Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in MANAGEMENT (BBA-MGT) 管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士 We value people 管理.以人為本 What Kinds of Graduates Do Today’s Employers Prefer? 現時的僱主希望錄用怎樣的畢業生? Graduates in Management are the topmost preferred job candidates according to our survey*. Along with that, leadership skills, communication skills, decision-making skills and change management skills are amongst the most preferred abilities*. 根據我們的調查 *,公司首選的應徵者為管理學課程的畢業生。另外,領導才能、溝通能力、決策能力和應變能力等,均為最能提升學生就業能力的軟技巧 *。 Our Management Programme 我們的管理學課程 The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management programme (BBA-MGT) pledges to provide a first-rate study scheme in management. Designed to offer a broad-based education to our students, our programme aims at strengthening their professional business knowledge as well as various soft skills such as analytical skills, leadership skills and interpersonal skills. 管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士課程矢志為學生提供優秀的管理學教育及全人教育,在鞏固商業知識的同時,著重培育各種軟技巧,如分析能力、領導能力和人際技巧等。 The BBA-MGT Programme is internationally recognised and accredited by the Chartered Professional in Human Resources Canada and granted exemptions from the CPHR National Knowledge Examination in Canada. 管理學工商管理學士課程已獲取國際專業組織加拿大特許人力資源專業學會認可,並豁免加拿大專業知識評審考試。 * Please refer to page 6 for details. * 詳情請參考第 6 頁。 Characteristics of Our Programme 課程特色 One of the characteristics of BBA-MGT at Hang Seng Management College is that it requires you to take minimal yet essential core modules, while you may choose a variety of elective modules. Therefore, you may choose to explore general business areas or focus on narrow business niches according to your own interests and career aspirations. Apart from free electives, there are also electives which can be chosen from study areas of Management specialty, Business Education and Common Core Curriculum. 我們的管理學必修單元和商學必修單元能為學生的管理學及商業知識打好穩固基礎。選修科方面,除了自由選修外,學生亦可從管理學、商業教育和共同核心課程的領域中選擇選修課程。學生可以根據自己的興趣和理想職業目標,探索不同的知識領域。 1) Small class teaching which allows interactions among teachers and students; 小班教學,增加老師和學生的互動; 2) Make use of a variety of teaching and learning approaches, such as case study, experiential learning, simulation games, debates, projects, and guest speaker talks, etc, so that students can learn from the real life and can be equipped with a wide range of soft skills, such as leadership, teamwork, interpersonal skills, and decision making, in addition to management knowledge; 運用多種教學和學習方法,如案例研究、體驗式學習、模擬遊戲、辯論、報告、嘉賓演講等,使學生能夠從現實生活中學習,在獲取管理知識外,更可以配備各種軟技能,如領導能力、團隊協作、人際交往能力、和決策能力等; 3) Internship Opportunities 實習機會 We strive to enrich learning by offering internship opportunities for students. To date, more than 300 companies (with more than 600 placements) have joined our internship programme. 我們努力促進學生的實習機會,到目前為止,超過 300 家公司(超過 600 個實習項目)已經參與我們的實習計劃。 Academic Team 學術團隊 Prof CHOW Hau Siu, Irene 周巧笑教授 BBA (CUHK), MBA & PhD (Georgia State) Professor Head of Department BBA-MGT Programme Director Dr LAU Pak Lung, Victor 劉柏能博士 BA (NCCU), MSc & PhD (PolyU) Associate Professor Associate Head of Department BBA-HRM Programme Director BBA-MGT Associate Programme Director Dr FU Ho Ying, Jeanne 符可瑩博士 BSocSc & PhD (HKU) Associate Professor Dr MAN Wing Yan, Thomas 萬頴恩博士 BSc (Warwick), MA (Reading) & PhD (PolyU) Associate Professor Dr CHAU So Ling 周素玲博士 BA (CityU), MBA (Heriot-Watt), PGCE (HKU) & DBA (Newcastle) Assistant Professor Dr KONG Hao, Kaylee 孔顥博士 BBA & PhD (PolyU) Assistant Professor Dr LIAO Yi, Eko 廖逸博士 BIM (NJU), MPhil (LU) & PhD (HKU) Assistant Professor Dr NG Wing Fung, Frank 吳頴鋒博士 BBA & PhD (CUHK) Assistant Professor Dr LAW Chiu Ming, Raymond 羅超明博士 BBA (USC), MIB (CityU) & DBA (Newcastle) Senior Lecturer Dr WANG Yamei, Amy 王亞美博士 BCom (UBC), MEcon & PhD (HKU) Lecturer I Ms NG Po Kei, Patricia 吳寶琪女士 BSSc (LU), PGCE (HKU) & MA (HKUST) Lecturer I Ms WONG Chung Yee, Amy 黃琮貽女士 BCom (UWS), MBA (UWS) & PGDE (HKIED) Lecturer I Ms WONG Yin Yee, Jody 王賢儀女士 BBA (PolyU), MPhil (CityU) & PhD Candidate (UNSW) Lecturer I Mrs CHOW Lo Lai Ling, Mariana 周盧麗玲女士 BEcon (Monash), PGDE (HKU) & MSc (CUHK) Senior Lecturer (Part-time) Dr NG Ming Tak, Victor 吳明德博士 MBA (UM), PD (UV) & DBA (HKBU) Lecturer I (Part-time) The members of our Academic Team have extensive teaching experience in renowned universities in Hong Kong and overseas. We are enthusiastic, specialised and experienced in management education and research. 我們的教學人員均富教學熱情及專業知識,並在香港及海外各著名大學有豐富的教學及研究經驗。 The academic team members authored trade books about business management. 學術團隊成員撰寫有關企業管理的書籍。 Curriculum Structure 課程結構 BBA-MGT is a four-year undergraduate programme. Students are required to take a total of 40 modules (120 credits) in four years. Key study areas include: 管理學工商管理 ( 榮譽 ) 學士課程為四年制本科課程,學生須在四年內修讀 40 個單元 (120 學分 )。 主要學習範疇包括 : • Managing Organisations 機構管理 • Human Resources Management 人力資源管理 • Entrepreneurship 創業 • International Business 國際商務 • Management Skills Development 管理技巧 • Strategic Management 策略管理 Study Areas 學習範疇 Core 必修 Elective 選修 Total 總和 Percentage 百分比 Management Specialty 管理學專修 7 4 11 27.5% Business Education 商業教育 9 2 11 27.5% Common Core Curriculum 共同核心課程 9 6 15 37.5% Free Electives 自由選修 0 3 3 7.5% Total 總和 25 15 40 100% Examples of Career Development: 事業發展例子: • Management Trainee 管理見習生 • Civil Servant 公務員 • Human Resources Assistant 人力資源助理 • Develop managerial career in multinational companies 於跨國公司任管理工作 • Sound foundation for starting up one’s own business 創業 • Eligible to apply for a variety of postgraduate studies, such as MBA, MPhil, and PhD, in both local and overseas universities 可申請本地及海外大學各研究生課程,如工商管理碩士、哲學碩士和哲學博士等 • Serve in management and administrative roles in public and non-profit organisations 於公營和非牟利機構擔任管理和行政角色 Internship and Campus Life 實習和校園生活 By participating various activities, management students enjoy their fruitful campus life. 透過參與不同的活動,管理學系的學生享有豐盛的校園生活。 Elite Network Mentorship Scheme 精英網絡學長計劃 Executive Mentorship Programme 專業導師計劃 College Orientation Day 迎新日 Business Experience Sharing Session V – Management Practices 營商經驗分享會(五): 管理實踐 Japan Study Tour 日本遊學團 Taiwan Study Tour 台灣遊學團 Internship 實習 Management Venue 管理主場 HSMC Entrepreneurship Case Competition 恒生管理學院創業個案比賽 Employability of BBA-MGT Graduates 管理學工商管理(榮譽)學士畢業生的就業能力 We conducted a survey to assess the employability of BBA-MGT graduates. We sent questionnaires to 2,260 members of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management. A total of 598 questionnaires were returned. As shown below, business graduates in management are the topmost preferred job candidates of surveyed companies (51.7%). 我們進行了一項調查,以評估本課程畢業生的就業能力。我們向2,260位香港人力資源管理學會會員發出問卷,並回收598份。如下圖表所示,管理學畢業生是受訪公司首選的招聘對象 (51.7%)。 Rank 排名 Business Area 商學範疇 Percentage 百分比 1 Management 管理學 51.7% 2 Marketing 市場學 49.8% 3 Human Resources Management 人力資源管理 47.5% 4 Accounting 會計學 40.3% In the same survey, the topmost preferred business skills of business graduates are: 在同一調查中,僱主最期望僱員擁有的商業技能為: Rank 排名 Business Area 商學範疇 Percentage 百分比 1 Leadership Skills 領導能力 90.3% 2 Teamwork Skills 團隊合作能力 88.0% 3 Interpersonal Skills 人際交往能力 86.3% 4 Decision-making Skills 決策能力 84.9% 5 Managing Change Skills 變革管理能力 76.8% Our findings are consistent with those from the survey to the business school alumni conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. According to that survey, generic employability competencies are presentation skills, teamwork skills, communication skills, analytical ability, interpersonal skills and problem-solving skills, which are soft skills that enhance the employability of business graduates. 我們的調查結果與香港中文大學的調查結果是一致的。據該調查顯示,最能提升學生就業能力的軟技巧為表達能力、團隊合作能力、溝通能力、分析能力、人際交往能力和解決問題能力等。 ENQUIRIES ON APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 入學申請查詢 Applicants can submit their applications through the HSMC Online Application System. For further enquiries, please contact the Registry. 申請者可透過恒生管理學院網上入學申請系統申請。如有進一步查詢,請聯絡本校教務處。 Tel 電話 : 3963 5555 Fax 傳真 : 3963 5553 Website 網頁 : Programme Email 課程查詢 : Admission Email 入學查詢 : Address 地址 : Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, NT 新界沙田小瀝源行善里 In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents of this pamphlet, the English version shall prevail. 本課程簡介內容以英文版本為準,中文譯本僅供參考。 Hang Seng Management College is incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability by guarantee. 恒生管理學院是一間於香港註冊成立之擔保有限公司。 Information updated as of April 2018. 有關資料更新至2018年4月。