Erudition 博學 01‧2020 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter 香港恒生大學通訊 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 恒大專業師友計劃 Bamboo@HSUHK 恒大竹跡(3) Exploring the Uses of Bamboo at HSUHK 探索恒大竹印 HSUHK People 恒大人 Interview with Dr Meily Cheung 張美鳳博士專訪 Contents 目錄 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 恒大專業師友計劃...............................................................................................................1 HSUHK People 恒大人 The Need for Strategic Communication in the New Era - Interview with Dr Meily Cheung 策略傳播-新時代的需要 ─ 張美鳳博士專訪 .........................................5 Sharing by Alumni校友分享 Diversified Learning Opportunities Inspiring the Teaching Journey - Interview with Mr Rhett Yu 多元學習 啟蒙教學生涯-余日朗先生專訪..................................7 Be Prepared for the Journey to the Auditing Profession - Interview with Ms Twinkle Wang 裝備自己 向審計專業出發-王籽洁女士專訪........................................8 Bamboo@HSUHK 恒大竹跡(3) Exploring the Uses of Bamboo at HSUHK 探索恒大竹印..................................................................................................................9 Campus News 校園消息 2019 Junzi Corporation Awards Announced 恒大2019 年「君子企業大獎」公佈...............................................................................................10 HSUHK won Certificate of Excellence in Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19 恒大榮獲「香港可持續發展獎2018/19 卓越獎」...............................................11 HSUHK Garnered EduTech Asia Awards – Best Use of Emerging Technology 恒大榮獲亞洲EduTech 大獎-最佳新興技術運用......................................................11 Naming Ceremony of Patrick S C Poon Amity College, HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges 賽馬會住宿書院潘燊昌樂群書院命名典禮.......................................12 Naming Ceremony of FTLife Discussion Rooms 富通研討室命名典禮.......................................................................................................12 Book Donation from the Consulate General of Peru 秘魯駐香港及澳門總領事館捐贈書籍.....................................................................................13 School of Translation Signed MOU with Graduate School of Transaltion & Interpretation of Beijing Foreign Studies University 恒大翻譯學院與北京外國語大學高級翻譯學院簽署合作備忘錄...................................................................................................................13 The Seventh Matching Grant Scheme Briefing and Tea Gathering 第七輪配對補助金計劃簡報茶會..............................................................................14 The President Spoke at Lee Kau Yan Memorial School Graduation Ceremony 校長於李求恩紀念中學畢業典禮致辭................................................................14 Mental Health Series 精神健康系列活動.................................................................................................................................15 Student Development Activities學生發展活動 “Along with the President”Series #11: Organic Farming Experience 「與校長同行」系列之十一:有機農耕體驗.....................................................................15 The Council Chairman Bowl 2019/20: Inter-RCs Dodgeball Competiton 2019/20年度校委會主席碗:院際閃避球比賽.................................................................16 Fitness Challenge Series 鍛鍊身心系列..................................................................................................................................16 HSUHK ICAC Ambassadors Programme 2019/2020 恒大廉政大使計劃 2019/2020..................................................................................................17 Student Ambassadors Programme – Closing Gathering 學生大使計劃-結業聚會................................................................................................17 College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora 月會-恒大博雅廣場..............................................................................................................18 HSUHK International Carnival 2019 香港恒生大學「國際嘉年華2019」..........................................................................................................18 Awards Received by Students學生榮獲獎項 HSUHK Students Garnered Nine Awards in the 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards 恒大學生勇奪「第八屆校園學報新聞獎」九個獎項........................................................19 Visits to HSUHK到訪恒大 California State University, Bakersfield, the US 美國加州州立大學貝克斯菲爾德分校.........................................................................................20 CTBC Business School, Taiwan 台灣中信金融管理學院........................................................................................................................20 The Founding Teacher of HSSC – Mr Kwok-fan Lau 恒商創校教師-劉國藩老師..................................................................................................20 Delegation of Malaysian Private Tertiary Institutions Study Mission on Hong Kong's Higher Education 馬來西亞民辦高校香港考察團............................................21 University of Haifa, Israel 以色列海法大學..............................................................................................................................21 Ms May Wong of Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行王美琪女士.........................................................................................................................21 Alliance Capital Partners 同人融資公司...................................................................................................................................21 Event Highlights 活動快訊................................................................................................................................................22 Personnel Updates 人事快訊...............................................................................................................................................22 Feature 專題報道 HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 恒大專業師友計劃 Pave Way for Students’ Career Development 為學生專業發展鋪路 Adopting the unique Liberal + Professional education model, HSUHK is committed to groom students’ professional skills beyond nurturing their humanistic qualities, so that they will be better prepared to unleash their potential in the workplace in future. In order to provide more career guidance and support to students, HSUHK has established the Professional Mentorship Scheme in the hope of broadening their horizons and social networks, which will help lay a solid foundation for their career development. “The liberal arts education ideal is student-oriented, which denotes close student-teacher relationships and more individual care and guidance given by the University. Therefore, HSUHK has established numerous types of mentorship programmes, and Professional Mentorship Scheme is the one specially designed for career planning.” As described by President Simon S M Ho, the Scheme is one of the components which realises HSUHK’s Liberal + Professional education model, in which students can not only get advice on career development, but also learn from the valuable life experience of their mentors. “Many of the mentors of the Scheme possess abundant social experience, have significant achievements or are known working professionals themselves. They come from different sectors including business, professional fields, government, etc. Not only can they give mentees career advice, but some of them will also bring students to suitable industry activities and gatherings, where students observe to get a sense of actual practice of the industry and even get to know some industry leaders and make friends. These are undoubtedly treasurable gateways for the mentees to gain experience and see a wider world.” President Ho encourages students to grasp the opportunity to actively take part in the Scheme. “All participating mentors join on voluntary basis, and their contributions are really precious. We hope students can make good use of this platform to interact with the mentors. Only in this way can students learn and grow, which is the ultimate goal of the Mentorship Scheme.” 恒大獨特的「博雅+ 專業」教育模式,除了注重培養學生的人文素質,亦致力培育學生的專業技能,好讓他們能及早裝備自己,將來在職場上盡展所長。為了提供更多就業輔導及支援予學生,大學設立了「恒大專業師友計劃」,冀學生能從中開拓 眼界及人際網絡,為事業發展打好基礎。 「博雅教育理想,一直是以學生為中心,師生關係緊密,學校亦會給予同學較多的關顧及個別指導。因此恒大設立了很多不同類型的導師計劃,其中『專業師友計劃』便是專門為學生的就業輔導而設。」何順文校長認為,這計劃正是恒大實現「博雅+ 專業」教育模式的其中一個重要元素,學生從中不但可以得到職場發展的意見,更可從導師身上吸收到寶貴的人生經驗。「這計劃中很多導師,都是擁有相當的社會經驗和成就的,或是專業人士,當中有來自商界、專業界別、政府等等。他們不但 可以為學生提供就業建議,一些導師更會帶學生出席合適的業界活動和聚會,讓學生有機會從旁觀察行業實際的情況,甚至認識一些行內的領袖或其他朋友。對學生來說,這些都是吸收經驗、拓闊視野的寶貴途徑。」 何校長鼓勵同學好好把握機會,積極參與計劃。「計劃中的導師全部都是義務性質的,他們的心意非常難能可貴,因此我們期望同學們能善用這個平台,主動及投入地和導師多作交流和互動,這樣同學在過程中才能有所得著和成長,這也是師友 計劃最終的目的。」 President Simon S M Ho 何順文校長 Enhanced Mentorship Scheme to Enrich Life Experience 提升師友計劃 豐富生活體驗 Having implemented the mentorship scheme for over 10 years, HSUHK has recently restructured the scheme, merging the former Career Leap Club and Careers Mentorship Programme to launch the new HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme with the introduction of new elements, in the hope of strengthening professional trainings for students and providing them more life experience. Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), states that the objective of the Scheme is to offer students an opportunity during their school time to be in touch with seasoned professionals and senior executives from different sectors so that they can evaluate and plan their career path at an earlier stage. The Scheme also matches each participating student with a mentor, like a life coach, for timely guidance. “A good mentorship scheme should provide allround and multidimensional life experience to students, so as to widen their horizons and complement in-class learning. Guided by a group of experienced professionals as mentors, students can learn life philosophies from mentors’ sharings beyond acquiring career market information.” Dr Fong points out that the Scheme will offer diversified professional training such as mock interviews and image building workshop. Some mentors will also arrange company visits, allowing mentees to gain a deeper understanding of the real-life working environments and requirements. Furthermore, the Scheme will organize some more relaxed get-together events like wine tasting workshops to strengthen the relationships between mentors and their mentees. “Many mentors are willing to provide internship opportunities to HSUHK students after getting in touch with them, which surely benefits the students.” Dr Fong believes that, besides paving another path for students to expand their social network, the Scheme also helps to connect across generations and cultivate students’ self-discipline. It lets mentors know more about the mindset of the young people, while mentees, appreciative of the dedication of the mentors, are also willing to spend their free time to take part in the activities proactively. As such kind of mutual trust and understanding is built up, the Scheme becomes sustainable and generates a positive impact on society, making the Scheme more meaningful. Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs, mentions that there are over 50 mentors and around 120 students in total joining the Scheme this year. Mentors are from more than 10 career fields, dominated by accounting and banking and with new mentors from the aviation sector and the environmental technology entrepreneurship sector. With the plan to recruit more mentors from different industries as the University continues to develop, Rebecca points out the benefits of the Scheme, “While the university is considered as being more theoretical whereas the business world focuses more on the actual interests and operation needs, the Scheme perfectly serves as a platform so that the two can complement each other, from which the mentees can learn through the mentors about how business world operates, while mentors can enjoy an unique satisfaction.” Mr Cannon Fung, Manager of Career Planning and Development, adds that there is a spirit of legacy in the Professional Mentorship Scheme. He hopes to invite more alumni and former mentees to participate in the Scheme as mentors in the future. 恒大推出導師計劃逾十年,為了加強對學生的專業訓練及提供更多生活體驗,早前將原來的Career Leap Club 及職業導師計劃合併成「恒大專業師友計劃」,並注入新元素令計劃更為完善。 副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士表示,計劃的主要目的是讓學生於就讀大學期間便能接觸各行各業的資深專業人士及高級行政人員,從而及早檢視和制定適合的就業規劃。計劃並為參與的學生配對一位人生伙伴,適時給予他們指引。「優質的師友 計劃應該能給予學生全面而立體的人生經驗,擴闊他們的視野並補充課堂的不足。由一班閱歷豐富的專業人士擔任導師,學生不但可從他們的經驗分享中獲取到就業市場資訊,也可學習到人生道理。」他指出,計劃提供多元化的專業培訓,如模擬 面試及形象指導工作坊,一些導師亦會安排實地職場考察,讓學生深入瞭解實際工作環境及需要。計劃亦會推出一些較輕鬆的聚會模式,例如品酒工作坊,加強導師與學生的聯繫。「很多導師在接觸恒大學生後均願意為他們提供實習機會,令同 學獲益良多。」 方博士認為,計劃不但可以幫助學生在人生路途上建立多一條人際關係線,還能夠建立兩代之間的聯繫,同時培養學生的自律性和加深導師對年青人的認識。而導師的無私付出,使學生亦願意花上私人時間來積極參與活動,當中建立的互信互諒 若能一直延伸,計劃就能薪火相傳,對整體社會亦能帶來正面影響,令計劃變得更具意義。 學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士表示,今年共有超過50 位導師及接近120 位學生參與計劃。導師分別來自10 個以上的界別,以會計及銀行界最多,今年更新增了來自航空業及環境科技初創企業的導師。因應大學的課程發展,計劃將繼續吸納更多界 別的導師參與。「大學一向予人較為理論化的印象;而商界就講求實際利益與運作需要。這計劃正好提供一個平台,讓兩者互相補足,學生透過導師瞭解到商業運作,導師亦可從中得到無法取代的滿足感。」而經理(事業策劃及發展)馮錦崙先生則 補充,恒大師友計劃包含著傳承的精神,希望將來能邀請更多舊生參與,成為計劃的導師。 Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) 副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士 Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs 學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士 Kick-off Ceremony for HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 恒大專業師友計劃啟動禮 The Kick-off Ceremony for HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme 2019/20 was held at the Auditorium, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building on 18 January 2020, with around 140 mentors and mentees attending the event. Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) and Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs gave welcoming remarks, followed by sharing from former mentees about what they had learned from the mentorship scheme. 2019/20 學年度的恒大專業師友計劃啟動禮,已於2020 年1 月18 日在恒大利國偉教學大樓的演藝廳舉行。當日共有約140 名導師及學員出席啟動禮,並由恒大副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士及學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士致歡迎辭。曾參與計劃 的學員亦於典禮上分享當中的得著。 Case Sharing 個案分享 Beyond offering students guidance on career development, HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme serves as a platform for mentors and mentees to build friendly relationships. Mentor Mr Vincent Tam and his mentees Ms Joan Ho and Mr Mark Lee provide a good example of this. Vincent, a veteran of talent development, interacts with mentees frequently, providing them with career advice and sharing with them his life experience. Joan and Mark have learned a lot from him. They share with us the experience and memories brought by the mentorship scheme. 恒大專業師友計劃不但為學生提供事業發展方面的建議,更提供了一個平台,讓導師和學員之間建立亦師亦友的關係。導師譚文生先生與其學員何詩韵女士及李港川先生,正是一個好例子。譚文生在人才發展方面資歷豐富,與學員有頻繁的交流互動,常向學員提供就業意見及分享人生經驗,何詩韵和李港川均在其身上獲益良多。他們師友三人,熱切地和 我們分享了師友計劃所帶來的經驗及回憶。 Mr Vincent Tam(Mentor) 譚文生先生(導師) Assistant General Manager – Corporate and Talent Development, New World Development Company Limited Mentor since 2015 新世界發展有限公司助理總經理 – 企業籌劃及人才發展 2015 年起成為導師 Wearing a big smile on his face, Vincent waxes lyrical about HSUHK Professional Mentorship Scheme. "I love getting along with the youngsters, as this helps me learn more about the mindset, the language and the needs of the young generation. It not only gives me a chance to share my experience and opinions with them, but also enhances my knowledge and is inspiring.” He likes the interactions with the mentees, building trust and relationships with them. Though busy with work, Vincent welcomes other students in addition to his assigned mentees to approach and share with him. While face-to-face gathering is not frequent, they keep close contact through social media. As Vincent is experienced in the talent development field, he is able to share updated information for job interview with them and give advice on their career plans. He always encourages students to think out of the box and look wider and farther, so that they can equip themselves to embrace the changes and challenges in the workplace. He believes that the Professional Mentorship Scheme is certainly an eye-opening and beneficial experience for students, as this offers them opportunities to meet professionals from a wide variety of sectors while they are students. Talking about the unforgettable memories with the mentees, Vincent shared that the graduation ceremony is always a touching moment for him. “Witnessing their growth from timid Year 1 students to poised graduates confidently sharing their study and work with others, I really feel gratified.” He is so close with students that they often introduce him to friends and family members. Based on his rich experiences, Vincent believes that “attitude determines altitude”, as skills can be enhanced by training, yet personality is difficult to be modified. He encourages students to cultivate a positive mindset so as to enhance their abilities to overcome adversities. “I wish youngsters could be more persistent and not to be afraid of failure. Keep trying, as once you start, there will always be a chance to succeed.” 笑臉迎人的譚文生一談起恒大專業師友計劃便滔滔不絕。「我喜歡親身接觸年青人,透過與他們相處,我可瞭解年青人的思維、語言和需要。過程中除了能夠和他們分享自己的經驗和給予意見,自己也增長不少知識並得到啟發。」他十分喜歡這種 互動,並期望和學生能成為朋友,建立互信 。 雖然譚文生工作繁忙,但除了配對的學員外,他亦十分樂意與其他學生交流分享。雖然平常見面機會不多,不過他們會透過社交媒體緊密聯繫。由於他在人才發展方面的經驗豐富,故此他亦會向學生提供最新面試資訊及就業計劃的意見,並鼓勵 他們跳出框框,想得更闊更遠,裝備好自己迎接職場上的各項變化與挑戰。他認為,恒大專業師友計劃能夠讓學生在就學階段便有機會接觸不同界別的專業人士,有助擴闊視野,對他們有莫大裨益。 說到難忘的記憶,譚文生說,每逢畢業禮他便份外感觸。「看著學生從一年級時表現欠缺自信,到畢業時已變得泰然自若,能夠和其他學生頭頭是道地分享讀書與工作,這種轉變讓我感到十分欣慰。」有時候,學生還會介紹自己的朋友和家人給他 認識,大家關係緊密。 擁有豐富社會經驗的譚文生,深信「態度決定高度」,因為技能可以通過培訓作出改善及提升,但個性卻很難改變。因此他鼓勵同學們培養正面的價值觀,提升抗逆能力。「我期望年青人能多點堅持、不怕失敗,主動嘗試,因為只要開始了,你便有 機會成功。」 Mentor Vincent Tam (2nd from left) is most touched when witnessing the growth of the mentees 能夠見證學員學有所成,譚文生﹙左二﹚最為感動。 Ms Joan Ho(Mentee) 何詩韵女士(學員) Marketing Officer, MetLife Hong Kong Mentee since 2014 香港大都會人壽市場主任 2014 年起成為學員 Joan (2nd row, 2nd from left) enjoys joining various activities with her mentor Vincent (1st from left) and other mentees. 何詩韵(第二排左二)享受 與導師譚文生(左一)及其他學員一同參與活動 When Joan Ho first joined HSUHK, she decided to participate in the mentorship scheme with her friend when she saw the promotion on campus, thinking that she could make new friends and gain a better understanding of different industries through the scheme. In addition to her assigned mentor, she also had the chance to meet Vincent Tam, another mentor in the scheme. Joan recalled that she once took part in a visit to Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre with Vincent and other mentees. The group became good friends and continue to meet up together every year. Joan says that the mentors always encourage them to try something new and advise them on career development and planning, which benefits them so much. “What the scheme enlightens me most is that I should never underestimate myself. Just go ahead to try whatever you wish.” She considers the various kinds of activities of the scheme helpful in boosting her social skills, which enables her to better prepare herself in different ways. Joan strongly encourages fellow students to enrol in the mentorship scheme. “Not only does the scheme broaden my horizons, but it also helps me find the like-minded peers in the University pursuing the goal together.” 何詩韵剛入恒大時,看見師友計劃的宣傳,覺得活動既可認識新朋友,又可以瞭解不同行業,便決定與朋友一同報名參加。 透過這個計劃,除了本身配對的導師,她還認識了其他導師,其中一位便是譚文生。何詩韵記得有一次,她跟隨譚文生和其他同學到會展參觀,幾人後來成為好友,至今每年均會見面。 何詩韵說,導師經常鼓勵他們多作不同的嘗試,又在職業發展及規劃上給予意見,使他們獲益良多。「整個計劃對我最大的啟發,就是不要低估自己的能力,想做的必須嘗試。」她認為,計劃中多元化的活動提升她的社交能力,讓她在各方面都能及 早裝備自己。 何詩韵十分鼓勵同學參與師友計劃。「這計劃不但讓我擴闊視野,更幫助我在學校找到志同道合的朋友,大家一起為目標努力。」 Mr Mark Lee(Mentee) 李港川先生(學員) Assurance Associate, PwC Hong Kong Mentee since 2017 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所審計員 2017 年起成為學員 Mark (3rd from right) and his mentor Vincent (1st from left) would share their thoughts on various issues 李港川(右三)與導師譚文生(左一)常分享日常生活所感 In order to enrich his campus life and expand his social network, Mark Lee took part in the mentorship scheme in the first semester of Year 3, expecting to learn the life philosophy from the mentors and their preferred attributes when recruiting talent. In addition, he wished to make friends from different departments and gain an eye-opening experience. “The mentorship scheme organises different kinds of workshops, such as those about table manners and professional social etiquette. I find these activities interesting and enhance my knowledge.” He feels grateful to have met Vincent Tam, his mentor who he describes as very “down-to-earth”. Beyond interview skills and industry trends, they would also discuss social issues and share thoughts on daily life. From the mentor, Mark realises the importance of positive thinking, “He told me that the state of mind was very crucial. There are always solutions for problems. Just take a break, if needed, before moving on.” Mark concludes that he has gained more than he expected through the mentorship scheme, which he highly recommends fellow students to join. 為了充實校園生活、擴闊生活圈子,李港川在三年級的第一個學期參與師友計劃,期望可以從導師身上學會待人處事的態度,瞭解他們心目中理想人才的特質;同時結識不同學系的朋友,擴闊眼界。 「計劃會為學員安排各式各樣的工作坊,涵蓋餐桌禮儀、社交禮儀等範疇。我覺得活動的內容十分有趣,而且還豐富了我的生活知識。」他更慶幸遇上譚文生這位很「貼地」的導師,除了面試技巧及行業趨勢,他們還會討論時事議題和分享日常生活 的所思所感。而從導師身上,李港川體會到正面思維的重要性:「他告訴我心境十分重要,問題始終會有辦法解決,有需要便休息一下再努力。」 李港川表示,參與師友計劃的收穫比想像中豐富得多,故此極力推薦其他同學參與這個計劃。 HSUHK People 恒大人 The Need for Strategic Communication in the New Era 策略傳播-新時代的需要 Interview with Dr Meily Cheung 張美鳳博士專訪 Associate Professor of School of Communication and Programme Director of BJC Programme 傳播學院副教授及新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程主任 Communication and media are now facing sharp challenges in this fast-changing era. Dr Meily Cheung, who is a seasoned expert in corporate communication and communication education, has mixed feelings about this. She particularly shares two unforgettable occasions with us. Dr Cheung recalls the time working as the Head of the Marketing Department in a retail company. Though many years ago, the tough experience in preparing the opening of the flagship store is still vivid to her. “During the preparation period, we formed a taskforce group with different units including the purchasing department, shop managers and the appointed design company. We also flew to mainland China, Taiwan, Germany, London and so on for site visits to gain better knowledge of shop design, products categories, marketing strategies, etc. Not only did the project take a long time, but it also involved a wide variety of issues. This was a very all-round and valuable project experience to me.” Dr Cheung’s another unforgettable experience relates to the crisis management in a sizeable enterprise, where she served as the Public Relations Manager of Hong Kong headquarters. This corporation put great emphasis on crisis management and was able to sense the rise of a crisis. They then immediately set up a special support team which consisted of members from senior management and a professional public relations agency to prepare for the potential issues. After the crisis, the team went on to follow up the post-crisis tasks to rebuild the company’s image and communicate with the stakeholders in the hope of recovering the market share and minimising the loss. Both experiences brought Dr Cheung valuable lessons, from which she realised that a corporate mindset towards communication work is very important. The rise of social media leads to a swift information flow nowadays, resulting in shortened periods of time for project preparation with increasing numbers of items to be evaluated and reducing the buffer time for handling a crisis. While this imposes a greater challenge to corporate communication and public relations practitioners, it benefits a corporate’s development if staff of different levels in a company share the same mindset allowing internal strength to be built up to defend against external uncertainties. That’s why Dr Cheung believes that “strategic communication”, that is forward-thinking and target-oriented is crucial. Technological development drives the participation of stakeholders and they have become more autonomous and active in expressing their voices. The political and economic development in the context of globalisation also increases the complexity for corporate communication and media to tackle problems. To cope with the ever-changing world, practitioners in corporate communication and media have to equip themselves with stronger strategic mindsets and capabilities to understand the characteristics and functions of different media, so that they can assess the stakeholders’ and market responses and choose a suitable medium or platform for promotion and communication. Furthermore, a corporate should build its own “trust bank” which will help providing a larger space for dialogue with different parties in case of crisis. With her extensive experience in the communication industry, Dr Cheung joined the University 9 years ago, where she feels blessed to have the opportunity to develop her teaching career. From a part-time lecturer to now the Associate Professor of the School of Communication, she says it is important for teachers to raise the key points in class and ensure that students know the take-away messages, and teaching would be much more effective through the illustrations of different examples and with more interactions with students. For students who are interested in entering into the communication field, Dr Cheung suggests that they broaden their horizons and keep a sharp mind, at the same time be sensitive to current affairs and master the basic concepts of new technological development. Last but not least, Dr Cheung encourages students to increase their Emotional Quotient (EQ) and keep a healthy mind and body, so that they can face the dynamic challenges of the industry optimistically. 傳訊及傳播在時代洪流之下瞬息萬變,一直面臨嚴峻的挑戰。擁有豐富企業傳訊及傳播教育經驗的張美鳳博士,對此更是別有一番滋味在心頭,她就分享了當中兩個難忘的經歷。 張博士憶起多年前曾在一家零售公司擔任市場部主管,當時開設旗艦店的奮鬥經歷仍歷歷在目。「籌備期間,我們與其他單位包括採購部、店務部主管及外聘的設計公司成立了一個專責小組,還要前往中國內地、台灣、德國、倫敦等地實地考察, 瞭解店舖設計、銷售貨品種類、市務推廣等。不但籌備需時,所涉及的範疇亦極多,是一次非常全面而難得的企劃經驗。」 同樣是大企業,張博士的另一個難忘經歷則與危機處理有關。當年,她在企業的香港總部擔任公關經理,這家公司很重視危機管理,在危機出現前察覺苗頭,就一早成立特別支援團隊,除了高層管理人員參與,也邀請了專業公關公司協助,及早 作好準備。危機過後繼續跟進,重建公司形象並與持份者溝通,以挽回市場佔有率,務求把危機的損害降至最低。 這兩個職場經歷都給張博士帶來寶貴的經驗,同時使她意識到,企業如何看待傳訊工作的心態十分重要。面對現今社交媒體興起,資訊流通快速多變,計劃籌備時間越來越短,但所須評估的項目卻更多,處理危機的時間和緩衝空間也大大縮小, 對企業傳訊及公關從業員是更大的考驗。假如公司上下想法一致,做到「先安內,後攘外」,絕對有利企業發展。 因此,張博士深信「策略傳播」極為重要。她認為「策略傳播」必須具前瞻性,同時要「目標為本」。科技發展令持份者的參與變得積極與活躍,每個人都更為自主及更願意發聲。全球化下政治及經濟的發展,也大大增加企業傳訊和傳播媒體處理問題 的複雜性。企業傳訊和傳播媒體須具有更強的策略性思維及能力,懂得全面評估持份者及市場反應,理解各種媒介的特質及作用,選擇最合適的媒體與平台作推廣與溝通,才能應付變幻莫測的世界。同時,企業應建立自己的「信任銀行」(trust bank),以便在危機出現時,有更大的空間與各方展開對話。 在業界有豐富資歷的張博士,當初在機緣巧合下,來到恒大執起教鞭,不經不覺已經渡過九個寒暑。她感恩有機會投身教師行列,從大學的兼職講師到傳播學院副教授,她覺得老師在授課時宜提綱契領,令學生清楚知道課堂想要傳達的訊息, 並通過各式各樣的例子及與學生的互動,瞭解他們的進度,才能令教學效果事半功倍。而對於有志投身傳播行業的同學,張博士建議同學放遠目光,保持靈活思考,同時要掌握時事資訊及新科技發展的基本概念,也要提高自己的情商,保持健康 的身心狀態,這樣才能樂觀面對傳播媒界中日新月異的挑戰。 Dr Cheung introducing the BJC Programme to the new students 張博士向新生介紹新聞及傳播(榮譽)學士課程 Dr Cheung (3rd from right) joined the alumni gathering of HSUHK's School of Communication 張博士(右三)參與恒大傳播學院校友聯誼會活動 Dr Cheung (left) is glad to give advice to senior students on their career plans 張博士(左)樂意為高年級學生提供就業意見 Sharing by Alumni 校友分享 Diversified Learning Opportunities Inspiring the Teaching Journey 多元學習 啟蒙教學生涯 Interview with Mr Rhett Yu 余日朗先生專訪 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English, HSUHK Lecturer, HSUHK 恒大英國語文(榮譽)學士 香港恒生大學講師 Passionate about the English language, Mr Rhett Yu worked as a lecturer in a few tertiary institutions after his graduation from the BA-ENG programme in 2016. As HSUHK’s first cohort of BA-ENG students, Rhett later went back to his alma mater to continue his teaching journey and unleash his potential. During his studies at HSUHK, Rhett was an active learner with positive attitude. “BA-ENG students usually would form self-study groups before the examination period to discuss and have revisions together. I used to start preparation in advance for better understanding of the topics and leave time to consult with my professors. As a result, I was able to deal with most of my classmates’ queries. It turned out that the self-study groups were like the tutorial classes I held.” This experience fostered his interest in teaching. Apart from peer tutoring, he has gained teaching experience through an internship. He was an intern in a publishing house where he was responsible for preparing English teaching materials for secondary students. Joining extra-curricular activities also inspired Rhett’s future teaching approaches, “I once participated in the writing of a drama script in a drama competition, in which we adapted Oscar Wilde’s famous play The Importance of Being Earnest to a new context. This sparked my idea to put the English language into daily life.” To create an all-round learning atmosphere, Rhett speaks to students in English even after class. He believes this is a practical way to enhance students’ English proficiency. Recalling his time as a student at HSUHK, Rhett appreciates the close student-teacher relationship. “Teachers were always willing to provide consultation after class, encouraging us to iscuss more. The diversified modules in the BA-ENG programme also awakened my learning interest. For example, the literature-related subjects brought me new insights into writing styles and presentation skills. This inspires me to further consider the practical needs of the students in my teaching.” Rhett is also grateful for the opportunities HSUHK has provided in academic research. “I am honoured to have the chance to work with teachers who have previously taught me, which allows me to continue to explore the linguistics knowledge.” He encourages HSUHK students to keep on improving themselves to drive the momentum of the University. “It is the performance of our students which determines the public views on HSUHK.” Rhett (1st from left) took part in a drama play in HSUHK 余日朗(左一)曾參與校內的話劇活動 Rhett (standing) participating in an activity with his fellow classmates 余日朗(站立者)與同學一同參與活動 熱愛英語的余日朗先生,2016 年於恒大英國語文( 榮譽)學士課程畢業後,曾在數間大專院校任職講師。作為恒大首屆英文系學生,余日朗後來選擇回母校任教,繼續在恒大發展所長。 於恒大就讀時,余日朗主動學習,態度積極:「英文系同學會在考試前自發安排溫習小組,一起研習和討論。我習慣提早準備,預留時間了解課題和請教老師,因此,同學提出的問題我大多都能解答,結果溫習小組慢慢變得像是由我講解的補習班。」 這經歷亦漸漸引起了余日朗對教學的興趣。 除了為同學補習,他也從實習及活動中吸取到有關教學的經驗。就讀恒大時,他曾到出版社實習,編寫中學生的英語教材。此外,參與課外活動亦對他日後的教學方式有所啟迪:「我曾在戲劇比賽參與劇本創作,把著名劇作家王爾德的名作《不可 兒戲》的情節轉換至新的語境。這次經驗啟發我把英語融入日常生活。」為了營造更全面的學習氣氛,余日朗即使在課餘時間仍以英語與學生談話,希望促進學生的語言學習。 回想昔日在恒大讀書的日子,余日朗十分欣賞恒大緊密的師生關係:「老師毫不吝嗇地在課後指導我們,又鼓勵我們多作討論。英文系的學科多元化,也使我更有興趣學習。例如我便從文學相關的科目中,認識到不同的寫作技巧和表達方式。這亦 啟發我在教學時,應更多考慮學生的實際需要。」 余日朗很感激恒大給予他很多機會參與學術研究:「很榮幸現在能與一些教導過我的老師共事,讓我能繼續向他們學習,一起探索語言學的知識。」最後,他勉勵恒大師弟妹要不斷進步,學校才能更上一層樓:「別人對學校的評價,是由學生的表現 決定的。」 Be Prepared for the Journey to the Auditing Profession 裝備自己 向審計專業出發 Interview with Ms Twinkle Wang 王籽女士專訪 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) with Accounting Concentration, HSUHK Audit Associate, Ernst & Young 恒大工商管理(榮譽)學士(會計學專修) 安永會計師事務所審計助理 Some people may be undecided when it comes to choosing the university major, but this was not the case for Ms Twinkle Wang, as she was already aiming for the business stream. Learning the sound reputation of HSUHK’s BBA programme, she made it her first choice and was admitted. “I didn’t have much of an idea on what area to concentrate at the beginning. But later, I found audit interesting and eventually decided to choose Accounting Concentration in Year 3.” Twinkle thinks that auditing is crucial to business development, and it is an interesting job which offers ample opportunities to work in various locations and to know more about different industries. Now Twinkle continues to pursue more professional qualifications in accountancy and plans to earn a master’s degree in the future. Apart from her study, Twinkle was also dedicated to participating in numerous competitions and internships when studying in HSUHK. She says that not only do these experiences equip her well for her career, but they also enable her to view the world from a macro perspective. For example, the ACCA Business Competition enhanced her understanding of the overall operation of a company. “At that time, the organiser arranged a sharing session which was about how an organisation offered financial management training to domestic helpers. I could meet and talk to the service users during the sharing, which let me learn about Hong Kong society from another angle.” Her internship experience in Malaysia in Year 2 is unforgettable for Twinkle as well. Having her internship at the Career Service Section of the Taylor’s University, she had the chance to visit an alumni’s design house and joined the alumni sharing activities, which boosted her interview skills. Twinkle also became good friends with the hospitable Malaysians during her 2-month stay and their friendship still lasts. Twinkle is grateful for meeting a group of excellent and passionate teachers in HSUHK, “They were quite demanding on our assignments but it helped nurture us to be serious and careful. Besides teaching, they also shared personal experiences in class so that we could be better prepared for the future working environment and adjust our mindset in advance.” She still keeps contact and shares her daily life with HSUHK teachers after graduation. Lastly, Twinkle suggests fellow students at HSUHK to make good use of the University’s resources and actively take part in both internal and external activities to explore their potential. She also encourages them to stay confident and take the chance to demonstrate their talents to yield the best result during interview. Twinkle (5th from left) joining team birthday celebration during Malaysian internship 王籽洁(左五)在馬來西亞實習期間與組員慶祝生日 不少人在大學選科時會「心大心細」,但王籽洁女士並沒有。她一直志在商科,當聽到恒大商科有口皆碑便不作他選,最後成功獲取錄入讀恒大工商管理(榮譽)學士課程。 「最初我並未選定那個範疇作為專修,後來發現自己對審計感興趣,便在三年級時選擇會計學專修。」王籽洁認為審計對商業發展十分重要,又能提供機會到不同地方工作與接觸各行各業,內容甚為有趣。現時她在工餘繼續考取各項會計專業資格, 並計劃稍後修讀相關碩士課程。 除了專注學業,王籽洁在恒大就讀期間亦積極參與各項比賽和實習,她表示這些經驗不僅成為她的職場裝備,亦令她學會用宏觀角度認識世界。例如參加「ACCA 商業策劃大比拼」這個比賽,就讓她深入認識一間公司的整體運作。「當時大會還安排 了一個為外籍傭工提供財務管理培訓的機構作分享,我有機會與服務使用者對話,從另一角度瞭解香港社會狀況。」此外,二年級時前往馬來西亞實習的經歷亦令她非常難忘。當時她被派往泰萊大學就業服務部,並有機會參觀校友的設計公司及 參與舊生分享活動,從而掌握不同面試技巧;而當地朋友熱情好客,短短兩個月的相處便建立起深厚友誼,維繫至今。 王籽洁亦感恩在恒大遇上一群優秀而充滿教學熱誠的老師:「他們對課業要求頗高,培養了我們認真細心的態度,又會在課堂分享個人經驗,使我們對工作環境作好準備,及早調整心態。」畢業後,她也和恒大老師保持聯絡,分享近況。 最後,王籽洁建議恒大同學善用學校資源, 多參加校內校外活動,一展所長。此外,她亦鼓勵同學面試時保持自信,適時表現才能,就能事半功倍。 Bamboo@HSUHK 恒大竹跡(3) Exploring the Uses of Bamboo at HSUHK 探索恒大竹印 Bamboo is used extensively at HSUHK as a construction material. Following our two previous issues exploring how bamboo can improve the human living environment, here we discuss the application of bamboo on the HSUHK campus. 恒大廣泛利用竹作為建築材料。上兩期提到竹對改善人類生活環境的功能,今期我們會介紹恒大校園內竹材的應用。 HSUHK Governor Martin Tam at HSUHK Multi-purpose Indoor Sports Hall. The walls and floor of the Sports Hall are covered with bamboo. 恒大校董譚天放於恒大多功能室內體育館留影。體育館的牆身及地板均以竹作裝潢。 Bamboo, with its straight body, hollow cane, segments, and hardy nature, carries rich symbolic meanings. The furniture, walls and floor of HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges, S H Ho Academic Building, Lee Shau Kee Complex and Lee Quo Wei Academic Building are mostly made of bamboo. All the four buildings receive the highest BEAM+ Platinum recognition issued by the Hong Kong Green Building Council. This idea, which was initiated by Mr Martin Tam, a renowned architect who is serving as a member of HSUHK Board of Governors and the Chairman of Steering Committee on Campus Expansion, was put into reality by the architect firm Wong & Ouyang (HK) Limited together with the professional teams. One can find the walls covered with bamboo strips when visiting the Multipurpose Indoor Sports Hall of HSUHK. This is one of the ingenious designs by Martin. He explains that the bamboo- made walls, with pores of different sizes, have the function of sound absorption by absorbing different sound frequencies. “This fulfills not only a visual but also a functional purpose.” What’s more, bamboo releases more oxygen than wood, which suits the need for those exercising in the Sports Hall. “Players need more oxygen when they are on the field. Bamboo can help provide more oxygen to players and absorb more carbon dioxide,” Martin says. Beyond the indoor facilities, bamboo is also planted around the HSUHK campus. With our campus embraced by hills and forests, we have developed several green landscapes to merge into our surrounding environment, in which bamboo certainly plays a part. You can find various species of bamboo like Hyllostachys aurea , Phyllostachys bambusoides “Tanakae”, Bambusa glaucescens, Bambusa vulgaris , Bambusa glaucescens var. riviereorum, Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus, Bambusa glaucescens cv. Silverstripe, Bambusa multiplex cv. Alphonse-karr and others on campus. Staff and students can enjoy these types of bamboo and associate their grace and vitality with the education belief of HSUHK: Erudition and Perseverance, and ever-growing. Having demonstrated how bamboo can be applied through the design of HSUHK new buildings, Martin wishes that bamboo would be more commonly used in different aspects of society. He thinks that the characteristics of bamboo echo the education belief of HSUHK. Martin says, “It seems people nowadays forget the benefits of bamboo. I wish to deliver a message to society and let the young generation know more about bamboo through advocating the bamboo culture. I hope youngsters to learn the virtues of bamboo: integrity, resilience, humility, grace and evergreenness.” 恒大廣泛利用竹作為建築材料。上兩期提到竹對改善人類生活環境的功能,今期我們會介紹恒大校園內竹材的應用。 竹具有耐寒、挺直、虛心有節等豐富意象。恒大賽馬會住宿書院、何善衡教學大樓、李兆基綜合大樓,與利國偉教學大樓,內裡的傢俬、牆身、地板等,大部份都以竹材製成。此構思源自香港恒生大學校董及校園擴建委員會主席、著名建築師譚天放 先生,並經由他全面配合項目建築師王歐陽建築師事務所及其專業團隊而得以完成。四座建築物同樣榮獲綠色建築議會綠建環評的最高級別鉑金認證。 到訪恒大的多功能室內體育館,可以看到牆身用一條條竹材裝潢,這也是譚天放別出心裁的設計。他介紹,這些竹造的牆身,上面鑽有不同大小的孔洞,作用是吸收不同頻率的音波,具有吸音的效果,「它不但有視覺上的美感,也有功能上的作用。」 與此同時,竹材能夠釋放比木材更多的氧氣,切合在體育館內做運動的人士所需。譚天放說:「球員在運動時需要吸取更多氧氣,而竹材能釋放出更多的氧氣,以及吸收更多二氧化碳。」 除了室內,恒大校園週邊也遍植竹。恒大校園群山、綠樹環抱,與大自然融為一體。校園的綠色造景,竹順理成章成為重要的一環,恒大種植的竹包括人面竹、斑竹、孝順竹、黃金間碧竹、觀音竹、花吊絲竹、銀絲竹、小琴絲竹等,師生可以由竹子的 優雅形態和生命力,感受恒大博學篤行、永恒生長的辦學理念。 譚天放一直希望竹子在社會各方面的應用更為普及,他希望通過設計恒大新建築作出示範,並認為竹的特性正好與恒大的辦學理念互相呼應。他說:「現代人似乎把竹子的好處忘記了,我希望透過推廣竹文化,向社會傳遞信息,讓年輕一代加深對 竹文化的認識,希望他們從中學習並具備如竹子般正直、剛毅、虛心、有節氣、長青的高尚品格。」 All furniture in HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges is also made of bamboo 恒大賽馬會住宿書院內的所有傢具亦以竹製造 掃描右方二維碼觀賞影片,了解更多竹在恒大校園的應用: Scan the QR code to watch the video and see how bamboo is applied on HSUHK campus: Campus News 校園消息 2019 Junzi Corporation Awards Announced 恒大2019 年「君子企業大獎」公佈 The 2019 Junzi Corporation Award Ceremony hosted by the Research Institute for Business of HSUHK was held on 6 December 2019. President Simon S M Ho delivered the welcome speech. Mr Stephen Wong, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Hong Kong, officiated the Ceremony and gave his thoughts on data ethics. The “Junzi Corporation” advocated by HSUHK is a comprehensive framework of virtue-based business ethics, integrating the five virtues of “Benevolence (Ren)”, “Righteousness (Yi)”, “Propriety (Li)”, “Wisdom (Zhi)”, “Trustworthiness (Xin)” under the umbrella of the “Junzi” character. Junzi also absorbs the western emphasis on integrity and fairness in business ethics theory, providing a more thorough examination of business practice and an overall measurement of business ethics in Hong Kong. The HSUHK Hong Kong Business Ethics Index comprehensively reflects the public’s evaluation of the ethical levels of the business community. The Index for 2019 is 59.4 points (out of 100 points). There are 17 corporations getting the Award this year. Group photo of HSUHK senior management, Junzi Award winners, entrepreneurs and guests in the Ceremony. 恒大管理層與一眾獲獎企業、企業家及嘉賓合照。 President Simon Ho delivering the welcome speech 何順文校長致歡迎辭 恒大商學研究所舉辦的第九屆「君子企業大獎」頒獎典禮已於2019 年12 月6 日圓滿舉行,會上同時公佈了「2019 年恒大香港商業道德指數」。當日由恒大校長何順文教授致歡迎辭,而個人資料私隱專員公署私隱專員黃繼兒大律師則擔任主禮 嘉賓並致辭。 恒大倡議之「君子企業」是一套全面完整的商業道德框架,不僅融合了儒家「君子」人格中的「仁、義、禮、智、信」五項美德,也糅合了西方著重誠信、公平的商業倫理學說,能全面地檢視企業的營商手法,及準確地衡量香港的整體商業道德水平。 「恒大香港商業道德指數」反映市民對商界的道德水平的綜合評價。2019 年「恒大香港商業道德指數」為59.4 分(滿分100 分)。而「君子企業大獎」則有17 間企業獲獎。 List of Awardees of the Junzi Corporation Awards「君子企業大獎」得獎名單 Junzi Corporation Award (Large Enterprise) 君子企業大獎(企業) Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited 香港中華煤氣有限公司 Ec InfoTech Limited Holistol International Limited (2036) 活力健國際有限公司(2036) Kerry Logistics Network Limited 嘉里物流聯網有限公司 Junzi Corporation Award (Small and Medium Enterprises) 君子企業大獎(中小企) AD Architectural and Interior Design Limited AD 建築及室內設計 MEMO PLUS PR Chung Wah Ghao Tea Products Company Limited 中華號茶葉有限公司 Grand Brilliance Group Holdings Limited 君百延集團控股有限公司 Accgirl Limited 會計妹有限公司 Yeungs Marine Products Limited 楊氏水產有限公司 Memorigin Watch Company Limited 萬希泉鐘錶有限公司 Leadsky International Enterprise Limited 領天國際有限公司 Junzi Corporation Exemplary Award 君子企業典範獎 Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 香港上海滙豐銀行 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited 香港中華煤氣有限公司 HSUHK won Certificate of Excellence in Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19 恒大榮獲「香港可持續發展獎2018/19 卓越獎」 HSUHK was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in the Hong Kong Sustainability Award 2018/19 organised by the Hong Kong Management Association to commend its continuous efforts in sustainable development in the past year. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 11 November 2019. The Award recognises organisations, business leaders and sustainability experts that have demonstrated due consideration to the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainability while achieving good business and organisational performance. HSUHK has been embarking on a long-term development plan on sustainability with the goal of becoming a leading private university since 2010. The University is the first higher education institution in Hong Kong to achieve the final “Platinum” rating, which is the highest standard awarded by the BEAM Plus Assessment Scheme of the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), reflecting its utmost efforts in environmental protection and sustainable campus development. HSUHK has also established the Institute for Youth Sustainability Leadership which serves as a platform for teachers and students to explore and discuss various issues about sustainable development. 恒大於2019 年11 月11 日榮獲香港管理專業協會頒發「香港可持續發展獎2018/19卓越獎」,表彰恒大過去一年在「可持續發展」方面的努力。 獎項嘉許在經濟、社會及環境三方面的可持續發展均作出詳細考量,同時在業務上創出佳績的機構及可持續發展領袖。恒大自2010年起推行可持續發展的長遠發展計劃,矢志成為優秀的私立大學。恒大的教學大樓、李兆基綜合大樓及學生住宿 大樓均獲香港綠色建築議會頒發最高級別「鉑金級」認證,是本港首間高等院校獲得此殊榮,充份體現大學在環境保護及校園可持續發展方面的努力。同時,恒大成立了「青年可持續發展領袖研習所」,為校內師生提供平台,共同探討各項可持續發 展的課題。 Ms Viveca Chan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WE Marketing Group (left) presenting the prize to Mr Sin-yung Wong, Manager (Communications) of the Communications and Public Affairs Office of HSUHK. 威漢環球傳播機構主席及首席執行官陳一枬教授(左)向恒大傳訊及公共事務處傳訊經理王善勇先生頒發獎項 HSUHK Garnered EduTech Asia Awards – Best Use of Emerging Technology 恒大榮獲亞洲EduTech 大獎 — 最佳新興技術運用 Dr Eugene Wong, Assistant Professor in the Department of Supply Chain and Information Management, received the Finalist Award – Best Use of Emerging Technology in the EduTech Asia Awards held in Singapore on 5 November 2019. The award aims at recognising the educators who have made significant contributions in promoting the use of new education technology solutions in the classroom to better student learning outcomes in Asia-Pacific countries. Dr Wong was awarded for his contribution in developing and promoting the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for more interactive, immersive and effective teaching and learning in HSUHK. Other finalist includes representatives from different universities and institutions from Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. 恒大供應鏈及資訊管理學系助理教授黃彥璋博士,於2019年11月5日榮獲「亞洲EduTech 大獎 — 最佳新興技術運用入圍獎」。頒獎典禮於新加坡舉行,獎項目的是表彰亞太區國家中,積極推廣在課堂上使用新興教育技術方案,並於改善學生 學習成果方面做出重大貢獻的教育工作者。黃博士致力開發和推廣虛擬實境(VR)及擴增實境技術(AR)的教學應用,務求教學能更為互動及有效進行,其貢獻得到大會評審一致認同。其他得獎者包括來自澳洲、馬來西亞、菲律賓及新加坡的大學 和院校代表。 Dr Eugene Wong attended the prize presentation ceremony in Singapore 黃彥璋博士出席於新加坡舉行的頒獎典禮 Naming Ceremony of Patrick S C Poon Amity College, HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges 賽馬會住宿書院潘燊昌樂群書院命名典禮 To honour the generous donation from Dr Patrick Poon, HSUHK has named Amity College as “Patrick S C Poon Amity College” and the Naming Ceremony was held on 15 January 2020. Dr Patrick Poon, Chairman of Shing Cheong Charitable Foundation Limited; Mrs Patrick Poon; Dr Moses Cheng, Chairman of Council; and President Simon S M Ho officiated the Ceremony, with around 200 attending guests, staff, students and alumni. In the welcoming remarks, Dr Cheng commended Dr Poon for his contributions to the actuarial and insurance fields as well as the passion in serving the tertiary education sector, especially for HSUHK. Not only does he act as the Member in the Board of Governors, but he is also the Chairman of Foundation Management Committee as well as Fundraising and Donation Committee, giving valuable advice to the University's management and participating actively in fundraising events. Dr Poon spoke at the Ceremony, “I strongly agree with the Liberal + Professional education model of HSUHK. Focusing on community service, Amity College frequently collaborates with NGOs to cultivate students’ leadership skills and foster their civic engagement. This is so meaningful that I decided to donate again to show my support.” President Ho mentioned in the thank-you speech that Dr Poon had donated HK$10million to launch “Dr Patrick Poon's Matching Challenge” Donation Campaign in 2017 to attract more potential donation, while the donation for Residential Colleges this time moved HSUHK members again. 為答謝潘燊昌博士慷慨捐款,恒大將樂群書院命名為「潘燊昌樂群書院」,並於2020年1月15日舉行命名典禮。在近二百位嘉賓、師生與校友見證下,承昌慈善基金有限公司主席潘燊昌博士、潘燊昌夫人、校務委員會主席鄭慕智博士及何順文校長 一同主持典禮,場面熱鬧。 鄭博士在歡迎辭中表揚潘博士於精算及保險界的貢獻,亦感謝他多年來熱衷於服務高等教育界,對恒大貢獻良多。潘博士不但擔任大學校董,亦是基金管理委員會主席和籌募及捐款委員會主席,於校政方面給予不少寶貴意見並積極參與學校的 籌款活動。 潘博士致辭時表示:「我非常認同恒大以『博雅+專業』為教學模式。樂群書院特別著重學生參與社區服務,經常與志願機構合作,以培育學生領導才能,行善助人,極具意義,故我決定再一次捐款予恒大,以示支持。」 何校長致謝辭時表示,潘博士於2017年捐出港幣一千萬元推出「潘燊昌博士配對挑戰」捐款計劃,藉此鼓勵更多有心人扶助恒大,是次又繼續捐款支持恒大住宿書院,實在令恒大仝人非常感動。 (From left) Donor Dr Patrick Poon, Mrs Patrick Poon, Dr Moses Cheng and President Simon Ho officiated the Naming Ceremony. (左起)捐贈人潘燊昌博士、潘燊昌夫人、鄭慕智博士及何順文校長一同主持命名典禮。 Dr Poon strongly agrees with the education belief and the Liberal + Professional education model of HSUHK 潘博士非常認同恒大的辦學理念及其「博雅+專業」教育模式。 Naming Ceremony of FTLife Discussion Rooms 富通研討室命名典禮 Discussion Rooms A109–A110 in the S H Ho Academic Building at HSUHK have been named “FTLife Discussion Rooms” in recognition of the recent donation from FTLife Insurance Company. The Naming Ceremony was officiated by Mr Gerard Yang, FTLife’s Chief Executive Officer and President Simon S M Ho on 12 December 2019. President Ho expressed his gratitude to FTLife for their kind contribution to the University’s long-term development. Mr Yang commended HSUHK for its enthusiasm for higher education, and looked forward to joining hands with HSUHK and its students to develop further. 恒大將何善衡教學大樓A109-A110 研討室命名為「富通研討室」,以表彰富通保險公司的捐贈。命名典禮於2019年12月12日舉行,由富通保險有限公司行政總裁楊德灝先生以及何順文校長主禮。 何校長衷心感謝富通保險對恒大長遠發展的支持。而楊先生則讚揚恒大對高等教育的熱誠,並期望與恒大和學生攜手發展。 Group photo of representatives of HSUHK senior management and FTLife 恒大及富通管理層代表大合照 Book Donation from the Consulate General of Peru 秘魯駐香港及澳門總領事館捐贈書籍 The Consulate General of Peru in Hong Kong generously donated the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Complete Works (Three Volumes) to HSUHK. Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of School of Translation (STRA); Dr Shelby Chan, Associate Dean; Dr Sai-cheong Siu, Associate Professor; DrGloria Su Cabada, Lecturer; and Ms Susanna Tsang, Associate Librarian (Academic and User Services) represented the University to receive the publications at a book donation ceremony held on 29 October 2019. Mr Sergio Manuel Avila Traverso, Consul General of Peru, introduced the background of these great works, the writer, and the history of Peru. Professor Fong and academics from STRA presented the School’s recent developments to the guests. Both parties considered it a great opportunity to explore cooperative projects on internships, academic exchange, teaching and language technology. 秘魯駐香港及澳門總領事館慷慨捐贈印卡.加西拉索.德拉維加全集( 共三卷)(Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Completion Works (Three Volumes)) 予恒大。翻譯學院院長方梓勳教授、副院長陳嘉恩博士、副教授蕭世昌博士、講師蘇麗娥 博士和圖書館副館長(學術及讀者服務)曾錫欣女士代表大學,在2019年10月29日舉行的圖書捐贈儀式中接收書籍。 秘魯總領事Sergio Manuel Avila Traverso 先生向出席人士介紹著作內容、作者背景和秘魯歷史,而方教授和翻譯學院的老師則講述學院的最新發展。雙方都認為是次會面實屬良機,有助探討實習、學術、教學及語言科技等領域的合作。 (From left) Dr Sai-cheong Siu, Associate Professor of STRA; Mr Kin Cheng, Consular Assistant of Consulate General of Peru in Hong Kong; Dr Gloria Su Cabada, Lecturer of STRA; Mr Sergio Manuel Avila Traverso, Consul General of Peru in Hong Kong; Dr Shelby Chan, Associate Dean of STRA; Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of STRA; Ms Susanna Tsang, Associate Librarian (Academic and User Services). (左起)翻譯學院副教授蕭世昌博士、秘魯領事館行政人員Kin Cheng 先生、翻譯學院講師蘇麗娥博士、秘魯總領事Sergio Manuel Avila Traverso 先生、翻譯學院副院長陳嘉恩博士、翻譯學院院長方梓勳教授、圖書館副館長(學術及讀者 服務)曾錫欣女士 School of Translation Signed MOU with Graduate School of Translation & Interpretation of Beijing Foreign Studies University 恒大翻譯學院與北京外國語大學高級翻譯學院簽署合作備忘錄 On 28 November 2019, Professor Wen Ren, Dean of Graduate School of Translation & Interpretation (GSTI) of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), visited HSUHK to give a talk and meet with the management and academics of the School of Translation (STRA). The latest developments of both schools were shared during the meeting, followed by fruitful discussions on future collaborations on teaching, research and exchange, culminating in an MOU signing ceremony to deepen the academic cooperation and exchange. This year witnesses the 10th anniversary of the cooperation between GSTI and STRA, an important milestone marked by the MOU. The STRA was honoured to invite Professor Ren to deliver a talk on “Translation Practice, Translation Competence and Translation Ethics in the New Era”. Professor Ren expounded on changes in the translation field in the new era, demand for translation/translators in society and quality requirements of interpreters/translators, all against the background of rapid change in translation technology. The talk greatly benefited the audience, not least the students. 北京外國語大學高級翻譯學院(北外高翻)院長任文教授於2019 年11 月28 日蒞臨恒大演講,並與翻譯學院(恒大翻譯)管理層和教研人員交流。會面期間,兩校分享學院最新發展,並討論教學、研究及交流等合作議題,成果豐碩。會後隨即舉行 合作備忘錄簽署儀式,以進一步深化合作。今年剛好是恒大翻譯與北外高翻合作10 周年,確實是個重要的里程碑。 恒大翻譯非常榮幸邀得任教授擔任座談會講者。任教授以《新時代語境下的翻譯實踐、翻譯能力與翻譯倫理》為題,深入探討隨着翻譯科技日新月異,新時代翻譯領域出現的變化、社會對翻譯╱譯者的需求,以及對傳譯╱筆譯員的要求。與會者深受 啟發,學生也獲益良多。 Professor Gilbert Fong, Dean of STRA and Professor Ren (left) at the MOU signing ceremony. 翻譯學院院長方梓勳教授與任文教授(左)於合作備忘錄簽署儀式合照 The interflow meeting enhanced understanding and relationship between GSTI and STRA 交流會進一步加強北外高翻和恒大翻譯互動友好的關係 The Seventh Matching Grant Scheme Briefing and Tea Gathering 第七輪配對補助金計劃簡報茶會 The Seventh Matching Grant Scheme Briefing and Tea Gathering was held on 26 November 2019. Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development), outlined HSUHK’s achievements under the Scheme and presented Appreciation Certificates to participating schools, departments and units. The event not only enhanced the participants’ understanding of the outcomes of the Scheme, but it was also an occasion for them to get together and share experence. 恒大於2019 年11 月26 日舉行第七輪配對補助金計劃簡報茶會,由副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士簡介恒大在有關計劃下的成績,並頒發感謝信予參與的學院、學系及部門代表。活動不但有助各部門瞭解計劃的成果,更可讓參與代表共聚聯 誼、分享經驗。 Dr Tom Fong (upper photo, middle; lower photo, 2nd from left) presenting Appreciation Certificates to the representatives from participating schools, departments and units. 方永豪博士(上圖中,下圖左二)向參與學院、學系及部 門代表逐一頒發感謝信。 The President Spoke at Lee Kau Yan Memorial School Graduation Ceremony 校長於李求恩紀念中學畢業典禮致辭 President Simon S M Ho spoke as the Guest of Honour at the Graduation Ceremony of Lee Kau Yan Memorial School on 14 December 2019. President Ho delivered a speech to encourage graduates coping with the changes and challenges brought by the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI). He suggests that students attach more importance to nurturing their humanistic qualities, which include critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration, caring and community engagement. HSUHK’s unique Liberal + Professional education model is one of the most effective approaches to groom these qualities. President Ho also officiated the opening of the Inquiry-based STEAM Education Centre (InSEC) and the STEAM Education-in-Action Music Chamber (SIAM Chamber) of the School, and visited the facilities and activities at the InSEC and the SIAM Chamber with guests, teachers and students. 何順文校長於2019 年12 月14 日於李求恩紀念中學的畢業典禮擔任主禮嘉賓及致辭。 何校長勉勵畢業生積極迎接近年人工智能﹙ AI ﹚發展迅速所帶來的改變和挑戰。他鼓勵同學更應注重人文素質的培養,包括明辨思維、創造力、溝通與協作、人文關懷及貢獻社群。而恒大獨特的「博雅+專業」教育模式,正是培育這些素養的 最有效方法之一。 同日何校長亦主持該校的「科藝教育探究中心」及「躍動科教音藝室」的開幕儀式,並與嘉賓和師生一起參觀當中的設施和活動。 President Ho delivering a speech at the graduation ceremony 何校長在畢業典禮中致辭 A student representative introduced his research project to President Ho while he was visiting the newly-open STEAM facilities 何校長參觀學校新落成的科藝設施,學生代表向他展示研習作品。 Mental Health Series 精神健康系列活動 Organised by Peer Mentors and co-organised by Student Affairs Office, the Mental Health Series themed “Let’s 鬆 Zone”, the first of its kind in the University, was held from 3 to 26 October 2019. Thanks to the coordination by Peer Mentors with internal parties and external NGOs, the diverse programmes included talks, a Mental Health First Aid Certificate Course for staff and teachers, busking, a houseplant decorating workshop, a yoga stretch class as well as wellness information booths. The Series was concluded with the “Run for Wellness” activity held on 26 October 2019. All these programmes and activities aimed to positively raise staff and students’ awareness of mental health by introducing ways to deal with stress so as to maintain good quality of rest and sleep. 恒大首次舉辦的精神健康系列活動已於2019 年10 月3 日至26 日順利完成,是次活動由恒大朋輩導師主辦,學生事務處協辦,並以「Let’s 鬆 Zone」為主題。朋輩導師協調校內團體及校外非政府機構,安排多元化的活動包括講座、精神健康急 救證書課程(老師及教職員)、街頭歌唱表演、植物製作工作坊、瑜伽伸展體驗班、以至精神健康資訊攤位等,並在2019 年10 月26 日以「青協背包跑」活動作結。恒大期望透過一系列的活動,能正確提高學生及教職員對精神健康、舒緩壓力及休 息靜思的意識,讓他們懂得如何面對壓力。 Yoga Stretch Class 瑜伽伸展體驗班 “Lazy Plant” Planting Workshop 植物製作工作坊 Campus News - Student Development Activities 校園消息─學生發展活動 “Along with the President” Series #11:Organic Farming Experience 「與校長同行」系列之十一:有機農耕體驗 President Simon S M Ho, together with a team of 19 participants consisting of students and staff, visited the Produce Green Foundation (PGF) Organic Farm in Fanling to experience organic farming on 7 December 2019. The PGF guide introduced the features and differences between organic and conventional farming to the team before some hands-on experience in the farm, where she explained the use of different field tools such as hoes, rakes and sprinklers. After practising in the farm, the team took a guided tour to gain deeper understanding of the concept and operation of organic farming. At the end of the tour, the team left PGF and went on a hike on Hok TauCountry Trail and then went to Luen Wo Hui to enjoy a simple lunch hosted by President Ho. All participants enjoyed the pleasure of both working on the farm and hiking in nature, thinking that the activity deepened their understanding of the sustainable development of organic farming. They looked forward to joining similar activities and interacting further with the President in the future. 何順文校長與19 位由學生和教職員組成的團隊於2019 年12 月7 日前往粉嶺綠田園基金有機農莊(綠田園),一同體驗有機耕作。 綠田園的導賞員向團隊簡介有機耕種與傳統農業的特色和區別後,帶領隊員們在農田實習,了解鋤頭、耙、灑水器等農具的使用方法。農務實習後,團隊跟隨導賞員參觀有機農莊,深入了解有機耕種的概念和操作。 團隊參觀完綠田園之後,沿鶴藪郊遊徑遠足,隨後再前往聯和墟,享用由何校長宴請的簡單午膳。 參加者均十分享受下田耕種和於大自然遠足的樂趣,同時認為活動加深了他們對可持續發展有機農業的認識。各人期待日後再參與類似活動,及與校長多作交流。 The Council Chairman Bowl 2019/20:Inter-RCs Dodgeball Competition 2019/20 年度校委會主席碗:院際閃避球比賽 Players striving for glories for their RCs 健兒為所屬的住宿書院爭取佳績 The Inter-RCs Dodgeball Competition, the first competition of The Council Chairman Bowl 2019/20, was held on 9 November 2019 at the Sports Hall of the Lee Shau Kee Complex on campus. To encourage more members of the Residential Colleges (RCs) to join, a special dodgeball coaching session was arranged before the competition for all participating members of the RCs, including the RC Masters, Associate Masters, Resident Tutors and students, in order to help them build a better team. The competition was a round-robin tournament. Each Residential College formed a team consisting of at least 8 men and 2 women to join the competition.Evergreen College, the overall champion of 2017/18 and 2018/19, showed their determination to win for the third time by sending their best players, and finally defended its championship in the competition. The 1st runner-up went to the Amity College and the 2nd runner-up went to the Mosaic College. 2019/20 年度校委會主席碗的第一項賽事 – 院際閃避球比賽已於2019 年 11 月9 日,在恒大李兆基綜合大樓的室內體育館舉行。 為鼓勵更多書院成員參與,書院於賽事前為當天出賽的師生安排了一節特訓,讓各書院成員包括院長、副院長、導師及同學在練習中建立團隊默契。 是次比賽為循環賽制,每間住宿書院派出最少8 男2 女應戰。連續兩年衛冕總冠軍的綠延書院不敢怠慢,派出最精銳的團隊,順利拿下閃避球賽事冠軍,而亞軍及季軍則分別由樂群書院及博文書院奪得。 Cheers for the teams' efforts 為流過的汗喝采 Fitness Challenge Series 鍛鍊身心系列 The Fitness Challenge Series was organised by the SAO-PE Unit since mid-November, which included a series of activities such as Free Play Session of “Have a Ball with Balls”, Weekdays’ Yoga Classes, Badminton Challenges Workshop and Fitness Challenges Workshop. It aimed at promoting a positive and healthy lifestyle on campus, and assisting students in releasing their stress via engaging in physical activities. 學生事務處體育部自11 月中舉辦了一系列的體育活動,讓同學們鍛鍊身心,投入健康、正面的校園生活。活動包括自由球類活動、瑜伽班、羽毛球大挑戰及體能大挑戰,讓同學透過參與體育活動紓解壓力,強身健體。 Weight-bearing sit-up challenge 負重仰臥起坐挑戰 Task completed! 目標完成! HSUHK ICAC Ambassadors Programme 2019/2020 恒大廉政大使計劃 2019/2020 The University continued the collaboration with ICAC this year, with 9 students having been selected as the HSUHK ICAC Ambassadors and attending a joint-university training on 2 November 2019. Ambassadors from various tertiary institutions went through the briefing session as well as the leadership and team building sessions, where their leadership skills, team spirit, understanding of ICAC’s background and awareness of the importance of personal integrity were enhanced. The Ambassadors will launch a series of integrity promotion activities on campus in the upcoming semester. 恒大今年再度與廉政公署合作推行「廉政大使計劃」, 並選出9 位同學擔任2019/20 年度恒大廉政大使。聯校廉政大使訓練活動已於2019 年11 月2 日順利舉行,來自多間院校的同學分組完成不同挑戰,從而提高個人領袖能力及團體合作精 神,並加深對廉政公署的認識,瞭解個人誠信的重要。恒大廉政大使稍後將於校園舉辦一連串活動,提高同學對誠信的意識。 Work together and aim higher! 團隊合作,同創高峰! ICAC Ambassadors from 21 tertiary institutions attended the joint-university training 來自21 所高等院校之廉政大使參與聯校訓練計劃 Student Ambassadors Programme – Closing Gathering 學生大使計劃 – 結業聚會 The Closing Gathering of the HSUHK Student Ambassadors Programme 2018/19 was held on 6 November 2019 as the finale of the Scheme. Participants revisited last year’s ups and downs in the gathering, sharing their transformations and gains from the Student Ambassadors Programme. Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs, showed her support and appreciation to the Student Ambassadors and presented certificates. Meanwhile, the Scheme 2019/20 has kicked off with 29 students from 12 different programmes being selected as Student Ambassadors. They will undergo a series of trainings, including a Personal Dimension Workshop, a Training Camp, a Business Etiquette Workshop and Emcee Training. Through engaging in various Universitywide events, the positive attitude and serveto-learn spirit of Student Ambassadors are expected to be developed and strengthened. 恒大學生大使計劃2018/19已圓滿結束, 並於2019年11 月6 日進行了結業聚會。聚會中大家回顧過去一年的經歷,分享當中的轉變與得著。學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士亦在聚會中勉勵一眾學生大使並頒發證書。而2019/20 的計劃已正式 開始,來自12 個不同學科共29 位學生被選為學生大使。他們將接受不同的培訓,包括性格透視工作坊、訓練營、商務禮儀工作坊、司儀培訓等,以及代表恒大參與不同活動及服務,期望於服務中強化所學到的技巧,實踐學生大使「服務與學習 並行」的精神。 Training Camp for Student Ambassadors 學生大使訓練營 Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs, presented certificates to the Student Ambassadors in the Closing Gathering. 學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士在結業聚會上頒發證書予一眾學生大使 College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora 月會 – 恒大博雅廣場 The second College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora of the academic year 2019/20 was held on 7 November 2019. 9 students and 2 teachers were invited to share their experience in international learning activities, including service trips, global internship and global exchange. Participants were then invited to join the HSUHK International Carnival to enjoy joyful and fruitful interactions with exchange students. 2019 年11 月7 日舉行的第二次月會 – 恒大博雅廣場,邀請到9 位同學及2 位老師分享他們參與國際交流、實習、服務及海外學習的經歷。同日亦安排了由交換生籌辦的國際文化嘉年華,恒大學生與交流生均樂在其中。 Inbound and outbound exchange students shared their experience 來校及出國交換生分享他們的交流經驗 HSUHK International Carnival 2019 香港恒生大學「國際嘉年華2019」 The Student Affairs Office organised the annual HSUHK International Carnival on 7 November 2019 to enhance the communication and friendship among overseas and local students. The fun-filled Carnival was attended by over 250 staff members, exchange students and local students. Echoing the theme of the College Assembly “Reaching Out around the Globe” taking place on the same day, the Carnival featured information booths for students to explore the options of exchange programmes, global internship opportunities and overseas engagement activities, which would help to equip them with international perspective. Returning students from these programmes were invited to share their overseas experience. Inbound exchange students from 9 countries, including Belgium, France, Germany, China, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and Switzerland, decorated their booths to introduce their culture, traditions and heritage to the participants and showcase their cuisine and crafts. Participants were also invited to vote for their most favourite booth and the award went to the French students. 學生事務處於2019 年11 月7 日舉辦一年一度的「國際嘉年華」,以促進交換生及本地學生的交流、建立友誼,並推動校園國際化。嘉年華共吸引了超過250 名師生到場參與,現場歡聲笑語,氣氛熱鬧。 承接大學月會當日「體驗國際視野」的主題,嘉年華設有恒大各項海外交流計劃、實習計劃及文化交流等展覽,鼓勵同學裝備自己,拓展國際視野,而由外地回港的學生亦把握機會分享他們出國交流的經驗。嘉年華裡,來自比利時、法國、德國、 中國、荷蘭、挪威、韓國、瑞典及瑞士9 個地區的交換生精心佈置攤位遊戲,介紹其國家的文化特色,並分享地道美食、遊戲及手工藝。大會更設有「最受歡迎攤位」大獎,由在場參與人士投票選出,結果由來至法國的學生得勝。 Both overseas and local students enjoyed the carnival 交換生及本地學生均投入參與嘉年華 Inbound exchange students were eager to introduce their booths 交換生積極介紹所屬國家攤位 "The Most Favourite Booth" Award went to the French students! 來自法國的同學勇奪「最受歡迎攤位」大獎! Campus News - Awards Received by Students 校園消息─學生榮獲獎項 HSUHK Students Garnered Nine Awards in the 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards 恒大學生勇奪「第八屆校園學報新聞獎」九個獎項 傳播學院學生勇奪2019 年「第八屆校園學報新聞獎」多個獎項 Students from SCOM garnered several awards in the 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards Students from the School of Communication (SCOM) of HSUHK clinched a total of 9 awards in the 2019 Campus Newspaper Awards hosted by China Daily , with their works outperforming 1,009 other submissions from 50 universities from the four cross-strait regions. Professor Scarlet Tso, HSUHK Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of School of Communication, led representatives of the awardees and SCOM faculty members to the Awards Presentation Ceremony held on 1 December 2019. She said the encouraging results showed the industry recognition of the efforts of SCOM students. A panel of over 70 judges comprised of political leaders, business elites, academics and veteran journalists from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan ultimately selected 84 entries as the award winners. The Awards Presentation Ceremony attracted some 200 participants including teachers, students and media representatives from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. 恒大傳播學院學生參加由《中國日報》舉辦的2019 年「第八屆校園學報新聞獎」,在兩岸四地50 所大學、1,009 份作品當中脫穎而出,榮獲九個獎項。恒大協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授率領獲獎學生代表及老師出席於 2019 年12 月1 日舉行的頒獎禮,她表示是次獲獎證明社會及業界對恒大傳播學院學生的學習成果予以充分肯定及支持。 是次獎項由70 位來自中國、香港、澳門、台灣的政界、商界、學界及傳媒界的社會賢達擔任評委,最終評選出84 份獲獎作品。近200 位來自中國、香港、澳門、台灣的師生和新聞業界人士出席頒獎禮,場面熱鬧。 曹虹院長(右)與中國日報社編委及中國日報亞太分社社長兼總編輯周立合照 Professor Scarlet Tso, Dean of HSUHK SCOM (right) and Mr Li Zhou, Editorial Board Member of China Daily Group, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, China Daily Asia Pacific. The List of Awardees 得獎名單 Awards 獎項 Name of Participants 參賽者姓名 Entry Name 作品名稱 Best in Tech News Reporting (English) Winner Hoi-kit Chow, Ka-lok Cheng, Chi-ching Kwong, Hong Kong Government Apps:“Ambitious 最佳科技新聞報道(英文組)冠軍 Ka-yan Mak, Chloe Ling, Pui-yan Sung Plan, Poor Strategy” Best in Headline Writing (English) Winner 周鎧傑、鄭嘉樂、鄺梓晴、麥嘉恩、凌穎兒、宋佩恩 最佳標題(英文組)冠軍 Best in News Writing (English) 1st Runner-up 最佳新聞寫作(英文組)亞軍 Best in Feature Writing (Chinese) 1st Runner-up Ching-yan Ngan, Hiu-tung Poon, Chin-wai 電動車充電站供不應求 部份充電站日久失修形同虛設 最佳新聞特寫(中文組)亞軍 Yeung, Hiu-nga Tse, Po-yee Li, Hon-yeung Wan 顏程欣、潘曉彤、楊展維、謝曉雅、李寶儀、雲瀚揚 Best in Tech News Reporting (Chinese) 1st Ka-lok Cheng, Hoi-kit Chow, Chi-ching Kwong, 政府三千萬開發逾百App 被批定位不清,用量 Runner-up Ka-yan Mak, Chloe Ling, Pui-yan Sung 參差 「為何政府1823 App 要有兩個?」 最佳科技新聞報道(中文組)亞軍 鄭嘉樂、周鎧傑、鄺梓晴、麥嘉恩、凌穎兒、宋佩恩 Best in News Video Reporting (English) 1st Wai-chung Ng, Chung-him Ngan, Ying-yin Yip, Hong Kong Trees“Reborn”after Supertyphoon Runner-up Tsz-chung Yu 最佳新聞視頻(英文組)亞軍 吳偉聰、顏頌謙、葉影彥、余梓聰 Best in News Video Reporting (English) 2nd Lai-fun Chan, Mei-ching Ho, Shuk-yee Li, Waiwan Ageing Problem of the Construction Workers Runner-up Wong 最佳新聞視頻(英文組)季軍 陳麗歡、何美澄、李淑儀、王惠雲 Best in Features Video Reporting (English) 2nd Hin Wong, Cheuk-wing Lau, Pui-yee Wong,Yui-ching Ng Silent Killers, Hiding in Plain Sight Runner-up 王騫、劉卓穎、黃佩儀、吳睿晴 最佳專題視頻(英文組)季軍 Best in Feature Photography 2nd Runner-up Chun-wai Wu, Kwan-lam Chau 巧手鳥籠工匠 珍重香江文化遺產 最佳專題攝影圖片 季軍 胡俊緯、鄒君臨 Campus News - Visits to HSUHK 校園消息─到訪恒大 California State University, Bakersfield, the US 美國加州州立大學貝克斯菲爾德分校 As a follow-up meeting with HSUHK after the NAFSA 71st Annual Conference and Expo held in Washington D.C. in May 2019, Ms Yuri Sakamaki, Director of International Student Success & American Language Institute from California State University, Bakersfield, the US, visited HSUHK on 7 November 2019 to discuss further collaboration. 繼五月份於美國華盛頓舉辦的第七十一屆美國國際教育工作者協會年會暨教育展會面後,美國加州州立大學貝克斯菲爾德分校國際生成就及美語學院總監酒卷有里女士,於2019 年11 月7 日到訪恒大,進一步討論交流合作機會,並參觀校園。 CTBC Business School, Taiwan 台灣中信金融管理學院 A delegation from the CTBC Business School in Taiwan, including Professor Wen-cheng Hu, Director of Research and Development Office, and Ms Victoria Chang, Director of International Affairs and Accreditation, paid a visit to HSUHK on 8 November 2019 to discuss collaboration projects. 台灣中信金融管理學院代表,包括研究及發展處總監胡文正教授及國際認證中心主任張慕融博士,於2019 年11 月8日到訪恒大探討合作事宜。 The Founding Teacher of HSSC – Mr Kwok-fan Lau 恒商創校教師 – 劉國藩老師 Mr Kwok-fan Lau, one of the founding teachers of Hang Sang School of Commerce (HSSC), visited the University on 30 November 2019 and was warmly greeted by President Simon S M Ho. A campus tour was arranged by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO) for Mr and Mrs Lau and the participating alumni to keep them abreast of the latest developments on campus. On a nostalgic note, the visiting guests and hosts shared a heart-warming reunion. 恒生商學書院創校教師劉國藩先生於2019 年11 月30 日到訪恒大,何順文校長熱請接待。發展及校友事務處安排了劉老師與夫人與歷屆恒商畢業生重遊校園,共聚話當年,樂也融融。 Delegation of Malaysian Private Tertiary Institutions Study Mission on Hong Kong’s Higher Education 馬來西亞民辦高校香港考察團 A delegation of Malaysian Private Tertiary Institutions Study Mission on Hong Kong’s Higher Education visited HSUHK on 10 December 2019. The delegation included Mr Soon-ting Lim, Honorary Adviser for the Delegation; Professor Dr Geok-bee Teh, Leader; and representatives from Southern University College, New Era University College and Han Chiang University College of Communication in Malaysia. The delegation was received by President Simon S M Ho; Mr Patrick Lam, Acting Vice-President (Organisational Development) and Director of Finance; Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of School of Communication; Professor Po-choi Wong, Associate Vice-President (Technology and Smart Learning) and Director of Information Technology; Dr Brossa Wong, Registrar; Ms Rebecca Chan, Director of Student Affairs; and Ms Tammy Chan, Head of Secretariat. Led by President Ho, the delegation was introduced to the development of HSUHK and gained understanding of the University’s management system. With the support from CPAO, the delegation had a campus tour and visited various facilities on campus. They then enjoyed a lunch hosted by President Ho in the restaurant in HSUHK. 馬來西亞民辦高校香港考察團於2019 年12 月10 日到訪恒大,代表包括馬來西亞民辦高校考察團榮譽顧問林順忠先生、考察團團長及南方大學學院校長鄭玉美教授,以及來自馬來西亞南方大學學院、新紀元大學學院和韓江傳媒大學學院的 代表。考察團由何順文校長、署理副校長(機構發展)及財務總監林文河先生、協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授、協理副校長(科技與智慧型學習)及資訊科技總監黃寶財教授、教務長黃若霞博士、學生事務總監陳寶瑜女士 及秘書處主管陳家美女士負責接待。 在何校長的帶領下,考察團聽取了關於恒大的發展簡介及各方面的管理體制。考察團亦在傳訊及公共事務處的協助下,參觀了恒大多項設施,其後由何校長設宴款待,於恒大餐廳享用午宴。 University of Haifa, Israel 以色列海法大學 Dr Sissi Wachtel Galor, China & Hong Kong Development Director of the University of Haifa, Israel,visited HSUHK on 12 December 2019 and met with Professor Bradley Barnes, Co-Chair of the Global Exchange Committee, to discuss collaboration opportunities. 以色列海法大學中國及香港區域發展主任茜茜‧ 嘉羅爾博士於2019 年12 月12 日到訪恒大,與環球交流事務委員會聯席主席李海東教授會面,討論交流合作機會。 Ms May Wong of Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行王美琪女士 Ms May Wong, Head of Communications and Corporate Sustainability of Hang Seng Bank Limited, visited HSUHK on 19 December 2019. Accompanied by Professor Scarlet Tso, Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) and Dean of School of Communication, Ms Wong toured around the campus to learn about the latest development of the University. 恒生銀行有限公司傳訊及企業可持續發展總監王美琪女士,於2019 年12 月19 日到訪恒大,在協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務)及傳播學院院長曹虹教授陪同下參觀校園,瞭解大學的最新發展。 Alliance Capital Partners 同人融資公司 On 7 January 2020, Managing Director Mr Andric Yew and Chief Operating Officer Mr Nelson Tang of Alliance Capital Partners Limited were warmly received by President Simon S M Ho; Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) and Ms Elisa Chan, Director of the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office to explore opportunities for future cooperation. After a campus tour, the guests were treated to a luncheon hosted by President Ho, where Ms Helen Zee, a member of the University’s Fundraising and Donation Committee, also attended. 同人融資有限公司董事總經理姚逸安先生偕同營運總監鄧維祐先生於2020 年1 月7 日到訪恒大,由何順文校長、副校長(機構發展)方永豪博士及發展及校友事務處總監陳雯慧女士熱情接待,並探討今後與恒大合作的機會。兩位來賓參觀了 大學校園,隨後由何校長設宴款待,出席者還包括籌募及捐款委員會委員徐閔女士。 Event Highlights 活動快訊 The Institute for Chinese Language and Culture 中國語言及文化研習所 Lunar New Year Couplets Workshop 揮春工作坊 16 January 2020 (Thu) 5:00pm - 7:00pm 2020 年1 月16 日(星期四)下午5 時至7 時 D204, 2/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, HSUHK 恒大利國偉教學大樓D204 室 Registry 教務處 HSUHK Admission Talk for Secondary School Representatives 恒大升學講座 17 January 2020 (Fri) 2:30pm - 4:30pm 2020 年1 月17 日(星期五)下午2 時30 分至下午4 時30 分 Auditorium, 2/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, HSUHK 恒大利國偉教學大樓2 樓演藝廳 Liberal Arts@HSUHK 博雅恒大 Chinese Calligraphy and Design Workshop 「字 緣」——毛筆書法設計工作坊 20 February 2020 (Thu) 2:00pm - 4:00pm 2020 年2 月20 日(星期四)下午2 時至4 時 Venue will be announced soon 地點將稍後公佈 Communications and Public Affairs Office 傳訊及公共事務處 First Honorary Doctorate Conferment cum Reception for 40th Anniversary of the Founding of HSUHK 第一屆榮譽博士學位頒授典禮暨建校四十周年校慶酒會 16 March 2020 (Mon) Ceremony: 3:30pm Reception: 4:15pm 2020 年3 月16 日(星期一) 典禮:下午3 時30 分 酒會:下午4 時15 分 Ceremony: Auditorium, 2/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, HSUHK Reception: D203-204, 2/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, HSUHK 典禮:恒大利國偉教學大樓2 樓演藝廳 酒會:恒大利國偉教學大樓2 樓D203-204 室 Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office 發展及校友事務處 HSUHK FunD Run 恒大「紛FunD 跑」 22 March 2020 (Sun) 8:30am - 12:00noon 2020 年3 月22 日(星期日)上午8 時30 分至中午12 時 Start: Shing Mun Riverside 起點:城門河畔 Personnel Updates 人事快訊 We would like to extend our warmest welcome to new full-time academic / senior executive staff who joined the HSUHK family from November 2019 to January 2020, and congratulate colleagues who have been promoted starting from January 2020. 衷心歡迎於2019 年11 月至2020 年1 月加入恒大的全職教學/ 高級行政人員,並恭賀於2020 年1 月獲晉升的同事。 Newly Joined Academic / Senior Executive Staff 新加入教學/ 高級行政人員 School/Department/Office Academic Staff/Senior Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員/ 高級行政人員 職位 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Professor Wayne Kief Patterson Asian Studies Visiting Scholar 亞洲研究訪問學人 School of Communication 傳播學院 Professor Ronald Y C Chiu 趙應春教授 Professor (Practice) 教授(實務) Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Dr Baldwin B W Wong 王邦華博士 Assistant Professor 助理教授 Department of Accountancy 會計學系 Ms Ivy Y S Leung 梁苑姍女士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of English 英文系 Dr Beatrice K F Ma 馬冠芳博士 Senior Lecturer 高級講師 Department of Computing 電子計算系 Dr Roy K H Ho 何健漢博士 Lecturer 講師 Department of Social Science 社會科學系 Mr Angelo K W Leung 梁健尉先生 Lecturer 講師 Student Affairs Office 學生事務處 Mr Cannon K L Fung 馮錦崙先生 Manager - Career Planning and Development 經理 - 事業策劃及發展 Current Academic / Senior Executive Staff with Promotion 獲晉升教學/ 高級行政人員 School/Department/Office Academic Staff/Senior Executive Staff Position 學院/ 學系/ 部門 學術人員/ 高級行政人員 職位 Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務中心 Mr Danny K Y Lam 林君勇先生 Information Technology Manager 資訊科技經理 Registry 教務處 Ms Maggie T Y Ng 吳天恩女士 Manager 經理 Student Affairs Office 學生事務處 Mr Charles C Y Chan 陳志彥先生 Manager - Student Development and Campus Life 經理(學生發展及校園生活) Student Affairs Office 學生事務處 Ms Jessie T Y Wong 黃芷茵女士 Manager - Student Finance and Resources經理(學生資助及資源) Information as of 18 January 2020. Erudition (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Newsletter) is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Office every odd month with the editorial support of Dr Donovan Grose of the English Department. If you have any materials for publication, please send your submission in both English and Chinese (about 200 words each) and 1-2 photos (>1MB, if any) toc via your HSUHK email account. 資料截至2020 年1 月18 日。《博學》(香港恒生大學通訊)逢單數月由傳訊及公共事務處出版,英文系Dr Donovan Grose 協助英文內容編校。如欲投稿,請以恒大電郵帳戶發送至。稿件中英文內容各約200 字並附上1-2 張 1MB 以上的照片(如有)。 More about HSUHK Youtube: The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Instagram: hsuhk_official Facebook: The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Linkedin: hsuhkofficial