Ms. TAN Mei Ah 陳美亞女士
Dr TAN Mei Ah (陳美亞博士)
BA, MPhil (CUHK)
MA, PhD (UW-Madison)

Associate Professor
Department of Chinese
Associate Director, The Institute for Chinese Language and Culture

Tel : (852) 3963 5489
Email :

Dr Tan specialises in medieval Chinese literature and is interested in examining how a literary piece is formulated using a cross-disciplinary approach. Prior to joining HSMC, she taught at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she obtained experience in teaching Chinese-related subjects, running language programs, and producing online learning courses; one funded by the Teaching Development Grant. She has also compiled bibliographies on Chinese studies for the Cambridge University Press and edited translations of Chinese classics for the Chinese University Press.


Peer-Reviewed Articles in English

  1. “Monetary Policy as Key to State Authority and Income in Tang China.’” Journal of Chinese Studies 64 (January 2017): 35–109.
  2. “Exonerating the Horse Trade for the Shortage of Silk: Yuan Zhen’s ‘Yin Mountain Route’” 絲綢短缺與絹馬貿易關係:元稹〈陰山道〉發微. Journal of Chinese Studies 57: pp.49–96. July 2013.
  3. “Allegory as a Means to Present Political Advice: Yuan Zhen’s ‘Sacrificing to Spirits’” 託政見於寓言:元稹〈賽神〉闡微. Journal of Chinese Studies 54: pp.161–98. January 2012.
  4. “Beyond the Horizon of an Avian Fable: ‘Large-Beaked Crows’ as an Allegory of Wang Shuwen’s Political Reforms” 評論王叔文政治改革的禽鳥寓言詩〈大觜烏〉. Journal of Chinese Studies 51: pp.217–53. July 2010.

Book Annotations and Book Entries

  1. Annotations of Liao Entao’s 廖恩燾 (1874–1954) lyrics, “Shui diao ge tou” 水調歌頭, “Du jiang yun” 渡江雲, “Man jiang hong” 滿江紅, and “Ba sheng gan zhou” 八聲甘州, in Liao Entao ci jian zhu 廖恩燾詞箋注, edited by Bu Yongjian 卜永堅 and Qian Nianmin 錢念民, vol. 2, 584–95. Guangzhou: Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2016.
  2. “Wang Wei” 王維. In Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, ed. Kerry Brown et al., 3 vols., 558–70. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2013.
  3. “Yuan Zhen.” In Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, ed. Kerry Brown et al., 3 vols., pp.598–609. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2013.
  4. Annotations of “Genuine Officials” 原臣, “Schools” 學校, and the latter half of “Preface” 題辭 of Huang Zongxi’s 黃宗羲 (1610–1695) Waiting for the Dawn 明夷待訪錄. In In Dialogue with Humanity 與人文對話, eds. Julie Chiu, Ho Wai-ming, Leung Mei-yee, and Yeung Yang, 3rd ed., 2 vols., vol. 2, p. 126, pp. 130–31, and pp. 139–43. Hong Kong: Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013.

Article in Conference Proceeding

  1. “Independent Learning in Need or in Crisis? Independent Learning under the New Four-year Undergraduate Curriculum in Hong Kong,” co-authored with Chan Yin Ha, Chao Lip Yan Felix, and Delian D. Gaskell. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on e-Learning, pp.117–123. Reading: Academic Publishing Limited, 2011.

..........Conference Presentations..........

  1. Presented the primary research findings on “The Monetary System and Policies of Tang China” in Putonghua at the “International Conference on Currency and Commerce in Ancient China,” held from 13 July 2015 to 14 July 2015.
  2. Presented the revised and expanded version of “The Monetary System and Policies of Tang China” in English at the international conference organized by the Western Branch, American Oriental Society, held from 8th Oct to 10th Oct 2015 in USA.
  3. “The Political, Economic, and Social Problems behind the Shortage of Silk: Using Yuan Zhen’s ‘Mt. Yin Circuit’ as a Point of Investigation,” (2010). The Western Branch, American Oriental Society. The University of Colorado, Boulder.
  4. “A Tang Poet’s Advice on Good Government: An Analysis of Yuan Zhen’s Two Poems, ‘Sacrificing to Spirits’,” (2009) The Western Branch, American Oriental Society. The University of California, Los Angeles.
  5. “An Allegorical Reading of the ‘Yi ji’ Tale,” (2005) co-authored with Wang Jing. The 8th Annual Harvard East Asian Society’s Graduate Student Conference. Harvard University.

..........Academic Service..........

  1. Reviewer and advisor, The Berkshire Publishing Group
  2. Peer Reviewer, Tang Studies
  3. Reviewer, Journal of Chinese Studies

..........Editorial Work..........

  1. May 2011–Aug 2011: Freelance Compiler and Editor, Peking University Press

    Compiled bibliographies and proofread references contained therein for all four volumes of The History of Chinese Civilization (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012).

  2. Oct 2010–Aug 2011: Freelance Editor, Chinese University Press

    Edited Daxue and Zhongyong: Bilingual Edition, translated and annotated by Ian Johnston and Wang Ping (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2012).

..........Newspaper Articles..........

  1. 中文漸臃腫 語言也瘦身〉,《文匯報》A26 2016-01-15
  2.  興趣與學習〉,《星島日報》 2016-10-06
  3. 何必曰去〉,《文匯報》A26 2017-03-03