Erudition 博學 09‧2020 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 New Academic Year, New Developments at HSUHK 恒大新學年,新發展 - HSUHK New Student Orientation 2020 恒大迎新2020 - President Simon Ho welcomes new students 何順文校長歡迎新生 - Sharing by Deans of the Schools 院長分享 HSUHK People 恒大人 Interview with Ms Antonia Yeung 楊如虹女士專訪 University Information 大學訊息 HSUHK x Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organises 'Business Wisdom and Strategies: Asian and Chinese Perspectives Online Certificate Programme Series' 恒大與《亞洲週刊》合辦「營商智慧及產業方略:亞洲中國視野網上證書課程系列」 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 New Academic Year, New Developments at HSUHK 恒大新學年,新發展...........................................................................................1 The President Welcomes New Members to the HSUHK Family 校長歡迎新成員加入恒大家庭.........................................................................1 •HSUHK New Student Orientation 2020 香港恒生大學迎新2020...................................................................................................2 •Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2020 新教學人員啟導課程 2020...................................................................................2 President Updates on Academic Initiatives School Deans Introduce New Programme Developments  校長闡述學術新動向 院長介紹課程新發展......................................................................................................................3 •Teaching, Programmes and Research Centres’ Developments 教學、課程及研究中心發展...........................................................................3 •The School of Business Launches Two New BBA Programmes and has plans for a Master of Business Management in 2021  商學院推出兩個新學士學位課程及計劃於2021 年開辦商業管理碩士課程..............................................................................................4 •The School of Communication Strengthens Communication Technology Learning in Modules 傳播學院加強科目中傳播科技元素..............................5 •The School of Decision Sciences Rolls Out Hong Kong’s First Executive Master of Science in Insurance 決策科學學院創辦香港首個行政人員保險碩士......6 •The School of Humanities and Social Science Establishes the Department of Art and Design 人文社會科學學院成立藝術設計系................................7 •The School of Translation and Foreign Languages Offers More Foreign Language Courses 翻譯及外語學院開辦更多外語科目..................................8 HSUHK People 恒大人 Exploring Opportunities, Embracing Challenges - Interview with Ms Antonia Yeung 探索求新 擁抱挑戰-楊如虹女士專訪......................................13 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Diverse Journalistic Learning Opportunities Pave the Way for Photojournalism Career - Interview with Ms Yik Lam  多元傳媒學習體驗 邁向攝影新聞事業-林亦女士專訪..........................................................................................................15 Opening up Unlimited Business Opportunities with Solid Language Foundation - Interview with Mr Gap Leung  打穩語文基礎 開拓無限商機-梁子謙先生專訪................................................................................................................16 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 HSUHK Funded Most Projects in RGC Funding Schemes among Local Self-financing Institutions 恒大獲研究資助局撥款項目總數為本地自資院校之冠.........17 University Information 大學訊息 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK  慶祝恒大建校 40 周年.........................................................................19 Appointment of Ms May-kay Wong and Mr Chee-leong Yeo as HSUHK Governors 王美琪女士及楊志良先生獲委任為恒大校董..........................................19 HSUHK and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organises‘Business Wisdom and Strategies: Asian and Chinese Perspectives Online Certificate Programme Series’  恒大與《亞洲週刊》合辦「營商智慧及產業方略:亞洲中國視野網上證書課程系列」.............................................................................20 The Opening of the Honours Academy of HSUHK 恒大創辦榮譽學院..........................................................................................21 •The 1st Cohort of Honours Academy Students Sets off their 3-Year Learning Journey 榮譽學院首屆學員 開展三年學習旅程.................................21 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong - Foundation Wall 香港恒生大學-基金會員芳名榜..................................................................22 HSUHK COVID-19 Student Hardship Relief Fund 香港恒生大學COVID-19 學生援助基金.........................................................................22 Campus Express 校園快訊 Industry Leaders’Chatroom Series: Insurance Industry Outlook and How to Get Started in the Field 「領袖開LIVE 」系列: 保險達人-前程與樂趣............22 Celebrating the Establishment of the Department of Art and Design at HSUHK - The Exhibition of Watercolour Sketches by Professor Desmond Hui  慶祝恒大成立藝術設計系-許焯權教授水彩畫速寫展覽........................................................................................................23 Issue 006 of Alumni News is Published 第六期《恒誌》出版...............................................................................................24 HSUHK Physical Fitness Video Series 恒大健體運動短片系列...............................................................................................24 Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 HSUHK Students Get Fabulous Results in the 3rd Social Entrepreneurship Practice Camp 恒大學生於第三屆社創實踐營勇創佳績................................24 Record-high Awards of over HK$6M to HSUHK Students by the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme  恒大學生獲政府自資專上獎學金逾600 萬港元 歷來最高........................................................................................................25 HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2020 香港恒生大學x 南華早報企業挑戰賽2020........................................................................26 School of Translation and Foreign Languages Students Receive Book Prize for Interpreting 2019/20  翻譯及外語學院同學榮獲傳譯書券獎2019/20...................................................................................................................26 The Hong Kong Translation Society F C Lo Scholarships Awards a School of Translation and Foreign Languages Student  香港翻譯學會羅富昌獎學金頒贈予翻譯及外語學院同學..........................................................................................................26 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Off-campus Accommodation Seminars 校外出租居所講座.......................................................................................................27 Volunteer Activities at the Patrick S C Poon Amity College 潘燊昌樂群書院義工活動........................................................................27 HSUHK Badminton Tournament 2020 恒大2020 年羽毛球賽......................................................................................................28 Music Power at HSUHK A Cappella 享受音樂:恒大無伴奏合唱團...............................................................................................28 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit by Alumni 校友到訪.................................................................................................................................29 Personnel Updates 人事快訊................................................................................................................................29 Back Cover Updates封底快訊 HSUHK ‘Connected without Boundaries’ Video Series: Back to School! 恒大「與你同行」短片系列:開學啦!....................................................30 Feature 專題報道 New Academic Year, New Developments at HSUHK 恒大新學年,新發展 In the New Student Orientation 2020, Guests of Honour deliver their blessings and hope to new students through the balloons. 恒大網上迎新2020,主禮嘉賓們將對新生的寄望及祝福注入畢業球,送給新生。 The President Welcomes New Members to the HSUHK Family 校長歡迎新成員加入恒大家庭 “My warmest welcome to all of you in the new academic year 2020-21, especially to the new staff members and students who have joined the HSUHK Family! To the 18 new academic staff members, you have joined a strong cohort of scholars with a common drive to achieve excellence in teaching, learning and research. I encourage you to contribute your expertise and ideas, inspire others and be inspired in this vibrant community. To the 2,000 new students, having undergone social incidents and the COVID-19 pandemic, we all experienced an extraordinary journey last year, especially for freshmen who overcame a lot of hurdles for the DSE examination. With the start of the new academic year, you have embarked on an exciting learning journey at HSUHK. Here, you will explore your interests and passions, and expand your competencies; you will also be challenged by new ideas and new learning opportunities that will broaden your horizons, help your personal growth and solidify your personal values. I encourage you to be open-minded, appreciate different ideas and views, and be creative, finding balanced solutions to problems. I hope that students would care more about the people around us, building a community with mutual trust and human caring. If you come across any difficulties or any problems fitting in with the campus life, please feel free to ask senior students or teachers for advice. I believe they will be glad to provide assistance. Out of adversity comes opportunity. Though there are many challenges ahead, I believe that with perseverance and a positive attitude, we will surmount each hurdle and have a fruitful and flourishing university life.” 「衷心歡迎各位與我們一起踏入2020-21 新學年,特別歡迎新加入恒大家庭的學生與教職員! 對於18 名新教師來說,你們已成為恒大優秀學術團隊的一份子,與我們合力推動卓越的教學和研究。我鼓勵各位貢獻所長、提出想法,在這個充滿活力的大學社群裡,啟發自我、啟迪他人。 至於新加入的 2,000 多位新生,去年經歷了社會事件和疫情等,大家都有著不平凡的經歷,尤其是今年的一年級新生,經過了一波三折的文憑試,慶幸最終還是順利完成。隨著新學年開始,你們在恒大充滿趣味的學習之旅亦正式展開,你將會在這裡發掘興趣及熱 情所在,發展潛能;你亦會受到新意念的沖擊,並有許多嶄新的學習機會,助你開拓視野、自我成長,及建立個人價值觀。 我鼓勵你們保持開放的態度,欣賞不同的想法和意見,同時發揮創造力,為問題找出平衡的解決方案。我亦希望同學能夠多關心身邊人,建立一個互信互助、富人文關懷的社群。如果遇上困難或不適應的地方,可以向師兄師姐及教師多提問,他們一定很樂意提供協助。 有危也有機。雖然未來仍然會有很多挑戰,但我相信只要保持堅毅的精神及正面的態度,我們將會跨越障礙,獲得充實而豐盛的大學生活。」 President Simon S M Ho 何順文校長 • HSUHK New Student Orientation 2020 香港恒生大學迎新2020 New Student Orientation was held online on 21 August and 1 September 2020 for senior-year new entrants and Year-1 students respectively. With the theme ‘Leap to Lead’, students were encouraged to move forward amid the unprecedented situation of COVID-19 and to unleash their potential at HSUHK. Over 2,300 participants took part in the activity, with more than 300 current senior year students serving as Campus Life Mentors to support new students accommodating to campus life at HSUHK. In the Welcome Session, President Simon S M Ho gave a warm welcome to all new students joining the HSUHK family, and Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) shared HSUHK’s unique ‘Liberal + Professional’ education model as well as its ‘desired graduate attributes: iGPS’ framework. Ms Esther Lee, Acting Director of Student Affairs, chatted with some current students who shared how they adapted to life at HSUHK and the activities they joined. School sessions and academic programme sessions were then arranged for the new students to obtain essential and practical information on their study and to meet their teachers and fellow classmates. The event was finally concluded with an online live chat between representatives of the Students’ Union and new students. 恒大於2020 年8 月21 日及9 月1 日分別為高年級新生及一年級新生舉行線上迎新,並以「Leap to Lead」為主題,鼓勵同學於疫情下前所未見的環境中向前邁進,發揮潛能。今年共有超過2,300 名參加者參與迎新活動,並有超過300 位高年級學長擔任校園生活導 師,協助新生盡快適應恒大校園生活。 何順文校長於開幕禮歡迎新同學加入恒大家庭,而副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士則向新生介紹恒大獨特的「博雅+ 專業」教育模式及「期望畢業生特質:iGPS」。學生事務處署理學生事務總監李德芬女士則與正在恒大就讀的學生傾談,分享他們如何適應恒大生活 及曾經參與的活動。其後五所學院和各個學術課程的師生進行交流,分享課程和學習上的須知與實用資訊。活動最後以新生與學生會代表線上對話及交流作結。 President Simon Ho welcomes all new students. 何順文校長歡迎新生。 Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), introduces the education model of HSUHK. 副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士簡介恒大教育模式。 Ms Esther Lee, Acting Director of Student Affairs, chatted with current students Mr Eric Chan, Mr Denny Li, Mr Ayden Law, Ms Keria Fang, Mr Brandon Wu, Ms Ruby Chim and Ms Monique Hui. 學生事務處署理學生事務總監李德芬女士與學生陳浩銘、李逸、羅智軒、房碧晴、吳懷恩、詹瑩瑩及許桂華對談。 • Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2020 新教學人員啟導課程 2020 The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) organised a series of online forum and seminars for new academic staff on 4 and 7 September 2020 respectively as part of the Induction Programme for New Academic Staff 2020, helping them gain a better understanding of teaching and learning at HSUHK. The series started with the ‘Forum on Creating a Welcoming, Positive and Productive Learning Environment’ on the first day. The seminars ‘Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) and Criterion-Referenced Assessment’, ‘Online Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies’ and ‘Learning Programme Accreditation and Quality Assurance’ were held on the second day. Dozens of existing colleagues joined our new academic staff and attended the sessions. The sessions were well received and participants found the induction programme informative and inspiring. Receiving overwhelming response, the webinar ‘Shine a Spotlight on Students (…Subtly): Practices to Keep Your Students ON-line’ was held on 9 September 2020 following the series to give tips to academic staff on online teaching. 教與學發展中心於2020年9 月4 日及7 日以網上形式, 為「新教學人員啟導課程2020」舉辦一系列論壇及講座,協助他們了解恒大的教與學。 首天的「建立友善、正面、高成效的學習環境論壇」為系列打響頭炮,第二天則有「成果為本教學與標準參照評估」、「善用新興科技進行網上教與學」與「認識課程評審及質素保證」講座。每場活動均有數十位現職同事與新教學人員參與,參加者都認為活動內容豐 富、資訊實用及富啟發性。 由於同事反應熱烈, 中心額外在2020 年9 月9 日舉辦「(暗中)打個聚光燈:保持學生『不斷線』的實戰技巧」網上講座,分享更多網上教學的訣竅。 Dr Ben Cheng, Director of CTL, welcomes new academic staff to the Induction Programme. 教與學發展中心主任鄭家明博士歡迎新教學人員出席啟導課程。 Doubly virtual: Dr Eugene Wong, Director of Virtual Reality Centre, leads a virtual tour to the Virtual Reality Centre in the‘Online Teaching and Learning with Emerging Technologies’seminar. 雙重虛擬:虛擬實境中心主任黃彥璋博士在「善用新興科技進行網上教與學」講座中帶領虛擬導賞團,參觀虛擬實境中心。 President Updates on Academic Initiatives School Deans Introduce New Programme Developments 校長闡述學術新動向 院長介紹課程新發展 • Teaching, Programmes and Research Centres' Developments 教學、課程及研究中心發展 HSUHK has been adopting online teaching since the new semester began on 11 September 2020. President Simon Ho updates that, in light of the pandemic's improving situation, the University will resume on-campus, face-to-face teaching and learning starting 12 October 2020 with simultaneous live broadcasting. Students may attend any class on campus or online in real-time. President Ho stresses that the University will closely monitor the development of the COVID-19 situation, and there will be flexible arrangements to cater for the different needs of students and teachers. He thanks students and staff for their understanding and adaptation, and reiterates that the University will provide every possible support for those in need. For degree programmes, HSUHK has launched three new bachelor’s degree programmes and one master’s degree programme in 2020/21: BA (Hons) in Art and Design, BBA (Hons) in Economics, BBA (Hons) in General Business and EMSC in Insurance. Professor Ho says each programme has its unique features. “For example, the BBA (Hons) in General Business allows students to select their specialty subjects according to their own interests and career aspirations, and to design their own core module combinations with teacher guidance. This is unlike the usual practice where the University would set the major module combinations for students in advance. We have also prepared for the BA (Hons) in Art and Design for quite a while. We have received a lot of support from the industry and are excited about its launch. The University will specially focus on the development of Arts Tech in the coming years, aiming to build HSUHK as a creative hub for various cultural and art events.” More new programmes are under preparation, including BSS in Philosophy, Politics and Economics; BA in Psychology; Master of Business Management; MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence; MA in Drama and Performance Studies and MA in Global English Literary and Cultural Studies. With their expected launch in academic year 2021/22, the University will have a more comprehensive range of programme options and students will have more study choices. Furthermore, thanks to teachers driving external funding, HSUHK has also set up the Big Data Intelligence Centre and the Chinese Family Succession Research Centre, which not only enhance the University’s academic strength, but also fit in with the social and economic developments of Hong Kong and Greater China. President Ho says, “HSUHK highly supports teachers to apply for external funding in order to develop research in their specialised areas, delivering research outcomes with greater impacts.” 恒大於2020 年9 月11 日新學期開始時,採用網上教學模式。何校長稱,鑑於近日疫情明顯緩和,大學於2020 年10 月12 日起將恢復面授堂課,同步亦會有網上直播。學生可選擇返校園上課或網上實時上課。何校長強調,學校會繼續密切留意疫情發展,同時亦會靈活 安排,以切合老師和同學不同的教學和學習需要。他感謝師生的諒解及適應,並重申學校會為有需要人士盡力提供各方面的支援。 學位課程方面,恒大在2020/21 學年新推出了三個學士學位課程及一個碩士學位課程,分別為藝術設計(榮譽)文學士、經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士、綜合工商管理(榮譽)學士及行政人員保險理學碩士。何校長說,每個新課程都有其獨特之處。「例如綜合工商管理 學士課程,容許學生按自身興趣及事業發展去挑選專修科目,並由老師指引他們組成最適合自己的主修學科,而不是由校方預設主修學科組合,這是一個嶄新的嘗試。而藝術設計學士課程亦已籌備了一段時間,得到業界很多支持,令人十分興奮和期待。未來我們會特別 注重藝術科技的發展,希望學校能成為一個創意中心,讓不同的創意文藝活動可以在校園內展現。」 除此之外,學校尚有數個新課程在籌備當中,包括哲學、政治與經濟社會科學學士;心理學文學士;商業管理碩士;數據科學及人工智能理學碩士;戲劇與表演研究文學碩士;及環球英語文學及文化研究文學碩士。這些課程期望可於2021/22 學年推出。屆時大學的學科 配置將更加完備,讓同學有更多選擇。 研究方面,恒大新成立了「大數據智能中心」及「華人家族傳承研究中心」,兩個研究中心均由教師自行尋找外部資金來創立,不但有助增強整個院校的學術研究實力,亦能配合大中華及香港的社會經濟發展。何校長說:「恒大十分支持教師向校外機構申請經費,發展 其專長領域的研究,藉此做出更有影響力的研究成果。」 The website of the newly-established Department of Art and Design. 新成立的藝術設計系網站。 • The School of Business Launches Two New BBA Programmes and has plans for a Master of Business Management in 2021 商學院推出兩個新學士學位課程及計劃於2021年開辦商業管理碩士課程 Professor Bradley R. Barnes,Dean at the School of Business 商學院院長李海東教授 With the goal of providing more diverse study options to students who are interested in developing their career or pursuing further studies in the business field, the School of Business has launched two new programmes this academic year and has several other new initiatives on the go. Each of the two new programmes at the undergraduate level has its unique features, as Professor Bradley R. Barnes, Dean of the School of Business, introduces: “The BBA (Hons) in Economics builds on the strengths of the School in economics research and teaching. Meanwhile the BBA (Hons) in General Business allows students to select their own study options across a broad range of business and management areas. Students can therefore customise their own study paths in a flexible curriculum according to their interests, strengths and career aspirations.” The School is now looking forward to the launch of a new master’s programme in the next academic year. The one-year full-time Master of Business Management programme will offer four different pathways, so students can choose to specialise in Accountancy and Corporate Governance, Global Business Management, Global Finance, or Marketing, after they have studied subjects across the School’s four different Departments in semester one. To fulfil the graduation requirement, students can also opt for doing either a dissertation which is related to their fields of study, or a research project linked to an organisation. In addition, the School has twinned up with Griffith University in Australia to offer four articulations related to their master’s programmes. Students of the new Master of Business Management programme or those on the existing MSc in Entrepreneurial Management programme will have the chance to study for a further six months at Griffith University and obtain two degrees i.e. the first degree offered by HSUHK and the second Master’s degree in either Business or International Tourism & Hospitality Management offered by Griffith. “It is a very attractive offering that we will provide, which will typically provide two degrees for students for around the same price as one at other institutions in Hong Kong. It’s also a fabulous opportunity to study across two disciplines.” Professor Barnes says. There are also plans to expand and provide the opportunity, for the very first time for students to study for a PhD at HSUHK. The qualification will be awarded by Curtin University in Australia and jointly supervised with staff from both institutions. Currently, it is available for the faculty members of the School of Business to join and it is expected to be rolled out for otherprospective students shortly. “Our faculty members teach at really high levels, as evidenced in our very positive student evaluations. As our reputation grows, positive word-of-mouth referrals occur and people in the community of Hong Kong realise that there are excellent and caring teachers at HSUHK, so a growing number of students are coming here,” Professor Barnes concluded. 為了讓有志於商界發展或進修商科的學生有更多修讀選擇,商學院今個學年推出兩個全新課程,同時正籌備其他發展計劃。 商學院院長李海東教授稱, 新推出的兩個本科生課程各有特色。「商學院一向在經濟研究和教學方面具備實力,經濟學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程正建基於我們這方面的優勢。而綜合工商管理(榮譽)學士課程的學生可以在廣泛的商業及管理範疇科目中,自 選喜歡的學科組合,讓他們可按自己的興趣、長處、職業志向等,靈活選擇自己的學習途徑。」 商學院正計劃來年推出新的全日制商業管理碩士課程。課程為期一年,會提供四個修業途徑,學生在第一個學期修畢商學院內四個學系提供的科目後,可選擇專攻會計及企業管治、環球商業管理、環球金融或市場學。學生亦可選擇提交與其修讀範疇相關的畢業論文, 或為一間公司做項目研究,以滿足畢業要求。 此外,學院亦夥拍澳洲格里菲斯大學,為其碩士課程提供銜接。將來無論是選修新的商業管理碩士的學生,或是現有的創業管理理學碩士學生,都有機會到格里菲斯大學再修讀半年,以獲取兩個碩士學位-分別為恒大頒授的碩士學位,以及格里菲斯頒授的商業碩士或 旅遊與款待管理碩士學位。李教授說:「這是一個很具吸引力的選項,學生可藉此機會修讀兩個學科,並以大概於其他院校修讀一個學位的價錢,獲取兩個學位。」 商學院也計劃開拓恒大首個予學生報讀的博士課程。學院現有的博士課程是與澳洲科廷大學合作,主要提供予商學院的教員就讀,學生同時會得到兩所大學的職員指導。商學院展望課程將開放給其他有意報讀的學生。 李教授總括:「學生對我們的教學質素擁有非常正面的評價,足證我們的教師擁有很高的教學水平。我們聲譽日隆,贏得口碑,香港社會知道恒大有一批關心學生的傑出教師,因此報讀的學生人數不斷上升。」 Driving economic research, the School invites Professor Guanghua Wan, Director of the Institute of World Economy (Fudan University) (12th from left), for a lecture and academic exchange at HSUHK. 商學院致力經濟研究,曾邀請復旦大學世界經濟研究所所長萬廣華教授(左十二)蒞臨恒大演講並作學術交流。 • The School of Communication Strengthens Communication Technology Learning in Modules 傳播學院加強科目中傳播科技元素 Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of the School of Communication 傳播學院院長曹虹教授 The media landscape is ever evolving. Not only is the School of Communication always aware of the emerging changes but it also stays in tune with these changes. To keep abreast of industry developments, the School of Communication (SCOM) has planned to strengthen elements of communication technology in its existing modules in the new academic year. The purpose is to equip students to master the know-how and application of innovative technology. “Communication technology is increasingly gaining importance in all walks of life nowadays. Companies and organisations of different sectors all need to make use of communication technology to promote, market and deliver messages of various content effectively to their target groups according to their different needs. In view of this, SCOM will add elements such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence and more to our modules. We hope that by doing so, students can learn broadly and acquire practical knowledge, so that no matter what careers they take on in future - whether joining news or public relations industries or engaging in government affairs - they will be able to unleash their potential with the use of communication technology in their job positions.” Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of the School of Communication, says. Professor Tso emphasises that communication has in effect gone beyond the journalism industry and is part of the business of many industries today. She points out that some of the SCOM graduates have developed a career in non-journalism areas such as banks, listed companies and PR firms. As such, the School will continue to enhance the role of corporate communication in its programme curricula and will seek to advance partnerships within the industry, striving for more student internship opportunities, and thereby maintaining a good balance between theory and practice in its programmes. "The key feature of SCOM is the combination of business, journalism and communication, and corporate communication, which is strategically integrated with elements of communication technology. We consider such a curriculum design to be capable of nurturing students with diverse skills and providing them with all-round training.” Professor Tso believes that graduates from SCOM will thus enjoy a broader career prospect with greater versatility. In addition, SCOM will continue to organise the Business Journalism Awards, the signature annual event of the School, in the coming year to cement its professional standing in the field of business journalism. Apart from this, in light of the rapid development of new media business by media institutions and the commercial sector in recent years, the School is also planning new directions of programme development to meet a demand for talent in this field. As an example, the School will add elements of film to its currenttraining in business journalism and corporate communication. By adding film elements, students will learn about production of films including microfilms, film marketing and film distribution, which now extensively leverage the use of new media, and thus they will become more readily equipped for professional development concerning new media in their careers upon graduation. Last but not least, the School is preparing for the development of a new master's degree programme i n business communication. This new programme is expected to be launched in the 2021/22 academic year. 傳媒生態瞬息萬變,傳播學院亦與時並進,未來一年將在現有科目中, 加入更多傳播科技元素,裝備學生掌握創新科技的知識和應用。傳播學院院長曹虹教授表示:「現時各行各業都十分著重傳播科技,不同類別的機構都需要因應不同的內容作宣傳及推廣,並針對目標 對象的需要,使用傳播科技來有效傳送訊息。因此我們亦會將虛擬實境、擴增實境等技術,以及人工智能等這類元素加入科目內,讓學生能學得更多、更廣、更實用,將來他們無論加入新聞傳播或公共關係等行業,又或從事政府事務,都可以運用傳播科技作更好的發 揮。」 曹教授強調,現今很多行業都會涉及傳播的元素,並不只局限於新聞行業,例如一些傳播學院畢業生,便於銀行、上市公司及公關公司工作,因此學院未來亦會不斷加強企業傳訊課程的訓練,並強化與業界的伙伴關係,致力增加同學的實習機會,務求課程理論與實踐並重。 「傳播學院最大的特色就是兼具商業、新聞傳播及企業傳訊,並積極融入傳播科技。我們認為這樣的課程設計,可培養同學的多元技能,令整個訓練更為全面。」曹教授深信,恒大傳播學院的畢業生,可塑性更高,出路亦更廣闊。 而傳播學院年度焦點項目「商業新聞獎」,來年亦會繼續籌辦,以奠定學院在商業新聞界的專業地位。此外,學院也留意到近年傳媒機構和商界均積極拓展新媒體業務,對相關人才需求殷切,傳播學院亦正計劃新的課程發展方向,例如在現有的商業新聞傳播及企業傳訊 訓練上,加入電影元素,讓學生將電影及微電影的製作、推廣及發行等知識,結合媒體的發展需要,以利他們在專業上有更大的發揮。 傳播學院亦正籌備與商業傳播有關的新碩士課程,預計於2021/22 學年推出。 SCOM will strengthen the element of communication technology and tighten bonds within the industry. 傳播學院會加強傳播科技元素,並與業界加緊合作。 • The School of Decision Sciences Rolls Out Hong Kong’s First Executive Master of Science in Insurance 決策科學學院創辦香港首個行政人員保險碩士 Professor Lawrence Leung, Dean of the School of Decision Sciences 決策科學學院院長梁志堅教授 The School of Decision Sciences (SDSC) launches Hong Kong’s first Executive Master of Science in Insurance this year. The programme grooms the future leaders of the insurance industry. It provides an opportunity of advanced training for executives in the insurance industry to meet the growing and diversified public demand. Professor Lawrence Leung, Dean of the School of Decision Sciences, tells us that master programmes focusing on insurance are rare, whether locally or globally. “We have spent almost three years to prepare for this programme. Though there have been many challenges, we are grateful to have strong support from industry professionals. We have also recruited a well-known industry leader, Mr Lawrence Lee, to join us as Professor of Practice. He has since contributed invaluable input for the programme design. This programme is well-structured on both the academic and professional sides, bringing together theoretical and practice knowledge.” Professor Leung and his team are proud of the successful launch of the programme, and he believes that it will contribute to the long-term development of the insurance industry in the region. With the explosion of information technology in recent years, SDSC is going to launch a Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the next academic year. Professor Leung says, “Today’s world takes the form of data economy rather than monetary economy. The development of the internet has created a sea of data and information, which in turn has created wealth. Important topics in this digital age include Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing. The new master’s programme is tailored to provide an opportunity for information technology talent in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. In addition, our School is strengthening the elements of Artificial Intelligence and Fin Tech in our undergraduate programmes to reflect the development of the times.” In the future, SDSC will continue to build partnerships with industries in Hong Kong and the Mainland. 決策科學學院今年推出香港首個行政人員保險理學碩士課程,為保險業培育未來領袖,及為保險行政人員提供加強培訓的機會,滿足社會與日俱增及愈趨多元的保險需求。決策科學學院院長梁志堅教授表示,無論是本地或是全球來說,專門關於保險的碩士課程都是 鮮有的。 「我們花了大概三年時間籌辦這個課程,過程中雖然遇到不少困難,但慶幸得到保險業界許多有心人士的大力支持。我們更邀請了保險業界翹楚李彥鴻先生加盟成為教授(實務),他在課程設計上提供了許多寶貴意見。這個課程學術及專業並重,既有理論基礎,同時 實用貼地。」梁教授說,課程能夠順利推出,他和團隊都感到相當自豪,相信課程定能對區內保險業的長遠發展有所貢獻。 有見資訊科技近年急速發展,學院正計劃下學年推出數據科學及人工智能碩士課程。梁教授說:「現在的社會已不是貨幣型經濟,而是數據型經濟。隨著科網發展,產生大量的數據和資訊,這些數據和資訊都可以創造財富。在現今數碼年代,人工智能、大數據、區塊 鏈、雲端運算等都是重要課題。新的碩士課程正好為香港及大灣區的資訊科技人才提供深造機會。同時在本科課程中,我們亦會加強人工智能、金融科技等元素,以反映時代發展。」而學院未來亦會繼續與香港及內地業界建立合作伙伴關係。 SDSC cares about student development and encourages them to take part in international competitions. The photo is taken at the 10th International Logistics Case Study Competition 2019 in Korea, where SDSC students are part of the championship team. 決策科學學院著重學生發展,鼓勵學生參與國際賽事。圖為學院學生參加於南韓舉行的2019 香港國際物流案例大賽,她們與其他大學的學生組成隊伍,並獲得冠軍。 Professor (Practice) Lawrence Lee gives invaluable advice on the new EMSC in Insurance programme. 李彥鴻教授(實務)為新推出的行政人員保險理學碩士課程提供不少寶貴意見。 • The School of Humanities and Social Science Establishes the Department of Art and Design 人文社會科學學院成立藝術設計系 Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science 人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授 The School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS) has built connections with industries, particularly the emerging and growing cultural industries. After years of preparation, SHSS has established the Department of Art and Design, which is headed by Professor Desmond Hui, and launches a BA (Hons) in Art and Design this year, providing more learning opportunities for students who have a career aspiration in the field. Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, says, “Design is a way to convey messages with art, which involves aesthetic elements and design thinking during the process. To put it simply, art is the foundation of design, and design is the expression of art. There is much room in between and it promises to be a long enriching learning journey. Studying art and design is only the beginning of such a wonderful journey. Students have ample opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge through further study and industry practice.” Professor Tam points out that cultural and creative industries have become a vital part of the new economy. Global investments in such industries will keep growing; hence students should seize the opportunity. “While many industries will change and existing jobs will disappear in the coming one or two decades due to globalisation, automation and collaborations between industries, jobs that depend on creativity will remain and continue to prosper. SHSS will develop new programmes that harness creativity with technology and psychology so as to prepare a new generation of students for the future.” Besides rolling out new programmes, the School also puts emphasis on the inclusion of global elements in the curriculum. For instance, the Department of English will strengthen its study on new varieties other than British and American English, so as to equip students with the knowledge of global English for international communication and for a better understanding of cultural diversities in the world. The Department of Chinese will combine Western perspectives in Chinese studies with traditional Chinese scholarship and focus on the transformation of culture from tradition to modernity. The Department of Social Science will reinforce strengths in policy study, with inquiry into the socio-political transformations connecting Asia with the rest of the world. The new Department of Art and Design, with two BA programmes, namely, Cultural and Creative Industries, and Art and Design, will nurture artistic talents and management professionals to meet growing demands in the new economy. Professor Tam adds, “The creative industries capitalise on ‘technologising’ culture, with reinventions of tradition in new forms, of which literature and history constitute their major sources. Disney films, or many popular video games, have their sources from literary texts. So do successful advertisements that tell stories in an artistic way. On top of skills learning, particularly in computer graphics and IT, students have to be well versed in humanities subjects and be able to reinvent tradition with new insights.” 人文社會科學學院一直致力與業界,尤其是新興的文化產業接軌。籌備經年,今年學院成立了由許焯權教授帶領的藝術設計系,並推出了藝術設計(榮譽)文學士課程,為有志於相關行業發展的學生,提供更多學習機會。 人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授表示:「設計是傳達藝術感染力的其中一種方法,當中涉及不同的美學元素和設計思維。簡單來說,藝術是設計的根本,而設計則是藝術的表達,當中的空間很大,是一個漫長而豐盛的學習過程,修讀藝術設計課程只是這個美妙旅程的 開始,同學將來透過繼續進修和行業實踐,還有許多提升技能的機會。」 譚教授指出,文化創意產業已是新經濟的重要部分,全球在文創產業的投資將會越來越多,故同學應好好把握發展機遇。「全球化、自動化,以及產業之間的合作,都會令許多行業的生態改變,不少工作會在未來十至二十年間漸漸消失,惟有依靠創意的工作不容易被取 代,並會持續蓬勃發展。因此人文社科學院的發展方向,是將創意與科技及心理學結合,訓練新世代的學生為未來作好準備。」 除了推出新課程,學院亦會在現有的課程中加強全球化的元素,例如英文系會加強研究英式和美式英語之外的不同英語類型,希望裝備學生有全球化英文知識,以便與不同地區的人士溝通,更了解世界文化的多樣性。中文系課程則會在傳統中國文學及文化之外,加入西 方漢學元素,並集中於文化從傳統到現代的轉化。社會科學系方面,亦會開始加強亞洲政策研究,探尋地區與環球的社會政治轉變,以及當中的連結。至於新成立的藝術設計系轄下的兩個課程,包括文化及創意產業課程,和藝術設計課程,會繼續栽培藝術及管理專才, 以回應新經濟對相關人才的上升需求。 譚教授補充:「創意產業隨著科技文化發展而蓬勃,並從歷史文化中吸取養份,將傳統以新的形式重新包裝和創造。好像現時迪士尼電影和不少流行的電子遊戲,都包含了文學內容,成功的廣告也會將文藝元素融匯其中。因此學生除了熟悉電腦圖像及資訊科技等技能, 亦需通曉人文學科知識,才可以在重塑傳統時,注入新思維和角度。」 HSUHK organises an exhibition of watercolour sketches by Professor Desmond Hui, Founding Head of the Department of Art and Design, to celebrate the establishment of the Department. 恒大為藝術設計系創系系主任許焯權教授舉辦水彩畫速寫展覽,以慶祝該系成立。 • The School of Translation and Foreign Languages Offers More Foreign Language Courses 翻譯及外語學院開辦更多外語科目 Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (left) and Dr Shelby Chan, Associate Dean 翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授(左)及副院長陳嘉恩博士 With its plan to open more foreign language courses, the original School of Translation has been renamed the School of Translation and Foreign Languages (STFL) this new academic year. “Now it’s not enough for us to know only Chinese and English. There are many different cultures in the world. The formation of a global village also creates the need to learn different languages for better communication. Looking forward, STFL hopes to develop beyond Chinese-English translation and go for translation between German and Chinese, Spanish and Chinese, English and French, English and German, and so on.” says Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages. Dr Shelby Chan, Associate Dean, says that when studying a foreign language, students also need to learn the culture, history and social background, as only in this way can they understand the community using that language and build their empathy and sympathy towards that community. “After students learn the language and culture, and get to know more about the place, they can think of studying, working or even living there, so that they can widen their horizons and explore room for selfdevelopment.” Besides current courses on French, German, Spanish and Italian, STFL is looking to open Indonesian and Vietnamese courses. Another development focus of the School is computer technology, and there will be translation courses oninternational relations, current affairs and sustainability as well. Professor Fong stresses, “We hope to train students to be Smart Translators. For ‘Smart’, firstly it means ‘Language Smart’, secondly it is ‘Cultural Smart’, which means to say something appropriate according to the occasion. Thirdly it is ‘Technology Smart’, which is about computer-aided translation. Translation is not a parroting exercise. We need to train students’ competence in translation with these three ‘Smart’ qualities, so that they are able to create new products.” Putting emphasis on students’ practical experience, STFL set up the Business Translation Centre a few years ago to enable students to gain hands-on experience dealing with clients. “We hope that students can adapt and articulate quickly once they enter the workforce. Hence it is very important for them to get first-hand experience so that they will be well prepared in translation standards, skills and attitude.” Professor Fong and Dr Chan conclude that the translation programme at HSUHK is dynamic, able to meet the need of the market and society, and attaches equal importance to theory and practice. It also has the greatest number of translation technology projects among Hong Kong’s higher institutions due to its increasing effort in this aspect. “We will make a big push towards computer translation technology, and our programmes will be more diversified in the future.” 翻譯學院在新學年改名為「翻譯及外語學院」,顧名思義,學院將開辦更多外語課程。院長方梓勳教授表示:「現今只懂中文和英文並不足夠,世界還有很多不同文化,地球村的形成亦令我們在溝通上有學習不同語言的需要。未來我們希望可以發展中英以外的對譯, 例如德漢、西漢、英法、英德等。」 副院長陳嘉恩博士闡釋,學習外語必須同時學習當地的文化、歷史及社會背景,了解那個語言的社群,才能建立同理心及同情心。「同學在學習了語言及文化,認識了那個地方後,將來也可考慮到當地讀書、工作甚至生活,從而擴闊自己的眼界及自我發展的空間。」 除了現有的法文、德文、西班牙文及意大利文,學院正計劃發展印尼文及越南文課程。電腦科技亦是學院發展的另一重點項目,亦會有國際關係、時事及可持續發展的翻譯。方教授強調:「我們希望畢業生能成為Smart Translator。Smart 有幾個方向,第一是語言 智能(Language Smart);第二是文化智能(Cultural Smart),即因應場合說適合的話;第三是科技智能(Technology Smart),即電腦科技的翻譯。翻譯不是搬字過紙,我們需要訓練學生的能力,裝備他們這三種翻譯智能,讓他們可以製造新的製成品出來。」此 外,學院一向重視學生的實務經驗,數年前已設立商務翻譯中心,讓學生實際體驗如何與客戶接洽。「我們希望同學一投身職場,便可以很快適應與銜接,無論翻譯水平、技巧以至心態都已經熟習,因此實戰經驗非常重要。」 方教授和陳博士表示,恒大的翻譯課程靈活互動,貼近市場發展和社會需要,理論與實踐並重;近年更格外注重翻譯科技,科技翻譯項目的數量為香港院校中最多。「未來我們會大力推動電腦翻譯科技,課程發展亦會愈趨多元化。」 STFL strives to explore the area of translation technology. The IPO translation software is one of its innovations. 翻譯及外語學院致力開拓翻譯科技範疇,IPO 翻譯軟件就是其中一項研發。 This year we have 18 new academic staff joining our University. Let's extend our warmest welcome and learn more about them. 今年恒大共有18 名新加入的教學人員,讓我們認識他們,並歡迎他們加入成為恒大一份子。 Ms Laura Cavanna Department of Art and Design 藝術設計系 Lecturer 講師 As an Italian architect with a strong focus in interior design, Ms Laura Cavanna is currently based in Hong Kong working in education. She has worked in many countries for various types of agencies and institutes, learning to appreciate and adapt to different aesthetics, preferences and cultures. Laura Cavanna 女士為意籍建築師,專注於室內設計,目前在香港從事教育工作。她曾在多個國家的不同機構和院校工作,學會欣賞和融會不同的審美觀、喜好和文化。 Ms Angela Chan 陳佩儀女士 Department of Management 管理學系 Lecturer 講師 Ms Angela Chan has taught Business Communications, Developing Managerial Skills, International Management and Cross Cultural and Comparative Management in local universities. Prior to her teaching career, she worked in the private learning and development industry sector within the territory, providing HR solutions for different stakeholders. 陳佩儀女士曾於多間本地大學教授商業溝通、管理技能發展、國際管理和跨文化及比較管理等課程。從事教學工作之前,她曾於本地私營機構從事教學及發展行業,為不同持份者提供人力資源解決方案。 Dr David Chan 陳謝天博士 Department of Computing 電子計算系 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Dr David Chan received his PhD in Information Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has served as a Reviewer for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Wireless Communications and more than 10 other international conferences. His research interests are in wireless communications and networking, communication theory, and machine learning. 陳謝天博士在香港中文大學獲得信息工程學博士學位,他曾擔任電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)無線通信學報(TWC)及10 多個國際會議的審稿人。他的研究方向是無線通信和網絡、通信理論和機器學習。 Dr Mable Chan 陳美寶博士 Department of English 英文系 Lecturer 講師 Before joining HSUHK, Dr Mable Chan taught in the Department of English at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a Research Assistant Professor. She has published widely in the areas of second language acquisition, professional communication, and language learning and teaching, and has secured research grants as Principal Investigator in the General Research Fund and Standing Committee on Language Education and Research. 陳美寶博士加入恒大前,於香港理工大學英文系擔任助理教授(研究)。其著作範圍廣泛,包括第二語言習得、專業傳意及語文教與學,並以首席研究員身份向優配研究金及語文教育及研究常務委員會成功申請研究資助。 Mr Timothy Chau 周俊興先生 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Mr Timothy Chau has more than twenty years teaching experience at various higher education institutions in Hong Kong, and has been responsible for different Decision Sciences related courses including Business Statistics, Decision Making, Management Science, Operations Management and Quantitative Methods. 周俊興先生20 多年來一直在本港不同院校任教有關決策科學的課程,包括商業統計學、決策學、管理科學、營運管理和數量方法。 Ms Memory Chiu 趙慧嫻女士 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Lecturer 講師 Ms Memory Chiu worked in the IT industry and government sector in Canada and Hong Kong for over ten years. She also has project research and development experience for a blockchain ITF project, and extensive experience in STEM/STREAM service-learning for primary and secondary school education as well as university competitions. 趙慧嫻女士曾在加拿大和香港的資訊科技行業及政府部門工作超過十年。她擁有區塊鏈金融技術機構項目的研發經驗,與及豐富的中小學STEM/STREAM 服務學習和大學競賽經驗。 Mr Ricky Lam 林立基先生 Department of Accountancy 會計學系 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Mr Ricky Lam is a business/people leader, talents and leadership consultant, and experienced educator with over 25 years of experience providing business, commercial and financial consultation services for the Asia-Pacific regional offices of multinational companies. He has engaged in people and business development, corporate training, tertiary education and talents consultancy in recent years. 林立基先生為商界/ 人事領袖、人才及領導顧問和經驗豐富的教育家,擁有超過25 年為跨國企業的亞太地區部門提供營商、商務與財務諮詢之經驗。他近年從事人力及業務發展、企業培訓、高等教育及人才顧問工作。 Mr Harry Lee 李偉業先生 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Lecturer 講師 Harry is an innovative and knowledgeable professional having over 15 years’ experience in FMCG/E-commerce supply chain and logistic fields as Global Supply Chain Manager and Logistics Manager. Apart from his merchandise planning background, he has solid experience in six sigma and lean project implementation in total supply chain operations. 李偉業先生曾在快速消費品/ 電子商務供應鏈和物流領域擔任全球供應鏈經理和物流經理,已有超過15 年的行業經驗,擁有創新意念和專業識見。除了擁有商貿策劃背景,他在全面供應鏈營運中的六西格瑪和精益項目實施方面有豐富的經驗。 Mr Anthony Leung 梁道基先生 Department of Accountancy 會計學系 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Mr Anthony Leung has worked in the financial industry for over 20 years, covering areas of financial accounting and reporting, valuation and risk, legal entity and regulatory control, financial planning and analysis, etc. in HSBC and Morgan Stanley respectively. He managed teams across Asia including Hong Kong, China, India, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan before starting his career in academia. 梁道基先生於金融行業工作逾20 年,負責財務會計和報告、估價和風險、法律實體和監管控制、財務規劃和分析等工作。投身教育工作前,他曾任職香港上海滙豐銀行及摩根士丹利,管理香港、中國、印度、日本、新加坡及台灣等亞洲地區團隊。 Dr Joseph Li 李袓喬博士 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Lecturer 講師 Dr Joseph Li received his MSSc from the National University of Singapore and PhD in Cultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was awarded Global Humanities Junior Fellowship at the Free University of Berlin. His publications can be found in Radical History Review, global-e, Modern China Studies, Hong Kong Studies, and The Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, etc. He is also the Chinese translator of two English academic publications. 李祖喬博士在新加坡國立大學取得社會科學碩士學位,及在香港中文大學取得文化研究博士學位。他曾獲柏林自由大學的Global Humanities JuniorFellowship。他的文章曾刊於《Radical History Review》、《global-e》、《Modern China Studies》、《Hong Kong Studies》和《香港社會科學學報》。他亦是兩本英文學術著作的中文譯者。 Mr Miguel Antonio Nograles Lizada Department of English 英文系 Lecturer 講師 Mr Antonio Lizada has been living in Hong Kong for four years. He received his MA in Literary Studies from the National University of Singapore, and is currently a PhD candidate at The University of Hong Kong, doing research on Asian literature and popular culture. Antonio Lizada 先生在香港居住了四年。他於新加城國立大學獲取文學研究碩士,現在為香港大學的博士研究生,就亞洲文學及流行文化作出研究。 Dr Guo Luo 羅果博士 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance 數學、統計及保險學系 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Dr Guo Luo received his MPhil in Computer Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003 and his PhD in Mathematics from Ohio State University in 2009. Before joining HSUHK, he worked as a von Karman Instructor at the California Institute of Technology and an Assistant Professor at the City University of Hong Kong. 羅果博士於2003 年在香港中文大學獲得計算機科學哲學碩士,並於2009年在俄亥俄州立大學取得數學博士。加入恒大前,他是加州理工學院的馮卡門講師及香港城市大學的助理教授。 Dr Timothy Ng 吳自添博士 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance 數學、統計及保險學系 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Dr Timothy Ng received his MPhil in Risk Management Science and PhD in Statistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He previously taught at the Department of Statistics, Chonnam National University in South Korea before moving back to Hong Kong. He mainly teaches statistics and mathematics related subjects. 吳自添博士在香港中文大學分別取得風險管理科學哲學碩士及統計學博士,回港前任教於南韓全南大學統計學系,以教授統計學及數學相關課程為主。 Dr Anna Tso 曹穎寶博士 Department of English 英文系 Associate Professor 副教授 Dr Anna Tso has over 10 years of English teaching experience at various universities in Hong Kong. She is currently the Vice-President of the Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology (HKAECT) and the Associate Editor of Springer’s Digital Culture and Humanities book series. She is also the guest editor of the special issues for two journals. 曹穎寶博士擁有逾10 年在本港大學教授英語的經驗,她目前擔任香港教育傳意與科技協會副會長及Springer's Digital Culture and Humanities 系列的副編輯。同時,她亦為兩本期刊的特刊擔任客席編輯。 Dr Linda Wang 王暢博士 Department of Management 管理學系 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Dr Wang graduated from the PhD programme of the Eli Broad School of Business of Michigan State University with a major in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Over the past ten years, she has accumulated much teaching and classroom experience at undergraduate, master, and MBA levels in US and Hong Kong universities. She has multiple publications in top-tier management journals. 王暢博士畢業於美國密歇根州立大學Eli Broad 商學院的博士課程,主修組織行為和人力資源管理。過去十年,她在美國和香港的大學累積了豐富的本科、碩士和工商管理碩士的教學和課堂經驗,亦在頂級管理期刊上發表過多篇文章。 Dr Crystal Wu 吳新茹博士 Department of Management 管理學系 Lecturer 講師 Dr Crystal Wu obtained her PhD in Management in 2019 from Lingnan University. She teaches management related courses including Business Policy and Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organisational Behaviour, Management of Change, Service Leadership, etc. She has provided consultation and supervision on students’ service-learning projects. 吳新茹博士於2019 畢業於嶺南大學商學博士管理課程,教授管理相關學科包括商業政策與策略、企業社會責任、組織行為、變革管理、服務領導力等。她亦就學生的服務學習計劃提供諮詢及督導。 Dr Rochelle Yang 楊宜瑄博士 Department of Art and Design 藝術設計系 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Dr Yang’s practice encompasses photography, new media arts, video and performing arts. Her work has been exhibited in major art conventions - Nord Art (Germany), SIGGRAH (Japan), Biennale (Shenzhen) and Asia Contemporary Art (HK). She served as chairperson for Art Gallery of SIGGRAPH ASIA, director of Art Map / Art Plus, and curator for exhibitions. Her research interests are visual culture, social media communications and interactive edutainment. 楊宜瑄博士的創作涵蓋攝影、新媒體藝術、影片和表演藝術。作品曾在德國Nord Art、日本SIGGRAH,深圳雙年展、亞洲當代藝術展等藝術節展出。楊博士曾任SIGGRAPH ASIA 藝術館主席、藝術地圖/Art Plus 董事,及多個展覽的策展人。學術研究領域為視覺 文化、社交媒體傳播,以及創意媒體於教育的運用。 Dr Sabrina Yeung 楊彩杰博士 Department of Chinese 中文系 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Dr Sabrina Yeung specialises in comparative and modern Chinese literature. She received her PhD from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. Before joining HSUHK, she taught in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 楊彩杰博士專攻比較文學及中國現代文學。她於巴黎索邦大學取得博士學位。加入恒大前,她任教於香港中文大學。 HSUHK People 恒大人 Exploring Opportunities, Embracing Challenges 探索求新 擁抱挑戰 Interview with Ms Antonia Yeung 楊如虹女士專訪 Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) 協理副校長(校園發展服務) Following the developments of the University and the growing needs from HSUHK’s students, staff and other stakeholders for campus services, Ms Antonia Yeung takes on the role of Associate Vice-President (Development and Campus Services) with joy and conviction. “My role is really interesting. While it is common for organisations toview the developments and management of hardware and software as two different issues, HSUHK is visionary to combine them into one.” A veteran in higher education, she expects that her previous experience in communication with university stakeholders and communities can be conducive to her new role at HSUHK, advancing the holistic experience of HSUHK’s different stakeholders. Regarding HSUHK as a young university yet experienced education institution, Antonia hopes to initiate different projects on campus and liaise with the HSUHK’s community with energy and persistence, in sync with the University’s ‘Leap to Lead’ spirit. “It is difficult to have face-toface meetings now considering the pandemic; this makes it all the more important for me to seize any opportunities to communicate with students, staff, or friends and supporters of HSUHK via different channels and activities, leaving no stones unturned in responding to their needs. ” Despite being new to the University and expecting a steep learning curve ahead, Antonia would like to thank the support from colleagues and various units, which allows her to hit the ground running within a short period of time. “My portfolio encompasses the development and services on campus, hence a thorough understanding of the needs and priorities of the University community is of paramount importance. I am sure I could contribute to further the development of the University with the staunch support from colleagues.” The drastic change of the social environment in recent years has brought challenges to the University sector at large. Thanks to her past working experience, Antonia has acquired a perspective in handling different opinions. “My first job ever was as a producer in the Chinese section of a multi-ethnic radio station in Montreal, Canada. Colleagues came from all over the world and we all had different values and cultural backgrounds. This working environment helped nurture my appreciation for inclusion and respect for diverse cultures. The influence is far-reaching for me.” She was also inspired by the different roles she took later in her career journey, in which she had the opportunity to handle diverse suggestions and opinions, often with strong emotions. “I have come to realise that diverse views can often be mediated through a willingness to listen. These experiences have given me a lot of energy to meet future challenges that follow.” Despite a busy work life, Antonia has a passion for learning. She is a Certified NLP Practitioner and Coach, a certified professional mediator, and a Certified Behavioural Consultant and Advanced Behavioural Analyst. “These areas of study are all related to personal development, personality and communication. I believe that if we want to cultivate an interest in our life and in our career, or even specifically pursue a career we are passionate about, the first step to take is to understand ourselves, and there is a way to do so.” She believes that through a curated learning pathway, not only was she able to know about herself better and appreciate others more, it also helped her to develop a means to promote common ground while respecting individual differences, and to share this spirit with others more systematically. “I value sharing, which enables individual knowledge and experience to become a collective resource for the people around us, so that together, we can make a difference. I look forward to sharing with the HSUHK community, and contributing to HSUHK by facilitating collaborations between members of the University to support its developments.” 隨著學校發展,恒大學生、教職員以及其他持份者對校園服務的需求也不斷提升。剛加入恒大家庭、任職協理副校長(校園發展服務)的楊如虹女士,將致力提升恒大成員對校園服務的體驗。對於新角色及使命,楊女士感到喜悅及榮幸,並懷抱信念。 「我這個角色的組合,其實相當有趣。一般機構通常會將硬件和軟件的發展及管理視為兩件事,恒大能夠將校園服務和實體發展結合起來,我覺得很有遠見。」楊女士在高等院校經驗豐富,她期望能將昔日與院校持份者及大學群體交流的經驗,運用於恒大的新崗位上, 提升恒大各持份者對大學的整體體驗。 楊女士認為,恒大雖然是一所年青的大學,卻也是一所很有經驗的院校,她期許懷著與恒大一樣「Leap to Lead」的精神,帶著活力與魄力,推展學校不同的計劃和項目,並與恒大社群保持聯繫。「現時在疫情下,面對面的接觸比較困難,因此透過各種溝通途徑,或 不同形式的活動,爭取機會和大家交流,對我來說至為重要。無論是學生、教職員、校友,或是其他支持恒大的朋友,我們都會致力回應其需要。」 楊女士坦言,新角色雖然會面對各種挑戰,但她十分感謝同事及不同單位的支持,讓她能在短時間內深入認識恒大。「我的工作是推動校園的發展和服務,因此我必須去全面理解不同人士的需要及發展的緩急順序。相信將來在各同事的支持下,我能夠進一步貢獻我的力 量,和持份者攜手支持恒大邁向未來。」 挑戰除了來自新的崗位和任務,近年社會環境急劇改變,亦可能令學校不同持份者之間的溝通變得困難,楊女士慶幸昔日的工作經驗讓她在處理不同意見時有更大的信心。「我人生的第一份工作,是任職加拿大蒙特利爾一個多元種族電台的中文組監製。當時的同事來自 世界各地,大家有不同的世界觀和文化背景。這樣的工作環境培養了我包容和尊重多元文化的意識,對我有著深遠的影響。」她後來亦曾於不同的工作崗位上,負責處理建議及投訴等事宜,在如何處理負面意見及情緒上,給她帶來很多啟發。「許多時候,透過細心的聆 聽,問題便較易迎刃而解。這些經驗給我很大的能量去面對日後工作上形形色色的挑戰。」 在忙碌的工作之餘,楊女士還考取了不少資歷,例如認可身心語言程式學(NLP)執行師及教練、認可專業調解員、認可行為分析師等。「這些課程的共通點,都和個人發展,性格、溝通等有關。我相信要培養對生活、工作的興趣,或有意識地去找自己有興趣的工作,首 先便要了解自己,而了解自己是有方法的。」她認為,透過專題性的學習,不但能夠更加認識自己及欣賞別人,亦有助她發展出一套溝通方法,藉此「求大同,存小異」,並讓她更有系統地與人分享。「我喜歡和別人分享,因為只有自己認識是不足夠的,你會希望和身 邊的朋友一同進步,大家一起轉變。因此我亦期望能夠在恒大多和大家交流,我相信這對同事之間的合作以及對同學的支援,都是大有幫助的。」 Antonia conducts a Zentangle class as a Certified Zentangle Teacher. 楊女士是禪繞畫認證教師,曾開班教授。 Artwork by Antonia 楊女士的畫作 Passionate about art and culture, Antonia has taken part in performances and skits. The photo was from a Cantonese Opera performance. 楊女士熱愛藝術與文化,曾參與不少演出,照片攝於粵劇表演。 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Diverse Journalistic Learning Opportunities Pave the Way for Photojournalism Career 多元傳媒學習體驗 邁向攝影新聞事業 Interview with Ms Yik Lam 林亦女士專訪 Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours) Programme Videographer / Photojournalist 新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程 錄像製作人 / 新聞攝影師 Interested in current affairs and caring for society, Ms Yik Lam decided to apply for the Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours) Programme at HSUHK after seeking advice from her teacher, beginning a fabulous university journey. With ample opportunities offered by the University, Yik was afforded choices in different areas, making her campus life more fascinating than she expected. She took on the editing work of BJC Freewrite , a publication of the Students’ Association of Journalism and Communication, which enabled her to gain invaluable interview experience and learn the spirit of teamwork and communication skills. She developed her camera skills when she took the Current Affairs Documentary module, which gave her a clear direction of future development. Applying the knowledge she learnt, she directed a short movie Echoes in the Fog (2018), where she shared her personal experiences and feelings. It was recognised by industry professionals, and selected to be screened in the Hong Kong International Documentary Festival 2019. The internship experience at a television channel also influenced her greatly. Yik says, “I knew more about the actual operation in the mediaindustry during the internship. It enhanced my understanding of the selection of news materials, deepened my learning and laid a solid foundation for my future career. I benefited a lot from it.” She is also thankful for having met a group of passionate teachers who always look for diverse learning opportunities for students. One of the most memorable for Yik was the invitation by a course instructor to form a team with classmates and join The 18th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards, based on her assignment regarding the frequent change of restaurants at Kwai Chung Plaza. “We had further conducted in-depth investigations and research on the topic, and in the end we got the Gold Award. I was happy to have the opportunity to fully visualise and present the story in my mind.” Currently working as a freelance videographer and photojournalist, Yik mainly shoots videos for different news media and captures news scenes for international news organisations such as Reuters. “I enjoy my current job very much, as I can focus on the type of work I like.” She says. Lastly, Yik encourages HSUHK fellow students to grasp every opportunity and make good use of the University’s resources. “You can enjoy your freedom most when you are a student. Just go ahead and do what you like.” 林亦女士一向關心社會時事,當年在尋求老師建議後,決定報讀恒大的新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程,由此開展她豐盛的大學生活。 林亦表示,恒大的大學生活比她想像中更精彩,給予她豐富的機會在各個領域作出嘗試。她曾負責新聞及傳播學系系會刊物《自由社》的編採工作,不但獲得寶貴的採訪經驗,亦學習到團隊合作精神及溝通技巧。報讀「時事紀錄片」一科則培訓了她的拍攝技巧,並讓 她確定自己的發展方向。她運用所學,在2018 年執導短片《霧裏的歲月》,分享自身經歷及抒發情感,獲得專業人士認同,作品被挑選於「香港國際紀錄片節 2019」放映。 電視台的實習工作也對林亦影響至深:「我從中了解到傳媒運作的實際情況,加深我對新聞取材的認識,深化學習之餘,同時為日後工作奠下良好基礎,對我有很大幫助。」 她亦感恩遇到一班循循善誘的老師,時常為他們物色多元化的學習體驗,當中最難忘就是她以 葵涌廣場食肆的頻繁更替作為功課題目,獲課程導師邀請她與同學組隊參加「第十八屆消費權益新聞報導獎」。「我們就此課題再作深入調查及研究,最終獲得金獎,我十分高興能夠將腦海中的故事完整地呈現出來。」 林亦目前為自由身攝影師,主要為新聞媒體拍攝影片,及向國際媒體如路透社提供新聞圖片。她說:「我十分享受目前的工作,可以專注於自己喜歡的工作類型。」 最後,林亦寄語恒大師弟師妹要把握機會,善用學校資源。「學生時期最能夠自由去做喜歡的事,想做就做吧。」 Yik Lam (2nd from right) wins the Gold Award in The 18th Consumer Rights Reporting Awards and takes the photo with Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of the School of Communication (1st from left); Mr Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (2nd from left); and Ms Eileen Chua, Senior Lecturer of School of Communication (1st from right). 林亦(右二)在第十八屆消費權益新聞報導獎獲得金獎,與協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授(左一)、商務及經濟發展局局長邱騰華先生(左二)及傳播學院蔡月雲高級講師(右一)合照。 Opening up Unlimited Business Opportunities with Solid Language Foundation 打穩語文基礎 開拓無限商機 Interview with Mr Gap Leung 梁子謙先生專訪 Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) Programme E-commerce Manager, Kapok 商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程 Kapok 電子商貿經理 Getting good results in language subjects in the A-level Examination and looking for studying something practical, Mr Gap Leung, who studied science stream in secondary school, decided to move on to the next life chapter by taking the Bachelor of Translation with Business (Hons) programme (BTB) at HSUHK. Recommended by his friend, he found the programme put emphasis on business translation, which paved the way for diverse career options. Gap thinks the BTB programme helped strengthen his language foundation and enabled him to pick up practical and technological knowledge. “The programme covers a wide range of topics that are arranged systematically. Before receiving training in different areas of text translation and interpretation, teachers introduce us to the respective theories and concepts, which greatly enhance our competence to master the relevant skills.” During his studies at HSUHK, Gap also joined the summer exchange activity in Beijing Foreign Studies University and had an internship at World Wildlife Fund-Hong Kong. “My Putonghua proficiency was advanced by leaps and bounds during the six-week summer course in Beijing, which deepened my understanding of their culture and business market; while the internship experience helped cultivate my earnest and professional attitude towards my work. These experiences are highly beneficial to my current career development as they broadened my horizons and enriched my understanding of the community.” Now working as an E-commerce Manager at a local retailer, Gap is responsible for translating product descriptions, planning digital marketing projects and exploring different sales platforms, where he can apply what he learnt in the whole trading process. “One of the key things of translation is to understand the mindset of your target audience. The training at HSUHK has enabled me to choose the suitable wording and language style needed for my target audience group when writing promotional materials to communicate with customers, so that they will be more receptive to the messages and the interaction will be more effective.” In the face of the uncertain, current market environment, Gap encourages fellow HSUHK students, “Hong Kong has great potential. As long as you set a clear goal and carry out your plan step by step, there are still many opportunities for development.” 中學時修讀理科的梁子謙先生,高級程度會考的語文成績較為理想,亦希望修讀實用性強的學科。他發現恒大的商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程著重商業應用,就業出路多元化,加上朋友的推薦,故決定循這個方向開展人生另一章。 梁子謙認為,課程不僅鞏固他的語文基礎,還令他掌握不少實務與科技知識。「課程內容涉獵廣泛,但安排十分有系統,在進行不同範疇的文字翻譯和口譯訓練前,教師會先講解有關理論及概念,大大提升我們掌握相關技巧的能力。」在恒大就讀期間,他亦參加了 北京外國語大學的暑期交流,及到世界自然基金會香港分會實習。「在北京短短六星期的暑期課程,令我的普通話水平突飛猛進,並加深我對當地文化及商業市場的了解。而實習經驗培養我對工作認真和專業的態度。這些經驗不但擴闊我的視野,更豐富了我對社會 的認識,對目前於職場發展有莫大幫助。」 梁子謙現時於本地零售商擔任電子商貿經理,負責翻譯產品說明、策劃數碼營銷計劃及開拓不同銷售平台等,他表示整個商貿過程也能應用所學:「翻譯的其中一個重點就是理解受眾的思維模式。恒大的訓練使我能夠根據目標對象選擇合適的用語及文體,撰寫宣傳 文案及與不同的顧客溝通,從而令受眾易於接受,整個互動更為有效。」 面對目前不明朗的市道,梁子謙勉勵恒大同學:「香港潛力很大,只要訂下清晰的目標,逐步實踐計劃,發展機會還是很多。」 Gap thinks the practical and technological knowledge offered by the BTB programme facilitates his career development. 梁子謙認為商務翻譯課程的實務與科技知識有助他的工作發展。 HSUHK Research 恒大研究 HSUHK Funded Most Projects in RGC Funding Schemes among Local Self-financing Institutions 恒大獲研究資助局撥款項目總數為本地自資院校之冠 For the academic year 2020/2021, the Research Grants Council (RGC) has approved a funding of HK$86.5 million for a total of 83 projects in the ‘Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector’. HSUHK has secured total funding of HK$14.84 million for 16 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) projects and two Inter-institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) projects. HSUHK’s total number of approved projects is the highest among local self-financing institutions. 在2020/2021 年度,研究資助局(研資局)於「自資學位界別競逐研究計劃」中撥款8,650 萬港元,合共資助83 個項目。恒大在「教員發展計劃」及「跨院校發展計劃」分別獲資助16 個及2 個項目,金額合共 1,484 萬港元。就獲資助項目總數,恒大為本地自資院 校之冠。 An Overview of HSUHK's Projects Funded by RGC 恒大獲研資局資助計劃一覽 Funding Scheme School/Department Investigator(s)(HSUHK Staff) Project Title Funding Amount (Inclusive of On-costs)(HKD) 研究資助計劃 學院/ 學系 研究員(恒大教員) 項目名稱 獲資助金額(包括附加行政費用)(港幣) Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Accountancy Dr Belinda Yau (PI) What do Expanded Audit Reports Tell? Initial Evidence from the United Kingdom 660,200 教員發展計劃 會計學系 邱聆娜博士(首席研究員) 新式審計報告表達甚麼?來自英國的初步證據 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Chinese Dr Ivan Chen (PI) The Study of Chuci in the Qing Dynasty 710,570 教員發展計劃 中文系 陳鴻圖博士(首席研究員) 清代楚辭學研究 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Chinese Dr Sze-wing Kwok (PI) Sounds in Two Cities: Soundscape and Auditory Culture in Shanghai and 989,330 教員發展計劃 中文系 郭詩詠博士(首席研究員) Hong Kong Literature (1930s -1950s) 聲音雙城:一九三零至五零年代上海與香港文學中的聲音景觀與聽覺文化 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Communication Dr Howard Song (PI) Acculturative Stress, Coping Strategies, and Social Support: A Cross-cultural 590,165 教員發展計劃 傳播學院 宋昭勛博士(首席研究員) Comparative Study of ‘Hong Kong Drifters’ and ‘Northward Drifters’ in Dr Clio Wu (Co-I) the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 吳靜博士(共同研究員) 文化適應壓力、應對策略與社會支援— 粵港澳大灣區「港漂」與「北漂」 Dr Morgan Yang (Co-I) 的跨文化比較研究 楊鑫博士(共同研究員) Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) English Dr Gavin Bui (PI) Functional Adequacy in Second Language Speaking and Writing Tasks: Measurement 907,910 教員發展計劃 英文系 貝曉越博士(首席研究員) and Pedagogy 第二語言口語和寫作任務型教學中的語用恰當性:測量法與教學法 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Marketing Dr Kevin Zeng (PI) The Polarizing Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Self-Promotion and 448,195 教員發展計劃 市場學系 曾靖博士(首席研究員) Self-Protection Perspectives Dr Haksin Chan (Co-I) 網絡口碑的兩極化效應:自我提升和自我保護視角 陳克先博士(共同研究員) Dr Morgan Yang (Co-I) 楊鑫博士(共同研究員) Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Mathematics, Statistics Dr Wai-leong Ng (PI) Inference for Multiple Change-points in Piecewise Locally Stationary Time 1,628,450 教員發展計劃 and Insurance 吳偉亮博士(首席研究員) Series 數學、統計及保險學系 分段局部平穩時間序列中的多重變點統計推斷 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Mathematics, Statistics Dr Chi-chung Siu (PI) Generalized Sethi Advertising Model and Extensions 759,100 教員發展計劃 and Insurance 蕭志中博士(首席研究員) 廣義Sethi 廣告模型和擴展 數學、統計及保險學系 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Mathematics, Statistics Prof Man-lai Tang (PI) Variable Selection Methods for Complex Data Analysis 1,453,650 教員發展計劃 and Insurance 鄧文禮教授(首席研究員) 複雜數據分析之變量選取方法 數學、統計及保險學系 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Mathematics, Statistics Dr Carisa Yu (PI) Low-rank Matrix Optimization via Nonconvex Regularization with Applications 966,100 教員發展計劃 and Insurance 余國惠博士(首席研究員) 低秩矩陣優化的非凸正則化的方法及其應用 數學、統計及保險學系 Dr Siu-kai Choy (Co-I) 蔡少佳博士(共同研究員) Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Social Science Dr Gary Tang (PI) The Impact of the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement on 830,078 教員發展計劃 社會科學系 鄧鍵一博士(首席研究員) Conception of Citizenship in Hong Kong 香港反修例運動對公民身份觀念的影響 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Social Science Dr Baldwin Wong (PI) Exploring the Idea of Public Reason:Studying the Later Rawls's Philosophy 891,385 教員發展計劃 社會科學系 王邦華博士(首席研究員) by the Archival Approach 探討公共理性︰以檔案進路研究後期羅爾斯 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Social Science Dr Muk-yan Wong (PI) A Temporal Relationship Theory for the Justification of Love 262,300 教員發展計劃 社會科學系 黃沐恩博士(首席研究員) 愛的證成︰時性關係理論 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Supply Chain and Dr Helen Ma (PI) How Can Giant Air Cargo Forwarders be Enhanced by Partnership with 1,488,150 教員發展計劃 Information Management 馬凱琳博士(首席研究員) Airlines: A Utilisation of Unused Baggage Capacity Approach 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 如何通過與航空公司協作來提升大型航空貨運公司的營運效益: 使用航空公司航班的剩餘空間方案 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Supply Chain and Dr Collin Wong (PI) The Effects of Global Aviation Network Data Analytic Approach on Strategic 623,400 教員發展計劃 Information Management 黃惠虹博士(首席研究員) Network Development and Traffic Forecasting 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 研究全球航空網絡數據分析方法對戰略網絡發展和流量預測的影響 Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) Supply Chain and Dr Jack Wu (PI) A Blockchain-enabled IoT System for Pallet-pooling Management 595,800 教員發展計劃 Information Management 胡鎮浩博士(首席研究員) 區塊鏈結合物聯網系統以發展共用卡板管理 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Inter-institutional Development Communication Dr Sarah Zhao (PI) Dialogues on Strategies: Sustaining Hong Kong's Leadership and 432,500 Scheme (IIDS) 傳播學院 趙萌萌博士(首席研究員) Competitiveness in International Business Communication 跨院校發展計劃 Prof Scarlet Tso (Co-PI) 策略對話:永續香港在國際商業傳播領域的領導地位及競爭力 曹虹教授(聯合首席研究員) Dr James Chang (Co-I) 張志宇博士(共同研究員) Dr Sammy Hu (Co-I) 胡欣立博士(共同研究員) Inter-institutional Development Social Science Dr Shiru Wang (PI) Innovative Survey and Big Data Approaches to Uprising Populism in 602,355 Scheme (IIDS) 社會科學系 王世茹博士(首席研究員) the Asia-Pacific Region 跨院校發展計劃 Prof Lang Kao (Co-PI) 亞太地區的民粹主義 — 創新調查方法和大數據研究 高朗教授(聯合首席研究員) Dr Chi-kit Chan (Co-I) 陳智傑博士(共同研究員) Dr Gary Tang (Co-I) 鄧鍵一博士(共同研究員) University Information 大學訊息 Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK 慶祝恒大建校 40 周年 In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK, a commemorative book Of Grace and Talent: The 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK has been published. The book features our development path, milestones and achievements over the past 40 years as well as our future aspirations and plans, reflecting the spirit of ‘To Sustain and Inspire. Be Liberal and Professional.’, which is the theme of our 40th Anniversary. The University will also host the First Honorary Doctorate Conferment Ceremony and a cocktail reception to celebrate the 40th Anniversary. President Simon S M Ho says that HSUHK would like to take this occasion to organise some meaningful events. Though the two events have been postponed from March to December this year due to the pandemic, and many of the activities held by Schools and Departments have gone online accordingly, this should not stop the University from taking an opportunity to reflect on its journey and responsibilities, and to ponder how it moves forward in becoming a leading private university in the region. 為慶祝恒大建校 40 周年,恒大特別出版了《鍾靈敏秀:香港恒生大學建校 40 周年》特刊。書中紀錄了學校過去四十年的發展歷程、里程碑及成就,與及對未來的願景和計劃,展現恒大 40 周年誌慶主題「承傳博雅 啟迪專業」的精神。 此外,大學將會籌辦首屆榮譽博士頒授典禮,並會在典禮後舉行40 周年雞尾酒會。何順文校長表示,希望藉著40 周年之際,舉辦一些別具意義的活動。雖然由於疫情關係,上述兩項活動由原本今年3 月順延至12 月舉行;很多院系的活動亦需要改為網上進行。 但這亦無礙恒大趁此機會,反思學校的歷程和責任,以及恒大如何繼續前進,成為區內具領導地位的私立大學。 Read the book: 閱覽特刊: Appointment of Ms May-kay Wong and Mr Chee-leong Yeo as HSUHK Governors 王美琪女士及楊志良先生獲委任為恒大校董 With great pleasure, the University announces the appointment of Ms May-kay Wong and Mr Chee-leong Yeo as Members of the Board of Governors for a term of three years with effect from 2 September 2020. Ms Wong is currently the Head of Communications and Corporate Sustainability and Member of the Executive Committee of Hang Seng Bank. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms Wong worked for a number of large organisations, including the MTR Corporation Limited, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited and Television Broadcasts Limited. Ms Wong possesses substantial expertise and experience in media and corporate communications. Mr Yeo is currently the Chief Risk Officer and Member of the Executive Committee of Hang Seng Bank. He is also a Director of Hang Seng Investment Management Limited, Hang Seng Investment Services Limited, Hang Seng Securities Limited and Hang Seng Security Management Limited respectively. Prior to joining Hang Seng Bank in January 2018, Mr Yeo held various senior management roles at The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited both in Hong Kong and Singapore. Mr Yeo has extensive knowledge and expertise in corporate risk management. The University trusts that Ms Wong and Mr Yeo, with their expertise, wealth of experience and passion for education, will bring invaluable insight to the work of the Board of Governors, which will substantially benefit the University as well as its stakeholders. The University also takes the opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to Ms Ivy Chan, who departed the Board of Governors on 1 July 2020, for her contributions since she assumed the governorship in 2018. 恒大榮幸宣佈委任王美琪女士及楊志良先生為校董會成員,由2020 年9 月2 日起,任期三年。 王女士現為恒生銀行傳訊及企業可持續發展總監及執行委員會委員。加入恒生銀行之前,王女士曾任職不同大型機構,包括香港鐵路有限公司、國泰航空有限公司及電視廣播有限公司。王女士於傳媒及企業傳訊領域擁有深厚專長和豐富經驗。 楊先生現為恒生銀行風險監控總監及執行委員會委員。他亦分別於恒生投資管理有限公司、恒生投資服務有限公司、恒生證券有限公司及恒生保安管理有限公司擔任董事。在2018 年1月加入恒生銀行之前,楊先生在香港和新加坡的香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司擔任多個 高層管理職位。楊先生在企業風險管理方面擁有廣泛知識及專長。 恒大深信,以王女士及楊先生之專業知識、豐富經驗及教育熱忱,定必會為校董會的工作貢獻寶貴意見,對恒大及其持份者帶來莫大裨益。 恒大亦藉此機會向陳淑佩女士致以衷心感謝,陳女士在2018 年加入校董會,貢獻良多。她於2020 年7 月1 日辭任校董。 HSUHK and Yazhou Zhoukan Co-organises ‘Business Wisdom and Strategies: Asian and Chinese Perspectives Online Certificate Programme Series’ 恒大與《亞洲週刊》合辦「營商智慧及產業方略:亞洲中國視野網上證書課程系列」 Facing rapidly changing global political and economic situations, as well as challenges in the post-epidemic business environment, HSUHK collaborates with Yazhou Zhoukan (YZZK) to launch the ‘Business Wisdom and Strategies: Asian and Chinese Perspectives Online Certificate Programme Series’, inviting experts and scholars from respective areas to deliver in-depth analyses on the latest trends and to help business operators seize opportunities for a new career turn. Led by the Centre for Greater China Studies (CGCS) and the Communications and Public Affairs Office (CPAO), the programme is divided into three modules, namely Chinese Management Wisdom (Strategic Management), Opportunities in China (Political Strategy), and Enterprises in Greater Bay Area (Industrial Wealth). The first module was launched online on 19, 20 and 26 September 2020 respectively with renowned sinologist, Dr John Yuen, as the key speaker. He applied the thinking of military management in The Art of War by Sun Tzu to modern business decision making, integrating Sun Tzu’s strategies and wisdom with modern management theories. Participants greatly benefited. The second and the third modules will be launched in late September and October, with the themes ‘China’s New Strategies, New Policies and New Opportunities’ and ‘China’s New Technologies, New Industries and New Wealth’ respectively. Priority to join the on-site ‘President x Chief Editor Forum’, to be held the afternoon of 31 October 2020, for free will be given to those who have enrolled in any module or the entire certificate programme. The theme of the Forum is ‘Reflections on Capitalism and Corporate Responsibilities amid the Pandemic’. Interested HSUHK members and supporters can also enrol to attend the Forum on-site and online for free. For programme and enrolment enquiries, please contact the Yazhou Zhoukan team. Hotline: (852) 2515 5836/(852) 2515 5851; Email: For attending the Forum, please contact CPAO at (852) 3963 5401 or via 面對急遽變化的世界政經局勢,以及疫後營商環境中的重重挑戰,恒大聯同《亞洲週刊》主辦「營商智慧及產業方略:亞洲中國視野網上證書課程系列」,邀請各領域專家學者深度剖析最新趨勢,助營商者在經營事業的道路上掌握機遇,創造新局。 此課程系列由大中華研究中心與傳訊及公共事務處主力籌辦,分為三個單元,分別為中華管理智慧(管理策略篇)、中國機遇 (政策戰略篇) 及灣區企業(產業財富篇)。首個單元已分別於2020 年9 月19 日、20 日及26 日於網上舉行,由知名漢學家袁國華博士主講, 融合孫子的謀略才智與現代管理學理論,將《孫子兵法》中軍事管理思想應用於現代企業經營決策,令參加者獲益良多。 而第二及第三個單元將於九月下旬及十月舉行,主題分別為「中國新戰略、新政策、新機遇」及「中國新科技、新產業、新財富」。凡報讀任何單元或整個證書課程,均可免費優先出席於2020 年10 月31 日下午現場的〈校長 x 總編論壇〉,主題為「疫情後對資本主義 和企業責任的反思」。有興趣之恒大成員及支持者,亦可免費報名參與現場或網上論壇。 有關課程之報名查詢,可聯絡《亞洲週刊》負責單位。熱線:(852) 2515 5836/(852) 2515 5851;電郵。如欲參與論壇,請聯絡傳訊及公共事務處。電話:(852) 3963 5401; 電郵。 Apply Now 請即報名 Programme Information 課程資訊 The Opening of the Honours Academy of HSUHK 恒大創辦榮譽學院 With the aim of nurturing high-performing and promising HSUHK students to become future global leaders, the University pioneered, in May 2020, the establishment of the he Honours Academy (HA), the first of its kind in Hong Kong. Under this initiative, a cohort of up to 20 high-achieving year-two students would be selected each year to engage in a three-year focused leadership development programme covering a broad range of professional development opportunities, including tailor-made interdisciplinary modules, professional mentorship, outdoor experiential training, internships, overseas exchange, senior research projects, service leadership, and minimum one year of residential colleges experience, etc. President Simon S M Ho says, “Beyond acquiring a membership and the added qualification, selected students shall contribute in the process and fulfil additional study and service requirements. As long as students are willing to hone themselves, the University would be glad to provide such opportunities. We wish that HA students would treasure these invaluable learning resources and experiences.” 恒大開創香港高等教育界先河,於2020 年5月成立了香港第一所榮譽學院,以培育優秀學生成為具環球視野的未來領袖。 在此計劃下,恒大每年挑選不多於 20 名最優秀的學生,為他們提供三年額外重點的領導培訓,當中涵蓋廣泛的專業發展機會,包括度身訂造的跨學科科目、專業院使指導、戶外體驗訓練、工作實習、海外交流、高階研究計劃、服務領導,以及最少體驗一年住宿 書院生活等。何順文校長表示:「被挑選的學生不只是多了一個名銜或資歷,過程中他們必須付出,滿足更多學習及服務要求。只要同學願意磨練自己,學校是十分樂意提供機會,希望榮譽學院的同學能好好珍惜這些難得的學習資源和體驗。」 • The 1st Cohort of Honours Academy Students Sets off their 3-Year Learning Journey 榮譽學院首屆學員 開展三年學習旅程 In the inaugural year, over 70 applications for the Honours Academy (HA) were received and many of them were nominated by Schools. After two rounds of interviews, group and individual, 18 committed and passionate students were finally selected as the 1st cohort of HA students. Before the beginning of the new academic year, they attended the ‘Online Orientation & Know Your Team’ and a face-to-face workshop ‘Beating Goliath: Advance from Contending Challenges’ on 24 August and 10 September 2020 respectively to prepare for their new journey in the coming 3 years. Dr Tom Fong, Co-Chairman of the HA Board; Professor Jeanne Fu, HA Head; and Dr Holly Chung and Ms Esther Lee, HA Associate Heads, welcomed the 18 students from different schools at the orientation. Dr Fong encouraged students to fully utilise the HA resources, proactively connect with the HA’s Professional and Academic Fellows and become acquainted with peers. Dr Fong and Professor Fu inspired the HA students to reflect upon university education and to develop a growth mindset so as to become a future leader who can bring positive change to society. Students then shared their goals in the 3 years ahead in a goal-setting activity. They all look forward to a breakthrough brought about learning in the HA. 榮譽學院首年共收到超過70 份申請,當中大部分同學均由所屬學院提名。經過兩輪包括個人及小組面試後,最終18 位充滿熱誠的同學脫穎而出,成為第一屆榮譽學院的學員。他們在新學年開始前,參加了榮譽學院於 2020年 8 月 24 日及 9 月 10 日分別舉行的「線 上HA 同伴迎新活動」及「戰勝巨人工作坊」,為未來三年的領袖培訓之旅作好準備。 迎新活動中,榮譽學院院務委員會聯席主席方永豪博士、榮譽學院院長符可瑩教授及兩位副院長鍾可盈博士及李德芬女士,歡迎 18位來自不同學院的同學參與。方博士鼓勵學生善用學院資源,主動與各專業院使及學術院使連繫,並與其他學系的學伴們互相帶動。他及 符教授亦提醒同學,作為未來領袖,在反思大學教育及目標的同時,亦要培養成長型思維,為社會帶來具建設性的改變。隨後各學生於訂立目標的環節中,分享自己的三年目標。他們均期待學院的學習能為他們帶來突破。 The 1st cohort of Honours Academy students 榮譽學院第一屆學生 HA students meet for the first time after the establishment of HA and share their goals in the 3 years ahead. 榮譽學院成立後學生初次見面,分享他們的三年目標。 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation Wall 香港恒生大學– 基金會員芳名榜 As a non-profit private university, benefactions from supporters are of utmost importance for HSUHK. Therefore, the Foundation was established in 2015 to serve as a platform to enlist the engagement of donors as a driving force for the advancement of HSUHK’s teaching, learning, and research initiatives. Membership is categorised and will be upgraded according to the cumulative sum of donations. To recognise contributions from Members of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Foundation, a Foundation Wall has been erected to convey our heartfelt appreciation to our donors for their unfailing support. All Foundation Members will be invited to visit HSUHK and the Foundation Wall. A virtual gallery has also been established for friends of the University to e-visit the venue anytime and anywhere. For more information about the Foundation, please visit the website of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO). 作為非牟利私立大學,善長的支持對恒大十分重要。故此, 恒大於2015年創立香港恒生大學-基金,旨在凝聚捐贈者的力量,藉以推動恒大在教學與研究方面精益求精。基金會員類別按累計捐助款額而定,亦會隨款額增加而有所提升。 恒大為向捐贈者表達真摯感謝,特設立香港恒生大學-基金會員芳名榜。基金將邀請各員親臨恒大,參觀校園及基金會員芳名榜,同時亦設網上遍覽,方便各界友好足不出戶即可參觀。 有關基金更多資訊,歡迎瀏覽發展及校友事務處網站。 Virtual Gallery for Foundation Wall 基金會員芳名榜網上遍覽 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong - Foundation 香港恒生大學-基金 HSUHK COVID-19 Student Hardship Relief Fund 香港恒生大學COVID-19 學生援助基金 The Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office calls upon staff members and alumni to support the HSUHK COVID-19 Student Hardship Relief Fund. The donations will go towards alleviating the financial burdens of our students and their families in these challenging times. Each donor will receive a corporate souvenir as a token of appreciation. 發展及校友事務處呼籲教職員與校友支持「香港恒生大學COVID-19 學生援助基金」,籌募所得善款將用作紓解學生及其家人在當前疫情下的經濟負擔。為表謝意,每位捐款者會獲贈恒大紀念品乙份。 Campus Express 校園快訊 Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series: Insurance Industry Outlook and How to Get Started in the Field 「領袖開LIVE 」系列: 保險達人– 前程與樂趣 Organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO), the second episode of the Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series was held on 22 July 2020 with the focus on the insurance industry. Panel speakers included Dr Moses Cheng, Chairman of Insurance Authority (also a Governor and the Council Chairman of HSUHK); Dr Patrick Poon, a veteran industry practitioner (also a Governor, the Chairman of the Fundraising and Donation Committee, and the Chairman of the Foundation Management Committee of HSUHK); and Mr Clement Cheung, CEO of Insurance Authority. They shared their views on the developments of the insurance industry from personal, industrial, and regulatory perspectives. More than 150 alumni, students and staff took part in the event. Moderated by Professor Lawrence Lee, Professor (Practice) of Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance, participants were keen to raise questions and exchange ideas, while speakers were happy to share their valuable experiences and professional advice. Many found the interactions informative and enjoyable. The next event will be held at 1:15pm on 14 October 2020 with Guest Speaker Mr Francis Yuen, Independent Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Pacific Century Regional Developments Ltd. The topic will be "How to Revive the Global Economy – the Way Out For Hong Kong". 由發展及校友事務處主辦,「領袖開LIVE 」系列於2020 年7 月22 日再度「開Live 」,第二集以「保險業 」為主題,由保險業監管局主席鄭慕智博士(身兼香港恒生大學校董兼校務委員會主席)、保險業界翹楚潘燊昌博士(身兼香港恒生大學校董、籌募及捐款委員 會主席及基金管理委員會主席),以及保險業監管局行政總監張雲正先生擔任主講嘉賓,從個人、業界及監管者角度,對保險業界的發展分享意見。 超過150 位恒大校友、學生及教職員參與是次活動,在數學、統計及保險學系教授(實務)李彥鴻教授主持下,參與者均踴躍發問並交流想法。主講嘉賓們亦樂於分享他們的寶貴經驗及專業意見,參加者均感到增廣見識,樂在其中。 下次活動將於2020 年10 月14 日下午1:15 舉行,並邀得盈科亞洲拓展有限公司獨立非執行副主席袁天凡先生為主講嘉賓。主題為「全球經濟如何復甦-香港的出路」。 Please scan the QR code to view the event's video: 請掃描二維碼重溫活動精彩片段: Celebrating the Establishment of the Department of Art and Design at HSUHK – The Exhibition of Watercolour Sketches by Professor Desmond Hui 慶祝恒大成立藝術設計系– 許焯權教授水彩畫速寫展覽 (From left) Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); President Simon Ho; Professor Desmond Hui, Head of the Department of Art and Design; Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research); and Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony during the opening of the exhibition Part 1. (左起)翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、何順文校長、藝術設計系系主任許焯權教授、副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授,及人文社會科學學院院長譚國根教授一同為展覽第一部份開幕禮剪綵。 The Exhibition of Watercolour Sketches by Professor Desmond Hui in Celebration of the Establishment of the Department of Art and Design at HSUHK was organised from 16 July 2020 to 16 September 2020 at HUSHK Library. The exhibition Glimpses showcased a series of watercolour sketches by Professor Desmond Hui, the Founding Head of the Department of Art and Design and the artist of the exhibition, as a spiritual journey leading the viewers to Barcelona, Majorca, Provence, Tuscany, Scandinavia as well as Sai Kung and the outlying islands near Hong Kong. There were two parts for the exhibition. The opening of Part 1 commenced on 16 July 2020 with a ribbon cutting ceremony officiated by President Simon Ho; Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research); Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Professor Kwok-kan Tam, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science; and Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages. To begin, President Ho introduced his vision to set up the Department of Art and Design. He believes that arts tech will influence and even change people’s perception and understanding of art and culture, and is a ‘blue ocean’ with vast opportunities. The University will strive to develop a new building on campus as a hub of creative and innovative studies.Professor Hui then introduced the members of the new department and explained the theme and contents of the exhibition. He said art is a formto embody future hope, which is the goal of establishing the Department of Art and Design. Part 2 of the exhibition was kicked off with an online opening ceremony on 17 August 2020, with Mr Kam-sing Wong, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, as the officiating guest. Mr Wong offered his cheers to the exhibition and congratulated the establishment of the new department. He looked forward to future collaborations between the Government and HSUHK in art, architecture, design and construction. President Simon Ho and Professor Desmond Hui also delivered speeches in the event. Online live broadcasts for both ceremonies were arranged. The exhibition was also viewable online during the exhibition period. 恒大藝術設計系於2020 年7 月16 日至9 月16 日期間,假恒大圖書館舉辦「慶祝恒大成立藝術設計系-許焯權教授水彩畫速寫展覽」。畫展名為「驚豔」,透過藝術設計系創系主任及畫展畫家許焯權教授的水彩畫,帶領觀眾遊歷巴塞隆納、馬略卡、普羅旺斯、托斯卡 納、北歐,以及香港的離島及西貢。 展覽分為兩部份。首部份展覽於7 月16 日正式開幕,當日由何順文校長、副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、人文及社會科學學院院長譚國根教授及翻譯及外語學院院長方梓勳教授一同剪綵。 何校長在致辭中,闡述了恒大發展藝術設計系的願景。他相信藝術科技將會影響甚至改變人們對藝術以至文化的觀感,是一片充滿潛力的藍海,而恒大將會繼續爭取增設一所專門用於藝術設計及創新課程學習的大樓。許教授隨後為大家介紹新學系的成員,並闡述展覽的 題材和內容。他認為藝術是對未來期盼的體現,而這亦是成立藝術設計系的目的。 展覽的第二部份則於8 月17 日開展,由環境局局長黃錦星太平紳士主持網上開幕禮。黃局長祝賀畫展及新學系順利成立,並表示期待未來政府與恒大能於藝術、建築、設計及建造等多方面合作。何順文校長和許焯權教授亦在活動中致辭。 兩次開幕儀式均於網上直播。展覽期間,畫展亦可於網上觀賞。 Mr Kam-sing Wong, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, officiates the online opening of the exhibition Part 2 with President Simon Ho (1st from left) and Professor Desmond Hui (2nd from left). 環境局局長黃錦星太平紳士,與何順文校長(左一)及許焯權教授(左二)主持第二部份展覽網上開幕禮。 Issue 006 of Alumni News is Published 第六期《恒誌》出版 Issue 006 of Alumni News was published in August 2020. Highlights of this issue include a sharing from President Simon Ho and Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), who talk about their conviction to develop HSUHK as a private university with a difference; alumni sharing; and the memorable moments of various alumni activities. The electronic version is now available on the website of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO). 第六期《恒誌》已於2020 年8 月出版。本期精彩內容包括何順文校長與副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士分享「不一樣的大學」之信念、校友分享及多個校友活動花絮。電子版可於發展及校友事務處網站瀏覽。 HSUHK values its ties with alumni and encourages them to register or update their contact details in the Alumni Directory to stay connected with us. 恒大一向重視與校友的聯繫,校友可隨時登入校友名冊登記或更新資料,與母校保持聯繫。 HSUHK Physical Fitness Video Series 恒大健體運動短片系列 AAAO has launched a new ‘15-min De-stress Yoga’ series focusing on breathing, eye strain and common muscle soreness, and teaching audiences how to relax the body and tune their mood. Demonstrated by HSUHK fitness instructors, the simple and easy fitness exercises are designed to encourage alumni to get into the habit of exercising daily for a healthy lifestyle. The above video series have been shared with alumni via HSUHK Alumni E-news and all are welcome to view the videos on the AAAO website. 發展及校友事務處最新推出「15 分鐘紓壓瑜伽系列」,針對呼吸、眼睛疲勞及常見的肌肉痠痛等問題,教大家放鬆身體,調適心靈。系列由恒大體育導師講解及示範,透過簡易的健體動作,鼓勵校友鍛鍊身體,保持每日運動,養成健康生活習慣。 上述各短片系列已透過《恒大校友快訊》與校友分享,亦歡迎各位到校友事務處網站瀏覽。 Part-time PE Instructor Ms Sinnie Lee demonstrates correct yoga posture. 恒大兼任體育導師李敏碧女士示範正確瑜伽動作。 Scan the QR code to watch the ‘15-min De-stress Yoga’series : 掃描二維碼收看「15 分鐘紓壓瑜伽系列」: Awards Received by Students 學生榮獲獎項 HSUHK Students Get Fabulous Results in the 3rd Social Entrepreneurship Practice Camp 恒大學生於第三屆社創實踐營勇創佳績 Mr Ho-long Cheng and Mr Yin-shan Choy from the BA (Hons) in Applied and Human-Centred Computing programme participated in the 3rd Social Entrepreneurship Practice Camp, winning the 2nd runner-up and Youth Entrepreneurship Award with a cash prize of HK$10,000. Organised by The Social Entrepreneurship School Education (SEnSE) Program, the competition themed ‘Small Idea, Big Change’ required participating teams to design social innovations suitable for disadvantaged groups in society. To encourage participants to draw a long-term blueprint instead of just a short-term plan, each team needed to present to the judges the development direction of the proposed social enterprise in the next 3 to 6 years, in addition to introducing the framework of the plan. The activity aims to cultivate the caring culture and the design thinking for social entrepreneurship among secondary and post-secondary students. 應用及人本計算學(榮譽)學士課程的鄭灝朗同學及蔡燕山同學,參加了由社創校園舉辦的第三屆社創實踐營,並獲得了第三名和「羅桂祥青年創業家大獎」10,000 港元。 是次比賽題目為「小想法、大改變」,各個隊伍需為弱勢社群設計適合的社創點子。為了鼓勵各參賽隊伍不局限於短期計劃,而是繪畫出長遠藍圖,他們除了要向評判介紹計劃的框架外,還要展示構思中社企未來3 至6 年的發展方向。 是次活動旨在培養中學生及大專生的關愛文化和社創的設計思維。 Mr Joseph Chan of Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES) presents the award to the HSUHK team. 豐盛社企學會陳國芳先生向恒大隊伍頒獎。 AHCC students join a talk of the Camp. 應用及人本計算學的學生參與社創實踐營的講座。 Record-high Awards of over HK$6M to HSUHK Students by the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme 恒大學生獲政府自資專上獎學金逾600 萬港元 歷來最高 Over 300 HSUHK students were awarded more than HK$6 million scholarships in total by the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS) in the 2019/20 academic year, which included the Outstanding Performance Scholarship, the Best Progress Award, the Talent Development Scholarship, the Reaching Out Award and the Endeavour Scholarship, in recognition of their outstanding performance in academics, art, sports and innovations. Both the number of awardees and the scholarship amount hit record highs. Ms Wing-wa Chan, Year-3 student of Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Hons) Programme, is one of the awardees of the Endeavour Scholarship. Though hearing-impaired, she stays positive and works hard to learn piano and double bass. She expressed sincere gratitude to the University for its support, including preparing a microphone specifically designed for people with hearing impairment and offering special examination arrangements. She looks forward to working in the information technology industry in the future and contributing to society. Demonstrating excellence in sports, Ms Monique Hui, a student of Bachelor of Business Administration (concentration in Accounting), was awarded the Talent Development Scholarship. She went to Finland for exchange in Year 3, after that she continued her squash training there and ranked sixth in Helsinki Satellite 2018, a Finnish international squash competition organised by the Professional Squash Association. As the Team Captain of the HSUHK Squash Team, she hopes to uphold the spirit of sportsmanship and pass on her experiences and skills to teammates, driving the team to scale new heights. 超過300 名恒大學生於2019/20 年度獲政府自資專上獎學金計劃頒發獎學金,包括「卓越表現獎學金」、「最佳進步獎」、「才藝發展獎學金」、「外展體驗獎」及「展毅獎學金」,總額逾港幣600 萬元,以表揚他們在學業、藝術、運動及創新等方面的優秀表現。 獲獎學生人數及獎學金金額為歷年之冠。 就讀管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士三年級的陳穎華同學,是「展毅獎學金」的得獎者之一。她雖有嚴重聽障,卻一直保持積極樂觀的心態,努力學習鋼琴及低音大提琴。她衷心感謝學校的支援,例如添置專為聽障人士而設的無線咪高峰及作出特別考試安排。她 希望將來投身資訊科技行業,回饋社會。 憑著運動才能方面的傑出表現,修讀工商管理(榮譽)學士(專修會計學)的許桂華同學獲頒發「才藝發展獎學金」。她三年級時前赴芬蘭交流並於當地繼續受訓,更在芬蘭Professional Squash Association 舉辦的國際壁球賽事中取得第六名。作為恒大壁球隊隊 長,她希望能秉持運動員精神,傳授累積的經驗和技術給其他隊員,推動球隊更上一層樓。 Monique (4th from right) has good results in a Finnish international squash competition. 許桂華(右四)在芬蘭國際壁球賽事勇奪佳績。 Wing-wa Chan is grateful for various support given by HSUHK. 陳穎華感謝恒大提供不同支援。 HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2020 香港恒生大學x 南華早報企業挑戰賽2020 Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUCIE), together with the Department of Marketing and South China Morning Post, hosted the HSUHK x SCMP Entrepreneurship Challenge 2020 (E-Challenge) throughout the second semester and the summer term of 2019/20. This year, there was a recordbreaking number of start-up idea submissions from a total of 31 teams and 110 participants, including students from other local higher education institutions. In light of a COVID-19 resurgence, the final presentation of the E-Challenge was held as an online event on 19 August 2020. After a series of rigorous reviews, the judge panel finally selected the winning teams. The champion went to the team ‘Idea to Business’. The team ‘Achievers 4’ was awarded the 1st runner-up and the My Favourite Start-up Idea Award, while the team ‘Soulmate’ won the 2nd runner-up. The above teams are awarded a seed fund and a cash prize up to HK$70,000 to realise their business ideas. 在2019/20 下學年及暑假期間,伍絜宜創新及創業中心聯同市場學系和南華早報舉辦「香港恒生大學x 南華早報企業挑戰賽2020」。比賽破紀錄收到共31 個團隊及110 名同學報名參與,其中包括來自香港其他高等大專院校學生。鑑於新冠肺炎疫情反覆,總決賽匯報在 2020 年8 月19 日以網上形式進行。 經過一連串嚴謹的評審後,評判團最終選出優勝隊伍。隊伍「Idea to Business」勇奪冠軍,「Achievers 4」同時獲得亞軍及「我最喜愛的創業意念獎」,而季軍則由隊伍「Soulmate」奪得。以上得獎隊伍可獲種子基金及現金獎最高港幣七萬元,以實踐創業理念。 Participants join different workshops during the E-Challenge. 參賽者於比賽期間可以參與不同工作坊。 School of Translation and Foreign Languages Students Receive Book Prize for Interpreting 2019/20 翻譯及外語學院同學榮獲傳譯書券獎2019/20 Mr Kin-bun Chan, Advisor of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages, has generously donated the Book Prize for Interpreting 2019/20 to the School to encourage students to develop their potential in interpreting. The prizes went to Ms Sum-yee Liu and Ms Yuen-lam Leung from the Bachelor of Translation with Business (Hons) programme, who had outstanding academic performances in the modules of Simultaneous Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting (Putonghua-English/English-Putonghua) respectively. They were each awarded a prize of HK$1,000 in recognition of their achievements. 翻譯及外語學院顧問陳健彬先生慷慨捐出「傳譯書券獎2019/20」,鼓勵學生在傳譯領域力爭上游,發揮潛能。得獎者為商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程的廖琛頤同學和梁遠琳同學,他們分別於即時傳譯及接續傳譯(普通話-英語/ 英語-普通話)兩門課程中表現出色,各獲 頒港幣1,000 元以資嘉許。 The Hong Kong Translation Society F C Lo Scholarships Awards a School of Translation and Foreign Languages Student 香港翻譯學會羅富昌獎學金頒贈予翻譯及外語學院同學 Starting from 2018-19, an annual scholarship of HK$10,000 has been offered by the Hong Kong Translation Society F C Lo Scholarships to a final-year translation student at HSUHK who demonstrates academic excellence in their study. This year, Ms Cheuk-ying Tse from the Bachelor of Translation with Business (Hons) programme was awarded the scholarship with her outstanding academic performance. The scholarship was established by Mr F C Lo, Chairman of FC Packing Holding Ltd, in 2010 with the aim to recognise outstanding academic achievements of students majoring in translation in Hong Kong’s tertiary institutions, and to promote translation as a discipline in these institutions. The School of Translation and Foreign Languages highly appreciates the continuous support from the Hong Kong Translation Society. 自2018-19 年度起,香港翻譯學會羅富昌獎學金每年提供港幣10,000 元,表揚恒大成績優異的四年級翻譯學生。商務翻譯(榮譽)學士課程的謝卓瑩同學憑著其學業上的傑出表現,成為本學年獎學金的得主。 永富容器集團主席羅富昌先生於2010 年設立香港翻譯學會羅富昌獎學金,旨在獎勵學業成績優異、主修翻譯的香港大專學生,同時推動翻譯成為大專院校的專門學科。翻譯及外語學院對於香港翻譯學會一直以來的支持,深表謝忱。 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 Off-campus Accommodation Seminars 校外出租居所講座 To help students explore more accommodation options and get a glimpse of a different living experience, the Residential Colleges (RCs) organised online Off-campus Accommodation Seminars on 24 June and 30 June 2020 respectively, in which essential information for offcampus housing options and rental procedures were shared, while students shared their views on living off-campus. Through an in-depth discussion with Ms Krystal Yang, a senior nonlocal student who has been living off-campus for 3 years, participating students had many useful tips on renting an apartment. They all looked forward to exploring the new residential experience in the new academic year. 住宿書院於2020 年6 月24 日及6 月30 日分別舉行了兩次網上校外出租居所講座,讓同學了解住宿書院以外的其他住宿選擇,探索不同的生活體驗。 講座中,同學積極分享對校外出租居所的看法,亦了解到不同的住宿選項、租賃程序及其他重要須知。活動中,已在外租屋居住3 年的非本地生楊帆同學作出分享,並解答了不少同學的疑問。同學們都期待於新學年發掘新的住宿體驗。 Volunteer Activities at the Patrick S C Poon Amity College 潘燊昌樂群書院義工活動 On 4 July and 8 August 2020, student volunteers from the Patrick S C Poon Amity College participated in ECF ‘Regenerations from LOVE’ Environmental Protection Project, which was organised by the Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation Kwan Shon Hing Yu Chui Neighborhood Elderly Centre of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong. With green environmental protection and regenerative art as the theme, the project aims at promoting environmental protection by golden-aged volunteers. During the activity, HSUHK students and the golden-aged volunteers joined hands to make environment-friendly gifts such as handcrafted potted plants, scented sachets and zentangle-based artworks. They delivered their handcrafts to the elderly at a day care centre to show their love and care amid the pandemic. 潘燊昌樂群書院的宿生義工在2020 年7 月4日及8 月8 日,參加了由基督教香港信義會善學慈善基金關宣卿愉翠長者鄰舍中心主辦的「環保基金『再生 X 藝術蜜語』環境保護計劃」。此計劃以綠色環保及再生藝術為主題,由金齡義工將環保訊息推廣至社區。活動中, 恒大同學與金齡義工一起愉快地製作小盆栽、特色香包及禪繞藝術品等環保小禮物,然後贈予區內日間護理中心長者,以表達在疫情下的一點關懷。 The volunteer team of the Patrick S C Poon Amity College takes part in the‘Regenerations from LOVE’ Environmental Protection Project. 潘燊昌樂群書院義工隊參與「再生 X 藝術蜜語」環境保護計劃。 HSUHK students and golden-aged volunteers send love to the seniors through handmade gifts. 恒大學生與金齡義工透過手作禮物向長者傳達關懷。 HSUHK Badminton Tournament 2020 恒大2020 年羽毛球賽 The HSUHK Badminton Tournament 2020 organised by the PE Unit of Student Affairs Office was held at Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex on 13 July 2020, offering a great opportunity for students to learn from each other, enhance their skills, accumulate competition experience and enjoy the fun of sports. The tournament consisted of Men’s Singles Division and Women’s Single Division, and all athletes strived for their best in the event. After several rounds of fierce competition, Mr Chung-hong Siu (BBA, Year 4) and Ms Wing-lam Ng (BBA-SCM, Year 2) claimed triumph in the Men’s Singles and Women’s Singles respectively. 學生事務處體育部於2020 年7 月13 日在李兆基綜合大樓二樓的室內運動場舉辦了恒大羽毛球比賽,讓同學之間切磋技術,提升他們的技術水平和累積比賽經驗,並從中享受運動的樂趣。賽事設有男子單打及女子單打項目,運動員均全力以赴作賽。經過多個回合的龍 爭虎鬥後,最終由蕭重匡同學(工商管理,四年級)勇奪男子單打冠軍,而女子單打項目則由吳穎琳同學(供應鏈管理工商管理,二年級)捧走冠軍寶座。 Fight for the champion! 全力以赴,爭取冠軍! Congratulations to all the winners! 恭喜所有得獎者! Music Power at HSUHK A Cappella 享受音樂:恒大無伴奏合唱團 HSUHK A Cappella, established in the academic year 2017/18, aims at identifying singing talents and gathering music lovers in the HSUHK community, while developing their potential through learning a cappella. The group has performed in various university-wide events, including the New Student Orientation Day and the College Assembly. As regular practices of the group were cancelled due to the pandemic, an individual coaching session was conducted through an online platform under the instruction of Dr Viola Yuen, the A Cappella instructor, during the summer holidays, so as to facilitate members’ continuous participation in the practice while maintaining social distancing. Members’ weaknesses, which may be overlooked in group practices, were identified and improved in individual coaching sessions. Under the guidance and coaching by Dr Yuen, the singing skills of members were greatly improved. 恒大無伴奏合唱團(HSUHK A Cappella)於2017/18 學年成立,旨在發掘及匯聚一群喜歡音樂和有歌唱才能的同學,藉著學習無伴奏音樂發展才能。合唱團曾多次參與校內表演,如在迎新日演出,及於月會領唱校歌。 疫情肆虐期間,團員無法參與恒常訓練。為了讓團員能繼續練習,同時保持社交距離,在無伴奏合唱團導師阮慧玲博士的安排下,團員於暑假期間利用通訊軟件在網上進行一對一指導,團員們在團隊練習時被忽略了的弱點,亦透過此機會被發現,並得到改善。在阮博 士的個別指導下,團員的無伴奏合唱技巧進一步得到提升。 Members of HSUHK A Cappella practice with the coach online. 恒大無伴奏合唱團成員在網上與導師進行練習。 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 Visit by Alumni 校友到訪 A group of alumni visited the campus on 29 August 2020. The guests were warmly received by President Simon S M Ho and Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs). The 11 alumni were Dr Jacky Cheung and Mr Dannie Cheung, Council Members of HSUHK; Mr Kenneth Leung, the Honorary Fellow of HSUHK; Mr Paul Tai, Mr Samuel Law, Mr Kenny Ho, Mr Eric Mak, Mr Kenneth Heung, Mr Cheney Cheng, Ms Katy Chiu and Mr Joseph Lee, among whom included the first and the last cohort of graduates from Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC, the predecessor of HSMC and HSUHK). Most of these alumni achieved scholarships to study abroad for a degree from HSSC, which helped lay a solid foundation for their career development. After graduation, they kept caring about the development of their alma mater. They were eager to take part in the University’s affairs, in the hope of giving back and benefiting students. Arranged by the Communications and Public Affairs Office, the guests had a campus tour to recollect the memories of student days. After the visit, they gathered at Lee Ping Yuen Chamber for President Ho’s sharing on the latest developments of HSUHK, followed by a discussion on future collaborations on students’ support and development. 多位校友於 2020 年8 月29日到訪恒大,獲何順文校長及協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)曹虹教授親切接待,並在他們陪同下參觀恒大校園。 今次到訪的校友共十一人,他們均畢業於恒生商學書院(恒商,恒管與恒大前身),當中有來自第一屆及最後一屆恒商畢業的校友,包括恒大校務委員會成員張華強博士及張江亭先生、恒大榮譽院士梁家強先生、戴麟先生、羅修慧先生、何偉陽先生、麥國基先生、 香俠笙先生、鄭其森先生、招寶琪女士及李宛霖先生。 他們大部份獲頒恒商獎學金遠赴海外升學完成學位課程,所得經驗為其事業發展奠定基礎。畢業後,他們繼續關心母校整體發展,期望憑藉自己所學及專業,參與更多學校發展事務,為學生帶來裨益,以回饋母校栽培。在傳訊及公共事務處安排下,各位校友重遊 校園,回顧昔日學生生活。參觀過後,雙方於李秉源會議廳進行會面,由何校長講解恒大的最新發展,並一同就學生支援及發展探討未來合作機會。 President Simon Ho (middle) and Professor Scarlet Tso (5th from right) take a group photo with the alumni outside Lee Ping Yuen Chamber. 何順文校長(中)及曹虹教授(右五)與校友於李秉源會議廳門外合照。 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to congratulate colleagues who have taken up new positions or got promoted during August and September 2020. 衷心恭賀於2020 年8 月和9 月調任新職位及獲晉升的同事。 Current Academic Staff with New Appointments 獲委任新職位的教學人員 School/Department/Office Academic Staff/Senior Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員/ 高級行政人員 職位 Department of Management 管理學系 Prof Jeanne Fu 符可瑩教授 Professor 教授 Department of Management 管理學系 Dr Amy Wang 王亞美博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Department of Economics and Finance 經濟及金融學系 Dr Andrew Wu 胡文傑博士 Associate Professor (Practice)副教授(實務) Current Academic Staff with Promotion 獲晉升教學人員 School/Department/Office Academic Staff/Senior Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員/ 高級行政人員 職位 Department of Accountancy 會計學系 Dr Lisa Goh 吳麗莎博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Chinese 中文系 Dr Ivan Chen 陳鴻圖博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Economics and Finance 經濟及金融學系 Dr James Cheong 張俊獅博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance 數學、統計及保險學系 Dr Becky Lee 李穎欣博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Dr Eugene Wong 黃彥璋博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Supply Chain and Information Management 供應鏈及資訊管理學系 Dr Yue Wang 王越博士 Associate Professor 副教授 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Dr Muk-yan Wong 黃沐恩博士 Associate Professor 副教授 HSUHK ‘Connected without Boundaries’ Video Series: Back to School! 恒大「與你同行」短片系列:開學啦! The new academic year has just begun and the Communications and Public Affairs Office has launched a new series of ‘Connected without Boundaries’ videos. Inez, our HSUHK Host, has invited the President, the Vice-Presidents, and Deans of the Schools of HSUHK to say a few words of encouragement wishing all new students and staff to have a fruitful and wonderful campus life in the coming academic year! 踏入新學年,傳訊及公共事務處推出了新一輯的「與你同行」短片系列,恒大主播Inez 邀請了恒大校長、兩位副校長及各院長向大家作出勉勵。謹祝所有恒大新生及新加入的教職員,在這個學年有豐盛而精彩的校園生活! 校長篇 The President 副校長篇 The Vice-Presidents 院長篇 The Deans Information as of 26 September 2020. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month with the editorial support of Mr Kyle Thorson of the English Department. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2020 年9 月26 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版,英文系Mr Kyle Thorson 協助英文內容編校。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界沙田小瀝源行善里