BJC3112 - TV News Production

學分: 3
時間: 45小時
先修單元: BJC3102 Introduction to Broadcast Journalism

or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Chairperson and Programme Director
This module is designed to guide students through the basics of journalistic writing with a focus on TV news style and production. The module focuses on production and videography, including how to frame an interview and edit jump cuts, ensures that a strong visual presentation complements every written piece. It also includes such topics as finding story ideas, locating and interviewing sources, and writing the various elements of a newscast.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. become familiar with the development and the present practice of TV news production;

  2. identify basic steps and strategies for TV news writing and sourcing;

  3. conduct the project of TV news production using the techniques of videography; and

  4. discuss the ethical issues in TV news production.