BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONOURS) IN FINANCE AND BANKING 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士 Programme Overview 課程概覽 The BBA (Honours) in Finance and Banking aims at providing students with the necessary skills and professional knowledge for developing the career in financial and banking management positions or pursuing further studies at postgraduate level. Upon completion of BBA (Honours) in FB, graduates are well equipped with both qualitative and quantitative knowledge in positioning themselves at business and government sectors. 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程專為學生提供必須的技能和專業知識以培育金融及銀行界的人 才及為準備升讀深造課程的同學而設。修畢本課程後,畢業生已具備一定的知識(包括定性及定量方 面),從而勝任企業及政府部門中相關的職位。 Programme Intended Learning Outcomes 課程預期學習成效 Upon completion of the Programme, students are able to: 完成金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程後,學生能夠: • Empower professional and personal challenges through the application of inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary knowledge acquired 靈活運用跨學科知識,以應對專業及個人挑戰 • Command effective communication skills in different business environments, work as team players to integrate effectively the talents and knowledge developed, and be able to manage independent lifelong learning 具備良好商務溝通能力及團隊合作精神,融匯各項技能及知識,以持續個人的終身學習 • Evaluate own contributions and responsibilities in becoming professional and responsible employees, business leaders and business partners 衡量個人的貢獻和責任,成為專業和有責任心的僱員、商業領袖及商業夥伴 • Prepare broad horizons and be inquisitive about various global issues and developments such as politics, cultures, social sciences and technologies 具備廣闊視野,積極探究環球議題,以及兼顧政治、文化、社會科學、科技等領域的發展 • Demonstrate a firm grasp of finance and banking knowledge and skills for conducting business in different contexts 牢固掌握金融及銀行方面的專業知識和技能,能夠在不同的情況下開展業務 • Develop all-rounded capabilities for managing local and international business operations 全面發展各項能力,從而管理本地及國際商業運作 Academic Structure 課程架構 The BBA (Honours) in Finance and Banking is a four-year programme. Students are required to take a total number of 40 modules with 3 credits each, including 15 modules in the Common Core Curriculum, 10 modules in Business Education, 12 modules in the Specialty in Finance and Banking and 3 Free Elective modules. 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士為四年制課程。學生須修讀 40 個單元科目(每個單元均為 3 個學分),包括 15 個共同核心課程單元、10 個商學教育單元、12 個金融及銀行專修單元及 3 個選修單元。 Year 1 – 2 Common Core Curriculum Modules 共同核心課程單元 • Chinese Literature Appreciation 中國文學欣賞 • English for Academic Purpose 學術英語寫作 • English for Business Communication 商業傳訊英語 • English for Effective Communication 高效傳訊英語 • Freshman Chinese 大一國文 • Information Systems in Business 商業資訊系統 • Perspectives on General Education 透視通識教育 • Probability and Statistics 概率與統計學 • Putonghua for Business 商業普通話 Plus 6 General Education Elective Modules 加 6 個通識教育選修單元 Business Education Modules 商學教育單元 • Business Economics 1 商業經濟學(一) • Business Economics 2 商業經濟學(二) • Business Policy and Strategy 商業政策及策略 • Financial Accounting 財務會計 • Financial Management 財務管理 • Hong Kong Business Law 香港商務法 • Management Accounting 1 管理會計(一) • Operation and Supply Chain Management 營運與供應鏈管理 • Principles of Management 管理學原理 • Principles of Marketing 市場學原理 Year 3 – 4 Finance and Banking Specialty Modules 金融及銀行學專修單元 • Corporate Finance 公司財務學 • Financial Institution and Markets 金融機構與金融市場 • Financial Institution Management 金融機構管理 • International Finance 國際金融學 • Introduction to Econometrics 計量經濟學導論 • Money and Banking 貨幣與銀行 • Personal Financial Planning 個人財務策劃 • Portfolio Management 投資組合管理 • Principles of Investment 投資學原理 • Real Estate Finance and Investment 房地產財務與投資 Plus 2 Specialty Elective Modules 加 2 個自選的專修單元 Professional Recognition 專業認可 The Department of Economics and Finance has established strong relations with local and international professional bodies. Our existing BBA (Honours) with Banking and Finance Concentration has obtained the accreditation from the following professional bodies: 經濟及金融學系與本地和國際專業團體有緊密 聯繫,現行的工商管理(榮譽)學士 — 銀行及 金融學專修課程已取得以下專業學會的認可: • The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) 香港銀行學會 • Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) 香港財務策劃師學會 • Society of Actuaries (SOA) 北美精算師協會 • GRC Institute 治理、風險管理及合規管理學會 • CFA Institute 特許金融分析師協會 The BBA (Honours) in Finance and Banking is now seeking the accreditation from the above professional bodies. 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程現正 申請以上專業學會的認證。 Career Prospects 就業前景 Graduates have a wide range of career options, such as: 畢業生的就業選擇眾多,例如: • Loan Officer 貸款主任 • Personal Banking Officer 個人銀行主任 • Financial Planner 財務策劃師 • Fund Manager Trainee 見習基金經理 • Dealer 交易員 • Business Development Officer 商務發展主任 • Customer Service Officer 客户服務主任 • Administrative Assistant 行政助理 • Anti-money Laundering Investigation Analyst 打擊洗錢調查分析員 • Management Trainee 見習行政人員 Student Enrichment 學生培育 Internship Programme 實習計劃 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) considers internship to be an effective learning tool for students. The on-the-job training and the internship projects that are closely supervised by our experienced tutors enable students to turn their knowledge into practice, making the lear ning exper ience more rewarding and challenging. Participating enterprises include Hang Seng Bank, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, etc. 香港恒生大學(恒大)認為實習是十分有效的學 習 途 徑。 同 學 透 過 在 職 訓 練 及 導 師 悉 心 指 導, 學以致用,獲取寶貴的學習經驗。參與實習計劃 的機構包括恒生銀行,中國銀行(香港),香港 上海滙豐銀行等。 Exchange Programme 交流計劃 Up until 2018, we have established exchange par tnership agreement with over 50 overseas institutions across Asia, Europe and Nor th America. Students are encouraged to apply for outbound exchange to these overseas partnering institutions to broaden their horizons. 截至 2018 年,恒大與超過 50 間亞洲、歐 洲及北美的海外學府簽訂合作協議,鼓勵 學生到這些海外學府交流,擴闊視野。 TEACHING TEAM 教學團隊 Currently, there are 21 full-time staff teaching in Depar tment of Economics and Finance, around 71% of them are possessing a doctoral degree. Teaching excellence and quality education are always our priorities and concern. Our teaching staff serve as personal tutors of students. 經濟及金融學系現有 21 位全職教授及講師,當中約 71% 擁有博士學位。卓越教學及優 質教育一直是我們所看重及關注的。我們的導師亦擔任學生的個人導師。 RESOURCES AND LEARNING SUPPORTS TO STUDENTS 資源與學生的學習支援 Financial Trading Laboratory 金融交易實驗室 CFA Preparatory Course 特許金融分析師預備課程 Alumni connections 校友聯繫 Banking and Finance Seminar Series 銀行與金融講座系列 Coaching support to students participating external competitions 為參與校外比賽的同學提供教練支援 HSUHK JOCKEY CLUB RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES 恒大賽馬會住宿書院 HSUHK is the first self-financing institution to adopt elements of a Residential College approach. The Residential Colleges with 1,200 places are newly established so that students could benefit from the dynamic and inspiring hall life education programmes. Themes of the four Residential Colleges are Cultural Diversity, Healthy Living, Community Service and Sustainability respectively, which echo the University’s “Liberal + Professional” education model. 恒大是全港首間自資院校引入住宿式書院,新落成的學生宿舍提供 1,200 個宿位,每家 書院均設有主題,分別是多元文化、健康生活、社會服務及持續發展,與恒大獨有的「博 雅 + 專業」教育模式互相呼應。 SCHOLARSHIP AND BURSARY 獎助學金 Dr S H Ho Scholarship in Banking and Finance 何善衡博士銀行及金融獎學金 Entrance (Full and Half) Scholarships 入學獎學金(全額及定額) Dean’s Award 院長入學獎學金 Scholarship for Principal Recommended Admission Scheme 校長推薦計劃獎學金 HSUHK Entrance Bursary Scheme 香港恒生大學入學助學金 STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND ALUMNI SHARING 學生活動與校友分享 CFA Preparatory Course 特許金融分析師預備課程 Graduation Dinner & Alumni Evening 畢業生及校友晚宴 SGX Train-the-trainer Program 新加坡交易所導師訓練課程 Banking and Finance Seminar Series 銀行與金融講座系列 Alumni Sharing in Banking & Finance Industry 校友分享 銀行及金融業 Student and Alumni Evening for Career Development 學生與校友分享職業發展 CFA Preparatory Course 特許金融分析師預備課程 Banking and Finance Seminar Series 銀行與金融講座系列 SGX Train-the-trainer Program 新加坡交易所導師訓練課程 Graduation Dinner & Alumni Evening 畢業生及校友晚宴 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 常見問題 Are there any admission interviews or written tests? 招生程序是否包括入學面試或筆試 ? Q1 Depending on the academic qualifications of the applicants, applicants may be invited for admission interviews and written tests. Interview may offer a chance for applicants to understand more about the profession and the Programme. 視乎申請人的學歷,申請人或會獲邀出席面試及筆試。面試或有助申請人加深 了解此專業和課程。 What are the employment pathways of the graduates? 畢業生適合從事那些工作 ? Q2 The typical position for BBA-FB graduates in finance and banking industries are: Banking Officer, Credit Analyst, Financial Planner /Consultant, Fund Manager Trainee, Customer Service Officer, Business Development Officer, Management Trainee, Dealer, Loan Officer, etc. 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士畢業生適合從事金融及銀行業的工作包括: 銀行主任、信貸分析員、財務策劃師 / 財務顧問、基金管理培訓生、客戶服務 主任、商務發展主任、管理培訓生、交易員、貸款主任等等。 Are there examination exemptions granted to graduates of the Programme by professional bodies? 此課程的畢業生能否豁免某些專業團體的專業考試? Q3 The BBA (Honours) in Finance and Banking is now seeking the accreditation from the following professional bodies like The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB), Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK), Society of Actuaries (SOA), GRC Institute, and CFA Institute. 金融及銀行學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程現正申請以下專業學會的認證,包括: 香港銀行學會、香港財務策劃師學會、北美精算師協會、治理、風險管理及 合規管理學會,以及特許金融分析師協會。 ENQUIRIES ON APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 入學申請查詢 Applicants can submit their applications through the HSUHK Online Application System. For further enquiries, please contact the Registry. 申請者可透過恒大網上入學申請系統申請。如有進一步查詢,請聯絡本校教務處。 Tel 電話3963 5555 Fax 傳真3963 5553 Website 網頁 Programme Enquiries 課程查詢 Admission Enquiries 入學查詢 Address 地址Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, NT 新界沙田小瀝源行善里 In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents of this pamphlet, the English version shall prevail. 本課程簡介內容以英文版本為準,中文譯本僅供參考。 The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee. 香港恒生大學是一間於香港註冊成立之擔保有限公司。 Information updated as of May 2019. 有關資料更新至2019年5月。