Bachelor of Arts(Honours)in CONVERGENT MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY(BA-CMCT) 融合媒體及傳播科技(榮譽)文學士 BA-CMCT – FOR NEW GENERATION OF MEDIA PROFESSION 培育新一代融合媒體專才 Message from Programme Director 課程總監的話 The convergence of communication, computing and content in the digital media evolution is the driving force that increasingly calls for a new generation of capable young talents possessing both good technological ability and communication competence, with strong adaptability to the constantly changing environment in the modern world. Indeed, we can see and experience the fast development of new media that has been significantly impacting nowadays business operations and user interactions, influencing every corner of our lives. The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology (BA-CMCT) programme provides students with a quality inter-disciplinary education that offers a unique blend of media theory and practice in association with communication technology, so as to nurture professional and versatile talents to confidently face challenges and opportunities in the rapidly developing digital media and communication industry. Based on the design of a well-balanced curriculum, our BA-CMCT programme covers three key aspects to enable students to master the basis of communication technology, practise a variety of digital multimedia production methods, and understand the fundamentals of human communication. Such combination of theoretical and practical study of various modules in the curriculum helps cultivate students with essential knowledge and skills in a broad and interrelated context, opening up to them a wide spectrum of career opportunities such as: media content production; web and graphics design; multimedia and data journalism; videography; strategic media, communication and technology engagement; and social media promotion. You will find in the following pages more detailed information of our BA-CMCT programme. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you have. We look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Prof Trevor Y T Siu, PhD, CEng, MIET Programme Director BA (Hons) in Convergent Media and Communication Technology Programme 在數碼媒體不斷演變中,信息傳播、電腦技術和媒體內容的融合已在這新世代形成了一股驅動力,對能兼備溝通能力、科技創新,以及適應力強之人才需求極為重視。與此同時,新媒體的迅速發展亦對現今商業運作及人際交流有著重大影響,與大眾生活息息相關。 為配合日新月異的科技發展及數碼媒體的變遷,社會極需要具備專業技能、多元才能及靈活變通的人才。融合媒體及傳播科技 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士課程旨在結合媒體理論及傳播科技的實用技能,提供優質的跨學科教育,增強學生知識水平以應付資訊澎湃的數碼年代。 融合媒體及傳播科技 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士課程涵蓋三大特點,讓學生能掌握傳播科技的基礎技術、運用各種數碼媒體製作方法,以及理解傳播學的基本原理。本課程結合理論與實踐科目,提供相關的多元知識與技巧,增加其就業機會。例如:媒體內容製作、網頁和圖形設計、多媒體和數據新聞、攝錄影製作、策略媒體、傳播及科技運用和社交媒體推廣。 如您對融合媒體及傳播科技 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士課程有任何疑問或意見,歡迎您與我們聯絡。希望能於不久的將來與您見面! 融合媒體及傳播科技 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士課程總監 蕭旭泰教授 PROGRAMME FEATURES 課程特色 With special emphasis on cultivating students to work effectively in the evolution of media convergence environment, the BA-CMCT programme combines several unique features: BA-CMCT 課程特別強調培訓學生能有效地在演變中的媒體融合環境下工作,並結合了多樣特色: Technological Ability – mastering the new media technologies so as to strengthen the practice of a variety of digital media production methods. 科技才能 – 掌握新媒體技術,加強學習各種數碼媒體製作方法。 Communication Competency – having a solid grasp of the human communication fundamentals. 溝通能力 – 掌握及理解基本的人際溝通技巧。 Interdisciplinary Training – merging knowledge and skills in information and communication technology (ICT) with journalism and communication. 跨學科訓練 – 結合資訊科技傳播技術與新聞傳播跨學科的知識和技能。 Balanced Development – possessing multi-disciplinary learning abilities to develop all-round lifelong learning attitude and interests. 均衡發展 – 擁有多元學科學習能力,有助全面發展學生終生學習的態度及興趣。 Storytelling Specialty – applying new media tools and methods to the writing, conveying and sharing of news and information content. 內容表達專才 – 運用新媒體工具及方法進行寫作、傳遞和分享新聞及資訊內容。 Media & Communication Technology媒體及傳播科技 Communication Core Knowledge傳播基礎知識 Multimedia Production Skills多媒體製作技術 General Education & Business Knowledge通識教育及商業知識 Technological Ability科技才能 +Communication Competency溝通能力 +Broad Education博雅教育 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 課程架構 Based on a unique“Liberal + Professional"education model of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), BA-CMCT is a four-year bachelor's degree programme which requires students to complete a total of 120 credits from a well-balanced curriculum, consisting of Major Studies modules, Common Core modules, Business Education modules and Elective modules. BA-CMCT 課程以香港恒生大學(恒大)獨特的「博雅 + 專業」教育模式為本,設計了一個由主修科目、共同核心科目、商學教育科目及自由選修科目結合而成的四年制課程。學生須於四年內修讀合共 120 學分。 Year 1 一年級 Common Core Curriculum共同核心課程 General Education通識教育 • Perspectives on General Education通識教育導論 Chinese中文 • Freshman Chinese大一國文 English英文 • English for Effective Communication高效傳訊英語 • English for Academic Purposes學術寫作英語 Quantitative Methods & IT Skills計量方法及資訊科技 • Information Systems in Business商業資訊系統 Business Education 商學教育 • Introduction to Business商學導論 Major Studies主修學科 Media & Communication Technology媒體及傳播科技 • Introduction to Multimedia多媒體導論 • Introduction to Internet and Programming網絡及程式編寫導論 Media Production媒體製作 • Digital Photography數碼攝影 • Sound Recording數碼錄音 Communication Core傳播基礎 Introduction to Journalism and Communication新聞及傳播導論 Year 2 二年級 Common Core Curriculum共同核心課程 General Education通識教育 • GE Cluster x2 # 通識教育範疇 x2 # Chinese中文 • Chinese Literature Appreciation中國文學欣賞 English英文 • English for Public Speaking英語演講 Quantitative Methods & IT Skills計量方法及資訊科技 • Introduction to Social Statistics社會統計學概論 Business Education 商學教育 • Principles of Management管理學原理 Major Studies主修學科 Media & Communication Technology媒體及傳播科技 • Motion Media Theory and Practice動態媒體理論與實務 • Principles of Communication Protocols通訊協定原理 Media Production媒體製作 • Introduction to TV Production電視製作導論 Communication Core傳播基礎 • Communication Theories傳播理論 • Intercultural Communication跨文化傳播 Year 3 三年級 Common Core Curriculum共同核心課程 General Education通識教育 • GE Cluster x2 # 通識教育範疇 x2 # Chinese中文 • Applied for Business應用普通話 Major Studies主修學科 Media & Communication Technology媒體及傳播科技 • Web-based Interactive System網絡交互系統 • Mobile Platform Technologies流動平台技術 Media Production媒體製作 • Desktop Publishing桌面排版 Communication Core傳播基礎 • Media Law and Ethics傳媒法規與道德 • Social Media Communication社交媒體傳播 Major Electives主科選修 • Major Elective x1* 主科選修 x1* Free Electives自由選修 •Free Elective x1 自由選修 x1 Year 4 四年級 Common Core Curriculum共同核心課程 General Education通識教育 • GE Cluster Elective x2 通識教育範疇選修 x2 Major Studies主修學科 Media & Communication Technology媒體及傳播科技 • Network and System Administration網絡系統管理 Media Production媒體製作 • Web-media Production網絡媒體製作 Communication Core傳播基礎 • Data Journalism數據新聞 Major Electives主科選修 • Major Elective x2* 主科選修 x2* Free Electives自由選修 •Free Elective x1 自由選修 x1 # Students must complete one module from each of the four General Education Clusters學生必須於四組通識教育範疇中各選修一科 * Chosen from the list of CMCT Major Electives 從 CMCT 主科選修科目中選擇 BA-CMCT ACADEMIC STAFF 教學團隊 Professor SIU Yuk Tai, Trevor 蕭旭泰教授 Programme Director of BA-CMCT Programme PhD (University of Essex) MSc (University of Essex) BSc (University of Essex) Assistant Professor HU Hsin Li, Sammy 胡欣立助理教授 Associate Programme Director of BA-CMCT Programme PhD (Peking University) LLM (The University of Hong Kong) LLM (Chicago-Kent College of Law) LLB (Shih Hsin University) Associate Professor CHEUNG Kwok Wai, Keith 張國威副教授 PhD (City University of Hong Kong) MSc (City University of Hong Kong) BEng (City University of Hong Kong) Associate Professor CHAN Chi Kit 陳智傑副教授 PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) BSSc (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Assistant Professor WU Jing, Clio 吳靜助理教授 PhD (Fudan University) MA (Jinan University) BA (Jinan University) Assistant Professor ZHAO Meng Meng, Sarah 趙萌萌助理教授 PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) MA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) BA (Communication University of China) Senior Lecturer CHENG Suet Oi, Glacial 鄭雪愛高級講師 MA (University of Essex) PGCE (University of Essex) BA (Chu Hai College) Senior Lecturer SO Ming Hang, Brian 蘇銘恒高級講師 CFA MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) BSSc (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Lecturer CHAN Oi Yan, Connie 陳藹欣講師 MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) MA (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) BA (City University of Hong Kong) INTERNSHIP 實習機會 Valuable learning opportunities are provided for students to gain on-the-job training experience through taking “internship"as an elective module in the summer of Year 3, allowing them to apply what they have learned in classroom and put theory into practice at the workplace of various media and communication organisations. Hence, the employability of students in the job market can be increased with such hands-on experience. 為了讓學生能學以致用,本課程包含了「實習」選修科目。三年級學生將有機會在暑期到各大傳播媒體機構實習,把課堂所學的知識在現實工作中加以實踐,提高學生在職場上的競爭力。 CAREER PROSPECTS 就業前景 Through special interdisciplinary training of convergent media and communication technology that combines theory and practice, a wide spectrum of employment opportunities is open to the BA-CMCT graduates. 課程的特色是把融合媒體及傳播科技的理論和實務加以結合,目的是為畢業生提供更多類型的就業機會。 BA-CMCT Report news and topics of interest through online multimedia channels 利用線上多媒體渠道報導新聞和相關題目 Run sound and video recording equipment to produce and mix sounds for various purposes 操作音響及影片錄製設備作各種混音製作 Support communication among organisations via the Internet and online mobile platforms 利用互聯網及線上流動平台,支援機構的傳播工作 Plan, design and code web pages to create websites to meet the customers’ requirements 透過策劃、設計及編程製作網頁,滿足不同客戶的需求 Coordinate creative projects with effective use of communication tools 充分地利用傳播工具推動創意專案計劃 Produce articles, photos and videos with effective writing, editing and graphic design skills 運用撰稿、編輯及繪圖設計技能創作文章、圖像和影片 • Media Content Developer媒體內容發展專員 • Multimedia Journalist多媒體新聞工作者 • Media Production Officer多媒體製作主任 • Digital Media System & Network Administrator數位媒體系統及網絡管理員 • Web and Graphic Designer網頁及圖像設計師 • Media Project Coordinator媒體項目管理專員 • Videographer攝錄影製作人 • Media, Communication and Technology Engagement Strategist媒體傳播及科技運用策略師 • Social Media Promotion Specialist社交媒體推廣專員 STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMME 學生交流計劃 Students are provided with opportunities to reach out and widen their horizons through HSUHK's exchange partnerships with overseas institutions in Asia, Europe and North America. 透過恒大與亞洲、歐洲、北美洲等各地學府的合作,學生們有機會到海外進行交流學習,擴闊視野。 SCHOOL FACILITIES 學院設施 1. TV Lab 實驗電視廊 2. SCOM TV Studio 電視錄影廠 3. Media and Communication Lab 媒體及傳播實驗室 4. Multimedia Training Centre 多媒體培訓中心 5. Radio Broadcast Training Centre 廣播培訓中心 6. Radio Broadcasting Studio 電台廣播錄音室 7. Non-linear Editing Room 非線性(影音)剪接室 CAMPUS LIFE 校園生活 The establishment of HSUHK Jockey Club Residential Colleges provides 1,200 places to students with a robust platform to empower and nurture social engagements, intellectual interflow and global perspectives through community living and learning. 恒大賽馬會住宿書院提供 1,200 個宿位,讓同學們能透過融合社區生活與學習的平台,培育社會參與、知識交流和環球視野。 ENQUIRIES ON APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 入學申請查詢 Applications can be submitted through the HSUHK Online Application System. For enquiries, please contact the Registry. 申請可透過恒大網上入學申請系統遞交。如有查詢,請聯絡本校教務處。 Tel 電話:3963 5555 Fax 傳真:3963 5553 Website 網頁 Programme Email 課程查詢 Admission Email 入學查詢 Address 地址:Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, NT 新界沙田小瀝源行善里 In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents of this pamphlet, the English version shall prevail. 本課程簡介內容以英文版本為準,中文譯本僅供參考。 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee. 香港恒生大學是一間於香港註冊成立之擔保有限公司。 Information updated as of September 2019. 有關資料更新至2019年9月。