員及管理層擔任的學術院使,與學員聚首一堂,正式啟動三年獨特的學習旅程。啟動禮上,校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士及何順文校長致辭 勉勵一眾學員,學員代表亦分享了他們參與榮譽學院的感受和目標。典禮完結後,學員亦把握機會與初次見面的專業院使和學術院使交流,場面熱鬧。 (From left) Dr Tom Fong, Co-Chairman of the HA Board; Ms Esther Lee and Dr Holly Chung, Associate Heads of HA; Professor Jeanne Fu, Head of HA; Dr Moses Cheng, Council Chairman; President Simon Ho and Professor Y V Hui, Co-Chairman of the HA Board, celebrate the inauguration of the HA. (左起)榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席方永豪博士、副院長李德芬女士及鍾可盈博士、院長符可瑩教授、校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、何順文校長及榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席許溢宏教授,齊賀榮譽學院正式啟動。 Dr Tom Fong presents souvenirs to HA Professional Fellows. (From left) Mr Wing-ching Shih, Mr Woon-kwong Lam, Ms Eva Kwong, Dr Tom Fong, Mr Benjamin Tang and Ms Wendy Yuen. 方永豪博士致送紀念品給專業院使。(左起)施永青先生、林煥光先生、鄺配嫻女士、方永豪博士、鄧國斌先生、袁妙齡女士。 • Dr Moses Cheng Shares the Qualities of a Good Leader 鄭慕智博士分享好領袖特質 At the Inauguration Ceremony, HSUHK Council Chairman Dr Moses Cheng delivered a speech with the theme ‘A Leader Leads. A Good Leader Inspires.’ He stated that while everyone is born with different talents, people can become leaders through learning, experience, observation, practice and training. He said, “Leadership training is a lifetime activity. The Honours Academy provides students with various experiential learning opportunities to establish the charisma, integrity and influential power that a leader needs, as well as an ability to inspire others.” He took Apple’s Founder Steve Jobs and famous basketball player Kobe Bryant as examples to illustrate that good leaders are not only successful in their careers, but their passion, innovative spirit and persistence will bring great impact for the world. Dr Cheng also reminded that in addition to leading the team to achieve goals, a good leader should upgrade themselves and be a role model to sustainably lead society toward positive developments. He encouraged the HA students to fully utilise the resources of the HA and well equip themselves to give back to society. 啟動禮上, 校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士以「領袖擔當先導, 好領袖啟發他人。」(A Leader Leads. A Good Leader Inspires.)為題發表演說。他表示,每個人與生俱來均有不同的才能,人們是可以透過學習、體驗、觀察和實踐而訓練成為領袖。「學習如何成為 領袖是終身的課題,而榮譽學院為同學提供各式各樣的體驗機會,讓他們建立領袖魅力、誠信、影響力,以致啟發他人的能力。」他並以蘋果公司始創人喬布斯及著名籃球員高比拜仁等為例,闡釋傑出的領袖不只是事業成功,而是他們對生命的熱情、創新與堅持的 精神,為世人帶來莫大的影響。 鄭博士亦提醒同學,一個好領袖除了帶領團隊完成目標外,更須完善自身,成為榜樣,持續引領社會邁向正面發展。他勉勵學員善用榮譽學院的資源,積極裝備自己以回饋社會。 Dr Moses Cheng encourages the HA students to upgrade themselves and make use of the resources of the HA to equip themselves so as to give back to society. 鄭慕智博士勉勵學員完善自身,並善用學院資源裝備自己,回饋社會。 • President Simon Ho Speaks of the Vision of the Honours Academy 何順文校長闡述榮譽學院願景 President Simon Ho introduced the vision of theHA in his speech. He pointed out that the HSUHK’s Honours Academy is the first-of-its-kind initiative among local higher education institutions. “The establishment of the Honours Academy echoes with our unique ‘Liberal + Professional’ education model. The HA students will receive 3 years of focused training in leadership, which will cover a broad range of development opportunities. They will benefit in terms of knowledge and selfdevelopment by gaining transformative learning experiences through tailor-made programmes on self-development and leadership, policy studies, professional mentorship, internship, overseas exchange, senior research project and residential colleges experience.” President Ho further expressed his sincere gratitude to the Professional Fellows. He said that they are all accomplished leaders in various sectors in Hong Kong and the region, and it is truly valuable that they squeeze time out of their tight schedule to be mentors of the HA students. President Ho also thanked the senior staff members of HSUHK who serve as Academic Fellows to supervise students’ independent research projects. He believed that with the joint effort of the HSUHK and community leaders, the HA students will benefit immensely from the worldwide learning experience and make lifelong contributions to our society. President Ho concluded his speech with a quotation from Franklin D. Roosevelt, the late former US President, “We cannot always build the future for our youth. But we can build our youth for the future”, which is one of the purposes of setting up the Honours Academy. President Simon Ho welcomes all new students. 何順文校長在致辭中簡介學院的願景。他指出,恒大榮譽學院為香港高等院校界首創。「榮譽學院的成立,正好呼應恒大獨特的『博雅 + 專業』教育模式。學員會接受三年重點的領導培訓,當中包括廣泛的發展機會。他們透過度身訂造的自我發展及領導力科目、政策 研究、專業院使指導、工作實習、海外交流、高階研究項目、住宿書院體驗等轉化式學習體驗,在知識及自我發展上均會有所進益。」 何校長又特別感謝各位專業院使,表示他們均為香港及區內不同業界的卓越領袖,能在百忙中作為學員的導師,實屬難能可貴。何校長亦感謝大學資深教職員擔任學術院使,為學生的獨立研究項目作出指導。他深信在恒大及社會領袖的共同努力下,學員從榮譽學院的 環球學習體驗中將得到莫大裨益,將來對社會作出長遠貢獻。何校長最後引用美國已故前總統羅斯福的名言作結語:「我們不能為年輕人建造未來,但我們可以為未來打造當前的年輕人。」(We cannot always build the future for our youth. But we can build our youth for the future.)這正是成立榮譽學院的目的之一。 President Simon Ho wishes to nurture more future leaders through the HA. 何順文校長期望透過榮譽學院培育更多未來領袖。 • Sharing of HA Students 榮譽學院學員分享 Katy Luk 陸柏延 Global Business Management 環球商業管理 “I can get different advice from the Professional Fellows of the HA, helping me explore the career path that suits me best. I am now starting up a business with friends, which is about using mobile apps to match driving instructors with students. During the process, I need to handle many issues flexibly and consider the benefits of various stakeholders. I believe I will learn a lot more from the HA’s leadership training. I am also glad to have found like-minded peers in the HA to share our plans and goals.” 「我可以從榮譽學院的專業院使中汲取不同意見,幫助我尋找適合自己的發展路向。自己目前正在創業,與朋友開發手機應用程式,以協助教車師傅與學生作配對。過程中有很多問題需要靈活處理,亦要考慮不同持份者的利益。我深信榮譽學院的領袖訓練,能讓我得 著更多。我亦十分高興在當中找到志同道合的學員,一同分享計劃和目標。」 Tom Tang 鄧嘉豪 Management Science and Information Management 管理科學與資訊管理 “I wish to build my network and train my communication and leadership skills through various exchange activities and professional programmes organised by the HA. I have worked as a summer intern in a face mask production enterprise, learning that a leader needs to demonstrate the power of leadership amid various challenges. And the HA is providing training in this aspect. As I am quite career-oriented, the preferential internship opportunity offered by the HA is also very attractive to me. I expect myself to go beyond my comfort zone and try different things.” 「我期望能透過參與學院的交流活動及各類專業課程,建立自己的網絡,鍛鍊溝通技巧及領導才能。我曾經在生產口罩的企業當暑期工,從中體驗到領袖如何需要在重重挑戰中發揮領導力,而榮譽學院正好提供相關培訓。因為我比較職業導向,學院提供的優先實習機 會對我來說也十分吸引。我期望自己能藉此跳出舒適圈,作出多元化的嘗試。」 Brandon Wu 吳懷恩 Data Science and Business Intelligence 數據科學及商業智能學 “I found the unique curriculum design and the Professional Fellows team of the HA very attractive, so I decided to apply and join. I hope to explore more opportunities, so as to better equip myself for career development. The Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Skills module that we are now studying has different tests to further understand our own potential and weaknesses, giving us an opportunity to reflect on ourselves and explore different learning possibilities. I think it is very useful.” 「我覺得榮譽學院的獨特課程設計及專業院使團隊十分吸引,因此決定報名加入。我希望能從中發掘更多機會,為事業發展作更佳裝備。而我們現在修讀的『自我了解與人際關係』科目,當中有不同測試讓我們深入認識自己的不足與潛能,給予自我反省的機會,並探索 各項學習可能,我覺得非常有用。」 Scan the QR code to view the highlights of the Inauguration Ceremony: 掃描二維碼,瀏覽更多啟動禮花絮: Features of the Honours Academy 榮譽學院計劃特色 Pioneering in the local higher education sector, the HA has finely designed curriculum which combines academic and experiential learning, seeking to cultivate students to be well-rounded future leaders. Dr Tom Fong and Professor Y V Hui, Co-Chairmen of the HA Board; and Professor Jeanne Fu, Head of the HA, are invited to recount the features of the initiative. 恒大榮譽學院開創本地高等教育界先河,其課程經過精心設計,結合學術及體驗學習,務求培育學員成為全面發展的未來領袖。我們邀請到榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席方永豪博士及許溢宏教授,以及榮譽學院院長符可瑩教授,為我們詳述計劃特色。 • Interlocking Curriculum Design 課程設計環環緊扣 Dr Tom Fong tells us that many renowned universities in North America have an ‘Honours College’ or ‘Honours Programs’ initiative which is similar to that of the HSUHK’s Honours Academy, enabling bright students to have an enriching learning experience. “HSUHK wishes to set up the HA and provide more resources to unflagging students with high potential, hoping that they will have better personal growth and development.” Dr Fong points out that the 3-year HA journey consists of an interlocking curriculum design. “Students need to take modules about interpersonal skills and leadership to strengthen their generic skills. Then they will participate in internships and overseas exchanges to train their working skills and broaden their global perspectives. At the end they will have to do research projects under the supervision of the Academic Fellows, reflecting on and concluding what they have learnt. It’s all arranged step by step and every part of it is closely related.” A highlight of the HA is the invitation of a group of prestigious leaders in society to be our Professional Fellows, who will provide guidance on students’ career and personal developments. “All the Professional Fellows have high social status. It’s really treasurable for us to have them as the mentors of our students. They all have extraordinary achievements in their own area of expertise. We hope that through their guidance, or maybe the job shadowing opportunities they offer, the HA students will gain more understanding of different sectors and engage in different occasions to widen their horizons.” Dr Fong emphasises that HSUHK highly regards the establishment of the HA, and it has devoted much time and resources to consolidate the curriculum design and the learning content. The initiative has also got strong support from the community. He believes that it will help blaze a trail in Hong Kong’s higher education, contributing to the developments of the society, the University and students. 方永豪博士表示,北美洲不少知名大學都有「榮譽學院」或「榮譽課程」,讓一班優秀學生有更豐富的學習體驗。「恒大希望透過設立榮譽學院,提供更多資源給一些高潛質而願意努力的同學,期望他們有更好的個人成長與發展。」 方博士指出,為期三年的榮譽學院旅程,課程設計環環緊扣。「學員首先須修讀關於人際關係、領導才能等科目,以加強共通技能。接著他們會去實習、海外交流等,以磨練不同的工作技能,及拓闊環球視野。最後他們須在學術院使的指導下進行專題研究,回應及總結 之前所學。所以整個計劃是按部就班、互相連貫的。」 榮譽學院的一大亮點,是邀請到一班在社會上有傑出成就的專業院使,為學員提供事業及個人發展上的指導。「這些專業院使都享有很高的社會地位,能邀請到他們為同學擔任導師是十分可貴。他們在各自的專長領域均擁有非凡的成就。恒大希望透過他們的帶領,甚或 提供影子工作機會,同學可以多認識不同的界別,參與不同的場合,見識更多。」 方博士強調,恒大十分重視成立榮譽學院,投入了許多時間及資源來整合課程設計及學習內容。計劃亦得到外界大力支持。他相信計劃可在香港高等院校打造一條新路向,對社會、大學及學生的發展有所貢獻。 Dr Tom Fong, Co-Chairman of the HA Board 榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席方永豪博士 • A Platform for Collaboration between Students and Staff 建立平台讓師生共同發揮 Interdisciplinary curriculum is one of the major features of the Honours Academy. Professor Y V Hui introduces that the whole programme is designed to combine a few key elements, including learning, engagement, exchange and discussion, independent research and provision of solutions. Professor Hui states that the HA students need to take two specially designed modules. The first one is Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Skills which focuses on self-recognition. He explains that ‘self-awareness’ is not only about understanding oneself, but students also need to understand the outside world and get to know how they see and accept it. He hopes that this module will help students know more about themselves and their surroundings, facilitating their communication with the world. And the second module is Service Leadership and Public Policy Engagement, which involves different areas of community engagement. “The contents of this module are designed according to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set up by the United Nations. It involves learning, practice, and plan formulation. Students will have to lead a service-learning project at the end.” In addition to the above two modules, the HA students need to participate in the HA Seminars, in which guest speakers and HSUHK’s teachers will lead students to discuss and exchange opinions on some significant contemporary issues. In this academic year, the HA has successfully invited three Professional Fellows: Mr Clement Cheung, Mr Woon-kwong Lam and Mr Benjamin Tang to share about ‘Service Leadership’. What’s more, in their final year, students need to decide on an interdisciplinary topic and conduct research on social issues or public policies, and then submit a senior research project under the supervision of Academic Fellows. “The role of Academic Fellows is to guide students to complete the research project. However, it’s not necessarily a teacher supervising a student situation. In fact, the HA is like a platform. It connects students and staff who have a common interest in the same research topic and allows them to collaborate.” 跨學科課程設計是榮譽學院的其中一大特色。許溢宏教授介紹,整個課程融合幾個要點: 學習、體驗、交流及討論,以及進行獨立研究和提供解決方法。課程亦是圍繞這幾個方向而設計。 許教授表示,學員須修讀課程內特設的兩個科目。第一個為「自我了解與人際關係」,內容集中探討對自身的認知。他解釋,「自我了解」並非單單指向自己,學員亦要了解外面的世界,以及他們自己怎樣看和接受外面的世界。他希望透過這個課程,同學會更了解自己 及身邊的環境,促進他們和外界的溝通。而第二個科目為「服務領導與公共政策」,當中涉及服務社會的不同範疇。「我們是根據聯合國17 個可持續發展目標去設計內容,當中包括學習、實踐、設計方案,同學最後亦要領導一個服務學習計劃。」 除了上述兩個科目,學員亦需參與榮譽學院研討會,當中嘉賓講者與恒大的老師,會帶領同學一同交流及討論一些當代重要議題,本年度學院便邀請到三位專業院使張雲正先生、林煥光先生及鄧國斌先生於研討會就「服務領導」的議題作分享。而在最後一年,學員需要 選取一個跨學科的題目,就著社會議題或公共政策作獨立研究,並在學術院使的指導下,提交研究報告。「學術院使的角色,主要是帶領同學完成研究報告。但有時候也不一定是老師指導同學。其實榮譽學院就像一個平台,將對同一個研究題目感興趣的同學與老師連結 起來,大家可以共同發揮。」 Professor Y V Hui, Co-Chairman of the HA Board 榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席許溢宏教授 • Equipping Students to Give Back to Society 裝備同學回饋社會 Professor Jeanne Fu, Head of the HA 榮譽學院院長符可瑩教授 Professor Jeanne Fu reveals that the recruitment of the first cohort of HA Students was remarkable and there were approximately 75 applications. After two rounds of rigorous selection, eighteen students were finally selected as the first cohort for the HA. “There were personal interview and group discussion sessions in the selection process, in which we mainly assessed candidates’ communication capabilities, whether they had prepared well for the interview, and their commitment to serving the community. As the HA is set up to nurture students to become leaders, we also attached importance to applicants’ analytic and people skills.” Professor Fu says that, while successful applicants have to engage in specially designed modules and activities, the University also expects them to seize every opportunity for more interactions with Professional Fellows and Academic Fellows. “We are deeply honoured to have these Professional Fellows and Academic Fellows. All the Professional Fellows are very occupied. Students need to fight for opportunities to meet them proactively so as to learn more. For Academic Fellows, they are meant to provide academic support. Some students may get very good results in their undergraduate programme, yet they may not be sensitive about what’s happening in the community or in the world. Through interacting with different Academic Fellows and learning about their perspectives, students can widen their horizons.” Professor Fu hopes that the HA students will make good use of the University’s social network, resources and opportunities to well equip themselves and thus give back to society in the future. “Just as our Professional Fellows and Academic Fellows; they are already prestigious leaders in society and are willing to commit themselves and contribute to the education sector with passion. We hope the HA students will uphold this spirit, being grateful for the support they got today and give a helping hand to society and the next generation when their careers are established someday.” 符可瑩教授表示,首屆榮譽學院招募反應理想,共收到約75 份申請,經過兩輪嚴謹的遴選後,最後選出18 位同學成為首屆榮譽學院學員。「遴選包括個人面試和小組討論環節,過程中我們主要看同學的溝通能力、準備是否充足,以及個人對社會的承擔等。而由於榮譽 學院成立的目的,是要培育學生成為領袖,因此我們也著重申請人是否有分析能力和能跟別人有效合作。」 符教授說,成功入讀的學員除了要修讀和參與特設的科目和活動,大學亦期望學員把握機會多與專業院使和學術院使交流。「我們很榮幸邀請到這些專業院使和學術院使。專業院使們都是大忙人,學員必須要學懂主動爭取機會與他們見面,才能學到更多。至於學術院使 則是學術上的輔助。一些同學修讀本科的成績可能很好,但對於這個社會或世界的情形,他們未必很敏感。透過和不同的學術院使交流,學習他們的想法,學員的視野會更廣闊。」 符教授期望,學員能好好善用學校的人際網絡、資源和機會,裝備自己,將來回饋社會。「正如一班專業院使和學術院使,他們都已經是社會上很成功的人士,但仍然很有心,願意投放時間為教育界付出。我們希望同學也能秉承這種精神,將來若有所成,會感念今日得 到的幫助,同樣幫助社會和未來的新一代。」 List of the First Cohort of HA Students (in alphabetical order of English surnames) 第一屆榮譽學院學員名單(按英文姓氏字母順序排列) Ray Chan 陳子俊 BA (Honours) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing 應用及人本計算學(榮譽)文學士 Alison Cheng 鄭欣樂 BBA (Honours) in Supply Chain Management 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士 Fanny Cheung 張芯鳳 BBA (Honours) in Professional Accountancy 專業會計學工商管理(榮譽)學士 Icelyn Choy 蔡蕊冰 BA (Honours) in English 英國語文(榮譽)學士 Hermione Chui 崔海文 BBA (Honours) in Marketing 市場學工商管理(榮譽)學士 Tommy Fong 方顥庭 BA (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology 融合媒體及傳播科技(榮譽)文學士 Icy Leung 梁冰誼 BSc (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance 精算及保險(榮譽)理學士 Raymond Leung 梁國策 BBA (Honours) in Finance and Banking 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士 Isaac Li 李昊昕 BBA (Honours) in Financial Analysis 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士 Lauren Lin 林雯佳 BBA (Honours) in Financial Analysis 金融分析工商管理(榮譽)學士 Katy Luk 陸柏延 BBA (Honours) in Global Business Management 環球商業管理工商管理(榮譽)學士 Christy Ng 吳思穎 BBA (Honours) in Finance and Banking 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士 Phoenix Suen 孫柏瀅 BBA (Honours) in Management 管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士 Tom Tang 鄧嘉豪 Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours) 管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士 Gianni Ting 丁婥姸 BSS (Honours) in Asian Studies 亞洲研究(榮譽)社會科學學士 Brandon Wu 吳懷恩 BSc (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence 數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士 Stella Yap 叶淑琳 BBA (Honours) in Corporate Governance and Compliance 企業管治與合規工商管理(榮譽)學士 Erica Yuen 袁潁蕎 BBA (Honours) in Corporate Governance and Compliance 企業管治與合規工商管理(榮譽)學士 List of Professional Fellows (in alphabetical order of English surnames) 專業院使名單(按英文姓氏字母順序排列) Mr Clement Cheung, Chief Executive Officer of the Insurance Authority 保險業監管局行政總監張雲正先生 Ms Quince Chong, Chief Corporate Development Officer of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited 中華電力企業發展總裁莊偉茵女士 Ms Eva Kwong, Chief Corporate Services Officer of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority 西九文化區管理局首席機構事務總監鄺配嫻女士 Mr Woon-kwong Lam, Former Convenor of Executive Council,HKSAR Government 行政會議前召集人林煥光先生 Mr Wing-ching Shih, Founder of Centaline Group 中原集團創辦人施永青先生 Mr Benjamin Tang, Former Director of Audit, HKSAR Government 前審計署署長鄧國斌先生 Mr James Thompson, Chairman and Founder of Crown Worldwide Group 嘉柏環球主席及創辦人詹康信先生 Ms Wendy Yuen, Head of Retail Distribution of Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行分行網絡業務主管袁妙齡女士 List of Academic Fellows (in alphabetical order of English surnames) 學術院使名單(按英文姓氏字母順序排列) Professor Bradley R Barnes, Dean of the School of Business 商學院院長李海東教授 Professor Samuel Chan, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系陳偉光教授 Professor Alex Cheung, Head of the Department of Chinese 中文系系主任張光裕教授 Professor (Practice) Ronald Chiu, School of Communication 傳播學院趙應春教授(實務) Dr Holly Chung, Senior Lecturer of the Department of English and Awardee of Teaching Excellence Awards(2014/15 & 2017/18) 英文系高級講師及恒大卓越教學獎(2014/15及2017/18)得主鍾可盈博士 Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages 翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授 Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) 副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士 Professor Desmond Hui, Head of the Department of Art and Design 藝術設計系系主任許焯權教授 Professor Y V Hui, Acting Provost and Vice-President (Academic and Research) 署理常務副校長兼副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授 Professor Lang Kao, Head of the Department of Social Science 社會科學系系主任高朗教授 Professor Kevin Lam, Head of the Department of Accountancy 會計學系系主任林自強教授 Professor Paul Lee, School of Communication 傳播學院李少南教授 Professor Lawrence Leung, Dean of the School of Decision Sciences 決策科學學院院長梁志堅教授 Dr Daniel Mo, Associate Professor of the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management and Awardee of Teaching Excellence Awards (2015/16 & 2018/19) 供應鏈及資訊管理學系副教授及恒大卓越教學獎(2015/16 及2018/19)得主巫耀榮博士 Professor Chung-keung Poon, Department of Computing 電子計算系潘忠强教授 Professor Trevor Siu, School of Communication 傳播學院蕭旭泰教授 Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science 人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授 Dr Felix Tang, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Awardee of Teaching Excellence Awards (2014/15 & 2017/18) 市場學系副教授及恒大卓越教學獎(2014/15及2017/18)得主鄧子龍博士 Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication 協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授 Dr Muk-yan Wong, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Science and Awardee of Teaching Excellence Awards (2014/15 & 2018/19) 社會科學系副教授及恒大卓越教學獎(2014/15 及2018/19)得主黃沐恩博士 Professor Po-choi Wong, Associate Vice-President (Technology and Smart Learning) and Director of Information Technology 協理副校長(科技與智慧型學習)及資訊科技總監黃寶財教授 Ms Antonia Yeung, Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) 協理副校長(校園發展服務)楊如虹女士 HSUHK People 恒大人 Nurturing Young Business Talents with an Entrepreneurial Mindset 創業思維為本 培育年輕企業人才 Interview with Dr Thomas Man 萬頴恩博士專訪 Associate Dean (Enterprise and Business Engagement) of the School of Business Associate Professor of the Department of Management Director of the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 商學院副院長(企業及商界聯繫) 管理學系副教授 伍絜宜創新及創業中心主任 As time changes and technology develops, getting a well-paid job is no longer the only way to succeed for university graduates. More and more young people have been engaging in start-up business in recent years, and several institutions provide relevant support schemes. For Dr Thomas Man, his interest in entrepreneurial study started as early as his undergraduate time in the 90s. Dedicated to developing in this field, he is now actively supporting HSUHK students to realise their dream of entrepreneurship. Dr Man shares that his career in entrepreneurship education was sparked by the encouragement of a professor by coincidence. “That was my final year of undergraduate study in the UK. I took a module about entrepreneurship and I needed to submit an assignment. In order to complete it, I plucked up my courage and asked a renowned professor to lend me the relevant research data, and I offered to help anaylse the data in return. To my surprise, he agreed. Finally I not only completed my assignment successfully, but I also got a chance to publish it as my first ever academic paper. I felt very grateful for being given such a valuable opportunity by that professor.” Dr Man’s interest in the entrepreneurial subject was triggered since then, and he became one of the few experts in the discipline at that time. No matter in the UK or when later in Hong Kong, his career has never swayed from entrepreneurial study. Though he has expertise in entrepreneurship, Dr Man did not enter the business sector. Instead, he opted for education. He was an educator for business teachers in a local tertiary institution before he went to Mainland China and taught in the Business School at the Ningbo’s campus, newly set up by the University of Nottingham, a famous university in the UK. “The university has set up campuses in the UK, Malaysia and Ningbo,China respectively. There was close communication among campuses and students and staff were from all over the world. So we all spoke English on campus and it was very globalised. I think it was a treasurable experience.” Yet Dr Man’s heart was with Hong Kong, he thus decided to return to his hometown after he got a teaching offer at HSUHK, where he later took on the role of Director of the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE) in the hope of offering more entrepreneurial support to students. In Dr Man’s opinion, the environment for start-up business in Hong Kong has changed a lot in recent years. There is increasing support from the government, NGOs and private organisations, yet there is a lack of good ideas and business plans. He says that, while it is the world’s major trend to encourage young people to start up businesses, the establishment of the WUCIE not only provides diverse activities and professional advice to students, it also meets the needs of the community and the business sector. Now, the WUCIE organises four regular events every year, namely the Guest Speaker Talk Series, the Pre-Incubation Programme, the Entrepreneurship Challenge co-organised with SCMP, and the Entrepreneurship Day. “We are now providing resources to help students set up an association for student entrepreneurs, allowing them to take WUCIE as a base to self-operate and organise activities. We also plan to launch a boot camp for new entrepreneurs, taking a weekend to train those who aspire to start up a business and ask them to formulate a more completed plan from a rough idea within 48 hours.” These arrangements aim at enriching students’ entrepreneurial knowledge and experience, so that their business plan will be more complete and mature. Also as the Associate Dean (Enterprise and Business Engagement) of the School of Business, Dr Man says this role enables him to ‘bring in and out’ various benefits. On one hand, external organisations can offer students more opportunities and support through different exchange activities such as seminars or a mentorship programme; on the other hand, the School of Business can share its expertise and research outcomes with the industry, and even further facilitate collaborations with the business sector. “Under the impact of the pandemic, many businesses, especially the start-ups and SMEs, are facing various difficulties. Therefore, we will set up the HSUHK Resource Centre for Start-ups and SMEs, which will provide consulting services for start-ups and SMEs free of charge, making use of the University’s resources and organising faculty members and students for assisting these businesses to deal with the difficulties they are facing. We will also establish the Business Executive Club to strengthen the bond with the business sector.” For Dr Man, who has an entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial education is a long-term investment; while witnessing the growth of students and the University are his biggest rewards. 隨著時代改變和科技發展,找一份薪高糧準的工作,已非大學畢業生的唯一出路。近年投入創業行列的年青人越來越多,不少機構亦推出相關的支援計劃。萬頴恩博士早在90 年代就讀學士課程期間,已對創業相關學科感興趣,並決意循此方向發展。現時他更積極協助 恒大同學實踐他們的創業夢。 萬頴博士說,他從事與創業相關的教育,緣於一位教授無意中給予的鼓勵。「我在英國大學修讀學士課程的最後一年,選修了一個關於創業的科目。為了完成功課,我鼓起勇氣聯絡一位著名的教授,商借一些相關的研究數據,並提出可以幫忙分析資料。教授竟然一口 答應。最後我不但順利提交功課,更成就了我人生中首篇學術文章。我很感謝當日這位教授願意給我這樣一個機會,真的十分難得。」自此,萬博士便對創業學科產生興趣,成為當時鑽研此科的少數派。不論身處英國還是其後回到香港發展,他的工作都離不開創業 研究。 雖擁有創業相關的專門知識,萬博士卻沒有投身商界,反而選擇作育英才。他最初在本地大專院校培訓商科老師,其後則轉到內地,在英國著名諾丁漢大學於寧波設立的校園任教商學院。「該大學分別在英國、馬來西亞及中國寧波設有分校,各分校會保持緊密交流, 而同事與學生亦來自世界各地,因此全校均以英語溝通,十分國際化,是一個難能可貴的體驗。」不過,萬頴恩博士仍然心繫香港,得悉恒大有合適的教席,便決定回流,其後並擔任伍絜宜創新及創業中心主任,希望為同學提供有關創業的支援。 萬博士認為,近年香港的創業環境起了很大變化,無論是來自政府、非牟利機構或是私人機構的協助都相應增多,缺乏的反而是好的構思與計劃。他表示,鼓勵年青人創業是世界大趨勢,伍絜宜創新及創業中心的設立不但能為同學提供多元化的活動及專業意見,亦設 合社會及商界所需。中心目前每年有四項定期舉辦的活動,包括嘉賓講座系列、創業前期培訓課程、和南華早報合辦的企業挑戰賽及創業日。「我們現正提供資源協助同學籌組學生創業組織,讓他們以中心作為基地舉辦活動及自行運作。同時計劃推出新人訓練營,用 一個周末的時間為有意創業的同學安排培訓,挑戰用48 小時把一個初步意念演變成一個比較成熟的計劃。」這些安排均旨在豐富學生的創業知識和體驗,務求令他們的創業計劃更為完善及成熟。 萬博士同時是商學院副院長(企業及商界聯繫),他表示這個角色亦正好讓他「從外引進」和「輸出支援」,一方面透過不同的交流活動如講座及師友計劃,讓外面的機構給予學生更多機會和支持;另一方面亦希望將商學院的專業才能及研究成果與業界分享,甚至進 一步結合商界的合作。「在疫情衝擊下,不少企業都面對各種困難,特別是初創企業及中小企。因此,我們將成立恒大初創及中小企資源中心(HSUHK Resource Centre for Start-ups and SMEs),免費為初創及中小企提供諮詢服務,善用學校的資源,組織師生為它 們服務,協助他們解困;亦會設立一個行政人員會(Business Executive Club),加強與商界的聯繫。」 對於富創業精神的萬博士來說,創業教育是一項長線投資,而能見證學生以至整間大學的成長歷程,就是他的最大回報。 Dr Man (1st from left) participates in a WUCIE workshop with students. 萬博士(左一)與學生一同參與伍絜宜創新及創業中心的工作坊。 Dr Man (6th from left) leads a field trip to The Mills. 萬博士(左六)帶隊到南豐紗廠進行實地考察。 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Applying and Passing on the Essence of the Chinese Language 活學活用 承傳中文精粹 Interview with Mr Tank Ho 何哲旻先生專訪 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese Programme (2019) Teaching Assistant, The Hong Kong Management Association David Li Kwok Po College 中文(榮譽)文學士課程(2019) 香港管理專業協會李國寶中學教學助理 Mr Tank Ho, who has had a strong interest in the Chinese Language since he was a child, was attracted by the promotional slogan ‘Merging Traditions with Innovations: Combining Academic and Practical Knowledge’ created by the Department of Chinese at HSUHK when choosing his university major. He then decided to enrol in the Chinese programme after he looked at the curriculum in detail and found that the programme design manifested what the slogan stated. Beyond broadening his horizons in the Chinese language, the study at HSUHK brought Tank rich learning experiences. He joined study tours to Xian as well as Suzhou and Hangzhou in two summer breaks respectively, which enhanced his Putonghua proficiency and deepened his understanding of Chinese history and culture. “I did not study Chinese History in secondary school. The field trips enabled me to associate the learning of the Chinese language with China’s historical and cultural background, which helped consolidate what I learnt.” He also built close bonds with his classmates. They organised the Students’ Association of Chinese together and published the departmental publication Cai Feng. “No matter in content creation, conducting interviews or editing, we all started from scratch and learnt by doing. I was thankful that many teachers gave us advice during the process. I learnt a lot of practical knowledge about publishing.” Interested in the combination of images and texts, both of which Tank thought need careful observation and thinking, he became a local news photographer after graduation. Yet his passion in literary texts inspired him to pass on the beauty of the Chinese language to the next generation, therefore he decided to change his career path and become devoted to the education sector. Now he is working as a Chinese Language Teaching Assistant in a DSS school (i.e. a school under Direct Subsidy Scheme), where one of his duties is to teach non-Chinese students Chinese. He is glad that he can apply his solid knowledge in Chinese to help students get the key to learn the language. He also appreciates the opportunity to share with students his visits to Xian, Suzhou and Hangzhou, which raise their learning interest. In order to enhance his professional development in the education field, Tank will apply for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme (PGDE) in the hope of contributing more to the education sector in the future. Tank shares with HSUHK schoolmates, “It would be good to study more electives. It will help widen your vision, explore your potential and develop your ability to comprehend other areas of knowledge through analogies. It not only helps strengthen your undergraduate study, but also brings enlightenment to your continuous learning.” 何哲旻先生自小對中文有濃厚興趣,大學選科時被恒大中文系「傳統與創新共融,學術與實用並重」的宣傳口號所吸引。他再三研究課程後,發覺課程設計貫徹口號的理念,遂決定報讀這個課程。 恒大的學習不但擴闊了何哲旻在中文領域的視野,更為他帶來豐富的體驗。他曾分別在兩個暑假前赴西安及蘇杭參與遊學團,提升普通話水平之餘,還加深他對中國歷史和文化的認識。「我在中學時期沒有修讀中國歷史,實地考察讓我將中文學習與中國的歷史和文化 背景連結起來,有助鞏固所學。」他與系內同學亦打成一片,一同籌組中文學系系會及出版系內刊物《采風》。「不論創作、訪問或者編輯,我們都由零開始邊學邊做,感謝很多老師在過程中為我們提供意見,令我學會不少有關出版的實務知識。」 畢業後,由於何哲旻對影像與文字的結合有興趣,認為兩者均需細心觀察及思考,於是當上港聞版攝影記者。但喜歡文字的他始終希望將中文之美傳承給下一代,於是後來轉變軌道,投身教育。他目前在直資學校擔任中文科教學助理,其中一項工作是教導非華語學生 中文。他很高興可以運用紮實的中文根基使他們掌握學習中文的竅門,並有機會和學生分享親訪西安及蘇杭的經歷,引起他們的學習興趣。而為了在教育專業上進一步提升自己,何哲旻即將報讀學位教師教育文憑課程,冀將來能在教育方面貢獻更多。 何哲旻最後寄語恒大同學:「不妨多修讀不同選修科目,除了可以拓闊視野,發掘自我潛能,更能觸類旁通,鞏固本科學習,及為持續學習帶來更多啟發。」 Tank (1st from left) organises the first committee of the Students’ Association of Chinese with classmates in the Chinese Programme. 何哲旻(左一)與同學籌組第一屆中文學系系會。 Tank (front row, 1st from left) joins the exchange trip to Xian to learn about the local history and culture in a summer holiday. 何哲旻(前排左一)於暑假前赴西安交流,學習當地歷史文化。 Getting a Head Start to Embrace the Challenges of the Age of Digitalisation 洞悉先機 迎接電子世代挑戰 Interview with Mr Daniel Cheung 張正熙先生專訪 BBA (Honours) in Corporate Governance and Compliance Programme (2018) Operation Specialist, Alibaba Group 企業管治與合規工商管理(榮譽)學士課程(2018) 阿里巴巴集團營運專員 Interest triggered by the pricing of different products in the supermarket when he was small, Mr Daniel Cheung aspired to pursue a career in the business sector since secondary school, which guided his selection of a university major. “The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Corporate Governance and Compliance Programme was broad-based and covered a wide range of professional business knowledge. I decided to enrol in this programme after consulting my family.” He adds that while similar courses offered by other institutions mainly targeted postgraduate students, the undergraduate programme offered by HSUHK enabled him to start the training earlier and better equip himself. Daniel enjoyed a fabulous and fruitful university life at HSUHK. In class, under the guidance of a professor, he experienced a simulative shareholders' general meeting of a listed company with his classmates. Outside class, he partnered with schoolmates to take part in the Joint University Outstanding Marketing Award (JUOMA), winning the Gold Award and the Best Advertising Video Award. “We designed an innovative marketing strategic plan for a chain catering group. Apart from putting what we learnt into practice, I also learnt how to allocate tasks and cooperate with teammates effectively during the process. This was a very precious experience.” Daniel also actively participated in various internship programmes during his study. “I worked in a listed group helping with company secretarial and related tasks. I also served in a bank to manage and improve its telephone banking system. These experiences not only broadened my horizons and interpersonal network, but also developed my adaptability and cultivated my willingness to try new things, allowing me to handle different types of work confidently.” In addition, the exchange activities with professional bodies such as The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries enabled him to keep abreast of industry developments and understand his own strengths and preferences, which laid a good foundation for his future career. After graduation, Danial began working in an e-commerce group and is currently responsible for entrepreneurship and youth development tasks. He says the time he worked at Hangzhou headquarter is the most unforgettable for him, as he had to set appropriate training plans and arrange online training workshops for different departments, during which the human resources management knowledge he gained at HSUHK could be largely applied. Facing a fast-changing society and commercial market, Daniel encourages fellow students, “Digitalisation is a major trend across diverse industries. Everyone should grasp the opportunity to acquire relevant knowledge and explore their potential, so as to meet ever-changing challenges.” 小時候逛超級市場,張正熙先生已對產品的不同定價感興趣,到中學時便立志從商,大學選科時也朝著這個方向考慮。「恒大的企業管治與合規工商管理(榮譽)學士課程內容涉獵甚廣,涵蓋多方面的商業專科知識,我諮詢家人的意見後便決定報讀。」他補充,其他 院校相關課程的對象以研究生為主,恒大的課程能讓他在本科階段接受培訓,有助他及早裝備自己。 張正熙的恒大生活過得精彩而充實。課堂內,他曾在教授指導下,與同學模擬上市公司召開股東大會;課堂外,他與同學組隊參加全港大學聯校市場策劃比賽,並贏得金獎及最佳廣告錄像獎。「我們為一間連鎖餐飲集團設計創新的推廣策略,過程中除了能實踐所學, 更學會有效地分工合作,是非常寶貴的經驗。」 在學期間,張正熙亦積極參加不同實習。「我曾在上市集團從事公司秘書相關工作,及在銀行負責管理及改善電話銀行系統。這些經驗不但擴闊我的眼界和人際網絡,更培養我良好的適應能力及敢於嘗試的態度,使我面對不同性質的工作仍能應付自如。」而與專業團體 如香港特許秘書公會的交流活動,令他掌握行業發展動態及了解自己的專長和喜好,為日後工作奠下良好基礎。 張正熙畢業後任職於電子商貿集團,目前從事初創企業及青年發展工作。最令他難忘的,是曾在杭州總部為不同部門制訂合適的培訓計劃及安排網上培訓工作坊,而在恒大所學的人力資源管理知識正好大派用場。 現今社會及商業市場變化急速,張正熙鼓勵同學:「電子數碼化為各行各業的大趨勢,大家應把握機會汲取相關知識並發掘自己的潛能,以迎接日新月異的挑戰。」 Daniel shares his internship experience in Alibaba Group in‘President's Reception for Parents, Teachers and Students 2018’. 張正熙於「相聚在恒管2018」活動中分享於阿里巴巴集團實習的經歷。 Daniel (2nd from left) joins the Careers Mentorship Programme and actively interacts with people in different fields. 張正熙(左二)曾參與恒大就業導師計劃,積極與不同界別人士交流。 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 The Big Data Intelligence Centre 大數據智能中心 BDIC's research projects are listed on its website: 大數據智能中心的網站詳列其研究項目: • Facilitating Research on Big Data 促進大數據項目研究 To address the growing demand across industries, the Big Data Intelligence Centre (BDIC) was established under the School of Decision Sciences (SDSC) in January 2020 to facilitate and conduct research about Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics, and to disseminate related knowledge to academics, industry practitioners and government units in Hong Kong in response to the industry's growing need of information in this aspect. Professor Man-lai Tang, Director of BDIC, says that it is a universal trend for institutions to use Big Data in decision making and many of them need the relevant knowledge and information. The setting up of BDIC at HSUHK does not only help integrate project resources, but it is also conducive to future applications for research funding, collaborations with potential partners, or inviting sponsorship. “The three departments under SDSC, namely Computing; Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance (MSI); and Supply Chain and Information Management (SCM) are all involved in the research in Data-driven Decision Making (DDDM) and each of them has its own strength. For example, SCM specialises in Business Analytics, while MSI is good at data science tasks and Computing focuses on AI. They complement each other and hence create synergy in project research.” With its aspiration to become a platform for Big Data promotion, BDIC plans to build an archive of research outputs and solutions for interested parties to get access to further relevant information. 恒大決策科學學院轄下的大數據智能中心於2020年1月成立,旨在促進並進行有關大數據、人工智能、商業分析等研究,並將相關知識與學者、行業從業員及本港政府單位等分享,以回應業界對這方面資訊與日俱增的需要。 中心總監鄧文禮教授表示,運用大數據來做決策是大勢所趨,不少機構都需要這類知識和資訊。恒大成立大數據研究中心,不但方便整合項目資源,亦有助大學未來申請研究資金,或與潛在合作伙伴商談合作或捐助。「決策科學學院的三個學系:電子計算系;數學、 統計及保險學系;及供應鏈及資訊管理學系,都涉及數據導向之決策管理的知識和運用。三個學系各有長處,例如供應鏈及資訊管理學系致力於商業分析;數據科學方面為數學、統計及保險學系的強項;電子計算系則偏向人工智能方面的發展。這樣在項目研究上便能 產生協同效應,互相補足。」中心將致力成為推廣大數據研究和應用的平台,並建構資料庫存放研究成果及方案資料,讓有興趣人士和單位可以接觸更多相關資訊。 • Applying Research Outcomes to Real Life 應用研究成果於實際生活 As Professor Tang points out, it is the Centre’s target to apply research outcomes in a real-life context, where ‘smart city’ is one of the examples. Dr George Ho, Associate Director (Research & Innovation) of BDIC who is in charge of this project, explains, “‘Smart city’ is where a robot can displace a human labour force in some tasks. For instance, a robot can help with the handling or unloading of goods; while in robotic process automation (RPA) an RPA bot can assist in data input or following up emails.” Dr Ho tells us that BDIC is now collaborating with some enterprises, which provide the Centre with the most updated and intelligent software for research, including Automation Anywhere, which has its business focused on promoting digital workforce. “We hope that with the sponsor and support from the industry, we will produce research outcomes with a higher level of intelligence.” Dr Ho further elaborates that it is necessary to fit in with business operations and procedures in reality when promoting the use of Big Data or AI. The research on the Blockchain adoption by Dr Jack Wu, Associate Director (Industry Engagement) of BDIC, demonstrates that well. According to the practical needs of the enterprise, Dr Wu’s team will advise on whether the use of Blockchain is necessary, or which type of Blockchain should be adopted. He says, “We are not bragging about Blockchain. What we hope is that enterprises will understand the cost-effectiveness of it after using a proper evaluation method. In this way, our research can tie in with the world and enterprises, bringing the technology to society.” 鄧教授指出,中心希望能將研究成果運用於實際生活,智慧城市便是其中一個例子。負責此項目的中心副總監(研究與創新)何道森博士闡釋:「我們常說智慧城市,就是將一些人手進行的工序以機械人取代,例如用實體機械人協助搬貨、卸貨,同時亦會利用流程機 械人協助處理輸入資料、跟進電郵等。」何博士說,現時已有公司與中心合作,例如推動數碼勞動力的公司Automation Anywhere,便為中心的研究提供最新、最智能的軟件。「希望配合業界的贊助和支持,我們的科研成果能夠更加智能化。」 何博士認為,無論推動大數據或人工智能,都必須配合實際的商業運作和流程。中心副總監(產業合作)胡鎮浩博士從事關於區塊鏈應用的研究,便是因應企業的實際需要,建議是否真的需要採用區塊鏈技術,或是需要用哪一類型的區塊鏈架構。胡博士說:「我們不是 要強調區塊鏈有多厲害,而是希望運用恰當的評估方法後,企業會認識到當中的成本效益。這樣研究才能真正面對世界和企業,把科技帶進社會中。」 • Strengthening Industry Collaborations and Supporting Teaching with Research 加強業界合作 將研究推展至教學 BDIC currently has three research and development projects with technological partners, covering the areas of statistical analysis, simulation technology and e-learning. “Research on Big Data is now supported by many companies. The American statistics software company SAS, for example, has sponsored us with the SAS Viya statistics platform for different types of data management and analysis,” Professor Tang says. Another example is Simio, which is one of the top three simulation platforms globally. It has not only donated software to Dr Wu’s research project, but also encourages HSUHK students to take part in its competition and learning journey. “It organises an international simulation contest annually. Students can widen their horizons and have the opportunity to apply what they learn by participating more in worldwide competition.” Beyond strengthening the bond with industry and promoting research technology and knowledge to SMEs, BDIC also strives to support teaching with research. For instance, it would simplify the procedures in some of the collaboration projects, or pick out the parts that do not involve sensitive information for senior year students’ research projects. “Our project supervisors will spend one year to guide the students from scratch to completion of the projects. As we know what the industry needs, we can help equip them better before they graduate. Actually it is one of the objectives for setting up the BDIC.” Furthermore, Dr Wu mentions that BDIC will soon launch a QESS-funded project in collaboration with the English Department and the Centre for Teaching and Learning, studying the use of AI technology to improve students’ skills in English oral testing and enhance their active English vocabulary. Professor Tang adds, “The mission of BDIC is to study the transformation of data to information, which in turn helps decision making. Apart from working with the industry, we would also help the University’s departments with data collection and data mining for useful information, as long as there is a request.” Moving forward, the Centre plans to apply for the local Innovation and Technology Fund, as well as to organise an international conference for exchange with researchers around the world. 大數據智能中心現時有三個與擁有領先科技的夥伴合作的科研項目,當中包括統計分析、模擬技術(simulation)和電子教學(e-learning)等範疇。鄧教授說:「不少公司都很支持大數據研究,例如美國統計軟件公司SAS 便贊助我們Viya 數據分析平台,協助應付 不同類型的數據處理和深入分析。」又例如國際三大模擬平台之一Simio,不但捐贈軟件予胡博士的相關研究項目,更鼓勵恒大學生參與其企業的活動和使用該平台的學習之旅。「他們每年都有一個應用模擬技術的世界比賽。同學多參加國際賽事,可以開拓視野,實 踐所學。」 事實上,除了加強和業界溝通,及將科研技術和知識推廣給中小企,中心亦致力令研究和教學相輔相承。例如中心會將一些科研項目中的工序簡化,或挑選其中不涉及敏感資料的部份,提供予高年級的學生作專題研究項目。「我們的導師會用一年時間指導學生,幫助 他們由零開始直至完成相關項目。由於我們了解業界需要甚麼,因此可以幫助學生在畢業之前及早裝備。這也是大數據智能中心成立的其中一個目標。」 胡博士表示,中心即將會推展一個由「質素提升支援計劃」(QESS)資助的項目,並和校內英文系及教與學發展中心合作,研究利用人工智能科技改善學生的英語口試技巧,及提升他們對英語常用辭彙的運用。鄧教授補充:「中心成立的宗旨,是研究將數據轉變成資 訊,並透過資訊協助決策。除了業界合作,校內如有部門提出,我們也可協助收集數據及進行數據挖掘,找出有用的資料。」此外,中心未來亦考慮申請本地的創新科技基金,及籌辦國際會議,匯集各地的科研人員交流討論。 (From left) Dr Jack Wu, Associate Director (Industry Engagement) of BDIC; Professor Man-lai Tang, Director of BDIC and Dr George Ho, Associate Director (Research & Innovation) of BDIC (左起)大數據智能中心副總監(產業合作)胡鎮浩博士、總監鄧文禮教授、副總監(研究與創新)何道森博士。 University Information 大學訊息 President Ho Serves as Chairman of the Grand Judging Panel of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020 何校長擔任2020 香港資訊及通訊科技獎最終評審委員會主席 President Simon S M Ho served as the Chairman of the Grand Judging Panel of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020. He chaired the panel meeting on 27 October, receiving presentations from the awardees of the eight categories of Grand Awards respectively to select the ‘Award of the Year’. Established with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government, The Hong Kong ICT Awards was initiated by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer in 2006. It aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong's ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020, namely the Digital Entertainment Award, the FinTech Award, the ICT Startup Award, the Smart Business Award, the Smart Living Award, the Smart Mobility Award, the Smart People Award and the Student Innovation Award. The awardee for each of the eight categories and the result of the ‘Award of the Year’ will be announced in due course. For more details, please visit the website of the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020: 何順文校長於2020 香港資訊及通訊科技獎擔任最終評審委員會主席,並於2020 年10 月27 日主持的委員會會議,分別聽取八個組別大獎得獎團隊的簡報,從中甄選出「全年大獎」。 通過業界、學術界和政府的共同努力,香港資訊及通訊科技獎於2006 年由政府資訊科技總監辦公室策動成立,旨在表揚及推廣優秀的資訊及通訊科技發明和應用,以鼓勵香港業界精英和企業不斷追求創新和卓越,謀求更佳和更具創意的方案,滿足企業的營運需要, 造福社會。2020 香港資訊及通訊科技獎設有八個類別,包括數碼娛樂獎、金融科技獎、資訊科技初創企業獎、商業方案獎、智慧生活獎、智慧出行獎、智慧市民獎及學生創新獎。八個組別的得獎者及「全年大獎」的結果將於稍後公佈。更多詳情可瀏覽香港資訊及通訊 科技獎網站。 President Simon Ho chairs the Grand Judging Panel meeting. 何順文校長主持最終評審委員會會議。 HSUHK Receives AIA Group’s Generous Support for Scholarship Programme 恒大獲友邦保險集團慷慨支持獎學金計劃 HSUHK is honoured to partner with AIA Group (AIA) to offer our students scholarships to complete their undergraduate studies. AIA has pledged US$100 million to establish the AIA Scholarships, which will support 100 undergraduates attending HSUHK and the other nine local universities each year over the next several decades. President Simon S M Ho and Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), attended the launching ceremony on 29 October 2020; whilst Dr Moses Cheng, HSUHK Council Chairman and Chairman of the Insurance Authority, was the Guest of Honour. Mr Yuan-siong Lee, AIA Group Chief Executive and President, said, “The AIA Scholarships is a significant devotion by AIA Group to Hong Kong, reflecting our great confidence in the future of the city and its young people.” Students of any academic discipline offered by partnering universities can apply for the scholarships. Successful applicants will receive an award of HK$50,000 each year throughout their undergraduate study. 恒大十分榮幸與友邦保險集團(友邦保險)合作,資助學生完成大學課程。友邦保險承諾投放一億美元設立「友邦獎學金」,在未來數十年每年資助 100 名就讀於恒大及其他九所本地大學的本科生。何順文校長及副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士於2020 年10 月29 日 一同出席該獎學金設立儀式,而恒大校務委員會主席、保險業監管局主席鄭慕智博士則擔任主禮嘉賓。 友邦保險集團首席執行官兼總裁李源祥先生表示:「『友邦獎學金』是我們在香港的一項重大投入,反映友邦保險對香港的未來發展及年青人充滿信心。」 來自各合作院校任何專業之學生均可申請是項獎學金,成功申請的學生將於就讀其本科課程期間每年獲得 50,000港元的獎學金。 President Simon Ho (4th from right), Dr Moses Cheng (7th fromright), AIA representatives, and presidents and representatives of other partnering universities give a toast during the ceremony. 何順文校長(右四)、鄭慕智博士(右七)、友邦保險代表、各合作大學校長及代表在儀式中一同祝酒。 Campus Express 校園快訊 HSUHK and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organises ‘President x Chief Editor Forum: Reflections on Capitalism and Corporate Responsibilities amid the Pandemic’ 恒大與《亞洲週刊》合辦「校長X 總編論壇:疫情後對資本主義和企業責任的反思」 The ‘President x Chief Editor Forum: Reflections on Capitalism and Corporate Responsibilities amid the Pandemic’ was co-organised by HSUHK and Yazhou Zhoukan (YZZK) on HSUHK's campus, 31 October 2020, with President Simon S M Ho and Mr Lop-poon Yau, Chief Editor of YZZK, as the key speakers. There were discussions on topics including capitalism, corporate responsibilities and management, and globalisation exploring how society and enterprises could build a new, green capitalist society with better human caring. Over 500 participants attended the forum either on-site or online. President Ho pointed out, “The pandemic undoubtedly has brought a serious impact to many enterprises, but it is also a good opportunity for us to reflect and explore how social economy should be reformed and evolved after the pandemic.” He advocated for a ‘stakeholder-oriented economy’ and suggested building a stronger economic system together for better risk aversion to cope with future crises. Mr Yau anticipated that innovative technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud Technology and 5G would keep driving China's infrastructure, finance, development in rural areas and medical development in the next decade, while e-money and electronic payments would realise the vision of RMB internationalisation. He also thought that China should set up new social ethics and let enterprises take up more social responsibility. 恒大與《亞洲週刊》於2020 年10 月31 日假恒大校園舉辦「校長X 總編論壇:疫情後對資本主義和企業責任的反思」,由何順文校長和《亞洲週刊》總編邱立本先生主講,就資本主義、企業責任與管治及全球化等方面進行討論,共同探討社會及企業如何建構一個 新型及更具人文關懷的綠色資本主義社會。活動共500 人以現場或線上形式參與。 何校長指出:「對很多企業而言,疫情無疑是一次嚴重衝擊,同時也是一次反思的機會,讓大家去探索社會經濟在疫情過後應如何改革進化。」他提倡「利益相關者為本經濟」,並建議共同建立一個更強韌更抗風險的經濟體系,以應付未來的危機。邱先生則預計, 創新科技如人工智能、區塊鏈、雲端及5G 將繼續推動中國未來十年在基建、金融、農村及醫療等方面發展,而電子貨幣及電子支付將實現人民幣國際化的願景。他亦認為,中國應建立新的社會倫理,讓企業負起更多的社會責任。 President Simon Ho (left) and YZZK's Chief Editor Mr Lop-poon Yau deliver keynote speeches in the forum. 何順文校長(左)及《亞洲週刊》總編邱立本於論壇主講。 Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series: Francis Yuen on ‘How to Revive the Global Economy - the Way out for Hong Kong’ 「領袖開Live」系列:袁天凡主講「全球經濟如何復甦 — 香港的出路」 The third episode of the Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series, which was organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office, was held on 14 October 2020 with the recovery of the global economy as the main theme. Distinguished investment banker Mr Francis Yuen was invited to be the panel speaker, while Dr Andy Cheng, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance and Associate Director of the Research Institute for Business, served as the moderator. Mr Yuen critically analysed the global economic status, new market structure and keys to economic recovery. He also interacted with participants online and they exchanged opinions on challenges faced by Hong Kong and opportunities ahead. About 400 members from the HSUHK family, including members of the Board of Governors, the Council and committees, the HSUHK – Foundation, alumni, staff and students, joined the event. 發展及校友事務處舉辦之「領袖開Live」系列第三集以全球經濟復甦為主題,於2020 年10 月14 日「開Live」。是次活動邀得傑出投資銀行家袁天凡先生擔任主講嘉賓,由恒大經濟及金融學系副教授兼商學研究所副主任鄭會榮博士擔任主持。 袁先生精闢分析目前全球經濟環境、市場新形態及經濟復甦關鍵,並與參加者在線上即時互動,就香港所面對的挑戰和機遇等議題進行討論及交流。是次活動約有400 位恒大成員一同參與,包括校董會成員、校委會及附屬委員會成員、恒大—基金會會員、校友、教職員 及學生。 (From left) Dr Andy Cheng, Mr Francis Yuen and President Simon Ho take a group photo. (左起)鄭會榮博士、袁天凡先生及何順文校長合照留念。 HSUHK’s School of Communication and the Lions Clubs International District 303 (Hong Kong & Macao, China) Co-organise the Kick-off Ceremony for the First Lions Clubs‘ Video Competition of Eyesight 恒大傳播學院與國際獅子總會中國港澳三O 三區舉辦第一屆獅子會「獅瞳傳愛」短片創作大賽啟動禮 HSUHK’s School of Communication (SCOM) and the Lions Clubs International District 303 (Hong Kong & Macao, China) co-organised the kick-off ceremony for the first Lions Clubs’ Video Competition of Eyesight on 8 October 2020 on HSUHK’s campus. With ‘eye care’ as the theme, the competition aims at promoting eye care through innovative videos and raising public awareness of eye health, while unleashing students’ creativity and enhancing their interests in creation. It also targets to promote students’ team spirit, self-presentation skills and problem-solving skills. At the ceremony, President Simon S M Ho said in his speech that HSUHK has been striving to promote cooperations with different organisations and communities, in the hope of advancing staff and students’ engagement with and caring for society as responsible citizens. Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the SCOM, hoped that participants would produce ingenious videos with diverse formats to give the public a better understanding of various ophthalmic knowledge. And Mr Patrick Chan, Region I Chairperson of LCI District 303, wished to promote the importance of eye health through this competition. The competition will award Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit awards for each of thethree divisions, namely the Open Division, the Tertiary Institution Division and the Secondary School Division. All Hong Kong residents and students are welcome to join. The deadline for the application is 15 February 2021. 恒大傳播學院及國際獅子總會中國港澳三O 三區於2020 年10 月8 日假恒大校園舉行第一屆獅子會「獅瞳傳愛」短片創作大賽啟動禮。是項比賽以「護眼」為主題,旨在透過創意短片推廣護眼訊息,讓更多人關注眼部健康,同時發掘學生的創作潛能,提高學生的創作 興趣、團體精神、自我表達能力及應對解決困難能力。 何順文校長於啟動禮上致辭時表示,恒大一直致力推動與香港各界社團及社區的合作,讓恒大師生更多參與及關愛社會,善盡公民責任。協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授則希望參賽者能以多元化模式製作創意無限的作品,讓大眾了解不同的 眼科知識。國際獅子總會中國港澳三O 三區第一分區主席陳健明先生則期望透過這次比賽推廣眼睛健康的重要性。 是次大賽分為公開組、大專組及中學組三個組別,各設金銀銅及優異獎。活動歡迎全港市民及學生參加,截止日期為2021 年2 月15 日。 (From left) Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the SCOM; Dr Nancy Yuen, President of The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong; Dr John Leung, District Governor of LCI District 303 (Hong Kong & Macao, China); Mr Patrick Chan, Region I Chairperson of LCI District 303 (Hong Kong & Macao, China); President Simon Ho; and Ms Teresa Mann, Past International Director of Lions Clubs International, cut the ribbons together in the kick-off ceremony. (左起)協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授、香港眼科醫學院院長袁淑賢醫生、國際獅子總會中國港澳三O 三區總監梁禮賢醫生、國際獅子總會中國港澳三O 三區第一分區主席陳健明先生、何順文校長及國際獅子總會前國際理事文錦歡女士, 一同為啟動禮剪綵。 International Conference on Heritage Conservation Along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism 「一帶一路文化保育:政治與專業」國際會議 On-site participants and some of the participating scholars take a group photo. 現場參加者與部份參與學者合照。 Co-organised by the Department of Social Science of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and the Contemporary China Studies Center of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, the International Conference on Heritage Conservation Along the Belt and Road Zones: Between Politics and Professionalism was successfully held on 23 and 24 October 2020. The conference was fully supported by the Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) of the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The organisers were honoured to have two distinguished scholars in heritage conservation, Professor Tim Winter from The University of Western Australia and Professor Tim Williams from University College London, to deliver the keynote speeches on 23 October 2020. Seventeen local and overseas scholars from Asia and Europe joined the twoday conference to share their research on heritage conservation in 5 panel sessions, and around 80 participants took part in the event on-site or online. They had heated debates and discussions over issues surrounding the dynamics among UNESCO, professionals, local communities and nation states on heritage conservation along the Belt and Road Zones. The Conference Organising Committee will publish an edited volume of the selected papers in 2021. 香港恒生大學社會科學系及香港樹仁大學當代中國研究中心於2020 年10 月23 至24 日合辦「一帶一路文化保育:政治與專業」國際會議,此會議得到香港特別行政區研究資助局的跨院校發展計劃全額資助。 主辦單位十分榮幸邀請到兩位文化遺產保育的傑出學者擔任首日會議的主題演講嘉賓,他們分別為來自西澳大學的Tim Winter 教授及倫敦大學學院的Tim Williams 教授。而17 位本地以及來自歐亞的海外學者在兩日的會議中組成5 個小組,分享他們對文化遺產保育的 研究成果,同時亦有約80 位與會者親身或以線上模式參與會議。各人就聯合國教科文組職、專業人士、地方人士及國家之間在「一帶一路」文化遺產保育過程中的互動議題作出熱烈討論。會議籌備委員會將輯錄傑出的會議文章成書,並於2021 年出版。 Where Would Journalism Education Go: A Roundtable Forum between Academia and Industry 「新聞傳播教育何去何從?」— 學界與業界圓桌論壇 The School of Communication organised the ‘Where Would Journalism Education Go: A Roundtable Forum between Academia and Industry’ on 24 October 2020. Scholars and experts in journalism education and the journalism industry gathered to discuss in-depth ‘The Roles and Challenges of Journalism Education’ and ‘The Future and Opportunities of Journalism Education’. Participants raised at the Forum many of the challenges faced by journalism education and the news industry in recent years and the implications these challenges have brought about. Issues heatedly discussed included the rapid transformation of the traditional news industry, fast-developing communication technologies, the recent controversy over the professional ethics of journalists, and so on. Participants also thought that technology should be actively integrated into journalism courses to keep up with the development of society and the industry. There was also an opinion that, while journalism acts as the ‘fourth estate’, journalists should take up social responsibilities to uphold journalistic standards, maintain objectivity and impartiality, and verify the authenticity of news, so as to restore the credibility of the news industry now being questioned. What’s more, apart from strengthening the training of students to groom their creativity, global horizons and capability with technology application, it’s also important to cultivate students’ empathy and proper attitude towards people and affairs, in order to meet the future needs of the industry. 傳播學院於2020 年10 月24 日舉辦「新聞傳播教育何去何從?」— 學界與業界圓桌論壇,多名新聞傳播教育及新聞業界的學者及專家出席參與討論,就「新聞傳播教育的角色與挑戰」及「新聞傳播教育的未來與契機」作出深入探討。 與會人士提出,近年新聞傳播教育及新聞業界面對的挑戰及其帶來的啟示,觸及範圍包括正在急速轉型的傳統新聞行業、發展日新月異的傳播科技,及近日引起廣泛爭議的新聞從業員專業操守等。此外,新聞傳播課程需要積極融合科技,以配合未來社會及行業的發展。 亦有意見指,記者既然擁有「第四權」,便應負上社會責任,在採訪時秉持公正、客觀、不偏不倚的新聞價值理念及查證新聞內容的真確性,以挽回近年備受質疑的新聞業界公信力。除了加強培訓學生在創新、國際視野及科技應用各方面的能力,與會人士亦認為要提 高學生的同理心及培養他們正確的做人處事態度,以配合業界的發展所需。 Renowned scholars and experts in journalism education and the journalism industry participate in the event. 多名新聞傳播教育及新聞業界的學者專家出席活動。 SCOM’s Brand-new Programme Series: SCOM Talk Show 傳播學院推出全新訪談節目《恒傳感言》 The School of Communication (SCOM) of HSUHK proudly presents its brand-new programme series, SCOM Talk Show, which is co-hosted by Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication, and Professor Ronald Chiu, Professor (Practice) of the SCOM. In the programme, prestigious guests from different sectors are invited to share their growth, learning, lives and work experiences, with the aim of inspiring and enlightening the next generation and delivering positive vibes for future challenges. The show brings together community leaders from different sectors, business elites and professionals from academic authorities, whose achievements and contributions have been well recognised by society. Guests interviewed so far include Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong; Ms Quince Chong, Chief Corporate Development Officer of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited; Professor Joseph Sung, Former President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Professor Frederick Ma, Chairman of the Council of The Education University of Hong Kong; and Ms Alison Yu, Hong Kong’s wheelchair fencer. More distinguished guests will be coming to share in the talk show. The series is available on various HSUHK social media channels and the University’s website. 恒大傳播學院推出全新訪談節目《恒傳感言》,由協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授,與及傳播學院趙應春教授(實務)聯合主持。節目每集均邀請不同界別的知名人士,分享他們的成長經歷、學習心得、生活及工作點滴,希望為年輕人帶來思 和啟發,以正面思維面對未來的挑戰。 節目雲集各界社會領袖、商界精英及學術權威,他們的成就及貢獻均獲得社會認同。受訪嘉賓包括香港大學醫學院院長梁卓偉教授、中華電力企業發展總裁莊偉茵女士、香港中文大學前校長沈祖堯教授,香港教育大學校董會主席馬時亨教授,以及香港輪椅劍擊運動員 余翠怡女士。日後將有更多成就卓越的有心人士於節目中作出分享。 《恒傳感言》可於恒大各個社交媒體平台及大學網站收看。 Episode 1: Professor Gabriel Leung 第一集:梁卓偉教授 Episode 2: Ms Quince Chong 第二集:莊偉茵女士 Episode 3: Professor Joseph Sung 第三集:沈祖堯教授 Scan the QR code to view the SCOM Talk Show : 請掃描二維碼收看《恒傳感言》各集內容: EMSC-INS Orientation Day 行政人員保險理學碩士迎新日 The Executive Master of Science in Insurance (EMSC-INS) Orientation Day was held in the afternoon on 26 September 2020. The first cohort of students of the programme were welcomed by President Simon S M Ho; Professor Lawrence Leung, Dean of the School of Decision Sciences; honourable guests from the insurance industry; and teachers of the EMSC-INS programme. They witnessed the official launch of the EMSC-INS programme together. Taking this opportunity, students met their fellow classmates and obtained more programme information from programme instructors. This Master’s programme is the first-of-its-kind in Hong Kong, aiming at providing students with advanced training on insurance practice and quantitative skills that meet the needs of the insurance industry, and preparing students to take on management roles in the fields related to risk management and insurance. We sincerely hope all students have the best learning journey at HSUHK, and be true pioneers for many cohorts to come. 行政人員保險理學碩士迎新日於2020 年9 月26 日下午舉行,何順文校長、決策科學學院院長梁志堅教授、保險業界的來賓和課程導師均參與活動,歡迎課程的首屆同學加入恒大,並一同見證新課程正式開展。 藉著這個機會,同學之間互相認識,並向導師了解更多課程資訊。本碩士課程為香港首創,為學生提供實務與定量技術的高級專業訓練,以應付保險業需求,及裝備他們日後擔當風險管理及保險相關的管理職務。祝願同學能在恒大享受最美好的學習旅程,成為今 後更多修讀本課程學生的先驅。 Group photo of EMSC-INS members 行政人員保險理學碩士課程成員合照 Award Ceremony of HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge cum New Student Orientation of MSC-EM 香港恒生大學 x 南華早報企業挑戰賽頒獎禮暨創業管理理學碩士課程迎新日 Dr Kenneth Kwong, Programme Director, introduces the MSC-EM programme. 課程主任鄺家麒博士介紹創業管理理學碩士課程。 President Simon Ho presents the award to the champion team of the Entrepreneurship Challenge. 何順文校長向挑戰賽的冠軍隊伍頒發獎項。 The Award Ceremony of HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2020 (E-Challenge) cum New Student Orientation of Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Management (MSC-EM) was jointly organised by the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE), MSC-EM Programme Office, and Department of Marketing on 10 October 2020. It was simultaneously broadcasted online, allowing non-local students to join as well. President Simon S M Ho first gave a welcome speech to kick off the award ceremony, followed by an encouraging remark by Mr Alex Ho, Vice President of Circulation, Recruitment and Services of SCMP. After Ms Vanessa Cheung, the founder of the champion team of the E-Challenge 2019 ‘City’s Treasure’, shared the recent development of her social enterprise, four prizes including Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up and ‘My Favourite Start-up Idea Award’ were presented to the respective teams. After the award ceremony, the New Student Orientation of MSC-EM commenced with the programme's introduction by Programme Director Dr Kenneth Kwong, followed by the introduction of the teaching team and learning activities by Associate Programme Director Dr Susanna Chui. Afterwards, donors explained the support given to the programme, while graduates shared their learning experience and current achievements. This event provided valuable interaction opportunities and expanded the network among students, judges, faculties and guests. 伍絜宜創新及創業中心、創業管理理學碩士課程及市場學系於2020 年10 月10 日合辦了「香港恒生大學 x 南華早報企業挑戰賽頒獎禮暨創業管理理學碩士課程迎新日」,活動同步在網上直播,讓海外學生亦能一同參與。 何順文校長為活動致歡迎辭以揭開序幕,南華早報招聘業務及發行部總經理何和民先生亦向同學作出勉勵。上屆企業挑戰賽的冠軍隊伍「City's Treasure」的發起人張綽嵐女士分享其社會企業的最新發展後,大會便向得獎隊伍頒發冠、亞、季軍及「我最喜愛的創業 意念獎」。 頒獎禮後,創業管理理學碩士課程迎新日緊接展開,由課程主任鄺家麒博士首先作課程介紹,並由副課程主任徐麗雯博士簡介教學團隊及學習活動。其後,捐款人闡述了他們對課程的支持,而畢業生亦與在場人士分享其學習經歷及目前成就。 是次活動為學生、評判、教職員及來賓建立了良好的互動機會,擴闊彼此的網絡。 The ‘Chair-Based/Standing Stretch Exercises’ and ‘Fitness Tips to Maximise Your Results’ Workshops 「12 個你要知道的椅子 / 站立伸展動作」及「正確健身知多 D」工作坊 Ms Yuki Cheng teaches students to do a stretching exercise with a tennis ball. 鄭玉鳳女士教授同學用網球進行伸展練習。 Mr Joe Au teaches correct ways for working out different parts of the body. 歐鴻斌先生教授不同身體部位的正確鍛鍊方法。 Organised by the PE unit of Student Affairs Office, the ‘Chair-Based/Standing Stretch Exercises’ workshop and the ‘Fitness Tips to Maximise Your Results’ workshop were held on 21 and 29 October 2020 respectively. In the former workshop, Ms Yuki Cheng, an experienced Stretching and Pilates Instructor, was invited to demonstrate how to relieve muscle tension caused by improper posture with the aid of simple equipment like a chair, a towel and a tennis ball. She also helped correct students’ posture. A live broadcast was arranged for the workshop, allowing more students to participate in it through the internet. More than 50 students took part in the event. And Mr Joe Au, a professional fitness instructor, shared general fitness knowledge, provided nutrition guidelines, introduced various sports equipment and taught participants the workout techniques for different parts of the body in the ‘Fitness Tips to Maximise Your Results’ workshop. Common errors in fitness training were also demonstrated. Over 30 participants joined the workshop onsite or via an online platform, and they were enthusiastic to raise questions regarding fitness and workout. Participants found the tips useful and they looked forward to more fitness workshops in the future. 由學生事務處體育部主辦的「12 個你要知道的椅子 / 站立伸展動作」工作坊及「正確健身知多 D」工作坊,已分別於 2020 年 10 月 21 日及29 日順利完成。前者邀請到資深瑜珈及伸展運動課程導師鄭玉鳳女士,她教授同學以簡單器材如椅子、毛巾及網球,舒緩 因身體姿勢不良導致肌肉繃緊的不同痛症,並糾正參加者的姿勢。工作坊設有網上直播,讓同學可透過互聯網同步參與。當日逾 50 位同學參與了是次工作坊。 而專業健身教練歐鴻斌先生則於「正確健身知多 D」工作坊中,分享健身知識、營養指引,以及介紹多種健身工具及教授不同身體部位的正確鍛鍊方法,並示範常見的錯誤健身動作。是次工作坊共吸引超過 30 位同學親臨現場或透過網上平台參與,期間同學都非常 踴躍向教練請教有關健身的問題。參與同學都表示獲益良多,並希望日後舉辦更多相關的工作坊。 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 The HKICPA QP Scholarships 2020 and the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Scholarships 2019-20 Award HSUHK Students 恒大學生獲頒2020 年香港會計師公會專業資格課程獎學金及2019-20 年度香港會計師公會獎學金 Three students from the BBA (Hons) Programme (with Accounting Concentration) were awarded scholarships by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). Ms Janet So, a 2020 graduate, received the QP Scholarships 2020; while Mr Justin Chan and Mr Jason Tam, both in Year 4, received the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Scholarships 2019-20. The award ceremony was held on 19 September 2020 and Janet represented other awardees to receive the prizes. The QP Scholarships aims to recognise students with outstanding academic performance and encourage them to pursue an internationally recognised qualification in accountancy. And the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs Scholarships is awarded to remarkable students studying accountancy in local higher education institutions, in the hope that they will strive for further excellence in the field. 三位修讀工商管理(主修會計學)的同學獲香港會計師公會(HKICPA)頒贈獎學金。2020 年畢業生蘇嘉穎同學獲頒2020 年專業資格課程獎學金,而四年級的陳卓熙同學及譚俊亨同學則榮獲2019-20 年度香港會計師公會獎學金。頒獎典禮於2020 年9 月19 日舉行,並由 蘇嘉穎同學代表接受獎項。 專業資格課程獎學金頒授予學業成績優異的同學,鼓勵同學以考取國際認可會計專業資格為目標。香港會計師公會獎學金則頒發給本地大專院校中成績卓越的會計學生,期望他們在會計科繼續力爭上游。 Ms Janet So wins the HKICPA QP Scholarships 2020. 蘇嘉穎同學榮獲2020 年香港會計師公會專業資格課程獎學金。 SCOM Students Win the Professional Market Analysis Award in the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition 2020 傳播學院學生榮獲全港創意公關大賽2020 專業市場分析獎 A team of four Year-4 students from the Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Hons) programme of the School of Communication (SCOM), namely Ms Cheuk-sze Chan, Ms Hiu-tung Chan, Ms Kam-ling Choi and Ms Yuen-yung Ng, won the Professional Market Analysis Award in the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition 2020. The Award was presented to the students at the Award Presentation Ceremony held on 26 September 2020 as a recognition of their efforts and professionalism. The competition, hosted by the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition Committee in partnership with the Business-School Partnership Programme of the Education Bureau, lasted from November 2019 to April 2020. Students who joined the competition were required to conduct reliable market research and present to enterprises an effective and feasible public relations proposal, including manuscript writing, media relations management, productionof promotional materials and organisation of promotional activities. 四位來自傳播學院新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課的四年級同學組成參賽隊伍,於全港創意公關大賽2020 中奪得專業市場分析獎。他們分別為陳卓詩同學、陳曉彤同學、蔡金伶同學和吳宛蓉同學。頒獎禮於2020 年9 月26 日舉行,以表揚同學的努力及專業表現。 是項比賽於2019 年11 月至2020 年4 月期間舉行,由全港創意公關大賽籌委會主辦,並由教育局的商校合作計劃協辦。參賽同學須透過市場調查為企業訂立有效及可行的公關方案,內容包括撰寫文稿、管理傳媒關係、製作宣傳品及籌辦推廣活動。 The Hong Kong Creative PR Competition Committee presents the Professional Market Analysis Award to (from 2nd left) Ms Cheuk-sze Chan, Ms Yuen-yung Ng, Ms Kam-ling Choi and Ms Hiu-tung Chan. 全港創意公關大賽籌委會頒發專業市場分析獎予(左二起)陳卓詩同學、吳宛蓉同學、蔡金伶同學和陳曉彤同學。 HSUHK Student Gets Merit Award in The 30th Chinese Poetry Writing Competition 恒大學生於第三十屆全港詩詞創作比賽獲頒優異獎 Ms Sze-kun Hung, a Year-4 student from the BA (Hons) in Chinese programme, received the Merit Award in the Students’ Section of The 30th Chinese Poetry Writing Competition in 2020. Her entry, themed ‘The Scenery of Spring at Oi Man Estate’, was written based on the melody of Yujia’ao . This is the fourth time in a row that students from the programme won prizes since the 27th Competition. The Chinese Poetry Writing Competition has been organised by the Hong Kong Public Libraries since 1991. It aims at enhancing the Chinese language proficiency of the public and their ability to appreciate verse. This year’s competition received keen responses and there were more than 600 submissions. For the Students’ Section, selected candidates were required to attend an interview to improvise couplets before their rankings were finalised. Winning entries are now part of a roving exhibition at various public libraries. 恒大中文系四年級洪詩韵同學榮獲2020 年「第三十屆全港詩詞創作比賽【填詞】」學生組優異獎,作品寄調〈漁家傲〉,並以〈愛民邨春景〉為題寫作。自第廿七屆起,中文系同學已連續四屆在是項比賽中獲獎。 「全港詩詞創作比賽」始自1991 年,由香港公共圖書館舉辦。比賽旨在提高市民之中國語文運用和韻文欣賞能力。是屆參賽者眾,共有六百多份作品。學生組作品入選後,作者須出席面試即席對聯以確定名次。獲獎作品現於各大公共圖書館巡迴展覽。 Ms Sze-kun Hung is presented the Merit Award in the competition. 洪詩韵同學在比賽中獲頒優異獎。 HSUHK Students Enter Top 10 in the Cyberport and AWS Educate Cloud Career Pathways Competition 2020 恒大學生勇奪「數碼港學院 x AWS Educate 雲科技職業證書比賽」十大學生 Ms Karen Tam, Year-2 student from the BBA (Hons) in Supply Chain Management programme, and Ms Sammi Lo, Year-3 student from the BBA (Hons) programme, participated in the Cyberport and AWS Educate Cloud Career Pathways Competition 2020 and were awarded as Top 10 Students. They completed assessments in various fields in Information Technology covering Cloud Computing, Machine Learning and Big Data, outperforming other participating students from various local higher education institutions in the number of AWS Educate Badges they earned. In the competition, Karen leant the importance of technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Programming; while Sammi, who majors in Accounting, found it equipped her with the latest professional knowledge of technology for future development. This competition, co-organised by Cyberport and AWS Educate, aims at nurturing future talents in cloud technology for Hong Kong. Through providing complimentary online training courses of different topics and at different levels, it helps secondary school and university students grasp the essential knowledge of cloud computing. 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程二年級譚嘉淇同學及工商管理(榮譽)學士課程三年級羅詠芯同學參加「數碼港學院 x AWS Educate 雲科技職業證書比賽」,完成了涵蓋雲端運算、機器學習、大數據等科技領域的評核,並取得多個AWS Educate 徽章,在眾多本 地大專院校參賽者中脫穎而出,雙雙躋身十強。比賽過程中,譚嘉淇感受到人工智能、編程等科技的重要性;而主修會計的羅詠芯則認為比賽令她掌握最新專業科技知識,為未來發展裝備自己。 是次比賽由數碼港與 AWS Educate 計劃合辦,旨在通過不同程度及課題的免費網上培訓課程,協助中學生及大專生掌握雲端運算技術的必需知識,為香港培育未來的雲端技術人才。 (From left) Mr Rex Lai, PIC for Cyberport Tech Career Development Programmes; Mr Perkins Ho, Senior Business Development Manager, AWS; Ms Sammi Lo; Ms Karen Tam; Mr Andy Ho, Senior Business Development Manager, AWS; and Mr Peter Yan, CEO of Cyberport, take a group photo after the award presentation ceremony. (左起)數碼港創科職業發展計劃負責人黎達成先生、AWS高級業務發展經理何居理先生、羅詠芯同學、譚嘉淇同學、AWS 高級業務發展經理何志忠先生及數碼港行政總裁任景信先生,在頒獎禮後合照留念。 BA-ENG Graduate is Selected as a Highly Commended Entrant of the Global Undergraduate Awards 2020 英文系畢業生獲Global Undergraduate Awards 高度推薦 Ms Lorraine Choi, a graduate from the BA (Hons) English programme this year, has been selected as a Highly Commended Entrant of the Global Undergraduate Awards 2020 in the Literature Category with her academic project ‘The Death of Chivalry: A Corpus Linguistics Study on Arthurian Legends'. She is the only Hong Kong student receiving this award in the Literature category. The Global Undergraduate Awards is the world’s leading academic awards programme which recognises outstanding academic coursework from undergraduate students and recent graduates globally. This year it has received 4,148 submissions from 380 institutions in 50 countries. It was encouraging that Lorraine’s work stood out with those from students of other top universities in the world. 英國語文(榮譽)學士課程應屆畢業生蔡慧明同學的學術論文「The Death of Chivalry: A Corpus Linguistics Study on Arthurian Legends」(騎士之死:亞瑟王傳說的語料庫語言學研究)被Global Undergraduate Awards選為文學類別的高度推薦作品。她是全 港唯一在文學類別獲得此獎項的學生。 Global Undergraduate Awards 是全球首屈一指的學術獎項,旨在嘉獎全球各地大學本科生及近期畢業生的傑出學術作品。本屆獎項共接獲來自50 個國家、380 間院校共4148 份作品。蔡慧明的論文能脫穎而出,與全球頂尖大學的學生齊名,成績令人鼓舞。 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora 月會– 恒大博雅講場 To enhance students’ whole-person development and out-of-classroom learning experience, seven College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora Sessions have been arranged in the academic year 2020/21, widening students’ knowledge base from an interdisciplinary perspective. The first two assemblies were held in September and October respectively. 為加強學生的全人發展及課外學習體驗,恒大會於2020/21 學年舉辦七場「月會– 恒大博雅講場 」,從跨學科角度拓闊他們的知識基礎。首兩場月會已分別於9 月及10 月舉行。 • The First College Assembly - The Fittest Guy 第一次月會– 至Fit 型人 The first College Assembly was held online on 24 September 2020 with fitness and nutrition as the main theme. Over 800 students joined the session. The assembly commenced with an opening speech by President Simon S M Ho, who encouraged students to keep a positive attitude towards challenges in the new semester and shared the latest developments of the University. Mr Harry Li, a registered fitness trainer and a nutritionist, was invited as the guest speaker to share health and fitness tips with students and staff. He also had exercise demonstrations with students and all participants benefited a lot. 第一場月會於2020 年9 月24 日於網上舉行,以健體及營養為主題,超過800位師生一同參與。何順文校長致歡迎辭時勉勵同學,在新學年以樂觀及正面的心態去面對挑戰,並向師生簡介恒大的最新發展。是次月會邀請到註冊體適能教練及營養師李華青先生,與師生們 分享健康生活的秘訣及心得,並邀請學生一同作運動示範,參加者均獲益良多。 President Simon Ho encourages students to be positive when facing challenges in the new semester. 何順文校長勉勵同學面對新學期挑戰時保持正面。 Mr Harry Li (1st from left) and students demonstrate how to do stretching. 李華青先生(左一)及同學示範如何拉筋。 • The Second College Assembly - HSUHK Nordic Festival at HSUHK cum HSUHK Consul General Series 第二次月會– 恒大北歐文化節暨恒大總領事講座系列 Co-hosted by the School of Translation and Foreign Languages and the Student Affairs Office, the second College Assembly was held on 15 October 2020. Together with an array of activities in the Nordic Festival, the assembly showcased the rich kaleidoscopic culture of Scandinavia and encouraged cultural interaction and exchange. It was the University’s honour to have Ms Johanna Karanko, Consul General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao, and Mr Per Augustsson, Consul General of Sweden in Hong Kong and Macao, to be the guest speakers in the assembly, introducing to the audience the vibrant cultures of their home countries and responding to students’ inquiries in the Q & A session. 第二次月會由翻譯及外語學院與學生事務處於2020 年10 月15日合辦,結合「北歐文化節」一系列令人目不暇給的活動,向參與者展示多姿多彩的斯堪的納維亞文化,鼓勵文化互動和交流。恒大很榮幸邀請到芬蘭駐港澳總領事Johanna Karanko 女士及瑞典駐港澳總領 事Per Augustsson 先生親蒞是次月會,分別向師生講解他們國家的文化及特色,並解答同學的提問。 Mr Per Augustsson, Consul General of Sweden in Hong Kong and Macao, shares on the topic‘Sweden - A Country of Innovation and Creativity’. 瑞典駐港澳總領事Per Augustsson先生以「瑞典 – 創新與創作並重的國家」為題分享。 Ms Johanna Karanko, Consul General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macao, shares on the topic ‘The Inspiring Finland - A Place of Happiness and Diversities’. 芬蘭駐港澳總領事Johanna Karanko女士以「芬蘭 – 快樂而多元的國度」為題分享。 The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the Residential Colleges 住宿書院中秋慶祝活動 Over 50 student residents and staff gathered at the Communal Hall of the Residential Colleges (RCs) on 29 September 2020 to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Ms Esther Lee, Acting Director of Student Affairs; Professor Kevin Lam, Master of Lee Yick Hoi Lun Mosaic College; Dr Paul Fung, Master of S H Ho Wellness College; Dr Ben Cheng, Master of Patrick S C Poon Amity College; and Dr Howard Song, Master of Evergreen College, also joined the celebration. Highlights of the night were the snack booths and a series of craft making workshops including bracelet making, origami bunny and festive greeting cards, which were prepared by the Residential Student Leaders and RC Fellows. These workshops were also broadcasted live to allow more HSUHK members to join online. Many foreign exchange students took part in the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration for the first time and they were interested in every part of it. Participants enjoyed the activities very much, and the night was concluded in a joyful atmosphere. 2020 年9 月29 日晚上,超過50 位師生聚首住宿書院大廳,一同參與中秋慶祝活動。署理學生事務總監李德芬女士、利易海倫博文書院院長林自強教授、善衡康活書院院長馮啟陽博士、潘燊昌樂群書院院長鄭家明博士及綠延書院院長宋昭勛博士亦到場與一眾師生 同賀佳節。 住宿書院學生領袖和RC Fellows 精心預備了小吃攤位及一系列手工藝工作坊,包括手繩製作、摺紙小兔及賀咭製作。多個工作坊更設同步網上直播,讓更多恒大成員能以線上模式參與。不少外地交流生首次參與中秋節慶祝活動,對各個環節都感到十分有趣。參加者 表現投入踴躍,活動在一片歡樂氣氛中圓滿結束。 RC members celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together. 住宿書院成員同慶中秋。 The Council Chairman Bowl 2020/2021: E-Sports Competition 校委會主席碗院際比賽 2020/2021:電子競技大賽 As the inaugural event of the Council Chairman Bowl 2020/2021, the E-Sports Competition was held on 17 October 2020. With huge support from Dr Moses Cheng, HSUHK Council Chairman, the Council Chairman Bowl was kicked off in 2017/2018. Five competitions are held every year and each Residential College (RC) sends representatives to fight for the Council Chairman Bowl. Since 2017, the Evergreen College has won the championship for 3 consecutive years. Therefore, President Simon S M Ho presented the Council Chairman Bowl to the Evergreen College for their permanent display at their RC before the commencement of the event. The University specially organised this competition in an e-sports format with the aim of preventing the spread of the pandemic. In the event, President Simon Ho played Mario Tennis and enjoyed the activity together with the student residents. He thought that although e-sports could not replace outdoor sports, it enabled players to practice at home anytime to improve skills. Over 20 student residents fought for the glory of their RCs in the competition, while RC members could support them by watching live streaming on YouTube. After various rounds of games, S H HO Wellness College won the competition. The second Council Chairman Bowl Competition ‘Fitness Challenge’ started in November. The results will be announced later. 本年度校委會主席碗院際比賽已經正式開始,並於2020年10 月17 日由電子競技大賽打響頭炮。 在校委會主席鄭慕智博士的大力支持下,校委會主席碗於2017-2018 年正式啟動,每年舉行5 項比賽,各住宿書院會派代表作賽,勝出的住宿書院會獲頒發校委會主席碗。而綠延書院自2017 年以來連續3 年獲得總冠軍。故此在比賽開始前,何順文校長將校委會主席 碗獎座贈送給綠延書院作永久展示。 為了減低新冠病毒傳播風險,大學今次特別以電競形式舉辦是項比賽,而何順文校長亦透過電競網球與宿生們打成一片。校長認為此類遊戲雖然不能代替戶外運動,卻能讓大家隨時在家中練習以提升球技。今次比賽有來自各住宿書院共超過20 名宿生競逐,而師生亦 可透過YouTube 的網上直播為各人打氣。經過多輪比賽後,善衡康活書院率先勝出。 第二項校委會主席碗比賽「體能挑戰」亦已於11 月展開,結果將稍後公佈。 S H HO Wellness College wins the championship in the E-Sports Competition. 善衡康活書院勇奪電競比賽冠軍。 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit from AIA Group Limited 友邦保險集團到訪恒大 Mr Yuan-siong Lee, Group Chief Executive and President of AIA Group Limited (AIA); Mr Garth Jones, Group Chief Financial Officer; and Ms Emerald Ng, Associate Director of Group Corporate Communications, visited HSUHK campus and had a detailed discussion on future support to the University on 15 September 2020. The guests were warmly received by Dr Moses Cheng, Council Chairman; Dr Patrick Poon, Chairman of Fundraising and Donation Committee and HSUHK – Foundation Management Committee; President Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); and Ms Elisa Chan, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs. In his welcoming remarks, Dr Moses Cheng highlighted the history and developments of HSUHK to the AIA representatives. Mr Yuan-siong Lee was happy to witness HSUHK’s contribution to higher education and conveyed their will in providing active support to HSUHK in the future. The University’s senior management expressed their sincere gratitude to AIA for the support. A campus tour followed, with the guests visiting Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, SCOM TV Studio and HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges. The guests also had a brief conversation with the Associate Master and a student resident of the Patrick S C Poon Amity College. 友邦保險集團有限公司(友邦保險)集團首席執行官兼總裁李源祥先生、集團首席財務官鍾家富先生、集團企業傳訊部副總監吳浣鍶女士於2020 年9 月15 日到訪恒大校園,獲校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、籌募及捐款委員會主席及恒大– 基金管理委員會主席潘燊昌博 士、何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士,與及發展及校友事務總監陳雯慧女士熱情接待,雙方共商日後的支持計劃。 鄭慕智博士在歡迎辭中向友邦保險的代表介紹恒大的歷史及發展概況,而李源祥先生則喜見恒大對高等教育的貢獻,並表示將積極支持恒大,大學管理層對此致以衷心感謝。其後嘉賓一同參觀校園,到訪利國偉教學大樓、傳播學院電視錄影廠及恒大賽馬會住宿書院, 並與潘燊昌樂群書院的副院長及宿生作簡短交流。 (From left) Ms Emerald Ng, Associate Director of Group Corporate Communications of AIA; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Dr Patrick Poon, Chairman of Fundraising and Donation Committee and HSUHK - Foundation Management Committee; Mr Garth Jones, Group Chief Financial Officer of AIA; Mr Yuan-siong Lee, Group Chief Executive and President of AIA; Dr Moses Cheng, Council Chairman; President Simon Ho; and Ms Elisa Chan, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs (左起)友邦企業傳訊部副總監吳浣鍶女士、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、籌募及捐款委員會主席及恒大– 基金管理委員會主席潘燊昌博士、友邦首席財務官鍾家富先生、友邦首席執行官兼總裁李源祥先生、校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士、何順文校長、發展及校 友事務總監陳雯慧女士。 The Consul General of Indonesia Visits HSUHK 印尼駐港總領事到訪恒大 Mr Ricky Suhendar, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia, and his consular staff visited HSUHK and had a meeting with Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL), and Dr Shelby Chan, Associate Dean, on 23 September 2020. They discussed the development of the Indonesian Language course which has been offered by the STFL since September 2019. Both parties also explored future collaborative projects such as a cultural festival and student exchanges, so as to promote Indonesian culture to HSUHK students. 印尼駐港總領事Ricky Suhendar 先生及領事館人員於2020 年9 月23 日蒞臨恒大,與翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授及副院長陳嘉恩博士進行會議。翻譯及外語學院自2019 年9 月起便提供印尼文課程,會議中雙方討論該課程的發展,並探討將來向恒大學生推廣印尼 文化的合作計劃,例如文化節及學生交流計劃等。 Mr Ricky Suhendar, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia (3rd from right); Professor Gilbert Fong (3rd from left); Dr Shelby Chan (1st from left); and the consular staff take a group photo. 印尼駐港總領事Ricky Suhendar 先生(右三)、方梓勳教授(左三)、陳嘉恩博士(左一)及領事館人員合照留念。 Representatives of Lam Tai Fai College Visits the School of Communication 林大輝中學代表到訪傳播學院 Representatives of Lam Tai Fai College, including Dr Tai-fai Lam, Supervisor of Incorporated Management Committee; Mr Yat-yuk Tam, Principal; Mr Ivan Kwok, Deputy Principal; and a group of teachers and students visited the School of Communication on 10 October 2020. The guests were warmly received by Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication (SCOM); and Professor Ronald Chiu, Professor (Practice) of the SCOM. Professor Tso delivered a welcome speech, providing the guests with a brief overview of the School, an introduction to the SCOM programmes and its latest developments. The guests then visited the state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities where practical training takes place, including the Multi-Media Training Centre, the Radio Broadcast Training Centre, the Multi-Media Laboratory, the TV Lab and the TV Studio. Student works were also showcased to provide guests with a thorough understanding of the learning outcomes of the School’s teaching and training. The guests also visited various facilities on campus including the library, sports and recreation facilities, and the Lam Tai Fai Clock Tower, a landmark of HSUHK, which was named after Dr Lam in recognition of his generous donation to the University. 林大輝中學代表,包括校董會主席林大輝博士、譚日旭校長、郭劍輝副校長,以及其他師生於2020 年10 月10 日到訪傳播學院,獲協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授及傳播學院趙應春教授(實務)熱情接待。 曹教授向代表團致歡迎辭,簡介學院的工作、課程內容及其最新發展。嘉賓接著參觀了作為實務培訓的先進教學設施,包括多媒體培訓中心、電台廣播培訓中心、媒體及傳播實驗室、實驗電視廊及電視錄影廠,期間更展示了學生的作品,讓嘉賓對學院的培訓成果有更 全面的了解。代表團隨後參觀恒大校園的各項設施,包括圖書館、體育及康樂設施,以及為表揚林博士慷慨捐贈予恒大,而以其名字命名的恒大地標林大輝鐘樓。 (From left) Professor Ronald Chiu, Professor (Practice) of the SCOM; Dr James Chang, Associate Dean of the SCOM; Dr Tai-fai Lam, Supervisor of Incorporated Management Committee of Lam Tai Fai College; Mr Yat-yuk Tam, Principal of Lam Tai Fai College; and Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of the SCOM take a group photo at the TV Studio. (左起)傳播學院趙應春教授(實務)、傳播學院副院長張志宇博士、林大輝中學校董會主席林大輝博士、林大輝中學譚日旭校長及傳播學院院長曹虹教授於電視錄影廠內合照。 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to new full-time senior executive staff who joined the HSUHK family in October 2020. 衷心歡迎以下於2020 年10 月加入恒大的高級行政人員。 Newly Joined Staff 新加入職員 School/Department/Office Senior Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 高級行政人員 職位 Student Affairs Office 學生事務處 Mr Derek Kwan 關允聰先生 Manager (Residential Colleges) 經理(住宿書院) Information as of 11 November 2020. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month with the editorial support of Mr Kyle Thorson of the English Department. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2020 年11 月11 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版,英文系Mr Kyle Thorson 協助英文內容編校。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界沙田小瀝源行善里