HSMC Newsletter 恒管通訊 10.2014 The Presidents Say …… The new academic year 2014-2015 has just begun. As excited as our students, I share the curiosity of our Year 1 freshmen, exploring the College and the campus with inquisitive mind. I enjoy the campus life just as our Year 2 and 3 students, experiencing diverse opportunities and gradually forming bonds with students and professors. And meanwhile, I understand the intricate feelings of our final year students who are fully equipped and ready to showcase their talents, they have to soon enter the community and face more challenges in work as well as in life. Adopting a “Liberal + Professional” education model, HSMC has been putting great effort in various aspects to provide quality education and to become a leading private university. We provide unique degree programmes with innovative teaching and learning methods; close teacher-student relationship is established via small class teaching; together with extensive internship opportunities and overseas exchange programmes, our students are well-equipped and highly evaluated by employers. In addition to top-quality professors and programmes, I believe a nice environmentally-friendly and humanistic campus has a huge impact on students’ college life. Thanks to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust’s generous donation of HK$200 million, the new HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls uphill will be ready for use in 2015-16 which can accommodate about 1,200 students, in addition to the existing 200+ places. Here I wish to proudly announce that our residence hall project is the first of its kind in Hong Kong to have achieved Platinum rating in the Provisional Assessment of the BEAM Plus Assessment Scheme from the Hong Kong Green Building Council. We will continue to seek support and donations from the community so as to further improve our campus facilities. HSMC has been receiving more recognition from professional bodies, as well as the Government in terms of awards and fundings. Apart from the Supply Chain Management Programme being selected by the Education Bureau to join the new Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP), two of our academic research projects by the Chinese Department and English Department have received a total funding of over HK$3.5 million from the Government’s Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS). As the President, one of my priorities is to communicate with our students and listen to their thoughts, and I treasure all the casual but insightful interactions. I remember well my undergraduate college life in Seattle, Washington three decades ago, especially the friendly chats and discussions with professors in their offices, outside classrooms and on the lawns. They widened my horizons and I hope our students cherish their college life as much as I did. Lastly I wish to share my 5Cs representing the qualities which can help us succeed in work and life: Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, Caring attitude and Character. I sincerely wish our students and staff a fruitful year ahead. See you around in campus. Simon S M Ho President 校長說…… 2014-2015新學年剛剛開始,我和學生們一樣感到興奮。像充滿好奇心的一年級新生,對恒管及校園進行探索。我又像二年及三年級生般正享受校園生活,經歷不同的機遇,逐步與教授和同學們建立緊密的關係。與此同時,我深深明白到快將成為畢業生,即將投入社會,及為面對未來工作上和生活中的挑戰充分裝備自己的那種複雜心情。 恒管採用「博雅 + 專業」的教育模式,致力提供優質教育,並矢志成為首屈一指的私立大學。我們提供獨特的學位課程、創新的教學和學習方法;通過小班教學建立緊密的師生關係;再加上廣泛的實習機會和海外交流計劃,為我們的學生作好準備,畢業後廣受僱主垂青。 除了優秀的教授和課程外,我相信一個環境優美和人性化的校園,對大學生活有深遠的影響。在此感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金港幣二億的慷慨捐款,協助興建將於2015-16年啟用的恒管賽馬會學生宿舍,除現有的200多個宿位,可額外容納約1,200名學生。舍堂項目並獲得由香港綠色建築議會認可BEAM PLUS,暫評為最高之鉑金級。我們將繼續向社會各界尋求支持和捐贈,以進一步提升我們的校園設施。 恒管陸續獲更多的的專業機構以及政府在獎勵和資助方面的認可。除供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程入選香港特別行政區政府教育局的「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」外,中文系和英文學系的兩個研究項目亦獲政府的質素提升支援計劃之港幣三百五十萬元資助。 作為校長,我的首要任務之一是與學生溝通,並聽取他們的想法。我特別著重在校園或辦公室內輕鬆而富啟發性的討論和交談。尤記得近30年前在華盛頓州西雅圖的大學生活,特別深刻是與教授在辦公室、課堂外以及在草坪上的友好對話,大大擴闊了我的視野。 我希望學生們也跟我一樣珍惜他們的大學生活。 最後,我想分享有助我們在工作和生活中取得成功的5Cs 特質:批判性思考 (Critical thinking)、創造力 (Creativity)、溝通 (Communication)、關愛 (Caring attitude) 和品格 (Character)。 我衷心祝願我們的學生和學術人員會有一個豐盛的學年。期待我們校園內的會面。 校長 何順文 Campus News 校園消息 Convocation for New Students 2014-15恒生管理學院新生入學禮2014-15 The Convocation for New Students 2014-15 was officiated by the President, and attended by the Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, Heads of Departments, Programme Directors, key Academic and Administrative Officers and teachers. Over 1,600 new degree and associate degree students and nearly 20 exchange students received a formal and warm welcome. Professor Simon Ho, the President, delivered a welcoming remark to the new students, and encouraged the students to widen their horizons with “5Cs” (Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, Caring attitude, and Character) and wish them an enjoyable college life. 2014-15年度恒生管理學院新生入學典禮由校長、副校長、各學院院長及各系主任、課程總監、及主要學術及行政人員等主持。入學禮上,學院正式歡迎本年度超過一千六百名入學的新同學,以及約二十位的交換生。 校長何順文教授致歡迎辭,以「5Cs」去鼓勵同學們在大學生活開拓新視野,並祝願他們享受愉快的大學生活。 BBA – SCM Joined EDB’s Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors 供應鏈管理加入教育局「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」 The Bachelor of Business Administration in Supply Chain Management Programme (BBA-SCM) (Honours) has been selected by the Education Bureau of HKSAR Government to join the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors (SSSDP). It is the first time in Hong Kong for an undergraduate programme in the SCM field run by a self-financing institution to receive Government’s subsidy. 供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士課程入選香港特別行政區政府教育局的「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」,是香港第一個自資院校的供應鏈管理課程加入政府此項計劃,也是目前唯一的一個。 Signing Ceremony of Academic Cooperation Agreement between HSMC and Gordon College 恒管與高登大學簽署學術交流合作協議書 Hang Seng Management College and Gordon College, USA officially signed an Academic Cooperation Agreement. President of Gordon College, Professor Michael Lindsay, visited HSMC and discussed further collaboration of the exchange programme between the two Colleges. 恒生管理學院與美國高登大學正式簽署學術交流合作協議書。高登大學院長Professor Michael Lindsay到訪恒管並討論兩校之間進一步的交流合作計劃。 Announcement 通告 Inauguration of the School of Decision Sciences決策科學學院成立 HSMC announces the inauguration of the new School – School of Decision Sciences. Led by the Acting Dean, Professor Tang Man Lai, the School provides three Bachelor degree programmes, namely Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence, Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management; and Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management. 校方宣佈新學院 ─ 決策科學學院的成立。決策科學學院由鄧文禮教授擔任署理院長,由兩個學系組成提供三個本科生課程,包括數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士、管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士,及供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士。 “The School of Decision Sciences aims at equipping students to be professionals in decision sciences in business, specialising in making evidence-based and effective business decisions through collecting, processing and analysing data. 決策科學學院裝備學生成為商業決策人才,培訓他們透過收集、處理和分析商業數據,作出有效而有根有據的商業決策。”   Renaming of School of Humanities as School of Humanities and Social Science 人文學院改名為人文社會科學學院 With effect from 1 September 2014, the School of Humanities will be renamed as School of Humanities and Social Science. The four departments of the School (Chinese, English, General Education and Computing) will continue to offer broad-based courses, leading to an all-round development of students, and an integration of arts, society and technology. 由2014 年9 月1日起,人文學院改名為人文社會科學學院。學院的四個學系 ─ 中文、英文學、電子計算學及通識教育,將繼續全面啟發學生的潛能,朝向人文與科技結合的目標。學院計劃開設新的跨學科社會科學課程。 “Embracing Social Science in the School’s composition marks a significant milestone for Hang Seng Management College. 人文與社會科學合併乃本校發展的里程碑。” Feature Story 專題故事 HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls 恒生管理學院賽馬會學生舍堂 Residential College – combining living and learning 住宿學院 ─ 結合生活和學習 • 3 blocks, accommodate about 1,200 students 三幢建築組羣,容納約1,200名宿生 • About 400 student quarters 約400個房間 • A built-in washroom and shower unit 房內設有洗手間及浴室 • Over 30% of the site will be covered by soft landscape including vertical greens and green roofs 超過百分之三十之面積將會以園林綠化䨱蓋,包括垂直及天台綠化園林設計 HSMC is grateful for the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for the donation of HK$200 million towards the construction cost of HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls. As part of the Master Campus Expansion Plan, the 3 blocks of residence halls adopt a model similar to ‘residential college (RC)’ which combines living and learning. The site is well situated on the hillside to enjoy a green vista of plants and trees within a short walking distance uphill from the main campus. Awarded by Hong Kong Green Building Council, the student residence halls achieved Platinum rating in Provisional Assessment of the BEAM Plus Assessment Scheme. As a succession of the entire campus theme design, this Site F hostel development shall continue its architectural design characteristic features same as Block A, B and D. Part of the fascade will be constructed of window wall and terra cotta cladding system. Located on two levels of vista green plateau, and surrounded by three sides of trees and bamboo bush slopes at the back, this North West facing hostel development enjoys full open unobstructed view of Tate’s Cairn Tunnels entrance runway with a natural ecological surrounds at the back forming a natural environmental contrast. A Key Card System will be adopted as the main tool for student residents to gain access to the main entrance doorways of the halls and entrance doors of each block and residential unit. It will also be used for paying the unit’s air-conditioning electricity consumption and usage of self-service laundries. The HSMC Jockey Club Student Residence Halls are expected to be completed by Fall 2015. 恒管獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金慷慨捐助港幣二億元,興建恒生管理學院賽馬會學生舍堂。 配合校園發展計劃,由三幢高低不同的建築組羣而成的學生住宿舍堂採用了“住宿學院(RC)”的模式,結合生活和學習,宿舍依山而建,飽覽園林景色,毗鄰主校園。宿舍亦榮獲香港綠色建築議會頒發「綠建環評」(BEAM PLUS) 1.2 版「新建建築暫定鉑金級」認證。 為貫徹整項校園設計規劃,學生宿舍F區地段將會沿用新校園A座、B 座及D座之建築設計,部份外牆以玻璃幕牆及陶瓷板組件建成。宿舍在翠樹竹林環抱下,面向大老山隧道入口,靜中帶動。 宿生需以「一卡通」進出宿舍所有進出口及宿舍單位。每個宿舍單位配置自動調節分體式空調系統,並採取用者自付模式,以「一卡通」支付。此卡亦可用以支付自助洗衣設備。而所有宿舍進出口、每座大門、升降機大堂等均設置安全監控系統。 此項目預計於2015年秋季竣工。 Hall facilities and equipment: 宿舍設施及配備: • Study and recreation rooms自修及娛樂室 • Multi-function rooms 多功能活動室 • Storage and laundry areas儲物及洗衣房 • Outdoor recreation ground戶外休憩處 Graduate’s Story 畢業生故事 Norris Ng, graduate of the Bachelor of Translation with Business, is now working as Web Editor at Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). 完成恒管商務翻譯(榮譽)學士學位課程後,吳詠雯現於香港貿易發展局擔任網站編輯。 Q: What adjectives would you use to describe your life in HSMC? 問:你會怎樣描述你在恒管的學習生活? A: I would say my life in HSMC is memorable, comprehensive and fruitful. 答:我認為在恒管的學習生活是難忘、全面而豐饒的。 Q: How did you feel about your internship experience? Did it help to shape your future career choice? 問:你可以分享你的實習經歷嗎?這經歷是否有助於塑造你未來的職業選擇? A: I was working as a Marketing Intern at German Pool when I was a Year 4 student. My duties were translating press materials and conducting research. Besides, I was in the position of a public relations assistant at Cohn & Wolfe impactasia and a Marketing Intern at Like Like Communications too. Thanks to the teaching in HSMC that equipped me with basic knowledge and practical skills, I could quickly fit in the real-life situation while my co-workers need not take care of me. These internship experiences allowed me to apply my knowledge and have a deep understanding about the industry. These were truly inspiring as the experiences helped me to shape my career choice after my graduation. 答:就讀四年級時,我在德國寶擔任市場實習生,主要職責是翻譯新聞資料和進行研究。此外,我曾分別於Cohn & Wolfe impactasia和Like Like Communications擔任公共關係助理和市場實習生。 有賴於恒管的教學,透過學習到基本知識和實踐技能,令我可以很快適應工作,不必依賴其他同事。實習經歷讓我可以運用在恒管學到的知識並加深對行業的了解,深深啟發了我,幫助我畢業後選擇適當的事業。 Q: How was your exchange life? Any unforgettable experience or special skills gained during the trip? 問:可以談談你的交流計劃嗎? 在旅途中有沒有任何難忘的經歷? A: In Year 2 summer, I went to the University of Westminster in London for 6 weeks and have taken two courses - Journalism and Business Communication. In the first journalism lesson, the teacher brought us to walk around London for six hours to explore more about the city, which was very exhausting yet interesting. She also taught us the UK’s writing style which is a bit different from our usual writing style. Apart from school time, I also stayed behind to travel around in Europe like Paris, Belgium, Austria and Germany to broaden my vision about the world. It offered me a chance to meet different people, see the human diversity and cultural differences. I remember once an Indian asked me the issue about colonies when I was on the way back to my hostel. It was interesting to have an in-depth discussion with a stranger. 答:在二年級的夏天,我在倫敦威斯敏斯特大學渡過了6個星期,修讀新聞與商務溝通兩項課程。上第一堂新聞課時,老師用了6小時帶我們探索倫敦各處,雖然非常疲累,但卻是十分有趣的經驗。她還教我們英倫的寫作風格,與慣常的寫作風格大為不同。 交流以外,我也藉機遊歷了其它歐洲城市,如巴黎、比利時、奧地利和德國,擴闊了我的視野。我認為探索世界是一件美好的事,讓我結識到不同的人,看到民族的多樣性和文化差異。我記得一位印度人曾在我回宿舍的路上問我有關殖民地的事,與陌生人認真的討論令我感到十分有趣。 Q: What are the duties in your present job? What is (are) the most interesting part(s)? 問:你現在的工作職責是什麼?你認為最有趣的部分是什麼呢? A: Currently, I am working as a Web Editor at Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). My major duty is to write and edit the product specification for display on hktdc.com. Besides, I have to conduct survey and carry out promotional work at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) whenever there is an exhibition. The most interesting part is the interaction with our clients. They are from all parts of the world so we will talk in any common language we can speak. I enjoy a lot the chitchat time because the conversation always brings me to the other side of the world. 答:我在香港貿易發展局擔任網站編輯,主要編寫和修改在hktdc.com上的產品規格。此外,當香港會議展覽中心有展覽時,我要進行調查和宣傳工作。最有趣的部分應該是需要用不同的語言與來自世界各地的客戶進行調查,我非常喜歡與他們的閒聊,彷彿把我帶到世界各處。 Q: Do you find the learning opportunities in HSMC beneficial to your future career? 問:你認為在恒管的學習對你未來的發展有何益處? A: Of course! As I was studying Translation with Business in HSMC, I gained versatile skills and comprehensive knowledge in both translation and business, which is highly related to my current job. My academic background, which is a combination of languages and business, allows me to easily adapt to my work, deliver nicely-written product specification for each product and promote our clients’ products effectively. 答:當然!當我在恒管學習商務翻譯時,我獲得了翻譯和商業上通用的技能和綜合知識,令我可以應用在現職上。 擁有結合語言和商業的學術背景,讓我能輕鬆地使用文字,編寫產品說明書及有效地推廣客戶的產品。 Q: What is your career aspiration? What do you want to achieve in the future? 問:你對未來的職業生涯有什麼願景?想達到什麼目標? A: My career aspirations are to find a challenging post building on my skills, knowledge and experience. I want to learn and grow under the guidance of those who are at the top of their field and to become an expert myself. In addition, I wish I could have a life changing adventure to explore the world and meet with locals, live there and learn more about their life. 答:我的職業理想是找到一個具有挑戰性的職位,増強我的技能、知識和經驗,並在不同範疇的高層指導下學習和成長。此外,我希望可以作探索世界的冒險旅程,與當地的人見面和生活,並了解他們的文化。 Q: What would you advise the current HSMC students? 問:你有什麼寄語送給正在就讀的師弟妹? A: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” 答:「學習昨天,活在今天,寄望明天。」 Student Development 學生發展 For details, please stay tuned to the latest news on eCampus and SAO website!有關詳請,請留意內聯網和學生事務處網頁的最新消息! Activities for Mainland Students內地學生活動 To give head start to the amazing semester in HSMC, we will organise welcoming session in the beginning of the academic year. Other workshops, such as Cantonese Workshops and Culture Learning Workshops, will be organised in October and November to assist the new students from the Mainland to adjust to life in HSMC. 我們會舉辦一些迎新的活動來歡迎從內地到來恒管學習的同學。亦會在10月及11月舉辦一些工作坊,如廣東話學習工作坊及了解香港地道文化工作坊等,讓新同學可以更易、更快地適應恒管的生活。 Activities of HSMC Volunteer Team 恒管義工隊活動 HSMC Volunteer Team was established in 2013 and has recruited over 800 members. The activities include comprehensive volunteer training on service principles and skills, serving a wide range of population including people with physical disability, the elderly, low-income family and the neighbourhood, etc. In the coming year, a wide range of activities are prepared for our members, for example: “HSMC Volunteer Team X CYMCA: Visiting the Elderly” (mid-November 2014) & HSMC Volunteer X CYMCA: Lunar New Year’s Party with minority children (late February, 2015) which will be co-organised with the College-Y (HSMC). The HSMC Volunteer Team will also participate in other external community services, for example, Wu Zhi Xing Charity Walk 2014 (October), Rehabilitation Power Day 2014 (October) and Grandparents Scheme 2014/15 (February-June). 「恒管義工隊」(簡稱:「恒義」)於2013年成立,至今已有超過800名隊員。計劃內容包括-提供全面性的理論與實踐並重的義工培訓及提供不同的機會讓同學參與不同類型的社區服務。服務對象廣泛,如殘障人士、長者、低收入家庭、及附近居民等。在未來一年,我們準備了一系列的活動讓恒義成員有機會服務社會。活動包括將會在11月及來年2 月與College-Y (HSMC) 共同舉辦「恒義 X College-Y: 探訪獨居長者」及「恒義 X College-Y: 新春共融派對」。「恒義」也會組隊參與 對外的一些社區服務,例如無止行 2014、復康力量傷健共融日2014 及情誼祖父母 計劃 2014/15。 Student Ambassadors Programme學生大使計劃 Embarking on a long term development plan with the goal of becoming a leading private University, Student Affairs Office has been coordinating the Student Ambassadors Programme since 2011-2012. This Programme offers tremendous opportunities for the outstanding HSMC students to help enhance the relationship among stakeholders of the HSMC community and promote the College to the public. 以成為優質具領導地位的非牟利私立大學為長遠發展目標,學生事務處自2011-2012籌劃學生大使計劃。此計劃為恒管的優秀學生提供不同機會,以協助提高恒管與利益相關者之間的關係,並對外宣傳恒管。 President’s Reception for Parents Teachers and Students校長與家長師生會面 In order to share the latest developments and Student Life of HSMC, Prof Simon Ho, the President, will be hosting a Reception to meet and share with our parents, teaching staff, senior administrative staff and students on 4 October 2014, a precious chance of interaction for all parties. 為了分享恒管最新發展和學生生活,校長何順文教授將在2014年10月4日舉辦招待會,與父母、教學人員、高級行政人員和學生見面,深信能有助各方交流。 Summer Internships outside Hong Kong本港以外的暑期實習 Apart from connecting students with local internship opportunities, the Careers Office has lined up various international internship programmes to enrich students’ multi-cultural exposure. In summer 2014, we have 7 students working in New York and Washington DC, USA, as interns in local SMEs and NGOs. In addition, more than 150 students completed their internships in different provinces in Mainland China. Sharing sessions and campus promotion will be held in the first semester in 2014/15 to arouse students’ awareness to the international opportunities. 除連接學生與本地的實習機會外,就業輔導處安排各種國際實習計劃,以豐富學生的多元文化接觸。 在2014年的夏季,7名恒管學生前往美國紐約和華盛頓,在當地的中小型企業和非牟利機構實習。此外,超過150名學生在中國內地不同省市完成實習。分享會及校園推廣會在2014/15年第一學期舉行,希望同學能把握這些國際機遇,增長見聞。 Career Corner 事業資訊 Careers Mentorship Programme 2014/15 就業導師計劃2014/15 The Careers Mentorship Programme has been serving as a platform to facilitate students to learn from business executives and industry practitioners on career preparation. The Programme has been well received over the past 5 years and participated by 170 careers mentors from different industries as well as over 350 HSMC students. The 6th edition of the Careers Mentorship Programme will commence in November 2014. Please stay tuned for updates from the Careers Office.   就業導師計劃提供一個平台,以促進學生向企業高層及業內人士了解事業準備。此計劃在過去5年一直受到好評,超過350 名恒管學生和170名來自不同的行業代表參加。第6屆就業導師計劃將於2014年11月開始,請留意就業輔導處提供的詳情。 Recruitment Talks招聘講座 The Careers Office has been actively inviting renowned employers from different industries to deliver campus recruitment talks. The following companies have confirmed to host campus talks in HSMC as of September: 就業輔導處一直積極邀請來自不同行業的知名公司到校園舉辦招聘講座。截至9月,以下公司已確認將在恒管舉行招聘講座: -  Civil Service Bureau 政府公務員事務局 - Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行 - PwC 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 - KPMG 畢馬威會計師事務所 - Ernst & Young 安永會計師事務所 - Hopewell Holdings Limited 合和實業有限公司 - New World Development Company Limited 新世界發展有限公司 -  now TV Alumni Corner 校友角 HSMC Affiliate Card (Alumni) 恒生管理學院恒管之友卡 (校友) Exclusive Privileges For Affiliate Card 恒管之友卡持有人尊享多項優惠 Campus Facilities校園設施 Free access to Block A Library with the Card (Borrowing rights not included) 憑卡可進入A座圖書館(不包括借閱服務) Other Privileges商戶優惠 Enjoy special offers from designated merchants 可享指定商戶提供的優惠 Annual Fee年費 The application fee for HSMC Affiliate Card (Alumni) is HK$100 for 1 Year. 恒管之友卡( 校友)的申請費用為港幣一百元,有效期一年。 *To enable the access right to sport facilities at HSMC Sports and Amenities Centre, an additional HK$300 will be charged for one year. *如要啟用恒管康樂活動中心運動設施使用權限,另需繳年費港幣三百元。 *First year annual fee waiver on access right to sports facilities for HSMC Affinity Card holders. *恒生管理學院信用卡持卡人可獲豁免首年啟用運動設施使用權限。 Sports and Amenities Centre恒管康樂活動中心 • Facilities include: Indoor Swimming Pool, Indoor Sports Centre, 2 levels of Canteen, Gymnasium, Dance Room etc. 設施包括:全天候恆溫泳池、多用途運動室、中菜廳、健身室、跳舞室等 • Cardholder can bring maximum 3 visitors each time*. • 校友每次最多可攜帶3位訪客* *HK$20 Entry fee will be charged for each visitor. Visitors should be accompanied by the cardholder to enjoy the facilities. *每位訪客每次進場費用為港幣20元;訪客須由卡主陪同使用設施 Please visit our website alumni.hsmc.edu.hk to find out more information and download the application form. 詳情請瀏覽校友事務部網頁並下載申請表格。 If you have contents that would like to be published in the HSMC Newsletter, please use your HSMC email account to send the description in English and Chinese (less than 250 words) and 1-2 photos (>1MB) to cpao@hsmc.edu.hk. 如果有內容想刊登於恒管通訊,請以恒管電郵帳戶發送不超過250字的中英文描述和1-2張1MB以上的照片電郵至cpao@hsmc.edu.hk。 Hang Seng Management College Communications and Public Affairs Office 恒生管理學院 傳訊及公共事務處 Tel. 電話: (852) 3963 5000 Fax 傳真: (852) 3963 5524 Email電郵: cpao@hsmc.edu.hk