Erudition 博學 03‧2020 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 To Sustain and Inspire; Be Liberal and Professional.The 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK 承傳博雅 啟廸專業 恒大建校40 周年 HSUHK People 恒大人 Interview with Professor Lawrence Lee 李彥鴻教授專訪 Campus News 校園消息 HSUHK Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub Inauguration Ceremony 恒大大灣區融創中心開幕禮 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 To Sustain and Inspire; Be Liberal and Professional. The 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK 承傳博雅 啟迪專業 恒大建校40 周年........................................................................................1 HSUHK People 恒大人 Drive the Insurance Profession with a Full Heart - Interview wthi Professor Lawrence Lee 全心推動保險業 冀培育「保險師」─ 李彥鴻教授專訪 ...................................................................................7 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Practical Programme Laying Firm Foundation - Interview with MsY uki Sin 實用課程 建立紮實基礎-冼燕婷女士專訪..............................................................................................................9 Get Ready for Changes and Challenges through Learning from Practices - Interview with Ms Cynthia Tam  從實踐中學習 無懼多變與挑戰-譚詠茵女士專訪.................................................................................................................................................................................10 Campus News 校園消息 HSUHK Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub Inauguration Ceremony cum MoU Signing Ceremony 恒大大灣區融創中心開幕禮暨合作備忘錄簽署儀式..........................................................................................11 The President Shares Views on Organisational Culture and Leadesrhip in HKPC Best Practice Sharing Session  校長於香港生產力促進局最佳典範分享會談機構文化與領導力.......................................................................................................................................................................12 Seminar on“ E for...”: Effective E-Teaching-and-Learning Practices “E for...”: Effective E-Teaching-and-Learning Practices講座..............................................................................................12 Academic Planning Retreat 2020 2020學術規劃集思會...........................................................................................................................................................................13 The President Speaks at HKCAAVQ Spring Luncheon 2020 校長於香港學術及職業資歷評審局新春午宴致辭.............................................................................................................................13 The President Serves as Chairman of the Final Adjudicating Panel of the 6th Youth DreamMaker Campaign and Officiates its Award Presentation Ceremony   校長擔任第六屆「青年夢想實踐家選舉」終選評審團主席兼頒獎典禮主禮嘉賓.........................................................................................................................................................14 HSUHK Receives“ IFPHK Financial Education Leadership Gold Awards 2020” 恒大榮獲「香港財務策劃師學會-理財教育領袖2020金獎」.................................................................................................14 The President Hosts a Video Conference Meeting with the Media 校長與傳媒進行網上視像會議....................................................................................................................................14 Student Development Activities 學生發展活動 The School of Communication Holds the 2020 Taiwan PresidentialE lection Study Tour 傳播學院舉辦2020年台灣總統選舉考察團.....................................................................................................15 CCI Delegation Visits Macao 文化及創意產業課程代表團到訪澳門................................................................................................................................................................15 Kick-off Ceremony of the HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 2019/20 2019/20「恒大專業師友計劃」啟動禮.....................................................................................................................16 College Assembly in January - HSUHK Liberal Agora 一月份月會-恒大博雅廣場..................................................................................................................................................16 “A Glimpse at Ma Lai Hau Hang” Exhibition Showcases the Scenic Nature around the HSUHK Campus 「瞬間看恒河」展覽 認識校園周邊的好山好水.....................................................................................17 HSUHK Students Join The 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders in Bangkok 恒大同學赴泰國參與「第二屆未來領袖和平峰會」........................................................................................................17 Orientation and Activities for Spring Semester Inbound Exchange Students 2019/20 2019/20春季交換生迎新會及活動..............................................................................................................18 Mobile Booster - Welcome Back! 流動加油站-恒大有你.........................................................................................................................................................................18 “Sparkle Your Sports Self”in the New Semester - Flash Activities Week 激發運動潛能-新學期快閃活動週........................................................................................................................19 Tate's Cairn Hike 輕輕鬆鬆登高峰............................................................................................................................................................................................19 Inter-RCs Tug of War Competition of the Council Chairman Bowl 校委會主席碗-院際拔河比賽....................................................................................................................................20 Welcome (Back) to the Residential Colleges 宿生愛回家.......................................................................................................................................................................20 Visits to HSUHK 到訪恒大 The U.S. Consul General to Hong Kong & Macau, Mr Hanscom Smith 美國駐港澳總領事史墨客先生...................................................................................................................................21 E Wash Holding Limited Donates Epidemic-Prevention Supplies toH SUHK 八川控股有限公司捐贈防疫用品予恒大.....................................................................................................................21 Personnel Updates 人事快訊...................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Feature 專題報道 To Sustain and Inspire; Be Liberal and Professional. The 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK  承傳博雅 啟迪專業 恒大建校40 周年 The Manifestation of “Erudition and Perseverance” 「博學篤行」之實踐 The year 2020 marks the ruby jubilee of HSUHK. In its 40 years of history, HSUHK has always upheld the founding motto “Erudition and Perseverance” to cultivate not only our students’ humanistic qualities, but also their professional skills, with the goal of nurturing students to be visionary and responsible future leaders of society. The origins of “Erudition and Perseverance” come from the chapters “Zhongyong” (The Doctrine of the Mean) and “Xueji” (The Record on the Subject of Education) in Liji (The Book of Rites), one of the Chinese classics describing the social forms, administration and ceremonial rites of ancient China. “Erudition” means to acquire comprehensive knowledge and be innovative in a magnanimous and lenient manner; while “Perseverance” means to be dedicated and persistent despite difficulties with a never-give-up spirit. What the motto advocates is therefore a combination of knowledge and practice, encouraging us to apply academic knowledge in real life and advance learning outcomes through practice. To manifest “Erudition and Perseverance” and put it into practice, HSUHK has developed a unique Liberal + Professional education model. “Liberal” means a broad-based and cross-disciplinary approach to connect different knowledge domains that facilitate thinking and solve problems. “Professional” means to equip students with the competencies to enter particular professions through our targeted programmes. We believe this education model benefits the future career development of our students and helps cultivate their personal values, interests and transferrable core competencies, so that they are better prepared to handle future work and life challenges with confidence. 2020 年,恒大欣然踏入紅寶石禧。建校40 年來,恒大一直秉持「博學篤行」為校訓,不但重視培育學生的人文素質,亦著重專業技能的培養,冀學生能成為有識見、負責任的未來領袖。 「博學篤行」源出《禮記.中庸》「博學之,審問之,慎思之,明辨之,篤行之。」以及《禮記.學記》「博學而不窮,篤行而不倦。」「博學」,意謂為學要以博大和寬容的態度,廣泛獵取,不斷創新;「篤行」,意指對事業專心致志,鍥而不捨,知難而進,亦 包含百折不撓、愈挫愈勇之精神。校訓的意思,乃倡導知行合一,將書本知識應用於實踐,並在實踐中不斷提高學習之果效。 恒大獨特的「博雅+專業」教育模式,正是用以落實「博學篤行」的辦學宗旨。「博雅」是指以廣泛及跨學科的方式,來連接不同知識領域、啟發思考和解決問題;而「專業」則是以專業導向的課程裝備學生的專業能力和視野。我們相信,這種教育模式除了有利學生 將來事業發展,更能培養學生的個人價值觀、志趣和可轉移的核心能力,讓他們能更好裝備自己,以應付未來工作和生活中的挑戰。 Inscription by Professor Tsung-I Jao to HSUHK 饒宗頤教授題字贈予恒大 The Transformative Power of Liberal + Professional Education Model 「博雅+專業」的蛻變力量 While inspiring the all-round development of students, the transformative power of HSUHK’s unique Liberal + Professional education model also leads the way to numerous milestones that all staff and students are proud of, of which our transformation in the last decade is particularly impressive. In the past 10 years, we grew from a post-secondary school offering mainly programmes in commerce, to a private university now with five Schools providing diverse major programmes. Such rapid development is not only encouraging, but also demonstrates the dynamic and innovative spirit of HSUHK. We have not become satisfied with our current success but always strive to creating more possibilities for the future. In celebrating the 40th anniversary, it’s the moment for us to look back our development path and recall the contributions and missions of our founders and the people would have contributed to HSUHK's accomplishments. It’s also a time for us to look forward and formulate a long-term strategy for curriculum design, academic research, student development, campus development and public engagement, for a brighter HSUHK in the coming decade. 恒大獨特的「博雅+專業」教育模式所帶來的蛻變力量,不但啟迪學生的全面發展,亦引領學校不斷進步,締造了不少師生引以為傲的里程碑。尤其在過去短短十年間,學校由一所主要提供商科課程的預科學校,至現在成為擁有5 個學院、提供多元化課程的私立大學, 成長之迅速不但令全體師生和職員感到鼓舞,亦印證恒大的創新、求變精神,不甘滿足於眼前的成功,矢志為未來創造更多可能性。 在成立40 周年之際,我們一方面回顧恒大一路走來的經歷,感念創辦人及歷代恒大人的付出和辦學使命;同時展望將來,在課程設計、學術研究、學生發展、校園發展及社區參與等方面,作出更長遠的規劃,冀未來十年,恒大將更為精彩。 (2nd from left) Sir Quo-wei Lee, The Governor Sir Murray MacLehose and Dr Sin-hang Ho officiated the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of HSSC in 1979. (左二起)1979 年,利國偉爵士、港督麥理浩爵士及何善衡博士主持恒商的奠基儀式。 Inauguration ceremony of HSMC in 2011. 2011 年,恒管成立典禮 2019 Founders' Day cum University Naming Dinner marking the new milestone of HUSHK 2019 校慶日暨大學正名晚宴,標誌恒大發展踏入新里程 HSUHK Development Path 恒大的發展歷程 The Beginning of HSUHK: Hang Seng School of Commerce 恒大的起點:恒生商學書院 The roots of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) reach back to 1980 when Hang Seng School of Commerce (HSSC) was established, with funding from the S H Ho Foundation, the Ho Tim Charitable Foundation, Dah Chong Hong Limited, several Hang Seng Bank founding directors and Hang Seng Bank Limited. Founders of Hang Seng Bank had a profound understanding of the importance of education and a mission to contribute to the education of the young generation in their hearts. Already from 1963, Hang Seng Bank had provided 6-week Elementary Banking Programme for the staff, and the course was then extended to outsiders for free as requested by clients and friends. This inspired Dr Sin-hang Ho, one of the founders of Hang Seng Bank, to establish HSSC. In 1969, Dr Sing-hang Ho, the then Chairman of Hang Seng Bank, proposed to set up a non-profit full-time educational institution offering programmes to Form 5 graduates for the future development of Hong Kong financial sector. Meanwhile, Sir Quo-wei Lee, the then General Manager of Hang Seng Bank, applied for land allocation with exemption of land premium from the Government for building the campus. In 1974, the Government granted a site in Sha Tin new town, allowing for the establishment of HSSC. The Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony was held on 2 November 1979, and the construction of HSSC campus was completed within 10 months in time for the commencement of the new school term in September 1980. This is a demonstration of the unique determination and motivation of the Hong Kong people. 恒大的歷史可追溯至 1980 年,由何善衡慈善基金會、何添慈善基金會、大昌貿易行、若干恒生銀行創辦人及恒生銀行慷慨捐資,成立恒生商學書院(恒商)開始。 其時,恒生銀行的創辦人深切認識教育的重要,時刻不忘為年青一代的教育作出貢獻。早在1963 年,恒生銀行已開始為僱員開辦為期六週之銀行及商務初級訓練課程;不久,因應行方客戶及友好之要求,該課程更擴展至外界人士均可免費就讀,並啟發恒生銀行創辦人 之一何善衡博士創立恒商。 1969 年,時為恒生銀行董事長的何善衡博士,建議成立一所全日制之非牟利學府,按照本港財經界之具體需要及未來發展情況而制定課程,供當時的中五畢業生就讀。時任恒生銀行總經理的利國偉爵士,並向政府申請豁免地價而撥地,用以建校。 1974 年,政府同意撥出適當之校舍用地,使籌建恒商的意念趨向實現。校園的奠基禮在1979 年11 月2 日舉行,並於十個月內火速建成,使學校能趕及在1980 年9 月開課,充分表現出香港人具備的獨特幹勁。 The foundation stone of HSSC 恒商的奠基石 The school site of HSSC. The Kwong Yuen Estate and the Tate's Cairn Tunnel were not yet built at that time. 恒商校址。其時廣源邨和大老山隧道尚未興建。 HSSC Turning to HSMC 從恒商步入恒管 HSSC steadily developed a reputation as a top post-secondary school in commerce. In 2010, HSSC was re-structured and became Hang Seng Management College (HSMC), a degree-granting institution registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap 320), marking its development with big strides towards delivering university programmes. The College first launched with three degree programmes, namely Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours), Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management and Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours). The Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours) Programme was also granted approval and commenced in September 2011. Several campus extension facilities were also completed during these times as HSMC, including Block A (now the S H Ho Academic Building), Block B (now the Lee Shau Kee Complex), Block D (now the Lee Quo Wei Academic Building) and the HSMC Square (now Wei Lun Square). 恒商一直發展,成為當時本地一所頗有聲望的商科專上學院。2010 年,恒商根據《專上學院條例》(第320 章)註冊成為非牟利私立學位頒授學院,並改名為恒生管理學院(恒管),為發展大學課程邁出成功一步。當時開辦的課程包括工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程、 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士學位課程、以及商務翻譯(榮譽)學士學位課程。隨後新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士學位課程亦通過審批,於2011 年9 月開辦。校園多項擴展設施亦於恒管時期落成,包括A 座大樓(現為何善衡教學大樓)、B 座大樓(現為李兆基綜合大 樓)、D 座大樓(現為利國偉教學大樓)及恒管廣場(現為偉倫廣場)等。 Renaming as The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong 正名香港恒生大學 On 30 October 2018, after rigorous institutional assessments, HSMC was granted approval by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to be renamed as "The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong" (HSUHK), as the first accredited self-financing degree-granting institution to acquire the university title according to the criteria under the HKSAR Government’s Roadmap for Becoming a Private University issued in 2015. HSUHK currently has five Schools (Business, Communication, Decision Sciences, Humanities and Social Science, and Translation) offering a wide range of four-year bachelor's (honours) degree programmes and master's degree programmes. Many of these programmes are unique and the first of their kind in the region. All programmes were accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), and recognised by the governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mainland China and Taiwan. 2018 年 10 月30 日,經嚴格的院校評核後,恒管獲香港特區政府批准正名為「香港恒生大學」(恒大),成為按教育局於2015 年頒佈《成為私立大學的路線圖》和準則之後,香港首間取得大學名稱的認可自資學位頒授院校。 恒大現時由五個學院組成(商學院、傳播學院、決策科學學院、人文社會科學學院和翻譯學院),提供多個四年制榮譽學士學位課程及碩士學位課程,不少課程為全港首創。所有課程均獲香港學術及職業資歷評審局審批認可,並獲得香港特別行政區政府、內地政府及 台灣政府認可。 HSMC held the First Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony as a degree-granting institution. 恒管成為學位頒授學院後,舉辦第一屆榮譽院士頒授典禮。 HSUHK's first Convocation for New Students after its acquisition of university title 恒大正名後首屆新生入學禮 Proactive Developments Gaining Public and Industry Recognition 積極發展 獲業界及公眾認許 Growing rapidly, HSUHK has attained a number of achievements in recent years, which include: • HSUHK obtained the ISO 9001 Certification in Quality Management System (QMS) on its degree programmes, as well as a full score of 5.0 in the CSR Index assessment on the University, both issued by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. • From 2014-15 to 2019-20, HSUHK has secured more than HK$164 million for 137 research projects and 8 teaching development projects from different external funding schemes/bodies. In the six-year cumulative period since 2014/15, HSUHK received the highest funding amount and the highest number of research projects awarded by the Research Grants Council's Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector. • HSUHK has established several research institutes or centres to promote and support research conducted across the University: The Deep Learning Research and Application Centre, Centre for Greater China Studies, Research Institute for Business, Policy Research Institute of Global Supply Chain, and Virtual Reality Centre. • The Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership and the Wu Jieh Yee Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship were set up to cultivate students’ global perspectives, as well as innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets. • Established the Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub and the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures, aiming at creating platforms for students to explore different opportunities and realise their business aspirations. • HSUHK was the first higher education institution in Hong Kong to receive the highest BEAM+ Platinum recognition from the Hong Kong Green Building Council, with each of its four new buildings, affirming the University's commitment to environmental protection and campus sustainability. • HSUHK was awarded the Asia Excellence Brand Award 2018 and 2019 issued by Yazhou Zhoukan, in recognition of its education practices and leading position in the Asian region. • HSUHK has clinched the School Corporate Social Responsibility Award (university category) issued by Mirror Post for two consecutive years (2018 and 2019) affirming the University's efforts to shoulder social responsibilities. • HSUHK won the Certificate of Excellence in the Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19 issued by the Hong Kong Management Association in recognition of its continuous efforts in sustainable development. • Triple Gold Award (2015, 2016 and 2018) under the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme co-organised by Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. 恒大近年積極發展,取得不少重要成就,包括: • 恒大的學位課程獲香港品質保證局頒發ISO 9001 品質管理體系認證,恒大亦在該局的「社會企業責任指數」評核獲得滿分「5」的卓越成績。 • 由2014-15 至2019-20 年度,恒大獲不同外資計劃或機構撥款超過1 億6 千4 百萬港元,資助進行137 項研究項目及8 項教學發展項目。自2014/15 年度起,恒大在研究資助局的本地自資學位界別競逐研究資助計劃所獲的六年累計撥款及研究項目總數為全港自資院 校之冠。 • 成立了數間研究所或中心,包括深度學習研究與應用中心、大中華研究中心,商學研究所,全球供應鏈管理政策研究所,及虛擬實境中心,協助推動及支持學院的研究工作。 • 設立青年可持續發展領袖研習所及伍絜宜創新和創業中心,培養學生的國際視野,創新思維和創業精神。 • 成立大灣區融創中心及亞洲語言文化中心,冀為學生構建平台,探索不同機遇和實踐創業抱負。 • 恒大的四座新建築物均獲香港綠色建築議會頒發最高級別的鉑金認證,恒大為本港首間高等院校獲得是項殊榮,肯定大學在環境保護及推行可持續校園方面所作的努力。 • 在 2018 及2019 年榮獲《亞洲週刊》「亞洲卓越品牌大獎」,肯定了恒大的教學理念與實踐,以及在亞洲地區的領導地位。 • 連續兩年(2018 及2019 年)獲得《鏡報》「學校社會責任獎」(大學組),肯定恒大在履行社會責任方面的努力。 • 獲香港管理專業協會頒發「香港可持續發展獎 2018/19 卓越獎」,表彰恒大在「可持續發展」方面的努力。 • 於香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司及政府資訊科技總監辦公室合辦的「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」中獲頒三年卓越表現獎(2015,2016 及2018)。 The Certificate of Excellence in the Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19 granted by the Hong Kong Management Association 香港管理專業協會頒發「香港可持續發展獎 2018/19 卓越獎」 The Asia Excellence Brand Award 2018 granted by Yazhou Zhoukan 《亞洲週刊》「2018 亞洲卓越品牌大獎」 Explorations for New Milestones 開拓新領域 再創新里程 HSUHK released the Strategic Plan 2018-2023 - Riding on the New Era: Private University with a Difference (5-year Strategic Plan) in 2018 to expound on the development blueprint of the University in the coming five years. To meet the needs and changes of society, HSUHK plans to explore and provide students with more diverse programmes and learning experiences according to the five strategic focus areas in the 5-year Strategic Plan , namely Robust Curriculum and Programmes; Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research; Transformative Student Experience; Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement; and Sustainable Campus and Resources Management. Some key initiatives include: • Establishment of the Art and Design programme and new creative disciplines. • Establishment of a creative culture hub for planning and organising more creative cultural activities. • Provision for the studies of foreign languages and cultures, e.g. ASEAN, Middle Eastern, Latin and European as a pioneer university in Hong Kong offering an extensive range of ASEAN language courses. • Launch of the “One Student, One Internship” scheme allowing every undergraduate student to gain internship experience. • Further implementation of the Residential College System to engage more non-residential students and faculty members, and to offer credit-bearing Common Core and General Education modules at the Residential Colleges. • Enhancement of the study and application of creative technology including artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, blockchain and cloud computing. • Establishment of HSUHK as a smart university, using smart technologies, developing smart applications and introducing smart practices to empower staff and students, streamline management and operations and transform teaching and learning. Looking ahead, HSUHK will uphold the motto “Erudition and Perseverance” to implement the 5-year Strategic Plan, and keep playing a unique and substantial role in the higher education sector in Hong Kong. 恒大於2018 年發表《策略發展計劃2018-2023 -邁向新時代:不一樣的私立大學》,闡述大學未來五年的發展藍圖。按照當中五大重點,包括:完善的課程架構、創新教學及研究、轉化式學生體驗、積極的公眾參與及發展,以及可持續校園及資源管理,恒大致力計劃 開拓更多元化的課程和學習體驗,以迎合社會的需求和轉變。當中包括: • 設立藝術及設計課程,開辦全新的創意學科。 • 設立文化創意樞紐,籌辦更多文化創新活動。 • 提供多元外語及文化的學習機會,包括:東南亞、中東、拉丁及歐洲地區,成為本港大學當中開辦多種東南亞語言課程的先驅院校。 • 推出「一學生一實習」計劃,讓每個本科學生都有實習機會。 • 進一步落實「住宿書院制度」,讓更多非住宿學生及教職員參與住宿書院活動,並在住宿書院內提供帶學分的共同核心與通識科目。 • 加強學習及應用創新科技,如人工智能、大數據分析、區塊鏈和雲端運算等。 • 打造恒大為智能型大學,採用智能科技、發展智能應用程式,並引入智能教學方式以強化師生的技能、提升管理及營運效率,及轉化教與學的模式。 展望未來,恒大將繼續秉承「博學篤行」的辦學理念,全力落實《五年策略發展計劃》,繼續在香港高等教育界扮演著一個獨特和重要的角色。 President’s Message 校長的話 “The year 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of HSUHK. Beyond celebrations, this is a good time for us to reminisce about the history of the University and express our gratitude to its founders. It is also a time for us to look forward and explore new areas in our education work. I am confident that our teams, students and alumni will keep developing HSUHK with unity and we will scale new heights in the future. My congratulations to HSUHK for its 40th anniversary and I wish HSUHK every success in the years to come.” 「2020 年是恒大40 周年建校紀念,除了慶祝,也是一個好的時機,讓我們懷緬最初建校的歷史,及向創辦人致以感恩;同時也是時候展望將來,在教育工作上開拓新領域。我很有信心,我們的團隊、同學、校友會繼續同心建設恒大,我相信將來恒大必有更大的成就。 在此,我祝願恒大40 周年,更上一層樓。」 HSUHK: 40 Years of Commitment - Professor Simon Ho, President 《恒大.四十.情 》-何順文校長 Scan the QR Code to watch the video. 掃描QR Code,觀看影片。 HSUHK People 恒大人 Drive the Insurance Profession with a Full Heart 全心推動保險業 冀培育「保險師」 Interview with Professor Lawrence Lee Professor (Practice), Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance 李彥鴻教授專訪 數學、統計及保險學系教授(實務) Professor Lawrence Lee, a respected expert in the insurance industry who has been working in the sector for over 40 years, is still passionate about it and pays close attention to its development and transformation. Since joining the industry in 1974, he has taken on senior management posts in this industry in Hong Kong and the Region. He was appointed a member of the Insurance Training Board, The Vocational Training Council and elected the President of the Insurance Institute of Hong Kong. With his thorough understanding of the industry, Professor Lee points out that, owing to the ageing population, the enhancement of the public's education level and their awareness of the legal rights, people nowadays look for better advice and protection for their well-being, families and properties. This has led to a rise in demand for insurance services; yet the high turn-over rate and the lack of suitable training and development programmes to current insurance practitioners has brought a succession problem in the profession. Therefore, he regards the nurturing of the next generation of insurance industry leaders of utmost importance. “There are only around 200 university graduates from insurance-related programmes every year in Hong Kong. The number of newcomers can hardly supplement the workforce losses from retirement and natural attrition. Besides, there is a lack of suitable programmes to upgrade the managerial know-how for the current practitioners, resulting in a lack of suitable successors at the middle and senior management level in many insurance companies. This situation is unfavourable for the overall development of the industry.” Professor Lee believes that the industry standard would be enhanced if insurance companies are willing to allocate more resources and provide more opportunities for staff training. Such action will have a positive impact on the development and provide a possible relief on the succession problem in the industry. In fact, supporting the development of the insurance sector through education was one of the reasons why Professor Lee decided to join HSUHK. He said, “The education at HSUHK is forward-thinking. It is willing to explore and launch new programmes to meet the needs of the insurance sector, demonstrating its unique Liberal + Professional education model.” Professor Lee is now working on a soon-to-be launched Executive Master of Science in Insurance programme with his team, which aims to train future leaders for the insurance industry to boost the management, professional and ethical standards of current insurance practitioners while broadening their perspectives. The programme also attempts to alleviate the problem of shortages in management staff in the field. 在保險業界享負盛名的李彥鴻教授,即使已從事保險業四十多年,仍不言倦,且一直關注行業的發展與轉型。他在1974 年加入保險界,曾在多間跨國保險公司身居要職,並曾擔任職業訓練局保險業訓練委員會委員及香港保險學會會長,對保險業有透徹的瞭解。李教授 指出,隨着人口老化,以及市民的教育與法律知識提升,公眾對自身、家庭及資產尋求更多保障,因此保險服務的需求與日俱增。不過,保險業人才流動迅速,面對青黃不接的問題,所以他認為業界目前最急切的,便是栽培新一代的楝樑。 「現時,香港每年只有約二百名修畢保險相關課程的大學畢業生,可是每年退休和自然流失的保險從業員遠高於此數,根本不足以補充;此外,現職從業員的培訓不足,缺乏管理經驗,因此很多保險公司的高中級管理層都面臨斷層問題,這對行業的發展不利。」李教授 相信,保險公司若能投放更多資源於員工培訓,讓員工有持續進修的機會,將有助提升行業的整體水平,為其發展帶來正面影響,接班問題亦有望紓緩。 事實上,透過教育支援保險業界發展,正是李教授決定加入恒大的原因之一。「恒大的教育具前瞻性,亦比較配合業界所需,願意發掘及開辦新課程,真正實踐其獨特的『博雅 + 專業』教學模式。」現時他與團隊正積極籌備開辦行政人員保險理學碩士學位課程,務求 提升現時保險從業員的管理水平和視野,紓緩業內缺乏管理人員的危機,並增強保險從業員的專業知識。「保險從業員不只是推銷產品,他們還需瞭解產品及做好風險評估,才能成功為客人投保,因此專業的知識和認真的態度缺一不可。」隨著時代變遷,保險產品的 內容更為多元化,業界及公眾對保險從業員的要求也愈來愈高,與時並進對他們來說非常重要。「保險是憑『腦力』來賺錢,所以不論前線或後勤都要持續學習,及早掌握社會、經濟、民生及科技等發展。」 “Insurance practitioners not only sell products, but they also need to have a comprehensive understanding of the products and conduct a thorough risk assessment of their clients’ situations before recommending a proposal suitable to them. Both professional knowledge and earnest attitude are indispensable.” While insurance products become more complex and diversified with time, the expectation from the industry as well as the public for insurance practitioners are getting higher, therefore they must keep current and abreast of changes. “Insurance is an industry which flourishes on the ‘brain power’, i.e. the knowledge of its people. Lifelong learning is therefore crucial for both frontline and support staff. They need to know the latest developments in areas such as society, macro and micro economics, geopolitics, technology, etc.” Professor Lee thinks that Hong Kong, located in the centre of East Asia, enjoys the privilege of integrating the knowledge and management styles of East and West. Yet, it is a pity to see an evident capital outflow and brain drain in recent years. With his seniority and extensive social network in the field, he wishes to contribute towards helping the Hong Kong insurance industry to regain its former glory. “Hong Kong should make good use of its ideal geographical location and the opportunities from the Belt and Road Initiative to attract more enterprises to invest here. I hope Hong Kong can re-establish its leading role in insurance.” “I hope to contribute by sharing my experience and knowledge with the younger generation. It takes years to train an insurance professional, just like a lawyer, a medical doctor or an accountant. They have to sit for various qualification examinations before they are fully qualified and licensed. They are professionals and deserve to be rated as such. It would be ideal if my contribution can help strengthen the professional image and the professionalism of the industry and to enhance the public recognition of it.” 李教授認為,香港位於亞洲中心,享有東西方的知識及管理優勢;惟近年很多資金與人才流失,非常可惜。在保險業界擁有豐富閱歷及社會人脈的他,希望能盡其所能,重拾香港保險業的輝煌。「香港地理位置優越,應好好善用,把握『一帶一路』的契機,吸引更多 企業投資。我希望香港能重新建立其保險業在區內的領導地位,甚至成為亞洲保險業的教育、研究及培訓基地。」 「我希望為保險業出一分力,與年青一輩分享我的經歷及學識。保險從業員與律師、醫生、會計師一樣,都需要考取不同專業資格及牌照,專業程度無容置疑,絕對有資格被稱為『保險師』。如果我的力量,能幫助業界提升專業形象,得到公眾認同,就更圓滿了。」 Photo of Professor Lee (right) with Mr Clement Cheung, Chief Executive Officer of the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong. 李教授(右)與保險業監管局行政總監張雲正先生合照 Professor Lee giving keynote speech in the Registered Financial Consultant Graduation and Conferment Ceremony 李教授於「認證財務顧問師畢業暨授證典禮」作主講嘉賓 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Practical Programme Laying Firm Foundation 實用課程 建立紮實基礎 Interview with Ms Yuki Sin 冼燕婷女士專訪 Bachelor of Journalism and Communication (Honours), HSUHK Analyst, Ample Capital Asset Management 恒大新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士 豐盛金融資產管理分析員 With a clear voice, Ms Yuki Sin impressed us with her logical and analytical mind during the conversation. Upon her graduation from the BJC programme in 2014, Yuki has been working in the finance-related industry, firstly as a financial reporter and now as a financial analyst. Recalling her study at HSUHK, Yuki thinks the BJC programme was practical and provided extensive trainings from business education to financial journalism with high quality teaching staff that prepared Yuki well for the challenges in her developing career. “Many of the BJC lecturers and professors are industry leaders. They would share with us the realistic working environment and situation that a reporter would encounter, and explain to us the reporting skills and techniques with their own experiences. These equipped us with useful knowledge applicable to actual workplace.” As a financial analyst, Yuki considers the interdisciplinary programme design of HSUHK with business elective, helpful in facilitating her pursuit of career goals. “To obtain licences from the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), candidates are required to pass The Licensing Examination for Securities and Futures Intermediaries. Fortunately, I took marketing, management and law related modules in HSUHK and two of the papers are therefore exempted. This helped me to get the licences more quickly.” Apart from building a solid knowledge foundation, Yuki also gained first-hand reporting and working experience from the training scheme and internship during her study. “In my third year of study, I joined the programme host training scheme ‘Metro Finance Digital’. The scheme offered coaching from financial and media industry leaders and we gained actual experience in hosting and producing a financial programme, as well as writing business-related columns. After that I worked as a financial news reporter intern during the summer vacation. The two-month internship was during the peak season when many listed companies made financial announcements. This provided me an opportunity to work like a real reporter. I did a lot of interviews, coverage and instant news writing, learning many news reporting skills.” These experiences helped Yuki to handle tasks efficiently when she entered the media field after graduation. For Yuki, journalism is a career full of challenge and fun. “This allows me to explore the world and meet people from all walks of life, helping me to know more about the society from different perspectives.” She hopes to accumulate more experience in the future to further her career in the financial industry. 冼燕婷女士的聲線柔和清晰,言談條理分明,讓人印象深刻。她於2014 年完成恒大新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程,畢業後一直於財經界發展,曾擔任財經記者,現為金融分析員。 回想在恒大的學習,她認為恒大傳播學院課程實用,提供不同類型的訓練,涵蓋商業知識和財經新聞,而且師資優良,有助她打好基礎,面對職場挑戰:「傳播學院很多導師和教授都是業界領袖,他們會分享記者的實際工作情況,又以親身經驗講解報道的技巧和竅門。 這些實用知識讓我們投身職場時能學以致用。」作為金融分析員,冼燕婷亦覺得恒大的跨學科設計提供商業選修科,讓她能更快達成事業目標:「考取證監會牌照時, 須通過證券及期貨從業員資格考試,幸好當年在恒大選修了市場學、管理學和法律相關的科目,可以 豁免其中兩份考卷,省下不少時間,助我更快考獲牌照。」 在恒大就讀期間,除了紮實的知識基礎,冼燕婷亦透過培訓課程和實習親身獲得工作體驗:「三年級時,我參加了『財星學堂』節目主持培訓計劃,由金融界及傳媒前輩指導,讓我們體驗如何主持財經節目和撰寫相關專欄。三年級的暑假,我則參加了財經記者實習, 當時正值各上市公司的業績公佈期。在兩個月的實習期間,我和全職記者無異,頻頻採訪、報道和撰寫即時新聞,學會了不少新聞報道技巧。」這些經驗助她正式投身傳媒行業時,工作更得心應手。 冼燕婷坦言,記者是充滿挑戰性又有趣的工作:「成為記者可以增廣見聞,結交各行各業的朋友,有助以更全面的角度認識社會。」她期望將來繼續在金融及財經界發展,累積更多經驗,讓事業更上一層樓。 Yuki has taken the financial news reporter internship 冼燕婷曾參加財經記者實習 Get Ready for Changes and Challenges through Learning from Practices 從實踐中學習 無懼多變與挑戰 Interview with Ms Cynthia Tam 譚詠茵女士專訪 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management, HSUHK Personal Secretary, Environmental Protection Department 恒大供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士 環境保護署私人秘書 The development of children is directly linked to the behaviours of their parents. Influenced by her mother’s career, Ms Cynthia Tam chose supply chain management as her major study. “My mother was responsible for handling purchase orders in the garment industry, and some of her fascinating experiences interested me, which made me decide to learn more about the planning, merchandising, manufacturing and delivery of products.” Cynthia made HSUHK her first choice when selecting university because of the compulsory element of internship in its Supply Chain Management programme. She believed that it could help deepen her learning. During her studies at HSUHK, Cynthia was active in participating in a wide variety of supply chain management related activities. Besides joining the Students’ Association of SCM in Year 1 and liaising with various corporations to organise career talks, she also took part in numerous competitions, two of which were especially memorable. “In the HKLA Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition, the organiser arranged a visit to a warehouse to enhance our understanding of its operation. It was really eye-opening to me. On the other hand, the CILTHK Student Day Competition was so thrilling that the topic was drawn on the competition day and our team had to present the report given 90 minutes for discussion and preparation.” Being grateful for the guidance and support by HSUHK teachers outside classroom, she finds these experiences invaluable since they strengthened her organisational and presentation skills, and boosted her self-confidence. The sharing from seasoned industry professionals and peers from other institutions also extended her understanding of the sector. After graduation, Cynthia joined a sizable food manufacturer and was tasked with scheduling. She is thankful that she learnt to stay flexible during her studies at HSUHK, so that she could stay calm and confident when dealing with the protean production line. Working as a Personal Secretary in the Government now, Cynthia says the procurement and negotiation skills taught in the programme are also highly applicable, helping her work well with different stakeholders. Lastly, Cynthia encourages HSUHK fellows to proactively take part in different competitions and to utilise the ample resources provided by the University. “Seize every learning opportunity and ask when you don’t understand. You can always gain more when you are hands-on.” 父母的言行與子女的成長有著密切關係,而譚詠茵女士選擇修讀供應鏈管理課程,原來也受到母親的影響。 「媽媽從事製衣業跟進訂單的工作,當中一些有趣經歷令我對貨物的計劃、採購、製造和配送產生興趣,想學習更多相關知識。」恒大的供應鏈管理課程中包括實習必修科,譚詠茵覺得這個安排能深化所學,因此大學選科時列恒大為首選。 在恒大的日子,譚詠茵積極參與各項和供應鏈管理有關的活動。除了在一年級時加入系會幹事會,負責聯繫各大公司籌辦職業講座,她還曾參與多項比賽,其中兩次的經歷令她特別難忘。「香港物流協會舉辦的香港物流案例大賽中,大會安排我們參觀倉庫及認識當中 的運作,令我大開眼界;而香港運輸物流學會學界專題研習比賽則要即場抽選題目,並只有九十分鐘討論及預備報告,隨後便要即時匯報,十分緊張刺激。」她感謝恒大的老師當時在課堂外提供指導及支援,這些經驗不僅提升她的組織與表達能力,增強了她的自信心, 當中業內資深人士及其他院校同儕的分享亦加深她對行業的瞭解,十分難得。 畢業後,譚詠茵加入大型食品製造商的生產部負責排程。她說,幸而在恒大就讀期間學會了處事靈活變通,故此面對變化多端的生產線仍能自信及冷靜應付。而目前轉任政府的私人秘書職系,課程中教授的採購及談判技巧亦大派用場,使她與不同持份者合作時更 得心應手。 譚詠茵鼓勵恒大同學積極參加比賽,善用學校的豐富資源。「把握學習的機會,不明白要發問,凡事親力親為,必能學得更多。」 Cynthia (6th from left) met like-minded companions in HSUHK Students' Association of SCM 譚詠茵(左六)在恒大供應鏈管理學系系會幹事會結識了志同道合的夥伴 Campus News 校園消息 HSUHK Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub Inauguration Ceremony cum MoU Signing Ceremony 恒大大灣區融創中心開幕禮暨合作備忘錄簽署儀式 HSUHK Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub (Innogration Hub) Inauguration Ceremony was held on 14 January 2020, followed by a MoU Signing Ceremony with WorkTech, a leading co-working space brand in Hong Kong. Supported by Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association, the Innogration Hub aims to be the best platform that cultivates enterprises and leaders in the Greater Bay Area and drives collaborations between academia and the commercial sector in the region. The Innogration Hub also strives to assist young entrepreneurs to seize opportunities in the innovation industries in Greater Bay Area and start their businesses. “The goal of Innogration Hub is to position Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology hub. This cannot be achieved by the government alone. I look forward to working more closely with different platforms, like HSUHK and WorkTech, and hopefully together we can build an even greater ecosystem.” said Dr Bernard Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, who attended the Ceremony as the Guest of Honour. President Simon S M Ho stated in his speech that HSUHK was always eager to strengthen partnership with different organisations. The Innogration Hub was the first platform which combined humanities, technology and commerce, providing resources, workspaces and business network for HSUHK students and young entrepreneurs. He expected the Innogration Hub would connect with other tertiary institutions in the future. In this partnership, the Innogration Hub will receive support from WorkTech in terms of business networking and resources such as workspaces, internship opportunities, and finance and investment support, in order to help start-ups grow into a size that can operate independently. HSUHK expects the Innogration Hub will become world’s first-class business incubation centre and exchange platform for entrepreneurs and leaders. 恒大大灣區融創中心(融創中心) 於2020 年1月 14 日開幕, 並與香港頂尖共享辦公室品牌WorkTech 簽訂合作備忘錄。合作項目得到香港區塊鏈產業協會全力支持,旨在打造融創中心成為大灣區孕育企業及領袖的最佳平台,推動區內之學術和商業協作,助年青企業 家捉緊大灣區創新產業機遇,實踐創業抱負。 活動邀得商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士JP為主禮嘉賓。陳百里博士在典禮上表示:「融創中心的目標是令香港成為國際化創新及科技的中心。實現此目標不能單靠政府。我很期待能與其他不同的平台,如香港恒生大學和 WorkTech,進行更加緊密的合作,同時也 很希望能夠建立更強大的生態圈。」 何順文校長致辭時表示,恒大一直希望加強與業界團體合作。融創中心是首個實踐「人文結合科技及經貿」的平台,為恒大學生及年青創業家提供資源、工作空間及商業網絡,展望大灣區融創中心將來可與其他大專院校同行。 於本次合作中,WorkTech 將為融創中心提供資源及商業網絡,例如工作空間、實習機會、融資及投資等支援,以降低創業風險及成本,藉此協助初創企業成長至能夠獨立運營的規模。恒大期望融創中心成為國際一流企業孵化中心,及企業家及領袖交流平台。 Mr Rex Wong (2nd form right) and Dr Muk-yan Wong (2nd from left), Co-directors of HSUHK Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub, signed MOU with Mr Michael Wong (1st from right), Founder & Chairman of WorkTech and Ms Frances Ng (1st from left), Deputy Secretary of Hong Kong Blockchain Industry Association. 恒大大灣區融創中心聯合總監王俊文先生(右二)、黃沐恩博士(左二)與WorkTech 創辦人及主席 Michael Wong 先生(右一)及香港區塊鏈產業協會副秘書長吳艷珊女士(左一)簽訂合作備忘錄。 Ms Natasha Ho, Chief Strategy Officer & Head of Global Development of WorkTech. WorkTech 首席策略官及全球發展負責人何雅凌女士致辭 President Simon Ho speaking at the Inauguration Ceremony 何順文校長在開幕禮致辭 Dr Bernard Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, was the Guest of Honour. 商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士JP擔任主禮嘉賓 The President Shares Views on Organisational Culture and Leadership in HKPC Best Practice Sharing Session 校長於香港生產力促進局最佳典範分享會談機構文化與領導力 President Simon S M Ho shared in the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) Best Practice Sharing Session on 3 January 2020 about his personal work values, the organisational culture he wished to build at HSUHK, and his beliefs in undergraduate education through his past experience in academic leadership. President Ho believed that attributes like commitment, sense of responsibility, humility, creativity and a human touch were indispensable work values/beliefs. After introducing the latest developments and uniqueness of HSUHK, he talked about how he had been enhancing the organisational culture of HSUHK with elements including a sense of calling and honour, mutual trust, staff empowerment, participative decision making, delivering despite very limited resources, taking actions following the 80/20 principle, continuous learning and improvements, human caring, and the Junzi spirit. President Ho said that what he regarded as true leadership had little to do with title, power or personal traits. It was about the ability to inspire and influence others, to maximise the potential and efforts of one's followers, and to lead the team towards the achievement of a shared vision. President Ho further pointed out that HSUHK took the mission to nurture future responsible leaders. Putting quality teaching and students’ all-round development as its top priorities, HSUHK strove to nurture students with the qualities of critical thinking, creativity, communication/collaborations, caring attitude and community engagement, so that they will be well equipped to confidently handle challenges at work and in life in the future. 何順文校長於2020年1月3日出席香港生產力促進局舉辦的最佳典範分享會,透過他過往帶領院校的體驗,和與會者分享他的個人工作價值、期望在恒大建立的機構文化,及對本科教育的信念。 何校長相信,投入、責任感、虛心、人性化、具創造力等都是不可缺少的工作信念和價值觀。在簡介恒大的最新發展及獨特之處後,他分享在提升恒大企業文化方面的經驗。何校長指出使命感和榮耀感、互信、員工賦權、共議決策、在非常有限的資源下做出成績、 按80/20 原則行事、持續學習與改進、人文關懷,及君子精神等,都是提升恒大機構文化的重要元素。他認為真正的領袖並不在於其名銜、權力或個人特徵,而是富有啟發與影響他人的能力,讓跟隨者可以盡展所能,並領導團隊一起為達成共同目標而努力。 何校長進一步指出,恒大的教育亦以培育負責任的未來領袖為目標。恒大一直將優質教學及學生的全面發展放在首位,矢志培養學生的明辨思維、創意、溝通/ 協作、關懷及社區參與,好讓他們能及早裝備自己,將來能自信地應付生活及工作上的挑戰。 President Simon Ho sharing his views about personal work beliefs and organisational culture 何校長分享他個人的工作信念與對機構文化的見解 Seminar on “E for…”: Effective E-Teaching-and-Learning Practices “E for...”: Effective E-Teaching-and-Learning Practices 講座 To promote effective practices of e-teaching and e-learning at HSUHK, the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Staff Development Committee (SDC) jointly organised the seminar titled “E for…”: Effective E-Teaching-and- Learning Practices on 23 January 2020. In the seminar, Dr Benson Lam (MSI), Dr Joyce Lee (ENG), Mr Lawrence Leung (STRA), Dr Eko Liao (MGT), Dr Yam-wing Siu (EAF) and Dr George Ho (SCM) shared the tips, techniques and the latest development of e-teaching-and-learning, and demonstrated how to apply different e-learning tools to facilitate their online teaching and assessment, at the same time enhancing their interactions with students. The seminar was well attended by over 40 participants from different Schools and Departments. All participants were keen to raise questions and reflected that the seminar was inspiring and useful, especially for tackling the face-to-face class suspensions. 為了讓教學人員更有效掌握有關電子教學的方法,教與學發展中心及教職員發展委員會於2020年1月23日合辦主題為「“E for...”: Effective E-Teachingand-Learning Practices」的講座。 講座上,數學、統計及保險學系林樹仁博士、英文系李樂軒博士、翻譯學院梁峻朗先生、管理學系廖逸博士、經濟及金融學系蕭蔭榮博士及供應鏈及資訊管理學系何道森博士,各自分享了電子教學的應用技巧和心得,及當中的最新發展,並示範了如何應用不同的 電子工具協助進行網上教學和評估學習進度,同時提升與學生之間的互動。 是次講座吸引了超過40 位來自不同學院和學系的同事參加,大家於問答環節踴躍發問,並表示內容具啟發性及非常實用,有助於處理暫停面授堂課的情況。 Over 40 participants from different Schools and Departments attending the seminar 超過40位來自不同學院和學系的同事參加講座 Academic Planning Retreat 2020 2020 學術規劃集思會 HSUHK held its first Academic Planning Retreat after acquiring the University title on 11 January 2020 at the Alva Hotel by Royal in Shatin. With the theme “Challenges, Sustainability and Uniqueness: The Next Stage after University Title”, the event was attended by a total of 58 participants including Governors, Council Members, and members of the Academic Board and Senior Management Committee. Council Chairman Dr Moses Cheng and President Simon S M Ho delivered opening remarks to kick off the day. Participants were then divided into six subgroups to discuss and prepare presentations on a assigned topic. Each of the assigned topics was related to one of the University’s strategic directions, namely Robust Curriculum and Programmes (including Admissions); Innovative Teaching, Learning and Research; Transformative Student Experience; Dynamic Public Engagement and Advancement; Sustainable Campus and Resources Management; and Mainland China Strategy. The subgroups were also invited to review and revise the formulated strategic goals and action plan, and develop new ones, along with the strategic directions set in HSUHK’s 5-year Strategic Plan 2018-23. At the end of the event, the senior management team thanked the participants for all the efforts and ideas that can be followed up on to further enhance the University's development. Group photo of participating staff 參與的教職員大合照 恒大正名後首個學術發展規劃集思會已於2020年1月11日在沙田帝逸酒店舉行。是次主題為「Challenges, Sustainability and Uniqueness: The Next Stage after University Title」。活動共有58名教職員參與,當中包括校董會、校務委員會,及教務委員會及管理 委員會的成員。 校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士及何順文校長致歡迎辭,為集思會揭開序幕。教學人員其後分成六組,就著指定議題進行討論及預備演說。每組的指定議題均與大學的策略發展方向有關,分別為完善的課程架構(包括入學)、創新教學及研究、轉化式學生體驗、積極的公眾 參與及發展、可持續校園及資源管理,以及中國內地發展策略。每個組別亦需重新審視現時恒大《五年策略發展計劃》內所設立的策略方向,對當中的策略目標和執行計劃,提出修訂和新的建議。 管理層於集思會結束時感謝各參加者的付出和意見,表示會考慮大家的建議,作出跟進。 The President Speaks at HKCAAVQ Spring Luncheon 2020 校長於香港學術及職業資歷評審局新春午宴致辭 President Simon S M Ho spoke at the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) Spring Luncheon as the Guest of Honour on 15 January 2020. The Spring Luncheon 2020 served as a kick-off event for a series ofcelebrative initiatives for HKCAAVQ’s 30th anniversary. Following the welcoming remarks by the Council Chairman Dr Alex Chan and the speech by Mr Kelvin Yeung, Secretary for Education, President Ho addressed the gathering with his congratulations to the HKCAAVQ’s 30th anniversary, and his concerns about the impacts of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particular, on young people and undergraduate education provisions. He also shared his insights into what changes were needed to ensure that individual undergraduates understand their own identities, personal values and life goals, so that they will not be dominated by AI in the future. 何順文校長於2020 年1 月15 日,在香港學術及職業資歷評審局﹙評審局﹚的新春午宴擔任主禮嘉賓並致辭。 今年為評審局成立30 週年,新春午宴為其一連串的慶祝活動掀開序幕。隨評審局主席陳兆博士與教育局局長楊潤雄先生致辭後,何校長在演講時首先祝賀評審局30 週年誌慶,接著就新科技的發展,特別是人工智能的應用對年青人及本科教育的影響,表達他的關注 並分享見解。他認為,隨著科技發展,教育模式亦需作出改變,以確保本科生了解自身的身份、價值及人生目標,不被人工智能操控。 President Simon Ho spoke at HKCAAVQ Spring Luncheon 何順文校長在評審局新春午宴致辭 The President Serves as Chairman of the Final Adjudicating Panel of the 6th Youth DreamMaker Campaign and Officiates its Award Presentation Ceremony 校長擔任第六屆「青年夢想實踐家選舉」終選評審團主席兼頒獎典禮主禮嘉賓 President Simon S M Ho officiated the 6th Youth DreamMaker Campaign Award Presentation Ceremony as the Guest of Honour and presented prizes to the awardees. Organised by the Youth DreamMakers Association since 2014, the purpose of the Campaign is to encourage the young people to pursue their dreams and live creatively. Every year, it invites society leaders to form the independent adjudicating panels to assess nominees. Final awardees from various sectors, including sports, academia, social services, culture and arts, and so on, are selected according to the uniqueness, completeness and societal impacts of their dreams. With President Ho as the Chairman of the Final Adjudicating Panel, this year’s Campaign selected 10 awardees coming from various sectors. 何順文校長於2020 年1 月14 日舉行的第六屆「青年夢想實踐家選舉」頒獎典禮中擔任主禮嘉賓,向得獎者頒發獎項。 選舉由青年夢想實踐家協會於2014 年開始舉辦,每屆均邀請社會賢達組成獨立評審團,評核參選人夢想的獨特性、實踐的完成程度及對社會的影響力,從體育、學術、社會服務、文化藝術等不同領域選出夢想實踐家,以鼓勵年輕人勇於創新、敢於追夢。 今屆選舉由何校長擔任終選評審團評選主席,共誕生 10 位得獎者,涵蓋多個界別。 President Simon Ho spoke at the Ceremony as the Guest of Honour 何校長於典禮作主禮嘉賓並致辭 HSUHK Receives “IFPHK Financial Education Leadership Gold Awards 2020” 恒大榮獲「香港財務策劃師學會-理財教育領袖2020 金獎」 HSUHK was awarded the “IFPHK Financial Education Leadership Gold Awards 2020”. The award presentation ceremony was held on 15 January 2020 with the Guest of Honour Mr Joseph Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the HKSAR. The objective of the Award is to pay tribute to parties that have made significant efforts in promoting public awareness of the importance of personal financial planning in Hong Kong, and to recognise those providing financial education to the community on a pro bono basis. Last year, faculty members from the School of Business including Dr David Chui, Dr Andy Cheng, Dr Alvin Ang, Dr Brian Tung and Dr Eden Chow organised a wide range of programmes covering many aspects of financial planning education, including competitions, seminars, talks, workshops and customised games for students and the community. The University will continue to work with the industry to spearhead and launch various financial education initiatives. 恒大獲頒「香港財務策劃師學會-理財教育領袖2020 金獎」殊榮,頒獎典禮於2020 年1 月15 日舉行,由香港特別行政區財經事務及庫務局副局長陳浩濂先生JP 任主禮嘉賓。獎項旨在嘉許一眾為提高公眾對個人財務策劃重要性的認知,及提升本地市民金融知識 而作出義務貢獻的組織及人士。去年,商學院崔錦雄博士、鄭會榮博士、洪英瑞博士、佟永超博士及周懿行博士為學生及社區籌辦了多個有關財務策劃的活動,包括比賽、座談會、講座、工作坊及專題遊戲等。恒大將繼續與業界共同領導發展及推出多類型理財 教育項目。 Mr Steve Chiu, Chairman of the Board of Directors, IFPHK (left) presenting the trophy to Dr Andy Cheng, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance of HSUHK (right). 香港財務策劃師學會主席趙小寶先生(左)向恒大經濟及金融學系副教授鄭會榮博士(右)頒發獎項 The President Hosts a Video Conference Meeting with the Media 校長與傳媒進行網上視像會議 President Simon S M Ho held a video meeting with the media on 4 March 2020 to update the latest developments of HSUHK. During the video meeting, President Ho shared the latest programme information as well as academic and research developments of HSUHK. In view of the COVID-19, HSUHK has arranged online teaching and utilised online platforms to effectively disseminate admissions and programme information. President Ho also introduced the newlyestablished Greater Bay Area Innogration Hub and the Centre for Asian Languages and Cultures, aiming at creating platforms for students to explore different opportunities and realise their career aspirations. 何順文校長於2020 年3 月4 日與傳媒進行網上視像會議,介紹恒大的最新發展。 會議中,何校長分享了恒大的最新課程資訊及學術研究發展。因應新冠肺炎疫情,目前恒大改為線上授課,並善用網上平台發放入學及課程資訊。何校長亦介紹了新成立的大灣區融創中心及亞洲語言文化中心,冀為學生構建平台,探索不同機遇和實踐創業抱負。 Campus News -Student Development Activities 校園消息─學生發展活動 The School of Communication Holds the 2020 Taiwan Presidential Election Study Tour 傳播學院舉辦2020 年台灣總統選舉考察團 The delegation visiting TVBS 考察團參訪TVBS Group photo of SCOM staff, teachers and students with Taiwan's Former President Ying-jeou Ma while in New Taipei City observing the election campaign of the Kuomintang Party. 傳播學院師生及職員考察國民黨在新北市永和區進行拉票活動時,與台灣前總統馬英九合照。 To broaden students’ horizons in international affairs and enhance their knowledge of news production, HSUHK’s School of Communication (SCOM) organised a delegation tour to Taipei for SCOM students during the Taiwan Presidential Election period from 4 to 7 January 2020. The tour was led by Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of SCOM, together with Professor James Chang, Associate Dean of SCOM; Ms Glacial Cheng, Senior Lecturer; Ms Carmen Ko, Academic Manager; Ms Janice Shu, Senior Executive Officer; and 22 students. They headed to Taipei for exchanges with key local media and academic institutions, and observed the election promotion campaigns of the Kuomintang Party and the Democratic Progressive Party. During the trip, students visited the Chinese Education, Culture and Economy Promotion Association; the College of Journalism and Communications, Shih Hsin University; the United Daily News Group; and the famous Taiwanese TV company TVBS. They also had the chance to film video and conduct interviews in the election campaign of the Democratic Progressive Party in Xinzhuang District. The delegation was also honoured to have the opportunity to engage in a face-to-face private meeting with Mayor Kuo-yu Han, Kuomintang’s presidential candidate, to discuss various political issues. Participating students not only experienced Taiwan’s election atmosphere through the tour, but also gained better understanding of different kinds of news media. This was a wonderful and fruitful journey for them. 為了擴闊學生的國際視野及提升他們新聞傳播的專業素養,傳播學院組成「2020年台灣總統、副總統及立法委員選舉考察團」, 於 2020 年1月4 日至7 日赴台北考察。曹虹院長率領張志宇副院長、高級講師鄭雪愛女士、教務經理高美儀女士、高級行政主任舒沛怡 女士及22 位學生,與當地主要媒體及學術機構進行交流,並觀察國民黨和民進黨的選舉造勢活動。 期間,同學到訪中華教育文化經濟貿易促進總會、世新大學新聞傳播學院、聯合報及台灣著名電視台TVBS,並在新北市新莊區拍攝與採訪民進黨聯合造勢晚會。考察團師生亦十分榮幸,獲台灣總統候選人之一的韓國瑜市長親自接見並進行面對面座談,討論多項政治議題。 同學們透過今次活動,不僅能親身感受台灣的選舉氣氛,更加深對不同新聞媒體的認識,獲益良多。 CCI Delegation Visits Macao 文化及創意產業課程代表團到訪澳門 Eleven students and staff from the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Programme visited Macao SAR for an academic exchange with the School of Arts, Macao Polytechnic Institute on 18 January 2020. The visit was led by Professor Desmond Hui, Programme Director, and began with a symposium on cultural and creative industries at the Macao Polytechnic Institute. There were presentations by policymakers, creative designers and academic researchers, followed by visits to several creative workshops, studios and the neighbourhood. The group was well received by the cultural and creative sectors in Macao with prospects for more future visits and collaborations. 11 名來自文化及創意產業課程的師生於2020 年1 月18 日到訪澳門,與澳門理工學院的藝術高等學校進行學術交流。代表團由課程主任許焯權教授領隊,到埗後首先出席於澳門理工學院舉行的文化及創意產業研討會,聆聽政策制定者、設計師及學者的報告,隨後前往 多個創意工作坊、工作室與大街小巷參觀。代表團受到澳門文創界的殷切招待,雙方均期待日後有更多機會交流和合作。 Students and teachers visiting“A Porta Da Arte” which is a workshop renovated from an old factory 師生到訪由舊工廠改建成工作室的「文藝門」 The delegation touring around Macao 代表團在澳門參觀 Kick-off Ceremony of the HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 2019/20 2019/20「恒大專業師友計劃」啟動禮 The HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme Kick-off Ceremony was held on 18 January 2020 at the Auditorium on campus. It was attended by over 30 mentors and 110 students. Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) expressed his sincere gratitude to over 50 mentors of the Scheme, more than half of whom have committed to offer or refer internship opportunities for the “One Student, One Internship” Campaign. Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs, encouraged all mentees to take this unique opportunity to expand their professional network and build lasting friendships with mentors and other mentees. Two former mentees also shared the rewards of their mentorship experiences at the Ceremony. At the end of the Ceremony, all mentors were presented with a small pot of succulent plant as a token of appreciation, representing how their sharing facilitates the growth of their mentees. It was followed by a networking session where mentors and mentees freely interacted with each other. They all spent a joyous afternoon at HSUHK together and were looking forward to the fruitful mentorship experiences ahead. 「恒大專業師友計劃」啟動禮已於2020 年1 月18 日在恒大校園的演藝廳順利舉行,當日超過30 位導師及110 名學生出席典禮。 恒大副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士致辭時,感謝計劃中50 多位導師的鼎力支持,並對逾一半導師有意在「一學生一實習」計劃提供實習崗位予恒大學生致以衷心謝意。恒大學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士則鼓勵同學珍惜與導師交流的機會,並積極擴展人際網絡。啟動禮亦 邀請了兩位校友分享他們在計劃中的得著。 在啟動禮的尾聲,恒大為每位導師送上精緻小巧的植物盆栽作為紀念,寓意學生從導師的分享中汲取養分,茁壯成長。典禮過後,學生和導師輕鬆交談,渡過了一個愉快的週末,並期待日後有更多的交流。 Group photo of mentors and mentees gathering at the Kick-off Ceremony of the HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 「恒大專業師友計劃」眾導師與學生一同拍照留念 Dr Tom Fong (1st from left) and Ms Rebecca Chan (1st from right) presenting souvenirs to HSUHK alumni Mr Thomas Lam (2nd from left) and Ms Christy Chan (2nd from right) 方永豪博士(左一)及陳寶瑜女士(右一)向恒大校友林雋楷先生(左二)及陳洛忻女士(右二)致送紀念品 College Assembly in January - HSUHK Liberal Agora 一月份月會-恒大博雅廣場 The fourth College Assembly - HSUHK Liberal Agora of the academic year 2019/20, themed “Late-Bloomer”, was held on 23 January 2020. In his speech, President Simon S M Ho encouraged students to maintain a positive attitude towards the challenges of the new semester and shared the latest developments at the University. Mr Ting-kwok Iu, MH, Solicitor, Accredited Mediator and Adjunct Professor of HSUHK, was invited as the guest speaker to share his experiences being a mediator and explain the mediation principles. All participants benefited a lot from the sharing. 2019/20 學年第四次月於2020 年1 月23 日順利舉行,題目為「大器晚成.真有其事」。何順文校長在月會上勉勵同學積極面對新學期的各種挑戰,並簡介恒大的最新發展。月會亦邀請到專業調解員及恒大的客席教授姚定國律師MH 擔任嘉賓講者,分享他事業上的經歷 及調解員的專業守則,師生們都得益不少。 “A Glimpse at Ma Lai Hau Hang” Exhibition Showcases the Scenic Nature around the HSUHK Campus 「瞬間看恒河」展覽 認識校園周邊的好山好水 “A Glimpse at Ma Lai Hau Hang” Exhibition was jointly staged by the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership, Centre for Teaching and Learning, and the Library from 20 to 23 January 2020 at Space for All, G/F of Library. The exhibition featured written descriptions, illustrations, drawings and rubbings of native and non-native plants at Ma Lai Hau Hang. A broad audience, including teachers and students, was attracted by the displays, recordings and workshops. Not only did the participants learn more about the unique natural habitat and abundant ecological resources of Ma Lai Hau Hang, but they also had the opportunity to join the rubbing workshop. They all found the exhibition intriguing and inspiring. 恒大青年可持續發展領袖研習所、教與學發展中心及圖書館於2020 年1 月20 日至23 日期間,於圖書館地下的Space for All 合辦「瞬間看恒河」展覽。活動以文字記述、畫作及拓印的方式介紹馬麗口坑的原生和外來植物。展覽吸引不少人前來參觀,師生反應踴躍, 參加者不但可以從展板及錄像中認識到馬麗口坑的獨特生態環境及豐富生態資源,更可參與拓印工作坊,收穫豐富。 Participants enjoying the rubbing workshop 參加者樂在拓印工作坊 Dr Pui-sze Cheung, Senior Lecturer of Department of Social Science (3rd from left) introducing the exhibition to the visitors 社會科學系高級講師張佩思博士(左三)向來賓介紹展覽 HSUHK Students Join The 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders in Bangkok 恒大同學赴泰國參與「第二屆未來領袖和平峰會」 348 student delegates from 55 countries joining the summit 來自 55 個國家和地區的 348 名學生代表一同參與高峰會 The 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders organised by Humanitarian Affairs Asia was held from 5 to 7 February 2020 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. HSUHK students Calvin Chan (BTB, Year 4) and Danniel Jeremy Agot Estabillo (BBA-PA, Year 1) represented the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership (IYSL) of HSUHK to attend the global summit. As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, Humanitarian Affairs aims to empower young people and inspire them to bring positive changes to society. This year, its Asia unit arranged feature talks, networking sessions and workshops in the summit, providing opportunities for 348 student delegates from 55 countries and regions to enhance their leadership skills and put peacebuilding initiatives into practice. The theme of this year’s summit echoed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 “Peace, justice and strong institutions” set by the United Nations. IYSL treasures such outreach opportunities for pursuing global sustainability and citizenship, and will further explore other SDG-related leadership opportunities for students. Calvin Chan (left) and Danniel Jeremy Agot Estabillo (right) joining The 2nd Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders in the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. 陳卓賢(左) 和 Danniel Jeremy Agot Estabillo(右)在泰國曼谷聯合國會議中心參與「第二屆未來領袖和平峰會」 由亞洲人道主義事務組織舉辦的「第二屆未來領袖和平峰會」 於2020 年2 月5 日至7 日在泰國曼谷聯合國會議中心舉行。恒大學生陳卓賢(商務翻譯,四年級)和 Danniel Jeremy Agot Estabillo(專業會計學工商管理,一年級)代表恒大青年可持續發展領袖 研習所,參加是次國際高峰會。 作為聯合國全球盟約的其中一員,人道主義事務組織旨在賦予年輕人權力,啟發他們為社會帶來正面改變。其亞洲分部於是次和平峰會中,安排了專題演講、社交環節和工作坊,讓來自55 個國家和地區的 348 名學生代表,能夠藉此機會提升自己的領導才能,將建設 和平的倡議付諸實踐。 今次高峰會的主題呼應聯合國訂立的可持續發展目標第16 項「和平、正義與強大機構」。青年可持續發展領袖研習所將繼續發掘與可持續發展目標相關的培訓機會,以培養同學的世界公民意識,擴闊他們的國際視野。 Orientation and Activities for Spring Semester Inbound Exchange Students 2019/20 2019/20 春季交換生迎新會及活動 HSUHK is pleased to receive a new group of inbound exchange students in the spring semester of academic year 2019/20. An Orientation and Tea Reception were held by Student Affairs Office to welcome them on 8 January 2020. While it was during the Chinese New Year, exchange students had the opportunity to learn Hong Kong culture and Chinese traditional customs through the Chinese New Year celebrations. Though due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 these students have had to leave HSUHK, we wish them well and hope their brief time here at HSUHK made a positive lasting impact. 恒大歡迎新一批2019/20 學年春季交換生來到校園,而學生事務處於2020 年1月8 日為交換生舉行了迎新會及茶聚。適逢農曆新年,交換生亦參與了新春慶祝活動,藉此認識香港文化與中國傳統習俗。 因疫情關係,交換生現已離開校園,希望他們在恒大的短暫交流時光中有所得著,並祝福他們生活安好! Exchange students gathering at the Orientation and Tea Reception 交換生於迎新會及茶聚相聚 Exchange students celebrating Chinese New Year at HSUHK 交換生在恒大慶祝農曆新年 Mobile Booster - Welcome Back! 流動加油站-恒大有你 In collaboration with several student groups, including the Students’ Union, Student Ambassadors, Peer Mentors, Sports Teams and Volunteer Team, Student Affairs Office gave a warm welcome to students on the first two days of the second semester with snacks and drinks, wishing them a healthy year ahead. Although this semester has presented us with difficult challenges due to COVID-19, we hope to bring our HSUHK community together in spirit even if we are not able to be together on campus in person. 學生事務處連同多個校內學生團體,包括學生會、學生大使、朋輩導師、校隊及恒大義工隊,於新學期首兩天的午飯時段向同學派發小食及健康飲品,為同學打氣。 雖然今個學期因疫情充滿挑戰,但恒大仍希望為各同學加油,即使現在無法身處校園,但相信恒大人的凝聚力不會減少! Ready to go! 準備出發! The team delivering gifts around campus 隊伍在校園派發小禮物 Stickers with good vibes for students 給學生的打氣貼紙 "Sparkle Your Sports Self" in the New Semester - Flash Activities Week 激發運動潛能-新學期快閃活動週 Workshops of yoga and kickboxing aerobics organised by the PE Unit of Student Affairs Office were held at Sports Hall on 16 and 17 January 2020 respectively to cheer students up and help prepare them for the new term. The workshops were well received with over 300 students being engaged, who found doing exercises could help them relieve stress. 學生事務處體育部分別於2020 年1 月16 日及17 日舉辦了瑜珈及拳擊舞蹈工作坊,為恒大同學打氣,並作好準備迎接新學期。超過300 名同學一同在體育館內享受運動帶來的樂趣,參與的學生對各項活動均有正面的評價,並表示透過參與不同運動,使他們身心得 以放鬆。 Yoga workshop 瑜珈工作坊 Kickboxing aerobics workshop 拳擊舞蹈工作坊 Tate’s Cairn Hike 輕輕鬆鬆登高峰 A 6-kilometre hiking trip Tate’s Cairn Hike was held on 22 January 2020. Led by the PE unit staff from Student Affairs Office, a group of 25 students started at HSUHK, walked through the Kwun Yam Shan Village and Tiu Shau Ngam, and eventually reached the destination at the Tate’s Cairn Meteorological Station at the peak. During the hike, participants enjoyed the spectacular scenery around Sha Tin, Kowloon and Kowloon Peak areas, having a joyful and fruitful leisure experience. 為鍛鍊同學身心,學生事務處體育部於2020年1 月22 日帶領一行25 位同學從恒大出發,經觀音山村拾級而上至吊手岩,最後抵達終點大老山山頂的氣象站,行程總長6 公里。是次遠足為簡單輕鬆路線,沿途可飽覽沙田、九龍及飛鵝山一帶的景色。所有參加者都非 常享受是次登峰之旅。 Ready to go! 準備出發! Enjoying beautiful scenery from the top together 一同在山頂欣賞風景 Inter-RCs Tug of War Competition of the Council Chairman Bowl 校委會主席碗-院際拔河比賽 The second match of the Council Chairman Bowl 2019/20 - Inter-RCs Tug of War, was held on 18 January 2020 at the Sports Hall of the Lee Shau Kee Complex on campus. Each Residential College formed a team comprising at least 7 male and 1 female to fight for victory. The RC Masters, Associate Masters and Resident Tutors actively cheered the players on if they were not on the field themselves, demonstrating what “Unity We Stand” meant to the residents. There were vigorous battles between the RCs, particularly the final match between Evergreen College and Mosaic College. Evergreen College defended its second championship in the Bowl, while Mosaic College was the 1st runner-up. Patrick S C Poon Amity College and S H Ho Wellness College were the 2nd and 3rd runners-up of the match respectively. 2019/20 校委會主席碗的第二項賽事 ─ 院際拔河比賽,於2020 年1 月18 日 在恒大李兆基綜合大樓的室內體育館順利舉行,每間住宿書院均派出由最少7 男1 女組成的隊伍作賽。各住宿書院院長、副院長及導師積極為各健兒打氣,或一同參與賽事,令宿生親身感受 到「團結就是力量」。 各場賽事勢均力敵,尤其是綠延書院與博文書院的決賽。最終綠延書院成功再次奪冠,博文書院榮獲亞軍,何善衡康活書院及潘燊昌樂群書院則分別獲得季軍及殿軍。 Members of the RCs enjoyed the competition 住宿書院的健兒們均投入比賽 Players striving for the glories for their RCs 比賽健兒都奮力為各自的住宿書院爭取佳績 Welcome (Back) to the Residential Colleges 宿生愛回家 The Residential Colleges extended warm welcome to new and returning residents through a wide range of activities. Mosaic College had its welcoming night on 17 January 2020, greeting both local and exchange students with small loving gifts and great food. Aligning with the theme “Healthy Living”, S H Ho Wellness College delivered fresh fruits to residents and interacted with them on 20 January 2020, giving them support and encouragement. Amidst the festive vibe, Patrick S C Poon Amity College and Evergreen College integrated Chinese New Year celebrations into their Orientations on 20 and 21 January 2020 respectively. Residents from Patrick S C Poon Amity College enjoyed a feast, fun games and lucky draw together, while Evergreeners had a taste of Chinese calligraphic art through writing Chinese couplets. 住宿書院以一連串的活動歡迎新入宿以及從寒假回來的宿生。 博文書院於2020 年1 月17 日晚上舉辦歡迎晚會,以美食和貼心小禮物讓來自五湖四海的宿生都感受到家的溫暖;為配合「健康生活」的主題,何善衡康活書院則於2020 年1 月20 日晚上為宿生送上新鮮水果,並細心聆聽他們的心聲,送上支持與鼓勵。 而潘燊昌樂群書院及綠延書院就把握機會與宿生共渡佳節。潘燊昌樂群書院在2020 年1 月20 日的「樂群團年飯暨迎新晚會」聚首一堂吃團年飯,並進行遊戲及抽獎;綠延書院則在2020 年1 月21 日的揮春工作坊向宿生介紹中國書法。 S H Ho Wellness College nourished the body and soul of their residents with fruit and meaningful conversation 何善衡康活書院以水果和對話滋潤宿生的身心 The big feast offered by Patrick S C Poon Amity College attracted more than 100 residents 潘燊昌樂群書院的「樂群團年飯暨迎新晚會」吸引超過100 名宿生參加 Campus News - Visits to HSUHK 校園消息─到訪恒大 The U.S. Consul General to Hong Kong & Macau, Mr Hanscom Smith 美國駐港澳總領事史墨客先生 The U.S. Consul General to Hong Kong & Macau, Mr Hanscom Smith and two other officers - Ms Jacqueline Deley, Director, Public Affairs; and Mr Wayne Yeung, Exchanges and Alumni Coordinator - Public Affairs Section from the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau, visited HSUHK on 3 February 2020. President Simon S M Ho; Professor Y V Hui, Vice-President (Academic and Research); Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); and Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) received the delegation and gave them a brief overview of HSUHK, its latest development and its unique role in Hong Kong’s higher education sector. During the meeting, both parties also exchanged views on matters relating to student exchange, internship opportunities, the Fulbright Program and the enhancement of academic collaborations between HSUHK and the U.S. institutions. 美國駐港澳總領事史墨客先生和兩位主管:新聞文化處處長鄧佳萱女士及文化交流項目主任楊穎聰先生,於2020 年2 月3 日到訪恒大。何順文校長、副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士,及協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)曹虹教 授與代表團會面,並向他們簡介恒大的最新發展及其在香港高等教育界的獨特角色。 會議上,雙方亦就交換生、實習機會、「福布萊特計劃」的不同合作方案,以及促進恒大與美國學院之間的學術合作等議題交換意見。 E Wash Holding Limited Donates Epidemic-Prevention Supplies to HSUHK 八川控股有限公司捐贈防疫用品予恒大 E Wash Holding Limited (E Wash) generously donated an “EPLAN UNIFLOW Super Alkaline Ion Water Machine” and bottles of “E Wash Super Alkaline Ionized Water” to HSUHK to help in the battle against COVID-19. Mr Simon Ngan, Co Chairman and Founder of E Wash; and Mr Francis Ng, Chief Adviser of E Wash, announced the donation during the visit to HSUHK on 25 February 2020. They met President Simon S M Ho; Mr Dannie Cheung, Council Member; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development); Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of School of Communication; Dr Hackman Lee, Head of Campus Development and Management Office; and Ms Betty To, Manager of Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office, exchanging views and discussing further collaboration opportunities in various aspects. President Ho expressed sincere thanks to E Wash and promised to make good use of the epidemicprevention supplies to create a safe and hygienic working and learning environment. 香港八川控股有限公司(八川)向恒大慷慨捐贈「EPLAN 超級離子液生產機」一部及「八川納米氫氧離子液」數十瓶,與師生攜手抗疫。 八川聯席主席兼創辦人顏璠埬先生,及八川首席顧問吳建華先生於2020 年2 月25 日到訪恒大,與何順文校長、校務委員會成員張江亭先生、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士、協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授、校園發展及管理處主管李漢賢 先生及發展及校友事務處經理杜家如女士會面交流,商討在不同領域上的合作機會,並宣佈捐贈防疫用品。 何校長衷心感謝八川對恒大的支持,並表示會善用捐贈的防疫物品,締造一個安全及衛生的工作及學習環境。 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to new full-time academic staff who joined the HSUHK family from January to March 2020, and congratulate colleagues who have taken up new positions starting from January 2020. 衷心歡迎於2020 年1 月至3 月加入恒大的全職教學人員,並恭賀於2020 年1 月調任新職位的同事。 Newly Joined Academic Staff 新加入教學人員 School/Department/Office Academic Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員 職位 Department of Social Science Professor Kunihiko Terasawa Visiting Professor 社會科學系 訪問教授 Department of Marketing Dr Man-lai Cheung Lecturer 市場學系 張文禮博士 講師 Current Academic Staff with New Appointments 教學人員新聘任 School/Department/Office Academic Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員 職位 School of Translation Dr Sai-yau Siu Assistant Professor 翻譯學院 蕭世友博士 助理教授 Department of Marketing Dr Kevin J Zeng Assistant Professor 市場學系 曾靖博士 助理教授 Information as of 4 March 2020. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month with the editorial support of Dr Donovan Grose of the English Department. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) to via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2020 年3 月4 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版,英文系Dr Donovan Grose 協助英文內容編校。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong 香港新界沙田小瀝源行善里